James M Driskill


Jun 16, 2021 7:44:00am
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 7:22:44pm
James M Driskill

Why oh why oh why is it so f****** hard to talk to you about people?
May 08, 2021 7:20:32pm
James M Driskill
In relationship to my problem that has been an ongoing issue for 15 years..

Since June of 2013 I have made a plan to make my first step walk out of Oakland to the direction of Home San Bernardino. On September 3rd 2013.

I started walking walk training June 1st 2013. And I came to San Bernardino to visit my father in July my mother never telling me he was about to die.

But I felt it's that last I talked to him on the phone when was Father's Day I told my boyfriend my father's dying.

I didn't make it to have a true mindful conversation with him at all.

My father died in July and then believe this or not my sister-in-law ..

My brother's wife died. 5 Weeks Later. So on the course that I delayed my walk a couple of weeks I was dedicated to fulfilling this walk is real world walk this real world AIDS Walk. To get the attention of what was happening in the community still to this day nobody acknowledges

Me. My voice. My condition of Health my condition of Detachment failure of all my social services because I want to press forward issue.

Every attempt to press forward this issue results to failure. For 15 years now I'm living in a daytime nightmare.

I scheduled this walk for the beginning day of September 21st 2013. I had MapMyWalk as my technology to track my walk.

The dates of this walk crosses through your CEO's misstep. I made no misstep I've made no mistake to deserve a sentence of death.

Why does everybody hate me for bringing the truth forward why do people hate on me why is it that I'm the one who's going to die?
May 08, 2021 7:19:52pm
James M Driskill
In Epic Email Fail, Postmates CEO Tells Customer To ‘Fuck-Off’
By Alexis Kleinman
09/16/2013 02:40 PM ET
May 08, 2021 7:10:20pm
James M Driskill
Every step of the way over - ouch


Tell me it's not so that you are just one more Hater group...
May 08, 2021 7:09:31pm
James M Driskill
If you do not respond to help me I will find a way around your interfaces that you do not properly potential with a warning message to those people who are in charge of your business model I'm trying to say something happens when a person dies

May 08, 2021 7:03:00pm
James M Driskill
Help me
May 08, 2021 6:53:22pm
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 6:53:17pm
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 6:51:35pm
James M Driskill
Are you going to remain calm and quiet?

Do you actually get pissed the same as I?

At least understand why I am pissed and why I'm so upset and why there is no sanity here as though but I'm saying to you comes from Insanity when it is not insane. I'm not delusional but that would be attributed to me already I'm sure. Where do you find the line to support who what why and who's buying the wine for dinner?

Or who the hell do you think you are allow this to continue on and on and on without anybody stopping it?

I have been in this mode for at least forty years I would say knowing this is the reality of the world the people at the top of every single organization organization business in the United States of America seems to have a hate culture.

At least everywhere I go to attempt something of change that I am barred from forever.

A forevermore condition of Cruelty.

I need help real help the help that you can consider saying no but you can't consider saying ghost. That means that when you say no Postmates can't help you. But I highly recommend because we do have your best interest customer. We don't want you to die. A preliminary understanding I am not delusional. A system out of its Integrity for so long the people involved in this are so bad so f***** up they don't even realize how f*****-up they really are apparently.

A natural condition of response. I reject.

Customer service interface with zendesk makes sense from history something to contend with. Doing wrong. Wrong doing done wrong. Wrong doing done wrong over and over and nobody seeing it the invisible actions.

From a different site perspective on to zendesk.

My Open tickets I was finally able to maintain because of the conversion over his in test I thought was okay. No my support tickets were immediately removed and no follow-up like that's a matter that is practical just delete the ticket no explanation f*** the customer don't get any voice to him. A okay to do that standard so much because I was reporting something on a website that was truly truly truly a security breach within their mailing function their inbox mailing function. The inbox that handles everyone that is on the sides had malcode security breach affecting the entire Community login. Reporting it to FBI didn't matter. Over and over and over and over this is outrageous mentality and nobody is going to want to see the truth to this and have their moral agency to be outrageous phony. Because they are not outrageous when they already know this and had done nothing about it. And dial that is calling upon us now again outrageous will be phony because that's what you were going to do to have to play along. To be phony baloney outrageous. Apparently I must override you to find your CEO so I can just go right to your CEO so I don't have to deal with inter playing down this chain within your organization I need your help and I don't need your pity nor your phony belief that somehow it is all of a sudden oh wow I didn't know that police when I know a lot of this is common knowledge.

Can you even be honest?
May 08, 2021 6:48:36pm
James M Driskill
That's the cover for the May 2021 - psychology Today magazine
May 08, 2021 6:37:18pm
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 6:36:39pm
James M Driskill
I don't know who you are as an individual my name is :

James Martin Driskill

First introductions would be nice from the first point of this.

let's see where this leads us okay?

that's BS!

Lets show us as possible as naturally Progressive as a natural order of a conversation should be.

that this tool does not provide.

In any of my conversations on the show you the top of this.

Every aspect of this message challenged the person on the other end is actually who and what they say they are because it is apparent that those are not the actions of the other clans mental motivations at least it is with me and I'm not doing anything wrong
May 08, 2021 6:36:09pm
James M Driskill
I don't need to know already not responded properly or I'm just completely out of my mind to think you are who you say you are and somebody is messing with me no no no I'm not taking no for an answer. Somebody's going to see what I'm asking for fully before they cut me off
May 08, 2021 6:33:05pm
James M Driskill
"Pride is in the heart!"

If I don't get a response here that apparently is a lie
May 08, 2021 6:32:17pm
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 6:30:36pm
James M Driskill
Your silence gives me the consent to
May 08, 2021 6:30:30pm
James M Driskill
Silence gives consent
May 08, 2021 6:30:08pm
James M Driskill
Can I have a human being and then intention to be human I'm not some sort of misguided mismanaged robot...

To just say no

But they can't say no because that shows something bad so silence equals no. No I will not accept no for an answer
May 08, 2021 6:30:00pm
James M Driskill
A need of safety - I'm asking for help and it's cycling over and over and over no help available
May 08, 2021 6:28:34pm
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 6:27:37pm
James M Driskill
I am very much real...
May 08, 2021 6:23:19pm
James M Driskill
No preview?
May 08, 2021 6:22:50pm
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 6:22:29pm
James M Driskill
Im taking - this page into vuew:

May 08, 2021 6:22:02pm
James M Driskill
May 08, 2021 6:19:07pm