James M Driskill
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Mar 22, 2018 4:21:20pm
James M Driskill
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wlBVOQzsgg : #DeleteFacebook #HumaneTech #SchoolShootingMemePlex #WordsToLiveBy Standards Of Excellence
Mar 22, 2018 4:17:37pm
James M Driskill
Mar 22, 2018 4:16:53pm
James M Driskill
I plan on marking your entire web presence to the domains and web presence.... http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/ --- for obvious reasons --- you are a truth denier --- and you don't realize the harm and damage that is created by your content.
Mar 22, 2018 4:15:54pm
James M Driskill
James Driskill
1 minute ago
There is no dust on the Lunar Lander because there is no air on the moon --- no dust settling in the atmosphere. What happened is the grains of dirt that were blown away from the landing area continued their enersia away from the lander and the space of vacuum, they continue the same direction they were set into motion and there is no blow black. This video is so ridiculous --- FALSE -- FICTION ! IF I ask you, you would probably have an IQ Score of 70.
James Driskill
James Driskill
17 hours ago
Artistic Views of the Universe is reality based on the laws of physics. What we can do now, is photograph an electron in motion at a trillion frames a second photography. What this proves is that the photons can be directed out of a Omani-directional optic projector [ LASER BEAM ] projected into an opposite room, tracked as it bounces in that room against objects in that room and then returned back into Omani-directional detection in the origin room that is completely visually hidden from view by walls. This is physically possible. What this proves in the CGI artistic view of space objects..... which in space, there is no air which means photons have a different aspect of physics to the human eye. What we see with our human eye as blue object is actually white light bounced off an object where all but the frequency of opposites color of blue photons are bounced off said object and the blue photons are absorbed. In the case of white and black..... black objects absorb all photons of all frequency colors and white objects bounce off or reflect all photons of all frequency colors. These travel through air on earth and is detected by the human eye because of our eye's magnification biology. In space, our eyes in the spectrum of human visual light range is not images that are captured by cameras. The full infra-red and ultra-violet spectrum are captured. These images, taken by image cameras do not look like visual air captured camera images on earth. That is because in space photons do not travel through an atmosphere. That is why CGI is used as an artistic representation of objects in space --- a full exploitation of the truth. This video is bull crap and worthless as far as truth. It is entertainment value as what is the gullible human nature of human kind that is faked, defrauded, of tricked away from logical sense by rational authority directing actors of what seemed authority figures in a video that are not. Carefully crafted memeplexes of highly active memes are used in this video to depict an alternative aspect of science facts. Apollo Missions can be proven with a high enough telescope directed at the moon that can capture the American Flag that is stuck in the moon's soil in the location called Tranquillity Base Alpha. The American Flag is visible from Earth with a high enough powered telescope. Visit a telescope observatory and ask the museums curator to point the telescope to the moon and the American Flag that is on the surface of the moon in the light area of the surface of the moon. DO IT FOR YOURSELF and see the AMERICAN FLAG STUCK without flying --- stuck like pictures have it --- it will be stuck there permanently unless a meteor hits the surface or man returns to the moon and prepositions or removes the American Flag.

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Binding Knot of Peacebuilding Reconcillation Known As #Mpatapo
Mar 22, 2018 4:14:29pm
Celebrate Truth
Hey James your message is important to me. I'll respond very shortly.

Make sure to subscribe on YouTube for news, updates and more!

Celebrate Truth
Mar 22, 2018 4:14:27pm
James M Driskill
i have been watching your video The World's Most Shocking.... Secret. This is my comment to you..
Mar 22, 2018 4:14:26pm