James M Driskill
Greater than 85% true / 15% not true --- in reference to: " To the level to which I have deductive, subjective, and memetically proven a pattern recognizable to fall in line of a predictable [ there is an emoji for this 🔮 ] : Crystal Ball / Fortune Telling / etc - in such a state of observed and documented repeating cycles falling under the same conditions of circumstantial evidence in separate sources, the pattern holds it is predictable and remains a memeplex holding to human behavior here."
May 05, 2020 5:45:39pm
James M Driskill
May 05, 2020 5:42:27pm
James M Driskill
Tell me how this condition exists --- how is this possible?
May 05, 2020 5:41:45pm
James M Driskill
May 05, 2020 5:41:20pm
James M Driskill
May 05, 2020 5:40:12pm
James M Driskill
A simple thank you for liking my post is not good enough. Mr. Scarver and I are our tied connection. You were distributed 2nd tier here on Facebook to the post.

I do not know your relationship to Mr. Scarver but mind is rather tentacled to a history that him and I have on his "defunct active" web project known as "Wikiworld". Perhaps you were [ or can become ] an account on the Wiki interface that is of the same branding source as Wikipedia.

After I placed my writing on this project, he wrote something very profound and placed his remarks that are very unique to that expression. Still no one in my personal circles, including my family, can carry on such a standard of moral conscience.

As mentioned on the homepage, an obligation of sorts to hold an entry for my article. Standard and Practices --- It holds weighty truth the entry on his site under the nameID reference "InTheMindway" matches this facebook account, One in The Same.

Less Visible To A Site Index is what he wrote onto "TheGoodLife" and I request that you read it, share to someone, tell me who you shared it to, tell that person that in the United States of America, such a standard is not possible.

That other person [ one of your trusts you know in real life please - has the obligation to do the same upon this request ].



A state of conspiracy is holding to be proven -- self-evident to the preponderance of the evident standard [ >50% ] to be more likely true than not true. As such is the fact that is not known, I don't even think I have shared this to Mr. Scarver, for me to write something on the internet as a matter standards that cannot be swiped away as something to be complaint oriented "content removal removal" processed on my own set of internet domains... I use this standard. To the level to which I have deductive, subjective, and memetically proven a pattern recognizable to fall in line of a predictable [ there is an emoji for this 🔮 ] : Crystal Ball / Fortune Telling / etc - in such a state of observed and documented repeating cycles falling under the same conditions of circumstantial evidence in separate sources, the pattern holds it is predictable and remains a memeplex holding to human behavior here.

Google Search [ #HIVUNTREATABLE ] to which my HIV DOCTOR terminated services against the American Medical Journal of Ethics the doctors have the fiduciary [ legal standard ] and moral standing to repair difficult physician/patient relationships.

My doctor did not honor that -- details to which go unaddressed - I cannot hold and have an open and honest relationship with my HIV Doctors.

A conspiracy documented for almost 15 years in the structures of a hate paradigm memeplex embedded in the Ryan White Care Act --- started in 1990 and carried as a verbal only pack understanding, not in written policy, that goes unchallengeable -- My HIV Doctor [ Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno ] since this event went down in March of 2019, somehow in view of a veil of secrecy and washed his hands of me to proceed to actually file a harassment charge against me in court for following #WordsToLiveBy [ source 1750s ] to their full course work here, an truly imperishable record cannot be held but to the best ability here - I hold a personal live life journals of a man hated on from the haters run-a-muck internally of the Ryan White Care Act that will never never ever ever stop hating on me. This is systemic and condoned to be a hate conspiracy all of the way up to the top of the chain. It is against the law, as the ACLU states it, for govenmental accounts to block citizen's on social media. Tell me why, how is it possible, without a true conspiracy instead of a delusion of my mind, how is it possible to be blocked on twitter from the government account [ hiv.gov ] as a secondary insult that the CDC hiv doctor previously blocked me on twitter -- and the clinic to which my doctor belonged has a twitter account [ @BorregoHealth ] also blocked against me - my doctor had the responsibility to read the tweet initiated to Dr. Mermin - he refused.

For all of the time my doctor terminated his serviced and I am left unable to hold the truth record to the authority of "legal capacity" standard to proceed with a complaint,

Doctor Shigeno was refilling my medication regime for this past year and 2 months even though I the part of ongoing blood tests are omitted in this process. As it must be stated for the record to causes this break is under the writing "Terran Imbalanced Interpersonal Relations"

I assume that you actually took the time to listen to the call recordings made today to the record.

A serious of unfortunate events here leads this to a now conclusive death.

Doctor Shigeno died on April 10th 2020 at the age of 45 said to be complications of a stroke.

I now at this point in time, a complete severe separation of my ability to obtain medications, a condition of unresolve forevermore dunce.

I must seek remedy by heading to the United Nations to denounce my United States Native Born Nationality to change my country of citizenship to some other country that does not allow, intentionally allow, the haters to win. That is the truth.
May 05, 2020 5:39:57pm