James M Driskill
For Heaven Sakes people at American Baptist Homes Of The West....... do you see the item now -- you removed my comments - ok then. i will reach out of the box and into the sky for a more more more impression from our God/Goddess oh mighty be.

American Baptist Homes of the West (ABHOW) shared a link.
August 24

Dave Ferguson, ABHOW's president and CEO, reflects on the company's tradition of neighbors helping neighbors.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors

What does it mean to be a good neighbor? It means watching out for each other. It means offering a helping hand when someone struggles. It means coming together to meet the needs of the community.

1 Share :


My comments are restored.
I have done nothing wrong for you to complain to
facebook. That is for sure.

The option for you is obvious and plain to see.
Sep 05, 2012 3:12:15pm
James M Driskill
"You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel."

Note that Everything has is place and order. My public comment words were deleted. My appended message survives, for how long I do not know. I offer more of your duty of readdress appearing on the top of my news feed when I return from writing.

Sep 05, 2012 12:58:26pm
James M Driskill
It Has Begun,


Sep 05, 2012 5:25:59am
James M Driskill
17 definitions by In the Mindway

1. Humans 35 up, 9 down

There are two adversary forms of humans which are the Fucked Up Human and the Real Up Human. To scale from one or the other, all humans fall somewhere in line by every action that a human makes -- even each and every last keystroke being done.
Well be real up ya all humans... ok?

by In the Mindway May 1, 2005

American Baptist Homes Of The West,

Either you are going to be @REAL UP HUMAN or you are going to return to being @FUCKED UP HUMAN just as in 2005/2006. If you do not approach me back @REAL UP HUMAN and stay that way, you are going to be marked @FUCKED UP HUMAN forever.

Apologize [ all of you collectively but individually face to face o me with the pledges signed ] is the absoluter desire and motivation I am demanding.

Failure is not an option.

Have a peaceful day,


James Martin Driskill
(307) 214-0493
Cheyenne, Wy


Sep 05, 2012 5:12:17am
James M Driskill


A Real Up Human strongly has at his or her core foundation --- Only real truth and real honesty are reliable strongholds that we must choose for ourselves to build our life upon. Forging forward in time, the core of real up humans makes aspirations to truthfully define our reality in every moment to moment we exist. First for each one human of themselves and then effortlessly outward onto all others around. For all of the paths that real up humans walk, it is that walk of talk of real truth. That truth bearing our existence -- fulfillment -- purpose -- happiness -- in everything that was, is, or will be for real up humans. Completed work realities made whole, effortlessly done. In that whole it could never ever be gone.

I take the whatever time is needed to be a real up human to those I call friend -- and in kind return seals that friendship to me for that may be the one I most need in my final end.

by In the Mindway The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out here - it's our trip. Apr 30, 2005


Now been crying in real tears flowing for 17 minutes according to the elapsed time since my last comment. Not too bad really. My last real bad cry was 07/22/12 10:45a, the timestamp of my face with snot dripping down from my nose. That cry was more like 45 minutes long. I found today that my writings my ID name "In The Mindway" have merit here online as materials chosen for use with accreditation, to an actual published titles authored by Wikimedia Foundation, the creators of Wikipedia. The title of the works are

By Wikimedia Foundation : Page 208
Information Theory
By Wikimedia Foundation : Page 379 & 544

Available in Google Books, https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&hl=en&q=InTheMindway&btnG=are

Although many source identities are mentioned on these pages, I am there and I am one. In the subject matter discussed and presented in these publications reflect upon my status standing as an accredited source on to the next mention below. It would be very very wise you to not just discard this email to waste it to the trash like you did with my body when you proceeded in such a false and hate bearing way in Eviction Case Wg062662206.


@REALUPHUMAN : @GRUWUP : @MUCKEDUPHUMAN : @FUCKEDUPHUMAN : "Applied Memetic Engineering Systems : a morality correctiveness model" : Technological Information Theory Conceptual Designed by James Martin Driskill, Birthdate 09/01/1965 in San Bernardino, Ca, United States of Amercia, Planet Earth. Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace : For more Information contact: morality_correctiveness_model@GRUWUP.NET : Thanks for Reading : END@
Sep 05, 2012 5:03:58am
James M Driskill
James Driskill shared a link. Monday

If my long time friend in real world Eric Maier can make a long distance walk from Texas to Washington State in 2004, so can his friend James Driskill make long distance much shorter but none the less important walk from Oakland to San Bernardino in some date to be determined in 2013. This is an unquestionable duty that I must complete. I am requesting help from those who can assist in making this walk happen safely for me. Apparently as Mr Maier details to me for his walk in
2004, he had no outside watchers of support tracking his motions/safety. If that is the way that I have to make this walk, I WILL AND I MUST! Think me foolish? Perhaps, but I will take Eric's advice with me. Please contact me if you have any advice or can offer assistance in making this walk start to finish happen safely for me. If I get no replies, I will start walking it free and alone. I made a promise in the words written in May 20 2006, "Oh Kind Sir", that I must complete. Please contact me, this is rather important to me. Thank You, Oh So Kindly.

Extra Extra Read All About it: A long Distance Public Walk 2013

From Registrant Address:
@fuckeduphuman.net [ Oakland, California ]

To Registrant Address:
@GRUWUP.NET [ San Bernardno, California ]

I have to come up with a name for this public long walk proect
from Oakland to San Bernardino..

