James M Driskill
You invited them to join a room.
Jun 10, 2022 3:49:08am
James M Driskill
O-O-O-THE-HUMAN-THAT-RIGHT-NOW-HEARS-THIS-WARFARE-ACTIVE-(Download-ShareOffline)-HumanityCompromised : #NationalSecurity #Serious #Trutha
#StopGangStalking -- The Cause -How and Why?
Underpinning cause of collectively cumulative actions affects the trust/social trust of our society! [ Expands to Full Collapse ]
We Are Under Attack By A Tool Used for WAR! #Weapon #War #InformationWar #SocialTrust #TimesUp #Policing #TheBlueLine #Mpatapo #Kramobone #Nyansapo #Nsaa #FuckedUpHuman #TheSocialContract
Dec 20, 2021 5:46:59pm
James M Driskill
Chew on this
Dec 20, 2021 5:46:58pm
James M Driskill
Official: Gang Stalking is Real!!

The truth asserted in this comment has an published research analyzed to result findings published on the National Institutes of Health. .


Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study

Monitoring Editor: Rita Kukafka

Reviewed by Jun Wen Tan

Andrew Lustig, MD, MSc,#1,2 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#3 and Daniel Hunt, PhD


The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking.

Keywords: internet, discourse analysis, psychosis, delusions, linguistics, language, online discourse, corpus linguistics, computer mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealth

The research findings holds that gang stalking is real. Also found is the proven false that targeted individuals are suffering by mental illness, paranoia, and mass delusion.

We have a problem in the United States.

We have an hidden world of gang stalking.

This activity is extremely harming in intentional assaults in mental abuse / mind control methods.

This is sourced as a secret hate agenda against Targeted Individuals.

Much of this activity is invisible harm being intensely done.

The end game of thee informational warfare is the complete annihilation of a human life, to ruin a person even to death.

There appears a legal definitions video under the title:

What.ia gang stalking?

by LawDepot.com.

My mother and I are preparing to walk together from our family home to the Los Angeles / United States Office.

Main Sharing Topic of Interest Community Sharing MEME asdress:



------[ folder: lawpot.com ]----


-----[ Folder: Request For Help From Google / Comments via Feedback ]----



May 29, 2021 3:00:27pm
James M Driskill
Sep 07, 2020 3:19:16pm
James M Driskill
This VIDEO SHORT is ONE-STEP AWAY from BEING POSTED ONTO YOUTUBE. Currently it is being offered to you here --- to reflect your conflict-avoidance stance --- DO YOU REALLY WANT TO HOLD THIS CONTEMPT YOU SHOW FOR RATIONAL INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS?

Mar 25, 2020 2:21:25am
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:56:35pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:56:34pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:56:33pm
James M Driskill
Aug 31, 2018 7:27:31pm
James M Driskill
Aug 31, 2018 7:25:42pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 😱.
Aug 31, 2018 7:25:36pm
James M Driskill
You changed the chat theme.
Aug 31, 2018 7:25:29pm
James M Driskill
http://george-mark-adsit.James-Martin-Driskill.conspiracy-exposed.conspiracyexposedterminatesasap.webdomains.realuphuman.net/fapinfo.org/mmaynard@fapinfo.org/ExposingTheConspiracyTruth-ThisIsARecordOfMyMissionWork-IShallNotBeIgnored.html : This is a community sharing URL that I am passing upward into the view --- you can share this upward in your name or change the name to the person you are directed this URL to. It is an hour presentation audio including the George Mark Adsit SMS conversation of hate that went down --- where he was a paralegal. You may find the entire presentation very interesting to listen to and share. Please. Thanks
Aug 31, 2018 7:19:09pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 26, 2018 1:19:35pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 20, 2018 10:45:05pm
James M Driskill
Are you proud or ashamed to have that conversation documented onto the record let alone that it was documented --- but then again where it is being stored on the web. Do you want to change this condition of holding --- and get this matter reconciled so I can move on and nullify the record presence here on this network. You are not an innocent lamb ---- I want to know the name of the man. If it was confirmed to be Villalobos, please confirm that fact ---- I really would like to know why the community involvement to stop but are incapable of controlling its hate members attacking other members in the community. This is a embarrassment upon the circumstances as a whole. The matter is showing itself exposed --- for all of the world to know the haters collective elite that is under the roof of the Colorado Health Network with these Glassdoor reviews. That is not the only problem Glassdoor review I have found on the web --- region to region to region, there are worse ones showing. What say you? Please answer my query to whom it was that directed you into communicating with me? Who was it please.
Aug 20, 2018 10:45:00pm
James M Driskill
Would you please please please reveal the person who it was that directed you to contact me and generate this chaos of confusion onto my life space tenancy?
Aug 20, 2018 10:35:36pm
James M Driskill
Mr. Adsit: Our hateful sms conversation that transpired on your mobile number 720-313-1459 is still filed on my network --- and will be filled on my network --- for the long term --- unless you come to the terms of why you actually engaged in this round-a-bout hate diatribe spew of gutter talk against me. In that you can refresh yourself to the memory of the conversation, it was at the time transcribed to spoken voice narrative files, in 3 parts. Listen to Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3 --- while you are sober and holding an intelligent mindful view of these audios ---- and find where the logic is ruined from a standard flow of a conversation. In that diversion of standard flow..... it was you who diverted that conversation into the gutter talk. Not I.

