James M Driskill
Real Up Human

A Real Up Human strongly has at his or her core foundation --- Only real truth and real honesty are reliable strongholds that we must choose for ourselves to build our life upon. Forging forward in time, the core of real up humans makes aspirations to truthfully define our reality in every moment to moment we exist. First for each one human of themselves and then effortlessly outward onto all others around. For all of the paths that real up humans walk, it is that walk of talk of real truth. That truth bearing our existence -- fulfillment -- purpose -- happiness -- in everything that was, is, or will be for real up humans. Completed work realities made whole, effortlessly done. In that whole it could never ever be gone.

I take the whatever time is needed to be a real up human to those I call friend -- and in kind return seals that friendship to me for that may be the one I most need in my final end.

by In the Mindway The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out here - it's our trip. Apr 30, 2005
Feb 21, 2013 10:03:48pm
James M Driskill
Reading your recent post "Cannabis is my medicine and it cured my cancer" -- signed Makayla. Along with the information you have placed into this article..... just passing you a "Thatta Good Boy" credits to you...

Being @REALUPHHUMAN is just so simple to say....

Here is an image for you to ponder upon this post. I will also place a public note to all those whom may have any concerns or bias... This is an OFFICIAL designation of the truth like no other can claim to hold its virtue value.

Very much thank you for you post.

Mr. James M. Driskill
and finally @INTHEMINDWAY.ORG....

In The Mindway Skin

It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred.
We are all sharing so free without hated.
There are no limits to stop us, so no reason to quit.
The universe of happiness and it's discovery is out there,
Let's get on it. It's our trip.


@GRUWUP Feb 21 2013
G)reat R)easons U)s W)ill U)nite P)eace
Feb 21, 2013 9:51:52pm