James M Driskill
May 12, 2022 11:56:03pm
James M Driskill
Jun 16, 2021 7:43:44am
James M Driskill
A very very interesting urgent post.


This post has an easy sooken vooce narrative audio media -- 11min 01sec

Would you please look forward into receiving my story -- requires linking.

and please follow up back something ot assistance. Or at least empathy.

May 24, 2021 8:52:44pm
James M Driskill
Why are you silent you have no reason to be silent do you?
May 24, 2021 8:51:26pm
James M Driskill
Can we talk sometime soon
May 09, 2021 4:37:32am
James M Driskill
You sent a live location.
Last update Apr 22
Apr 22, 2021 2:04:44pm
James M Driskill
I'm done trying to ask for an Isis here please help me please please please I'm begging on my hands and knees from you.


Beam me out of this universe please.

It's toxic to my life presence. Beam me out of this universe immediately I can't breathe.
Apr 22, 2021 2:04:13pm
James M Driskill
They can do this because I'm basically acting alone without a collective behind me I need to find that Collective immediately please Kelly immediately
Apr 22, 2021 2:01:18pm
James M Driskill
Failed. Four officers showed up at my door yesterday. The sheriff and December the police to represent that I threatened the doctor when I did not the only element of that particular item is that they were focused on it said I had a timer the timer was the threats that justified that I just also now receive a FedEx.

a crime a crime a.crime

A criminal action from law enforcement is being again pursued against me
Apr 22, 2021 1:59:00pm
James M Driskill
I leave this as goodbye goodbye goodbye Kelly I died.

  • 😠James M Driskill
Apr 22, 2021 1:56:31pm
James M Driskill
That's links from my site. It is my resource that has to fix this. Do you accept that Facebook is showing that real. Can you get yourself into gear and respect the relationship of an Internet between us that is showing itself to validate that for you and that you take your time to realize we are Facebook friends can we be real friends true friends... You will find that address in this next piece I expect every single piece of this to be incorporated into your life Kellie to the man in the mission of peace that is trying to be with you and you will fail me and when you failed me I'm going to detach myself from you as an unfriend -- there is no such thing
Apr 22, 2021 1:55:35pm
James M Driskill
Please i need help. My family needs helo. Are County needs help to change his ways are City needs help to change its ways our country needs help to change our ways. I'm the one who's supposed to change the minds of men and all of this and nothing I do seems to be good enough I'm not good enough for you all and you all hurt me and hate me
Apr 22, 2021 1:52:42pm
James M Driskill
I define this as

forever cruel
Apr 22, 2021 1:51:37pm
James M Driskill
Apr 22, 2021 1:51:31pm
James M Driskill
Will you please find the courage to at least respond or perhaps refer me to some place I can get help please
Apr 22, 2021 1:49:17pm
James M Driskill
How lot enforcement can do this. This is exactly the source to which I'm fighting can you please help me fight this please
Apr 22, 2021 1:48:11pm
James M Driskill
From the news section not just all out there in the world of Google
Apr 22, 2021 1:47:44pm
James M Driskill
There is a document on there you can search for under the term of gang stalking there's the only one so you should be able to figure it out for yourself I'm tired tired of trying to get somebody to open themselves up to their interface and read something to empower themselves I'm powerless influential or not this is the truth
Apr 22, 2021 1:45:32pm
James M Driskill
Goodbye Kelly goodbye forever cruel I am in. A state of being a targeted individual of gangstalking for 15 years. An nih.gov paper on the subject matter issued April 6th 2020, provides the truism of definition of this condition I'm living through I don't know about you but the way

I see it this way.

if they can do this to me they can do this to anybody.

That could be or would be you and your family too.

I realize the step of fear over the step of Courage.

I'm courageously stepping out into the light. There are many suffering this condition across our entire scope of our society?

Do you see what I see and you know this already?

Finally a reckoning is supposed to be occurring against the law enforcement. But as I just demonstrated it's all an illusion as you can see the ties that I have involved myself with..

A true face that I am called upon this task from a higher view this is Godsend on me.

Currently I'm in a living nightmare day today.

