James M Driskill
You want to take the red pill or the blue pill
May 08, 2021 1:52:26am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 1:52:01am
James M Driskill
. I'm not sure how they got messed up
May 08, 2021 1:51:17am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 1:50:10am
James M Driskill
Scott is a fraud if he fails to understand the dimension to what has happened and not afford himself and needing reference

I began this the same exact same dimension of help requested the same help the same help I asked for years ago is the exact same help I need right now exactly the same help and I you all will fail
May 08, 2021 1:48:49am
James M Driskill
But you will fail you have to fail like everybody else where do you get your suit abilities I do not know but you will fail just like everybody else you will fail you're a fraud if you fail
May 08, 2021 1:47:33am
James M Driskill
You must link to it it is actually a long video playlist. Everything you now have been given ample opportunity to know the truth and not ghost this
May 08, 2021 1:47:08am
James M Driskill
The launching URL is valid it implies you have an obligation to not ignore it
May 08, 2021 1:46:41am
James M Driskill
If Scott could really figure it out I really would like a personal visit by Barbra Streisand to the use of her song Don't Lie to Me
May 08, 2021 1:36:56am
James M Driskill
909-882-8759 her name is Veronica Driskill.

House. He is on check I don't hate him I need him to find his best angels to apologize to the fact that the reality of the world is I told you so and he still has not committed himself to his need to need



I don't have to be nice because nobody has ever been nice to have received me without rejecting me and I have never told a lie so why did you not listen to me why do I have to die under a state of a forever more cruelty
May 08, 2021 1:36:12am
James M Driskill
What's going on did I blow your mind yet did you listen to the 30-minute audio did you listen to the 34 Minute audio from the change.org to are you paying attention is this too much for you not worth their time okay

Goodbye I died

Someone to call my mom tomorrow in or whenever you get this and apologize

Not for you Joyce not apologizing for you you're apologizing for Scott

Absolutely no one love you have taken yourself into a view of reality and holding Integrity upon you nobody absolutely nobody I died
May 08, 2021 1:34:12am
James M Driskill
San Bernardino in LA Counties have a common boundary what is over there is over here unquestionable
May 08, 2021 1:32:04am
James M Driskill
There are two people mentioned to the audio I have and the e-book that is open to be ordered. It mentions charts that thing that it shows also is how Police Services with 911 are not afforded the ability for persons with targeted individual class such as I am. How this is done I don't know I have to actually get this material but yes this is a part of the evidence I hold to 911 voice and 911 text are not available to me. An emergency. I can't call for help from the police it's all in the mix of this choice you all have been detached from me in that ice kind of interface with all of your kind. I know who you are is in that regard my interface with universal Temple of higher Consciousness and The light workers at all of that sale because they can't see the reality of this and put me into crazy no I'm not crazy it has to be that my only way to put reality to world you with anyway I talked to has to be coupled with actual evidential newsworthy copy and this is going to make you shut your brakes you should have your mind explode
May 08, 2021 1:29:18am
James M Driskill
But they're open to any kind of abuse they want to play because they think they deserve this right to oversee our entire Society. No they don't they are destructive evil
May 08, 2021 1:26:33am
James M Driskill
The test here then I narrowed it down to have to read three words at a time. Three words at a time I was fine for a while and it started going boo boo it's the right now going inside ways okay one word at a time then one word at a time. I don't think they're going to interfere with me that way anymore
May 08, 2021 1:26:01am
James M Driskill
This is the truth reality and Scott needs to apply himself yes that's stupid device would not recognize the word Scott.

The Lexicon to which is a corrupted digital documents somewhere linguistics. Steak rub did the dictionary that would not allow this little tool to give me Scott as a term it would not recognize what I'm saying and it's return Scott's name. That's exactly what they can do
May 08, 2021 1:24:16am
James M Driskill
I am 15 years in with a documented record that place is best to Beyond A Reasonable Doubt but this can't go to a court yet. There's no protection.

