James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 10:26:01pm
James M Driskill
Jennifer: Enough is Enough don't you think?
Apr 11, 2020 10:25:56pm
James M Driskill
-----------------------------------[ Instruction to share this document - FOR IMMEDIATE GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION ]----

Dear Enemies or Friends [ Jennifer Litwak ], This video and subtext content is for individual and collective trust groups. Not for global mass addressing.

There is a man in California in year 2020 that has an extreme story to tell. How involved in his life dealing with HIV/AIDS in the United States of America under their social response policy law called the Ryan White Care Act, first signed in 1990 and re-authorized in 2009. Under this written law, there has been something most people do not see eroding at the seems. What is being carried through is an hidden agenda, a secret pack of agreements between people of the foundational authority to operate the organized private non-profit entity that are called AIDS SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS [ ASOs ]. These ASOs operate in region to region service area coverage. In some very densely populated areas of the nation, there may be other service organizations that pop up from outside of this foundational set of business owners, directors, staff and their operating model. But mainly these business entities are a monopoly coverage as a one organization across the entire region. As such, consumers [ or clients ] are really given no choice of service agency they can connect with. It is them or none. Many do not feel a capable confidence perhaps to wing it all alone. But perhaps they really should and drop their agency like a bomb. It has been to a point now since this man in California year 2020 has been documenting the evidence to what is a hate embedded agenda conspiracy involved in both the social services and the doctor provider care network that is linked for are doctor care of client/patient's HIV/AIDS disease. Once again, this arrangement of choice seems to be a little imbalanced. If this did not have this linking structure, persons with HIV/AIDS would be seeking doctor services in a general doctor specialized field in private practices or other medical plan authorized doctor's in their community assigned to their health care plan. The way it is with every other condition of health disease. I writing this do not know of any other kind of disease that has this unique set of social services and doctor provider links. This is where it gets ugly high all mighty -- you might not believe what is really happening. In the intake process, such as setup at Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project, in take case manager by the name of Angela Keady is the first person that everyone that is directed into the path of the first contact with the agency sees. She conducts the process to which the following process begins. We as a collective consider the HIV Community in the local area everyone who is infected by HIV. Some people may not be signed up but most are to the agency. If they are not signed up, they are still being tracked. More on that in a moment. Whoever assigned this structure where one kind of person is different than another kind of person. Both persons are infected by HIV. This division bell has to be taken away and prosecuted for TREASON. But they are PROTECTING this structured process called POLARIZATION that is at last this way or that way bi-sectioned. The two categories are, those who seem to fit into a category where they were infected outside of a condition -- a women who was infected by her husband when she did not consent or know he was cheating. We call this class "The Innocent" -- now we are going to skip by the husband. He is somewhere --- some place -- some state a far away. Now here we go another kind person needs services. First off, they have a very frank openness or chat -- to their case manager, they have services for persons who are on a fringe of specified flags. When any of these flags hit they are taken to the other side, "The Dirty" --- it is not classed specified gay or straight [ which is obviously illegal ]-- but that could be a factor. Who are "The Dirty" -- I as I write, know I am. A huge washing of this dirty class is apparent in community online attitudes with being on the apps -- a primary source of how the chit chat --- ah he needs a punitive lesson - of kick in the ass. The whole thing is defined on the Glassdoor Reviews for Colorado Health Network -- Violations of privacy, gossiping -- and the CASCADE AIDS PROJECT review titled "Disappointment and Mendacity" seals the deal. As Glassdoor is site that does not merge or match up these reports region to region -- this pattern understanding is beyond most to see -- obviously. We, as the the dirty -- or may be specific targets of the dirty for sure, have been singled out, put into a class where the social services who put this system into existence, [ source point of sale ], is responsible for a out of due process punitive sentenced upon individuals of the client base to be subjected to. This is a cause and affect / a slant of maladjusted cultures. Both of the staff and doctor side and the target dirty side that would not manifest itself otherwise. A condition is solid visible. This because others outside of the HIV services in the community follow these memes and memeplex to condone the consent of others to systemic fucked up human #GangStalking and other various activities hidden that I just can imagine happen behind this cloak -- invisible and no one is speaking about it -- embarrassed or whatever it is -- it has to terminate by way of being acknowledged as present -- destructive forces eroding our trusts collective in our community and society. To challenge this -- that the service agency holds by its status as the leadership of the HIV Community in this regional area - there is what is called a barrier or "informational quarantine" that we are subjected to --- bringing up this subject to them. The story of this man in California who has been documenting this ever so elusive invisible cloak for now almost 15 years. HE IS TELLING YOU ALL NOW -- WATCH YOURSELF ONLINE --ALL OF THOSE KITS AND FIZZLE SHITS THAT GO NO WHERE OR BLOCKED ARE COLLECTORS OF INFORMATION THEY SHARE INTO THE POOL GOSSIP OR VALUED USED PRIVATE INFORMATION ON YOU.
Do not ever ever ever TRUST what they say -- is the truth to play an adherence to that POLICY. They are LIARS, CHEATERS, and in the case of the man in California, #GANGSTALKERS. According to US ANTI-STALKING LAWS, if death occurs directly from the stalking activity, the perpetrators of the violations of these laws are GUILTY of MURDER.


