Participants: Jeremy Ebenstein, James M Driskill and Jimmy Escajeda
Group Invite Link: Off
James M Driskill
Thug Life: (OPEN ASAP) check this out!
Jul 07, 2021 12:25:59am
James M Driskill
Thug Life: 📦 Here is a loot chest for you!
Jul 06, 2021 11:50:06pm
James M Driskill
Thug Life: 💌There's a SPECIAL invitation for you!💌
Jul 06, 2021 11:34:45pm
James M Driskill
Thug Life: (OPEN ASAP) What's your crime?
Jul 05, 2021 8:38:33pm
James M Driskill
Apr 21, 2021 4:48:29pm
Jeremy Ebenstein
Jeremy shared a story.
Apr 21, 2021 4:47:52pm
James M Driskill
Correction : "partial_thoughts" -- plural usage not singular
Oct 04, 2012 8:59:18pm
James M Driskill
Oct 04, 2012 8:38:08pm
James M Driskill

MEGA 2012 :
"Dreams are the touchstones of our character"
- Henry David Thoreau.


In Reference To:
@GruwUp 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
3 Likes (You) and 1 Manager (Me)

Note: Eduard Pjetraj is not a linked fb friend, therefore I cannot include him to this fb private email.


This is a real true story about where I grew up....

oops.... gruw up...

in San Bernardino, Ca.

To the guys here addressed in this email....

Over a year ago this is the sole email exchanged between Jeremy and myself in which I am answering it now in a fully expanded view.... Nothing has been lost.

Jeremy Ebenstein January 10, 2011

Do You Teach Martial Arts In Los Angeles? Which Discipline Do
You Teach? I'd love to train.

Though there has been no answer to this text question or any follow up, this conversation was left "open".

Mr Ebenstein and I have exchanged other messages of meaning(s) in digital objects with other fb sharings. How else would he have been impressed by my invite to my @GruwUp 2012 page to have liked it?

This is not a lesson in fb sharing for we all know this process, but this is a statement here as a foundation for further follow up that must be noted.

Today, this is being written Oct 4th 2012 starting at almost 5pm as I wake up from a dream.

Lets just say this dream is more described as a nightmare or at least it could be said has emotionally chaotic parts that carry forward from the dream time into reality of my life. It has been a familiar dream theme I have been experiencing for a few months now. This theme is called "Being Chased".

There is a not so flattering image online of my face and snot running down out of my nose from crying actually online that I do not wish at this point to share. That image was taken on July 22nd 2012.

If you knew me well enough at this point, you would be able to accept what I say is true, absolutely, and would know how to go get that image of my face no matter what. This story is not a spy novel, but the intelligence factors could be equatable to this as I write anything out.

[ Jimmy, I just have to get my writing style back. Is this better? ]

My style in today's time 2012, I tend to always reach out to the world to provide a reference to what I actually mean when I write. What exactly is wrong with that style? That style is called "In The Mindway" and living memetic life, actively. Now you are confused, I am sure. Please read on....

If I write about myself, anyone who has any knowing of me, I write only what is called "Point Of View Honesty and Truth" . In spoken conversation, this is also observed and true. I care to avoid the complications of being any other way to anyone [ person to person ] in the world. I did not always be this way... but in 2012, this is absolute to the best of my ability and circumstance.

I have a very important mission in life and would not want these pieces of fragments of dishonest identities of me to ruin its message and meaning onto our world. You might not agree with many of these pieces of my identity, but I do not hide them therefore controversy may find its way to dismiss my mission overall and its full message. I am in the role of being "The Messenger" for sure that is true. If you find controversy over virtue, that is on you and not on me.

I am in no way humanly perfect, because there is no such thing. But know this of me, caring over carelessness is obvious an important part of my character that I find is less common in others. There are some I must, as we all do, find and that I need in my personal life, and I need to love and I need to trust. My personal life and my mission life are one in the same.

I have a mission in mind, and I was placed on this mission, by God and Goddess to attempt to change and better our world progressively and to bring forward complete worldwide peace.......

s o m e d a y ...

.... w e s t i l l m u s t l i v e o u r l i v e s i n t o d a y f e a r i n g c o n f l i c t
a n d s e l f i s h n e s s a n d e v i l s ... reality true.

The time it takes to achieve this goal of peace for our world is ... unimportant....

In all things done, i/we must do this work anyway....

It has been said long long long time ago....

Oh Kind Sir,

Do you agree? I am Right? Am I wrong?

Do you want to discuss it with me?

Never should I have to reinforce this foundation and view between us here in this shared email or any other shared objects or any time that we might share our real lives face to face. This is called my "Character" and is fully assessed the truth.

[ ref Image: ]

Which your names are actually tagged and attached to.

¿¿ Thus are united we stand or are we divided to fall ??

In no specific order or reference of symbols below... these appear due to how easy a copy/paste was performed to this content here. All of these symbolically represent thoughts, ideas, people, places, and things that need to be united 2012 forward....

No questions... no excuses, my mission work is sound...

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"For the new order must be comprised of multiple standards: shifting, open-ended, dynamically transforming, so as to engender ways of thinking and living that privilege no one set of cultural differences over another but affirm virtue in all." -Marlon Riggs : INTRODUCTION TO STANDARDS: V5N1

My legacy I leave of my mission work done is not of glory or fame. That is not what I seek.

