
San Bernardino, CA
United States

Last Online: 7/20/22

#HIVUNTREATABLE : The situation that I describe is dire. I have no HIV Care Doctor. This occurred while I was in session with my HIV Doctor at…

Hi JamesMDriskill!

Leave a message for the community to let them know how you are doing!

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JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

Life Remains Sucky --- I remain to not have access to HIV Doctor care -- all doctors since I encountered this #Huge #Big #Errror in March of 2019 with my HIV Doctor at Borrego Health in San Bernardino.

I was trying to have us both step forward and have a discussion about the standards of care that I had been receiving and a hate/harassment campaign that I experienced in Denver Colorado.

The Denver Colorado Aids Service Organization is Named:

Denver Aids Project / Colorado Health Network and the client intake staff is
Angela Elizebeth Keady
6260 East Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80220
Client Services: 303.837.1501
Howard Dental Center: 303.863.0772
Medical Clinic: 303.962.5317
Fax: 303.962.5303



If what I suggest is really happening, like myself, we are collectively TARGETED INDIVIDUALS - or those who are on a list -- that which TECHNOLOGY GUIDES US INTO a DIRECTION not of MEDICAL CARE WELLNESS -- but indeed

A DEATH MARCH - of intentional and provable doctors who are NOT BEING COMPETENT to TREATMENT but in view being PAID to FUCK UP THE TREATMENT -- and deceive the patient - and no one is the wiser!



posted 6 days ago


I Do Hope That All Of You Have Realized What This Post Is Saying -- It Is Saying That I Have Not Been Able To Access Healthcare From An Hiv-treating Doctor Since March Of 2019. The Doctor Involved At The Borrego Health Clinic [ Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno ] Terminated Care When I Attempted To Bring Up A Particular Subject. That Subject And What Happened -- Is A Subject So So So So So So Sinister So Ulgy So Real Bad Ugly He Would Not Put It Into A Discussion In The Medical Aspects Of Hiv-related Topics. So Back In March Of 2019, I Did Not Yet Have The Term This All Falls Under. But I Have Not Been Able To Get A Real Doctor To Have A Real Treatment For Hiv Since Then. Seriously, I Am Dying. I Will Not Compromise- I Will Have A Real Doctor Or I Die.

Humana Is Processing A Grievance -- Finally - That I Because Finally The Doctors In This Case - Fucked Up My Lab Work On Labcorp - Showing Something Now Obviously Provable - So They Say They Are Treating This Investigation Appropriately - But This Introduction To Statement Applies Onto The Response Humana Has This Week:

Audio Media : OGG - 13 Min 15 Sec : A-disgrace-we-must-erase!

Pretty Strong Bold Words I Am Expressing And Yelling Out - I Will Die First Before I Compromise The Position Of Knowing

#BigManKillingTechBug -- Is Very Much Real!

This Is This Main Written Copy Gmail With Spoken Voice Narrative Interface Presentation -- Please Anyone Who Has Actually Taken The Time To Open Listen And Read -- Please Please Please Respond To Me, And Respond To Humana That You Have The Story Of Me -- In Your Concern - Please - They Are Not Going To Budge -- I Bet - Until There Is A Collective On My Side - And The Story Tells You - Family Betrays All Aspects Of Need!

I Need Everyone To Save My Life!


[txt] Gmail - Secured Social Care Case Id 1000306608535, N2841, Open.htm 2022-07-14 22:26 250k


Serious - Very Serious Situation At Hand

posted 6 days ago


JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

I need people to involve themselves into why the CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Harry Mermin will not return and respond to any of my attempts at a discussion and resolution of hate circumstances that must be addressed internally of the HHS and CDC adminstration of HIV Treatment and Prevention that offers a reporting pathway to stop hate and retalitory efforts of the directors and leaders of the Ryan White Care Act funded social service agencies, a nationally systemic problem scope found region to region across the entire nation in negative outlook employee reviews found on Glassdoor. There is no information data report tracking of client observations on how the quality of agency/client relationships impact client lives and wellness outcomes.


Replace CDC HIV Dir @DrMerminCDC Immediately! He's involved In Coverup Of Hate Conspiracy

Wow I am usually on top of my aids advocacy and I have not been aware of this issue ...thank you for bringing it to our attention.. I live in Illinois and our mayor who is a married lesbian and is African American and our governor who has a transgender sister has put the Ryan White funding and services in Illinois at their highest level this year... ..please provide more factual info on this hate issue.... I thought California was one of the states where HIV services was highly sought-after at least for the the city of San Francisco, it's true....

edited, originally posted about 3 years ago

hug  (1)

JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA


JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

AMA Journal Of Ethics:

APR 2017
Repairing “Difficult” Patient-Clinician Relationships
Denise M. Dudzinski, PhD, MTS and Carrol Alvarez, MS, RN

Clinicians readily accommodate patients’ physical disabilities, but they might neglect to take into account patients’ deficits in social and life skills or thorny personal styles. The latter signal the need for different kinds of accommodations. Patients’ personal histories may influence their expression of distress, communicated in ways that complicate their ability to receive necessary care. When a clinician encounters a patient whose behaviors are disruptive and distressing, a step back for reflection can provide a shift in perspective.

The basis of trust in the patient-clinician relationship is a fiduciary obligation to protect, respect, and heal vulnerable patients. The patient-clinician relationship is inherently unequal, and the physician marshals her knowledge and power solely to aid the patient. Consequently, clinicians always have more responsibility to repair and rebuild the relationship than patients. The strategies discussed here can help clinicians do just that.


On Standards,

On the most popular and recognized "professional's" social media site of Linkedin, actual "in operation" company name profiles contain the F words in them. In such as that is the standard on that site, that standard *MUST* apply to be a standard across the web. I protest that any censorship can/should occur with this posting. If there is a company by the name of "fuck cancer" on LinkedIn, which there is, it makes it difficult for me to logically consider that such a prohibition on terms can exist on a medical interfaced discussion support site such as MyHivTeam.

posted over 3 years ago


JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA


See Stored Archive Copy Of @Vitals Review For Doctor Eric Shigeno, Borrego Health:


The QR Scan Code Within This Image Is,
Selects A Random Community Awarness Address Message [ 1 of 11 ] on the subject of being dismissed in the community concerns that I brought up to be discussed with my Doctor Eric Shigeno of Borrego Health San Bernardino, CA


#HIVUNTREATABLE : Every Single Social Service Agency / Provider Doctor Provider Care Detached and Terminated. This has happened Region To Region. They do not want to discuss a huge big dark deep seeded secret involving the Ryan White Care Act funded agency hate paradigm interface that is showing to be a systemic problem region to region. The evidence and confirmation of this claim is found by the negative outlook employee reviews on Glassdoor.com.

[ Glassdoor Collective Region To Region Research Directory ]:


edited, originally posted over 3 years ago


JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

The update I am providibg reflects that i attempted to contact on twitter the cdc director of hiv prevention @Drmermincdc . what happen is. Yhat the twitter account blocked me against mu civil rights to persue the truth..

JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

I have sent some correspondences to the United States Government on the oversight of the #RyanWhiteCareAct that apparently has a hate paradigm interface from social service agencies to clients. These dysfunctional organizations appear to have a conspiracy involving the directors and leaders of these agencies that engage in harassment and retaliation against employees and clients that bring up matters of change and focus to a client empowerment model of goal function in the deliverance of services provided to clients.

These correspondences directed to the Government Authority Agencies are authored by me on two different sites. First, LinkedIn has a post directed and tagged to the authority of HRSA.GOV. You can link to this URL to read the written post which has several amended comments to extend this to a full content address:

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSAgov), HHS
Dear HRSA, Ryan White Care Program Funding Administration,

This LinkedIn content post has been translated to spoken voice text narrative. The audio play file for this content can be retrieved at this URL:

7 Mins 39 Seconds OGG Audio Playback File

The second government correspondence to resolving this hate paradigm in the social services agency Interface between agency and clients is directed to HIV.GOV on the tool of Facebook Messenger. It might not be widely known the FB Messenger can be set into a public retrievable archive written accessible content URL --- which it can. I have taken the content communication channel of FB Messenger and translated with Spoken Voice Text Narrative interface with a read-along interface the full directed content to the government administration of the #RyanWhiteCareAct


posted over 3 years ago


JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA


JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA


JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

QR Decode URL Link In This Image Is:


JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

The International Day Of Peace - September 21st

I have been interfaced on LinkedIn to a representative of law enforcement at the federal level. I have an idea of peacebuilding to bring forward and he just dismisses me. But I am going to carry forward anyway until there is a connection of duty that their side of this equation must acknowledge and do something about it.

