Sam Vines
I have a frien on my face book you might like. Brin BeLive Lucas he is currently doing some meditation in solitude but his account is being maintained by some fellow belivers.
Mar 13, 2009 12:58:55am
James M Driskill

The weighty truth of eviction case WG06266106 needs to be fixed.
Mar 12, 2009 10:56:24pm
James M Driskill
Human Vines,

This is a fact.

I have valid email registrations at [ ] / [ ] :

First Registration:


Second Registration:




Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
Mar 12, 2009 10:52:48pm
James M Driskill
Thank you Sam for friending me,

I have submitted an idea to Google's Project 10 to the 100th.

They are going to pick the top 100 of over 100,000 ideals submitted. These top picks will be revealed on March 17th and the voting begins.

I have no idea if what you see as "my brilliance" will have shown through to Google's review panel. The chances of getting picked 1 of 100 from 100,000 are slim.

I do hope!

I do have a general IQ on 122.

Tim Prince and I both were in the same class -- Centennial Class 1883-1983 at San Bernardino High School.

I do remember him -- quite well. I don't know if he remembers me.

He has not yet really wrote me anything -- for he is the one who friend requested me from my post at the facebook group, San Bernardino High School Alumni. I have written him an introduction to was appears below of the circumstances involing the chaos that was targeting my life. He has given me no reply.

I did not make many personal friends in school. If I had been wearing glasses, I would have been the classic looking nerd -- I guess. In all mindful ways -- I was.

[ I am being drawn to tears as I write this to you now ]

As well, growing up gay in red-neck town of San Bernardino also had given me challenges in socializing with "the clicks".

Facebook is new to me, I have most of my stuff over here at:


In The Mindway

It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred.
We are all sharing together so free without hatred.
There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit.
The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there;

Let's get on it it's our trip.


General IQ: 122

View my IQTEST.COM certifcate of Intelligence


I have only supplied my IQ here because you used the term "brilliant" to friend request with me.

But in all seriousness, I came into the need to register these domains in defining what was very hurtful and targeted events happening and surrounding both my cyberspace and my physical world space life.

For if all things in my life were Aye-Ok, these domains would never have had a reason to have been defined and therefore cybermarked by domain registation.

Perhaps some other human's brilliance would have found this same enlightenment and followed though the course I choose...


*** I know *** that I am a very very unique holder of cyber-identity that has ever been created.

Brilliant you might say looking from this day --- but is based from allot of mental abuse and hurt. And I do still hurt. I am crying now.

Since I now own them -- I really would like to use them in a
very proper way for good purposes.

The labels that apply to @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET here on my computer -- just by keeping a journal of events composed via email and sending them to the various names @ the domain name address -- which just get returned back to me for archiving... is how I have use it.

I can just do a email search [@FUCKEDUPHUMAN] and these markers just come right back into my view. I have also placed out some of these same markers out on the web --indexed links come and go over time --- dust in the wind -- but you can just google [@FUCKEDUPHUMAN]

One peculiar cyber location that I choose to CYBERMARK at is:

Writing Scams Poetry Scams Scam
I am the owner of the Internet domain FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET!! I went ahead with the ... ...

Here is a full list of those assignments posted...

This relates to


And this relates to WrongFul Eviction Case WG06266106, Alameda County, Oakland, CA, USA


Other assocation IDs not in this list could be be considered .

That is an introduction of me -- and my brilliance.

[ grin ]

Thank you for friending me.
Mar 12, 2009 10:30:29pm