James M Driskill
Jun 16, 2021 7:56:56am
James M Driskill
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, May 28, 2016 at 4:50 PM
To: lonnellcallum@yahoo.com, Dr Robert C Scott <rcscottmd@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: Who is this community member? Return Visitor -- PLEASE REPLY TO ALL what I just related to you <sirjunkalot@gmail.com>


*ALOT named the room and why there is a sign above that room


BCC: here --- remain silent please.
May 28, 2016 5:34:50pm
James M Driskill
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, May 28, 2016 at 4:46 PM
To: lonnellcallum@yahoo.com, Dr Robert C Scott <rcscottmd@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: Who is this community member? Return Visitor -- PLEASE REPLY TO ALL what I just related to you <sirjunkalot@gmail.com>

☀In The Mindway Skin☀ :

It Is The Pathway That The Mind Travels That Is So Sacred
We Are All Sharing So Free Without Hatred
#KeepAllNameAssocationsTogether ]
There Are No Limits To Stop Us
So No Reason To Quit
The Universe Of Happiness Is Out There
Lets Get On IT, It's Our Trip

#[ _________________________ ]

-April-30-1999 ---------> May-17-2016

Jay -- this is fact.

You left a prop sign needle under my door or somewhere around here to be found by a neighbor or cleaning staff that day.

At this point, you prob should realize that the call of April 4th
was recorded --- but you already were told that.

The only way you are going to be able to SAFELY BECOME HONORED INVITE OVER TO THIS SPACE -- a SCHOOL is to complete a TEST.

The course study for this of this test is the following glossary [ as well the entire contents of this email ] --- I will tell you when the test is ready to take.

YOU will need to be 95% accurate on the test.

You might consider reviewing this entire list --- there may be a couple
included for safe sakes.



Anatrofin - injectable steroid
Artillery - equipment for injecting drugs
Backjack - injecting opium
Back to back - smoking crack after injecting heroin or heroin used after smoking crack
Backtrack - allow blood to flow back into a needle during injection
Backup - prepare vein for injection
Bang - to inject a drug; inhalant
Bing - enough of a drug for one injection
Bingo - to inject a drug
Blow a fix - injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin
blow a shot - injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin
blow the vein - injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin
Bolasterone - injectable steroid
Bombido - injectable amphetamine; heroin; depressant
Boost - to inject a drug; to steal
Boot - to inject a drug
Bridge up or bring up - ready a vein for injection
Burn the main line - to inject a drug
Burned out - collapse of veins from repeated injections; permanent impairment from drug abuseBurnese
Channel - vein into which a drug is injected
Channel swimmer - one who injects heroin
Cook - mix heroin with water; heating heroin to prepare it for injection
Cooker - to inject a drug
Cranking up - to inject a drug
Cushion - vein into which a drug is injected
Deca-duabolin - injectable steroid
Delatestryl - injectable steroid
Dep-testosterone - injectable steroid
Dihydrolone - injectable steroid
Draw up - to inject a drug
Dropper - to inject a drug
Durabolin - injectable steroid
Dymethzine - injectable steroid
Emergency gun - instrument used to inject other than syringe
Enoltestovis - injectable steroid
Fire - to inject a drug; crack and methamphetamine
Fix - to inject a drug
Geezer - to inject a drug
Geezin a bit of dee gee - injecting a drug
Get down - to inject a drug
Get off - to inject a drug; get "high"
Gimmick - drug injection equipment
Give wings - inject someone or teach someone to inject heroin
Go into a sewer - to inject a drug
Gravy - to inject a drug; heroin
Gun - to inject a drug; needle
Gutter - vein into which a drug is injected
Hit the main line - to inject a drug
Hit the needle - to inject a drug
Hit the pit - to inject a drug
Hitting up - injecting drugs
Hot load/hot shot - lethal injection of an opiate
Jab/job - to inject a drug
Jack-Up - to inject a drug
Jolt - to inject a drug; strong reaction to drugs
Joy pop - to inject a drug
Kit - equipment used to inject drugs
Laugh and scratch - to inject a drug
Main line - to inject a drug
Mainliner - person who injects into the vein
Ping-in-wing - to inject a drug
Pipe - crack pipe; marijuana pipe; vein into which a drug is injected; mix drugs with other substances
Primobolan - injectable and oral steroid
Quinolone - injectable steroid
Register - to allow blood to flow back into needle just prior to injecting heroin
Rig - equipment used to inject drugs
Roller - to inject a drug
Satch cotton - fabric used to filter a solution of narcotics before injection
Sewer - vein into which a drug is injected
Shoot/shoot up - to inject a drug
Shot - to inject a drug
Skin popping - injecting drugs under the skin
Slam - to inject a drug
Soda - injectable cocaine used in Hispanic communities
Spike - to inject a drug; needle
Spoon - 1/16 ounce of heroin;paraphernalia used to prepare heroin for injection
Therobolin - injectable steroid
Tie - to inject a drug
Tools - equipment used for injecting drugs
Track - to inject a drug
Trophobolene - injectable steroid
Works - equipment for injecting drugs



