James M Driskill
May 07, 2019 3:20:13pm
James M Driskill
May 07, 2019 3:20:06pm
James M Driskill
May 07, 2019 3:19:52pm
James M Driskill
Sick Sick Sick Sicker Sicker Still Collapse Sick On Down The Path Of Collapse Disease.
May 07, 2019 3:19:49pm
James M Driskill
That link has a spoken voice text narrative interface --- I take the extra effort to make it easy for you -- time to respect the technology work I have placed into this --- NOW!
May 07, 2019 3:18:29pm
James M Driskill
We Are As Sick As Our Secrets : God's Eye See All Secrets : The Bridge Recovery Center --- Note the URL and the passive transition of the preview source follows the directives --- facebook is holding my content active and valid in our information society --- time for you all to do the complementary thing --- no fucking excuses dudes!

May 07, 2019 3:17:41pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 😝.
May 07, 2019 3:15:09pm
James M Driskill
perhaps you will take the time and invest in about an hour audio presentation to case managers complain failures after failures by scaning that appearing QR Code to the public --- and become aware --- the public also is being exposed to the truth --- you are not getting away with this forever --- time to acknowledge the wrongdoing here --- time to fucking change.,
May 07, 2019 3:13:58pm
James M Driskill
May 07, 2019 3:12:35pm
James M Driskill
This is the Google Business dot Site Page For Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project where I was subject to be targeted in an 11-month hate and harassment, and retaliation campaign that their endgame was eviction and my removal as an influense in the HIV community. This hacked version page was published approved by Google even though it required a postcard validation code which was mailed to them --- not to me at my San Bernardino address --- Google put some understanding in the data record I provided them --- Just check out the Negative Outlook Employee Reviews On File Currently Showing Live Active for Colorado Health Network On Glassdoor -- There is a true conspiracy here --- and don't insult my intelligence and tell me you do not know what the fuck I am talking about. Don't gto there --- don't you fucking lie,.

