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How easy or difficult should it be for someone to leave the military as a conscientious objector or for any other reason? Share your thoughts at our wall today.
Nov 12, 2009 7:22:20am
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Animal testing has led to treatments for diabetes, blindness, and other diseases, according to the Foundation for Biomedical Research. How do you feel about animal testing for scientific research that could potentially save human lives? Join the conversation at our wall today.
Nov 11, 2009 6:50:42am
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Tonight, John Allen Muhammad will be executed for his role in the DC-area sniper shootings back in 2002. The Supreme Court refused to block Muhammad’s execution, despite claims from his attorney that he was suffering from severe mental illness at the time. What role, if any, should mental illness play in the decision to spare convicts from the death penalty? Share your thoughts at our wall today.
Nov 10, 2009 7:12:47am
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Many American Muslims are concerned about a possible backlash against Muslim-American soldiers after the attack at Fort Hood. What repercussions, if any, might the incident have for Muslims serving in the military? Join the conversation at our wall today.
Nov 09, 2009 6:54:29am
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According to a CNN/Opinion Research Poll, 70% of Americans believe the mainstream media are out of touch with average Americans. Based on the poll, why do you think the public feels this way? What can the mainstream media do to change this perception? What news outlets do you trust? Join the conversation at our wall today.
Nov 05, 2009 6:52:17am
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The Republican Party got a shot in the arm with gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey. Do you think the results should be interpreted as a message to the Obama administration? We’re also talking about voters in Maine repealing the state’s same-sex marriage law. Share your thoughts on both of these topics on our wall today.
Nov 04, 2009 7:10:35am
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A growing number of kids are ignoring age requirements and using social networks such as Facebook and MySpace. How young is too young? At what age should kids be responsible for what they put on social networking sites? Join the conversation at our wall today!
Nov 03, 2009 6:58:27am
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On Sunday, GOP State Senator Dede Scozzafava, a moderate, resigned from New York’s 23rd District special election race. She endorsed her Democrat rival for the House seat over conservative candidate Doug Hoffman. So do you believe there is a so-called ‘civil war’ within the Republican party? If so, will any faction win? Join the conversation at our wall today!
Nov 02, 2009 7:04:17am
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Is it still reasonable to expect people to pair up and stay monogamous in this day and age? If not, tell us which arrangements work for you. Join the conversation at our wall today!
Oct 30, 2009 7:10:20am
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The maker of Louisville Slugger bats has been ordered to pay $850,000 to the family of a teenager killed during a baseball game. He was hit by a ball off an aluminum bat while pitching the game. A jury concluded the company failed to warn about the dangers of its product. Did the fam...ily deserve to win the lawsuit or is it a case of play at your own risk? Where do you draw the line? Join the conversation at our wall today.
Oct 29, 2009 6:54:17am
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The New York Times reports that the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been on the CIA payroll for at least eight years, according to American officials. Do you think the idea of buying support is the right method to win the hearts and minds of the world? Share your thoughts at our wall today.
Oct 28, 2009 7:32:16am
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A California high school student was gang raped for more than two hours while police say as many as 15 people, all males, stood around watching the assault, without calling police or helping the victim. Do you think witnesses should be required by law to intervene and stop a crime? How would you react if you witnessed a crime? Join the conversation at our wall today.
Oct 27, 2009 7:02:15am
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President Obama has declared the H1N1 flu virus a national emergency. Are you more alarmed about H1N1 as a result? Are you willing to get the vaccine if, in fact, you can find it? Share your thoughts at our wall today.
Oct 26, 2009 7:30:21am
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Our ‘Blogger Bunch’ today will be chatting about Windows 7 and the online video site Hulu, which plans to start charging fees for its services next year. Does Microsoft stand a chance to win the OS war with Windows 7? Also – would you be willing to pay for online videos? Join the conversation at our wall.
Oct 23, 2009 7:13:28am
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Did you happen to watch CNN’s ‘Latino in America’ last night? If so, what did you think about it? Was it an accurate representation of what it’s like to be Latin in America? Join the conversation at our wall today.