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James Driskill making the world a better place at Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom.
May 17 at 1:11am · Denver ·
[ Relationships and Balance : Adult consensual concepts placed to the order of things done right --- This is only option here to continue ]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2016 at 5:06 AM
To: "cinamon@rockymountaincares.org" <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>

Conversation on Facebook is ver; to te documentation of thi:


This is the disturbing truth.

The associated April 4rth Call recording is attached.

I am crying in this call --

telling me about putting away his device -- I have those on call RECORDING TOO 0---



And then when he get ere -- he says

quote : "I had my phone and it was never here"

That is what he said to me --- jhe is just as involved in this as
the rest of this!



They need to get the message form someone who has authority of them./ STAY FROM JAMES
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:a1bd:24ab:b29b:3256
May 28, 2016 5:33:02pm
James M Driskill
May 28, 2016 5:32:54pm
James M Driskill
Jay : Lonnell Callum -- you guys have fully have insulted the integrity of this space with this nonsense and then further with all that has happened -- in violence terms -- I want to tell the world first -- I am really rallly homnestly considering filing CIVIL CHARGES aginst this conspiracy because of the obviousness of these things --- and the VOIOLENCE and then the continued presence of mind that Giovanti is the gang leader here -- in this creation -- and I think withj fnail record of messaging -- his PERSONALY OF GOD ME GOD MY GOD ONLY ME IMPORTANT has surfacied into the writing stream to docment -- you con deny or accept this is my side iouibuib 00 but at this point, if you don't comment online in full view of the puiblic -- I WONT BELIVE A SINGLE WORD YOU SAY. That goes for all of you -- Bobby, Giovantii, Jay, Jessy, and Diddy since he was inssequenty involved. Thank ou. ou're friends on Facebook
Registered Nurse at Premier Healthcare Services
Lives in Denver, Colorado
Mt Moore, this will be my final writing about this subject, I hope. We are based on Facebook here as friends. There is a friend in your list that is not in mine.. However, he and I have had some very recent interactions. More to the point Mr Mooore, when I first meet this guy, I did not want him to bond a friend with me. It would be a apparent at the the time of this first call, because it was CALL RECORDED. But is found himself getting his hooks into my life and my space. This was not just an accident. What you are about to be presented to is the actual 100% @Realuphuman truth. What this domain stands for is the documentation of the absolute 100% truth. It does not serve me to be dishonest and put to the web such a record in this. Please go to this page : https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10206471973980221 : I have been trying to create a common space / called a school or learning space / the name of this space is called Awesome iby the name of Sammie Francher. Kramobone refes to the Adinkra symbol of Kramobone where One Bad Makes All Look Bad or the Bad Make It Difficult to get noticed. It is a warning against deception and hypocrisy -- which in all of this is all that I have been receiving for months now. I am not the only one who uses this symbol to place a foundation into their presence of living space. That for one must show you something to reach up and into --- believing. Please read the page linked to and named Relationships and Balance from begin to end -- it relates to some distributing trends of ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS and the players involved and into now banned blocked and perhaps needing 911 police if boundaries are violated once more again. I have issued these in the past and were broken., The one in place right here and now is ABSOLUTE ! Thanks You : Thank You : Thank You (X3)
[ Relationships and Balance : Adult consensual concepts placed to the order of things done right --- This is only option here to continue ] ------------------------------------------------- This I had to write out to someone in private. That person from a group I just entered into as source a Wiccan Forum. This is really really disturbing. Ain't it harm, do what thou wilt is the law of our Wiccan Rede. This, however it may be silent to her, is in fact not a peaceful away of sharing and relating to others. If we were playing any kind of game of any kind that puts a challenge before me and goal that you have any kind way to change that ending goal. For it will always change with you to a different resolve . All this is to you a humorous game in an attempt for you to keep me here staying entertained in between. Instead of the seriousness of life to messages I say, you are always making it about the next move. I am telling you its done. For even if we were in a game of 52 card pickup, you would never confess the 52nd card was the last one and make that last move of the game and stop. Well this one man here does not work to play the seriousness of life in a game that way. I got you lady. This is absolutely now absurd resolvable level. A category of calling you out, I would have my own better luck in my own picking numbers of lottery in winning the jackpot than any kind of favor of respect from you. This kind of game is not nice but dark deed evil play of mind games when I never gave you that consent authority. Perhaps we could have been in that mode, role play is a part of my space, but you wont give it a chance to work from serious of life is the position I choose to enter into. That was my stated intentions and never stated otherwise. If you had another hidden agenda position points of view, even if so innocent to work role play into this seriousness conversation. You needed to place an intention into that contact stream at me. You had that obligation to make that presence known of you onto me, I am no mind reader at this glance distance and for sure at a very initiation of a relationship. This grants both us our options respectfully keeping the balance if we choose in the adult