Participants: Jim Whitescarver, Scott Catamas, Kevin J. Emery, Bivens Shawn, Jimmy Escajeda, Sammy Davis, Mario Saucedo, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Norah Dahn and Sj Giovanni
You are no longer in this conversation.
Group Invite Link: Off
James M Driskill
You left the group.
Apr 16, 2021 2:27:08pm
James M Driskill
Forget it I'll go wait on you all to yourself by and let me back in here you think you can get a clue to how pissed I really am a double pissed at the doctor and if it's triple pissed in 2 weeks I really have no reason to live I really have no reason to live with no friends to understand what it is I am dealing with
Apr 16, 2021 2:26:57pm
James M Driskill
Apr 16, 2021 2:26:02pm
James M Driskill
Apr 16, 2021 2:23:26pm
James M Driskill
Apr 16, 2021 2:23:20pm
James M Driskill
Apr 16, 2021 2:23:08pm
James M Driskill
That Division Bell David Tapscott and any other black man here or there or everywhere is the racial division that is just an isolating this country you know The Division Bell that US versus them. Don't you know
Apr 16, 2021 2:23:05pm
James M Driskill
And then add the custom URL addressing in the act in the addressing what does that mean and how does it apply? Is it all too unreal for you to experience something for me is it just me am I so insulting you have to criticize my sharing with my information technology tool at my reach is it all too apparent The Division Bell that has happened here I'm at the High Hopes I have to fix this i all by myself is impossible absolutely impossible
Apr 16, 2021 2:21:24pm
James M Driskill
Bail = bell
Apr 16, 2021 2:19:37pm
James M Driskill
What is the hammer for? What is the bail for? And what is the other thing that is in this song for? And why is it a warning
Apr 16, 2021 2:19:05pm
James M Driskill
Somehow replying to yourself has been something other than off limits I guess it's been given Authority right I'm replying to myself I'm chatting and talking to myself even though there's people in this conversational tool and will not speak up
Apr 16, 2021 2:17:27pm
James M Driskill
Apr 16, 2021 2:16:24pm
James M Driskill
And no I do not lie or cheat or steal with my Waking Life I don't care about anybody else in this group I don't do that and you all know I don't
Apr 16, 2021 2:15:37pm
James M Driskill
And once again if you b**** about a length of a text f*** you. This is a conversational tool have a conversation not able to lighter one liner forwards stupidity have an in-depth conversation go to the story casting and see the truth
Apr 16, 2021 2:15:22pm
James M Driskill
Not at all could you have not a clue to understand what it is but it was not unnecessary. Perhaps you know him not that's Denver you're San Francisco maybe you get to know him over the time. I have on the top of the graphic up there David forever cruel. Forever cruel what's that mean and why would that apply now. Look at his words look at his attitude start it read it from the beginning not a single thing I say has hit his brain of respect and consideration David read it for yourself. I entered a conversation with the tools of our creation and he has no clue to why because he didn't read a single word I said his reaction is the same every time. Inappropriate to not read a conversation or whatever it what's needed for I can't get a word in edgewise guys not a single word in edgewise with you guys before you b**** and moan and complain and throw of the off onto something that I'm doing this wrong I'm not doing anything wrong .