---------------[ you may alter the prefixed URL name space -- the ACTUAL pointer begins at --->webdomains.gruwup.net/<-------------------------------------------

Apr 11, 2020 10:25:06pm
James M Driskill
CC: Kathleen Ann Litwak
Apr 11, 2020 3:07:07pm
James M Driskill
Contacting,... Kathleen Ann Litwak
Apr 11, 2020 3:06:45pm
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 3:06:21pm
James M Driskill
Kathleen Ann Litwak
Age: 57

Barrington, Rhode Island

Most Likely Moter
Apr 11, 2020 3:06:19pm
James M Driskill
Brian James Litwak
Age: 32

Charlotte, North Carolina
Most likely Brother
Apr 11, 2020 3:05:47pm
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 3:03:39pm
James M Driskill
Wrong Image Format
Apr 11, 2020 3:03:01pm
James M Driskill
You are not paying attention to your Messenger Content -- Shame Shame Shame -- I have to Reach for One Of Your Relaties to Send Them This Image. Sorry. It is posted public - days counting down -- you had 7 to react correctly. - to the hour, I am not sure yet 5-6
Apr 11, 2020 3:02:18pm
James M Driskill
I have placed to the record your data --- it is linked from this Doctor Page --- NPINO has a commenting tool for users --- gotcha ---

Apr 11, 2020 8:13:50am
James M Driskill
I see your standing crazy -- crazy -- you are more crazy than me.....
Apr 11, 2020 8:12:59am
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 3:12:14am
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 💩.
Apr 11, 2020 3:11:55am
James M Driskill
Play the songs -- do the right thing - don't be an idiot [ ref: todays email ] and skip over your OBLIGATION HERE -- don't shortcut this -- imperative. Please I beg you to do the right thing. Yes, I have the balls to call it out -- as it is -- bull shit! BTW: Tell your close nice friends who will not betray your confidence -- tell them what has occurred -- I am here -- queer - and hated on -- taken to -- my enemy is the crooks and thieves -- you don't get to be in this world that way too much fucking longer.

Apr 11, 2020 2:34:21am
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 2:28:26am
James M Driskill
That is enough for one night -- this passes your days -- making something of a causal act -- an act of INTOLLERANCE -- to an thinking we ought to maybe #DoSomething different that sticking to your views -- and being fucked up -- the right and wrong here -- YOU HAVE TO LIE TO REALLY BE THE WAY YOU ARE --- MAYBE YOU THINK ABOUT TAKING YOUR VIEWS TO HEART AND PRIDE YOURSELF TO SHOUT IT OUT -- I AM WHO I AM AND HERE IS WHO I AM --- LOOK WORLD -- I AM GREAT! but you did something nasty --- and you can't say it without embassinging youself -- perhaps time to make a slight adjustment in your set of structured beliefs -- you have the freedom to ignore all of this -- you have the freedom to BLOCK ME -- but is that really the wise wise morally wise position you ought to be taking? You violated my Merits -- I issued you 3 merits on a DEMOCRACY chart -- "Freedom of Expression For All" -- and you violated my freedom -- so in turn , I am violating yours -- tit for tat -- Tuff Titty -- GET USED TO IT! You represent the the worst offensive ACT because of your education you shine out -- a hypocrite you are. I don't know why I am giving you a chance -- I don't know why I think you deserve a second chance -- to redeem this from your complete public humiliation -- I don't know why -- I have given up on this country for sure -- GOOD BYE --- 6 days --- and if I am out of this country NEVER -- It will remain on the web FOREVER. You have an obligation here to fix this -- you take to your heart and read every single word and reflect upon the insult and injury and offense you have done -- this all goes into a drawer -- offline --- and we settle it by carrying forward something I did you to help me on. Thank you. You all are in for a shock of your life --carry on -- I know I am justified int his action. JUSTIFIED.
Apr 11, 2020 2:28:22am
James M Driskill


