James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:50fd:19de:3fad:9aee
Jul 09, 2016 11:53:29pm
James M Driskill
oh you got to be kidding -- you are one of these bull shit sexy ass bitches ready to try to rip me off -- I am gay lady -- your profile style is so so predictable -- your lost to your world that you think this is going to be your sanity -- to connect -- friend --- scam -- cut and then run? TAKE WARNING -- your abilities to do this -- is slowing but for sure -- will not be here much longer on this internet of yesterday. The Internet of tomorrow is actually already in transition to nullify this ability out of existence. [ http://freetrust.org/ ] : WikiWorld is a proposed FreeTrust pilot demonstrating the next generation internet where you are in control of your user interface, your personal information and are rewarded for your participation.

Visit http://FreeTrust.org/

WikiWorld aims to add value to FreeTrust with DApp collaboration tools capitalizing on synereo social contracts and eris smart contracts for joint authoring (like fedwiki.org plus google docs), task management and group decision support.

WikiWorld is seeking funding with Proven Secure Solutions through NIST, DARPA, and is currently promoting the idea of a public sale of a Gold WikiSmile currency to fund development. Among the other uses, Gold WikiSmiles will be tradable for AMPs, an attention currency powering the network and rewarding participants.

Click for the newer temporary WikiWorld community development ==

Any groups sympathetic with the WikiWorld principles is welcome to participate with WikiWorld in the FreeTrust pilot.

The following is the currentarchectecture being promoted.

FreeTrust Solution Brief: (not up to date)

Synereo next generation distributed and decentralized system platform with social networking that puts security, identity, and privacy management directly under the purview of the user which will be integrated with User Managed Authorization (UMA, gluu) in the national identity ecosystem and BitCoin Block-chain identities employing Ethereum smart contracts and factom data layers.

Formal social contracts in Synereo based on the pi-calculus, particularly those related to information disclosure, which are enforced within the social networking environment, will be exported to UMA rules and block-chain identities, using smart contracts and factom data layer for social contract information when necessary for consensus or is the prefered interaction interface of the user. Trust circles are built from the bottom up to organization. Application to financial transactions will be demonstrated by integration of Counterparty.io functionality.
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:50fd:19de:3fad:9aee
Jul 09, 2016 11:50:53pm