Oct 22, 2009 7:22:34am
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The American Cancer Society, a longtime proponent of cancer screening, now says the benefits of detecting cancers have been overstated – and warns that screening comes with a risk of over-treating many small cancers. What do you make of this reversal, and will it change how you go about your routine screenings? Join the conversation at our wall.
Oct 21, 2009 7:32:31am
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The Justice Department issued a directive that people who use and distribute medical marijuana should not face federal prosecution in states that allow it. What do you think about these new guidelines, which represent a departure from those of the Bush administration? Join the conversation at our wall today.
Oct 20, 2009 7:07:12am
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President Obama has stated that he wants to increase choice and reduce health care costs. A new report from an industry trade group suggests that individuals will pay $1,500 more under the Senate’s overhaul plan. The White House called the report inaccurate and self-serving. What do you make of all this? Join the conversation at our wall!
Oct 13, 2009 7:17:59am
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In a speech Saturday night, President Obama told the Human Rights Campaign he’s with them in the fight for gay rights, and he called for the repeal of the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. Do you think the president is doing enough to promote gay rights? Join the conversation at our wall. You can also watch the speech there if you missed it.
Oct 12, 2009 6:50:33am
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What do you think about President Obama winning the Nobel Prize? Does he deserve it? Share your thoughts at our wall, and we’ll read your responses live at 12p ET.
Oct 09, 2009 6:57:28am
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President Obama is heading to Copenhagen to push Chicago’s 2016 Olympic bid. RNC Chairman Michael Steele called the trip an unnecessary distraction, and other critics say the president should be focused on serious issues. What do you think? Is it appropriate given everything on his plate right now? Join the conversation at our wall!
Sep 30, 2009 7:00:49am
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The U.S. Secret Service has launched an investigation into a threat against President Obama on Facebook. A poll on the site asked if he should be killed. Facebook has since pulled the app. Do you think the poll was a credible threat against the president? Where should the Secret Service draw the line when it comes to threats against the president? Join the conversation at our wall!
Sep 29, 2009 6:59:57am
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Iran's nuclear ambitions and the arrest of filmmaker Roman Polanski. Check out the new questions at our wall, and join the conversations there!
Sep 28, 2009 7:02:21am
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Which new shows are you planning to watch this season? Which ones do you think have staying power? Join the conversation at our wall!
Sep 25, 2009 7:08:13am
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Have you seen the new provocative breast cancer PSA? If not, check out the video link at our wall. Do you find it offensive or is it an effective way to raise awareness? Join the conversation on our wall.
Sep 24, 2009 7:10:41am
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How should President Obama and the U.S. handle diplomatic relations with the Iranian and Libyan leaders? Join the conversation at our wall.
Sep 23, 2009 7:39:33am
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President Obama and China’s President Hu Jintao address the UN today on climate change. The countries are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. Should the U.S. carry more responsibility in the effort to combat climate change? Join the conversation at our wall!
Sep 22, 2009 7:32:00am
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Did you happen to catch Larry King's interview with Chris Brown last night? If so, what do you think about it? Join the conversation at our wall!
Sep 03, 2009 7:05:38am
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An Op-Ed writer in the New York Times says we should consider sending astronauts on a one-way ticket to Mars, citing the expenses and technical challenges to bring them home. Do you think NASA and Congress should explore that option or would it be like signing a “death warrant” for the astronauts? Join the conversation at our wall!
Sep 02, 2009 7:40:31am
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Former Vice President Dick Cheney called the review of CIA interrogation tactics a "terrible decision" and a "political move." He said it would make the CIA less effective in carrying out operations. What do you think about Cheney’s criticism? Join the conversation at our wall!
Aug 31, 2009 6:51:59am
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How do you think Senator Kennedy’s absence will impact health care legislation? Who do you think can carry on his brand of liberalism? Join the conversation at our wall, and we'll use your comments on Live!
Aug 27, 2009 7:24:19am
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You may know him as the host of 'News of the Absurd' on We know him as our wacky producer Jarrett Bellini. He's going on vacation but doesn't know where to go. That's where you come in. You get to choose where to send him: Argentina, Turkey, Greece or South Africa. We're planning to tally up the votes, and we'll surprise him with the results at the airport in Atlanta this Sunday. Weigh in at our wall!
