James M Driskill
Mar 27, 2019 5:40:03pm
James M Driskill
#HIVUNTREATABLE : Because of a hate conspiracy --- really good going guys [ sarcastically said ] --- you must be insane to allow this to continue....
Mar 27, 2019 5:40:01pm
James M Driskill
Corrected Term : "moni Shigeno, physician of peace builder here, Mr. Driskill. The doctor who has an AMA Journal of Ethics duty and responsibility to repair this relationship " sorry
Mar 27, 2019 11:03:27am
James M Driskill
Mar 27, 2019 10:58:00am
James M Driskill
My Review Submitted:

This is stalemate impasse --- they are the ones in the wrong.

a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock.
"the current political impasse"
synonyms: deadlock, dead end, stalemate, checkmate, standoff; standstill, halt, stop, stoppage, full stop
"the negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse"

There is no way to get the attention to the correction "deal of a lifetime" when haters have taken over the entire spectrum of care here that is affecting the lives to the unfortunate and disastrous results of preventable and unnecessary deaths that occur within the HIV Community across the nation with the affects that are apparent in a hidden secret agenda conspiracy.

This conspiracy is so deep seeded , they are acting as brainwashed and loss of conscience to turn the correct direction of faith, peace, words of pope francis, and general common sense.

They would rather hold to their commanded silence that their afraid that what lurks in this.

This the Pandora's Box they opened long time ago cannot be closed.

The courage must be muster by those on their side because the box can be and must be taken into that consideration path and that we can indeed united close this Pandora's box --- and close it will be forever.

For this Pandora's box actual over effect they did not understand at the time they opened it, was that it was going to create a unstable society memeplex affecting everybody -- them included --- as perril would be to them, it is that standing as a rational undertaking of the social sciences involved. The erosion of trust, this one Pandora;s box left open, is a major but not fully contributor of the erosion of our social trust that leads to murder and mass shootings. I do not deceive the record. I only tell the truth.

Appearing in the Washington Post in October of 2017, an article titled:

"How the Erosion Of Trust Leads To Murder And Mass Shootings"

Someone on their end of this contention stalemate impasse must step forward and claim their role in history. To uproot this system of erosion of trust that has occured by holding onto a hate belief that can't be held to this extreme. You all give up the hate ---there is no glory in the afterworld for causing the entire society to collapse by continued digression down a scape of erosion of trust to our doom, gloom, and full society collapse.

Stand up and be counted --- I nominate for this position the good Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno, physician of peace builder here, Mr Driskill who has an AMA Journal of Ethics duty and responsibility to repair this relationship --- he is the one in the driver's seat --- and don't blame him for stepping forward and doing this --- for he is then one of conscience over you all cowards! A best of excellence can then be bestowed upon the good doctor. YOU GOT TO GIVE UP THE SILENCE -- THE SECRET -- THE HOLDER OF DESTRUCTION -- AND MOVE TO A PEACE TRUST BINDING MODEL OF CREATIVITY --- AND SAFE THIS SOCIETY FROM ANNIHILATION !!!