I did not direct or navigate that conversation to a particular outcome plan. it is on record as being the most unreasonable conversation that I had ever had in an 11-month hate and harassment campaign targeted against me. This target source at this point of time, dating back a year ago July is showing the source of the hater --- the puppeteer ---- to be someone in the top tier leadership of the Colorado Health Network. I named my harassing puppeteer on July 5th 2017 when in front of their office outside, Mr Villalobos acted strangely out of an disinterestedness presentation of behavior -- meaning not having impartiality in the courier role of delivering to me a 6-month suspension letter of services that I did not even know existed. What is written on that letter to justify suspension --- NEVER HAPPENED.

I actually walked out of the office door on my own choice action and was never asked to leave due to a disturbance in the office that I created. So I did not know about this letter that was being uncharacteristically shoved at me while I was down on the ground kneeling and Mr Villalobos was at a standing position. A matter than he could not wait until I stood up like a man and had my standing presence awareness manhood eye level to exchange this so called truth suspension letter.

That uneven standing shoving action showed bios and seething hate that permeated into overriding Mr Villalobos patience of normalcy. This is where I named my puppeteer. I have him identified real --- it is noted in soundcloud sound audio posted in the name of my case manager: [ https://soundcloud.com/user-747583484/angela-elizabeth-keady-of-denver-colorado-you-have-allowed-hate-to-win ] which you can OK GOOGLE on your mobile device with the soundcloud app installed with:

Aug 20, 2018 10:34:41pm
James M Driskill
This is a page archive of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council organization that is in my hometown here in San Bernardino. The conspiracy that I have been living with is placed to the standing record here [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/facebook.com/IEHPCSupports%20[%20Inland%20Empire%20HIV%20Planning%20Council%20]/Messenger-ArchiveJuly072018.html ] --- Follow the instructions on the page to read the messenger archive conversation complete and the page content that follows the facebook messenger portion on this page. Thank you
Jul 07, 2018 4:30:39am
James M Driskill
I finally have possibly an avenue of voice to my story [ that involves a call recording mentioning Sammie Francher ] with the contentious "intractable conflict" wicked problem with HIV/AIDS Social Services. On July 14th 2017 I captured a CALL RECORDING with my Mother that I placed from the Sables in Jefferson County that I invited Darrell Virgil, Executive Director of the Colorado Health Network, at my expense for an hour horse ride. He failed to show up for this affair. Therefore, he lost his ability to show his independence of this #ConspiracyExposed. That call recording with my mother, verbally reads the final defeat email that I wrote to Sammie Francher, that should be in his email account but somehow he lost access to reach your inbox. [password issues] This call recording is made a part of the record on twitter DM [ direct message ] to @LinkedInHelp that they finally responded so they claim [ interested in this issue ] but there is a delay in their researching this matter according to their open help support case. I am providing external links to this case for the general public's awareness of these issues. PLEASE SHARE THIS AWARENESS VIDEO to your networks, family, friends, and buddies and perhaps even your enemies as so wide as possible to force LinkedIn help to actually follow through with what they responded too, in case#2 after case#1 was outright deleted/censored.

