James M Driskill
Can you in chat -- for about 10 -- I need to share to you something --- way our when you know --- you might already know -- it will change the way you view your next part of life -- that human on the end of this chat -- how you [ and I ] will view your human life -- day to day to its closing end - or maybe a never will it be the end -- perhaps something other in possible -- take it to know - it is big -- and big is too big to media max -- this realism in true source real news statements --- we just can't make the truth - hold - carrying it to instant critical mass. It is the truth -- hope to be around for the day of "First Contact"
Sep 11, 2020 3:21:13pm
James M Driskill
Apr 07, 2020 9:14:59am
James M Driskill
Apr 06, 2020 12:10:41am
Jermone Right Spratley
Apr 01, 2020 7:19:37pm
James M Driskill
Mar 31, 2020 3:46:02pm
Jermone Right Spratley
2 Antibiotics found to kill the corona virus
Mar 30, 2020 10:25:39pm
James M Driskill
If one of these people enter into my space --- and it is a threatening situation -- I PROMISE YOU TO THE END OF ALL DAYS --- THE ARE DEAD --- KILLED -- DEAD!
Mar 30, 2020 1:04:08am
James M Driskill
I personally am not afraid to die. I have nothing to hold me -- for friends abanded the concepts of friends -- and let the haters rule over my ability to fully cope with the level and frequency of the skillful collective against one #GangStalking attack against me. You going to, or already have compromised your free will -- to side on them -- you here a mole. I think you a good guy -- an agent of the truth. Only time will know where this is all heading -- unresolved of its intractable conflict.
Mar 30, 2020 1:02:48am
James M Driskill
This is an Emoji -- know the meaning of it before you consider it -- it is the condition we are living --- dangerous times --- bomb = oblivion that occurs within interpersonal relationships that eventually find themselves to explode --
Mar 30, 2020 12:56:03am
James M Driskill
Mar 30, 2020 12:53:00am
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 💣.
Mar 30, 2020 12:52:46am
James M Driskill
http://jermone-right-spratley.words-to-live-by.reprimands-available.attorney-timothy-peter-prince.community.gruwup.net/20/ -- This video on YouTube comes up as a topmost match to a tag search: [ #WordsToLiveBy ] -- you all should have protected me from the haters and not allowed me to have to fight them on my own -- you would be insiders to holding this technology upfront -- to the content, you can actually store into the view of persons needing social correction. You lost it. That is all you're faults -- not mine for my attempts to relate. SILENCE KILLS!
Mar 30, 2020 12:50:02am
James M Driskill


This tech spec opens active on my domain that most admins across the world [ > 90% ] have disabled. Twofold power reaches over the man's presence -- you are bonded to him at this moment -- we are sharing privately. Google handles the namespace left of the URL content pointer -- perfectly to spec as well. INDEXED --- Facebook here is processing the redirect and the site's content source is being accurately reported as being on Youtube for the user. Are you paying attention to this technology lesson?
Mar 30, 2020 12:47:19am
James M Driskill
Mar 30, 2020 12:35:03am
James M Driskill
The "digital object" being processed here is a "property" when added into google search index under the section of "search console". I personally own the issuance and control of this key onto our informational society. There is no other construct more influential --- on any other namespace domain --- the pretty much most wildly present shock and awe naming construct here --- fucked up human -- is being used to label a man, this case an attorney, for his outrageous behavior. He as an attorney caught off-guard because he completely ignores the content into his messager, disclosures of intention -- he is responsible for his own condition dilemma. The game he is playing has a twist of holding, I OWN HIS NAME THIS WAY -- and RESPONSIBLE for this holding. What it does, I can control to a point I must not place upon him something UNTRUE. Everything onto the web in a manner to acuracy holding must be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What truth must be placed into this methodology is actual reality. Opps, I am winning the case, he would not want to be listed this way -- but he will hold his alligence to this hate scheme, he will retain this ouch, to be impasse -- he is stuck here holding something witheld of secret -- he won't pass into truth -- for the truth of these matters,

"The Truth Hurts, But Silence Kills"
-Mark Twain

The silence here -- people are under a scheme of most yucky mucky systemic creations -- to hold him to sacrifice for them haters in elite power. That is the country we are actually living in. I question not the possible truth to what video you shared earlier -- when this kind of arrangement is holding --- something wicked this way comes and it is done this way.

Look at it Jermone Right Spratley. Closely.

