James M Driskill
Mr Mc Curdy,

Thank you for contacting me. I have never head of Dirk or Oscar Driskill. If you are using my last name as a reference in your question. Family history has been shown that I am related somehow to the Texan Driskills of "The Driskill", a very well known and established hotel in Austin Tx.

I am directly related to George and Veronica Driskill who live on Grande Vista in San Bernardino CA. This is the registrant address of @Gruwup.net. Which stands for:

Great Reasons Urbans [ or Us ] Will Unite Peace.

I have one brother by the name of Dennis which I grew up with in San Bernardino. His family, wife Debbie and son David, still lives in San Bernardino. My grandparents on my father's side moved from Los Angeles to San Bernardino when my father was one and built their own house from foundation up on Rialto Ave near L Street. [ 1166 Rialto Ave ].

Among my own credits there in San Bernardino was that I was responsible for the coding of software development that ran the Norman F. Feldheym Central Library's Cosand Computer Center on it's grand opening in 1985. Although the software that ran the lab has been replaced, it ran from that time period through the period of the Y2K bug into the new Milena .

I have attached a PDF article appearing in the NOVEMBER 1ST 1987 LIBRARY JOURNAL. That is my history in San Bernardino in a nut-shell.

For future events, I plan on making a public walk sometime in 2013 from Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA for which there are issues that I must make public attention to events that happened in 2005/2006.


"There is discrimination in this world,
& slavery, & slaughter, & starvation."


[ link below [

492 mi, 165 hours


"There is discrimination in this world,
& slavery, & slaughter, & starvation."

Where this is from?


Edward M. Kennedy

Address at the Public Memorial Service for Robert F. Kennedy

delivered 8 June 1968 at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York

[ Excerpt ]

"There is discrimination in this world and slavery and slaughter and starvation. Governments repress their people; millions are trapped in poverty while the nation grows rich and wealth is lavished on armaments everywhere. These are differing evils, but they are the common works of man. They reflect the imperfection of human justice, the inadequacy of human compassion, our lack of sensibility towards the suffering of our fellows. But we can perhaps remember -- even if only for a time -- that those who live with us are our brothers; that they share with us the same short moment of life; that they seek -- as we do -- nothing but the chance to live out their lives in purpose and happiness, winning what satisfaction and fulfillment they can.

This essay also must apply:

by Marlon Riggs

[ Excerpt ]

It's no longer enough, if it ever was, to critique interlocking systems of oppression without offering affirming alternatives of how society should and can reconstitute itself. As we move into the inevitably more demanding multilingual, multicultural environment--both nationally and globally--of the next century, our greatest task will be an inversion of the commonly assumed equivalence between difference and disunity. We must re-write this equation, demonstrating again and again that unity does not require unanimity, that unity--that is, a sense of social cohesion, of community--can and does derive from the expression, comprehension, and active nurturing (and not merely tolerance or fetishization) of difference.

This is the new standard of civilized life that now demands our urgent labor, a new world order, if you will, that subverts traditional conceptions of social order: a standard which in effect subverts the meaning of the word "standard" itself. For the new order must be comprised of multiple standards: shifting, open-ended, dynamically transforming, so as to engender ways of thinking and living that privilege no one set of cultural differences over another but affirm virtue in all.


Oct 24, 2012 7:19:59am
D Mc Curdy
are you related to Dirk ( Oscar ) ??
Oct 22, 2012 3:12:22pm