
San Bernardino, CA
United States

Last Online: 7/20/22

#HIVUNTREATABLE : The situation that I describe is dire. I have no HIV Care Doctor. This occurred while I was in session with my HIV Doctor at…
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The situation that I describe is dire. I have no HIV Care Doctor. This occurred while I was in session with my HIV Doctor at Borrego Health in their San Bernardino Health Clinic.

I asked my doctor if he had any conflict of interest against his Hippocratic oath. He replied and confirmed that there were no issues that would put him in a conflict of his oath in the provider care that I was receiving.

Then, I asked him if he was aware of the Google review that existed for the local Ryan White Care act funded agency of Foothill Aids Project. The review is quite disturbing to me. I proceeded to tell him what the review said and that he should pull up the review for himself on his device.

When he was performing this action, his attitude was like a bumbling fool that could not operate the technology device. I told him it was a simple Google search like "Ok Google" search for "Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino". He still could not pull the review up so I pulled the review with a simple search of course. He read the review off of my device.

Looking backward on the entire session, I have concluded that he did not want to have "digital footprints" on his device which would have then made him aware of the community affairs and had to intercede into doing something about it.

Also part of this session included my request that my doctor review a tweet thread that I had directed to the CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Mermin [ @DrMerminCDC ]. I had printed out a QR scan code that opened a link to the top tweet of the thread. Anyway, my doctor told me that he would not have time. This is when I knew there was a conflict of interest. I just lost all trust for this doctor to have independent disinterestedness in my provider care apart of what was causing this apparent reporting of bias and hate involved in the social services of the Ryan White Care Act.

The Google review for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino states:
Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago-
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.
No kidding!! You can look up the review for yourself. You might want to look up any reviews posted against your local Ryan White Care Act funded services agency. You might be surprised that there are similar reviews.

The result of my doctor not representing that he had concern or care in the details that I was bringing forward in my care, I walked out of the session in hopes to bring a different perspective on these issues online with the healthcare interface. So far, I have not convinced or persuaded the doctor to apologize for his oversight at the priorities involved in my care.



Most days I find myself...

laying around in bed in a state of worry, sometimes panic, depression, perplexed that the circumstances of truth that I have documented can actually occcur in the United States of America in 2018. The Haters have been allowed to win. The haters in leadership roles, boards and directors and CEOS of the Ryan White Care Act HIV;/AIDS Social Service Agencies.

Given what I know now, I would recommend others...


My life has changed in this way...

Trust in all levels of interactivity to be private confidential in social services has been completely lost. In my last interface with Colorado Health Network in Denver Colorado --- the employee/employer networking site is showing where the informational warfare truth is being shown to the public about the hate collectives systemic in charge of the Ryan White Care Act Funded Agencies. Just read Colorado Health Networks's Reviews for yourself:


Feb 17, 2018

"If you don’t gossip like a teenager, you’ll be an outsider."
Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Neutral Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


The mission at CHN is good.


Very caddy work environment for the most part.

Advice to Management

Get to know employees better


The definition of Caddy that this author intents is found on Urbandictionary as:

When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
#immature#dramatic#sorority#sororities#greek life#obnoxious#caddie#caddyness#caddiness
by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008

When I'm having a bad day, I like to...

Cry Tons of Tears For An Hour At Least

Link To This Business Site URL --- Google Has Approved This For Published Standing.


The snapshot of this page is attached. These are real issues that needs attention of focus for adaptive corrective action placed upon them nationally.

posted over 4 years ago


Systemic Discrimination in Ryan White Care Act Social Services and Governmental Social Services Agencies in the United States -- my address to the United Nations: [ http://myhivteam-com.webdomains.realuphuman.net... ] With just over an hour spoken voice narrative presentation interfaced onto this page. Systemic Descrimination in Ryan White Care Act Social Services and Governmental Social Services Agencies in the United States. Deserves a Review By Optional Procol. 5 messages Real Up Human [.net] < realuphuman.net@gmail.com> Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 7:58 AM To: enable@un.org Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SCRPD) Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) United Nations Secretariat (29th Floor) 405 E 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 United States of America Email: enable@un.org ========================================= You may submit your own story of hate received as having a public hiv/aids social media idenity..... you may contact me at: [ TheRebirthofStandardsOfCare-StoriesOfHate@Realu... ] Please send me your story and if your preferences are: [1] to be presented also to the United Nations [2] comments added to the united nations public address page either anonymously written or with ID --- your MyHivTeam ID will be used.

posted over 4 years ago


Please continue to read my story in public status updating posting:


This Link is the QR Scan Code Bottom Appearing in the attached image graphic.The top URL is my profile story page, which you are currently displaying.

As of May 7th 2018, my story as showing here on MyHivTeam has been converted to spoken voice [ 🗣️] text narrative offsite cross archival stored on my own domain.

Link To Listen To Audio Narrative of this Story, A Story Plight From Hate from Denver Colorado HIV/AIDS Social Services Agencies.


posted about 4 years ago

hug  (1)

Keep Up the Good Fight!!!!!!!🤎💜💙💙💚💛🧡❤

posted 6 days ago

hug  (1)

@luisgabriel -- Not quite! And since you may not understand what I am saying, or you might not be a human being -- there is

STOP FIGHTING WHAT? What are you fighting and would I be fighting that some thing?


posted 6 days ago


Honey..if u read my posting. Im on your side..keep up the good fight and hold these doctors accountable🤗🤗🤗.

posted 6 days ago

hug  (1)

@JamesMDriskill, every post you have, you just continually ramble on about something negative. A negative attitude is not good for HIV. If you actually help yourself and find a new provider, you may get better care. Call your insurance carrier and ask them who's in your network.
I'm not here for continued negativity because then i end up being negative to that negative mojo. Not happening.
I already gave you advice to find a new provider. If you fail to help yourself, then that's your own problem. 4 years of nothing but negativity. Sounds like you need to see a psychologist for your negativity issues.
Respond if you wish but you'll be wasting your time because I'm not reading anymore negativity.b

posted 6 days ago  


First let me apologize for the treatment that you received or continue to receive in Colorado. Please know that the standard of care here in Illinois using that same program, Ryan White, has saved my life and countless others throughout the country. Perhaps you can involve yourself like some others here online in the political aspect of negotiating the funding that goes into a lot of these agencies and their services. I myself was part of a New York City and Chicago AIDS Council where we appropriated funds. Please don't Despair and don't become one of the haters. We need you in this forum but we also need some positive feedback because there are people who are literally dying who post their grief online and perhaps a supportive word from you would help a lot of us. Please take care.

posted 6 days ago

hug  (3)