Mar 27, 2019 10:54:37am
James M Driskill
Oh you are here
Mar 27, 2019 10:54:15am
Borrego Health
You sent feedback to Borrego Health.
Mar 27, 2019 10:54:02am
James M Driskill
*** Note: This Messenger Content Is Being Saved / Archived --- The Static File Will Be Public Retrievable --- I will also place the entire content to Spoken Voice Text Narrative : This File Will Be Stored In Your Current Visibility Web Presence Location [ Which Is Real ] --- For The Public To Know My Effort / Your Silence /. Your Hate ./ Your Role of Evil ! and Pope Francis Tells Us To Not Call Each Other Evil --- But there is no other choice because you are tuned out --- turned off --- disconnected from reality --- disconnected from your God given faith --- tell me why not --- tell me why i should not apply this technology to its extreme --- tell me why you are not a hater --- tell me why!!
[ http://organizations.fuckeduphuman.net/Borrego-Health/ ]
Mar 27, 2019 9:54:39am
James M Driskill
Mar 27, 2019 9:47:05am
James M Driskill
There you are --- do you want to engage a discussion here?
Mar 27, 2019 9:47:02am
James M Driskill
I see that you have not reached the "seen by" yet this morming. This morning is the media pressure to call you down to your knees and beg me to release you in mercy that I actually do care for you --- but you must change --- I am that public pressure placed to direct this to that need. YOU CANNOT BE IN THE MEDICAL CARE PROVIDER FUNCTION WITHIN THE HIV COMMUNITY WITH AN INJURING CONSPIRACY CREATING YOUR EVERY WHIMSICKLE INSANE OPTION DECISONS BASED ON A CONFLICT OF INTEREST THAT THE DOCTOR DIRECTLY LIED TO ME -- I ASKED HIM IF THERE WAS ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST INVOLVING HIS OATH --- IN LAST SESSION --- I TAKE TO THE CALLING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES PLEADING WITH YOU -- CHANGE OR DIE YOUR BUSINESS RELATIONS WITH COMMUNITY HEALTH ---- YOU ARE INJURING THE COMMUNITY AND I KNOW IT! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NNInmLvzypbAwLX5IGN65K0MP9xjhyAg/view
Mar 27, 2019 9:21:17am
James M Driskill
*** You Human There --- Have A Bit Of Content Catch Up To Do Over There **** Be sure to scan every single word, looking for s possible escape route like "This is your last chance" to call the police as I am crazy and a threat ---be that soulless self --- be that worthless crap -- be that --- be that -- I dare you to be that --- when it is obvious that I made complete rational sense. You are the old off the rocker --- and it is me who makes you turn over the and fall of that stoop of a chair --- it ain't a safe place to rock your life away at the expense of other's lives worth --- anymore. Fuck that ! Get on a road of peace!
Mar 27, 2019 3:45:14am
James M Driskill
Just like the good doctor started at [ persons.fuckeduphuman.net ] - you are being started at [ organizations.fuckeduphuman.net ] and your folder content there has this image. Why do you not rationalize the truth? Why because you have hidden agendas to keep secret -- no no no no no no no no no -- that is not the path of community health and wellness --- that is an insane proposition -- don't you agree? Who is pulling the strings -- I want to know their name. I demand to know their name.

Mar 27, 2019 3:37:19am
James M Driskill
FuckedupHuman.net- Knot That Binds Parties Together For Conflict Resolution : You cannot say that my presence in our information society does not service a function --- in that function --- it requires your participation --- but you are stuck in a world of hate -- you can't relate to a man of peace --- and for that your soul will not be great. Your soul is telling you to fix what had been started long time go --- but you won't get over your silence streak., Why are you not responding --- when respond is the root of responsibility --- why are you being so irresponsible onto our communities health /? You are a health care provider without a response of responsibility --- the irony --- the insanity --- the irrationality --- the dirty is you --- and not us --- you are the dirty that needs to be cleaned away --- replaced perhaps -- but definitely remade -- in the image of God's glory -- for God Sees All Secrets --- don't you know? Don't you see where your calling in all of this? Why do you have an addiction to silence?
Mar 27, 2019 3:09:47am
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2019 11:42:02pm
James M Driskill
#HIVUNTREATABLE : I am a human being --- I have feelings --- and heart -- and what has happened is not acceptable by any start --- don't kill me --- because the doctor said --- I am here regressing into my sick bed.
Mar 26, 2019 11:42:00pm
James M Driskill
Time to respond a response of responsibility --- if the doctor is not willing, his web presence will stay forever --- you must take a consideration of firing him --- and getting me a new doctor.
Mar 26, 2019 11:40:37pm
James M Driskill
In Public --- you have moral or ethical option but to repair this relationship -- terminated at the doctor's fault --- not mine -- and proceed forward with the needs of this patient to rid his life from the possibility of haters winning once more --- this conspiracy must be terminated [ in writing ] and I will not accept any lesser standard of excellence --- you all in this blockage disgust me --- but I still here to place reconciliation as a matter of priority --- the community being effected are lives --- and the unnecessary and preventable deaths occurring in the HIV Community --- do you have a heart on the other end of that screen ? Are you a human or a robot --- taking commands without an independent heart and conscience?
Mar 26, 2019 11:38:52pm
James M Driskill
The Review of our has the good [ sarcastically said here ] doctor's personally named url at the domain of f u c k e d u p h u m a n . n e t -- a s -- approved by google. This url "property" has been added to the Search Console --- and that is why they allow the url in the google review. The review also ends with this URL on the review --- you perhaps should link to it -- i have my addresses to all tech giants in this conflict -- that makes the truth known to all --- even if you want to stay there fucked up human and quiet --- to a fault --- you are slaves to this conspiracy --- you speak up -- you get knocked out --- real good doings dudes! you really fucked up!! http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/google.com/Gmail%20-%20Feedback%20---%20Needing%20Assistance%20Of%20Google.htm
Mar 26, 2019 10:44:54pm
James M Driskill
AND THE URL OF THE POST --- THAT IS AFFIXED TO YOUR PAGE --- IS THIS : https://www.facebook.com/borregohealth/posts/1021411927982595 --- AND TAGGED MY FRIENDS --- YOU FOOLS YOU FOOLS YOU FOOLS!
Mar 26, 2019 10:39:54pm
James M Driskill
Once we can agree on a reconciliation, apology and forgiveness --- will I remove the web presence --- the Google Review --- but not the contents yet under the root or the persons.fuckeduphuman.net directory. When 60 days pass and I have been placed into responsible and effective HIV treatment care --- along with others that are effected by this hate conspiracy interface paradigm of social services and [ apparently! ] physician care treatment considerations, will I remove completely the web presence that is at @Fuckeduphuman.net --- a Google Approved URL appears in the Google Review --- As Human Google Eyes and perhaps Ears have listened to me a community member who has been put through the wringer -- -by you all acting badly and wrongdoing --- onto --- the HIV community.