Maintain your name rightfully so, please. It is worth the need to be free will under no coercion. Stay free thinking please.
Mar 30, 2020 12:34:02am
James M Driskill
Mar 30, 2020 12:22:06am
James M Driskill
My local excuse of a human being --- my former classmate of San Bernardino High School. I have in messenger content that apparently he just kicking the read/seen timestamp down the conversation -- a shortcut that the messenger indicator itself read the human brain's actual input score... I made the statement that if he did not respond, that he was going to be placed into this light of presence. This is a reality not a ploy of a hoax. What you are seeing here is perfectly legal because one does not have what is copyright onto the usage of one's name. All of the recording keeping civil society would grind to a halt if there was such copyright restriction. In few varied circumstances, a person's name can be trademarked, but not usually their legal issuance full name. When in doubt of that circumstance, ALL CAPS refer to a person's shadow business use and mix cap refers to a person's human self. Take the consideration of this standard to legal documents you sign. If you wanted to refer to a person's legal activity in this manner, ALL CAPS directly references transactions of a business.
Mar 30, 2020 12:22:02am
James M Driskill
i am not into distrubting unveriied [ to my on knowledge ] the facts it this video -- I don't have time for that right now --- I believe most anything of anything government sponsored hate conspiracy -- since I have lived and continue to live through a personal story of being a targeted --- all of these deceptive govenment powers overreach utilmately is our own fault -- for being tuned out for so long --- and not inter-mixing our party days with intelligent discourse -- to hytp focus on one element -- when indeed they are breaking the rules of privacy and allowing the condition of

Maladjusted culture changes to form bondings that are impentativable to outside -- to unbind such a creation --- of intention -- maladjusted culture aftereffects is what damage -- we can't out weigh --- the turn out that we have done to ourselves--- we collectively are responsible for the outcome -- because n Denver i was attempting to find a counter-punching formation of an adult consent thought and practices school to air a platform because the community was not listening to a person knowing what was happening -- you all tuned me out -- and we have too big a hill [ or wall ] built by maladjusted culture that has a self-harming memetic presence --- They here in San Bernardino will not allow me my "legal capacity" to hold a civics community affiars meeting of the leaders here in town -- hate filled hyprocrites -- they are everywhere - the haters are in control of this country -- and it will be -- projected broght all of the wall down to full and complete societal collapse --- mark my words -- watch -- My agenda is to be able to find a country and change my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY to another country and walk away from what I know is the truth --- you can join me -- or not -- but slavery of the citizen population -- I mean slavery -- you are in for hell times coming through -- sorry -- I tired to #dosomething when I was unable to all by myself -- the documentation of that effort is journal at my internet domains to which they will have collapsed and taken over its truth -- because all of you have turned the wrong way -- and not treated me kindly -- and they have gotten away with murder.
Mar 29, 2020 7:33:21pm
James M Driskill
I heard the text copy in a video of the source the he is about the hot water.
Mar 29, 2020 7:19:29pm
Jermone Right Spratley
Watch this before they remove it!
Mar 29, 2020 7:16:14pm
James M Driskill
This VIDEO SHORT is ONE-STEP AWAY from BEING POSTED ONTO YOUTUBE. Currently it is being offered to you here --- to reflect your conflict-avoidance stance --- DO YOU REALLY WANT TO HOLD THIS CONTEMPT YOU SHOW FOR RATIONAL INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS?

Mar 25, 2020 2:19:13am
James M Driskill
SHARE THE URL ---- IT LOOKS SO DAMN PERFECT -- TO SHARE ---THE JOB TO FIGHT HATE IS THE JOB FOR Jermone Right Spratley -- it is not right to allow me to just DIE by suicide --- or if I am successful - CHANGE MY NATIONALITY to SOME OTHER COUNTRY that DOES NOT ALLOW the HATERS to WIN --- BLOCK ME IF YOU DO NOT HELP ME -- YOU CRUEL WORLD!
Mar 12, 2020 7:13:08pm
James M Driskill
Mar 12, 2020 7:11:12pm
James M Driskill
Mar 12, 2020 7:11:09pm
James M Driskill
I shared something here -- would you please take the 8 minutes or so time and open that audio -- and listen -- that directed to Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney --- my classmate from SBHS --- we were centennial class -- 100th graduating class of 1983 -- I get no help from the inner community [ you all guys ] to stop them from hating on me -- you all guys watch as collapse down from pressure -- they can do this to anyone they choose --- silence is their domain that allows them to get anyway with what they did to me -- and my great hometown has once again started the campaign targets me -- it is all you --- you too Jermone - that allow this to happen --- you will not help me out -- DO I NEED TO SCREAM BLOODY MURDER?
Mar 12, 2020 7:05:33pm
James M Driskill
Hi there
Mar 12, 2020 6:47:54pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:41:54pm
James M Driskill
[ Page Updated - Final ]: http://fuck-you-all-haters.final-curtain-call.fuck-you-america.commit-suicide-or-change-my-united-states-citizenry.some-other-country.does-not-allow-the-haters-to-always-win.persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Supervisor.Josie.Gonzalez/FacebookMessenger/Messenger-Final-Fuck-You-America.htm


