James M Driskill
Apr 05, 2022 12:00:51am
James M Driskill
Apr 08, 2020 8:27:04am
James M Driskill
}}}} Special human Identity Role Playing... Request More Like A Deep Soul Seeking Need.

}}}} In All Seriousness Sally, Joe, Mary, Juan, Nebe, Jane, Dick or Harry...
Whomever and Wherever You are...
Perhaps Whenever/Whatever must apply into this...
The Whyever would I, should I, oh yea Must I make such a Crooked Beauty Request Of The Soul That Gets This Message.... Respect, Dignity Lost.. Replaced by an unyelding emotion unsafe to be in this... unwise it never changes.. A profound hole in the pit of my gut, yuck, muck.
}}}} An emotion that I have been feeling for more than 10 years true. Rare it is to feel this strange overtones of being unwelcomed and lost even as I write from age 54 in the family home since age 5. Lost, empty, weird, yearning to be somewhere, just somewhere across far far away from here.

[ More crying is not going to help, stop me overseers please! "No More Tears, Enough is Enough!" ]

Am I making you nervous, scaring you? Are you steping forward into something with me, or are you going to be a ghost and let this pass into a nothingness silence -- afterall- your page FB featured "messaging available" tool is for us to make what it does, the best of what it can do, an actual human interactive conversation. Righto Man, a wishful dream of standards also enforced by others -- more of lost lost lost simply

Countryless [ without a country ] in the emotional vortex I am swirling into being swept away and lost.

}}}} Is there such an actual place of our souls void of plain -- an emotional feeling you ask?

My best answer back to you is here -

"Hold onto your Kramobones!"

The emotion I hold years and years passing has a name.


----------[ I am not quite ready to just hop into a chat -- if you have answered quickly this tool -- back up --- rest -- check me often enough that I don't get lost --- I have a need for you to play here -- Michael's presence -- his essense --- take your time to consider what I am requesting -- there is never a wrong done -- but to your best effect of effort - thank you. ]

Apr 08, 2020 8:09:29am