The Erosion of #SocialTrust leads to violence, murder, and mass shootings.

Washington Post:

YouTube Long-Form Video Playlist Presentation On This Theme:

In my deliverance of these topics, I have disclosed my poz status. I wonder if that is one of the reasons why he dismisses my ideas so quickly. Law enforcement or authority and leaders of our politics disenfranchise persons with HIV all too frequently. We don't have a voice in many aspects of society.


This link above has a spoken voice text narrative interface to the LinkedIn discussion thread conversation that transpires between myself and Ian Malloy of a law enforcement agency. at the Federal Level like the FBI. The reply thread is affixed to an original post from the FBI.

JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

I can't believe people on facebook treat me so badly. Blocked For No Reason. Come to find out there are many out here with the same bitch gripe on how social media is playing with their emotional tolls. Stop blocking people! Stop the blocking! It hurts our society more than you may realize. If the word "community" is derived from communication + unity or commune + unity ---- find some to stop the hate and just act in greatness to relate ---- to each other eh?

Find Internet Memes --- pages and pages ---- of "Blocked For No Reason":

[DIR] #Kramobone-The.Ugly [ Blocked For No Reason ]/

Get a feel for what happens when you block for no reason --- used at your whimsical need to be a control freak eh? You all suck who do this regularly to others online. Maybe not this site, but I know the guilty toll -- there are many among this group here on MyHivTeam.com

The problem is noted at:


Our society is being hijacked by technology.
What began as a race to monetize our attention is now eroding the pillars of our society: mental health, democracy, social relationships, and our children.

What we feel as addiction is part of something much bigger.

There's an invisible problem that's affecting all of society.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google have produced amazing products that have benefited the world enormously. But these companies are also caught in a zero-sum race for our finite attention, which they need to make money. Constantly forced to outperform their competitors, they must use increasingly persuasive techniques to keep us glued. They point AI-driven news feeds, content, and notifications at our minds, continually learning how to hook us more deeply—from our own behavior.

Unfortunately, what's best for capturing our attention isn't best for our well-being:

Snapchat turns conversations into streaks, redefining how our children measure friendship.
Instagram glorifies the picture-perfect life, eroding our self worth.
Facebook segregates us into echo chambers, fragmenting our communities.
YouTube autoplays the next video within seconds, even if it eats into our sleep.

These are not neutral products.
They are part of a system designed to addict us.
The race for attention is eroding the pillars of our society.


Have a better day than me --- eh?

JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

As some of you may have read in my introduction main site profile here and update status posts, over the course of 10 years I have documented a hate conspiracy that has been targeting me. It seems over the past 2 years, I have isolated this hate campaign to a taboo subject not able to talk about in my interface to my case management. There seems to be a secret hate and racially motivated bias found among many of the Ryan White Care Act-funded social services field agencies region to region found on internal work environment culture employee reviews found on the professional's social network of Glassdoor. These typical government funded non-profit organizations won't talk about this bias to clients, even though I have pressed them for some answers. Instead of a focus on the actual issues, they ] the director leaders of these organizations ] are responsible for an 11-month hate/harassment campaign in Denver leading to an eviction. There may be others out there who have been targeted but not sure what actually happened or what can be done about it. My aim is to have this conspiracy exposed terminated asap. I have a public awareness page setup to this cause. The domain URL of the QR Code in this graphic is very much real. Thank you.


JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

This is an actual Glassdoor review for a Ryan White Social Service Agency in the Palm Springs California Regional Service Area. This review is titled,

"If you have integrity for the aids patient go elsewhere".

No kidding. Actually, you might be shocked at the other Glassdoor reviews that have been uncovered poorly negatively reviewed against these service agencies.

The online directory is a result of what has been found so far: The Cascade Aids Project is the most shocking how it applies to our community as a whole.


Cascade Aids Project [ Portland Regional Service Area ] has this report. You can link to this review for yourself.


posted almost 4 years ago


Here is the Glassdoor reviews for Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project. Note the review that states, "If you don't gossip like a teenager, you will be treated like an outsider". This reflects a proclivity to violate clients privacy.

You can access these Glassdoor Reviews by Direct Linking:


posted almost 4 years ago


Once again, the research results directory showing other regional area Glassdoor review results that are showing against the Ryan White Care Act of Social Service Agencies Nationally is:


Look up your service agency on Glassdoor and see what the results are. If you would like your region's glassdoor reviews to be included in this online folder, please email the glassdoor review URL to:

ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP-GlassdoorReview... : Thank you

This is an email archive copy [ with spoken voice text narrative interface ] directed to my local county's Ryan White Program Administrative Supervisor in bringing these matters up onto the table of discussion. So far, it has been ignored and my voice silenced. Please open and listen to this cause of community concern. Thank you.

[TXT] Gmail - Building new commitments of #SocialTrust in our communities..html
03-Aug-2018 08:54 164K

You can search Google for this meme key, #ConspracyExposedTerminatesASAP for more information on this matter of importance of public awareness.


edited, originally posted almost 4 years ago


JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

I just heard the news from April that the Grindr app released the HIV poz status of their app to 3rd party tech analysis companies. Boy, we are losing the battle of privacy and we are losing the battle of social trust.

Apr 10, 2018, 10:09am
Why Grindr's Privacy Breach Matters To Everyone

JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

Note: I have a personal experience hate torment story of an 11-month harassment campaign targeted against me. This was source conducted and directed by the social service agency of Colorado Health Network and specifically Jamie Villalobos, regional director 2nd in tier charge leadership downward from the CEO position.

On Glassdoor, the employee reviews for Colorado Health Network conforms and collaborates this claim with the negative employee reviews appearing on the site as of July 28th 2017. I declare these facts in a Facebook live on July 6th 2018.

A Huge Conspiracy Cover-Up is at hand in order to protect the leaderships scheme of corruption and hate that is exposed on Glassdoor with their direct employee reviews:

https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Colorado-Heal... 1718672.htm

Jul 28, 2017
"Low pay, oppressive managment, dishonest business practices..."

Sep 13, 2017

Feb 17, 2018 :
"If you don’t gossip like a teenager, you’ll be an outsider."

I am going to continue to post public the truth until someone steps forward and is held accountable for an apology and amends for their deeds against me.

The record of this is public web filed:



Also involved in personal experience conspiracy cover-up is Rocky Mountain Cares of Denver Colorado and has a simular naming space as:


The greater conspiracy is exposed on Glassdoor with this employee review of Cascade Aids Project of the Portland Area.

https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Revi... 8041978.htm

Sep 22, 2015

This comment should not get censored since it represents the truth.


Google Published Approved Business.Site Listing for Colorado Health Network -- over-riding the postcard code verification system. That is because Google received the information that I provided to them and believes me over them. This record of hate shall not be left unchallenged.

Call Them Up and Have Them Explain The Detail Record @Fuckeduphuman.net to you --- why they remain operating without an apology issued to James Driskill for their treatment hostile retaliation against a community member.

A Spoken Voice Text Narrative Electronic Messaging Sent To My Denver Area Doctor at the Univeristy of Colorado Health System sent via their messaging system:



posted almost 4 years ago


JamesMDriskill was having a good day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a good day
San Bernardino, CA

On LinkedIn Help Support Case Ticketing, My story is standing that there is a conspiracy in the Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Service Agencies that goes to the heart of the matter of concern of health and aids related deaths.

With Both Written Copy and Spoken Voice Narrative Interface at this Copy Archive of their Support Ticket Messaging Exchange.


Also, Desert Aids Project replied to my tweet and I seem to have a good standing dialogue with them started. They are now following me on Twitter. I still plan on bringing public awareness of this greater conspiracy exposed until someone acknowledges a change in the respect and dignity we receive in services provided by the social service agencies.

Thank you for listening MyHivTeam.Com community!

James M Driskill
San Bernardino CA

JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

On LinkedIn, I have attempted to address the LinkedIn help department per their invite to contact them for more information regarding my issues with HIV/aids social services. They responded to a tweet that I had out regarding the Yale University Study of State Spending Habits and Aids Deaths. So, they responded to invite me over to their support help case ticketing. But in the process, I have had two support tickets that I created on May 11th --- they deleted outright rather than being processed and followed up with. Then they also blocked my account from access to their support ticketing processing submission. I could not create a 3rd ticket. So, in the course of the past week, I have been corresponding with the CEO of Linked In Jeff Weiner to the importance of these matters. Then, I had to create a new member name on Linked In so that I could create a new LinkedIn help case ticket #3. Finally, what appears to have taken hold is that my case#3 help ticket is not being just immediately over-ridden by staff to the delete key. I have this help case ticket number cross archived onto my own domain space, which includes the InMail messaging with their CEO of LinkedIn Jeff Weiner. This has both written copy and spoken voice text narrative interface.


JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

i keep running into Glassdoor Reviews for the Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Service Agencies nationally showing a trend of neglect from directors and leaders of these agencies toward the hiv commuinity.

This one takes the cake.



Management is hostile to the union represented staff. The organization only works with a narrow part of the community yet markets something different to look more comprehensive than it is. Much of upper management is threatened by change, is conflict avoidant to the point of dysfunction and is retaliatory when confronted. Often, people with poor skills are promoted to leadership and this creates frustration and a sense of unfairness highlighting backroom agreements meant to undermine. Morale is dreadful. In the past few years most staff have been fired, pressured to leave, or asked to work with compromised ethics. Gay, black, HIV+, and trans identified staff have been systematically marginalized. CAP treated HIV+ staff as second class citizens, ignored client request for change, and silences critics. If you go against CAP, even if justified, you will find it hard to work in the HIV community in Portland. The board is completely distant from the staff and the clients being served, and act condescending and unhelpful. You would think if 50% of the staff leave in a few months time, it might be a wake up call that there are big problems that can't be dismissed as "disgruntled" staff. Since CAP is the only game in town for HIV related needs, they have no checks and balances and no accountability when they injure the community they are claiming they serve.Show Less

Advice to Management

Stop displaying images and raising money through deception. Admit you do not serve the community at large and close your doors. CAP is not about HIV anymore, it's about retaining jobs and keeping people working at the expense of programing and directives that empower. If you want to be a LGBTQ health center then so be it, but do not pretend you are helping people living with HIV, because you are not. You are only focusing on addicts and the mentally ill. Also, an LGBTQ health group or HIV group with no gay or HIV+ leaders, or people of color managing direct services means you will be just like any other colonized public health care model that delivers incompetent care. The community does not need public health zombies, we have them already. We also do not need tokenized minorities to cover for the heteronormative, white, middle class faux professionalism that is the root of the HIV pandemic to begin with, and abundantly present in CAP management's ranks. There is a big problem when the public adores you and your clients and the community you claim to serve would rather go without then be at the mercy of a place they distrust and dislike.

JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

An HIV/AIDS Story Plight From Hate, Written by James M. Driskill May 7th 2018,
A Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck presenting itself in the local HIV/AIDS community in Denver Colorado USA.
Part 1

I finally have made some headway on holding this story plight from hate against the perpetrators of a hate caddy collective who have engaged in targeting me as an 11 month hate and harassment campaign against me from Denver Colorado. You see last year in July some nice good willed employees of Colorado Health Network started to come forward on the employee/employer networking site of Glassdoor, where employee reviews are trusted and not modified or removed by companies.

There are 4 damning reviews for Colorado Health Network in Denver aka Denver Colorado Aids Project.

This being presented on LinkedIn under the company's profile, an introduction reaffirming my positions in this matter.


My comment upon their profile is:

James Driskill Owner, realuphuman.net

On the use of the F Word Fully formed on this site...... Refer to this tweet. [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/9932017638166... ] ----

LinkedIn allows for the word Fuck to be part of

Company Names search: : search: https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/compani...
Resume Details : https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/people/...
Job Details : https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search/?keywords=... [ 11 results showing worldwide ]

So, the use of the Fuck Word here is not a reason to block this communication.

If you block this communication, you are acknowledging that you have no answer for the truth that is documented and that truth is unchallenged by you. You would acknowledging the truth of circumstances is the truth to all time without regard to the life path of individual that you have destroyed for some kind of game playing selfish reasons. You have a very negative Glassdoor reviews showing for your company. Be it that your former and perhaps current employees are also sick and tired of the game after what went down with me. You should all be embarrassed too be still operating..


Part 2:

The person whom I identify as the puppeteer of this hate and harassment campaign, I identified in a Facebook Live video presented on July 7th 2017. The hate and harassment had be unyielding and non-stoppable for so long, and I was then homeless because of an eviction that was filed against me on November 30th 2016 from HIV/AIDS Subsidized housing. Not just me, the entire complex is HIV residential housing.

I claim #ConspiracyExposed from several events one being in October which I actually filed those details of events upon my eviction case in December. I had to negotiate a move out date of December 31st 2016 because of lack of evidence completely supporting my claim of conspiracy. More than hearsay, the combined evidence is not yet formed to be able to point a finger at the source.

This campaign against me is extreme. They stole my car in January. Although I got my car back, it was not returned in complete wholeness. It was already dismantled apparently for a chop shop. The inside dash components are replaced with fitting parts, but not the original. The radio [ which had a video dvd display ] was never put back. I am unable to connect the Cruise Control because there is not a control button assembly on the dash pieces they put back into my car. There is discolored part under the steering wheel also that makes this event obvious. My car was set into a chop shop, but something caught it out of that path and into being returned.

What was that? It was the truth filed by a screen recording of my mobile device of an sms conversation that began November 1st with a particular member of the local community on social media. His name is Joe.

His full name is irrelevant at this point, but I was able to find his name by a search on his telephone number. His name coming up in reference to owning a fire protection business. The information that I found that I read seemed legitimate. It did not dawn on me that the information that was posted was fraudulent.

The name of the person who is the puppeteer who is the regional director of Colorado Health Network, that I have already introduce and Joe are not the same person, but I bet they know each other. There is a conspiracy here brewing since November 1st. I caught the conversation from the begging on my phone device and recorded a screen recording of the text / pix [ omitted some X rated photo items only ]. I placed that video file online in a particular location which was more a vagrant location less of popularity. But that vagrancy ID holds weighty truth to their extremes. I did not post it on Facebook. That would not have generated the response that was needed.


edited, originally posted about 4 years ago


Part 3:

Although later in May, I would resort to posting on Facebook a video of the chaos I was still receiving.

He has deleted is original Facebook account [ https://www.facebook.com/mawuna.harris ].

His truth finder background check report:

Is showing his Facebook page along with other social media links.

Be careful what you all do online. It is being tracked.....

Related Links


Mr Harris also has conspiracy charges on his criminal record that comes back on Truthfinder.

Likely Criminal Record Matches
Match Rating Based On:First Name Last Name DOB Age State

First and Last Name Mawuna Harris
Sentence Begins
Oct. 3, 2003
Dept Of Corrections (Colorado)
Receiving Stolen Property | Burglary | Theft by Unlawful Taking | Bail Jumping | Unable to Code | Conspiracy

Now that being revealed as one of the actors here involved in a story unfolding to you....

It is funny that someone thought they removed this video that was posted on facebook from my timeline, by using my facebook account while they were visiting me and I was sleeping. This video is not among the videos that are present in my timeline but should be. I could replace back on my timeline, but it's not important.

The Facebook video link above plays the video anyway. That is because it was never really deleted. Every single thing you post is present if you relink to the captured URL even if you say your content you want deleted. You have to make an administrative request for removal, you all know. There is a process for that almost on all sites.

DELETING is an option to correct a mistake to REPOST it, so that it may appear presented in a different way than you made it the first time Esp if there are no edit options available.

That is the ONLY REASON to DELETE content SUBMITTED to the WEB. The moral of the case here, on public mainstream media, If you are embarrassed by something you have posted, you should not have submitted it for posting in the first place. And everything has its back tracking, even if you delete your account.... it is a part of your social media profiles across the web.

You cannot take it back. It has permanence. Is everyone dumb idiots and don't know this by now?

posted about 4 years ago


Part 4

That is not so what is my space is that I choose to post a video from events of my car theft. For it has temporary holding, if it is not yet search engine spidered indexed. Although the domain set is surface web. There is also the dark web that operates in the same way.

The dark web is becoming more mainstream, according to a TED TALK video on Youtube that I watched. Wow people get your head and mind into proper gear and focus.

How the mysterious dark net is going mainstream | Jamie Bartlett
502,592 views 9.9K likes, 173 Share
TED Published on Sep 24, 2015

I am presenting two more Facebook Video links, these recorded using the "live mode" now optioned. These are directly relevant to Colorado Health Network on June 6th 2017 and July 7th 2017. I am placing in reference to linking here for the time being. There is much more to this story,

I guarantee you this is a epic true tail of a hate collective run-a-muck out of control --- the source leadership of the HIV/AIDS community in Denver Colorado. This is a conspiracy.

