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This week we are preparing the lovely, 5000sf estate home of Lumina for our Path to the Beloved weekend workshop here in the San Diego area.

The address is:

3331 Venado St
Carlsbad 92009

Please arrive anytime starting @ 6pm
Opening circle begins at 7pm

Bring your sleeping bags, pillows, towels, toiletries, journal, pens, power objects, yoga clothes, dance clothes, puja clothes, & sparking self to join us for this expedition into the landscape of the Heart.

This weekend we’ll be peeling the layers to dive into your Heart of Hearts & see your Vision of Love taking shape within your being.

Whether you are a man or woman, single or couple, this workshop will help you relax more into your capacity for emotional intimacy. This is the key to more fulfilling relationships. We do this with exercises for the body, mind, heart, & soul. Then we do integration processes. Finally, we give you a chance to practice living from the Heart, able to relax as you speak your Truth with Compassion & great Love!!

Please feel free to pay online & receive the discounted rate while it lasts @ $295. This includes lodging, meals, Saturday night event, & the workshop.

Otherwise, it’s $350 @ the door…

We are so looking forward to being with you & nurturing your Heart & Soul to prepare you for more ecstatic, loving relationships of tremendous joy, passion & purpose!

Namaste forever,


Nov 08, 2009 1:26:45pm
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Hello Beloveds!

We are most delighted to have you join us for our upcoming PATH to the BELOVED weekend workshop at the beautiful 5000sf coastal estate where we will do lovely meditations, deepen our core essence, practice heart-centered communication, balance our chakras, dance, do yoga, eat scrumptious meals, & create a sacred space to invoke our Vision of Love in a powerful vortex of community support.

Please register now to get the discount price & receive direction to this transformational event. The $295 cost includes meals & lodging [bring your sleeping bags!], a dip in the unheated pool [bathing suits required, please bring your own towel & sunscreen], a sacred puja [sacred ceremony to deepen your Heart’s Vision of Love & sense of personal empowerment to have the Love you desire]& the entertainment on Saturday night.

If you would rather pay at the door, $350, just let me know…

There are still one or two more scholarships available.





PS Tell your friends!
Nov 04, 2009 10:43:33pm