Aug 26, 2009 5:10:15pm
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We're paying tribute to the late Senator Ted Kennedy today. Please share your thoughts and memories. What moments from his life stand out for you?
Aug 26, 2009 5:27:52am
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An anonymous blogger who posted rants about a NYC model plans to sue Google for revealing her identity. A judge ordered the search giant to do so, but do you think Google should have done more to protect the blogger's identity? Join the conversation at our wall!
Aug 25, 2009 7:25:54am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic - Where do you think the U.S. should draw the line when interrogating terrorism suspects? Join the conversation at our wall!
Aug 24, 2009 7:02:02am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic: health care outbursts. Rep. Barney Frank confronted an angry participant at a health care town hall, who compared President Obama’s proposals to policies of Nazi Germany. Do you think protesters at the health care town hall meetings are great Americans standing up for their first amendment rights or “un-American” as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has stated? Join the conversation at our wall!
Aug 19, 2009 7:11:52am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic: According to Mashable, the Southeastern Conference is banning the use of social media at SEC games. It would mean sports fans can’t use “Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TwitPic or any other service that could in any way compete with authorized media coverage of the event.” What do you think about it? Can they actually enforce this? Join the conversation at our wall!
Aug 18, 2009 7:39:24am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic: President Obama appears to be backing down from the need for a public option in the health care reform legislation. Do you think the public option is necessary? Will you think less of the President if he doesn’t stick to his guns? Join the conversation at our wall!
Aug 17, 2009 7:33:23am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic. Michael Vick, who spent 18 months in federal prison on dogfighting charges, returned to the NFL, signing a two-year contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. Do you think Vick has atoned for his actions? What more can he do to restore his public image, and can the public forgive him? Join the conversation at our wall today, and your comments will be used on Live!
Aug 14, 2009 7:10:14am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic: Paula Abdul failed to negotiate a reported $10 million a year contract to continue with ‘American Idol.’ Her counterpart, Ryan Seacrest, doubled his salary, while Simon Cowell, who reportedly makes at least $30 million a year, is believed to be seeking a raise. Do you think sexism is in play here? Is she not getting the same salary bump because she’s a woman? Join the conversation at our wall!
Aug 13, 2009 7:12:31am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic = end of recession? A majority of economists surveyed in the past few days say the recession is now over. What do you think? Have you seen any signs the economy is heading in a positive direction? Weigh in at our wall!
Aug 12, 2009 8:05:12am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic = translation flap. A translator botched a question that rifled Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at town-hall meeting in the Democratic Republic of Congo, aksing her what Bill Clinton would think. She sharply replied, “My husband is not the secretary of state, I am... I’m not going to channel my husband." Do you think her reaction was justified? Watch the video at our wall, and weigh in.
Aug 11, 2009 7:35:51am
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Sarah Palin recently stated on her Facebook page that President Obama’s health care plan would create a “death panel” that would promote euthanasia. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich defended her claim on ABC’s ‘This Week.’ What do you think about this latest attack against Obama’s health care plan? Does it have any merit?
Aug 10, 2009 7:26:18am
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12p EST 'Blogger Bunch' topic = Former President Bill Clinton in North Korea. He met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il to negotiate the release of two U.S. journalists - Laura Ling and Euna Lee. Why do you think he was the one sent there? Can he pull it off? Join the conversation at our wall.
Aug 04, 2009 7:13:28am
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12p 'Blogger Bunch' topic: The House approved an additional $2 billion for the Cash for Clunkers program. Now the Senate has to decide whether to grant an extension. What do you think? Should the government continue to pour money into the Cash for Clunkers program? Would you take advantage of it? Join the conversation at our wall.
Aug 03, 2009 7:22:26am
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12P EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ = Tech Friday! Today, we’re chatting with Justine Ezarik (iJustine), Jason Kincaid of TechCrunch, Jennifer Van Grove of Mashable, and Guy Kawasaki about the backlash against Apple for rejecting the Google Voice App this week. We want to know: are you tired of the iPhone? Do you love it or are you over it already? Weigh in.