>>>>> Every part of this story is documented on that site. Online available. I said was more a vagrant location less of popularity. That online location has very much relevance here affixed to this story.

Does anybody want to know how to expose a very complex and detailed conspiracy?

posted about 4 years ago


Part 5 [ Final ]:

I have a introduction letter email directed to the District Attorney of Denver County Colorado that introduces you to the issues of dealing with this hate for on going now 10 years without any true regression. I am sure you too, the members of this site, are dealing with these sames issues. There is an over-abundance of hate out here on the web against the HIV/AIDS community. The source of that hate is the social services agency network. At least for the black men's community that I isolate and identify from Denver Colorado.

Recorded June 6th 2017, has present each and every staff member's business card of the Colorado Health Network presented in this video.

James M Driskill was live.

about 11 months ago ·
For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op
: Sammie Francher ---

James M Driskill was live. Watch Video :
about 10 months ago ·
Priorities are priorities filling my medicine when the pharmacy normally will close.
Denver Colorado AIDS Project


Does anybody want to know more to this story? As I unfold a wield a case of conspiracy against the social services network of the Ryan White Care Act --- beginning with Denver Colorado.

This post services notice. I know the truth. I hold the truth. The truth shall set you free.

edited, originally posted about 4 years ago


Part 6 [ Ongoing Drama ]:


The situation that I describe is dire. I have no HIV Care Doctor.

I asked my doctor if he had any conflict of interest against his Hippocratic oath. He replied and confirmed that there were no issues that would put him in a conflict of his oath in the provider care that I was receiving.

Then, I asked him if he was aware of the Google review that existed for the local Ryan White Care act funded agency of Foothill Aids Project. The review is quite disturbing to me. I proceeded to tell him what the review said and that he should pull up the review for himself on his device.

When he was performing this action, his attitude was like a bumbling fool that could not operate the technology device. I told him it was a simple Google search like "Ok Google" search for "Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino". He still could not pull the review up so I pulled the review with a simple search of course. He read the review off of my device.

Looking backward on the entire session, I have concluded that he did not want to have "digital footprints" on his device which would have then made him aware of the community affairs and had to intercede into doing something about it.

Also part of this session included my request that my doctor review a tweet thread that I had directed to the CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Mermin [ @DrMerminCDC ]. I had printed out a QR scan code that opened a link to the top tweet of the thread. Anyway, my doctor told me that he would not have time. This is when I knew there was a conflict of interest. I just lost all trust for this doctor to have independent disinterestedness in my provider care apart of what was causing this apparent reporting of bias and hate involved in the social services of the Ryan White Care Act.

The Google review for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino states:
Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago-
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.
No kidding!! You might want to look up any reviews posted against your local Ryan White Care Act funded services agency. You might be surprised that there are similar reviews.

The result of my doctor not representing that he had concern or care in the details that I was bringing forward in my care, I walked out of the session in hopes to bring a different perspective on these issues online with the healthcare interface. So far, I have not convinced or persuaded the doctor to apologize for his oversight at the priorities involved in my care.


posted over 3 years ago


JamesMDriskill was having a good day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a good day
San Bernardino, CA

Just a catoonized picture of me. So I can update my avatar.

JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a so/so day
San Bernardino, CA

I wish I felt better of my end game with my housing..... I feel that until there is a remedy that i seek to resolve, I will always be a target to be placed into the streets of homelessness because I know the truth to what is going on in social services.

On Glassdoor employee reviews of the Ryan White Care Act Social Service Agencies it is all so obvious.

Part 1:

Part 2:

JamesMDriskill was having a good day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a good day
San Bernardino, CA

Hiya all ---- is there any choices for HIV Care Doctor Providers in the near the City of San Bernardino that is NOT the County of San Bernardino Health Department or is NOT the Aids Healthcare Foundation in Upland CA. ?

JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA
JamesMDriskill was having a bad day
San Bernardino, CA

My post is IN COMPLIANCE Avoiding selling products [ none in this post [, avoiding solicit for fundraisers [ none in this post ], or research [ none in this post ]. This post contains external links to contents that confirm this story as to being acurate to the details provided. The links provided in this are content that is filed on my own personal information system that has SITEADVISOR CLEARANCE as SAFE TO BROWSE and the center-domain access point @Gruwup.net is classified as EDUCATION/REFERENCE and other referenced domains are classified as CONTENT SERVERS. The purpose of this post is to draw attention to matters that there is a real involved intractable conflict that I have been experiencing in the Ryan White Care act funded social services agencies which involves many complex details that this has to be documented off into detail information text, audio, and video links external that most social media blog journal posts are not capable of a full view perspective. This documentation record is detailed for events that last over 10 full years in my experiences with the Ryan White care act social service agencies here in the united States of America.

The foundation argument is that the United Nations Convention for the Rights For Persons With Disabilities is being disregarded completely for a segment classification of client services in lieu of circumstances that have been documented. This for the agency hold onto case management paradigms that are of holding to a "conflict of interest" in case and agency management and other hidden agenda special interests within the social services agencies that I claim is systemic nationally, not just observed as a local coincidental occurrence.

I need Superheros to see the truth and make some adaptive changes.

*** NOTE: IN THE CENSORSHIP OF THIS POST, AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT THIS ISSUE IS BEING BURIED BY THE AGENDA OF THIS ORGANIZATIONAL PLATFORM [ MyHivTeam : The Socal Network for Those Living With HIV ] because the links and information that is detailed in this post has been addressed to the following FEDERAL AUTHORITIES: Center For Disease Control [ via CONTACT FORM ]: Contact to CDC https://wwwn.cdc.gov/dcs/ContactUs/Form Thank you for your submission to CDC-INFO. You will hear back within 3 business days for a standard response. However, some inquiries may require more complex coordination and may take 4 to 10 business days for a response. If you have not heard back from CDC-INFO within that time, please try contacting us again. If you are a healthcare provider with an urgent question, please call 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) or TTY 888-232-6348 during business hours for timely assistance. ----- On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/9816826694979... @CDC_HIVAIDS I have a report of urgency relating an intractable conflict of a wicked problem in HIV/AIDS social services. There seems to be no one who will take the reins of this issue into the light of leadership to make corrective action. I am becoming sick dealing with this. 4:59 PM - 4 Apr 2018 from San Bernardino, CA I need a response for me to follow up to you more details. Thank You I need Superheros to see the truth and make some adaptive changes.

posted over 4 years ago



Shall I be opened and UNCENSORED HERE ON THIS FORUM or will discovery of this introduction post --- be cause for censorship and removal from forum access for no cause?

Before you PREJUDICE this introduction as being from a crazy position, this is my REQUEST for the UNITED NATIONS to place the UNITED STATES subject to the OPTIONAL PROTOCOL in the enforcement rules of conduct related to the United Nations Convention for the Rights for Persons With Disabilities. This has a Spoken Voice Narrative of Just over an hour presentation of documented details.

Anyone is free to respond to the author and have their points of comments addendum added to the page manually. By emailing: TheRebirthOfStandardsOfCare@RealUpHuman.net ---- The Subject Inbox of this matter.

http://certifiedmailreceipt.7017-1000- 0000-7269-6602.webdomains.realuphuman.net/un.org/Gmail%20-%20Systemic%20Descrimination%20in%20Ryan%20White%20Care%20Act%20Social%20Services.html

posted over 4 years ago


That URL again shortened here:


posted over 4 years ago


LynetteK => JamesMDriskill
San Francisco, CA
LynetteK => JamesMDriskill
San Francisco, CA

JamesMDriskill, have you discovered any new providers or services that specialize in HIV lately? Share them on your team. Great way to help others discover what's possible. https://www.myhivteam.com/users/JamesMDriskill/...

LynetteK => JamesMDriskill
San Francisco, CA
LynetteK => JamesMDriskill
San Francisco, CA

Hi JamesMDriskill, I wanted to share this link to help you get the most out of myHIVteam. It's a getting started post with insights on how to use the site. Hope all is well. https://www.myhivteam.com/resources/getting-sta...

LynetteK => JamesMDriskill
San Francisco, CA
LynetteK => JamesMDriskill
San Francisco, CA

I'm looking forward to reading your story, and seeing your provider team grow. Let me know if you need any help navigating the site. You can also check out our getting started post:

Your presence here (through your daily updates) helps provide perspective, and validation to other people who have felt alone. Thank you again for being here.

