James M Driskill
Jun 16, 2021 7:45:22am
James M Driskill
Can we chat?
Jun 16, 2021 7:21:59am
James M Driskill
Mar 28, 2020 2:18:00pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:45:32pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:45:31pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:45:30pm
James M Driskill
I shared your profile photo to my page. Commented onto it. Perhaps you should take a look at the profound placement and comments --- to your liking? Most likely not --- but that is not my fault --- I only do what this site allows --- the features are there ---= so why not use them?
Feb 01, 2020 4:07:40pm
James M Driskill
Jan 05, 2019 1:52:54am
James M Driskill
It starts by an apology at my place face to face for their nonfeasance.\]
Dec 10, 2018 11:25:00pm
James M Driskill
I am sure you have never dealt with someone like me. I am a force to reckon with. Respond to a response of responsibility on to how your clients wish to proceed? Court or reconciliation!!!
Dec 10, 2018 11:24:38pm
James M Driskill
Time for a direction of change.
Dec 10, 2018 11:22:42pm
James M Driskill
Because what is said there is the absolute 100% truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Dec 10, 2018 11:22:28pm
James M Driskill
Have you conducted a Google Search for [ Jennifer Anne Brehme ]

Appearing 4th down the list:

Reference Storage Folder - Fuckeduphuman.net
... Filing A Report of Violations of Privacy Against DCAP will include FAP.html ... [ Jennifer Anne Brehme ]-1.html ยท
TruthFinder - Background Report [ Jennifer ...
You visited this page on 11/30/18.
Dec 10, 2018 11:21:47pm
James M Driskill
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV27hf0PS3c&t=00s -- a YouTube posting in the name of Jennifer Anne Brehme / Foothill Aids Project. Inform your client this is the truth, and that this can all go away if only, if only, if only they choose the direction of reconciliation rather than attempt to scamper away in silence.
Dec 10, 2018 11:20:10pm
James M Driskill
Now Mr. Leahy: I have tagged you on LinkedIn to a set message of how your client is actually acting in community. And you have no response. I have also contacted you here in Facebook messenger and you have no response. I even have contacted you via direct email and still, you have no response. Have you a clue to the reasons why I have contacted you in proxy of the truth? That is because what is occurring has the actual public interest as being a fraud conducted on the American Public. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpPj1vx2nXo
Dec 10, 2018 11:18:16pm
James M Driskill
Nov 21, 2018 1:15:48am
James M Driskill
Email Alternative: Alan-John-Leahy@fuckeduphuman.net
Nov 11, 2018 11:53:21am
James M Driskill
This Conversation Channel Status : Ignored : More Likely The Status You Have Already Placed Upon Me. I call you to the stand to the acknowledgement of this fact.
Nov 11, 2018 11:48:34am
James M Driskill
Nov 11, 2018 11:42:01am
James M Driskill
Nov 11, 2018 11:41:13am
James M Driskill
Connection Closed :

You are Human First, Male Next, Lover Of Life I am Sure Following That,

Alan, A man that has intersected a bear or a bare of life. I am both.


You have some soul searching to do. Hope you find your right way to the glory day. Glory day of your everlasting peace that can't go away. Fear Not What I represent. Fear Not What Has
Been Rumor Said About Me, Fear Not What Change I call upon you to do. Fear Not --

For Listening To Me Will Change Your Destiny.

