James M Driskill

Note these correspondences will be placed to public memespace http://realuphuman.net/malwaretips.com [ not created ]

Actual Public MemeSpace Folder Created:
http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/MalwareTips.com/ [ Valid ]
Feb 22, 2015 3:55:34am
James M Driskill
[ Conclusions -- My Final Address To you at Malwaretips.com tonight ]

How and Why the book "Information Theory" relates to Malware / Malwaretips.com is self-evident in this quick snapshot of two pages from the chapter Meme, for which I am cited as a source reference as just previously mentioned in this thread above.

There is absolutely no way to recuse yourself from a response and thus responsibility in these topics.

If you ignore to ignorance such obvious considerations on your part, you will show that you actually do not have a mission to renounce and condemn malware in general.

But Atlas! I have hope that I have finally gotten a reasonable reader and audience to understand our united mission and united purposes --- even though you deem me as a quack or a spamming loon.

Current status of profile on your site:

MalwareTips.com - Oops! Something went wrong!
You have been banned for the following reason: Spam. Please contact the administrator if this was done in error.


The word Viruses is mentioned in the chapter meme in the book Information Theory for which I have cited and provided just two relevant page text references here.

Malware after all are in the basic definition of information viruses.

How does this NOT relate to malwaretips.com --- your security advisor is an impossible conclusion to reach.

If you can't see the need here, that would be a sad state of status of intelligence on your part.

In so ignorance on your part, I will claim my right of Thy Reprimand Avail if need be. That is not the course I would like or desire to make.

Thank you.
IP Address:
Feb 22, 2015 2:06:17am
James M Driskill
As directed via your Contact Us Page on


This is my self-copy of the message I sent:

From: Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 2:08 AM
Subject: Contact Us : Malwaretips.com
To: myself@gruwup.net, malwaretips.com@realuphuman.net

Your name: James Martin Driskill
Your email: malwaretips.com@realuphuman.net
Subject: Facebook msg Exchange re profile [ Malwaretips/realuphuman.net ]


Dear MalwareTips.com

I am sure this "Contact us" form box has a limited number of characters to address my concerns as subjected.

The URL for the facebook message exchange between us can be found at:

https://www.facebook.com/messages/MalwareTipscom [ Mine ]

https://www.facebook.com/messages/InTheMindway [ Yours ]

Please read this message via your facebook admin accouint please. Please reply back to this email address:


Thank you.

James Martin Driskill
1061 S. Ames Street
Lakewood CO 80226
(307) 421-4674 - Mobile

Note these correspondences will be placed to public memespace

If there is not a justifiable remedy, as Thy Reprimands Avail

http://**eduphuman.net/malwaretips.com -- may result.

I don't want that. Please Readdress your banning my profile [ realuphuman.net ] and my reply forum post. Thank you.
Feb 22, 2015 1:11:25am
James M Driskill
Dear MalwareTips.com via your facebook page:

An introduction of

What is Malwaretips.com --- your security advisor

and who I am.

Please read this introduction -- and reply if you have any questions or clarifications you need to ask or address to me. Please. Thank you.

My name is James Martin Driskill

I am a real person and my real contact information is:

James Martin Driskill
1061 S. Ames Street
Lakewood CO 80226
(307) 421-4674 Mobile Phone

My LinkedIn Profile is:

James Driskill
Owner, realuphuman.net



Therefore Spam is not my intent at my first address at your forums on Malwaretips.com using the profile name [ realuphuman.net ].

Sure I would like the attention of certain "leaders" within the information theory and technology fields to understand what I have to offer and my proposals for "information solutions" and somehow that message gets lost in my style or attempts to address certain issues on websites.

I am here attempting a readdress and a reply from you of any suggestions you might offer me to be more clear and understood to my presence on your site that somehow was misunderstood and my profile at your site was banned for spamming.

As many times in the past, others also classify my posts as "spamming" simply because I have an absolutely "out of the box" idea and concept that is really at its core, simple....


It does at some level or degree of understanding requires the reader to have some exposure to "information theory" and memetics to grasp its understanding beyond a simple "introduction" message about who and what domains I currently own and that my reasons for posting reply content is spamming or not.

This is where I lose my audience.

Let me first define spam:


noun: spam; plural noun: spams; noun: Spam

irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.
unwanted or intrusive advertising on the Internet.
"an autogenerated spam website"
a canned meat product made mainly from ham.

verb: spam; 3rd person present: spams; past tense: spammed; past participle: spammed; gerund or present participle: spamming

send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.


My reply post [ provided in brief below ] to a forum post under my profile account on your site was

(1) absolutely relevant to the topic.
(2) is not advertising in any form or fashion
(3) not sent to a large number of recipients.
(4) not auto-generated, it was directly composed on site.
(5) not sent indiscriminately as was to the subject thread topic addressed.


You may notice that I am using my facebook ID [inthemindway]

If you perform a Google Books Search Reference for [ "In The Mindway" ]


You will see that this book as captured and cited a source of my identity as [ In The Mindway ] -- See Image Attachment of Citation page from Google Books..