And think about it seriously. Think about it seriously if these tools are available to the world and the tools features cannot be employed by a person to a group of basically people are personally known to me without a b**** and a huaynamota stream of what I'm pulling them into a conversation. Hello the tool creates the the consenting parameter complain to Facebook and stop trying to Kill the Messenger. There is where this whole thing goes sideways David nothing nothing I've done in this is wrong if you don't like it go away if you don't understand ask if you think I need something from you well yes I do obviously I haven't got that far yet give me the time for the foundation to which I was building good and I still am building I'm still I need to build why my doctor yesterday what do you mean an absolute craziness to violate the covid-19 pre-screening rules. To commit himself to in action of a felony not adhering to the state law on the covid-19 prevention routines process law why he would do that to me instead of having a conversation about the need I have and that you all allow that situation to just go on as a factor that this is a problem in my life that you all are aware of that I'm a targeted individual in this regard and they are targeting and elements I can't communicate to a set of friends on a tool is so easy to use so easy to use if the community itself would be accustomed to the standard puts the whole other world must be using. And that is my bitching complain about the community that doesn't talk to one another seriously a serious tone this is a serious matter life in jeopardy. Yes my death because I Healthcare System it's not working to the benefit treating my disease
  • 🀣David Tapscott
Apr 16, 2021 2:14:33pm
David Tapscott
Hi, I'm not sure what's goin on with you and Derrick but that seemed a little unnecessary
Apr 16, 2021 2:07:18pm
James M Driskill
Once again do you see what I see? It's actually a Christmas carol if you know that
Apr 16, 2021 2:06:46pm
James M Driskill
@David Tapscott

Apr 16, 2021 2:06:24pm
James M Driskill
Apr 16, 2021 2:05:50pm
James M Driskill
Apr 16, 2021 2:05:49pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 7:55:59pm
James M Driskill
Open the resources being shared here or fuck you -
Apr 15, 2021 7:48:40pm
James M Driskill
It's not me it's all you it's not me it is all of you who do not understand the dimension to which this is and choose to tune out other people instead of learning from them and emerging emerging your life with them even if we have a connection and the connection tools are not being used you don't get that right to recoil into the darkness of your soul people that's not a natural order of human X or life pair. Is an artificially suspended creation of the monster.
Apr 15, 2021 7:47:42pm
James M Driskill

Tedx - Frientimacy

I have no safety net and there is no consulate for me to find resource.

I record this into an audio I don't know if this is a very unique perspective of my observation but I'm living a nightmare day-to-day where the nights are my safety. I do not feel safe in my day to day to day .

During the day there is a monster
Apr 15, 2021 7:45:51pm
James M Driskill
I guess I have to fix the permission for the index on my school I used to work I don't know what happened but I'll fix it a problem
Apr 15, 2021 7:34:43pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 7:33:19pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 7:32:17pm
James M Driskill
Even though the technology has been active on my site for 15 years. It is a technical spec that is old nothing new but is available to anybody who has an Internet domain that most internet demands have disabled but it is a technology that is available if you choose to take advantage of it for your own life
Apr 15, 2021 7:21:16pm
James M Driskill
The light bulb is an emoji symbol that refers to Fresh idea
Apr 15, 2021 7:20:34pm
James M Driskill
Everyone who is here is my top most available selection of friends on Facebook Messenger that is available to add to a group to the maximum size. So that is my most relevant people in my circle of people on this tool and their one collateral damage.