So too them, they can come along for the ride of the life of the deliverance of glory - a 180 degree change of direction --- that so far they hold the status: [ Travesty In Its Own Way ]:

@Gruwup 2018 :

Great Reasons Us [

(*)Attorney Alan John Leahy Strong Counsels Representing Foothill Aids Project Inland Empire Regional Area Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS Social Service Provider Agency,
(*) Mental Health Program Director Jennifer Anne Brehme,
(*)Client Advocate and Case Manager Status Michael Ray Maynard,
(*)Executive Director Marizta Tona FAP Leadership { Who holds the truthiness of moral responsibility so far classified as Ghost Status },
(*)Leader Of Peace Building Mission / Creator of Adult Consent School Of Thought and Practice / Client of Foothill Aids project James Martin Driskill,

Family here in this home must be included In order of age ranking: { Impression of Influence Of An Operating Working School of Practice and Peace Building Mission Creations - Public Copy Subject to Redaction }

(*)Great Nephew of Client, Shane { omitted } Driskill Age 6,
(*)Visiting Guest Extended Stay Timothy Kyle Ashley,
(*)Nephew Of Client, David Allen Driskill,
(*)Matriarch of @Gruwup Home On Grande Vista San Bernardino CA / Mother Of Client Veronica Ann Driskill

] Will Unite Peace


Ask them back a question, Did Michael Ray Maynard Say He Was Not My Case Manager? When he detached that role, he made his true agenda known, and he holds the key to a man to man conversation I last had with him. Be a man or be a mouse. I am a man and he is the mouse. Ask them who my case manager is? And them if I have ever met that case manager since I reestablished signed up contracted services.

The answer is No. I have the status of NO CASE MANGER. That truth is where I will begin any defense in court to the FRAUD they are perpetrating onto the PUBLIC. This fact alone proves my case for me.

I really don't need to take a obvious defeat of one side over the other of evidence baring to a court, but I will if you force the matter to that welcome release of mercy from a system designed to enable hate and manifest hate onto clients that can't see its shit so disturbing on their face.

Your face is so far full of their shit.
Do you care to wear their shit?
clean your face off and represent truth.
The choice is yours.
You have the freedom to choose the course of life path you ride.

I can't image you have the balls to fight a losing battle -- I win -- by default - no matter what -- you can't be a rational counsel if you don't choose the course of reconciliation instead of court trial. You can't be rationally making decisions like this on behalf of your client's best interest. It is obvious to me and to the logic of the public to view it real. You are in Check-Mate!
Nov 11, 2018 11:41:06am
James M Driskill
Release this conspiracy to status : #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : Or Else It Will Be You! Vindictive? Not! Subject Augmented Conscience Reality of Technology, Mr Leahy. That is what is before you this day.
Nov 11, 2018 10:54:15am
James M Driskill
Your clients already have memespace defined this way -- who is next?
Nov 11, 2018 10:52:50am
James M Driskill
Does that note look CRAZY TRUE ?
Nov 11, 2018 10:51:45am
James M Driskill
The First Appearing Image will Icon This Messenger Content Capsule -- A Time Capsule Of Attempt -- You can see such a capsule of time/event by hoping a ride of archive insanity --- but it works, now right? [ Updated Content I am Not sure What it Will Select ]: http://angelaelizabethkeady.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook/701269307-AngelaKeady/Messenger%20-%20Angela.Keady.html ] A Google Search Results Based on the indexing of content on my site. That works good. Read this content -- the public can.
Nov 11, 2018 10:50:35am
James M Driskill
Have a good day.
Nov 11, 2018 10:46:04am
James M Driskill
You have a "learning curve" and "homework" to do. You can charge your client -- only that -- they take the funds out of the personal accounts, not to the detriment of funds available for clients. If you don't follow up with that directive, and the clients suffer the consequences of that mess they created -- I will break the "Cease and Desist" orders in stages so that you are permanently obligating you to follow through with your intent --- you will have to find "moral agency" first to obligate yourself to the truth. So, when that time comes that you bestow that "moral agency" onto your client, you can find they will commit acts of deception in court of they indeed are psychopaths. - they will be counter-suit personally named as agents of conspiracy. We need a guardian angel and I have been calling for one. @BarackObama signed this nightmare creation that has manifested into this damnation thing we call social services. He signed the Ryan White Care Act extension and in many ways, The FBI and the Government are responsible for lack of oversight. A Lawsuit pending against that agency of #GovernmentalEnabledHate #GovernmentalOversight #GovernmentalLossOfControlOfViolenceandMurderandMasshootings : Please Open and Watch my Presentation Playlist in Full : [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz1C_Xb96UE&t=0s&list=PL9fplPdaPNx-fvh9D24MZoMfJCdzaTmlG&index=2 ] I am the one holding the keys to peace. Get Us Out Of This Mess by becoming an agent of peace and a great strong counsel per #WordsToLiveBy -- it does not matter that you represent your client -- the best interest here is reconciliation -- not court fight. The reconciliation process requires we understand the Secrets --- confession and repentance and forgiveness and absolution --- a meeting affairs of a covenant -- a concord -- a larger case of merit is at your hands of time --- you are responsible -- a human responsible to manifest this to greatness -- if you take the truthiness of that statement -- Have passion for Good -- Be Just at All Times and Make Amends for Follies Past, and With Warm Heart Forgive and Be Forgiven. That is my goal and you can't say it any other mission work -- -I am the one bringing these message to your client -- they refuse to accept -- they want silence to rule the mark -- the greed has taken over their souls ---