My only reprieve is my sleep time.

I can't terminate the cause of my nightmare it's just a conspiracy for sure

I'm not going to live my life as a targeted individual against talking forever to the end of my life

As a forever cruel elemenr did I must sit down and shut the fuck up about this truth

I am saying this is already passed

In real terms not a metaphor

A Do or Die Moment.

Goodbye Kelly I died.
Apr 22, 2021 1:44:43pm
James M Driskill
I'm playing no games
Apr 22, 2021 1:34:31pm
James M Driskill
I have no access to my medical care absolutely every single Social Service auction every doctor care option every police agency Authority every bit of society has decided to detach itself from the obligation to help me I have had no care in my disease since March of 2019 and there is no ability for me to reach to a solution without help. There is no ability to save my life by myself.

Me and my mother cannot find the answer by ourselves.

So Kelly when you finally get the knowledge of this somehow in the future you'll know that by the time it comes across your Insight I said something to you here I guess I'm going to say it and it will be left for you to appreciate it or not this is the conclusion I'm not putting this on you I'm putting this on the whole society that has done this to me.

Goodbye Kelly play goodbye really goodbye I died
Apr 22, 2021 1:33:57pm
James M Driskill
Apr 22, 2021 1:32:08pm
James M Driskill
Apr 22, 2021 1:32:06pm
James M Driskill
There are no council's when there are no consulate.
Apr 22, 2021 1:31:05pm
James M Driskill
Human resources of integrity. Can I find that of You Kelly please
Apr 22, 2021 1:30:15pm
James M Driskill
I am asking for a confirmation that the preview on the other end of this item. Then when I share this item to everybody I share this item would you please read that as it says type it into your confirmation before we begin here.

That's you see the preview of that item and that you take that preview and type it into this tool back to me. Please
Apr 22, 2021 1:29:31pm
James M Driskill
Audio also here - if you can you have to follow all the links in this to comprehensively understand where I am in a pickle perplexing order and I can't get myself out of this by myself
Apr 22, 2021 1:28:30pm
James M Driskill
Back that URL to its directory and there is history they're showing what my 911 history is with what happened Ellie what happened on the table with the evidence is showing there but I'm not anybody is taking heed of that in our community the evidence is there believe me it's there.

Apr 22, 2021 1:26:01pm
James M Driskill
I have reached out to everywhere I can conceive of with no help
Apr 22, 2021 1:25:07pm
James M Driskill
I have an open 911 text interface as we speak. This has already shown himself to have collapsed in the January attempt to a failure. I have a draft of a text that I'm going to be trying to Schmitt into a broadcast of a vg911 text emergency message. I have not submitted this text into the 911 Channel yet.
Apr 22, 2021 1:24:34pm
James M Driskill
Apr 22, 2021 1:24:24pm
James M Driskill
Apr 22, 2021 1:24:23pm
James M Driskill
Therefore I have to find one by one those people to form such a council.

This is me begging don't silence me don't put me into a ghosting find me something to reach to please I've tried it all I've tried it all I've tried it all.
Apr 22, 2021 1:21:47pm
James M Driskill
There is no consulate.
Apr 22, 2021 1:20:53pm
James M Driskill
Apr 22, 2021 1:20:19pm
James M Driskill
You are an SBHS alumni and a great photographer I not sure what you have posted in most recent times.

I hav followed over the years stop looking up you are one class my senior I do believe. We have a photoshoot in common I remember the statue at the arrowhead Springs Hotel.

I think you commiented in that I had a live video.

Not sure,

Iim not trying to put anything on you

'm just trying to provide some history here without looking it up.

I'm not sure for sure in my memory but let's just keep this here.

I do not know how you view me. Good or indifferent or bad and indifferent I don't know it doesn't matter right now.

The last thing I shared with you is important to understand.

And how that manifests up into today and I would like your help. I need your help I'm in a state but I have had to include the following condition.

There is no consulate.

Do you understand what that means? Do you really understand what that means?

There is no counsel any kind of order of a Civil Society at my reach when I have reached for everything I can conceive of

Now in this faction that I have conceiving that you are not a part of what is an adversary in this Kelly Pajak.