Google Walking Directions:


And what about Truth. does anybody care about Truth? We do not know what we think we know because Truth is not absolute and it is not arbitrary. -- JimScarver

"Applied Memetic Engineering Systems : a morality correctiveness model"
Using the memespace by domains
@realuphuman.net : @gruwup.net : @muckeduphuman.net : @fuckeduphuman.net

To Chase Thy Gloom -
"Go Fix Some Weighty Truth;
Chain down some passion;
Do some generous good;
Teach ignorance to see,
or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend,
befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things;
Make amends for follies past,
and with warm heart forgive and be forgiven;
Let work not words thy virtue prove;
Go act as well as prate,
and then thy counsels will be strong.

Thy Reprimands Avail.


Oh Kind Sir
Do you Agree? Am I Right? Am I Wrong?
The Full Original Source Reference Will Be Posted Online

Reply here --- even if I I have failed down dead. I have faith that I will get your answer from wherever the afterlife is. Perhaps to rechain back a direct answer right back here from what will be my next Planet Earth reincarnation. For I am sure that multiply.com will survive the life to life transformation.

Do you have a good heart?
Do you want to finally answer me directly?
This before one of your circle peers does.
This before one of your family circle does.

Alan Horwitz @ Hayward Court Clerks Office June 21 2006 8am
Man to Man, I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
And what you were about to file with the court....
"disingenuous" was the phrase I used --- and you knew it too.
You filed that false bull shit anyway, didn't you.
These acts among many you have made against me is criminal neglict.

FBI Agent : FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation : Oakland Office : June 21st 20006. [ https://www.facebook.com/FBI ]
Man To Man : I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
To Not forget about me. His promise back was, "He Wont".
If this was not the truth, would I reference the URL and the name from their page ?/ This is the truth.

There is a is list of persons and organizations in the previous version post in upon this timeline. I demand an apology from each and every one of them to all of these past matters concerned. For them to make the necessarily legal statement, or in non legal binding pledge form, they will intend follow the decree of virtue words of wisdom that are
appearing above from "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth"
down to "Let work not words thy virtue prove",
to the best of their ability, for the rest of their lives.

Achieve this, I will not walk and I will remove the discrediting
memes and blogs online that are the absolute truth to the circumstances and will not speak of write upon these matters again.

Failing this first most most desired demand.

--- Only a settlement payment $3,000,0000 paid in advance
of my walk will decry me but will I accept as a replacement of compensation for all hurts incurred and stop me from making my first step. In so doing, all materials as they are scattered here and there across the internet domain will remain online forever.

The person whom I find is the most evil in all of this
is Ms Nan Nunes of American Baptist Homes Of The West
I deserve her apology face to face no matter what.

This is shameful to do this to another human being, from a person claiming to be a Christian. You knew that hurt the day when I was so upset and talked with you for over an hour. Over Jamal Graham's actions to me. You defend your employee over the tenant. And what was the final outcome of truly of what Jamal Graham was doing at Allen Temple Manor as it's building manager. My truth, bulldozed over, The record placed into the source are full of "under penalty and perjury" falsified to the societal record against me. I know this true. I know you know this is true. I know Alan Horwitz knows this is true. I know for sure since it was done by him, Jamal Graham knows this is true. I know that Dr Robert Scott knew this was true, for now he is gone. SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL you all are.

"Correct Thy Record" : "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth"

What has been done to me demands to be fixed.

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
@GRUWUP.NET : Fix Eviction Case WG063266106 : Sept 3rd 2012
A Long Walk Home 2004
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Monday at 9:04pm · Like
Lynn M. Darnell ya, take one for me!
Monday at 9:05pm · Like
Lynn M. Darnell oops! wrong spot to text
Monday at 9:06pm · Like
James Driskill 2013 is what is says is my plan.
Monday at 9:08pm · Like
Lynn M. Darnell ok good
Yesterday at 12:03am · Like
James Driskill I am glad that you think so... everytime I mention this to my mom, once she said "Are you taking your meds?" --- boy it would be nice to have some support for my choice to do some project like this on a scale that is GRAND!
Yesterday at 12:07am · Like
David C. Tapscott I love the idea, but, after hearing your past life in Oakland and some of the drama you went thru there, I have to ask why start there?
Yesterday at 2:15am · Like
James Driskill The answer David, is in a promise made on May 20 2006 : The title for this writing is called "Oh Kind Sir". I think if I am not mistaken that I provided this to you at one time. If not, it is coming to you via email. The key texted to questioned but remaining unanswered are recorded upon POEE Presents The Living Encyclopedia Chaotic, http://www.poee.org/living/ : [ Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 21:38:49 -0700 : MaxwellSmart-II : : Oh Kind Sir : You Agree? Am I right? Am I Wrong? ] : There is absolutely no question that this full work titled "Oh Kind Sir" was sent to be delivered to the Attorney Alan Horwitz on this date. These questions must be answered in some fashion from someone in authority in HOPWA housing to explain themselves of this occurrence. That is my goal anyway. I am going to create a page in which anyone can answer these questions in line that I received none from its intended human in view of holding truth and integrity as a lawyer to not have filed what was placed upon the record in good faith knowing it was false. I expect after all is said and done, Mr Horwitz will lose his BAR license when enough people have been alerted to this entire tragedy. Anyone in view of these words are welcome to attempt to contact him to this developing plan of fulfilling that walk that I promised. It is not going to be very pretty upon my miscarriage of justice. Blessed Be. [ Alan Jeffrey Horwitz : Legal Experience: 17 years [ about to end ] 4261 Norwalk Dr San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 244-4200 : There is absolutely no question that he knows the court record was falsified. I put this factual statement of mine against anything that he can claim. My statement can generate no liable or defamation back upon me for that posting, it is absolutely 100% real up human true. I shall only profess the truth onto the record of society : I promise my heart and my soul that I do and always have.
Encyclopedia Chaotic
Yesterday at 2:41am · Like ·
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Sep 05, 2012 4:28:34am