I have added a Share My Story Update to the public posts on site. I have also added ElenaMHT San Francisco as one of my team here on this platform. I am a case of TRUTH that the HIV/AIDS social services agencies has had its day ---- a DAY OF RECKONING should be the public awareness standing that I am making nationally against a system that is designed for us to just die and not thrive. I have the documentation evidence on record as well as an letter of address of concerns for adaptive corrective measures in the Ryan White Care Act social services funded agencies here in the United States of America. A Course Correction is what is needed. Not continued dismissal and censorship of my words on this subject.

I have an open introduction letter directed to the Center for Disease Control in Contact Us Form. If need be, I will follow up as I have with the United Nations by Certified Main Receipt that is showing on site .

Anyone who wishes to contribute their story of plights of hate from have an public hiv/aids social identity here in the United States is welcome to email me with their story.

[ TheRebirthOfStandardsOfCare-StoriesOfHate@Realu... ]



posted over 4 years ago


Life Remains Sucky --- I remain to not have access to HIV Doctor care -- all doctors since I encountered this #Huge #Big #Errror in March of 2019 with my HIV Doctor at Borrego Health in San Bernardino. 

I was trying to have us both step forward and have a discussion about the standards of care that I had been receiving and a hate/harassment campaign that I experienced in Denver Colorado. 

The Denver Colorado Aids Service Organization is Named:

Denver Aids Project / Colorado Health Network and the client intake staff is
Angela Elizebeth Keady
6260 East Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80220
Client Services: 303.837.1501
Howard Dental Center: 303.863.0772
Medical Clinic: 303.962.5317
Fax: 303.962.5303


If what I suggest is really happening, like myself, we are collectively TARGETED INDIVIDUALS - or those who are on a list -- that which TECHNOLOGY GUIDES US INTO a DIRECTION not of MEDICAL CARE WELLNESS -- but indeed

A DEATH MARCH - of intentional and provable doctors who are NOT BEING COMPETENT to TREATMENT but in view being PAID to FUCK UP THE TREATMENT  -- and deceive the patient - and no one is the wiser!


I Do Hope That All Of You Have Realized What This Post Is Saying -- It Is Saying That I Have Not Been Able To Access Healthcare From An Hiv-treating Doctor Since March Of 2019. The Doctor Involved At The Borrego Health Clinic [ Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno ] Terminated Care When I Attempted To Bring Up A Particular Subject.  That Subject And What Happened -- Is A Subject So So So So So So Sinister So Ulgy So Real Bad Ugly He Would Not Put It Into A Discussion In The Medical Aspects Of Hiv-related Topics.  So Back In March Of 2019, I Did Not Yet Have The Term This All Falls Under.  But I Have Not Been Able To Get A Real Doctor To Have A Real Treatment For Hiv Since Then.  Seriously, I Am Dying. I Will Not Compromise- I Will Have A Real Doctor Or I Die.

Humana Is Processing A Grievance -- Finally - That I Because Finally The Doctors In This Case - Fucked Up My Lab Work On Labcorp - Showing Something Now Obviously Provable - So They Say They Are Treating This Investigation Appropriately - But This Introduction To Statement Applies Onto The Response Humana Has This Week:

Audio Media : OGG - 13 Min 15 Sec : A-disgrace-we-must-erase!

Pretty Strong Bold Words I Am Expressing And Yelling Out - I Will Die First Before I Compromise The Position Of Knowing

#BigManKillingTechBug -- Is Very Much Real!

This Is This Main Written Copy Gmail With Spoken Voice Narrative Interface Presentation -- Please Anyone Who Has Actually Taken The Time To Open Listen And Read -- Please Please Please Respond To Me, And Respond To Humana That You Have The Story Of Me -- In Your Concern - Please - They Are Not Going To Budge -- I Bet - Until There Is A Collective On My Side - And The Story Tells You - Family Betrays All Aspects Of Need!

I Need Everyone To Save My Life!


[txt] Gmail - Secured Social Care Case Id 1000306608535, N2841, Open.htm    2022-07-14 22  250k 


Serious - Very Serious Situation At Hand
I need people to involve themselves into why the CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Harry Mermin will not return and respond to any of my attempts at a discussion and resolution of hate circumstances that must be addressed internally of the HHS and CDC adminstration of HIV Treatment and Prevention that offers a reporting pathway to stop hate and retalitory efforts of the directors and leaders of the Ryan White Care Act funded social service agencies, a nationally systemic problem scope found region to region across the entire nation in negative outlook employee reviews found on Glassdoor.  There is no information data report tracking of client observations on how the quality of agency/client relationships impact client lives and wellness outcomes.


Replace CDC HIV Dir @DrMerminCDC Immediately! He's involved In Coverup Of Hate Conspiracy
AMA Journal Of Ethics:

APR 2017
Repairing “Difficult” Patient-Clinician Relationships
Denise M. Dudzinski, PhD, MTS and Carrol Alvarez, MS, RN

Clinicians readily accommodate patients’ physical disabilities, but they might neglect to take into account patients’ deficits in social and life skills or thorny personal styles. The latter signal the need for different kinds of accommodations. Patients’ personal histories may influence their expression of distress, communicated in ways that complicate their ability to receive necessary care. When a clinician encounters a patient whose behaviors are disruptive and distressing, a step back for reflection can provide a shift in perspective.

The basis of trust in the patient-clinician relationship is a fiduciary obligation to protect, respect, and heal vulnerable patients. The patient-clinician relationship is inherently unequal, and the physician marshals her knowledge and power solely to aid the patient. Consequently, clinicians always have more responsibility to repair and rebuild the relationship than patients. The strategies discussed here can help clinicians do just that.

On Standards,

On the most popular and recognized "professional's" social media site of Linkedin, actual "in operation" company name profiles contain the F words in them.  In such as that is the standard on that site, that standard *MUST* apply to be a standard across the web.  I protest that any censorship can/should occur with this posting.  If there is a company by the name of "fuck cancer" on LinkedIn, which there is, it makes it difficult for me to logically consider that such a prohibition on terms can exist on a medical interfaced discussion support site such as MyHivTeam.


See Stored Archive Copy Of @Vitals Review For Doctor Eric Shigeno, Borrego Health:


The QR Scan Code Within This Image Is,
Selects A Random Community Awarness Address Message [ 1 of 11 ] on the subject of being dismissed in the community concerns that I brought up to be discussed with my Doctor Eric Shigeno of Borrego Health San Bernardino, CA

#HIVUNTREATABLE : Every Single Social Service Agency / Provider Doctor Provider Care Detached and Terminated.  This has happened Region To Region.  They do not want to discuss a huge big dark deep seeded secret involving the Ryan White Care Act funded agency hate paradigm interface that is showing to be a systemic problem region to region. The evidence and confirmation of this claim is found by the negative outlook employee reviews on Glassdoor.com.

[ Glassdoor Collective Region To Region Research Directory ]:

The update I am providibg reflects that i attempted to contact on twitter the cdc director of hiv prevention @Drmermincdc .  what happen is. Yhat the twitter account blocked me against mu civil rights to persue the truth..
I have sent some correspondences to the United States Government on the oversight of the #RyanWhiteCareAct that apparently has a hate paradigm interface from social service agencies to clients.  These dysfunctional organizations appear to have a conspiracy involving the directors and leaders of these agencies that engage in harassment and retaliation against employees and clients that bring up matters of change and focus to a client empowerment model of goal function in the deliverance of services provided to clients.

These correspondences directed to the Government Authority Agencies are authored by me on two different sites.  First, LinkedIn has a post directed and tagged to the authority of HRSA.GOV.  You can link to this URL to read the written  post which has several amended comments to extend this to a full content address:

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSAgov), HHS
Dear HRSA, Ryan White Care Program Funding Administration,

This LinkedIn content post has been translated to spoken voice text narrative. The audio play file for this content can be retrieved at this URL:

7 Mins 39 Seconds OGG Audio Playback File
The second government correspondence to resolving this hate paradigm in the social services agency Interface between agency and clients is directed to HIV.GOV on the tool of Facebook Messenger.  It might not be widely known the FB Messenger can be set into a public retrievable archive written accessible content URL --- which it can.  I have taken the content communication channel of FB Messenger and translated with Spoken Voice Text Narrative interface with a read-along interface the full directed content to the government administration of the #RyanWhiteCareAct

QR Decode URL Link In This Image Is:

The International Day Of Peace - September 21st

I have been interfaced on LinkedIn to a representative of law enforcement at the federal level.  I have an idea of peacebuilding to bring forward and he just dismisses me.  But I am going to carry forward anyway until there is a connection of duty that their side of this equation must acknowledge and do something about it.

