James M Driskill
Apr 04, 2022 11:59:51pm
James M Driskill
Recommended reading:


FYI: This article is being transcribed to spoken voice narrative.

Please have some courage to respond to this facebook powered correspondence ( cold contact ) attempt at building civil society trusts.

FYI: If I must respond to a non-responsive status, i should be able to obtain a real.name ( if ypur presence here reflects a truthfulness ) and as a Truthfinder background return report to obtain additional pathways to initiate a different pathway of contact ( if i must ) The matters here are that operatively imperative to hold a response onto an avenue of reasoned remedy and responsibility in my local community outward to be inclusive of national discourse.

What is not introduced to you here but is in fact an absolute reality this is a matter of National Security is being obstructed of truth factors and intertwined with temporal factors documented for 15 years.

These are highly involved and complex issues that needs a forum of an open and honest discussion of all balls in integrity.

Do you have such regards for that standard I am seeking of excellence in our firemen across our nation?

Please don't disappointment me.


I've read your message and have no response is highly admirable than silence of no response or an act pf malicious need on ypur part.to act to block me here to establish your underhanded need of conflict avoidance in cowardness. That is a pre conclusion and not a substitution are reality right now. Please respond in all courage to me man to man.

Citizen inquiry onto you as an supportive not opposing adjacent County California.

where the city UPS San Bernardino ranked in December 2019 that's the most dangerous city in California and the third most dangerous in our nation.

Thank You.

This is a topic of discussion needs to be addressed here.

All available avenues of civil society has been attempted and my citizen right of inquiry completely dismissed in my hometown local area public officials.

There is no consulate to where I can seek resolve and remedy.

The outcomes here are predictable (๐Ÿ”ฎ) and remains dire and grave.

Death over life instead of life over death.

Please Help Me.

Can you be the ๐Ÿ”‘ that unlocks ๐Ÿ”“ an impasse of intractable conflict. ?
Feb 07, 2021 1:44:54am
James M Driskill
This messenger contact directed into your view especially if there is a read position pointer that follows the end here the matter is quite Paramount. And it will be very disrespectful to just ignore my citizen need to find a fireman anywhere across this entire nation I cannot uphold the standard I just mentioned and help me. It would be even more further insults to Facebook to Facebook count block me for no reason.
Feb 07, 2021 1:06:49am
James M Driskill
Please acknowledge your read receipt of this messenger content practice into Northview
Feb 07, 2021 1:04:55am
James M Driskill
------ public comment concludes --------


The standard im acting here ?

As widely given to us as advice that we all grew up from Elementary School forward.

We were always told if we felt like unsafe and in danger ,
contact either of policemen or firemen.

Sbcfiredispatch Captainโ€‹โ€‹ ( tag preferred )

That is the standard I have tried to use...

But has failed miserably
Feb 07, 2021 1:04:02am
James M Driskill
In my public post I doubt that you were notified the usage am I attempted tag. You can perhaps find it when the search. I would like to include you in a tag. It is rather important. To please approve my friend request here. I could provide you the URL to the public post but the post is still in draft and is a multi-part comment but I'm holding on to a friend of real time life to a political response Pawn our former president Donald John Trump and the matter I'm a priority this country must be making updating and holding truthfulness at all times.

Aren't you avoid your confusion Onto that subject matter -- I would rather just place the comments reference in brief here please approve my friend request. Thank you
Feb 07, 2021 1:01:20am
James M Driskill
i was hoping that sbc in your name referred to San Bernardino for a more targeted. approach and reason to include a reference abd perhaps tag usage in a public post. I actually did include you as a tag. but I did not pause at the tag most likely because we are not friends on Facebook. this is an option you have and I have to respect that that new on the negates nor suspends my overall need to place and locate persons in fire protection and fire fighting as well as other personnel employed in ypur public official capacity such as paramedics all classified as heros of our national honorable first responders.
Feb 07, 2021 12:55:16am