May 20, 2018 5:51:34pm
James M Driskill
Yes I know --- write poetry -- directed to County Supervisor Politic Representative -- as a means to an end --- The poetry in written real time email spaces..... no shit, no excuses, no holding back.... only truth to the record of all records absolute. Then these words taken into then Animated View Crazy Talk 8 presentation -- graphical character actor rendered presentation --- quality of production --- poetry meaning has lasting preservative to hold on to sanity mind.. Suicide is not an option for the world at hand. Homicide also said to be avoided. Here is that video final production. Please open and watch, listen, and pay attention. Thank you. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4LCAewA-bQ&feature=youtu.be ] : 7 min 37 sec video.
Apr 01, 2018 3:50:36am
James M Driskill
Dec 20, 2017 11:26:25pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Dec 20, 2017 4:08:18am
James M Driskill
Dec 20, 2017 4:08:17am
James M Driskill
Is this really the way you want to leave this?
Dec 20, 2017 4:07:39am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Dec 20, 2017 4:07:05am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Dec 20, 2017 4:06:15am
James M Driskill
This phone number in current operation by George Mark Adsit is probable involvement in #ConspiracyExposed at the Colorado Health Network by the engagement of the following recorded and documented Sms text conversation that has been placed also into 3 parts spoken voice text narrative. The files to these data detail records are found under the phone number data directory: [ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/ ] and the contents of this directory link listing is included on this PUBLIC INTEREST EXPOSURE BUSINESS PROFILE RECORD : [ http://denver-colorado-aids-project.business.site/ ] --- I have asked Mr Adsit Several Times in Both Private and Group Conversation Forums if he does not mind leaving the record of this etched to cyberspace as it is under his real name. CAUTION! The details contains very disturbing statements of hate bias direct from Mr Adsit to the owner and operator of what was attempted, the Awesome Kramobone Playroom Adult School. This #ConspiracyExposed will be documented at each piece of where the persons involved in #Conspiracy are prevaricating and protecting the haters collective in a #ConspiracyCoverup..
IP Address:
Dec 20, 2017 4:05:24am
James M Driskill
The Comment on the Phone Number Record did not stick.
Dec 20, 2017 4:02:33am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Dec 20, 2017 4:00:48am
James M Driskill
Dec 20, 2017 3:59:59am
James M Driskill
Mr Adsit: Within Your Truthfinder Reports Both under your full name and the phone number you used. Link 1 : [ https://www.truthfinder.com/dashboard/report/129756/person/6e79a0ed-2949-4a1a-932d-e1d356c05801/?search-first-name=George&search-last-name=Adsit&search-state=CO ]
IP Address:
Dec 20, 2017 3:58:41am
James M Driskill
Your WebFiled Memespace Archive [ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/ ] To all time human history it shall go.
IP Address:
Aug 26, 2017 11:44:51pm
James M Driskill
Are you ever going to explain and explain why this occurred? Your role in #ConspiracyExposed is showing yourself --- that I know -- you are more than you are saying -- you are involved not separate of it.
Aug 26, 2017 11:43:28pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 26, 2017 11:41:12pm
James M Driskill
Thank You Donnie for following this --- btw --- I have moved back to San Bernardino for the time being. My mother has had an major incident of thoughtlessness of this family. You may not remember my grandmother being here and living with the condition of Macular Degeneration. As it is right now, my mother is at the very first stages where print media and other such reading materials are beyond eye wear magnification. That does not mean she can't read. That just means that she has not been given the options of learning tools of our society to read. In part, this is her fault. In part, this is my father's fault. In part, this is my brother's fault. I am here in San Bernardino to make some corrective imperatives, understandings and commitments to the future of my mother living from 75 to 94 with this condition slowly degradation to complete darkness of her eyesight vision. in 2013, she was still driving. The day she left the car was the day she should have engaged my concerns to bring these tools into her daily routine. She has failed herself first. She has failed her mother's role model of intelligence. She has failed me. The degree of this failure she still has not quite grasped the cliff of dysfunctional living and institutionalized care she was on course to fall into an abyss. She still is currently in the status state of elderly self-induced "functional illiteracy" for which I do not even know if there are statistics for such occurrences. But in a book titled "The Encyclopedia of Elder Care: The Comprehensive Resource" a quote from that book... [ https://books.google.com/books?id=68Sw_VEUORAC&pg=PA637&lpg=PA637&dq=elderly+self-induced+%22functional+illiteracy%22&source=bl&ots=NcFRHRR_bt&sig=lco32m-zYjq0Stl6SXy9_UD9PU4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjh9aOn3vbVAhXlsFQKHdZ7AB0Q6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=elderly%20self-induced%20%22functional%20illiteracy%22&f=false ]
IP Address:
Aug 26, 2017 11:40:33pm
James M Driskill
You are one hell of a character to have to give thanks too here.... but I will because you are showing yourself to be following this. Thank you for following this topic here to be marked at the bottom of this conversation. My two former members of my boy-scout troop Billie and Donnie Schultz also have followed me to this point. This piece was sent to ALL FB MESSENGER connections. I am giving thanks to all that have followed me on this topic. Both Donnie and Billie where given details and more involvement to the fact of my mom's inability to read. This is what I wrote to them today -- as it applies to your thank you here too. You really need to answer me the query -- who sent you into my life. This is what I said to my boyscouts.....
Aug 26, 2017 11:40:21pm
James M Driskill
convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Would you please give me a favor would youIf please please please do me a favor and email


