James M Driskill
Sep 22, 2013 7:13:08am
James M Driskill
I am an adult. I have the twitter handle @gruwup and currently I am on a long walk of 505 miles from Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA . It is a walk for WORLD PEACE as GRUWUP stands for Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace. Are you and I a great reason? Because that would be a real thing, a real up human thing to do. But perhaps you don't want to unite peace and desire to create chaos and hurt in this world. If that is why you have contacted me... also know I own the internet domain @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET. its time to change the world GRUW up together please. Go read words to live by on my Twitter or here on facdbook or @wikiworld. Thank you oh kind Lady for contacting me. Read me right or else.
Sep 22, 2013 7:11:54am
Facebook user
Iam Totally bored so I mdae a profile clcik to http://guiltypoopie9.tumblr.com/pics549 msut sign up clarify yuore an adult
Sep 22, 2013 12:10:37am