Mar 05, 2020 3:23:15am
James M Driskill
That is cleaned up
Mar 04, 2020 11:08:10pm
James M Driskill
This message was unsent
Mar 04, 2020 11:06:12pm
James M Driskill
That links sort of obligates you to link to it.
Mar 04, 2020 11:05:45pm
James M Driskill
This message was unsent
Mar 04, 2020 11:05:28pm
James M Driskill
This message was unsent
Mar 04, 2020 11:04:44pm
James M Driskill
Mar 04, 2020 11:03:20pm
James M Driskill
As the preview reflects -- that is a valid URL ----
Mar 04, 2020 10:59:45pm
James M Driskill
Mar 04, 2020 10:56:07pm
James M Driskill
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace --- but no one will unite with me the truth --- there is a conspiracy here --- that must be broken
Mar 04, 2020 10:55:52pm
James M Driskill
and the registrant address of http//gruwup.net --
Mar 04, 2020 10:55:22pm
James M Driskill
In my childhood home where I grew up since age 5.
Mar 04, 2020 10:55:08pm
Jermone Right Spratley
Oh ok
Mar 04, 2020 10:54:56pm
James M Driskill
My hometown of San Bernardino, California
Mar 04, 2020 10:54:49pm
Jermone Right Spratley
Where are you now?
Mar 04, 2020 10:54:37pm
James M Driskill
I miss Denver and my friends there.
Mar 04, 2020 10:54:08pm
James M Driskill
#Gangstalking has returned into my life ---- they, once again, stole my car here in San Bernardino in Janurary and the other day they let the air out of my car tires ---- plus the cyber-communcation harassment and mischeif --- this hate suck -- and I can't do anything about it because the police will not acknowlege me in the gangstalking truth.
Mar 04, 2020 10:53:56pm
Jermone Right Spratley
Same here
Mar 04, 2020 10:52:56pm
James M Driskill
Below so so
Mar 04, 2020 10:52:04pm
Jermone Right Spratley
Hello how are you?
Mar 04, 2020 10:51:53pm
James M Driskill
Hi Jerome.
Mar 04, 2020 10:45:28pm
James M Driskill
Do you want to see something of accomplishment Jermone? For the internet domain of shock and awe that I have indeed placed persons name listing to -- have found it way to be now listed onto the section of "related links" on an OFFICIAL TRUTHFINDER Background Check Report -- In that Truthfinder takes the data to be validated, so too upward my domain(s) are VALIDATED to the GREATER INFORMATION SOCIETY, You all thought ny holding of this domain was crazy thinking bullshit -- didn't you all?