a travesty in its own way!

[ I don't know how many times that statement has ever been said, I make the mark, it is never been said with technology best! ]

[ Is the Title Of This Trial Of The Century ] -- if you don't see rational consideration -- the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the real up human truth, will set us free!
Nov 11, 2018 10:40:25am
James M Driskill
Time to get fucking real -- and real it shall be audit-able to hold moral agency true.
Nov 11, 2018 10:22:35am
James M Driskill
If for any reason my server is down , it don't have but can -- you may find these music tracks on Soundcloud -- i am not like any other person that you have ever met, I know that is for sure. http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php?title=OhKindSir
Nov 11, 2018 10:21:41am
James M Driskill
Alan-John-Leahy@fuckeduphuman.net --- a valid email address -- -reply here ok, or better yet reply there to accept your defeat of hate and make room in your now cold still heart for love everlasting --- it is time to actually engage honesty for a change. Here a few songs for you to get a clue to my mission and for the jury to begin --- a new day.
Nov 11, 2018 10:18:47am
James M Driskill
Nov 11, 2018 10:15:14am
James M Driskill
ttp://alan-john-leahy.via-messenger.veteransday2018.nov112018-859am.linkprovidedofdetailsrecorded.notconfirmedreceived.hehasnottheballstocontinuethisstandardofsilence.hemustconceedmoralagency.community.gruwup.net/06A/ : I have the balls, the biggest balls of them all, and they are balls of steal. My balls this time will not bend or break -- they will guide me to past this FRAUD onto the AMERICAN PUBLIC --- and my brain's will --- intent --- will succeed the fear of trying mighty for you to turn around a 180 degrees and FINALLY FUCK THAT SHIT THAT WE CREATED --- AGREE TO DISMANTLE IT CONTROLLED FOR GOD SAKES --- EVERYTHING IN PUBLIC VIEW -- YOU ARE GOING TO BE FUCKED!
Nov 11, 2018 10:11:36am
James M Driskill
ttp://alan-john-leahy.via-messenger.veteransday2018.nov112018-1007am.linkprovidedofdetailsrecorded.notconfirmedreceived.hehasnottheballstocontinuethisstandardofsilence.hemustconceedmoralagency.community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By : Racists, Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Extreme Narcissists don't follow links -- they are afraid and cowards ! To hit a brain of intelligence. They coward when confronted in court -- and I have the further power of technology -- they tell the truth in the end --- but I have extra force of will --- they won't cross the line. They will attempt to be coerced by higher forces of power applied to them to lie --- they won't -- they won't I bet I bet - no one would put themselves into the informational category of Fuckeduphuman.net forever by their own action of deception to the court. To commit perjury has a new meaning here -- a new standard here - a new reality here -- I challenge my technology to the standard is a higher morality, a higher augmented conscience than not having this hook of response to deceit.
Nov 11, 2018 10:08:33am
James M Driskill
This statement above will be comment filed into your TruthFinder Background Check Report -- per allowance of member services. [
Nov 11, 2018 9:50:16am
James M Driskill

The Court Record Will Archived To This Standard

I know you don't have the balls to file against me and pull this into a court magistrate at any level of review. I claim in writing response to your client's extremely off marker email in writing that I received from Ms. Brehme.

