Participants: Facebook user, Scott Catamas and James M Driskill
Group Invite Link: Off
Scott Catamas
ALoha James. The date for the next workshop will be Sunday Afternoon, July 12th. I have not received a copy of the e-mail list from Monday Night yet. It was put into the TEMPLE OF LIGHT guest book, and I have requested a copy of it. I am imagining that it will be sent out to all of us who were present. Have a great weekend!
Jun 12, 2009 2:31:22pm
James M Driskill

Could you please confirm two things for me please.

[1] The date of your next workshop here in July -- I want to invite someone who lives in South SD who does not have direct transportation. I want to see what Public Transit options are for him to get here. I am sure that I would have to take him back home late evening.

[2] The Email / Contact list that we all signed in on --- will that put me on an annoucement/news list for such events like the next workshop? Otherwise I will have place a reminder myself into my gmail calender.

Thank you.


@GRUWUP.NET 2009 : Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
Jun 12, 2009 4:17:31am