way our consent intermixed to play as that could be granted. Otherwise consents here are out of their moral lines. Continuing in this disrespecting imbalanced way is dirty deeds done dirt cheap. [ ref: ac/dc ] and must be ceased and terminated immediately. That is the way you lost it. Ii might have been a fun time to learn about each other on all levels. For that is a grand failure and disappointment. Perhaps maybe you agree. It is disgusting for you as Wiccan woman to be employing such tactics here at the first start of this conversation in this contentious way. You are exposed to this game you are playing. This is the truth. This matter is closed. Good good day!! Closed by Seal : Unless you offer me either one of these back of you in return - you are done. I have the last move. GODDESS FORBIDS YOU TO NOT STOP HERE AND CONCEDE I AM THE TRUTH. James-Driskill-California-51616.pdf [ Truthfinder background check report ] : Chat Conversation End ------------------------------------------------- @Gruwup 2016 : Great Reasons Us [ You There, I and All Here ] Will Unite Peace Awesome Kramobone Playroom, Denver Colorado USA, an adult school learning / sharing space presenting adult consensual practices and other various explorations of mind, body and thought.
James Driskill
House Kramo Bone
Todd's M/s Household
There is a BlogTalkRadio Broadcast that was recorded live and live public at the day of the day I was hit in the face : that person is Bobby Gordon as is in community writng
; http://www.blogtalkradio.com/awesomekramoboneplayroom/2016/04/04/respecting-this-space---when-dee-decides-to-take-hands-in-violence-215a
Respecting this space --- when DEE decides to take HANDS in VIOLENCE @215a
I will fill this in later
Jay is the person who in this recording is best my ally here able to talk with me. This who this not what the record appears of ally and violence and friend and shifts in abetwn all of these things --- all of these people are involved in mess around with me : true must Jay has its collapse of inteigry to the end of his day here last week. I am sending into this community the CALL RECORDING that is mentioned in this that in that speecific section of writing - I am addresing the tag of my Brorther Dennis Driskill --- I am not kidding -- I was actually CRYING this CALL RECORDING between Jay and Myself on April 4th.
Jay _ bbrt [ Blkboy44 ]_2016-04-04_21-17-52.mp3
Here is his profile on facebook - we are not direct friends but you two are : [ [ https://www.facebook.com/lonnell.callum?fref=ts
Lonnell Callum
JAY == Lonnell Callum who is in the BlogTalkRadio as ally speaking in most able way in my bedroom area.
Bobby Gordon is DEE in this Broadcast recording, he is the voice most problably ddistrubing of hate and vile against me
Jessy -- aloght he is on ffacebook -- desires by his own attempts to stay of out of the issue here -- You can find hima round on the networks if you need his name nam is Vaugyn I think his spelling
at the center of thiis is Giovanni - Sammie Francher for which he and I know each other back one full year when hes started coming here -- He is the one who actually named Awesome the Awesome --- It is out of control -- I need some community awareness of these events -- no matter way. Thank you.
You are free to pass the Call Recording Mp3 as you like -- a huge disrepcting elemnent on this space --does noit deservie to be buriried becaus of some kind of priacy requiires that go out of the respect of the space when they are in DISHONORED SPACE for weeks after these kind of things.
But please do not --- and request not -- to post it public spaces -- that is not my idea place for that kind of file record at this time.
I see that you are a nurse -- one reason why I choose to write. Although the network connection points me to your direction. You also only have 15 friends0--- so that does not service much a buzz --- so my motives and truly security and safety with ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS being observed and health wellness and sanity of our community. Nothing else. SELF-PROTECTIVE RECORD if I need o proceed to a LAW orientated solution. I guess. Thank you very very much
If just reviewing the public memespace folder content directy here [ http://gruwup.net/[WebDomains]/facebook.com/ ] - you would see the intrity side of my case. I have MARK ZUCKERBEG of Facebook CEO staus in view of all the messages of introducton to him int that subfoldrer profileID [ zuck ] -- That is rue --- if you want a place to go find more about me. Thanks.
Index of /[WebDomains]/facebook.com
The OFF FACEBOOK Archive of the URL topic conversation Facebook page i[ Relationships and Balance : Adult consensual concepts placed to the order of things done right -- This is only option here to continue ] is placed here at my domain [ http://gruwup.net/[WebDomains]/facebook.com/Awesome-Kramobone-Blows-and-Glows-Playroom/Relationships%20and%20Balance%20-%20Adult%20consensual%20practices.htm ] @Gruiwup @Realuphuman 2016
(10) James Driskill - [ Relationships and Balance : Adult consensual...
[ Relationships and Balance : Adult consensual concepts placed to the order of things done right --- This is only option here to continue ] ------------------------------------------------- This I had to write out to someone in private. That person from a group I just entered into as source a Wiccan...
Oh that is an interesting item to carry over from that. That is from Lonnell Callums page there stored.
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:e822:ed9e:2575:211c
May 17, 2016 6:28:46am
James M Driskill
Oh Oh Oh Oh -- This has posted to the facebook page timeline of Non-Profit With Balls : The title is : I HAVE THE BIGGEST BALLS OF THEM ALL : http://gruwup.net/[WebDomains]/facebook.com/nonprofitwithballs/James%20Driskill%20-%20I%20have%20the%20biggest%20balls%20of%20all.htm
IP Address: 2601:282:801:cb00:e822:ed9e:2575:211c
May 16, 2016 7:02:28am
James M Driskill
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 3, 2016 at 7:28 PM
Subject: There are only so many ways to dawn -- holding misleading intentions and breaking john charles wilsford of his standing of chaos over peace.
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>

