James M Driskill
A very very interesting urgent post.


This post has an easy sooken vooce narrative audio media -- 11min 01sec

Would you please look forward into receiving my story -- requires linking.

and please follow up back something ot assistance. Or at least empathy.

May 24, 2021 9:22:57pm
James M Driskill
You are a mental health Advocate or I live in California and the entire set of social structures doctors case managers the whole town of San Bernardino has turned on turned on I'm saying they have no access to anything that is verifiable this is been going on for years now two years I have had no HIV care is to a point where is extreme extreme extreme can you please open my story open my story open my story and see my story find something to help me please find some resource there is no consulate I can find help me help me help me please I am a person from Wyoming that we met at the conferences there you know me I met you help me help me help me please
May 24, 2021 9:22:53pm
James M Driskill
Hey I mean it are you listening? Why Mr Adsit did you have this SMS conversation with me? : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a402:6ced:4e8a:b51
Dec 13, 2016 6:53:12am
James M Driskill
Hey I mean it are you listening? Why Mr Adsit did you have this SMS conversation with me? : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a402:6ced:4e8a:b51
Dec 13, 2016 6:51:05am
James M Driskill
This is a call recording unedited will my mother. I have an open agreement to be able to publish all call recordings with my mother for now going on about 6 months. The call was interrupted by Marcus with g at the end and I have an acknowledgement I can publish this recording in the real time. The file from the call recording was filed with his name contact. This conversation and situation is very much real. Who is going to save me from Shanti service or Silence of Death?๐Ÿค” @RealUpHuman 2016 : I have the right to be angry period question mark exclamation mark. In this fight there's not much that I'm embarrassed from from 4share for sure. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ––๐ŸŽ—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ––โ›บ
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a402:6ced:4e8a:b51
Dec 13, 2016 6:41:00am
James M Driskill
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a402:6ced:4e8a:b51
Dec 13, 2016 6:19:30am
James M Driskill
I explicitly remember citing this spoken out to you -- the email address that I receive emails from our present barrack obama -- you cant forget such things -- they are mememticv keyed into your memory [ HudPublicHousing-Corruption-DroveMeToSuicide@FuckedUpHuman.net ]
Nov 07, 2016 3:36:10am
James M Driskill
Hi there -- We meet in Casper Wyoming at a NAMI Conference back in 2010 I do believe was the year. I was with a group from Cheyenne from Peak Wellness Center StageCoach Drop In, with our leader Susan Moore. I have this email assigned to her contact even though I know she no longer works there.

Susan Moore Program Director Stagecoach Drop In Center <LaramieCountyCenter@peakwellnesscenter.org>

I told you about a story of outragous portions perhaps to disbelieving - a hate persecution agenda against me -- as a person Living With HIV/AIDS living inside of HOPWA [ Housing Opportunities For Persons With Aids ] Hud Subsidized Housing In Oakland.

I am sure that I read to you something PROFOUND to impact your emptions that day. The title which is called:

Oh Kind Sir : You Agree? Am I right? Am I Wrong?
Written May 20th 2006

This has a now current model of technology delierance onto the soundcloud as Spoken Voice Narration:

I perhaps read it to you, or you read it from the very expressive formated text version I may have had printed out.

I am sure you would recognize the text version.

This creative writing contains a WALK PROMISE to long walk home from Oakland to San Bernardino. This in PROTEST of events occuring to file eviction case WG06266106 against me.

This writing written to Alan Horwtiz of The Law Offices Of Todd Rothbard In San Jose Ca -- in plaintiff cousel representing -- FALSE WITNESS placed into the court record.

Up until my need to carry a new message through to PeakWellness in email on November 4th the other day, my very last email to them is showing standing this header -- I have if also web archived -- this is not going to be thrarted into a battle of wits and discrediing of my intregiry over thiers.

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
to: Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>,
Eric Maier <txdeadhead@deadhead.org>
[ now detached as trust friends due to other persons manupatring and telling lies to Eric my friend long time since I was age 18 in san Bernardino],
Tes Kempner <yes2tes@yahoo.com>,
lynn darnell <coloradofroglady@yahoo.com>
[ now deceased ],
Isaac 'Tongues Untied' Jackson Phd <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>
cc: Susan Moore Program Director Stagecoach Drop In Center <LaramieCountyCenter@peakwellnesscenter.org>
date: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:14 PM
subject: Re: Walking in Beauty, A Navajo Prayer
mailed-by: gmail.com

This Email Archive Url is:

You can access the long walk journal -- that finally transpired onto the real walk attempt began on September 21st 2013 starting in Oakland.

