James M Driskill
I am reaching out both private, public on facebook, and public email archived on my website. When shall I expect a response?
Jul 09, 2018 9:55:41pm
James M Driskill
With Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface --- I have had one chat with Suicide Prevention Lifeline services --- how many will it take to get a respond that is appropriate to my case that the haters will not win again --- and win again will be the suicide of James Martin Driskill? [ http://inland-empire-hiv-planning-council.webdomains.realuphuman.net/suicidepreventionlifeline.org/WebChat-July042018.html ] --- I am DEAD DEAD SERIOUS I WANT A RESPONSE BY THE CLOSE OF ONE WEEK BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST 2018 THAT PROPERLY ADDRESSES THE ISSUES AND THAT I CAN FAITHFULLY TRUST THAT I CAN GO ANYWHERE AND NOT HAVE THE HATE BOMBARDED UPON ME! WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH THAT PARADIGM ?
Jul 09, 2018 9:54:57pm
James M Driskill
Are you really there 24/7 ?
Jul 09, 2018 9:51:39pm
James M Driskill
If you want to hear my comments --- respond to my emails -- respond to the predicament that goes against me --- that I cannot live out on my own without hate being targeted at me... It has happened twice from the point of view the end game has been my eviction from the community in which I was living in. I am now living back in my childhood home, being forced to have to live with family.... because this is the fact:

The source has been the Ryan White Act Funded Social Service Agencies!!! I need a promise --- in writing --- that this is not the standard I should expect anywhere I go... for on Glassdoor, the employee reviews for the agencies are full of reviews that are negative reflecting something disturbing is wrong with the system nationally. And I am back in my hometown and @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project] is one of the reviews that I am talking about.

Are we just going to ignore those facts and give no response back upon me?

I want a response properly addressed to my case actual history and why hate is always targeted at me!!!

Jul 09, 2018 9:51:12pm