Please tell them that you know me for a long time as far as being Facebook friends many of the outgoing list are real face to face real life acquaintances of friends. Please tell them to read their email from James Martin Driskill and please tell them to respond to my email. Please tell them I need a meeting with the United Nations in New York during my next trip to New York or please tell

Have a representative meet my mother and family in the city of San Bernardino.

With a civil rights attorney lawyer present that will be a part of a civil suit against the stated parties 5 million-dollar lawsuit for the violation of my rights and an eviction once again.

Please tell them to confirm that they have received the email from the email addressrs


I will be doing a Facebook live 24/7 or at least 24 hours 4 Fourth of July independence day so I'm going to start that Facebook live for a 24-hour period starting at midnight. That is my intention at least.
Thank you.
IP Address: 2600:100e:b00d:62aa:70e3:7e6d:ae08:f87d
Jul 03, 2017 7:50:11am
James M Driskill
Web URL :
[ http://www.globalresearch.ca/now-only-rational-thinking-can-save-the-world/5584987 ]
IP Address: 2601:282:401:8240:4525:6f71:d79d:bde7
Apr 22, 2017 12:27:23pm
James M Driskill
Now Only Rational Thinking Can Save the World!
By Andre Vltchek
[ http://www.globalresearch.ca/author/andre-vltchek ]
Global Research, April 14, 2017
Theme: Culture, Society & History
IP Address: 2601:282:401:8240:4525:6f71:d79d:bde7
Apr 22, 2017 12:27:15pm
James M Driskill
I had to send this to you!
IP Address: 2601:282:401:8240:6c70:bf6f:8d65:4521
Apr 11, 2017 9:13:25pm
James M Driskill
in order to clear this mpatapo binding knot of reconciliation -- you must communicate to me truthfully
Apr 03, 2017 8:03:09pm
James M Driskill
Apr 03, 2017 7:55:30pm
James M Driskill
auto-redirects to
Apr 03, 2017 7:55:29pm
James M Driskill
James D 42m
also related links:
http://gruwup.net/[Persons]/George Mark Adsit/
Apr 03, 2017 7:54:52pm
James M Driskill
this report shows additional links: as
Apr 03, 2017 7:53:35pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Apr 03, 2017 7:28:56pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Apr 03, 2017 7:26:34pm
James M Driskill
Apr 03, 2017 7:25:27pm
James M Driskill
Feb 02, 2017 9:46:35am
James M Driskill
Feb 02, 2017 9:45:52am
James M Driskill
Feb 02, 2017 9:45:45am
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:401:8240:d126:4d09:4cc3:3511
Feb 02, 2017 9:45:03am
James M Driskill
Feb 02, 2017 9:44:24am
James M Driskill
Feb 02, 2017 9:42:13am
James M Driskill
Feb 02, 2017 9:33:28am
James M Driskill
Feb 02, 2017 9:33:16am
James M Driskill
http://awesomekramoboneplayroom school/Sex01/
Feb 02, 2017 9:32:54am
James M Driskill
Mr George Adsit:

You do know that we had a very hateful exchange last March an SMS. Exchange and the language that you used has been placed onto the web properly defined as:


This contains and MP3 audio of our transcript SMX text just spoken voice narrative in three parts contain in this folder. Yesterday I have decided that hateful conversation name pacifically named your real name named published media file for the awesome kramobone playroom. You are definitely welcome to listen to the entire thing.

It's in there!