What am I protecting not myself I don't care I will die I'm dead in that course of action it's not that I'm protecting my life my life this way is that I don't want my life this way so that's not what I'm protecting parents I'm protecting the ability to have truth reality. That is what we need to protect the truth reality
May 08, 2021 1:22:49am
James M Driskill
Too much the Endeavour is to the matter at hand no questionable this is a need for our entire Society like I said Albert Einstein had something to his credit Beyond Reason over a cycle of time here he had to find a place on the planet that was the best angle for him to conduct an observation of the Sun during the total eclipse it didn't happen the first time it didn't happen the second type but in that case that finally happened and in this case there's no time for delay it happens now or never
May 08, 2021 1:21:17am
James M Driskill
So once I have established that I do have a form of boundary protection we can get something accomplished with my local count hey hey hey
May 08, 2021 1:20:27am
James M Driskill
He knows that I know this of his contacts is a fluids to which he can fix this at least a temporary one and they will stop this insatiable need to run down this void when there is an intelligence factor that needs to be factored in here that you all have maintaining ignorance over this I can't stand you all
May 08, 2021 1:18:40am
James M Driskill
Is there a narrow width to long tall image.

A page screen snap snapshot of a scrollable tool snapshot by snapshot by snapshot until it gets to the end of the page and that is the result you can now then come it on to these are the people

The choice to believe or not believe yet I'm not sure what you think yet

Ask Scott to help me find somebody to come over this house is family and protect us
May 08, 2021 1:17:53am
James M Driskill
There is a common tool on there and this is the command I have and

They are busted
May 08, 2021 1:15:58am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 1:15:43am
James M Driskill
Who is Doctor Joseph Pierre?

Let me see it my Disqus interrface to

NPI 1659408383

May 08, 2021 1:14:53am
James M Driskill
You made me confused by this conversation distractive points of view its focus is out of whack cuz I have no Focus for several factors let's focus on an audio please composed very well
May 08, 2021 1:08:44am
James M Driskill
The Los Angeles County Sheriff Department as a matter of an Google article places the copper on to this. And matter too rich it's not possible Right This is not real right this can't be happening in the United States right but it is right before all of you I've known this for a long time if it's finally hitting the news it's finally coming to the point where this is now Beyond A Reasonable Doubt
May 08, 2021 1:07:50am
James M Driskill
A choice I don't know if he's at is almonds but I content moderator on forums where you are trying to talk to the moderator they won't talk to you. I'm sure you have done this kind of activity you're talkin in a euphemism form to somebody is a human being not something imaginary you are establishing yourself to create a psychic channel to a human being and Crossing into that type of Channel you're using the tool to communicate to them for them to see the reality of your needs are and then that is just natural when you see something happening here are there as you might have any form of outside influence of censorship off marker not true so I'm sure you've done that already that's what's happened to you now again in the stool. I have no other choice but to talk to them at the same time I'm talking to you until they stop this nonsense who are they telling you who they are I know exactly who they are and I didn't write it I didn't write I presented in an audio but ID the availability of the material is an ebook the I'm not providing the link to the ebook it's not about the e-book it's about the reality that this is the truth the truth that is happening I don't need you to get to the e-book I need you just to listen to an audio and I haven't yet picked up the final capital of this
May 08, 2021 1:06:52am
James M Driskill
Like I said this is a truly battle are your intention is destruction of my human life if I see you and see the psychic Force of the evil in you in my personal space I will kill you. I promise you I will kill you on the spot for I am allow you to continue to be in my real space for any reason you're not already intending to kill me first. The matter of self-defense I kill you I will kill you. Joyce I'm not talking to you if you think I'm talking to you take again obviously I'm not talking to you I'm trying to get you to help me so I don't have to kill somebody
May 08, 2021 1:03:55am
James M Driskill
This tool is being abused by the San Bernardino Sun. This tool is a a being abuse in so many different ways. This tool is not to be used to this way. I don't think Facebook realizes this tool is being used this way. These people are going to go away immediately they need to find themselves on a deserted island get out of our society or straighten up shape up or ship out get over yourselves you are busted
May 08, 2021 1:02:11am
James M Driskill
This is not supposed to be interfered with but it is exactly what we have here would you like to talk to me 909-882-8759 are you talk to my mother first explain to her that you calling from the community to support the family to help the the family way into what can be done when there is an outside governmental effect hear that you are not yet sure how to rectify your own blindness in this. I need help I need you to get on board immediately to know that I told you Scott and I know each other personally the content in this is not a flood but it is a flood at this point because there's no sense of talking about this until you confirm outside of this tool whether or not the content itself is on your side thank you
May 08, 2021 1:00:50am
James M Driskill
What appears in that folder is the proof of outside interference from what it's called God Access and they're doing it again right here tonight this is just what it is could I have to deal with him this way choice I have to talk to them and you at the same time you're in the same interface and if they can do this to me they can do it to anybody
May 08, 2021 12:59:34am
James M Driskill
I am empowered by an informational technology behind me I'm using it to my best ability so you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't fight this
May 08, 2021 12:58:55am
James M Driskill
I will use any and all means to show the reality of the world for sure this is not a delusional although you will take this if you are mentally abusing others to the states they don't know what's going on and you are causing people to be going insane with intention to mentally abused the citizen of the United States of America you are the enemies of our state's you can come kill me right now I don't know where you are I Know Who You Are
May 08, 2021 12:57:42am
James M Driskill
That might be a problem for others are that's not what I'm saying I'm saying I'm not bothered by that but I'm bothered by the fact that I know who they are now by identity individually apparently there today these people I know who they are individually by humans I mean I've known about them for a long time now I don't have any blindness Factor here they can reset my app reset my app reset my app trying to stop me from saying something to a person in the matters which I'm really supposed to be able to say so they are treasonous and when this comes into being the fact that whomever you are out there you are deserving of a death penalty when this comes to a a trial you are deserving to be shot dead by firing squad in front of the entire human planet