The Erosion of #SocialTrust leads to violence, murder, and mass shootings.

Washington Post:

YouTube Long-Form Video Playlist Presentation On This Theme:

In my deliverance of these topics, I have disclosed my poz status.  I wonder if that is one of the reasons why he dismisses my ideas so quickly.  Law enforcement or authority and leaders of our politics disenfranchise persons with HIV all too frequently.  We don't have a voice in many aspects of society.


This link above has a spoken voice text narrative interface to the LinkedIn discussion thread conversation that transpires between myself and Ian Malloy of a law enforcement agency. at the Federal Level like the FBI.   The reply thread is affixed to an original post from the FBI.
I can't believe people on facebook treat me so badly.  Blocked For No Reason.  Come to find out there are many out here with the same bitch gripe on how social media is playing with their emotional tolls.  Stop blocking people!  Stop the blocking!  It hurts our society more than you may realize.  If the word "community"  is derived from communication + unity or commune + unity ---- find some to stop the hate and just act in greatness to relate ---- to each other eh?

Find Internet Memes --- pages and pages ---- of "Blocked For No Reason":

[DIR] #Kramobone-The.Ugly [ Blocked For No Reason ]/

Get a feel for what happens when you block for no reason --- used at your whimsical need to be a control freak eh?  You all suck who do this regularly to others online.  Maybe not this site, but I know the guilty toll -- there are many among this group here on MyHivTeam.com 

The problem is noted at:


Our society is being hijacked by technology.
What began as a race to monetize our attention is now eroding the pillars of our society: mental health, democracy, social relationships, and our children.

What we feel as addiction is part of something much bigger.

There's an invisible problem that's affecting all of society.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google have produced amazing products that have benefited the world enormously. But these companies are also caught in a zero-sum race for our finite attention, which they need to make money. Constantly forced to outperform their competitors, they must use increasingly persuasive techniques to keep us glued. They point AI-driven news feeds, content, and notifications at our minds, continually learning how to hook us more deeply—from our own behavior.

Unfortunately, what's best for capturing our attention isn't best for our well-being:

    Snapchat turns conversations into streaks, redefining how our children measure friendship.
    Instagram glorifies the picture-perfect life, eroding our self worth.
    Facebook segregates us into echo chambers, fragmenting our communities.
    YouTube autoplays the next video within seconds, even if it eats into our sleep.

These are not neutral products.
They are part of a system designed to addict us.
The race for attention is eroding the pillars of our society.


Have a better day than me --- eh?
As some of you may have read in my introduction main site profile here and update status posts, over the course of 10 years I have documented a hate conspiracy that has been targeting me.  It seems over the past 2 years, I have isolated this hate campaign to a taboo subject not able to talk about in my interface to my case management.  There seems to be a secret hate and racially motivated bias found among many of the Ryan White Care Act-funded social services field agencies region to region found on internal work environment culture employee reviews found on the professional's social network of Glassdoor.  These typical government funded non-profit organizations won't talk about this bias to clients, even though I have pressed them for some answers. Instead of a focus on the actual issues, they ] the director leaders of these organizations ] are responsible for an 11-month hate/harassment campaign in Denver leading to an eviction.  There may be others out there who have been targeted but not sure what actually happened or what can be done about it.  My aim is to have this conspiracy exposed terminated asap.  I have a public awareness page setup to this cause.  The domain URL of the QR Code in this graphic is very much real.   Thank you.

This is an actual Glassdoor review for a Ryan White Social Service Agency in the Palm Springs California Regional Service Area.  This review is titled,

"If you have integrity for the aids patient go elsewhere". 

No kidding.  Actually, you might be shocked at the other Glassdoor reviews that have been uncovered poorly negatively reviewed against these service agencies. 

The online directory is a result of what has been found so far:  The Cascade Aids Project is the most shocking how it applies to our community as a whole.


Cascade Aids Project [ Portland Regional Service Area ] has this report.  You can link to this review for yourself.

Here is the Glassdoor reviews for Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project. Note the review that states, "If you don't gossip like a teenager, you will be treated like an outsider".  This reflects a proclivity to violate clients privacy.

You can access these Glassdoor Reviews by Direct Linking:

Once again, the research results directory showing other regional area Glassdoor review results that are showing against the Ryan White Care Act of Social Service Agencies Nationally is:


Look up your service agency on Glassdoor and see what the results are.  If you would like your region's glassdoor reviews to be included in this online folder, please email the glassdoor review URL to:

ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP-GlassdoorReviews@realuphuman.net :  Thank you

This is an email archive copy [ with spoken voice text narrative interface ] directed to my local county's Ryan White Program Administrative Supervisor in bringing these matters up onto the table of discussion.  So far, it has been ignored and my voice silenced. Please open and listen to this cause of community concern.  Thank you.

[TXT] Gmail - Building new commitments of #SocialTrust in our communities..html
03-Aug-2018 08:54  164K 

You can search Google for this meme key, #ConspracyExposedTerminatesASAP for more information on this matter of importance of public awareness.

I just heard the news from April that the Grindr app released the HIV poz status of their app to 3rd party tech analysis companies. Boy, we are losing the battle of privacy and we are losing the battle of social trust.

Apr 10, 2018, 10:09am
Why Grindr's Privacy Breach Matters To Everyone
Note: I have a personal experience hate torment story of an 11-month harassment campaign targeted against me. This was source conducted and directed by the social service agency of Colorado Health Network and specifically Jamie Villalobos, regional director 2nd in tier charge leadership downward from the CEO position.

On Glassdoor, the employee reviews for Colorado Health Network conforms and collaborates this claim with the negative employee reviews appearing on the site as of July 28th 2017.  I declare these facts in a Facebook live on July 6th 2018.   

A Huge Conspiracy Cover-Up is at hand in order to protect the leaderships scheme of corruption and hate that is exposed on Glassdoor with their direct employee reviews:

https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Colorado-Health-Network-Reviews-E 1718672.htm

Jul 28, 2017
"Low pay, oppressive managment, dishonest business practices..."

Sep 13, 2017

Feb 17, 2018 :
"If you don’t gossip like a teenager, you’ll be an outsider."

I am going to continue to post public the truth until someone steps forward and is held accountable for an apology and amends for their deeds against me.

The record of this is public web filed:



Also involved in personal experience conspiracy cover-up is Rocky Mountain Cares of Denver Colorado and has a simular naming space as:


The greater conspiracy is exposed on Glassdoor with this employee review of Cascade Aids Project of the Portland Area.

https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Cascade-AIDS-Project-RVW 8041978.htm

Sep 22, 2015

This comment should not get censored since it represents the truth.


Google Published Approved Business.Site Listing for Colorado Health Network -- over-riding the postcard code verification system. That is because Google received the information that I provided to them and believes me over them.  This record of hate shall not be left unchallenged.

Call Them Up and Have Them Explain The Detail Record @Fuckeduphuman.net to you --- why they remain operating without an apology issued to James Driskill for their treatment hostile retaliation against a community member.

A Spoken Voice Text Narrative Electronic Messaging Sent To My Denver Area Doctor at the Univeristy of Colorado Health System sent via their messaging system:


On LinkedIn Help Support Case Ticketing, My story is standing that there is a conspiracy in the Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Service Agencies that goes to the heart of the matter of concern of health and aids related deaths.  

With Both Written Copy and Spoken Voice Narrative Interface at this Copy Archive of their Support Ticket Messaging Exchange.


Also, Desert Aids Project replied to my tweet and I seem to have a good standing dialogue with them started.   They are now following me on Twitter.  I still plan on bringing public awareness of this greater conspiracy exposed until someone acknowledges a change in the respect and dignity we receive in services provided by the social service agencies.

Thank you for listening MyHivTeam.Com community!

