James M Driskill
I have a google alert that is actively hitting items with "chemtrails" for many months now --- these would be collecting at my @REALUPHUMAN.NET domain. This domain stands honesty, integirty, and for the 100% absolute truth!

I received this one alert below today. I though it might be something to publicly post. I wonder if I did --- that it would remain static here at facebook and not get removed/censored.


Here is the google alert header:

from Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google.com>
to chemtrails-searchfortruth@realuphuman.net
date Wed, May 6, 2009 at 6:15 AM
subject Google Alert - chemtrails
mailing list <EAAAAF68ik2p8dXGvQjPMNHheJ8.alerts.google.com> Filter messages from this

mailing list
signed-by google.com


And this is the matching content:

| 06.05.2009 | 13:39:15

The bioterrorism of every country in the world against it’s citizens through chemtrails continues to proliferate with NO MAINSTREAM MEDIA COVERAGE.

YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIOACTIVE MATERIAL: “We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes.” chemtrailshallofshame.com “Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria”

Welcome to the brave new world of toxic barium skies, weather control, mind control and population control through the use of chemtrails modulated with electromagnetic frequencies generated by HAARP.


I live in San Marcos, CA. This past Sunday --- I was at the San Onofre State Beach. If you don't know the area, it is the beach right next to the nuclear power plant. As I walked along the shore --- on a crowded beach day --- I noticed the chemtrails appearing offshore high above the sky for the entire length of the visible sky from south to north in an otherwise mostly clear blue sky. These man-made skyscape cloud formations did not disappear as contrails do. There were few but not many of them streaking across the sky as I have seen in online images of this controversial issue. They were not disappearing that is for sure. One or two planes did seen to actually look like a typical contrail that disappeared with a short tail as the day went on.

I pardoned a few souls on the beach to take a notice --- only about 3 or 4 souls that day. I was also trying to enjoy the sand below my feet.

Taking my age of 43 into account. I never grew up with such cloud formations lurking in the sky as a direct result of airplane activity. As the day progressed into sunset... and noting that I was actively monitoring the sky... These man-made clouds forms were obviously scaring up the natural state of the coastal sunset.

I got to wondering --- the sunset at the coastal waters here in California are probably one of the most photographed images since the invention of the camera.

If these cloud formations are contrails not chemtrails --- in timely retrospect -- they would start to appear in our history of photographs of coastal sunsets within the era of the jet airplane. And they would be observed to follow the same current noticed projection across the sky.

If these cloud formations are chemtrails --- first noticed and appearing in the middle 1990s, looking at a spectrograph of sunlight passing through these water-droplets of clouds --- the elemental makeup of the could contents should be able to be analyzed. Is this not true good science?

One worse yet --- on the side that they are actually contrails --- their prevalence and behavior that is now occurring in the sky is in direct relation to the amount of CO2 that we have damaged our earth atmosphere we attribute to Global Warming.

We deserve an answer.

I did not have a camera that day --- but do you believe my story here anyway? For I am holding on to the domain @REALUPHUMAN.NET afterall. All I write is to my "best ability" and knowledge to be true.

I am labeling this right here for you:

[ Chemtrails-Naamua.Delaney@realuphuman.net ]

We are in a common bond to seek and find the truth --- are we not? If not, well that would be something quite FUH of you. You personally will be on the hook to be identified there. That is NOT where this email should lead..... A reply here is required to avoid such a listing.

Do I have your somewhat undivided attention? Will this email cause you to defriend me here on facebook? --- wow what a statement that would make!

@GRUWUP 2009 -- You all have my real name ID / address / and phone# : I cannot be classified as an online community troll!
May 06, 2009 2:22:05pm
James M Driskill
Dear Ms. Delaney:

The info posted on your wall under the WCG has been labelled and placed into my domain with this VALID email --- this is the header:

from : Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
to: cnn.com@fuckeduphuman.net
date: Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:10 AM
subject: SPAT IN MY FACE : cnn.com/live
mailed-by gmail.com


Crazy lyrics
Songwriters: Burton, Brian Joseph; Callaway, Thomas Decarlo; Reverberi, Gian Piero; Reverberi, Gianfranco;

I remember when, I remember
I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space

And when you're out there without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?

And I hope that you are
Having the time of your life
But think twice
That's my only advice

Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soul
You really think you're in control?

Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me

My heroes had the heart
To lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember
Is thinking, I want to be like them

Ever since I was little
Ever since I was little
It looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done

But maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
May 06, 2009 5:15:21am
James M Driskill
[ This one should aspire to a higher conscientiousness ]:


[ This one reflects the absolute 100% real truth! ]:


[ This one could hurt -- in virtual terms -- I hold on to The Wiccan Rede, "An' it harm none, do what thou wilt." --- Harm or harmless is at freewill's grasp ] :


OUCH! --- You have been virtually given a moral corrective slap in the face! Do you feel it's sting yet?


Simple Attribute Constructs also apply as:

CNN.COM@gruwup.net, CNN.COM@realuphuman.net, CNN.com@fuckeduphuman.net

OUCH! --- CNN.COM --- You have been virtually given a moral corrective slap in the face! Do you feel it's sting yet? You probablly just define me as some background noise --- or nuisance.

As Humans go, Ms Delaney, you are a individual first with not representative affiliations, thereby:



Sadly this must be define --- in private here now ---


OUCH! ---Did that get your attention? We are strictly private here in facebook email.... lets proceed with good intentions here ---

Chain down some passion; do some good;

TheUnitedStatesRepublicanParty2009@massivemischievousmarvelofmolding muck.net

I beg you please, do not fault me for your failure and/or ignorance to comprehend and understand me:

Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.


Marvel of Molding Muck
Is your mind overcast? Go, fix some weighty truth; Chain down some passion; do some generous good; Teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile. ...
marvelofmoldingmuck.multiply.com/ - 60k

Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.— ANON.

When we apply the past reverence to these messages of ethics and morality that are placed into writings of others from our past human history forward into our future -- this is our duty of response to our shared humanity for all of our worldly experiences.


Thy reprimands avail : The internet memespace domain @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET

We shall not pass go in silence... Thank you much.

All is not lost --- all of the labels above BALANCE NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE....


Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace --- I have a vision and a mission.

I have previously disclosed my personal information to Mr Aqui and Ms Lapin in private email prior to our facebook friending...

Who am I? An 43 yr old individual human man living with HIV in HOWPA public housing assistance...

My residence address is Mission Road @ Liberty Street.

Map It --- Real!

James Martin Driskill
480 W. Mission Road, Apt 165
San Marcos, CA, USA 92069
(760) 798-9193

Direct email: jmdriskill@gruwup.net

Do we have a unity or do you also wish to separate and terminate the facebook friends link --- Mr Aqui did.

What in the hell have I done wrong?

Advise me, correct me, even reprimand me --- but don't delete me!

Thank you for your time to read this private and the public adcdress of words of wisdom I am attempting to empower and profess into the thread today.
May 04, 2009 9:04:26pm