I would not be emailing this to you -- but for you to know WTF is up with my visitor.

john charles wilsford -- [ Google it ! ]

His EXCUSE for this ability to maintain is chaos in this environment is said of that he has a medical condition that of SEIZURES.

Now in that moment of time that he mentioned that fact in shared company, I told him that my FIRST BOYFRIEND [ Tom D A ] -- note my TWITTER RECENT POSTS in reference to him.

Twitter Search [ @Gruwup @ABC2020 @MettaWorldPeace ]

That is just a side bar... but in conversation about SEIZURES. , I informed Mr Boyfriend suffered from SEIZURES and described to him the to symptoms and events that occurred from my point of view of EXPERIENCE with a boyfriend of more than 3 years who beyond the tweeted history there on that subject lived with me and my family for more than a full year in the house of @Gruwup.net registration on Grande Vista before I even came out to my parents as being GAY.

So these are my experiences with someone who has SEIZURES and that Mr Wilsford apparently involuntary decided [??] to have a DRAMATIC and what I was told described SELF-HARMING SERIOUS EVENT HERE while I went up to the store this afternoon.

Right Mr Wilsford ?? Just so happens not in my direct witness.

Well, OK.

I am following up with the seriousness of what was described... I think it would best to dial 911 and have an EMT evaluation on the matter.

But he chooses to leave instead. I told him -- he lost his ability to stay.

But If he goes directly to the HOSPITAL from this point here --- I would be his ADVOCATE to what he has and try to get him on EFFECTIVE MEDICATION for his condition.

These people are seriously deranged in they think they are making strides into the lives of others and/or specifically this space when the lesson here says:

[SND] Lesson On Stated Int..> 29-Apr-2016 01:52 313K

Then he packs up his stuff but gifts the bicycle that
is left here [ a string attachment here ] --- its been



I am seriously in for a ride of weirdness.

You just got caught up in the cross over---
otherwise I would not have written.

Good Day Darrell.
May 05, 2016 1:12:41pm
James M Driskill
This is the text I sent my building mgr :
May 05, 2016 1:12:35pm