James M Driskill
San Bernardino CA
On LinkedIn, I have attempted to address the LinkedIn help department per their invite to contact them for more information regarding my issues with HIV/aids social services.  They responded to a tweet that I had out regarding the Yale University Study of State Spending Habits and Aids Deaths.  So, they responded to invite me over to their support help case ticketing.  But in the process, I have had two support tickets that I created on May 11th --- they deleted outright rather than being processed and followed up with.  Then they also blocked my account from access to their support ticketing processing submission.  I could not create a 3rd ticket.  So, in the course of the past week, I have been corresponding with the CEO of Linked In Jeff Weiner to the importance of these matters.  Then, I had to create a new member name on Linked In so that I could create a new LinkedIn help case ticket #3.  Finally, what appears to have taken hold is that my case#3 help ticket is not being just immediately over-ridden by staff to the delete key.   I have this help case ticket number cross archived onto my own domain space, which includes the InMail messaging with their CEO of LinkedIn Jeff Weiner.  This has both written copy and spoken voice text narrative interface. 

i keep running into Glassdoor Reviews for the Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Service Agencies nationally showing a trend of neglect from directors and leaders of these agencies toward the hiv commuinity.

This one takes the cake.



Management is hostile to the union represented staff. The organization only works with a narrow part of the community yet markets something different to look more comprehensive than it is. Much of upper management is threatened by change, is conflict avoidant to the point of dysfunction and is retaliatory when confronted. Often, people with poor skills are promoted to leadership and this creates frustration and a sense of unfairness highlighting backroom agreements meant to undermine. Morale is dreadful. In the past few years most staff have been fired, pressured to leave, or asked to work with compromised ethics. Gay, black, HIV+, and trans identified staff have been systematically marginalized. CAP treated HIV+ staff as second class citizens, ignored client request for change, and silences critics. If you go against CAP, even if justified, you will find it hard to work in the HIV community in Portland. The board is completely distant from the staff and the clients being served, and act condescending and unhelpful. You would think if 50% of the staff leave in a few months time, it might be a wake up call that there are big problems that can't be dismissed as "disgruntled" staff. Since CAP is the only game in town for HIV related needs, they have no checks and balances and no accountability when they injure the community they are claiming they serve.Show Less

Advice to Management

Stop displaying images and raising money through deception. Admit you do not serve the community at large and close your doors. CAP is not about HIV anymore, it's about retaining jobs and keeping people working at the expense of programing and directives that empower. If you want to be a LGBTQ health center then so be it, but do not pretend you are helping people living with HIV, because you are not. You are only focusing on addicts and the mentally ill. Also, an LGBTQ health group or HIV group with no gay or HIV+ leaders, or people of color managing direct services means you will be just like any other colonized public health care model that delivers incompetent care. The community does not need public health zombies, we have them already. We also do not need tokenized minorities to cover for the heteronormative, white, middle class faux professionalism that is the root of the HIV pandemic to begin with, and abundantly present in CAP management's ranks. There is a big problem when the public adores you and your clients and the community you claim to serve would rather go without then be at the mercy of a place they distrust and dislike.
An HIV/AIDS Story Plight From Hate, Written by James M. Driskill May 7th 2018,
A Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck presenting itself in the local HIV/AIDS community in Denver Colorado USA.
Part 1

I finally have made some headway on holding this story plight from hate against the perpetrators of a hate caddy collective who have engaged in targeting me as an 11 month hate and harassment campaign against me from Denver Colorado. You see last year in July some nice good willed employees of Colorado Health Network started to come forward on the employee/employer networking site of Glassdoor, where employee reviews are trusted and not modified or removed by companies. 

There are 4 damning reviews for Colorado Health Network in Denver aka Denver Colorado Aids Project.

This being presented on LinkedIn under the company's profile, an introduction reaffirming my positions in this matter.


My comment upon their profile is:

James Driskill Owner, realuphuman.net

On the use of the F Word Fully formed on this site...... Refer to this tweet. [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/993201763816685569 ] ----

LinkedIn allows for the word Fuck to be part of

Company Names search:  : search: https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/companies/?keywords=fuck&origin=SWITCH_SEARCH_VERTICAL
Resume Details : https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/people/?keywords=fuck&origin=SWITCH_SEARCH_VERTICAL …
Job Details : https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search/?keywords=fuck&location=worldwide&locationId=&locationType=Y [ 11 results showing worldwide ]

So, the use of the Fuck Word here is not a reason to block this communication.

If you block this communication, you are acknowledging that you have no answer for the truth that is documented and that truth is unchallenged by you.  You would acknowledging the truth of circumstances is the truth to all time without regard to the life path of individual that you have destroyed for some kind of game playing selfish reasons.  You have a very negative Glassdoor reviews showing for your company.  Be it that your former and perhaps current employees are also sick and tired of the game after what went down with me.  You should all be embarrassed too be still operating..  

Part 2:

The person whom I identify as the puppeteer of this hate and harassment campaign, I identified in a Facebook Live video presented on July 7th 2017.  The hate and harassment had be unyielding and non-stoppable for so long, and I was then homeless because of an eviction that was filed against me on November 30th 2016 from HIV/AIDS Subsidized housing.  Not just me, the entire complex is HIV residential housing.

I claim #ConspiracyExposed from several events one being in October which I actually filed those details of events upon my eviction case in December.  I had to negotiate a move out date of December 31st 2016 because of lack of evidence completely supporting my claim of conspiracy.  More than hearsay, the combined evidence is not yet formed to be able to point a finger at the source. 

This campaign against me is extreme.  They stole my car in January.  Although I got my car back, it was not returned in complete wholeness.  It was already dismantled apparently for a chop shop.  The inside dash components are replaced with fitting parts, but not the original.  The radio [ which had a video dvd display ] was never put back.  I am unable to connect the Cruise Control because there is not a control button assembly on the dash pieces they put back into my car.  There is discolored part under the steering wheel also that makes this event obvious. My car was set into a chop shop, but something caught it out of that path and into being returned.

What was that?   It was the truth filed by a screen recording of my mobile device of an sms conversation that began November 1st with a particular member of the local community on social media.  His name is Joe.

His full name is irrelevant at this point, but I was able to find his name by a search on his telephone number.  His name coming up in reference to owning a fire protection business.  The information that I found that I read seemed legitimate.  It did not dawn on me that the information that was posted was fraudulent.

The name of the person who is the puppeteer who is the regional director of Colorado Health Network, that I have already introduce and Joe are not the same person, but I bet they know each other.   There is a conspiracy here brewing since November 1st.  I caught the conversation from the begging on my phone device and recorded a screen recording of the text / pix [ omitted some X rated photo items only ].  I placed that video file online in a particular location which was more a vagrant location less of popularity. But that vagrancy ID holds weighty truth to their extremes.  I did not post it on Facebook. That would not have generated the response that was needed.

Part 3:

Although later in May, I would resort to posting on Facebook a video of the chaos I was still receiving.

He has deleted is original Facebook account [ https://www.facebook.com/mawuna.harris ].

His truth finder background check report:

Is showing his Facebook page along with other social media links.

Be careful what you all do online.  It is being tracked.....

Related Links


Mr Harris also has conspiracy charges on his criminal record that comes back on Truthfinder.

Likely Criminal Record Matches
Match Rating Based On:First Name Last Name DOB Age State

First and Last Name Mawuna Harris
Sentence Begins
Oct. 3, 2003
Dept Of Corrections (Colorado)
Receiving Stolen Property  |  Burglary  |  Theft by Unlawful Taking  |  Bail Jumping  |  Unable to Code  |  Conspiracy

Now that being revealed as one of the actors here involved in a story unfolding to you....

It is funny that someone thought they removed this video that was posted on facebook from my timeline, by using my facebook account while they were visiting me and I was sleeping. This video is not among the videos that are present in my timeline but should be.  I could replace back on my timeline, but it's not important.

The Facebook video link above plays the video anyway.  That is because it was never really deleted.  Every single thing you post is present if you relink to the captured URL even if you say your content you want deleted.  You have to make an administrative request for removal, you all know.  There is a process for that almost on all sites.

DELETING is an option to correct a mistake to REPOST it, so that it may appear presented in a different way than you made it the first time   Esp if there are no edit options available.

That is the ONLY REASON to DELETE content SUBMITTED to the WEB. The moral of the case here, on public mainstream media, If you are embarrassed by something you have posted, you should not have submitted it for posting in the first place.  And everything has its back tracking, even if you delete your account.... it is a part of your social media profiles across the web.  

You cannot take it back. It has permanence.  Is everyone dumb idiots and don't know this by now?
Part 4

That is not so what is my space is that I choose to post a video from events of my car theft. For it has temporary holding, if it is not yet search engine spidered indexed. Although the domain set is surface web.  There is also the dark web that operates in the same way. 

The dark web is becoming more mainstream, according to a TED TALK video on Youtube that I watched.  Wow people get your head and mind into proper gear and focus.