[ "Good Morning Mr. Driskill,

Not sure if you recall; our housing department endeavored to help you with various options over the last several months." ]

The options that I have chosen to follow up with documented application was one. I can't verify the status of any other, because I have not paper work for that effort of selected choices yet. I was given 2 choices one I followed through with and the other was waiting for an another appointment time to follow through with that application process, I do believe. The statement above from Ms. Brehme is a false representations of fact.

The program that I actually applied for was a deflection of a program that I actually do not qualify for. Here is the clincher. I had an intake appointment for the shelter on G. Street which the first one, the Lady, Jewel, did not show up for the appointment is as 2pm appointment. I ended up coming back home and rescheduling. The second appointment that I went to, the person to whom I was suppose to meet again, Jewel, was not there at the time of my appointment. Mr Maynard conveniently was on vacation this time. So, I progressed forward to wait there for a full hour with a different staff member [ I don't recall her name, but definitely staff member I can describe her no problem ] to file the application. I proceeded with that application after she had to contact FAP and get my file. This was conducted by fax. Her patience of obvious mis-operational standard, with leaving me wait in a room for this process obviously. I was not leaving anywhere. This was a 10:30am appointment . There was plenty of minutes remaining of the work day clock. She was of course apologetic. So, that is a fact of the confusing way this housing was processed. There is something fishy going on here. The end of the process was to wait for the persons to review the application and get back to me. I still have never received that call back. This is the way one, and only one filed application program was established - That being a program referral by Mr. Maynard to simply call 211 and tell them I am couch surfing / living in my car instead of the facts that they have to provide housing location services -- -in the standard to which I am actually living,. That is housing for independent living, just like it says in the Ryan White Care Act housing section of standards of care. They are not following the guidelines and that my dearest counsel at this point in the game is a criminal neglectful charge - and people die from HIV homelessness -- they don't care and they want to KILL US WITH KINDNESS and no can challenge it, BUT I.

That was what I was made to believe.

I am still waiting for a proper "qualified" and "documented" actual process of housing resources a system of responsible operations that the staff for the housing tasks there are actually operating their job duty. Ah, but they are just ghost positions --- they aren't really working that task. They are bull shitting the day away -- CUSHY JOB IF I SAY SO MYSELF.

They will not comply and follow through with a validated qualified program that I should apply for. They don't even know what the current state of available properties that are open on a waiting list are. They are incapable of housing assistance because they have slack off their years of service to be playing games --- A FRAUD ON THE PUBLIC -- The Google Review Accurate.

Everything given assistance to me has been a ruse --- FRAUDULENT .

What I have that I will have to subpoena Mr. Maynard to the court sworn testimony. That hours [ of 48 hours ] prior to the appointment I had with Jewel at Lutheran shelter, Mr Maynard called me the day before he left on Vacation. Specifically emphasis to be sure to tell them that I was "Living In My Car and Couch surfing" [ a setup ] was being attempted here. To what setup I could not yet know until I filed the paperwork and signed the declaration of truth:

"I declare that the facts on this application are true. If they are not true, that the services that I am applying to would be denied [ of course ] and further assistance services also suspended."

Once I read that clause I realized what this little maneuver was for.

To be able to suspend my right to resources because I signed a declaration. I signed that declaration and than immediately placed into the record of the sms chat conversation that had active present reply back/form conversation from Mr. Maynard.