Jul 31, 2009 7:10:17am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic = obesity and health care. New research in the journal Health Affairs shows that obesity and the cost of treating obesity-related illnesses in the U.S. dramatically rose between 1998 and 2006. The Urban Institute suggests a so-called ‘fat tax’ could raise money to help cover health care costs. Should junk food be taxed? Or do you think obese Americans should pay more for their health care? Join the conversation at our wall.
Jul 29, 2009 7:37:41am
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Wednesday at 240p EST: We'll be joined by Emmy Award-winning actor Jeremy Piven, who plays Ari Gold in the hit HBO series 'Entourage.' He's also a longtime stage and screen actor, and will be discussing his new movie, 'The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard.' So what kind of questions do you have for Jeremy Piven? Tune in tomorrow to hear his answers to your questions.
Jul 28, 2009 10:39:24am
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Tuesday at 240p EST: We'll be joined by Emmy Award-winning actor Jeremy Piven, who plays Ari Gold in the hit HBO series 'Entourage.' He's also a longtime stage and screen actor, and will be discussing his new movie, 'The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard.' So what kind of questions do you have for Jeremy Piven? Tune in tomorrow to hear his answers to your questions.
Jul 28, 2009 10:35:47am
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12p EST panel discussion – We’ll be chatting about doctors who cater to the rich and famous, and whether there is enough accountability and oversight in allowing them to prescribe medication. Michael Jackson’s personal physician gave him a drug that authorities believe killed the singer, a source told CNN. Do you think Jackson’s doctor should face criminal charges? Join the conversation at our wall.
Jul 28, 2009 7:14:48am
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12p EST 'Blogger Bunch' = political grab bag. We'll be discussing Sarah's Palin's political future after her resignation -- and when it's appropriate for President Obama to speak his mind in light of the Gates controversy. Two questions: What do you think Sarah Palin's political future will be? Should the U.S. President openly speak his mind about any issue? Join the conversation at our wall.
Jul 27, 2009 7:23:18am
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What was your reaction to CNN's Black in America 2? Soledad O'Brien will join us at 12p EST to respond to your feedback and answer any questions you might have about the special. Share your thoughts at our wall.
Jul 23, 2009 5:25:34am
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12p EST 'Blogger Bunch' topic = Health care. President Obama is holding a news conference at 8pm tonight to push for health care reform legislation. Would you be willing to pay more taxes to potentially reduce your health care costs? Do you think the wealthiest Americans should cover the cost? Weigh in, and we'll use your comments during our live discussion.
Jul 22, 2009 6:49:33am
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12p EST ‘Blogger Bunch’ topic = All Obama, all the time. President Obama is making frequent media appearances to push his health care agenda. His advisers promise that he’ll be very visible in the coming days – extending his message from prime-time television to the Internet. Do you think Obama risks diluting his political agenda with all of these media appearances? Join the conversation at our wall.
Jul 21, 2009 7:17:00am
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'Blogger Bunch' topic today = 40th anniversary of the lunar landing and the future of the space program. The Apollo 11 crew is urging NASA to pursue a mission to put human beings on Mars. What do you think? Weigh in by joining the conversation at our wall.
Jul 20, 2009 6:52:28am
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'Blogger Bunch' topic today = Tech Friday! We're discussing TechCrunch's decision to publish excerpts from internal documents a hacker stole from Twitter. What do you think? Should they have published at all -- or nothing? Weigh in at our wall, and while you're at it - indicate your answer in this Alltop survey.
Jul 17, 2009 7:16:23am
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12p EST 'Blogger Bunch' topic = the death of the world's oldest mom. Maria del Carmen Bousada lied to a fertility clinic to circumvent its age limit. She had twins at the age of 66, becoming the world's oldest new mom. She just passed away at 69, leaving behind her sons. Do you think she was wrong to have babies at her age? At what point do you think a person is too old to have and raise children? Join the conversation at our wall.