How the mysterious dark net is going mainstream | Jamie Bartlett
502,592 views 9.9K likes, 173 Share
TED Published on Sep 24, 2015

I am presenting two more Facebook Video links, these recorded using the "live mode" now optioned.  These are directly relevant to Colorado Health Network on June 6th 2017 and July 7th 2017.  I am placing in reference to linking here for the time being.  There is much more to this story,

I guarantee you this is a epic true tail of a hate collective run-a-muck out of control --- the source leadership of the HIV/AIDS community in Denver Colorado.  This is a conspiracy.

>>>>> Every part of this story is documented on that site. Online available.  I said was more a vagrant location less of popularity. That online location has very much relevance here affixed to this story.

Does anybody want to know how to expose a very complex and detailed conspiracy?

Part 5 [ Final ]:

I have a introduction letter email directed to the District Attorney of Denver County Colorado that introduces you to the issues of dealing with this hate for on going now 10 years without any true regression.  I am sure you too, the members of this site, are dealing with these sames issues.  There is an over-abundance of hate out here on the web against the HIV/AIDS community.  The source of that hate is the social services agency network.  At least for the black men's community that I isolate and identify from Denver Colorado.

Recorded June 6th 2017, has present each and every staff member's business card of the Colorado Health Network presented in this video.

James M Driskill was live.

about 11 months ago ·
For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op
: Sammie Francher ---

James M Driskill was live. Watch Video :
about 10 months ago ·
Priorities are priorities filling my medicine when the pharmacy normally will close.
Denver Colorado AIDS Project


Does anybody want to know more to this story?  As I unfold a wield a case of conspiracy against the social services network of the Ryan White Care Act --- beginning with Denver Colorado.

This post services notice. I know the truth. I hold the truth.  The truth shall set you free.
Part 6 [ Ongoing Drama ]:


The situation that I describe is dire.  I have no HIV Care Doctor. 

I asked my doctor if he had any conflict of interest against his Hippocratic oath.  He replied and confirmed that there were no issues that would put him in a conflict of his oath in the provider care that I was receiving. 

Then, I asked him if he was aware of the Google review that existed for the local Ryan White Care act funded agency of Foothill Aids Project. The review is quite disturbing to me.  I proceeded to tell him what the review said and that he should pull up the review for himself on his device. 

When he was performing this action, his attitude was like a bumbling fool that could not operate the technology device. I told him it was a simple Google search like "Ok Google" search for "Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino".  He still could not pull the review up so I pulled the review with a simple search of course.  He read the review off of my device. 

Looking backward on the entire session, I have concluded that he did not want to have "digital footprints" on his device which would have then made him aware of the community affairs and had to intercede into doing something about it.

Also part of this session included my request that my doctor review a tweet thread that I had directed to the CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Mermin [ @DrMerminCDC ].  I had printed out a QR scan code that opened a link to the top tweet of the thread.  Anyway, my doctor told me that he would not have time.  This is when I knew there was a conflict of interest. I just lost all trust for this doctor to have independent disinterestedness in my provider care apart of what was causing this apparent reporting of bias and hate involved in the social services of the Ryan White Care Act. 

The Google review for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino states:
Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago-
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.
No kidding!! You might want to look up any reviews posted against your local Ryan White Care Act funded services agency. You might be surprised that there are similar reviews.

The result of my doctor not representing that he had concern or care in the details that I was bringing forward in my care, I walked out of the session in hopes to bring a different perspective on these issues online with the healthcare interface. So far, I have not convinced or persuaded the doctor to apologize for his oversight at the priorities involved in my care. 

Just a catoonized picture of me.  So I can update my avatar.
I wish I felt better of my end game with my housing..... I feel that until there is a remedy that i seek to resolve, I will always be a target to be placed into the streets of homelessness because I know the truth to what is going on in social services. 

On Glassdoor employee reviews of the Ryan White Care Act Social Service Agencies it is all so obvious.

Part 1:

Part 2:
Hiya all ---- is there any choices for HIV Care Doctor Providers in the near the City of San Bernardino that is NOT the County of San Bernardino Health Department or is NOT the Aids Healthcare Foundation in Upland CA.   ?
My post is IN COMPLIANCE Avoiding selling products [ none in this post [, avoiding solicit for fundraisers [ none in this post ], or research [ none in this post ].  This post contains external links to contents that confirm this story as to being acurate to the details provided.  The links provided in this are content that is filed on my own personal information system that has SITEADVISOR CLEARANCE as SAFE TO BROWSE and the center-domain access point @Gruwup.net is classified as EDUCATION/REFERENCE and other referenced domains are classified as CONTENT SERVERS.  The purpose of this post is to draw attention to matters that there is a real involved intractable conflict that I have been experiencing in the Ryan White Care act funded social services agencies which involves many complex details that this has to be documented off into detail information text, audio, and video links external that most social media blog journal posts are not capable of a full view perspective.  This documentation record is detailed for events that last over 10 full years in my experiences with the Ryan White care act social service agencies here in the united States of America.

The foundation argument is that the United Nations Convention for the Rights For Persons With Disabilities is being disregarded completely for a segment classification of client services in lieu of circumstances that have been documented.   This for the agency hold onto case management paradigms that are of holding to a "conflict of interest" in case and agency  management and other hidden agenda special interests within the social services agencies that I claim is systemic nationally, not just observed as a local coincidental occurrence.

I need Superheros to see the truth and make some adaptive changes.
*** NOTE: IN THE CENSORSHIP OF THIS POST, AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT THIS ISSUE IS BEING BURIED BY THE AGENDA OF THIS ORGANIZATIONAL PLATFORM [ MyHivTeam : The Socal Network for Those Living With HIV ] because the links and information that is detailed in this post has been addressed to the following FEDERAL AUTHORITIES: Center For Disease Control [ via CONTACT FORM ]: Contact to CDC https://wwwn.cdc.gov/dcs/ContactUs/Form Thank you for your submission to CDC-INFO. You will hear back within 3 business days for a standard response. However, some inquiries may require more complex coordination and may take 4 to 10 business days for a response. If you have not heard back from CDC-INFO within that time, please try contacting us again. If you are a healthcare provider with an urgent question, please call 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) or TTY 888-232-6348 during business hours for timely assistance. ----- On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/981682669497942016 @CDC_HIVAIDS I have a report of urgency relating an intractable conflict of a wicked problem in HIV/AIDS social services. There seems to be no one who will take the reins of this issue into the light of leadership to make corrective action. I am becoming sick dealing with this. 4:59 PM - 4 Apr 2018 from San Bernardino, CA I need a response for me to follow up to you more details. Thank You I need Superheros to see the truth and make some adaptive changes.

Shall I be opened and UNCENSORED HERE ON THIS FORUM or will discovery of this introduction post --- be cause for censorship and removal from forum access for no cause?

Before you PREJUDICE this introduction as being from a crazy position, this is my REQUEST for the UNITED NATIONS to place the UNITED STATES subject to the OPTIONAL PROTOCOL in the enforcement rules of conduct related to the United Nations Convention for the Rights for Persons With Disabilities.  This has a Spoken Voice Narrative of Just over an hour presentation of documented details.

Anyone is free to respond to the author and have their points of comments addendum added to the page manually.  By emailing:  TheRebirthOfStandardsOfCare@RealUpHuman.net ---- The Subject Inbox of this matter.

http://certifiedmailreceipt.7017-1000- 0000-7269-6602.webdomains.realuphuman.net/un.org/Gmail%20-%20Systemic%20Descrimination%20in%20Ryan%20White%20Care%20Act%20Social%20Services.html
That URL again shortened here:

I have added a Share My Story Update to the public posts on site.   I have also added ElenaMHT San Francisco as one of my team here on this platform.  I am a case of TRUTH that the HIV/AIDS social services agencies has had its day ---- a DAY OF RECKONING should be the public awareness standing that I am making nationally against a system that is designed for us to just die and not thrive.   I have the documentation evidence on record as well as an letter of address of concerns for adaptive corrective measures in the Ryan White Care Act social services funded agencies here in the United States of America.   A Course Correction is what is needed.  Not continued dismissal and censorship of my words on this subject.

I have an open introduction letter directed to the Center for Disease Control in Contact Us Form.  If need be, I will follow up as I have with the United Nations by Certified Main Receipt that is showing on site .

Anyone who wishes to contribute their story of plights of hate from have an public hiv/aids social identity here in the United States is welcome to email me with their story.

    [ TheRebirthOfStandardsOfCare-StoriesOfHate@Realuphuman.net ]

