George SiFuentes
no wrong person
May 08, 2010 5:13:01pm
George SiFuentes
Sorry It's not me we live in Geogia as my profile states/
Apr 05, 2010 5:39:20pm
James M Driskill
Dear George Sifuentes on @facebook [ 5 matches ]

I live in San Marcos -- which is in North San Diego County, California, USA.

On facebook, there is no location details within your profile details --- and it even looks as if the facebook profile is not actively used for any purpose. I want to confirm if you are the same George Sifuentes that I have met. Please respond, back. This is rather important to me. More likely than not, there is not a match. But I thought I would give it try.

Thank you.

On June 11th 2007, Sheriff Deputy George Sifuentes visited me at my home to conduct a citizen mental welfare check. Both he and his partner deputy was personally invited into my home for a brief stay of less than 15 minutes.

I got Dep Sifuentes contact business card, for which he noted on the back "Welfare Check 6/11/2009"

On their departure, I asked them to read something that I had hardcopy printed and posted on the wall basically at my front door.

Although I had a hardcopy, I allowed them to depart my home only on the promise that they would read it online.

I provided them with the full URL: 12/24/2006

Which of course is printed on the bottom of every page --- 1 through 14.

I never received a confirmation that he actually read it.

Updated as of today, a full presentation of my story begins:

Following this brief encounter event, I proceeded to write an email directed to the email listed on the card with read receipt enabled.

I have this confirmation:


Your message

To: Sifuentes, George
Cc: Howard Newsom - Phd; Alan Horwitz; Bill Hirsh, Exec Dir;; Marty Kahn;;; Dr. Lisha Wilson : Oaklnd; Dr Ashraf
Khan : Upland; East Bay Community Law Center [EBCLC]; Jeremy Kinser;; Dr Robert C Scott; Jan
Nunes; Elizabeth Delgado
Subject: A "mental health : welfare check" visit from San Diego County
Sherrif's Department / San Marcos Branch
Sent: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 17:21:49 -0700

was read on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 23:24:27 -0700


I would like to establish a reasonable business "friend" link here on facebook --- if only temporary --- for him to understand the email I sent him today --- in response to what is placed as an facebook status update today --- publicly visible on my profile.

Thank You.

Direct Email:

Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
Feb 26, 2009 1:32:06am