The URL ADDRESSING IS TECH SPEC VALID -- This is not a request but an obligation for you to watch this video.
Apr 11, 2020 2:17:04am
James M Driskill
I am completely in WRATH MODE -- ON THE FRAUD YOU MAKE OF HATE IN YOUR WAKE -- time to stop the hate --- time to relate to what has been long term passing -- why it erodes trust in our society -- what that erosion of trust does -- to the harm of our greater society.
Apr 11, 2020 2:15:04am
James M Driskill
BTW: I just caught the mispelled name in URL -- sorry -- I mispelled your name --- I will make it sure the web copies are correctly spelled.

Jennifer Michelle Litwak -- I also have your truthfinder report. Interesting you should not, source data from persons.fuckeduphuman.net -- have make it into the "related links" section of a person's background check report -- that is what will occur with you -- the information is sound to make a #SocialResponsibility Correction. Thank you.

You have some explaining to do.
Apr 11, 2020 2:13:45am
James M Driskill
Good Day
Apr 11, 2020 2:10:37am
James M Driskill
That document is still in draft.
Apr 11, 2020 2:10:30am
James M Driskill
Thank you for attending to your Facebook Messenger -- Correctly. I look forward to a rebalancing of this introduction relationship -- for your imbalanced action -- immediately sunk your ship ... 6 days and everything of history between us -- filed @fuckeduphuman.net ---

Silence Gives Consent -Plato
Apr 11, 2020 2:09:39am
James M Driskill
BTW -- Messenger Content --- this tool here - can be placed into web presence view --- to the user -- controled just the sme -- example:

In the name of Attorney Tim Prince -- San Bernardino --


I would advise you to check your morals into your mind heart and soul here -- take the time -- and relate --- instead of holding on to what is obvious -- your mistake to reach to hate.
Apr 11, 2020 2:07:17am
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 2:03:40am
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 2:03:21am
James M Driskill
YOUR STORED COPY LINKEDIN CHAT CONVERSATION WITH MAKTA POND --- YOU SO BOLDLY DISREGARDED TO JUST -- SHOO FLY DON'T BOTHER ME AWAY --- Rebirths here [ Transfers into view 6 days -- the actual truth -- you are caught in a vortex - perfectly legal ]


Note This Type Of Files MUST BE DOWNLOADED and OPENED LOCAL COPY - if you open them from direct link - they display code. The reason is to prevent a user from being disoriented from sources and confused. It is a TRUST Feature of this format. Download the file -- open from your hard-drive. I should just file it -- in 6 days -- move on -- leave it to rot your world --- gone. It is always your option to do the right thing -- these things go bye bye off the web --- and we begin to have a proper balanced relationship -- and you stop your fucking lies.
Apr 11, 2020 2:02:31am
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2020 1:54:53am
James M Driskill
OPEN VALID URL [ http://jennifer-michelle-litwik.persons.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] -- It is just a simple "create new folder" operation to place the open web space there.
Apr 11, 2020 1:53:56am
James M Driskill
Ms. Litwak -- I am far far far from satisfied - did you really take the time and watch this entire video? Then like it? Or did you shortcut that process to be an idiot [ ref email of this evening ] ?

I suggest a break from your thinking --- you lied - flat out lied to me to excuse yourself to the reasons why you used BLOCKING - and for the illogical presense position you put yourself in with this network.

[ Sorry, you approved the connection link with Makta Pond -- that was your action and the following events to events are your responsibility - not mine because I am calling you out -- WHOLLY SHIT OUT -- on your conduct unbecoming what? Unbecoming a human being who has an coursework completion in International Human Rights ]

This is public comments -- which I have taken the email to which you must have received at least - the catalyst to the mix -- that then takes you to make the next move to like. Why did you BLOCK ME -- THEN LIE TO ME -- and you are in FURTHER DEEP HOT WATER!

I am here with the attitude -- the first open "all clear" day from our #StayHome orders -- I am taking to sign over my car to a random passing by stranger on the busy highland street boulevard -- walking home -- getting those few things -- and walking away from this country.


You will have a personal and well as web domain space presence on this network --- you have 6 days to respond -- you wasted 1 day so far to do the right thing.

Apr 11, 2020 1:51:34am