You going to leave the record as it is? Holding you to the public view so extreme? What protects this hate conspiracy to that --- you would sacrifice such a public reputation of the truth? Tell me his/her/ or their names! I demand to know who my adversary is -- it is not you --- you are just a pawn in this scheme of things. You gonna represent your Oath or represent the haters collective elite? Which side do you ultimately choose? Your choice --- you feel free to get back to me --- in any forum that you dare connect with a man with a mission message of peace. Lets unite here and take them all out --- for you are slaves and not free to act on your own conscience. Are you so warped out of the ideologically they speak to not see rational commons here in this message of peace? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWQwxtAW0Hk&list=PL9fplPdaPNx9YrM4WRvoG40Zi6MRG_kjj&index=5&t=00s
Mar 26, 2019 8:24:46pm
James M Driskill
Mar 26, 2019 8:11:31pm
James M Driskill
As the old America Online Blurb Said: "You Got Mail!"

Actually, you have a new Google Review --- just right for the times of reality and truth. Don't say I did not say "Last Chance" and you take that as a threat. How rude and how dare you to call the police and report me --- on your faults. Not mine.

The good [ sarcastically said here ] Doctor to contact me to arrange the written apology as specified under the words I defined and written --- or a face to face apology at the home of this very informational society empowered patient. This when the good doctor will come to rational senses and denounce this hate conspiracy. If you don't do that --- then as "do no harm" is being broken because there is injury to the community at large -- he knows it --- he is breaking his Hippocratic oath. For that, I will report the circumcumstances to the board of ethics in 30 days from today if this situation is not placed upright and morally straight [ a boy scout oath term]. He may indeed just lose his license. Is it really all worth that jeopordy to actually occur to hide this secret? Really? Who Holds Your Freedom if you realize the truth? You are slaves to thjose in holder control of this hate paraidgm. Why do you want to protect them at the expense of yout carrerrs?

This is a detailed account of the hidden conspiracy injury that occurred in Denver and this conspiracy is nationally embedded in the system. Don't insult my intelligence and tell me that this conspiracy does not exist.

Mar 26, 2019 8:03:31pm
James M Driskill
https://www.facebook.com/borregohealth/posts/1020263044764150 -- you see the post is there. Even if you mark it not visible to the page. You fools . you fools!
Mar 25, 2019 10:22:32pm
James M Driskill
Part 2 [ Audio Only At This Time ] is available from this following Link. These are base links --- but I do not a post at POZPLANET that has the detailed prefixed "dynamic subdomain" url addressing. This is a tech spec that is available to internet domains that most domains have disabled. If you look online on this topic, most admins of internet domains complain when this tech config gets activated by accident and they do not know how to disable it.