I don't have to have any police that I don't already know I have captured the poof on a different tool
May 08, 2021 12:56:34am
James M Driskill
I don't mind them I don't mind the surveillance it's not that
May 08, 2021 12:54:43am
James M Driskill
I'm done
May 08, 2021 12:54:31am
James M Driskill
They are in my way. Two times. They reset my app. Screen recording. They refuse to leave me akine..

They can.release the hold on our society.

They are Not Invisible. I see them quite well they are not a psychological empowerment as psych unseen.

I just recorded a screen session. They have the ability to reset my Facebook app at will. Do they risk exposure of that again and again and again I'm hearing this tool with my mindful craft I don't need to be in this tool I can go over to my browser. They won't stop thinking they have the ability to do this to our society they are enemies of our state using technology out-of-state of access they should not be doing and I know the truth
May 08, 2021 12:54:25am
James M Driskill
The preview there of my image also there is the image of San Bernardino Police Department Western Division Commander Lieutenant Nelson, Carrington. You perhaps need to really see reality immediately
May 08, 2021 12:47:02am
James M Driskill
All you have to do is look up my name so that's not what that was about. Obviously
May 08, 2021 12:45:51am
James M Driskill
It's has a reason to be dark cast and I'll explain to you later
May 08, 2021 12:45:37am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 12:45:24am
James M Driskill
I highly recommend you get into a view that you can find yourself understanding

What you are seeing is real.

I highly recommend 34 Minute audio

Taking conspiracy to apply to the virology of the CDC..

This is the pending underlying conspiracy that's actually happening not anything other than that what you posted on the Coronavirus I guess there is a conspiracy I didn't say that there wasn't I sent there a possibility to conduct such a conspiracy creation of a vaccine it's not science possible it only goes to prove your gullibility to reality but there is a conspiracy here yes there is a deep Dives and fire it isn't how it plays itself out do you want to know the truth?

Or do you want to go see this to be forever more cruel and your ignorance. I don't know I don't know I don't have time for b******* I don't want to have no pleasantries for it to free 4 weeks before you have a atom to determine you can't talk to me and block me or some other b******* get over yourself right now figure it out find out how you can help me or I die

Plain and simple

There is no simple this here and I don't think it is best to be simple when we need to be completely outrageously over-the-top screaming pissed
May 08, 2021 12:44:44am
James M Driskill
That's supervisor Rowe.