I told him that I was very disappointed in what was my housing appointment. That I had to sign a application [ mirroring the full intake application form for re-signing up with contracted services of FAP ] . The FAP applications weeks prior, the full intake to FAP services application that 1st filled out accurate to the situation at hand. This living with my mother. My mother has attended every single meeting time session with Mr Maynard. How could I be with my mother as a constant truth every meeting session, and not be living with her. Mr. Maynard, no matter what he has told you ---IS LYING THROUGH IS FRONT TEETH.

This email archived on record:
"Personal Ethics Being Challenged"

This mirroring application that I filed with a different agency entity [ the same form ] was stipulating I was living in my car and couch surfing. [ A Conflict of Truth ] and that this disappointment was not what I desired to have in my case management. Mr. Maynard told me that he was my case manager and then backed out of that role in the last meeting times saying he was not my case manager. He managed to tell me a deception in response to my sms disappointment elements --- "I thought you were couch surfing" and left that conversation to never reply again [ I do believe ]. I am not giving the full and complete account record to you -- you will use those facts against me in court to try to discount my record. My record here in Messenger is archival onto a side domain -- did you know that? -- I will use it as foundation before I proceed to tel the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. I have done this with the Messenger content at FAP on file where? You know that place of emphases of actual content service namespace. I hold one of the most unique cyber-IDs to ever exist on the planet. I will use the tools that I have at my resource, legally applicable for this case.

Further if we go to court, I can store the evidence record, every attorney involved, every judge made to magistrate, every witness called to the stand, every word I have ever written to the standard I know I am right and this situation is full of crap wrongdoing --- I don't need an insiders perspective -- but On Glassdoor there is already established an anti-trust working environment -- of MISFEASANCE and GHOST leadership. I don't make things up out of the thin clear blue sky.

My standard of documentation --- I require new case management standards that gets captured and saved for the record of court evidence testimonial standard -- just like the rest of the world can do.

NO, we are barred from using the tools that best serve us, the client base. Walk in requests and meetings that no one has placed the calendar of events to a journal that has been properly managed [ subjective here : let's subpoena the record to place to a jury --- scuttle scuttle make sure you get it right in a real quick hustle -- get it right -- it should be audit-able to calling clients at will and ask their recalled facts of their case for the record, I will do every single possible option to stop this conspiracy from turning another sand dripping dysfunctional interface from leaving that filled hourglass running to the bottom of the this Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck mess. I write those words to Dr. Howard Newsom in 2007. 11 years ago, Mr Leahy. You are looking at a conspiracy and you my dearest attorney have met your match and I have not a single legal law merit of education lesson time. BUT I KNOW WHAT I KNOW IS TRUE AND FUCK YOU FOR BEING AN ENABLER OF HATE!

I don't trust you can actually step aside and do the right thing. A pandora's box of creation that no one knows how to terminate.

I think you are an agent of hate.

You definitely are the representative counsel for agents of irresponsibility, civil legal liability, criminal legal liability, neglect of case management duty, intentional deceptions of representation to slant an evidence record that is not true.

Both Mr. Maynard and Ms. Brehme are guilty of this behavior.

You are representing agents of hate, actors of criminal intent and criminal activities under the roof of FAP. Since it is you that is on the hook for "moral agency" in the public forums delivery of a tagged posting record chain, of which you can choose to block and it won't untag -- it is forever content crafted creations that remain "affixed" to your face. That face looks pretty dark and deep with a mess on it... what exactly is that on your face? YUCK HUMAN FECES or at least the digital representation of it.

You are stuck with having the deal with the truth, written to a standard that I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life.

I expect that same standard with the care and concern that should be within the agency holding status as being funded by the Ryan White Car Act and frankly this is a fraud onto the American People that the FBI is turning a blind eye to investigate. They, the agency collective are acting as untouchable, willing to commit any kind of act of insolence onto the record if they think no one can challenge it -- mental health their expertise of "mental illness" of me. That is an excuse to not be held accountable. They are the ones who have affected the mental health quality of my life. If not for them [ a collective hate group of elites ] that are in control of multiple agency organizations across the full national order of service providers. That I can prove is true, with grand jury ruling of case already established that Glassdoor reviews and the identities of their authors can be sought out for court referenced testimony proceedings. That evidence is obvious to anyone who takes the time to open their minds up!!!