( Media Use of Public. use Linking - contents are quite if you want to use them feel free. If you want to use the URL addressing feel free or feel free to ignore me to an oblivion I will choose to block you forever if you just choose to delete me out of your existence - Instructions might be needed - πŸ’‘
Apr 15, 2021 7:20:20pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 7:08:01pm
James M Driskill
Hi David!
Apr 15, 2021 7:07:15pm
James M Driskill
Which David : @David Tapscott ?
Apr 15, 2021 7:06:00pm
James M Driskill
Removing you from the group now goodbye
Apr 15, 2021 7:04:04pm
Derrick Lewis
A contact left the group.
Apr 15, 2021 7:03:40pm
James M Driskill
A space just as willing to be populated with your nonsense for all the world see forever Derek
Apr 15, 2021 7:03:37pm
Derrick Lewis
Not before You die. Stupid and Ill enformed. Bye Trash can Bitch
Apr 15, 2021 7:03:13pm
Derrick Lewis
Honey you have nothing I want or need. I met you on a app for sex and drugs. I'm not evil. I don't have time for Other People's Constant Bullshit
Apr 15, 2021 7:02:14pm
James M Driskill
And forewarn anybody who knows you the same goes for them to they should be warnned out of your nonsense
Apr 15, 2021 7:02:12pm
James M Driskill
Taking that ignore mode to ask conclusion get your ignorant ass out of my life
Apr 15, 2021 7:01:29pm
James M Driskill
Open the links you idiot
Apr 15, 2021 7:00:54pm
James M Driskill
You can't contribute but you can follow and I can see where you're following f****** raise my text from the beginning you idiot
Apr 15, 2021 7:00:45pm
James M Driskill
And that is a fact and you can't contribute to this group and fuck off and die n
Apr 15, 2021 6:59:57pm
James M Driskill
You're a manipulator
Apr 15, 2021 6:59:16pm
James M Driskill
So my call you a narcissist
Apr 15, 2021 6:59:01pm
James M Driskill
The opinions of another person are irrelevant to you you cast them off into a void you are an evil person
Apr 15, 2021 6:58:39pm
James M Driskill
No Derek because you don't read the words that are in a conversation because you don't link to audio presentation because you compare f****** less because you're an evil person
Apr 15, 2021 6:58:16pm
Derrick Lewis
Why cause I don't bow and listen to All your non sense. Good bye
Apr 15, 2021 6:56:25pm
James M Driskill
The score Derek if you have nothing constructive to say I'm going to report you I'm blocking you could buy I'm already blocking you did you have nothing constructive to say you're an evil person
Apr 15, 2021 6:55:41pm
Derrick Lewis
Yay for you. You're taking to a doctor. Wow
Apr 15, 2021 6:54:31pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 6:53:34pm
Derrick Lewis
What do you need help with. And the million dollar question is. Since you have a Problem with me. And you don't like me. Why are even talking. I'm betting that you run around telling lies about people who you didn't know VERY Well AT All. Answer this. What did I do to you
Apr 15, 2021 6:48:41pm
James M Driskill
@Derrick Lewis , do you have a difference - to fight instead of help me huh
Apr 15, 2021 6:45:31pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 6:44:23pm
James M Driskill
Oh people old people or people wake up....

Is it going on now a month or so I have aOh people old people or people wake up....

Is it going on now a month or so I have a cast on my left leg I fractured my ankle and the fact that I have now a follow-up appointment and I need to have something address that is much more important in my leg right now. But no can't have that the doctor willing willing to commit a felony a felony of health code.

This is not a brain fart or an accident this is an intentional scheme of intent to prevent a conversation to prevent a discussion to void me out of having a voice of impact on my medical care. This is a conspiracy people. A conspiracy. I'm not delusional.

So on the covid-19 screening form as everybody has to enter into their Lobby. The temperature test and all that they have a form to fill out. I will provide a scan of that for cast on my left leg I fractured my ankle and the fact that I have now a follow-up appointment and I need to have something address that is much more important in my leg right now. But no can't have that the doctor willing willing to commit a felony a felony of health code.

This is not a brain fart or an accident this is an intentional scheme of intent to prevent a conversation to prevent a discussion to roll me out of having a voice of impact on my medical care. This is a conspiracy people. A conspiracy. I'm not delusional.

So on the covid-19 screening form as everybody has to enter into their Lobby. The temperature test and all that they have a form to fill out. I will provide a scan of that for me got a little wet actually. Abscess if any of these are answered yes there is a default legal process to reschedule for 14 days. Well that's great because I need to have a conversation beginning with my appointment which was obviously not going to occur.

I had my mom call over there to tell their office to listen to their patient her son. Do I need her testimony into the record to for you all to believe the conspiracy?


You won't believe any aspect of this and you put me off into a void of being deranged.

This is real life people.

I told the called the screener that's not a problem I'll reschedule for 14 days the information was passed into their off inner staff.

Rose being the last one I called when I have a call recording about trying to get her attention to this matter.

There are very own voice message while

callers hold.

They say will be honest Kevin honest interface with your doctor they say they're eager for any special needs to handle this entire thing should be completely no fog completely clear air to have it done how can you defend such actions by a doctor?

So I'm expecting that my fax that I sent with a confirmation is confirmed.

