
San Bernardino, CA
United States

Last Online: 7/20/22

#HIVUNTREATABLE : The situation that I describe is dire. I have no HIV Care Doctor. This occurred while I was in session with my HIV Doctor at…

On Quora - A Question Is Already Asked "In Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS Service Agencies, There Is A Conflict Of Interest""...

On Quora - A Question Is Already Asked "In Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS Service Agencies, There Is A Conflict Of Interest""...

Full Question on Quora:

In Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS service agencies, there is a conflict of interest with non-client centered case management that is systemically ill affecting the livelihoods of persons with disabilities. Where does one go to instill policy change?



This is an address written to The United Nations Enable Convention for Rights For Persons With Disabilities requesting "Optional Protocol" to be applied to the NATIONAL ORDER of Ryan White Care Act Agencies to force our rights to be enabled and respected.


Full Question on Quora:

In Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS service agencies, there is a conflict of interest with non-client centered case management that is systemically ill affecting the livelihoods of persons with disabilities. Where does one go to instill policy change?



This is an address written to The United Nations Enable Convention for Rights For Persons With Disabilities requesting "Optional Protocol" to be applied to the NATIONAL… read more

what happened to the answers that we placed onto this question?

posted about 4 years ago
Full Question on Quora:

In Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS service agencies, there is a conflict of interest with non-client centered case management that is systemically ill affecting the livelihoods of persons with disabilities. Where does one go to instill policy change?



This is an address written to The United Nations Enable Convention for Rights For Persons With Disabilities requesting "Optional Protocol" to be applied to the NATIONAL ORDER of Ryan White Care Act Agencies to force our rights to be enabled and respected.

what happened to the answers that we placed onto this question?