This media is publish status as of yesterday published for any and all use. If you are not going to issue me an apology for such real occurrence conversation that you engaged with me last March to get rid of and remove this folder from the web its contents then you must pay me this fee of $25 as a gratuity to prevent me from continuing Distributing this published media. If you pay me this see I will remove your folder and remove this transcripted details from this audiophile and in this shortcut. Otherwise if you do not care you absolutely do not care it will remain online for the real of human truth all that is human history two all-time human history. It has your real name and your real truth finder report inside contained encapsulated in the truth proof. Good day
IP Address: 2601:282:401:8240:6913:f97a:a5a4:5304
Feb 02, 2017 9:31:40am
James M Driskill
You requested $25 from George for Making Amemds for hateful sms chat.
IP Address: 2601:282:401:8240:6913:f97a:a5a4:5304
Feb 02, 2017 9:08:08am
James M Driskill
Hey I mean it are you listening? Why Mr Adsit did you have this SMS conversation with me? : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a402:6ced:4e8a:b51
Dec 13, 2016 6:53:16am
James M Driskill
Hey I mean it are you listening? Why Mr Adsit did you have this SMS conversation with me? : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a402:6ced:4e8a:b51
Dec 13, 2016 6:51:00am
James M Driskill
This is a call recording unedited will my mother. I have an open agreement to be able to publish all call recordings with my mother for now going on about 6 months. The call was interrupted by Marcus with g at the end and I have an acknowledgement I can publish this recording in the real time. The file from the call recording was filed with his name contact. This conversation and situation is very much real. Who is going to save me from Shanti service or Silence of Death?🤔 @RealUpHuman 2016 : I have the right to be angry period question mark exclamation mark. In this fight there's not much that I'm embarrassed from from 4share for sure. 😢😭😭🖖🎗🌈🖖⛺
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a402:6ced:4e8a:b51
Dec 13, 2016 6:41:35am
James M Driskill
The calling of these circumstances as a never ending. Conveyor belt on an assembly line.... that ending ride of malicious packages of people set into destruction chaos and Calamity ... .

That.most everyone set into a state of meeting new people in our neighborhood . I'm actually being greeted by persons of Immortal agency IDs actually a wolves in sheep's clothing time after time after time.

As the story progresses through January my car was stolen and March two real world identities are found by bow enabled Truthfinder background checks.

(1) George Mark Adsit proceeds to involve himself out of my seeking this action to connect to others. Basically March is when I shut down everything to be washed away violently manipulated into circumstances I do not deserve and cannot assert any kind of actual boundaries to hold respectful. Documentation originally source name filed under his phone #. 👎

This is very hurtful hateful and exploitation into being mentally abusive...



Text writing documented and saved from composition into email - web browser ui - html pages saved.

12-Mar-2016 21:18 1.1M

This text has been directly switched into communication mode vocal instead of received sms text messaging by free mobile app : Voxdox into three mp3 audio segment parts.

( Part 1 of 3)

( Part 2 of 3)

( Part 3 of 3)

Should there be any kind of consideration that this conversation appears exactly word to word received and exchanged in sms transits is reality based and not some kind of original source writing fiction storytelling fantasy of my creations. It is non-fiction onto reality based human involvements conversation.. . The trust would be if I need a certified court integrity certified transcript to present onto a jury.. Google could provide such truth record. My online reference of copy source is from Google Voice.

Please open and listen to this in spoken voice in conversation progress starts showing its hate trueness onto PT 2.

This is filed on site under his real birth given name - no accountability or care or concerns . Legal presence of published record name associated to him fullly informed consent disclosed to him. No accountability of reasons why this took place and no interest to remove this holding binding to him.

We call that malicious activities agency working present with impunity to change or remedy this at a distance. This on to itself is disturbing.

This indeed has happened in the many weeks to months past about life condition of chaos involvements to pierce through the walls into the living breathing space inside of apt 112.

A conspiracy has unfolded itself to unravel finally. It has been exposed on my life is actually sourced participants internal of this building not outside independent agents.

This has played itself out unmanageable from my POV into making disturbed diffusion of basically all aspects for my life into shambles -- my status status of truly caring to be straightening up and cleaning cleanliness of my apartment has suffered unto this as well. It's oblivion consequences.

Observant in my text messaging is the status to others that would be determined that my front room is off-limits to visitors as any kind of relaxation space of occupancy.