A discussion to exist prior to the doctor cutting my cast off and now a 14-day expiration of the legal matter because of coincidence my family members were sick the other day.

No that's not what happened what happened is dr. Gupta come up to the patient as a James call out my name James I called the into the office and immediately rushing me into the clinic room to cut my cast off.

I said no we have a fax I'm just going to walk out of here I said. And I have to confirm it with a doctor we're going to follow the law right you wanted to cut my cast off and began with me he's already aware of what I need to have complete here and he's I'm willing to submit to an analysis here that he doesn't already know this you're cuz he does he's a lying sack of shit. (πŸ’©).

It's not many people as you all in this f****** group that get it -- very few get it.

you are f***** up as well as they are if you don't get it by now.

call this Clinic tell them to get thier s*** together please..

As friends of me.


F U C K. Y O U. A L L!

-------( To Every Single Person In My Personal Life and Cyber Life - I don't need to conform to your all standard of insolvent insolence.

Up in the clouds - actress smart for y'all . Do I have a mental illness you all choose to Prejudice me out of valid function you choose to disable or place into a disability my life. Do I have an obligation instead of an excuse you can't deal with me but I'm calling out

H E L P !

Typical of you all people that are normal. Sample template of people who have mental disabilities it's typical of you all its typical a special class of prejudice all to itself believe me.

A very short audio of a call recording. It's it's dead in here because my entire message will not sit in their space of a lot of record time. That does not mean that I did not say what I said was not captured on my own device and now sent to you in this group God damn you people wake f*** up!!!

Get involved in saving my life would you please?
Apr 15, 2021 6:38:09pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 2:01:35am
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 🎢.
Apr 15, 2021 2:01:30am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 2:01:10am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:59:42am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:59:08am
James M Driskill
Omni MP site you can look up doctors in pi records and then you can also add comments. This is an audio presentation of such page Doctor Gupta the doctor I'm going to see tomorrow.

