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James M Driskill
You left the group.
Jul 14, 2015 8:31:26am
James M Driskill
Sammie, please confirm with me when you have also "left" this convesation. I suggest you follow my advice and just leave now --but you too are so welcomed as feeewill states carry on a conversation. I am out out of here.Good day
Jul 14, 2015 8:31:13am
James M Driskill
I am leaving this conversattion- You too must use your facebook otpuions to leave this converation. It is your option to make that action, no I. This is a facebook tool of communication and you must know how it is utilized. This is how it works. You leave this conversation on your action -- not by me removing you from it. Thank you.
Jul 14, 2015 8:29:55am
James M Driskill
As Such, you will be distconnecting from my friend here on facebook --- you requested a friend link here -- this is my friend and he wants to get to know you. If you are not willing to commit to that --- so be it. Plese know you have a $5 balance owed to me. I expect it paid in full sometime in the next 30 days. Thank you.
Jul 14, 2015 8:27:16am
James M Driskill
Go ahead Carlos and/or Cammie here -- we are connected as a TRIAD in as Awesome Kramobone puts us in each other's view here by my hand. You have bothed fucked my ass raw --- so lets start with that.. Lets start a SEX TALK . if norhing more basic of common than that.
Jul 14, 2015 8:24:52am
Los Patron
Please take me out of this group
Jul 14, 2015 8:22:56am
James M Driskill
Once again I state: "These are the tools of communication in effort today. We shall use them - and use them wisely". For which you Sammie reply, "exactly". .
Jul 14, 2015 8:20:58am
James M Driskill
This chat window is being opened as a group conversation between to guests who have been made aware of each other [ now ] by having shared time at : Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom. Sammie, this is Carlos -- the guy I told you about when you came visiting here Monday Morning at 5:02am. Sammie, Carlos has some confusions over how I have written out or worded some parameters of how guests are expected to be in this space at all times considered RESPECTFUL,. I write very odd like [ logical memetic sytle, if you want to call it that ] , and perhaps it has put Carlos in a state of confusion over some ideals that we seemed to have shared real time space here. When it came to expressing things happening among us in community as passing "memes" [ cultural ], Carlos seemed to be on the right mind set and track. In a conversation now today, he expresses his confusion. And rather sit here and dialogue it out, he just wanted to move on with his day. I felt his impressiveness at first glance.. I am calling on you, right here and now, as you said you would be MY PROTECTOR. This is in the here and now. Carlos Here on Facebook linked to me as a friend request. I am carrying it forward on facebook as this linking network allows. Note that Carlos is on A4A as profile ID [ carlos720 ]. Thank you.
Jul 14, 2015 8:17:02am