Take my name out of the equation please. Any monetary compensation for my work, already being done day to day, month to month, year to year, would in many ways invalidate its presence.
So has that stop me? So far, that it has not.

Now back to the dream theme... an outside snippet...

"I'm Being Chased!"

Chase dreams are one of several common dream themes, stemming from feelings of anxiety in your waking life. Flee and flight is an instinctive response to a physical threat in the environment. In such dreams, the scenario often features you being pursued by an attacker, an animal, a monster or an unknown figure, who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. Consequently, you run, you hide or you try to outwit your pursuer. Your actions in the dream parallel how you would respond to pressure and cope with fears, stress or various situations in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, your dream indicates that you have a tendency to run away and avoid the issue. Ask yourself who is chasing you, so that you can gain a better understanding and insight on the source of your fears and anxieties.
Source: [ Search To Read More]

These reoccurring themed dreams of being chased or struggling with people not animals. These people are actually people in my life that I know and/or trust. So when I wake up from these dreams, it is obvious the dream is not real life... but the dreams do and should have meaning.

Relating to "confronting",

Jimmy, you are the most familiar with my life at this moment in time. I want to attach an image of reflection to you and anyone else today of what t-shirt I am wearing and where I had to leave the event here in town to rest because I got no sleep last night.

This image is not yet online.

Of confronting, I did place something rather of importance writing onto the web for the first time. This writing is written in a memetic artistic style. I will not apologize for that style. [ref: Jimmy ]

Those words were written on May 20th 2006 and contains some key phrases which I wish to place upon this email.




"There is discrimination in this world, & slavery, & slaughter, & starvation."

"The answer is to rely on youth, not a time of life, but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure, over the love of ease." 1966


Oh Kind Sirs, do you know where this quote and message is from?
Has that message been lost to your mind?

If I quote something, you better know by this point if you don't know what that is, you better Google it before you continue to read.... If you did not understand it, have you done this yet?

You can call this a part of the reasons for writing this email.

This full text source of my writings from May 2006 was placed online just the other day:

Jimmy, this satisfies a "partial_thought" piece of our last video chat conversation in which I told you I would provide this to you. It is the text in which I made a promise to walk home.



Tell me why not. Am I wrong? Am I right?
Are you afraid to discuss it with me?


That is the emotion that
sweeps through my heart.




"There is discrimination in this world,
& slavery, & slaughter, & starvation."


The audience that I am writing to right here today to are strictly people who have liked my @GRUWUP 2012 page

There is one another person who would be on this outgoing facebook message in reference to gruwup and dreams today here now if neither of you two were to have liked my page.

(Eric Maier)

The Oh Kind Sir words written in 2006 were shared to him face to face on my birthday Sept 1st 2012 when I reunited a friendship from my growing up in San Bernardino times.

I am only writing to two guys here.

Lastly, to Jeremy,


Here is my Martial Arts Training History...

Does he remember me, more than likely not. But perhaps as you can see, this is a facebook followup that I intend to bring into current day unity.

If anyone wishes to ask him.... Does he remember "James Driskill" of the Driskill Clan in my high school days.

As Jimmy can testify to the facts... Actually I did something quite amazing at my first job ever to the residence and community there in San Bernardino. It is noted on my resume.

The software that I wrote back in that day called "Desk Manager" along with other various coding served the San Bernardino Community in Computer Literacy even though I may others may not have that direct knowledge of my contributions.

There is on person here

Who is in Cheyenne Wyoming who has personally used the software of "Desk Manager" and "Login Manager" that I created for the Cosand Computer Center.

That is most amazing.

Most likely, any long term residents of San Bernardino are aware of my contribution work to the community in whole or in part.

The reason for this email is.....

Provide just a few pieces and experiences of the place where I grew up....

oops.... gruw up...

in San Bernardino, Ca in the years of m birth in 1965 to when I leave my family to explore the world and life in 1987.

I have had a mission.

That mission is Complete Worldwide Peace.

I am scheduling a walk,

From the Registrant Address of [ @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET ] to the registrant address of [ @GRUWUP.NET ]
sometime in the year of 2013.

For now here in Cheyenne Wyoming my presence here in completion stages.

My next placement for working, I will be residing on the couch of Eric Maier at the registrant address of

Jimmy --- this is addressed specifically to you.... carrying forward...

If at this time passing my present day, if Eric and I had not yet found ourselves reuniting a friendship closer by,

In mental state recovery, if continued to be as is right now...

I would be looking forward to heading to Tennessee right now instead of heading to Aurora Colorado.

Know this of you Jimmy.

Thank you Jimmy for reuniting a friendship as well from the days we all gruw up in San Bernardino.

This story here is now been said, my mission work needs its pathway to form public awareness.

A public walk must be done to achieve my next step, over and above all other absolution of conflicts
between factors involved in Oakland and actually in San Diego before making a trek to no where
leading me to Cheyenne Wyoming on September 11th 2010.

Thank you.

Approx 4 hours of spending time writing this out.
It should be respected and read complete.
This may not be perfect as written, for there
are factors that are mentally challenging me
today that in the past has severely effected my
writing. If you find something out of whack
to understanding me.... reply is a must.... clarity
is a must.... please please please understand me.
Correct Thy Friend means that if you want to
apply a rewrite of this, please please please
return my words back in view of form or style
that may be more publicly acceptable. Thank you.


Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.— ANON.
Oct 04, 2012 8:35:36pm