James M Driskill
There are more examples --- if you want to search yourself --- TRUTH HERE HURTS BUT SILENCE KILLS!
Jun 30, 2019 11:13:36am
James M Driskill
Double Triple Thank you.
Jun 30, 2019 11:12:54am
James M Driskill
The links you are seing are real --- here is another reality --- on LinkedIn -- actual real in operation company name profiles have the word "fuck" in them as a professional's standard established on that site carried to the rest of the web. In such --- this domain showing above is just an extension of this standard...... Content at this site is SiteAdvisor safe to browse --- you can check yourself or trust this message is written with great expectations of intentions. Thank you.
Jun 30, 2019 11:12:37am
James M Driskill
Call Recording Attempt 1 : I am not repeating myself --- you can attempt this same process --- record the call if you so desire --- place that call recording file somehow online --- and place a link to it within the Disqus! (discussion) to carry on your faithful attempt. Thank you.

Jun 30, 2019 11:10:25am
James M Driskill
Please accept this message intentions to follow up with your facebook friend --- it is highly imperative this message gets through before too many more people get hurt by a process that she more likely than not likely internally knows, whether or not she partakes in such activities herself ---- thank you.
Jun 30, 2019 11:07:18am
James M Driskill
Jun 30, 2019 11:04:24am
James M Driskill
Dear facebook friend of a person I need to alert to a serious matter. You may be the only resolve to break a silence barrier. In that Mark Twain once said: "Truth Hurts but Silence Kills", that is the standard to which this message is being directed to you.

This contact might freak you out ---- that is not my intention. But please know that the reasons for this contact is highly important to follow through. I am seeking a resolution of a matter that holds the status of being an "Intractable Conflict" as well double tied up this also holds the status of being a "wicked problem" that no one in the world so far has been able to tackle the solutions to these matters.

I bring bad news on the part of internetworking connections of one of your linked Friends on this facebook network. She has shown herself to be indifferent of offering me an explanation or any kind of response at all to the events that occured in the HIV/AIDS Community in Denver Colorado while Dr. Nancy Ellen Madinger was my HIV Care doctor.

Please do not be frightened off to my openness and frankness here that puts this boldly out of privacy concerns I have --- for I have had to break all barriers in this regards --- I hold absolutely no privacy of data records --- for every single piece of my story that is going to be unfolding to you ---- is placed public online including my full "Lucy" digital medical records file -- which is noted in the site details that has a communication tool interfaced to this information site known as Disqus!

I am not here to attempt to defame the good doctor, for I do really believe she is on a side more on good than the conspiracy that I keep pounding my head against a wall impassible. This wall barrier is established as an "informational quarantine" and if you know the term well or not, quarantine is quarantine ---- a type of suspension of life --- locked --- unable to move upward or beyond this wall. I am not sure even if Doctor Madinger realizes the full scope of these dealings or if she just is a bit too nice and naive to believe this exists in our country.... when it does. But her lack of offering me an explanation all the way back that I directed patient to doctor communications via the UCHEALH "My Health Connection" messaging ---- CAPTURED and PRESERVED the record of these attempts that have been left unanswered.

The time has come that I am compelling that response from the Good Doctor. For in best known view scope circle of persons in my direct life, in the way of my ability to break this wall barrier, and more importantly as I sit here writing to you today, I have no HIV Care Doctor because each and every step of this process attempting to bring forward truth ---- results in termination --- separation --- denial of truth forward --- and I am left to be untreatable in my very home town of San Bernardino CA living now again in a perpetual state of homeless breakage time after time region to region -- social services and doctor provider care ---- a state of digressive dysfunction at the hands of this informational quarantine designers. I am not the only one being effected and I have proof to this conspiracy --- if just you realize how serious I am to document on the tool of Disqus! on the site of the good doctor's licence record ID information page:


If you do not link to that page to inform yourself of the seriousness to all things involved --- that would be a great disappointment to this attempt. Please contact your Facebook friend ---- have her fulfill the request made to finally compress down the courage to uplift this wicked problem intractable conflict to a forum that she will be head doctor responsible to save instead of kill persons with HIV/AIDS that have been intentionally set into a life presence --- intentionally set into a state digressive of our country's foundation ideals that all men are created equal, in order to form a more perfect union, and that those that fall victim to this conspiracy of information quarantine have been exploited in some game to remove their inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness --- the very very very state that I am currently in --- and this matter is very serious.

There is an audio file spoken voice narrative of this NPI NO Record page including the embedded Disqus! conversational elements affixed that a content moderator is involved in this to remove my voice to hold a full impact normal conversational flow --- this is not right.

The audio file is linked [ real link ] by this URL:

[ Content Directory Mirror Of Data Stored There To Break and Bust Out The Truth To Shine Out The Dark of Conspiracy ]


Audio 44 Minutes 55 Seconds

Please do me a favor and pass these links to your facebook friend via messenger ---- tell her these are serious times and seriousness means respond a response of responsibility --- not to seek trouble --- but to seek peace and reconciliation --- but she must be able to and hold honor to not deceive the record ---- and to hold truth as a virtue wise in these matters.

Can you do that for me? I have no faith that anything can penetrate this of any normalcy --- and extreme measures are undertaken --- FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE IS NOT AN OPTION ACCEPTABLE --- SILENCE KILLS!

Thank you.


#HivUntreatable : Tagged On Social Media
Jun 30, 2019 11:03:54am