The tools that offer us to create such media are completely free.
Apr 15, 2021 12:59:03am
James M Driskill
The call ended.
Duration: 1 minute
Apr 15, 2021 12:56:54am
Jimmy Escajeda
Jimmy joined the call.
Apr 15, 2021 12:55:19am
Derrick Lewis
A contact joined the call.
Apr 15, 2021 12:55:18am
Mario Saucedo
Mario joined the call.
Apr 15, 2021 12:55:16am
James M Driskill
You joined the call.
Apr 15, 2021 12:55:12am
James M Driskill
You started a call.
Apr 15, 2021 12:55:06am
James M Driskill
Good night
Apr 15, 2021 12:54:10am
James M Driskill
That's a picture of my doctor for tomorrow by the way
Apr 15, 2021 12:53:48am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:53:37am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:53:35am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:53:31am
James M Driskill
This man is one of the most beautiful men pictures of black men on the web in my view and most people think this is an ugly picture I think it's gorgeous so are you doing are you used to be anyway
Apr 15, 2021 12:52:32am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:50:51am
James M Driskill
Attention Derek Lewis Washington you have allowed hate to win
Apr 15, 2021 12:50:28am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:50:02am
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 🌟.
Apr 15, 2021 12:49:56am
James M Driskill
So you probably should think about it how can one understand another person when there is just cock cum and drug. High sex -- men are men. I'd rather offer my ass to a random stranger tend to be provided by full shift on a stupid internet tool what happened happened you can't take it back Derek you can't forget it
Apr 15, 2021 12:49:16am
James M Driskill
Audio will be posted in 200 years from now and you and I will be long gone.
Apr 15, 2021 12:47:16am
James M Driskill
Have the most wonderful day. Take the hour and 40 minutes and listen to the entire audio please
Apr 15, 2021 12:46:48am
James M Driskill
And when one post the truth to such a high degree during that is showing the person's face and all of that and there is still standing she knows as tear your picture was taken from Facebook Angela and her boyfriend Angela Elizabeth Keeney of the Colorado Health Network and that business card. That is a truth not a deception not a fake news that is real lyric that is the real thing someday I may get back to Denver and maybe not and the battle damage is done and the community betrayed me and you just the same
Apr 15, 2021 12:46:28am
James M Driskill
Listen to Angela Elizabeth Keady of Denver Colorado -You Have Allowed Hate To Win by #Kramobone-The.Good on #SoundCloud
Apr 15, 2021 12:45:01am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:44:51am
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 12:41:16am
James M Driskill
@Jimmy Escajeda book something on Facebook. A story about me I took it out of it. And it's a part of the story that you probably should be aware of Derek because I have just as much fancy for U2 I worried about you for a long time you did not look too well I don't know what you look like now I'm important I hope all is well I hope that you really look and see what has happened here in Denver and then beyond because this audio in the name of the case manager at Colorado Health that is the hater that is in charge of your community that should be should be watched for her underhandedness that is a fact
Apr 15, 2021 12:40:10am
James M Driskill
You are a chickenshit really you initiate group video chat and then you can't handle the fire hey follow through with what you going to do I'll be damned you Derrick it's time to grow some balls really seriously some balls you're a coward otherwise I'm not trying to cap you down I'm trying to kept you up. I appreciate you earlier and I appreciate you now I appreciate the thumbs up but you are so quick to react like I'm bothering you did Derek can I have no reason to contact you back of interest is not important my lack of interest is important. And I do not wish harm on you but sure and s*** what happened in that community and never harm would being wished upon me and continues to be what you want to be that is not right it is extremely wrong
Apr 15, 2021 12:37:53am
James M Driskill
Every single thing we do every pivot point we choose is a different thing than what we did before. And what happened earlier I have to give you a thank you a most appreciative hot that I have because of you because you initiated a group voice call in chat I have solid out with my friend non-sexual - jimmy . Without you Derek that conversatoon woulf never happend
Apr 15, 2021 12:35:00am
James M Driskill
Whatever it is the number of times that one man investigates and explores another man's privates and puts his penis Raw into another man there's something different than she should think about I'll just got to think about what another person is there for. Willing participants of consent for a willing participant of sexual waves but other men in a city like Denver Uber is the worst of the worst and I'm telling you it's pretty bad for racial and religious is the most racially divided area I've ever lived in. I'm sure it has not changed I could be in Las Vegas maybe recently there's a little bit of tension there. Was a random stranger some place on the planet when he appreciate me into his world everything.
Apr 15, 2021 12:31:09am
James M Driskill
Overtime. Of months in 2 years 30 * 3 * 30 * be a maximum that we may have with a particular person unless of course you go for Noah coupling
Apr 15, 2021 12:28:34am
James M Driskill
I don't know who you have thoughts and I know you love me I enjoyed it and we had a good time and everything.

Sure getting spun on Tina and all that stuff is just too trying to basically not complaining of this something of a repeating cycle of something that's impressive
Apr 15, 2021 12:28:01am
James M Driskill
@Derrick Lewis

Mr Washington.
Let's say there is between 6 billion and 7 billion people on this parent .

And let's say in the year 2021 basically everybody is connected to the internet.

it's probably like close to 80% of the current world population .

Let me pick a random place on the globe. Toddler toys let's give it a spin a world and a point.

Do you think I would have more in common over a five-hour conversation then I have with you?

Sure you had your cock up my ass.

And I'm one hell of a good fuck for sure.

made you coming back for more ... that's all I really need to know . I'm not allowed to have fun .

Of course you aren't no lousy f*** healer or I was not brought you back for sure .

I met you long before my residential catastrophe apartment...

chesney Kleinjobn
10th and Wasington.

Moreover this is more likely truth or not you had sex other people other men long before I moved in. I can't claim that to be actually true but let's go with that for a moment
Apr 15, 2021 12:27:03am
Derrick Lewis
Apr 15, 2021 12:14:37am
James M Driskill
Go stuff your life on that
Apr 14, 2021 11:08:13pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 11:07:44pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 11:06:04pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 11:05:03pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 11:04:58pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 11:04:11pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 11:03:17pm
James M Driskill
Yes that is an emoji for not okay
  • ❀Derrick Lewis
Apr 14, 2021 11:02:42pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 11:01:56pm
James M Driskill
Mr. Lewis Washington.