Well in my case of internet domains, I purposefully have the feature enabled. In such as that is true, it provides a memetic name binding presence in URL addressing.

My posts have the name binding presence of the good [ sarcastically said ] doctor.

Actually, the name bindings have both my doctors [ so called ] who is supposed to have me as patient best interests in view of treatment...


that is not what occurred.

I have Doctor Shigeno and Doctor Nancy Madinger jointed together as responsible to their Hippocratic oaths to

"do no harm" but both of these good doctors are not following their oath and harm has and is being done.

Their continued silence of a great big secret that I can prove exists to at least the preponderance of the evidence just being introduced in parts 1 and part 2 of most recent community addresses.

This uses "dynamic subdomain" URL Addressing of an information theory that has been under development and performance practice for over 10 years based on the scientific presence of memetics.

Memes are to Genes and Memetics are to Genetics.

As there has been and always have been throughout all of human time history genes even though as a matter of human knowledge, that aspect had not yet been taken into understanding and observed by science.....

There has been and always have been throughout all of human time history memes even though as matter of human knowledge, that aspect had not yet been taken into understanding and observed by science...

In that memes exist, memetics the study of memes is a science that is making its way into the lexicon of public knowledge. It is a paradigm shift of understanding as equal to the world is flat / the world is round paradigm. In that those who think this conspiracy does not exist are thinking in terms of the world is flat seeing, the world is actually round and what appears from the over the top sight within the understanding of memetics can easily be defined in terms of individual memes.

The "do not respond" and "silence is golden" meme that exists among the class of persons who should hold moral agency of these truths is defined that you too as Borrego Health are protecting this conspiracy. If you were to read every single word that I have given you --- you would know the truth --- and thus have "moral agency" to know right and wrong in these circumstances. The next meme is obvious ... the "haters do not follow links" meme is related to anyone who intentionally passes a shared link to avoid the presence of mind that they might have to concede an information truth when that truth conflicts with their beliefs --- and concede that perhaps they were wrong to hold such a view --in that "I can't listen to truth" meme, we always will have conflict and never peace.

Is that really what you want to represent here --- but closing the channel here --- that was open to post to view --- now hidden away from view --- my posts --- because they represent the truth and you are not ready to hear that truth. ??


You may access Part 2 of the Audio Address of the contention that directly named you and Dr. Shigeno involved in a conspiracy. Do you really want to avoid this truth and not like to know where legally you are in hot water for your lack of concern or care of "moral agency" onto the collective HIV Community?

[ Audio ]:

[ In Draft Written Text : For Narrative Conversions ]:

You decide how far you want to take this "Silence is Golden" meme to the limit that you already have shown your presence of meme truth --- and you don't realize that everything here is digitally tracked and that the text underneath this text can be in fact requested from Facebook URL if I needed to subenea such a record!!

That is because digital data is not deleted, it is marked as not-important to show. But there is too much to know that I never, never never ever, attempt to deceive. I attempt to define and align the truth -- and the tech giants know in the background what is happening here--- they are listening and they are watching you --- don't be a fool.

memes [ facebook.com : borregohealth : hivuntreatable : doctor-eric-tomoni-shigeno : notify : fuckeduphuman.net : You Are Being Watched ] : We are Tired Of Lies.


Per the Information Hardcopy printouts that I have exchanged over the counter to your business operations, this text is being sent to the email address [ BorregoHealth@FuckedUpHuman.net ] as a copy record of what has been exchanged to you. You have "Moral Agency" to act --- and it is nonfeasance [ a legal standard ] to not act in accordance with truth in these circumstances.

