James M Driskill
May 16, 2022 6:33:24am
James M Driskill
Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can't get them back. So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I'll never lose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to All your friends including me if u treat me as 1. If you get four back you are a Great friend 🌽🌽
Oct 03, 2018 9:23:40pm
James M Driskill
Dearest Maillo,

It is apparent that we never built a friendshiip and since you never check your facebook timeline I was going to inform you of this via facebook mail. But you released our facebook link which is ok.

On Friday I posted this to my timeline. Really the household that I was living in offer very little homely supportiveness you must realize.

James Driskill
My father George Garfield Driskill passed away early this morning from complications of lung cancer. I love you daddy.
Jul 13, 2013 9:45:04pm
James M Driskill
20 July 2009 Denver, Colorado, USA A hailstorm in the western suburbs of Denver caused $770 million (USD) damage.
Jun 01, 2013 1:25:04am
James M Driskill
11 July 1990 Denver, Colorado, USA Softball-sized hail destroyed roofs and cars, causing $625 million in total damage ($1.1 billion in damage adjusted to 2011 dollars).
Jun 01, 2013 1:24:44am
James M Driskill
About Hailstorms in Denver..... Well, you might be right about them being rare.. but not impossible..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_costly_or_deadly_hailstorms
Jun 01, 2013 1:24:17am