Jul 16, 2009 7:32:35am
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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will deliver a foreign policy address at 1pm EST today. Her aides say that despite keeping a low profile in the media this year, Clinton is ready to articulate her own policy agenda during this speech at the Council on Foreign Relations. What do you think of Clinton's role so far? Has she been low key? How much influence and authority does she really have? Join the conversation at our wall.
Jul 15, 2009 7:42:18am
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...are on our radar today at 12p EST. Check out our wall to find out why and join the conversation while you're there!
Jul 14, 2009 7:16:54am
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Confirmation hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor begin at 10a EST today. You can watch the hearings uninterrupted at Live - We also want to hear from you. What would you ask Sonia Sotomayor during the hearings? Join the conversation at our wall.
Jul 13, 2009 6:50:45am
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Noon 'Blogger Bunch' topic = Google vs. Microsoft. This week Google posed a challenge to Microsoft's dominant operating system Windows by announcing Chrome OS. This comes as Microsoft is enjoying some early success for its new search engine Bing. We want to know: would you buy a computer with Google's Chrome OS over Windows? Why? Why not? Join the conversation at our wall, and while you're at it, check out our post about AIG bonuses.
Jul 10, 2009 7:53:21am
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Noon 'Blogger Bunch' topic today = the perception of the Republican party after a series of racial incidents involving Facebook posts, email, and a parody CD featuring the song, "Barack the Magic Negro." Today, we're going to hear from a panel of conservative bloggers. We want you to weigh in: Do you think the GOP has a perception problem with regard to race? Join the conversation at our wall, and we'll use your comments during the live segment.
Jul 09, 2009 7:41:24am
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Noon 'Blogger Bunch' topic today = the economy. The City of Los Angeles is asking fans to donate money to cover the costs of Michael Jackson's memorial. So who should pay for it? Meanwhile, a White House adviser says the $787 billion stimulus, the biggest in history, isn't enough. Do we need another stimulus package? Join the conversation on our wall!
Jul 08, 2009 7:01:42am
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Noon 'Blogger Bunch' topic today = Sarah Palin's resignation from office. Astounding. Risky. Quitter. Those are the words conversatives are using to describe Palin's decision. What do you think about it? And what does this mean for a possible Presidential run in 2012? Join the conversation at our wall, and we'll use your comments live during our discussion at 1215p EST.
Jul 06, 2009 6:58:35am
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Noon 'Blogger Bunch' topic = Tech Friday! We're tackling how social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) is giving the consumer much more power than before and sometimes putting businesses on the spot (e.g. #fail). So tell us: Should all businesses and their executives take social media more seriously? And have you ever taken your frustrations about a company to the web? Any success? Join the discussion on our wall.
Jul 03, 2009 7:55:11am
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Noon EST 'Blogger Bunch' topic = Black in America. In a new CNN/Essence Magazine/Opinion Research Poll: African Americans overwhelmingly approve of President Obama's job performance. But most black people don't think race relations have improved since he became president. What do you think? Have U.S. race relations gotten any better since Obama was elected? Join the conversation on our wall.
Jul 02, 2009 6:30:21am
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Today's 'Blogger Bunch' topic at noon = political scandals. The S.C. Attorney General has called for a review of Governor Mark Sanford's travel records after the governor admitted to more visits with his mistress. If you were Mark Sanford’s political advisor, what advice would you give him? Also, Sanford said he wants to make things right with his wife. At what point should a spouse say enough is enough? Weigh in.
Jul 01, 2009 7:25:21am
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Today, at 1130am ET, we will be joined by Norman Ollestad who wrote the memoir, "Crazy for the Storm." The book recounts his struggle to survive a plane crash at the age of eleven in the San Gabriel Mountains. Do you have a question for Norman about his ordeal or his life? If so, go to post on our wall and contribute your questions.
Jun 30, 2009 7:04:20am
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Today, our panel of bloggers at 12pm ET will demystify some of the rumors circulating about Michael Jackson's death. Do you think the truth will ever surface about the last days of his life? And who do you think should gain custody of his children? Join the new conversation on our Facebook page.
Jun 29, 2009 8:15:36am