Mar 25, 2019 10:07:55pm
James M Driskill
There are members of the public talking about you --- for what i am telling the public is the truth --- the matters at hand are swinging around to bite you in the marketing pocket book. it is would best be served if you and your doctor followed the advise of the AMA Journal of Ethics and repair and reconcile this patient/physician relationship --- instead of having me to the status of #HIVUNTREATABLE : https://twitter.com/calimesaguy/status/1106411699748261888
Mar 22, 2019 9:24:27pm
James M Driskill
Note: This Facebook Messenger Will be Archived [ Out of the Private View Into The Public View ] at this location: http://borregohealth.the-is-your-last-chance.adinkra.organizations.fuckeduphuman.net/Borrego-Health/ --- There are contents in there already. You did not know that Messenger Can Be Archived? Check This Sample Out: http://borregohealth.the-is-your-last-chance.adinkra.webdomains.realuphuman.net/hiv.gov/FacebookMessenger/hiv.gov.htm
Mar 22, 2019 10:40:06am
James M Driskill
I am DONE! --
Mar 22, 2019 10:34:23am
James M Driskill
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate #HIVUNTREATABLE --- these are the keys to your salvation --- not by killing the gays.
Mar 22, 2019 10:31:49am
James M Driskill
Return my care to real care --- and help me stop these mass shooting by terminating this conspiracy . OK?
Mar 22, 2019 10:30:52am
James M Driskill
Wow --- people --- wow
Mar 22, 2019 10:28:39am
James M Driskill
BTW : This image exists on our information superhighway as a public image. It is not a threat in any manner what so ever. It can't be the reason why i cannot enter your offices --- if that is true the standing you hold --- you are going to hell for lying to the officer that can to visit me -- - you have ot lie to hold this secret true to your beliefs --- and for that you will be going to hell. <img src="https://www.evangelicalendtimemachine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/This-is-your-last-chance-1-300x236.jpg" alt="Image result for this is your last chance"/> -- read the page that this image is from.
Mar 22, 2019 10:28:18am
James M Driskill
What is showing there is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the absolute truth, the absolute real up human truth, the absolute real up human moral truth. So Help Me God -- I do sweat to the court of all court if necessary to break this conspiracy so that the massive gun shootings stop! That is because I am patriotic of this country of the United States Of America and not a treasonous jerk.
Mar 22, 2019 10:13:33am
James M Driskill
Mar 22, 2019 10:11:18am
James M Driskill
Mar 22, 2019 10:10:55am
James M Driskill
Mar 22, 2019 10:10:32am
James M Driskill
This is a youtube playlist --- starting with #WordsToLiveBy [ Circa 1750s ], proceeding to Words Of Pope Francis Call To Our Nation In Front of Congress Sept 2015 [ It is now 2019 ] and then The Washington Post Article that appeared Oct 2017 [ It is now 2019 ] How The Erosion Of Trust Leads To Murder And Mass Shootings. When are you all gonna get your head out of your asses and stop this shit ! The violations of my personal rights to treatment instead of helping me stop these mass gun shootings? When will that occur? WHEN OR WHEN OR WHEN? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJhtKXqdV50&list=PL9fplPdaPNx9YrM4WRvoG40Zi6MRG_kjj&index=4&t=00s
Mar 22, 2019 10:06:46am
James M Driskill
On Wednesday, I went to pick up my last refill of HIV Medication as Dr. Shigeno has "divorced" be from care. This because in foundation there was a conflict of interest on his part to represent the patient's best interest or his best interest in keeping a secret from being told that is among the HIV health services and provider care.

This secret is massive and is as equal to the blatant actions of the federal government into the 1950s known as "The Lavender Scare". When they have to do something in secret, maybe just maybe, they should not be doing it in the first place.

As a part of my knowledge of this truth, my doctor still has not been persuaded to follow the Journal of Ethics recommendations to repair relationships with so-called "difficult" patients, even though my personality would not be considered "difficult".

In fact, it is the other way around, the doctor's ethics are being challenged that he indeed is acting "difficult".

Now, I am not sure how Borrego feels about this issue and whether the doctor's position remaining employed is being jeopardized. I would say, in many aspects, that the doctor is following doctrine or indoctrination that is much greater than a single doctor and a single patient. In that essence, until there is a rod stuck into the spokes of a long time turning of a wheel, that the doctor was following something in a memeplex in his mind that obviously was confronted but that he had in many aspects no choice for his following this. But once he passed the point of time into knowing he was attempting to deceive the history track of the digital footprints on his phone.