What is before you is a FRAUD ONTO THE HIV COMMUNITY and the trickling evidence is being made by many others outside of an individual's client's account they testify as "mental unstable" of client who desires to have opinion, voice, control, determinant to retain a life free of haters and dignity released back into any kind of sanity.

They have been getting away with this for decades. When will this conspiracy that is afoot here at the hands of an attorney refusing to see the truth before it is fucking too late. Will you turn a direction of change to fix the system that people of HIV infection are a causality of this system, not a surviving thriving status. When will you actually read what I have on public record, and when will you take that content seriously.

You are treading on treacherous waters, Mr Leahy. I have the balls, the biggest balls of them all to stop this conspiracy in its tracks.
Nov 11, 2018 9:47:23am
James M Driskill
There some real faces to this concern --- we need to fix the policy of the Ryan White Care Act -- not allow more of the same dysfunction -- that they are just doing perfectly fine without a majorly priority needed social correction. NOW OR NEVER Mr Leahy --- the world is watching you.
Nov 11, 2018 3:21:57am
James M Driskill
Nov 11, 2018 3:20:33am
James M Driskill
You have some homework to do. I am finally done with my message expressing the truth to these circumstances -- that if your client did not inform you of -- wow, you are shocked I am sure. If you are aware of this conspiracy -- it is time for this conspiracy negligence to terminate. It is a jeopardy working against the best of the act, it is a fraud onto the public. #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP
Nov 11, 2018 2:37:14am
James M Driskill
This mode of Messenger is not avail in any other sharing tool. You can not deny my freedom of expression --- and continue like you did not receive the truth. Thank you.
Nov 11, 2018 2:35:04am
James M Driskill
I am seeking this status --- [ http://ryan-white-care-act.foothill-aids-project.jennifer-anne-brehme.michael-ray-maynard.alan-john-leahy.desired-doctor.eric.christopher.berger.adinkra.gruwup.net/012-LinkedHearts/012-AkomaNtoso.png ] --- anything less of this is failure to apply peace building models of forum and resolve. You must apply the wisdom of mine onto process and procedure..... I am a school of learning and thought after all. I am looking for a paradigm shift -- like the one mentioned in the Mini Law School YouTube video section Article 12 - a ten minute discussion -- where Legal Capacity is discussed. You must watch that section of that video complete -- that is the standard of excellence interface that I am seeking to change the social services into --- nothing less is acceptable! Do you hear me??
Nov 11, 2018 2:34:03am
James M Driskill
As the #Kramobone Says: One Bad Makes All Look Bad : A Warning Symbol Against Deception/Hypocrisy. This image is placed here in this messenger content: [ http://ryan-white-care-act.foothill-aids-project.jennifer-anne-brehme.michael-ray-maynard.alan-john-leahy.desired-doctor.eric.christopher.berger.emoji.gruwup.net/Prevaricator.jpg ] -- I am a very detailed and media empowered client's advocate. Perhaps you like this technology trick that I bet you never knew exists in url addressing. It is a paper I read a long time back on the define of memes.domain.net --- it works and it is powerfully enough to effect the images set on Google per the text name matching keys. Don't say these will not carry forward to hit your digital record everywhere.
Nov 11, 2018 2:29:36am
James M Driskill
Nov 11, 2018 2:25:14am
James M Driskill
Nov 11, 2018 2:24:56am
James M Driskill
Live Screen Snapshot -
Nov 11, 2018 2:24:55am
James M Driskill
What -- don't trust my domain? Can't wrap your mind around it? This is where we begin --- because you are representing a client that has been in the role of prevaricating. [ http://www.siteadvisor.com/sitereport.html?url=fuckeduphuman.net ]
Nov 11, 2018 2:24:29am
James M Driskill
If you consider that QR scan code links can be broken --- by way of moving content or deleting content from the root directory they currently occupy.... then you will realize that the placement of this store folder can be as temporary as you like to care to move to reconciliation. Once we turn the correct direction --- a move to a peace building model of interpersonal relations -- will the world see that you have an integrity to not attempt to kill the peace builder of the world, me. [ http://fuckeduphuman.net/Organizations/Leahy.Law.Firm/LinkedIn/QR-RyanWhiteCareAct-LeahyLawFirst-FirstInitationIntroduction.png ] - does that domain name not strike a pose of WTF? It should. It only does not serve such a function if the person on the other end receiving such information --- is a psychopath, sociopath, or an extreme narcissist.! Are you certifiable?
Nov 11, 2018 2:22:33am
James M Driskill
If we proceed to court, my settlement of claim will not compromise one single cent. $5,000,000 -- to be able to live free from the haters --- and you all hate hate away to our full and complete collapse of society. Please have a good day.
Nov 10, 2018 11:42:03am
James M Driskill
Second Part --- Causally Damages Claimed Against The Haters Who have Intentionally hold Neglect and Nonfeasance [ Misfeasance? ] for NON-ACTING /. NON-COMMUNICATION / WHEN ACTUAL LIVES ARE AT JEOPARDY, we call this "Moral Agency" and I have "Rule Of Legal Necessity" to break the rules of anything -- this is that massive of a situation --- I will not release the truth to be oppressed by threats of lawsuit. WE GO TO COURT IF YOU DEFEND THE STATUS QUO OF YOUR MORAL AGENCY LOST. You represent your client. Advise them of the facts that they already know. Advise them for reconciliation or else be thrashed to dust by me, the peace builder who knows the truth -- the truth MUST BE PUBLICLY RELEASED AND TOLD! I have a facebook posting to share to you. It relates what is the oppressing force against me to the legal violations of privacy rules embedded in the Ryan White Care Act actors of conspiracy. The latest Glassdoor Review for Colorado Health Network "Stay Away" says it the Truth --- the Google Review for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino [ My very own local office ] says it the Truth --- Are you paying attention to the truth or are you going to believe and pass on a lie? Read In Full To My Associate In The Development Of My Legal Startup School Attempt [ https://www.facebook.com/sammie.francher.50/posts/168376354118000 ]