The use of the phase. "Fuck You" it's really really hilarious. You know I owned search the internet domains but you don't know what this one now but I just have to put you here I just have to

( New ENTRY )
Apr 14, 2021 11:00:05pm
Derrick Lewis
The video chat ended.
Duration: 180 minutes
Apr 14, 2021 10:33:11pm
James M Driskill
You joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 10:33:04pm
Derrick Lewis
And This Is why you're Alone. Crazy, conspiracy theories shouting, entitled, weak, silly, Disrespectful Bitch. Good bye stupid
  • ❀James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:49:22pm
James M Driskill
You joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 7:44:21pm
Jimmy Escajeda
Jimmy joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 7:44:21pm
James M Driskill
You joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 7:43:18pm
Jimmy Escajeda
Jimmy joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 7:43:18pm
Sammy Davis
Sammy joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 7:43:18pm
James M Driskill
You joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 7:38:25pm
Jimmy Escajeda
Jimmy joined the video chat.
Apr 14, 2021 7:38:24pm
Derrick Lewis
Apr 14, 2021 7:35:35pm
Cristian Lujano
A contact left the group.
Apr 14, 2021 7:34:33pm
Derrick Lewis
Fuck you
  • 🀩James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:33:49pm
Jimmy Escajeda
Jimmy started sharing video.
Apr 14, 2021 7:33:21pm
Jimmy Escajeda
Jimmy joined the call.
Apr 14, 2021 7:33:14pm
James M Driskill
You joined the call.
Apr 14, 2021 7:33:06pm
Derrick Lewis
A contact joined the call.
Apr 14, 2021 7:33:01pm
Derrick Lewis
started a call.
Apr 14, 2021 7:32:54pm
James M Driskill
You're an idiot
Apr 14, 2021 7:32:38pm
Derrick Lewis
Ok James I'll be open minded but you should preface this by explaining what is it all about
Apr 14, 2021 7:32:29pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:32:14pm
James M Driskill
It's relevant Derek it's relevant
Apr 14, 2021 7:31:42pm
James M Driskill
Derek are you brain-dead are you really brain dead there is like distance apart from us but Denver is the worst and most racially divided area I've ever lived in and so far that has been the topic to me you should be empowered why I'm sending you anything.
Apr 14, 2021 7:31:33pm
Derrick Lewis
Tell all this to your therapist
Apr 14, 2021 7:31:27pm
Derrick Lewis
You have a problem with something in your lif you fix . Bye
Apr 14, 2021 7:30:37pm
Derrick Lewis
Good bye. Don't text me again. I don't owe you anything. And you don't demand anything from me
Apr 14, 2021 7:30:11pm
Derrick Lewis
Us who are you talking about when you say us
Apr 14, 2021 7:29:31pm
James M Driskill
Do what you want I'm done by I have a doctor's appointment with my doctor for my leg that got ran over
Apr 14, 2021 7:29:21pm
James M Driskill
Time for some Community awareness I hate that is actually enabled and active Among Us
Apr 14, 2021 7:29:01pm
James M Driskill
You sent a live location.
Last update Apr 14
Apr 14, 2021 7:28:41pm
James M Driskill
You all should be ashamed of what you allowed to happen in Denver against me
Apr 14, 2021 7:28:33pm
James M Driskill
Read the subject of that email. This is a criminal action from law enforcement that nobody is giving a f****** s*** about because you all are f****** hate her enabler
Apr 14, 2021 7:28:22pm
Derrick Lewis
James how about we meet and discuss all this. Cuz I think we should talk so I can understand what your issue is
Apr 14, 2021 7:26:23pm
James M Driskill

