Participants: James M Driskill, Sammie Francher and Joshua Luckey
Group Invite Link: Off
James M Driskill
Mar 16, 2016 1:49:57pm
James M Driskill
Mar 13, 2016 10:11:58am
Sammie Francher
What is the point of view
Jul 26, 2015 1:21:43am
James M Driskill
So "content-sharing" posted. See email to Sammie for my desktop side of the GUI before I resorted to this channel. The option I guess would be for you to join my cause my page, so I can share such statements onto it. Thank you.
Jul 26, 2015 12:41:21am
James M Driskill
As I began to comment here, I started to recite and type out from direct memory the words: l

And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpseā€™s shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

But I of course stop myself right at that key to key recitation at "rot inside" and went to get it from online, for perfection is the way is can and shall be done. These are the connective tools that we all have, don't be lazy in your writing and say things that are credited of others in the wrong light. There is no reason not to reach up to perfect when we have it. Take that extra time to be gorgeous to all of your world -- Camera angle shots are noticed, The word "Awesome" is noticed even though the A is hidden from view, I have not pressed the +8 -- it is strictly shared here based on first impressions. Great Reasons Us [ @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] , @[100006054378117:2048:Joshua Luckey] , some untagged stranger in the background as an accidental photobomb, and I ] Will Unite Peace. Good Day.
IP Address: 2601:282:804:a790:5011:4b5:9c2c:26de
Jul 26, 2015 12:39:58am