And what happens when dealing with a corrupted agency Collective - long-standing corrupted

What happens

You getting all councils to help you in the matter to which this is very dire and verg extteme.

Throughout the history and all of this the public agencies of authority in all the time since have chosen to block social media by using a feature that they're not legally supposed to. But they too. What is the alternative if you can't communicate to a law enforcement or any other political establishment agency in a whole entire County that is corrupted Sensibility? That the public affairs officer for the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Facebook page I encountered his name is Mike Byers a former police officer and went by the social media celebrity status of


Prior to his current efforts he was a celebrity status among the crowd of clicks that was like I look who I'm having lunch with kind of videos. Mike Fiers is interviewed for a Time magazine article on how hate is spreading across the internet and his advice is contrary to his Deliverance of what happened between us and I at first appearance when I encountered him here to the Facebook exchange link from their websitem

Such link rom their original Bridge from their website of the San Bernardino County on to Facebook has been abandoned.

I wonder why?

Was it because of Citizen James Martin Driscoll with a technical aptitude to take the code for this tool and place it on to the web and a very informative presentation and such tool operates like from the public as of the code is there just the active links don't operate from Facebook but the continent is scrollable and readable just the same.

So is that the reason why they abandon such a link. Of course it is

And more important what is Mike Bires is next endeavor.


Where he has established a curriculum educational system in the proper educational balance how to apply the law unto the operating status of social media across the entire frame of law enforcement in this country.

Taking the fact that I know it has a corrupted sword.

Can I find a way to your interest Kelly to at least follow me but more importantly I have no one else in the world in this right now not a single soul will stand by my side and help me push a wall of Oppression to smash a wall of Oppression and I will die I will die if I'm trying to do this by myself parent and this is the way

To the end all of my current phrases

Kelly and I'm not kidding Kelly

I'm not kidding Kelly

I'm at my most desperate hour Kelly

I need help Kelly.

This is one that I'm telling you is true and there are things you need to know to make this truth be trusted that it is true.

or just believe me for a moment when I say this find your interest to uplink to the investigation of who I am and what I am doing here and nobody is truly interacting with me nicely.

And ignorance and a silenced and a nonsense and a bullshit and everything

I see is a myriad of complexes that is a representation of.

A hugebig monster in all of you and all of us and all of this.

I have the San Bernardino Sun in view of the San Bernardino Police in view of the San Bernardino County supervisor a sign at the top of mine messenger. And all of them will fail me I guarantee it all of them will fail
Apr 22, 2021 1:19:33pm
James M Driskill
Powered by this video, and knowing that by confronting this matter because my case manager will not actually process the necessary details on the authority of management Administration personnel of the San Bernardino Police Department : the immediate deception the position of a police department will be put into strife as shown in this video is all


I have to issue a complaint with the San Bernardino Police Department against:

Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers III - that takes into account the details that were expressed in the house here in the living room dining room table.

This is where he basically had already sized me up to be delusional when I mention the problem I'm having with gang stalking.

He tells me that he'll be sure to get somebody to help me. The interface to which draws upon case manager Wendy Ann Holmquist.

During that session with Sergeant Rogers,

A very unusual request was made apparent I have been in contact with the Riverside Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during one of their agent enforcement agent visits to this house in the prior days prior to the arrival of Sergeant Rogers OK Rogers gave me a direct command do not contact the FBI ever again in these regards I thought that was kind of suspicious and strange at the time and still do.

Rogers tells me that the FBI agent that I had prior face-to-face exchanged when was a personal friend of his.

At this very moment I do not have dates at my reach as I share this video. But I do have dates in my record for sure.

Completely Dismissed - Sergeant Rogers continues the silence of being a fake -

My complaint is about my need to control the outer community societal element on social media that coalesced among themselves to create a coalition and a mission very specific mission of collected Force agenda,

A patterned recognized curtain that is on every single window looking out I'm looking in to this

It would be called to his highest form one of the most elusive powers that are allowed to operate the dark heart among our people.