The content page:


With the network space I own I am Public Enemy Number One even in your view. Save it love compassion and Communications is not going to work here it's not the answer. My network needs to be pushed up into view and pushed out into view and taken in stride and given the authority to remove these assholes out of our politics stream and our science stream
May 08, 2021 12:39:29am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 12:36:58am
James M Driskill
The evidence I shared with my mother last night to the preparation of materials brings this matter out from the ponderance you have an interest to me Beyond A Reasonable Doubt she's still probably adjusting to it she's not allowing me to have that she's continuing to override herself and I'm about to leave this house crawling crawling I barely walk in the first place crawling
May 08, 2021 12:36:20am
James M Driskill
I will die
May 08, 2021 12:35:05am
James M Driskill
That is it Google Drive share the preview for witches Facebook in her face tells you the file name it isn't ochichi Files about 30 minutes if you do not interface with me off you all people you are not going to get by to say I was not here asking and you abandoned any kind of time passionate communication
May 08, 2021 12:34:58am
James M Driskill
Are you going to ghost me like I'm expecting?
May 08, 2021 12:32:47am
James M Driskill
Please please I'm asking this ever everyone and so far I've gotten absolutely nobody longer this request please take the audio to love this tool press it down hold and read the preview where to where to the end and send the audio. Hello Joyce are you there
May 08, 2021 12:31:20am
James M Driskill
Scott in the very first time I met him in the day knowing that hours approached he recognized me for any being a spirit of something remarkable you don't do this to people Joyce when you first meet people without a reason. He performed a function up in the invisible communication message to me.

He winked at me spiritually. A one eyed ( not provided here which eye )

Man to man.

Frankly as a victim I am in this group.

I know he knows.

he did this and I do I doubt he does such very often.

and I to believe he was a part of the senses that he knows he did this but can he recall why?

I am not sure.

No darkcast in his intention of course

Follow me individually for a minute and interchange with my County Supervisor please. If you need to talk to me outside of this exchange right now I have no trustworthy to love technology will have to be done face to face. Or a device outside of this space I have no access to technology I can even call on a phone I have to go somewhere else figure something out that I know I can trust that's the condition I'm in.

There's a person who is Aurora Colorado I'm going to have a an airline flight made to her availability

She is she is my mom my best reached here reliable friend of trust.

This House is suffering

something severe

and there's no way to hear there's no repairing this repairing this.

I bought it to her awareness the dialogue chat earlier about exhaustion we both my mom and I are exhausted but can be done I do not know but if I cannot get help from you all people you all go the f****** hell
May 08, 2021 12:29:57am
James M Driskill
They will not stop interfering with my ability 2 put communication into action. My spoken voice 2 text interface has to be said 1 Word at a time.

They will will not allow me do naturally speak to this now it's opening of course haha how many words can I get forward until they start that s*** again right get off of my interface you assholes stop interfering with me assholes I'm aware of your presence assholes you are so insulting to me assholes stop it get out of my way. Release me from your bondage I am the person who should be freed and you should be all jailed for conspiracy and treason. Get over yourself people. Joyce that's communication to the people who are involved in a communication interference of this tool.

My account was on LinkedIn and I was involving an Inmail with Rick Alan Ross.

My introduction to Rick Allen Ross was when I was involved in the situation that happened in north San Diego County when I actually have the opportunity didn't meet to Scott.

I was trying to get start to help me with my relationship with my property manager her name is Elizabeth Delgado and I was living at Paseo Del Oro Apartments. I have one for your understanding Joyce I want you to perform a Google search on your own and what comes up in the matching is a post is true. I have no consulates and I have no source of corrective means to help me in a reality that most can I see but it's true not my delusion
May 08, 2021 12:19:46am
James M Driskill
The best thing you could do right this moment to help me.....

go over to Facebook Messenger

open politician interface

San Bernardino County Supervisor Dawn ( we need a new day horizon ) Rowe.

Just appear there sometime in the next few days. She has a tag to the conversation .

She protects her mind into that mentality when you and her Exchange. Ask her the same questions I've asked you repeatedly that are open to everybody in the world of the public got four of them be cordial clean nice need loving and compassionate of course and see where this is going to go test this is not going to go very well. She will clam up just like all the rest or there's something seriously wrong Happening Here Joyce and I'm telling you you all are blind to what it is until you are forced to see it right here and now I will always for you be forever I lost to what I'm doing and treat treat me unwisely unfair and into the gutter dismiss me and I'm going to die literally I'm going to die I ain't going to die. For the matters that you don't get no I'm going to die real human death die.