This happened at the golden star motel on 5th Street in San Bernardino on the 3rd of January after checkout times 11 a.m. part of that I have open 911 text interface from 9 a.m. I have a open 911 text interface that is available to this record
Apr 14, 2021 7:25:04pm
James M Driskill
For instance the therapist that was placed into my Aftercare after I was in the hospital for which I had taken a mirror that was in the motel room busted the mirror took a piece of glass and stuck it into my neck I was very much bleeding badly
Apr 14, 2021 7:23:36pm
Derrick Lewis
I'll listen but I'm not paying $83 for something that doesn't have to do with me
Apr 14, 2021 7:22:46pm
Derrick Lewis
I don't know one thing of which you speak
Apr 14, 2021 7:22:19pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:22:11pm
James M Driskill
There is a discussion tool within this site called disqus!
Apr 14, 2021 7:21:58pm
James M Driskill
And then we have the npino. Com site for doctors nurses case managers psychiatrist therapist even ambulance services
Apr 14, 2021 7:21:39pm
Derrick Lewis
Ok I'm naked and trying to get dressed. I'll listen to it ok
Apr 14, 2021 7:21:31pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:21:13pm
James M Driskill
That is an official vectorstock graphic beneficial vectorstock graphic it has an ID catalog number.

Minor fee of about $83 or so you can customize it how about customizing it to axle officer's badge numbers and names and Axle police agencies how about customizing that graphic to represent a real person how about that for a standard
Apr 14, 2021 7:21:06pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:19:50pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:19:44pm
James M Driskill
Apr 14, 2021 7:19:26pm
James M Driskill
Open the audio and takes the 19 minutes to listen to the audio before you respond okay take your pigments Away by stop ignoring me and become informed okay
Apr 14, 2021 7:18:55pm
James M Driskill
It's it's about being forever more cruel Derek. Forever more cruel and how the government is involved in that Paradigm that is forever more cruel
Apr 14, 2021 7:18:33pm
Derrick Lewis
What is this about
Apr 14, 2021 7:17:34pm
James M Driskill
Matter of National Security
Apr 14, 2021 7:17:24pm
James M Driskill
Every single... very top persons in my contact list so I can create a group you stay here you stay here this is a part of National Security if you don't stay in this group you are offending this nation's' Sanity .
Apr 14, 2021 7:16:25pm
James M Driskill
Show recently of all the kinds of things that I'm dealing with just a bump and I hear a bump here a little sign of things here in a little signs and things there nothing substantial I actually filed with the United States justice department in October and I acquired a actual ID number but I got no confirmation they have claimed that I wouldn't get a confirmation if for instance the Calamity was that they are currently investigating just in case that's the only reason why they wouldn't respond cuz what they said but that's b******* I put the files on my side and then I moved on what can I do the world of our national order of Constructor always defending an able to haters it's just so obvious so I moved on and then ....


Oh I wrote a bomb a real big Shoot-Out bomb ebony mail it's basically he calls for those out in this society that are in leadership controls of this conspiracy in the rungs of the government to come kill me kill me I would be dead that's what I said I want that be killed by those who are involved in this conspiracy, I consent to being killed now Cintas critical writing to a whole sheet list of contacts that have acquired over the last 3 years my personal fans are people in the government people in everywhere and one of the contacts I have is at the American Psychiatric association and the governmental Affairs officer and I mean it that got some attention only slightly it caused them to most likely contact the Department of Justice and they pumped my report into into a response important I do understand sit down shut the f****** no no no no.

Every single verifiable technological investigative data pointer showing on Facebook those actors blocking me represents those persons of governmental Authority who are involved in the authority to conduct and don't perpetrate and continue a conspiracy it's obvious obvious what direction is that must be done.

That won't be done under this Administration and perhaps this nominees is coming up into the channel to the head of this apartment for my part is just being ignored

Are citizen rating is f***** up ignorance
Apr 14, 2021 7:15:05pm
James M Driskill
You created the group.
Apr 14, 2021 7:14:54pm