See Vitals Saved Review: [ http://realuphuman.net/URLS/6g2a/11/ ]

Even if he knew before, he definitely knew then that he was operating in a mode of deception and is morally unethical in his practices. That would have been a simple I am sorry to correct and move into the position of bringing this review into focus. [ the review displays in this link along with another review from Facebook and a letter of mental health advocacy on behalf of this patient writing this ]

That letter written in 2007 is valid and the advise that is written there by Doctor Howard Newsom is still current since what happened in Oakland once again resurfaced to happen again in Denver of 2016/2017. And in my hometown, I am left to be the victim of circumstance that they can't evict me from my family home. But the pressure of not having a doctor at --- detached from services --- they referred me to the same system I already started with here in town when I arrived here in 2017. That doctor, Doctor Zane and the assistance of helper Doctor [ that is the role he chose to say, Dr. Eric Chistohper Berger. They choose to detach services for the exact same reasons that I am some kind of threat when I said: "there is going to be another shooting" after Las Vegas and guess what there was another shooting. There continue to be these Mass Shootings happening almost every day. They may not hit the news, but they are occurring and why are they occurring, I have that answer.

And now it takes "This is Your Last Chance" to cause the same condition of being treated like a threat when indeed the entire system [ the memeplex ] that I am pressing forces against is the cause of these mass gun shootings.

It is not me that is the threat --- it is you all who are holding this memeplex against me in that you have power over me to call the police to stop me from continuing to have anything to do with me. That is called "Throwing me away" or "Cast Away" or "Discarding Me" In Preference For This Memeplex that is Causing These Mass Shootings.

Really it is the cause.


Moral Truth – Why Does It Matter?

Moral relativism cheapens human life. When morality is reduced to personal tastes, people exchange the question, “What is good?” for the pleasure question, “What feels good?” Rather than basing decisions on “what is right,” decisions are based on self-interest. When self-interest rules, it has a profound impact on behavior, especially how we treat other human beings. The notion of human dignity depends on there being objective moral truths. Instead, we can discard people when they become troublesome or expensive.

and I have nothing further

You all give me back my care to HIV Treatment and you all get your heads out of your asses and help me correct "Lavender Scare II" in that this is a targeted group so-called "The Dirty" that is pronounced to be sourced all of the ways up the chain of federal governance. This to the top the CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Mermin for which blocked me on twitter to discard me too. instead of fixing this disaster that you started in the erosion of trust that is never ending causing #MassShootings and will never stop until you confess the truth to the American Public at large --- and denounce hate --- forevermore.

Mar 22, 2019 10:03:11am
James M Driskill
Mar 14, 2019 4:06:08am
James M Driskill
Mar 14, 2019 4:05:55am
James M Driskill
Mar 09, 2019 4:26:06pm
James M Driskill
Mar 09, 2019 4:25:59pm
James M Driskill
Now I placed control files, these can be posted anywhere... I plan on posting until the Doctor Obliges his responsibility in this matter --- understand ? I am only accepting an apology for this situation in person at my residence address to get the understanding of how serious an infraction this matter is.
Mar 09, 2019 12:47:47am
James M Driskill
i am very serious!
Mar 09, 2019 12:36:35am
James M Driskill
A Disturbing Set of Events Has Made An Impact to note this web presence folder and call recording made earlier today. You ptob should take the 15 minutes to listen to your staff at San Bernardino Client try to avoid the confrontation that is being discussed in this call recording. The call recording is placed accurately to this location. i have not yet created an HTML control file that would place a preview for this call recording to the viewers here on messenger. Shall I? http://persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Doctor.Eric.Tomoni.Shigeno/@BorregoHealth%209094536900_2019-03-08_16-41-09.mp3
Mar 09, 2019 12:22:03am
James M Driskill
Listen to it
okay :) this is for u ok
Mar 04, 2019 4:25:34pm
James M Driskill
What type of unacceptable standards being subject to an "informational quarantine" do you not understand?
Mar 02, 2019 9:06:53am
James M Driskill
By the way --- your individual doctor will not adhere to the AMA Journal of Ethics --- this is a video introduction to what this is all about ---- the base link of about directs to this video ---- --- this is the direct google share link -- If I m place this video onto YouTube --- it will go viral. You just gonna sit there and allow that to happen before you respond a response of responsibility -- how irresponsible of you all. go figure --- typical. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b3_oAzZ0ugpD2BRRxJH2x2aRGm3ax6qd/view
Mar 02, 2019 1:14:00am