My human rights my right of freedom even at my childhood home here in San Bernardino ..

it will become self-evident,
it is a fact they ( organized gang stalking coalition ) that I seem to attract and attach onto my digital footprint then into Cyberlife and Real-life affected situations.

By my legally exercising my United States citizen rights,

Not being protected,

and my International human rights - that are outside my reach of outside oversight and authority of the United Nations, an imbalance of shaky ground forces.

It is they not I who are violating the law.

This is not just a civil law they are violating my rights,

Who for most - many do not truly find themselves needing to address law enforcement to protect these rights for them

Too hard to grasp this truth!!!

in our society - that allow these creatures to coalesce, to form a coalition - to seek out to destroy and annihilate a single human's life path - that is the odds and the holding that I am actually being held in.

Defined this scheme - long standing - decades perhaps more than a century empowered under this hierarchy of hate,

Way way way way way so over kill to specifically target,

Dirt poor little man of mention - me.

But as i have come to understand #GangStalking - I am , as it defines for many,

I am a targeted individual...

A victim of stalking by a collective organized group - Social to know its embedded grip to governmental organization agencies of social service providers....

I can actually identify - campaigns and individuals - this is a criminal Enterprise.

Yes I say criminal Enterprise because somebody somewhere somehow is getting paid somehow getting Kickbacks somehow the money must be flowing to keep them from being placed into the investigative process by law enforcement officers of all authorities from local police, local County Sheriff, State Department of Justice oh, and of course Federal Bureau of Investigation.

All of these agencies are under the authority to protect the citizens from these activities.

That would be citizen James Martin Driskill born September 1st 1965 in the City and County of San Bernardino California in the lovely area of the Inland Empire where it just so happens...

Where the biker gang - another criminal Enterprise - known as a Hells Angels are Foundation started check your history and see how close Fontana is.

The biker club of the Hell's Angels next opening regional club location happens to be Oakland California we're all of this actually began 15 years ago in the city of Oakland.

It is in 2005 registered addresses of my internet domains mark this time unquestionably unsuspiciously an unendorsed... The purpose of my internet domains - as a presence that is unchallengeable to this realism truth.

These two demands and then the Third paddling in July of the following year... the exclusive Intellectual property an Information Network processing holding at this author and this victim of the societal allegiances to their dying breath everyone that is involved to hate.

These allegiances are strong. These allegiances are loyal and apparently these are allegiances are hush hush.

And impact these allegiances do have tokenized racial examples are not flat and who they seem to be.

A very disturbing political story I will attach as a reply reflects this statement as more factually true than some fine line issue I just call interview with no substitutive connections and ties to these horses forces endorses of hate.

Gripped by no regard for a foundation story of mine here..

s coerced by intimidation or funded to carry the overall the hate organization bottom line mission.

They will never never never never never never turn tail and betray this equation they will never never never never never actually call for their removal of power to not turn a blind eye by law enforcement to actually become prosecuted for the violations they perpetrate against the society and against the individual come on, come on come on - give me a fucking break - offenses and violations of high crimes and misdemeanors of conspiracy -

Protected and insulated from this equation Perry.. Those who are involved acts as the classic gangster Mafia members as Untouchables.

As I place to the County of San Bernardino district attorney earlier in Facebook Messenger... I am willing without an actual lawyer to file every single Paper to fill out every single form to conduct every single piece of investigative process to conduct myself professionally and legal to uproot and supplant it's very destructive force it's happening in our culture local communities to Statewide obliteration....

Even the president of the United States of America Donald John Trump... Elected not by popular vote - is a prime candidates to remain in this power.

A classic example of United States American hypocrisy question to highest Global offence.

This must be supplanted. This must be done it is I who has this mission and it is I who will bring down Almighty Wrath informational digital bits and bites destroy there dark deep-seated vision - Everlasting hate will never ever ever relinquish itself two peace.
Jul 23, 2020 11:52:58pm
James M Driskill
You sent an attachment.
Jul 22, 2020 9:49:06pm
James M Driskill
Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can't get them back. So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I'll never lose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to All your friends including me if u treat me as 1. If you get four back you are a Great friend 🌽🌽
Oct 03, 2018 9:31:01pm