May 07, 2019 3:12:23pm
James M Driskill
May 07, 2019 3:08:44pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 😭.
May 07, 2019 3:08:34pm
James M Driskill
Toast Anyone --- You all are burned --- if you indeed know and hold the truth of conspiracy and defend it till your dying breath --- get fucking real up human real --- NOW!
May 07, 2019 12:10:43pm
James M Driskill
REMEMBER ME -- YOUR CALLING CARD --- MARK TWAIN --- "The Truth May Hurt But Silence Kills" --- Change Now --- It is not a request --- it is a demand --- I demand this change or you are indeed killing ,me as my status is standing #HivUntreatable --- and never can I speak the truth without these matters resolved and reconciled. This is required!
May 07, 2019 12:10:00pm
James M Driskill
http://aids-healthcare-foundation.aidsheath.org.doctor-zweig.regional-medical-manager.community.gruwup.net/22/ --- As the System Stands Conspiracy Exposed --- Collectiely A Systemic Problem Showing Itself Exposed By Researching Region To Region The Negatvie Outlook Employee Reviews Found On Glassdoor [ Trust Me They Are Quite Shocking and Disturbing To Encounter And Read From The Perspective As a Person Living With HIV Aids --- These Against the Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Service Agencies --- This is a Systemic Problem Across The Entire Nation -- taking that into account --- you are destroying to it's ever so ever non presence --- the social trust across the nation --- and that erosion of trust according to the Washington Post Article Oct 2017 leads to Murder and Mass Shootings --- I did not write it --- this is not my manifesto --- this is the rational considerations of the deliverance of truth --- time to take this hate away --- TIME FOR SOMETHING NEW for a fucking change.
May 07, 2019 12:06:38pm
James M Driskill
http://aids-healthcare-foundation.aidsheath.org.doctor-zweig.regional-medical-manager.community.gruwup.net/21/ --- Follow Words Of Pope Francis Call To Our Nation In Front Of Congress Sept 2015 --- Required Linking And Holding Of Any Kind Of Respect Decency Upon The Society At Large By You --- and Individually me --- you insult me if you do not intake these words and make them a part of your wisdom wise choices to follow -- from the day you are exposed to me --- forevermore.
May 07, 2019 12:02:49pm
James M Driskill
I know your mind has been blown to the moon --- I know it Doctor --- don't you sit there in silence --- as silence is golden standard --- that is not the standard here that applies --- i call upon this standard from quoted history --- and in that silence --- I WILL FUCKING DIE --- Someone take the reigns of truth, take the rational consideration of thinking paradigms --- tell me that you do not defend the rights of the haters to violate the rights of clients and patients on this side of the interdimensional void of HIV social services and doctor provider care scheme of hate that has been allowed and continued to be defended in a silence forever end game --- this conspiracy exposed terminates asap --- #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #GovernmentSponsoredHate : #HIVUntreatable --- My last care provider at Borrego Heath D Street Medical Center Terminated My Provider Care because of These Discussion Events That occured Within my medical session appointment. [ All documented onto the record with a Vitals.Com Doctor Review --- This URL is very much real --- Facebook takes the directives and processes them as they should --- I am a valid participant in the information society --- I shall be treated with respect ---with dignity --- with validity --- besides on the #1 largest most recognized Social Media Business Professional's Site of LinkedIn, actual "In Operation" company name profiles are valid and active with the word "fuck" contained in them uncensored --- such as [ but not limited to ], "Fuck Cancer", "Fuck Yeah Astrophysics", "Fuck Rassim", and "Fucked Up Design". The use of the internet domain "fuckeduphuman.net" is just an extension that is established on that site of LinkedIn and that standard carried forward to any and all reasons and purposes in any and all business correspondences [ in any format such as this facebook messenger --- that can be web presence public placed and web surface indexed to searching matching and retrieval --- this is true -- technology true --- you all can't hold this model of dysfunction, distrust, bull shit --- fucked up human bullshit any more --- YOU ALL ARE CAUGHT IN THE COOKIE JAR --- PUT THAT PANDORA'S BOX LID BACK ON THE JAR ---- FIX IT RIGHT --- UNITE WITH ME AS A PEACE BUILDER ---- AND WE CAN REALLY GO FIX THIS WEIGHTY TRUTH --- AND REMOVE THE DESTRUCTIVE FORCES OF DISTRUST THAT HAS GONE HAYWIRE --- TO CAUSE --- DIRECT REFERENCE NOT INDIRECT RELEVANCE --- MURDER AND MASS GUN SHOOTINGS.


This link has a written copy of a vitals.com doctor review along with a spoken voice text narrative follow and read along audio media interface --- it is prefixed with a tech spec technology avail to internet domains that most web admins across the net have disabled --- I just so happen to hold this technology called "dynamic subdomain" url addressing active intentionally --- you are binded to and implied compulsory desired/compelled to link to this content - and take that into your brain --- to receive "moral agency" out of your idiotic attempt at culpable deniability. You are trapped --- you are on the hook --- you must repond a response of responsibility --- or be against your hippocratic oath --- harm is being done here --- you choose to defend that harm in silence ---- KILLS KILLS KILLS KILLS by your inaction --- not the proper direction --- that would be actions unbecoming a doctor's care profession -- you would deserve to have you medical licence revoked --- and never given back for your insolence. I am extremely smart --- you don't have the goods to take me down --- you all deserve to be in jail for what you defend here and what you all are morally responsible to have done onto the injury of the hiv community.
May 07, 2019 12:01:13pm
James M Driskill
Once you have done that --- take this NEXT URL into perspective --- stored in that same directory ---- It is an Facebook Messenger Content Connection Correspondence Archive [ Just Like I Can Do With This Exact Window Chat Too ] With Your Facebook Account [ AIDSHealth ] --- This is Fucking Real Dude --- Real Doctor -- The Story Of Truth Must Be Told To A Doctor That Will Complete Their Hippocratic Oath Onto Their Judicial Duty Upon Me --- NO FUCKING EXCEPTIONS ALLOW --- YOU ALL DO IT RIGHT THIS FIRST NEXT TIME --- OR GO TO HELL AND BURN --- YOU ARE AT GOD'S WRATH STATUS OF TIME --- YOU ARE OUT OF FUCKING TIME ---- NO MORE TIME TO WASTE --- NOT ONE MORE FUCKING DAY --- YOU MIGHT SAY I AM JUSTIFIED ANGRY --- HEAR AND BESTOWED THE WRATH OF HUMAN --- YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING LIKE GOD'S UNDERTAKING WRATH OF YOUR SOUL --- YOU ALL HAVE DONE SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG --- SERIOUSLY WRONG --- TIME TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ALL HAVE DONE!


