James M Driskill
In reference to Neighbors Helping Neighbors,


April Jennet, Nelson Rodrigues and Kirk Beavers like this.
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Please Review This Item and the 1 Share as detailed.

It is posted and applies to a conflict in 2005.
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@GruwUp 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace

There is competely majorly out of whack in regards to this situation. I noticed your job title, Wellness at American Baptist Homes of The West.

Note the status update for @GRUWUP 2012.....

@GruwUp 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace shared a link.
17 minutes ago

I continue to reapply James Driskill's comments onto American Baptist Homes Of the West Facebook page in reference to Item Post Neighbors Helping Neighbors. This effort appears down in this timeline. I have copied the correspondence to hi
s personal friend here in Cheyenne, to his Peak Wellness Center Therapist, Physiatrist, and as well Susan Moore of the Stagecoach Drop In Center through a contact request and forward from the peakwellnesscenter.org website. James Driskill have discussed the hard copy printout of his comments to a client at the Stagecoach that is a personal friend of James Driskill and also a facebook member. Lastly, in effort of full spectrum perspectives, Mr Driskill relates issue of discourse, as of this evening, I have included Sean Strub of the http://seroproject.com/ into this matter. Mr Driskill is willing to put himself on camera simularly to other documented cases in which HIV Disclosure issues are related back from 2005 when his matter of conflict started showing interfering with Mr Driskill's life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Just for immediate reference to readers here:


Sero is a not-for-profit human rights organization promoting the empowerment of people with HIV, combating HIV-related stigma and advocating for sound public health and HIV prevention policies based on science and epidemiology rather than ignorance and fear. Sero is particularly focused on ending inappropriate criminal prosecutions of people with HIV for non-disclosure of their HIV status, potential or perceived HIV exposure or HIV transmission.
Sero is a not-for-profit human rights organization promoting the empowerment of people with HIV, combating HIV-related stigma and advocating for sound public health and HIV prevention policies based on science and epidemiology rather than ignorance and fear. Sero is


The mentioned Susan Moore is willing to walk with me from Oakland to San Bernardino. The walk is considered Therapy issues in regards to eviction case WG06266106.

The comments posted applied to Neighbors Helping Neighbors disputes this is true in my case and I have all of the evidence to proove it. I am contining my public relations and public awareness campain which I ceased when I was applying my side of this case onto the GetTheJob.com website.

All of these matters and efforts have been disclosed to the FBI both then and reintroduced now. These are serious matters and shall not be just silenced.

Thank you in advance for forwarding this email to your president, David Ferguson.

Note that even though Abhow facebook administrator attempted to shut down the orginial comments that are accessible via your facebook page and block me from commenting, they remain as a 2nd tier share comments applied to the page.


It is time for American Baptist Homes of the West to see the reality of this situation as gloom falls upon you over me.

[ ref: To Chase Thy Gloom ].

It is 2012 and time for you all to GROW UP!
Oct 04, 2012 2:52:55am