Scott and I personally have shared space four separate time in his Workshop.

He knows exactly who I am so you can go with that and ask him I don't mind take his opinion in relative terms and he is blind as well as you.

Right at this moment in time I'm having to put my words in three parts. Three words three words

and ask those questions and then post the question will why won't you answer them

Or citizen James Martin Frisco who is in your own County Carrot Top Got You Joyce I'm representing by proxy the Saturday of this interface
May 08, 2021 12:13:32am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 12:03:50am
James M Driskill
Thank you
May 08, 2021 12:01:21am
James M Driskill
I do what I say I do and you shouldn't think me otherwise
May 08, 2021 12:01:05am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 12:00:36am
James M Driskill
Is midnight on Friday almost into Saturday. 3 Minutes to Midnight I gave my County supervisor and my local newspaper a deadline of 5 p.m. to call my mother at 909-882-8759 to assure her that what it's going to happen here is that I am not going to die and to apologize for what has happened in my local community is Extreme that true and for the community to apologize to me. That never happened. My post on the live event video has reference to a supervisor Rowe.

Knowing that I live in San Bernardino.

There are no consulates
May 07, 2021 11:59:29pm
James M Driskill
I will post the entire transcript into this tool just to have it with you and consider you a time wasted in this piece of trash if you want me to take it to that limit I'm not trying to I need help I will describe what I need help with after we have understood I might limit is outrageous I'm not accepting no more excuses no more no more
May 07, 2021 11:56:30pm
James M Driskill
I guarantee you I do not deserve to be blocked. Blocking on social media is a form of mental abuse
May 07, 2021 11:55:49pm
James M Driskill
And that is what is the necessity here that I'm asking for help. I need help
May 07, 2021 11:54:59pm
James M Driskill
What kind of. We Trust science why can we not trust Science Why can not science prevail. Why does science not prevail that is what is in your answer that is why your question is looking strange to me. I'm not putting you down it's a typical reaction to not addressing the cause of this that would be trust that would be social trust that would be Community Trust
May 07, 2021 11:54:47pm
James M Driskill
And I text you five times to watch this documentary you need to watch it 5 * 10 * 100 if necessary. It's not propaganda it's reality
May 07, 2021 11:54:06pm
James M Driskill
One of the rules i break to assume - there is no such thing as a nice way to say it when niceness didn't work the first time the third time that kids sign the hundred time. But niceness is not the rule that gets the truth forward.

Then Fuck You

There is no love compassionate limitation that is going to change that.

Does that make any kind of clear this for you?

I am answering your question the correct way and if you do not receive that correctly then f*** you but I'm asking for your help but only if you can see you that to miss of help and help me real so if you can't do that then also f*** you. Now that's nice to which I'm not putting words into view but suck you all who cannot see the truth I cannot see how you say such things you are people
May 07, 2021 11:53:27pm
James M Driskill
Has the quote just played you can choose the wrong model. You can choose the wrong level because you don't know or you choose the wrong model because you know too much.

It only takes one corrupted protocol it says broken rule to stall scientific progress
May 07, 2021 11:50:18pm
James M Driskill

Happening everywhere

Right here abd everywheere

Outside of Natural Law
May 07, 2021 11:48:25pm
James M Driskill
How to do a little bit of research into this field. Taking outside of coronavirus itself I just stand at the Historical use of this field or the use of this problem of called strategic ignorance is being employed Upon Our masses extreme I didn't consider upon us as Source from an enemy of our state Russia. Do a little bit of research here re-read your question see where you're coming from. Where are you coming from Joyce with your question you post?


The alarms the lights the sirens are going off everywhere across our entire nation event every event event

🚦 stop look.and listen.
May 07, 2021 11:46:27pm
James M Driskill
I answered you and Scott to Thomas's live event. The answer to which is he and I have a history. I'm not criticizing him I'm trying to provide you an answer to why there's a convention in the first place the answer is provided in this video. https://youtu.be/t5UPnuSTRjA
May 07, 2021 11:39:50pm