Everything was piled up high and mighty to prevent anyone from disturbing and disrespecting my wishes insignificant of the condition of my front room spaces occupancy.

The presentation there built intentionally basically bars anyone from there hanging out... bulk items stacked up to any possible siting space visiting.

I have not really had a need to fix it back to a nice presentation this as originally oriented as a community sharing space of also being materials presented as a Learning Center School.

This destruction of my life choices was many months ago.

The ultimate decision time I had put no visiting guests allowed here was when invited visitor guest coming here over the past 2 or so months into my space when something unacceptable occurred.

(2) Bobby Gordon cousin of Sammie francher hits me in the face at some fun time for him of any sort of decent hour to conduct physical violence inside my residence at 2:15 a.m.

A challenge to my authority in my own space. I proceeded to go on to BlogTalkRadio and record a live broadcast to no real true outside participants live audi
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:f43b:a3b5:7acf:8f79
Nov 06, 2016 9:41:09pm
James M Driskill
J Martin Driskill
11/5, 8:59pm
J Martin Driskill

Rocky Mountain CARES was mentioned in a post.
J Martin Driskill
Yesterday at 4:39pm · Denver ·

This is a YouTube Video Playlist

[1] CONFIRM the understandings that are needed here. You must reply please.by J Martin Driskill 2:00:31

[2] As an USA Citizen, ability to live truly free pursuits of happiness elusive - exposed conspiracy by James Driskill 29:08

[3] 'Mind Uploading' & Digital Immortality May Be Reality By 2045 : Michio Kaku by Military Channel 5:55

[4] Rental Housing Network Show w/ Attorney Todd Rothbard
by RentalHousingNetwork 26:01

[5[ Pierre by sbcooler A Carole King Tune. Enjoy! 5:39

tagged: #RockyMountainCares : #PillarPropertyLLC

Rocky Mountain CARES : Denver Colorado AIDS ProjectProject

Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc

Metta World Peace : Magic Johnson : MJ Foundation

Marlon Riggs

Mark Zuckerberg
[ He knows why he is tagged ]

Google Topic Search [ Recombinant Memetics ]


FOR ELSE WE ARE DOOMED considering what is happening... :

Barack Obama :L President Obama
----> Hillary Clinton : Donald J. Trump Donald Trump For President : November 2016


Pontifex [ That is Most Honorable Pope Francis ]
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
To the investigation to another systematic HATE BASED CONSPIRACY equally PARALLELS MEMEPLEXS TO Eviction Case WG06266106 [ Alameda County CA Apr 2006 ]
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA

Urban Survivors Union : Dr Isaac Jackson's Book Published Work
Tongues Untied which was used by Marlon Riggs Filmmaker Documentary of the same title.

Google Search [ tongues untied isaac jackson ]

Title Tongues Untied
Creator Aaab-Richards, Dirg, Craig G. Harris, Essex Hemphill, Isaac Jackson, and Assotto Saint
Source London
Publisher GMP Publishers Ltd
Date 1987
Format Print
Identifier Case 1/Shelf 1
Collection General Collection
Tags Homosexuality, Poetry, Masculinity, African American
Aaab-Richards, Dirg, Craig G. Harris, Essex Hemphill, Isaac Jackson, and Assotto Saint, “Tongues Untied,” Belton Collection, http://www.iub.edu/~belton/collection/items/show/1561.




CONFIRM the understandings that are needed here. You must reply please.
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J Martin Driskill

Like · Reply · Remove Preview · Yesterday at 7:54pm
J Martin Driskill
J Martin Driskill FULL WRITTEN DETAILS : http://fuckeduphuman.net/.../CONFIRM%20understandings...
Gmail - CONFIRM the understandings that are needed here. You must please.
Like · Reply · Remove Preview · Yesterday at 7:59pm
J Martin Driskill
J Martin Driskill SECONDARY FACEBOOK POST -- http://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10207650504482747 : I need my local community of outstanding leaderships of persons pillar virtue wise -- to step forward please -- and reply.