This Link Has Spoken Voice Text Narrative interface For The Full Length Messenger Content That By MouseOver Above The Chat Content Window -- You can use the Mouse Scrollwheel to read follow along while the media player on the top of the page plays the audio spoken narrative all of the way to the end of the page as it was time dated captured --- there is more content into that chat --- and there is now a public posting --=- holding --- that Aids Healthcare Foundation Is Tagged --- Use the Search Box On Facebook To Find and Read My Public Post --- You all don't deserve to be cotteled at each and every step --- you all are not dumb fuck idiots!
May 07, 2019 11:29:39am
James M Driskill
Click On Image To Be Directed To The Real Served URL Location -- An Very High Resolution Image File --- For your review of the truth.
May 07, 2019 11:23:13am
James M Driskill
The AMA Journal Of Ethics Into Your Thinking Process --- An Unprofessional Act Of Desparation Is Weilded Against ME --- You all TERMINATE MY CARE --- and I remain here #HIVUndectible --- because you defend and will not renounce the hate conspiracy and paraidym that has a hold onto your souls to consciencely act accordingly with moral agency to know rights and wrongs here --- you will not disturb the silence ---- For Mark Twain Quotes --- "The Truth Hurts But Silence Kills " --- this is embarassing --- way over the limit when you realize the documentation record that I hold is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the real up human truth, the absolute real up human truth, and I have no doctor provider care in HIV --- YOU ALL WISH ME DEAD --- YOU ALL KILL ME WITH SILENCE AND KINDNESS THAT YOU HAVE CONTEMPT FOR YOUR PROFESSIONS --- Just like The Google Review For Foothill Aids Project Reflects --- The Letter URL --- As It Shows In Preview Form Is Valid - Facebook Accepts This URL VALID --- AND SO MUST YOU !!! DON'T YOU RUN ESCAPE AND HIDE AWAY --- BLOCK ME --- PROVES THE TRUTH I JUST TOLD --- YOUR ROLE INTERNAL OF A HATE CONSPIRACY --- DO NOT GET THIS RELATIONSHIP HERE ON THE WRONG FOOT --- YOU MADE PROMISES AND STATEMENTS OF PRIORITY AND IMPORTANCE UPON THIS LETTER --- I EXPECT YOU TO HONOR IT TO EACH AND EVERY LETTER CHARACTER WRITTEN --- I DEMAND RESPECT AND MY DIGNITY AND MY LIIFE BACK --- FROM THE HATERS COLLECTIVE ELITE THAT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO WIN AND I LOSE --- EVICTED TWICE FOR STANDING FOR SOME CHARACTER MORALS --- YOU ALL HAVE RUINED MY LIFE!


May 07, 2019 11:22:28am
James M Driskill
You are going to have your mind blown right here and now -- you have not updated your facebook content since 2017. It is now 2019. You signed a letter that was addressed to me -- as Regional Medical Director ---- in that one of your doctors was leaving the Upland AHF Location --- I had been getting care there for a period of time --- in that the letter is issued and valid for the record --- I can't have continuous doctor care --- because you all will not let me speak my story and my truth about what has happened --- and that happening is extreme --- by hearing these truths, you would have to then have moral agency to do something about it --- you declare your right to hold culpable deniability by immately stopping such truths from being exchanged from patient into provider and physican concern and care --- you refuse to hold the
May 07, 2019 11:15:03am