Oct 14, 2019 9:26:02am
James M Driskill
Hey There
Sep 06, 2019 9:49:15pm
James M Driskill
Aug 16, 2019 7:15:21pm
James M Driskill
You may share this URL as you will -- on facebook it will default to INDEX of --- if not --- and shows image --- take and share the root URL of this judge --- share wide and PROUD!
Aug 16, 2019 7:15:14pm
James M Driskill
Use the INDEX OF LINK --- To Browse The Contents Of That Directory --- Yep
Aug 16, 2019 7:13:55pm
James M Driskill
Aug 16, 2019 7:13:08pm
James M Driskill
No File Extention --- I fixed it
Aug 16, 2019 7:10:54pm
James M Driskill
wait a min.
Aug 16, 2019 7:10:23pm
James M Driskill
Aug 16, 2019 7:10:10pm
James M Driskill
Jerome, now that I have a name for it --- what happened to me was that I was a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL of #GangStalking --- That is a thing.
Aug 16, 2019 2:57:38pm
James M Driskill
Aug 16, 2019 2:56:24pm
James M Driskill
Aug 16, 2019 2:55:32pm
James M Driskill
Just keep up I guess ---- instead of having a community involvement to correct the problems encountered in denver and now here in San Bernardino --- I was named defendant in a civil harassment and restraining order case. In that case I filed some very interesting documents to the record. That is all I needed for the case --- even though the doctor has a restraining order against me --- I OWN HIS NAMESAKE AT THIS LOCATION: [ http://doctor-eric-tomomi-shigeno.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] --- a ridiculus stance that he has no response to this record place online --- like really.
Aug 16, 2019 2:54:02pm
Jermone Right Spratley
Hey sir what's up?
Aug 16, 2019 2:51:50pm
James M Driskill
Hey Jerome
Aug 16, 2019 2:50:22pm
James M Driskill
That is an active hack page with a story affixed --- along with current interface to the public reviews --- posted. You are not crazy--- that is true. Complete an intake of that truth and pass on that truth --- THEY ARE WATCHING YOU --- no one so far has been able to help me push and end to this conspiracy --- you all thought me crazy doing what I do --- but you are fools to not be paying attention --- Don't say I did not warn you. I hope to hear from you soon. You are not putting your head in the sand are you? I don't play you a coward.
Jun 16, 2019 10:43:25pm
James M Driskill
Jun 16, 2019 10:27:51pm
James M Driskill
Jun 16, 2019 10:27:40pm
James M Driskill
On record --- a hacked business site profile for Colorado Health Network -- managed to get Google to Approved Status publish --- even though it requires a POSTCARD validation system sent to their address. I think someone should say --- Hey James --- what can we do? I have been left to my own devices --- and I have made some pretty high end MARKED TRUTH to the circumstances -- for everyone to eventually stumble across -- THIS SHIT IS NOT SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN ! [ https://denver-colorado-aids-project.business.site/ ]
Jun 16, 2019 10:27:02pm
James M Driskill
i hope you are reviewing content ---
Jun 16, 2019 10:23:21pm
James M Driskill
I see you there
Jun 16, 2019 10:15:36pm
James M Driskill
Thank you. Shall we talk --- my number is 909-763-8481 - I am in San Bernardino and on a course of death .... because no doctor is willing to stand in honesty --- to commit to termination of a conspiracy social media tagged --- Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn [ #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #GovernmentSponsoredHate : #HivUntreatable ]
Jun 16, 2019 10:15:26pm
James M Driskill
Note the LINK URL vs. the PREVIEW content URL -- Facebook accepts the links valid --- http://jerome-right-spratley.doctor-eric-tomomi-shigeno.fuckeduphuman.net/vitals.com-reviews/ --- I am VALIDATED AS A SOURCE ON SOCIAL MEDIA --- IT IS TIME TO CARRY A MESSAGE ON THIS MEDIA WIDE !
Jun 16, 2019 10:14:01pm
James M Driskill
Jun 16, 2019 10:12:17pm
James M Driskill
Public Posted -- There are faxes in the mix of the content --- and what happened to me in last session with my doctor -- I will get you that link too.
Jun 16, 2019 10:12:13pm
James M Driskill
An Address to President Barack Obama --- under my domains extreme --- I am sure he has or will receive the message.


