James M Driskill
Here is the full resolution of the vehicle report. http://inthemindway.multiply.com/photos/hi-res/1/68?xurl=%2Fphotos%2Fphoto%2F1%2F68

My car stolen from the address of 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino Ca, the registrant address of @GRUWUP.NET and abandoned at the relative address of where by brother use to live. 1278 N Stoddard Ave San Bernardino CA. Now you might see the fear that continuously entraps me to my story.... that is linkable true.
Sep 25, 2012 9:59:11am
James M Driskill
To my best ability Sean. To my best ability. I am fully crying now. As I look my window at my car here in Cheyenne.... the one now that has a cracked windshield ... but use to have the California License 5WLE984 --- Google that too... http://inthemindway.multiply.com/photos/photo/1/64?&show_interstitial=1&u=%2Fphotos%2Fphoto I think it -- this is it happening to me. who in the hell does documenting one's life this way?
Sep 25, 2012 9:50:10am
James M Driskill
You will find reference to Roadblock by Google searching [ How Fear Works Driskill ]. This post shows that I have placed a copy of my Driver's Licence attached to my HIV chart online. Who in the hell does this? I am most unique but everything I have placed online is the truth. You might also find something interesting documented online with my Social Security Number showing online. Who in the hell does this? Google Search [ the suicide prevention of james m driskill ].
Sep 25, 2012 9:41:20am
James M Driskill
Sean, I am in tears [ slightly ] thinking about all of this again. This is very hard for me to continue to find roadblocked walls.

Recently in an facebook email I wrote this:

We are talking PROFESSIONALISM right?

I do not know how the avatar image on my linkedin profile got attached to what it is. A bit shocking but it is true and it is OK to leave it such.

This happened this past July and is my face. It must have been pulled off my site files when some or don't remember changing it. My profile there does not reflect that I have moved to Wyoming.


James Driskill
Owner, realuphuman.net
Greater San Diego Area
Information Technology and Services


Sean, I discovered that the avatar presented on my linkedin profile does not display unless you are logged in. I am sure you have a profile here. Please check out that image. That would be helpful for you to understand me in all of this. The image was taken July 22nd 2012 and reflects upon my mental abuse history from 2005/2006. Yes, you have meet one that has really been fucked with big time.
Sep 25, 2012 9:21:23am
James M Driskill
I lost by switching windows on me by nervous typing, what I was composing here in re to: "People with HIV fear unfair treatment in courts" --- Be looking for it. Pieces of what windows of copy/paste items are still open that I can quickly place back here are:

From: http://marvelofmoldingmuck.multiply.com/

Alan Horwitz @ Hayward Court Clerks Office June 21 2006 8am
Man to Man, I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
And what you were about to file with the court....
"disingenuous" was the phrase I used --- and you knew it too.
You filed that false bull shit anyway, didn't you.
These acts among many you have made against me is criminal neglict.

FBI Agent @ FBI OFfice Oakland CA June 21 2006
Man To Man : I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
To Not forget about me. His promise back was, "He Wont".
Sep 25, 2012 8:27:08am