James M Driskill
May 09, 2021 5:32:45am
James M Driskill
Apr 17, 2021 1:37:01am
James M Driskill
The Elephant in the Room:

Something here working all around all of us. Not a single one of us really at fault - if you are being perceptionally blind and cannnot see something happening. All interrelated.

My friend Charles Galvin wrote a poem a long time ago. "On Blindness" and our Collective Social Trust has changed. Jared Diamond ( tag? ) writes about this change in his book "Collapse".

At this point in time I'm disheveled. I'm disappointed. I'm disillusioned. I'm distracted. I'm trapped. I'm a bunch of things I should not be. I should not be here where I'm at against my will that I'm not supposed to be here I'm not supposed to be here but I'm here.

I died on January 3rd 2021 in the events of deception and coercion and hypocrisy at its highest fault. I have had enough I've had enough enough is enough but know you will continue on and on and on and annihilate me to death I say.

It's so obvious it's so obvious what's going on here.


Obvious what's going on that's hurting you all this killing you all this killing us all that is killing us all can't you see it can't you see the elephants can't you see the big monster please?

Your killing me!

Do you have any clue of what sets into a motion and made active in culture. Actively running as a cumulative effect in a memetic engine.

It's called memetically active.

How this applies to the Insurrection on January 6th 2021?

How this event on 2021 applies to mass shootings?

These are slaughtering us in a bloodbath of events one after another after another after another after another.

it is what is in Jared Diamonds book.

It would not be until 2019 when I discovered the casualty of this including me being a victim of this by name.

By name this has now a name for this monster the generating monster the one that Jared Diamond talks about in his book.

These are the casualty of violence against thy neighbor.

The whole genre of reporting a thing called gang stalking.

Apri 6th 2020 on the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Law enforcement refusing to take a hold and show their allegiance to the Countryman of our community.

I'm dead people high died January 3rd 2021 Perry in my mind anyway and in my heart anyway I stabbed myself with a broken piece of a mirror. Everybody seems to just carry on and on and on like that has no bearing for anybody around me every single one including my mother.

Our society of the United States of America is broken.

It's broken from the concept of written words set my friend wrote called on blindness.

We can't be friends in our neighbors . We can't be neighborly . We can't be anything but what what are we to each other animes mortal enemies?

Divide and conquer?

Do you have any clue?

Are you saying you do not care?

That is a present of mind of dishonorable mention long-standing.

People have placed into thousands hundreds of thousands millions probably a pieces of writing about being careful about not being careful about being our best a perhaps excellence.

We have lost something seriously the shity way you have treated me.

I have no humility when the other people I see, can't just open a conversation and talk to me.

To have a conversation and talk to me about the crux of the problem.

Every time I do I get shitted on by you who are following the monster and the monster is invisible to you.

It's not an elephant people that is in this mix as a monster a monster.

You all flip this on me.

I'm the monster? The one you cannot talk to. The one that doctors completely obliterate their judiciary responsibility to maintain and doctor-patient relationship with me. Seriously already happened.

The point of goal that these words are written to change that dimension inside of my life. To obey the law in the United States of America and to obey the morals of the United States of America I'm the one who's the monster really seriously?

My God people are you fucking insane?

The emoji for 👹 at my reach of my writing tool.

I think my mom has finally come down to the understanding finally and did something last night spontaneously.

I think she understands her son finally.

Shirley mother you must see something. I don't want to live anymore.

You trapped me with your ignorance of being bondage just like the rest to you. You're not seeing the truth and I do.

And for that I'm dead at least for the time of your mind to contemplate what is happened here.
Apr 03, 2021 2:51:57pm
James M Driskill
Sammie --

who's had a facebook account hack.

I'm not even sure which sammie you are.

right now - this is my clipboard. The text applies to the real sammie and to you.

You will either keep talking or you will scurry away.

Apr 03, 2021 2:51:52pm
Sammie Francher
I was just wondering if you have heard of the financial support program currently going on now?
Apr 03, 2021 2:47:32pm