Take a stand --- under honesty driven truth --- and pass my links to every man woman you know --- tell them what is going on.
Jun 16, 2019 10:11:16pm
James M Driskill
Publicly posted --- Foothill Aids Project has this google review on file. That is the agency of my hometown. No joke. When will you have a true focus of the danger we all are in? http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/GoogleReviews-FootHillAidsProjectSanBernardino.png
Jun 16, 2019 10:09:02pm
James M Driskill
Jun 16, 2019 10:07:02pm
James M Driskill
Thank you for hitting at me. Do you want to turn on your opening channels of truth --- and distrubute a true wide spread message across all things possible --- every person under the Denver area pnp group. IT GOES WAY UP OVER THAT.
Jun 16, 2019 10:05:59pm
James M Driskill
Just lay down and let them roll all over me --- and down the tank --- ONE MORE CAUSALITY OF THE DIRTY THAT THEY SUCCESSFULLY SAID "FUCK OFF AND DIE" TO BURN IN HELL FOR THE SINS OF OUR SECT. Who is next?
Jun 16, 2019 10:04:58pm
James M Driskill
The stole my car remember. Can we talk about what needs to be applied to our community awareness networking --- truth? https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Colorado-Health-Network-RVW23177216.htm
Jun 16, 2019 10:03:27pm
James M Driskill
The glassdoor reviews for Colorado Health Network appear online two week after I had to leave Denver from my eviction case --- and that did not stop them --- I have no doctor at this point in this debate --- with no one willing to step forward and have a conversation about this matter. They are targeting "the dirty" and you all just let them pounce on me ---- Sammie was the most helpful to record a video in June of 2017 before I left town name reading each and every staff card from their business card stack at the desk. I wonder if anyone can really see through the fog of what shows holding against Colorado Health Network there in Denver [ it is nationally systemic ] with this just single review that should be spread viral across the entire community. But no unified force to oppose them.
Jun 16, 2019 10:01:55pm
James M Driskill
Not doing good is a half way of saying --- It sucks --- knowing that the community is tuned out --- of what happened to me --- is a greater --- on a grand scale greater than just a local conflict with Colorado Health Network.
Jun 16, 2019 9:58:16pm
Jermone Right Spratley
You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've read messages.
Jun 16, 2019 7:13:49pm
Jermone Right Spratley
How are you?
Jun 16, 2019 7:13:49pm
James M Driskill
Apr 11, 2019 7:59:25pm
James M Driskill
Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can't get them back. So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I'll never lose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to All your friends including me if u treat me as 1. If you get four back you are a Great friend 🌽🌽
Oct 03, 2018 9:22:24pm
James M Driskill
I finally have possibly an avenue of voice to my story [ that involves a call recording mentioning Sammie Francher ] with the contentious "intractable conflict" wicked problem with HIV/AIDS Social Services. On July 14th 2017 I captured a CALL RECORDING with my Mother that I placed from the Sables in Jefferson County that I invited Darrell Virgil, Executive Director of the Colorado Health Network, at my expense for an hour horse ride. He failed to show up for this affair. Therefore, he lost his ability to show his independence of this #ConspiracyExposed. That call recording with my mother, verbally reads the final defeat email that I wrote to Sammie Francher, that should be in his email account but somehow he lost access to reach your inbox. [password issues] This call recording is made a part of the record on twitter DM [ direct message ] to @LinkedInHelp that they finally responded so they claim [ interested in this issue ] but there is a delay in their researching this matter according to their open help support case. I am providing external links to this case for the general public's awareness of these issues. PLEASE SHARE THIS AWARENESS VIDEO to your networks, family, friends, and buddies and perhaps even your enemies as so wide as possible to force LinkedIn help to actually follow through with what they responded too, in case#2 after case#1 was outright deleted/censored.

May 20, 2018 5:51:50pm
James M Driskill
Yes I know --- write poetry -- directed to County Supervisor Politic Representative -- as a means to an end --- The poetry in written real time email spaces..... no shit, no excuses, no holding back.... only truth to the record of all records absolute. Then these words taken into then Animated View Crazy Talk 8 presentation -- graphical character actor rendered presentation --- quality of production --- poetry meaning has lasting preservative to hold on to sanity mind.. Suicide is not an option for the world at hand. Homicide also said to be avoided. Here is that video final production. Please open and watch, listen, and pay attention. Thank you. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4LCAewA-bQ&feature=youtu.be ] : 7 min 37 sec video.
Apr 01, 2018 3:06:02am
James M Driskill
Title: The Haters Have Won - Why Not Commit Suicide - These Are The Docs In Charge Of Mental Health In This Country!
Mar 31, 2018 9:33:49pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Mar 31, 2018 9:25:40pm
James M Driskill
convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Would you please give me a favor would youIf please please please do me a favor and email


Please tell them that you know me for a long time as far as being Facebook friends many of the outgoing list are real face to face real life acquaintances of friends. Please tell them to read their email from James Martin Driskill and please tell them to respond to my email. Please tell them I need a meeting with the United Nations in New York during my next trip to New York or please tell

Have a representative meet my mother and family in the city of San Bernardino.

With a civil rights attorney lawyer present that will be a part of a civil suit against the stated parties 5 million-dollar lawsuit for the violation of my rights and an eviction once again.