There is no time to waste --- November...See More
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 8:04pm · Edited
J Martin Driskill
J Martin Driskill If you would like to ATTEND A COMMUNITY OVERVIEW OF THESE EVENTS --- A Google Calendar Event has been Established to the Deadline : https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/1/render....
Google Calendar
With Google's free online calendar, it’s easy to keep track of life’s important events all in one place.
Like · Reply · Remove Preview · Yesterday at 8:08pm
J Martin Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:f411:4713:e20a:1e2e
Nov 06, 2016 9:07:31pm
James M Driskill
This has POPE FRANCIS Words Addressed in it. community.gruwup.net/01/
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:e822:ed9e:2575:211c
May 17, 2016 6:45:17am
James M Driskill
Are you going to fix yourself from this history that is placed on the web of our sms conversation of your hate you discontent at me : http://fuckeduphuman.net/[PhoneNumbers]/720-313-1459/
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:e822:ed9e:2575:211c
May 16, 2016 7:07:20am
James M Driskill
Oh Oh Oh Oh -- This has posted to the facebook page timeline of Non-Profit With Balls : The title is : I HAVE THE BIGGEST BALLS OF THEM ALL : http://gruwup.net/[WebDomains]/facebook.com/nonprofitwithballs/James%20Driskill%20-%20I%20have%20the%20biggest%20balls%20of%20all.htm
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:e822:ed9e:2575:211c
May 16, 2016 7:05:53am
James M Driskill
no explanations need or offered here for this image -- self-serving of --- IQ factor 200+ : http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/AwesomeKramobonePlayroom-AdinkraShow[X].gif
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:c8fa:5c96:6d03:7c8d
Mar 16, 2016 1:47:44pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Mar 15, 2016 7:57:20pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Mar 15, 2016 7:57:19pm
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 3:21:18pm
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 10:00:30am
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 9:10:22am
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 9:08:57am
James M Driskill
#Meme :


Mar 13, 2016 9:08:01am
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 8:55:51am
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 8:55:01am
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 8:49:12am
James M Driskill
I don't know why you would think you would be immunized to this casting -- as the KRAMOBONE SAYS -- ONE BAD MAKES ALL LOOK BAD --- ---
Mar 13, 2016 8:43:16am
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:c1d6:5b0f:46df:e30b
Mar 13, 2016 8:43:06am
James M Driskill
Each of these PIECES of this CONVESATION BETWEEN YOU -- THE TEXT VERSION and the 3 part spoken text to audio version has been placed under this post [ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205991187920870&set=a.2757253252597.110504.1295702360&type=3 ] : WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS CONVERSATION --- IT APPARENTLY SHOWS ITSELF -- AS ANYONE LISTENING TO IT --- REAL --- Where in the World Mr Adsit do you think this is APPROPRIATE conversation at all ? again, if you would like this removed both from online and from facebook ---- well EXPLAIN YOURSELF FULLY ON TO THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. How do you get off placing all of that inference to who and what I am in view of my post -- your REPLIES one by one by one are as BIASED onto this who circumstances as you think is happening here at my place -- you so absolutely so wrong ..
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:c1d6:5b0f:46df:e30b
Mar 13, 2016 8:23:35am
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 8:01:45am
James M Driskill
What this REFLECTS MR George Adsit -- is there is something very seriously wrong in the harrassments that I have been receiving for me to reach up to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook to help me with this. So, I don't care what say in that conversationb between us --- listen to it -- read it complete -- however -- I NEVER SAID YOU WERE A PART OF THIS HATE GROUP -- IT WAS YOU THAT PLACED THIS UPON YOURSELF -- HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS CONVERSATION TO ME THAT MAKES ANY SENSE?
Mar 13, 2016 7:59:42am
James M Driskill
note that in the comments of this post is the following : his is the @Gruwup Archive of the Outgoing conversation to Mark Zuckerberg : http://gruwup.net/[WebDomains]/facebook.com/faceboom%20msg%20to%20-%20Mark%20Zuckerberg%20-%20Messages.htm
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:c1d6:5b0f:46df:e30b
Mar 13, 2016 7:57:33am
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 7:56:02am
James M Driskill
note this post on my timeline as of yesterday morning 7:30am. --
Mar 13, 2016 7:55:59am
James M Driskill
How can you establish this kind of conversation with me?
Mar 13, 2016 7:54:43am
James M Driskill
Mr Adsit:

If you would like to re-evaluate our conversation of earlier -- there is apparently a misunderstanding.

But let me be very frank with you George. In that conversation that began on a4a and carried forward to your sms channel and then progressively onto email contacts.. the lineage of how now I am able to find your Facebook profile is matched.

Once again, do I fact review the conversation that appears there online at:


There is an update of spoken voice text mp3 audio files there.
Mar 13, 2016 7:52:39am