James M Driskill
Peace... In The Middle East --- is very hypnotic
Oct 05, 2012 7:27:15pm
James M Driskill
Out of the Matrix --- actually
Oct 05, 2012 7:26:45pm
James M Driskill



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Metta World Peace,

This is an example of how this is done. morality correctiveness.

one by one by one, image of this can be done with a automation
in a domain set with a coded user interface to fix our world?

To complete worldwide peace.

The peaceful "information theory" applied here is,
found addressed in:



If you did not catch the conversation, which I defend you from this bully and his mean spirited ways.... I am the one who has found a power over just leaving these acts alone to muck up our world.

This is just one example of how this is applied....

"A memetic engineering system : A morality corrective model" @REALUPHUMAN : @GRUWUP : @MUCKEDUPHUMAN....

Unite Peace with me?

Attached is the copied/saved html without associated files for your review of this thread comment....

I received an apology for you.
and the disparaging page has been removed.

Was that by him or by you, I am not sure.
As anyone can also use these techniques,
the final outcome is all that matters.
Did I offend you? Please read the attached html
commenting conversation. Thank you.
Please also listen to the mp3 of Tes' music.

Her artist music is also placed at TAXI, a well
respected music industry website.

TES. a musical prophet and international singing star recognized for her hit single "Peace in the Middle East" has emerged as one of the top shamanic performance artists and spiritual teachers on the world sacred music scene. She has performed on television, stage and film for over 20 years.

My favorite song of hers is "In The Rain"
but you also might be interested in "Into The Matrix"

Thank you.
Oct 05, 2012 7:14:47pm
James M Driskill
Matt Allen OK IM SORRY
about a minute ago via mobile · Like

I have asked him to remove the item from your page as well.,

I have the full thread of conversation to this...

Lets see what happens.

My reply,

James Driskill I accept your apology, only after you DELETE this entire comment thread. I have copied over to METTA WORLD PEACE privately your apology so that he is aware of this interaction between us. Please remote this comment thread. If it remains here more than 24 hours, I will go ahead and follow through with the creation of the mentioned direct link url at @FUH.
Oct 05, 2012 2:34:44pm
James M Driskill

This is how it works.

Please see my comment posted under

Matt Allen
Metta u a faggot no one likes u u think yo hot shit on the lakers but honestly u just ride the bench thunda will kik yo white asses outta the nba #okc #harden
Like · · September 30 at 4:45pm near Park Ridge, NJ
Oct 05, 2012 4:14:32am
James M Driskill
Mentioned Living In A Tent With HIV.... this was following this letter issued by the Howard Newsom PhD Mental Health Director, Foothill Aids Project, San Bernardino CA on Jan-23-2007. Please open this image that is actually placed online and read it complete. Thank you
Oct 05, 2012 3:30:45am
James M Driskill


Metta World Peace,

The Athlete,

please meet

Metta World Peace,

The Internet World Site Internet Domain


Have you ever visited?


METTA The Practice of Universal Loving-Kindness

It is just a youtube video presentation.

That is not what I am here to share with you.

Please read on....


Where or what is the internet domain .ws you
might question me.

Ok, that is fair of you....

From Wikipedia [ Shortened Here ]:

.ws has been marketed purportedly standing for "World Site" or "Web site", providing a "global" internet presence to registrants. .ws coincidentally supports all internationalized domain names.


Therefore, METTA.WS is in fact the web domain placement of METTA WORLD PEACE which is the very same human namesake you fully represent.

There is no mistaking that we have a common bonding unity.

I am making this linking attempt human to human as I write.

Therefore we digitally meet.

So far, you now have been given knowledge there is an internet placement of our common ideals.

But as you read this, my identity shows only I am James Driskill.

Why should you believe me?

By reading to this point, knowing your celebrity status, could you or would you take me a "face value' or a "facebook value" and accept this is the truth?

I doubt that you would, but you should.

I assure you most Oh Kind Sir I am telling no lies.

I pause here for a request of you the reader of this message to listen to the attached mp3 file called "Absolution" recorded by Tes Kempner of the Universal Temple Of Higher Consciousness before continuing to read.

You will find her linked here on facebook as one of my friends.

This can be also listened to, verified, or downloaded from a highly respectful online source:


So therefore this makes this Music/Mp3 Legitimate.

Please pause reading now and Listen to this music before you read on.

Thank you.

====[ Page Down After Listening ]==============

Who am I?

You only know me at this point of reading as James Driskill. I am much more than that, I assure you most Oh So Kindly.

There are apparently several facebook identities in your namesake, but there is in fact only one of me. Which one of these Identities is the true Metta World Peace the Athlete?

Why me James Martin Driskill ssn 547453504 ?

You would have to Whois Metta.ws to see my name is in fact
present upon the internet domain registration data.

Here is a quick url for it:


As you read, you might wish to verify that in fact I have this FacebookID matching what appears on the internet domain whois result data.


My ID is proven to you.

Now to this point, taking my written word introduction above along with Tes' music and message in the song titled Absolution....

Which sings that she is unorthodox and so am I.

Contrary to what is usual, traditional, or accepted; not orthodox.

You are not going to believe the story in which I am going to share to you sometime future. I tell you it is unbelievable if you don't know me well.

But know, I tell no lies. So from this point everything I write to you should be considered the absolute truth.

In regards to current date contact info validations,

The phone number listed and registered for Metta.ws is not current as the address in San Diego but I was in fact living there when I received this gifted ownership of this domain from Ken Weingard. [ https://www.facebook.com/kenzensun/info ]

He lists the domain METTA.WS under his profile info. Second fact on this is that we are also linked as facebook friends.

At the time this domain name was gifted to me,

I was living in a TENT with HIV at the Universal Temple of Higher Consciousness at the San Diego Address under ministry of Tes Kempner.

I would like to become individual facebook friends with the human being more than just the athlete of namesake METTA WORLD PEACE. Please friend me back.

I am in Cheyenne Wyoming.

I have a story to tell, and a promised walk to make, I am as unorthodox as Tes is, but still I have fear based mental stakes that I just cannot release or forget so easily.

My path and her path are common but slightly varied.

But all of us would be of the practice Universal Loving-Kindness.

You have to understand me complete before you judge me anything of malice or anything similar to defile anything or anyone ever.

As I mean it: To make foul or impure; to make filthy; to dirty; to befoul; to pollute.

I have a working Mission In Life and a public walk to make from Oakland to San Bernardino sometime in the year 2013. I just found out about the Comet approaching Earth that will be visible during the month of November in 2013 that will be apparently brighter than the moon.

My current walk path is noted:

Updated Route:


This walk is going to happen.

See friend Eric Maier on here facebook,

He is the human walker journal at:


Please contact me back if you have any questions.

I need a friend link here and a follow up to verify you are in fact the actual human being METTA WORLD PEACE, the athlete.

Thank you.

James Martin Driskill, ssn 547453504
Currently at:

916 Hot Springs Ave, Apt B
Cheyene, WY 82001

I have a 30 day notice of voluntary move out date
scheduled for October 31st 2012 in which time
I will be moving to the couch of my friend
Eric Maier, at the registrant address of @deadhead.org
in Aurora Colorado.

This walk is planned for sometime in 2013. I need to
be able to make this walk safely. Thank you.


Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.— ANON.


In Reference to Wikipedia Article, .WS, the removal of the term "Domain Hack" was to prevent misunderstand that a domain hack is not is something bad, wrong, or misused or abused in technologies of internet terminology.
Oct 05, 2012 3:06:23am