Please tell them to confirm that they have received the email from the email addressrs


I will be doing a Facebook live 24/7 or at least 24 hours 4 Fourth of July independence day so I'm going to start that Facebook live for a 24-hour period starting at midnight. That is my intention at least.
Thank you.
IP Address: 2600:100e:b00d:62aa:70e3:7e6d:ae08:f87d
Jul 03, 2017 7:50:44am
James M Driskill
You can decide to ignore this or realize I am more responsible for my time interface with others such as you. I am actually giving the ideas forward for us all to consider bringing into our community sharing lives. Thank you.
Sep 09, 2016 1:02:51pm
James M Driskill
Is that where the confusion began? If so, take your literal statement and apply it to the rest of the conversation. You opened a 2 hour window for me to arrange to meet you with an assumption. If not, then you did not provide me when to meet but the time you needed to be at work. for instance, "I can meet you at 2:45 so I can be at work by 3. Can you give me a ride?" is far more respectful so I can make whatever decisions I need on my end. You see... can see you see? Open lesson please : and listen to it please : http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/VoxDocMp3/WritingsOfGuidanceandWisdom/Lesson%20On%20Stated%20Intentions%20to%20oblivion.mp3
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a1d0:28bd:5763:94f6
Sep 09, 2016 1:01:02pm
James M Driskill
Lterally, if you wanted to make my trip a part of a ride to work.... that would be ok with me. But the way to word was is different than they way you worded it today with me. In essence, you opened a two hour window to meet up at my schedule option with the following statement :
I can meet before I work at 3" --- if you meant I can meet at 3 before I work. That is differently said.
Sep 09, 2016 12:57:37pm
James M Driskill
Jerome, I want to apologize once more for not apply what you need. I don't want more contention or conflict when there should not me. Taking LITERAL meanings into account of the sms conversation of this past time. First off...... listen to me please. It's not that I am being an asshole or anything. But I take statements to mean literal --- in conjunction to the follow ideal. To minimize the impact one set of rules [ or negotiation agreements ] has against one other mutually respectful of each other's plan of natural motion. Here is the stated lesson in Autio format. QR SCAN CODE. http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/02QR.jpg : : http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/02/
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a1d0:28bd:5763:94f6
Sep 09, 2016 12:55:16pm
James M Driskill
with only 62 followers - my Google+ has over 200K page views
May 26, 2016 7:42:08pm
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a1bd:24ab:b29b:3256
May 26, 2016 7:42:03pm
James M Driskill
of course that was 2014 and this is 2016
May 26, 2016 7:06:13pm
James M Driskill
This is what I shared to him in PRIVATE TODAY regarding my post on his wall. I thought you should also know you are included to those I desired to write to that day. TO CALIVIN: I am sharing this to you in PRIVATE because I got no feedback for the writing to your wall directly on May 15, 2016 10:36am - https://www.facebook.com/calvin.bonnell.79/posts/10206462388100580 -- It is no mistake that my post is one day BEFORE this article IN POPULAR SCIENCE -- perhaps you ought to start to listen to this boy over here who has the FACEBOOK ID [ InTheMindway \] -- eh?

Ih Science
The Neuroscientist Who Wants To Upload Humanity To A Computer
Randal Koene is recruiting top neuroscientists to help him make humans live forever
By Adam Piore Posted May 16, 2014


My post to your timeline occurred the day before this article appears on the net --- why is this ?
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a1bd:24ab:b29b:3256
May 26, 2016 6:28:58pm
James M Driskill
Jerome --- it is no mistake that I posted to community member public Calvin and you private the day before this article appears in the magazine POPULAR SCIENCE. Thttp://www.popsci.com/article/science/neuroscientist-who-wants-upload-humanity-computer
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a1bd:24ab:b29b:3256
May 26, 2016 6:25:29pm
James M Driskill
Oh so great thank you for changing your profile avatar to something adorable than what was. That is me -- like really. .
May 15, 2016 9:57:39pm
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:e822:ed9e:2575:211c
May 15, 2016 9:57:07pm
James M Driskill
no explanations need or offered here for this image -- self-serving of --- IQ factor 200+ : http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/AwesomeKramobonePlayroom-AdinkraShow[X].gif
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:c8fa:5c96:6d03:7c8d
Mar 16, 2016 1:53:14pm
James M Driskill

Saw your 2014 post regarding OutLawRobb --

Here is what happens in GRUW UP memesapces.

We are not friend link here on Facebook -- but I still have the command of items posted from your page --- Woopie!

This item is UP-SHARED to the Facebook Community Gruwup page --- and then applied a label of his visit here --

AWESOME [ Adinkra Symbol Name ] Glows and Blows : [ date ]

And then I have APPENDED upon the comment steam --- the PROOFING IMAGE OF HIS VISIT ---

You will be impressed --- I hope.

Good Day Sir!

IP Address: 2601:282:804:a790:f9bc:e0ca:8732:536d
Nov 28, 2015 5:14:28am