Information Theory - Page 544
By Wikipedians - Preview
Hires an editor, Hitmonchan. Hkhenson. Hnek. Hoplon. Hu. Hugh7. IGlowInTheDark. Ian Pitchford. Iandoherty07. Icairns. Igifiin. Ih8evilstuff. Ike9898. ImABadBroth. Imroy. In The Mindway. Indeterminate. Infomanic]2. Inky. Insolectual. Iridescent.

You might not find what I have to say on your site relevant or insightful to the subject thread, but at least one person at Wikipedians found my writing relevant to include it in their online publication "Information Theory" for which I would like to provide a bases that I may actually know something in this field.

There is absolutely no one else that can claim the identity of In The Mindway. This is Me.

I would like to provide some of the Chapter Titles on this publications for relevance to these subjects as to the field of Malware in particular or how these subjects may or may not be associated to internet security in whole or part that you claim to be an expert for. It would be obvious that these subjects, in brief mentioned here, relates directly to you and your presence and goals on the internet.

Information Theory By Wikepedians



Information Warfare
John Locke
Thomas Paine
Committee on Public Information
Council on Foreign Relations
Office of Strategic Influence
The Engineering of Consent
Critical Theory
Social Influence
Crowd Psychology
Psychological Warfare

I created the profile on Malwaretips.com under the profile name:
[ realuphuman.net ]

Within that profile, I linked to both my facebook and twitter accounts.


I provided to my best ability the reasons for my creating this profile on malwarebits.com. Attached is the html of my profile.

realuphuman.net _ MalwareTips.com.htm

Please open and the html page directly from the download and open the [Information] tab.

Perhaps after the web admin read my reply post and my profile information page, he/she thought I was there for irrelevant purposes and banned me. My status shows this:

You have been banned for the following reason: Spam. Please contact the administrator if this was done in error.


I am contacting you via this Facebook messaging to re-enforce my identity is real and my purpose for creating such an "out of the box" ideal profile such as [realuphuman.net] has a practical and sound justified reason for which I would like an audience.


I have also saved the HTML of my full and complete "RELEVANT" post in the thread [ Is qihoo 360 trust worthy ] with the status of Waiting Approval.


I will attach it to you a reply in discussion here. Please reply to how I can best give my actual real identity profile and post actual relevant posts on your forums

My first attempt to find an audience has been censored as Spam and has failed. I assure you I am more than what I have been cast off as spam to your site.

Thank you.

Mr James M. Driskill
Real Name

1061 S. Ames Street
Lakewood CO 80226
(307) 421-4674 Mobile





Sep 1, 1965 (Age: 49)

lakewood, co

Website Owner

Operating System:
Windows 7 SP1 (All Editions)

Web Browser:
Mozilla Firefox

United States of America


My name is James Driskill and I am the owner of
a set of internet domains where the centering domain @gruwup stands for

(G)reat (R)easons (U)s (W)ill (U)nite (P)eace

I also own the internet domain inthemindway.org
where the owner site creator of WikiWorld Jim Scarver writes of me on his HomePage:

InTheMindway, thinking in memetic life without the brain buster terms.

I have an ideal that I would like to bring into full digitally active processing someday to our world using the information theory science of memetics. This uses memes that could be both privately and publicly memetically active identifiers under and processed by my domain set.

"An Applied Memetic Engineering System : a morality correctiveness model" a goal of positive memetic engineering called into action as being Gruw Up a higher conscientious standard than just being a grown up adult.

Will you unite gruw up for world peace with me?

Thank you.


My forum reply post is introduced here as:


Kantry123 said: ↑

see every Antivirus companies r a privacy risk to everyone bcoz it analyses and send to clouds and process etc.

but basically i don't trust 360 TS as its chinese and also chinese security suits generally spy on us
so i don't prefer it

i like Kaspersky ESEt etc


Dear Kantry123

I am replying in the general topic of TRUST regarding the 360 security app created by a china developer. I have an Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile device with this app installed as of Jan 8th 2015. Attached to this reply post are two images to reflect upon my cyberid as well as the App Info details of 360 Security with it's permissions. Trust in this app that has been installed on my device now for now 44 days even though I knew that it may be a risky security mindless decision to install an app in the US from a China Developer.

Who should be left as the responsible persons or parties involved in my reach should this app actually not be a trusting app of security resource and an actual device of Chinese spying on app users? That would allow malware to be skipped from its detection? OR WORSE YET, have malcode actually embedded within the app itself to enable such malice chaos in the world?

How can this app be reasoned with to install or not and how can this app actually exist in the world if if actually is a spy tool? It seems to be a trusted app available on the Google Play Store where it still is available today:

After my introduction of ideals here, I have readdressed you Kantry123 again below...


[ My full reply content message html [ awaiting moderator approval status ] will follow attached in my next reply.

Thank you again for reading
IP Address:
Feb 22, 2015 12:38:51am