This Contact Dr. Phil was submitted on site in two parts: FROM: Name:* : Veronica Driskill Contact Email: Cell#: 909-474-7652 : Daytime# 909-882-8759 Evening# 909-882-8759 Are you willing to appear on the show?:* YES Tell Us Your Story Seriously need your help. I am the widowed mother, 75 of James 52. He is gay, Bi Polar and has HIV. James follows you on Facebook and twitter. I believe he will heed your advise and counsel. James has been the target of a hate and harassment campaign within the HIV community twice in the last 10 years. Most recently in Denver Colorado resulting in an eviction and suspension of services. In an online review of Colorado Health Network / aka Denver Colorado Aids Project, at least one past employee has come forward to say they have witnessed illegal and bias business practices. James came home in August. He is working with Foothill Aids Project here in San Bernardino but is slow going. I want written assurance that this will not happen again and the suspension of all services revoked and returned back into proper relationship boundaries. James needs also to be placed back in housing [ subsidized at 1/3 of income ] immediately. Secondly, James is a peace builder. He believes that he has the solution to prevent events such as the Las Vegas Shooting The use of meme and memetics [ a new evolving mind science ] in which he is highly skilled and knowledgeable. These matters of discussion has already been written in an email to the a San Bernardino County Deputy Sheriff which was interpreted as some kind of violent threat. The Deputy Sheriff and police came. I told them there was no weapons in his room and needed a search warrant to enter but one of the men coerced me into letting him into James' room. James would like a sit down with an real true FBI agent authority, Sheriff, to explain and discuss his information technology solution to prevent bad events such as massive gun shooting events in the future. James says if all this isn't fixed by January 2018, he is going to the United Nations to denounce his United States citizenship and move to a different country. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Veronica Ann Driskill San Bernardino CA 92405 Family home since 1970. Address:* 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405 County: * United States Birthday:* June 17th 1942 ------ Thank you Your message was successfully sent to Thanks for your contribution! Thanks, Dr. Phil's Staff