Nov 10, 2018 11:38:25am
James M Driskill
Mr. Leahy, crossing social media platforms, I have some perhaps good news perhaps bad news for you.

I will not proceed to be bullied into not expressing the truth.

By the suppression of my mission work of peace building and the fact that actual lives are being carelessly and needlessly lost to death by HIV/AIDS disease of a model of social services support that is setup on a hate client to agency interface paradigm that I can define in detail [ in court but for sure it already has it's presence on @glassdoor from others ].

You have a choice on how you want to proceed.

I have the networking tools and the intelligence knowledge to legally defeat you.

But ultimately what is going to occur in that court fight will be something less desirable than the one I pose is a correct course to follow.


There is an introduction letter established in public forum posting on LinkedIn.

You are tagged by linked in allowances of open features -- and I shall --- legally shall -- hold that tagging without a prior connection established.

Something particularly active on LinkedIn, tags are not detached when blocking actions occur as opposed to facebook where tagging is broken when account blocking is engaged.

I also tag the haters involved in this situation that cross from Denver involvements. They are definitely relevant to this situation.

You will not bully me to silence.

I guarantee you will have to kill me by murder first before I shut the fuck up about this conspiracy.

Do not question my resolve of these matters I keep telling every single person I interface with. They ignore my correspondence and have no response. That means there is a secret they won't tell --- and can't say and can't interface normalcy of relations with me. This is wrong and you all know it.


Nov 10, 2018 11:30:13am