James M Driskill
May 12, 2022 11:49:02pm
Targeted Individual
Tony Bruce is a real
Person whom I have met on many occasions.
Nov 21, 2021 9:25:15am
James M Driskill
Now is Tony Bruce a real person name --- lookup on TruthFinder --- and then take it to the next step --- Truthfinder takes a background check to report associations and friends --- contacts - build interconnection encapsulating his entire life to disclose and deliverance of the truth -- you can not be pursued for liable or defamation if what you are posting and expressed as strong as you are confirmed to your resolve of truth -- the truth is truth --- and lies are able to be used and detected in court testimonial use known as [ Brain Fingerprinting ] ----- fight back to the point of discloses to report to his real-life circle of contacts revealed by truthfinder - and when it comes into court ---- they will drop the case if the police, judges, and attorneys installed at your county-level district attorneys staffs --- pull the entire record into post naming content applied to the comments into this video --- the truth must be exposed!

You can make anything public if you know what is the truth. -you can not publish his personal private information but you can establish a public account and distribute it to his revealed closest relative contacts given by truthfinder.

And further you can use defense to challenge the legal process of jeopardy you might place yourself into to anyone -- court and attorney and judges and police officers who refuse to represent the need to process serious crimes herein --- the lesser of two evils would be the activities that you are outwardly pressing visible without hesitation full upfront into the face - not hiding in dark dark shadows on the internet --- anyone on the basis of legal necessity ----

I have something of a resource for you to read ---- take me up --- place my reference and we can have side arrangements of encrypted communications to defeat them ---- guaranteed -- we need to join a force of PUBLIC DISCLOSERS WHO ARE INVOLVED IN GANG STALKING and why it remains a topic that can not be forward placed a status of "legal capacity" by members of our communities such as we are by acceptance and processing of criminal complaint by law enforcement at all levels top down ---- federal, state, county and local municipal police force agencies ---

This YouTube Account is under my real name.

Real name:

James Martin Driskill

There are two appearing comments applied that I am working on translating to spoken voice narrative here:


The content of the comments may still reflect under moderator review.

Also in reference is this YouTube Video Playlist:


Still in revision draft:

Williamson County Jail HATE INCUBATOR malformed operations observed
24 videosNo viewsUpdated today
Do we need to continue to be conflict-avoidant here to remain silent and hold onto the model of the status quo embedded with hate racism and white supremacist models of intent and reverence ---- something very wrong and ill here --- something that is strangling our nation in bad acts of police actions and policing policy behaviorally killing unarmed citizens --- a hate cultural that began to take hold on a global scale in fascism government in 1930s Nazi Germany remained to manifest and grow after the victory of WWI --- this hate has permitted all off law enforcement models of operational understandings that frankly in 2021 scientifically can be scientifically researched to find the patterned online communications of hate speech reflecting hate is not invisible as a few bad acting apple actors --- but insatiable to have a stronghold problematic and more observing citizenry and collective greater all walks of society to negative destroy [ forcefully ] digression of trust that for some in our communities are easy to patterned behavior observe and recognize. This destructive force nation of trust brings us the massive gun violence epidemic of mass gun shootings. and a prevailing fear factor whereas each passing day runs down our nations ability to trust each other has severe consequences - truth requires trust -- we are lost to our abilities to rationalize real truth --- there are enemies of our nation conducting this informational warfare activity intended to divide on conquer our nation to a full and complete collapse. --- what is relevant is this hate infection is detailed growing and fully active expanding coast to coast in every state -- across the board through every level top-down -- federal, state, county, and local municipal police authority agency -- we can and must change --- and in so doing - we also must acknowledge the need to accept collective responsibility for this moral adjustment --- or we are allowing the enemies both inside on our homeland soil and across overseas to win battle by battle in the debate --- we are under attack and and it does not seem to be worth the bother to accept this truth reality in a 5 to 10-minute limiting attention span ---- please join me to reconcile peacefully HONEST RESPONSE --- NO MORE LIES, NO MORE HIDDEN AGENDAS, NO MORE DECEPTIONS.


These matters are extremely serious and urgent. What can we and must do?

Start with overviewing the account of my recent incarceration at the Williamson County Texas Jail House in Georgetown -

Date: 18th Aug 21
booking ID: 21-192333
Cause No 21-1368-K368
State of Texas Vs. Driskill, James Martin

Equal to or Greater Than 1 Gram Less Than 4 Grams
Substance: Cryistialized White Rock Methamphetamine
Approx Street Purchased Value [: $80 ]
BOND: $10,000

Such quantity of possession of C Class Controlled Substance remains a stronghold felony legal jeopardy offense in Texas and most of our nation reasoning unfathomable to the activities that are placed into perspectives in this presence address deliverance here.

The LESSOR of TWO EVILS defense of NECESSITY is be held upon the court as defense onto this case -- never would get court public record.


First Request at Court Provided Defense Counsel was Denied -- Inmate held and disclosed truth questionnaire to having over $4000 cash availability funds in the bank at the time of the arrest.

Point of contact to be in the custody of law enforcement officers occurred while I was on a very dire and desperate train ride on AMTRAK from ONTARIO CA to NEW YORK to the intent to visit and find counsel remedy for living conditions of criminal activity being targeted at me for over 16 years not being addressed by law enforcement - involvement of hate culture harassments that now carry a cultural identity understanding as real with actual published researched scientific findings that gang stalking is a reality for a segment negatively imposed upon a great number population of our country's citizens. and the online forum discussion of those that I also identify as being TARGETED INDIVIDUALS of this very real activity . As what is directly relevant to a person's mental health, The research findings are published on the National Institutes of Health.

With 5000 character size limits here so please use this Google Search link for both one and two-word references - or find your way over to NIH.GOV --


Google [ NIH.GOV "Gangstalking"


Google [ NIH.GOV "Gang Stalking" ]



[ Hopefully here Not Exceeding YouTube Commenting Length Limits ]
Nov 18, 2021 4:46:42pm
James M Driskill
I attempted to post this content affixed public to your youtube video - seems to get deleted within less than a minute -- does not violate terms of service.
Nov 18, 2021 4:46:33pm