James M Driskill
what is the important issue that you would like to discuss. If you want to start an email coversation with me, you can use any of these emails as you might see fit. [ facebook-lamine.niane@realuphuman.net, actively servicing the truth the all time human history : facebook-lamine.niane@gruwup.net : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : or as I just stated it, facebook-lamine.niane@fuckeduphuman.net, binding knot of mpatapo, a peace building attempt to find sanity over schemes of fishing. I am not changing my ways. I will not email you. You can link to: http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com/ to show you there are profiles listed there for wrongdoing actions on the net.
Dec 10, 2018 8:06:04am
Lamine Niane
Please try and email me as soon as please lets keep in touch in email (esthermalone3@gmail.com)
because it related to business.
Dec 10, 2018 8:03:22am
James M Driskill
You know the phrase, what happens in Las Vegas stays in Vegas. Well, I treat what happens on Facebook stays on Facebook. In That sense, I will not be using your email address until we get to know each other better. By that time, I am sure your profile will be removed because you are not really seeking friends, but you are developing some kind of scheme --- I don't know what it is ---- and don't care to participate in something that will be in the long run a harm or detriment to my life. Sorry, that is my observation from the style and type of messages that you just sent me. As history states it, better avoid the issue by staying on Facebook for the time being.
Dec 10, 2018 8:02:06am
Lamine Niane
i'm delighted to meet you am Esther M. from UK,i came across your profile and i want us to be friends. please write me on my email (esthermalone3@gmail.com) am not usually online have important issue i will like us to discus on email ok.
Dec 10, 2018 7:58:42am
James M Driskill
You are now connected on Messenger
Dec 10, 2018 6:46:46am