Full Walk is Titled:
A Long Walk Of Beauty Behind Tongues Tied By Targeted Hurtful Shame

I am holding the truth again -- I am now living in Denver -- Once again receving exact same shit shit ! I know it --- for this has been on going never ending campaign of disturbance onto my mental stability. Whatever you think of me -- this is real -- I NEED HELP and a PUBLIC AWARENESS of what is occuring here.

First Identified as a anti-social disorderly conduct to chaos at me on July 11th 2015 on facebook community page for this building -- the page admin removed but the orginal post is archived here:

[TXT] James Driskill - Dar..> 11-Jul-2015 18:45 389K

DETAIL -- DETAIL - DETAIL -- DETAIL --- SO MANY THE STORY IS SO LONG -- NO ONE CARES TO TAKE INTO A FULL SCOPE VIEW --- For Conspiracy has been finally exposed on the 2nd week of October last month to be source point -- THIS BUILDING -- Chesney KleinJonn Apartments and not my fault or outside community creating these disturbances against me.

Let's begin on a GRAND GREAT SCALE A POSIVITE NATIONAL DEBATES OF ISSUES ADDRESSED in the #BlackLivesMatter : #PoliceLivesMatter : #AllLivesMatter debate of violence over peace.

A 37 Minute Spoken Voice Narrative Interface accompanies the Blog Posting at LinkedIn from my profile name there under my real name James Driskill shows owner of RealUpHuman.net

Begin there please --- for RACIAL DIVIONS AND HATE BASED BIAS I must be in oppsotion forces to these now current date efforts to hind in shadows secret of a hidden agenda compaign against me --- That would be a role of Darrell Johnson [ https://www.facebook.com/darrell.johnson.908132 ] of Chesney KleinJohn Aparments [ https://www.facebook.com/Chesney-Kleinjohn-Apartments-137577736280484/ ] == He is such a snake now exposed. They will not admitt their fault and speak up to an appology and promise to not return to this hate based agenda against me. In colusion is Jennifer Mattock Pillar Property LLC and ny very own Case Managment Ryan White Agency at Rocky Moutain Cares [ https://www.facebook.com/rmcarespharm/ ] That even tough I have no direct linking of individal presence to Cinamon Romero Case Manager and Shannon SouthAll Exec Dir, my tagged posts -- which orginally drew complaint -- are filed open public -- FINALLY TO THE EXPSORE OF THIS TRUE CONSPIRACY BUSTED:

Rocky Mountain Cares
Denver Colorado

This post is link tagged to everyone --- for I don't speak behind the back's of others -- in whisper rumor -- for I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

There is an intoduction YouTube Playlist Presentation --- Taking into scope and view DETAILS -- NOT INDUENDO -- For the details speak the record of integiry -- they don't SPEAK -- They remain in their dysfunctional state SILENCE -- Everyone in leadership roles -- DOES NOT RELATE - INTERCOURSE -- DISCUSS -- OR PUT TO THE CORRECT ORDER OF THINGS -- I attempt -- and have been DENIED MY CIVIL RIGHTS AGAIN -- I have a claim holding BREECH OF CONTRACT -- TERMS --- Date of BREECH March 3rd -- for the Conspiracy is INTERNAL of this building -- Just now exposed --- I want RETURN of RENT TOTALS > $4000 --- if they do not come up with a plan of CORRECTIVE ACTION HERE ---- I DEMAND MY RIGHTS!

J Martin Driskill
November 4 at 4:39pm ยท Denver ยท
This is a YouTube Video Playlist

[ That is LONG -- GOOD DAY ]

James Martin Driskill
1005 Washington Street, Apt 112
Chesney KleinJonn Apartments
Denver Colorado 80203
(720) 446-7044 ( landline/fax ]
(307) 757-8786 (cell)

H E L P --- M E --- They may have backed off a bit
for now - but they will be in on finding some micro offense
day after day -- I am in FEAR of their POWERS to NOT
ACKLOWEDGMENT me perfectful not of strangeness
but of wellness wise. I am such a state.

They refuse communcations to this -- they refuse
to know the truh -- so they can exucise themselves
to their at minor offenses -- mistakes ..
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:f411:4713:e20a:1e2e
Nov 07, 2016 3:29:19am