James M Driskill
You lack of showing a read status position indicator in this messenger conversation --- is a marker of distrust that you represent the haters.
Sep 02, 2018 2:33:28am
James M Driskill
I am justified to be here --- working this social worker presence online --- to the empowerment of rebuilding our social trust locally and nationally --- get real -- time to get real ---- we are in peril of reaching and falling off the cliff of foolishness that we can't return from. It is mentioned in the loss of social trust presentation video long-form playlist --- perhaps you will get the notion to watch the entire presentation before you even make another action --- I will give you the option of selecting what order you want to review these materials reality wise --- wisdom guidance -- where shall we be lead --- by a pack of hater wolves to our slaughter to be mush feed as their food nourishment? [ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9fplPdaPNx-fvh9D24MZoMfJCdzaTmlG ] --- that is who is directing this social services problematic issue I have exposed as a conspiracy. The haters are everywhere. Where is your allegiances lie? [ pun intended ]
Sep 02, 2018 2:31:01am
James M Driskill
You can access the truth to these circumstances of the Cascade Aids Project review at: [ http://cascadeaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] - I own the set of domains to uproot the truth in this conspiracy.
Sep 02, 2018 2:22:01am
James M Driskill
Click That Link To Listen To The Audio of the Glassdoor Review that I cite example in the REPORT to the FBI that remained static on the site of glassdoor since 2015 until I cite the report to the FBI --- the FBI is involved in this cover-up.
Sep 02, 2018 2:20:59am
James M Driskill
This review for Cascade Aids Project has been taken off --- censored --- hate conspiracy involved ---- it's status still under a suspect that it was unjustly removed to protect the truth from being exposed -- I will give you the audio links -- it just sound so awful in spoken voice text narrative form. [ http://facebook.com.youknowyouarefromsanbernardinoif.webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/Cascade%20Aids%20Project.ogg ]
Sep 02, 2018 2:19:49am
James M Driskill
My Research Directory -- Nationally Focused On This Problem --- Showing it is systemic across the entire nation of social services in the Ryan White Care Act --- and this also is the absolute 100% documented data truth to the glassdoor reviews that appear [ http://facebook.com.youknowyouarefromsanbernardinoif.webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/ ]
Sep 02, 2018 2:17:28am
James M Driskill
Know that for a fact this Google Review from what I am told is a member of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Counsel Arron Jacobson appears true: You can google it yourself. I am not making this story up in any way. [ http://facebook.com.youknowyouarefromsanbernardinoif.foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/GoogleReviews-FootHillAidsProjectSanBernardino.png ] --- know that facebook accepted my domains as valid social media links --- there is absolutely no reason to censor my content either privately or publicly from view when it is the absolute truth.
Sep 02, 2018 2:15:32am
James M Driskill
Know that I am in GOD NET POWER over you in this subject matter [ see my resume to my technical history in this city being the original coding programmer for the San Bernardino Public Library Downtown Branch 6th and Est -- Norman F. Feldheym --- of the Cosand Computer Center --- to which the library now suffers in this degraded city resources to not even be able to hold 7 day a week open status --- shame shame shame on this city to the corruption that must be underlying the decline that is all too apparent. If you remove my post from the forum, in this very imperative important subject, I have a copy of this post archived [ http://facebook.com.youknowyouarefromsanbernardinoif.webdomains.realuphuman.net/facebook.com/YouknowyourefromSanBernardinoif/Erosion%20of%20SocialTrust%20-%20Community%20Improvement%20Rebuilding%20Trust.html ] which I will place a spoken voice text narrative to this post and if it is censored refile it accordingly to webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com --- do you hear me?
Sep 02, 2018 2:08:42am
James M Driskill
There are many more of these bright red days, but they are the only ones that really get the attention --- this situation needs a community voice of rational thinking reasoning to be brought forward ---- and all I receive is hate!
Sep 02, 2018 1:58:35am
James M Driskill
Sep 02, 2018 1:57:27am
James M Driskill
[ https://www.vox.com/a/mass-shootings-america-sandy-hook-gun-violence ] : Look at the data for yourself --- or remain there ignoring these facts to the ignorance of a community well being common wealth understanding of why a terrorist attack occurred in San Bernardino on December 2nd 2015. Do you see that mark on the calendar in bright red?
Sep 02, 2018 1:57:19am
James M Driskill
Proving Article That My Facts Are Real --- That I do not deserve to be censored ---- and there has to be some better effort in our communities to the rebuilding of social trust. [ https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/how-the-erosion-of-trust-leads-to-murders-and-mass-shootings/2017/10/06/382cc4b2-a91e-11e7-92d1-58c702d2d975_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.82ebf029dc95 ] --- This appeared in the Washington Post Last Year October 7th 2017. Today is my 53rd Birthday. I am going to reference a site that gives you day to day data collection on this epidemic of mass gun shootings. When you realize that I am actually the one peace builder that has been treated like shit in the community to which I was born --- I am now 53 and this disturbing trend to censor my voice is outrageous to a solution of peace --- that I am bringing that message forward --- and no one seems to care ---- what is happening reality --- when you all clamp down and attempt to protect your view of the world that is warped from reality. My community social work as a peace builder should stand and be allowed to sink into the heart and mind and souls of our community.
Sep 02, 2018 1:54:01am
James M Driskill
That has a spoken voice text narrative auto-play after linking interface that story tells you this case. The links and assoc referenced filed under the county's .gov subdomains on my very own domain. The record of truth is mine the story that has unfolded real. Thank you for maybe having a concern of these issues.
Apr 04, 2018 7:42:34pm
James M Driskill
Apr 04, 2018 7:39:57pm
James M Driskill
ops --- that is [ control-s ] not c. --- save page operation of the browser.
Apr 04, 2018 7:35:06pm
James M Driskill
I am using twitter -- to my best ability - as well to these issues. This tweet goes the conspiracy that I have exposed in social services that the San Bernardino County is in a mode of coverup --- I think it is rather serious when you take and input the entire story that I have experienced, documented, and attempt to report for corrective administrative involvement. No one seems to give a care. [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/981682669497942016 ] #FaceBookBlockFeatureIsUsedToDivideNationsTrust -- there is a problem in the deliverance of social media tools that is closed communication of serious matter and move onto funnier less emotional grief. I am just opening to you --- I restrict myself only as far as their as channels of real opportunity to post in. I hope you understand this content. It is real.
Apr 04, 2018 7:33:37pm
James M Driskill
This is what is in capture capsule [ which I can do onto this very own conversation as well ] to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's facebook page. I expect an opening somewhere to these issues.
Apr 04, 2018 7:28:47pm
James M Driskill
That is the true. The QR graphic that is being referenced here, is an [ control-c ] save web page content capsule capture of the submission that I have on file my own domain directed to the Sheriff. These are imperative topics that needs Supervisor Gonazles's attention to resolve. I am using your group, can you direct me to a more appropriate space on facebook that does not get blocked but actually received and understood?
Apr 04, 2018 7:27:10pm
James M Driskill
I have attempted to use Facebook messenger [ like I am right now ] to the Sheriff 's office. ... for which they block the channel.
Apr 04, 2018 7:24:11pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Apr 04, 2018 7:24:09pm
James M Driskill
In your update, i am not sure the politics post you were referring to was related to me. If it was, here is the issue at hand. Facebook features of block and censor are being used against me. This includes to be able to report activity of the Department of Behavior Health when I had an interface to mental health treatment there. My rights as person with disability being trampled on. This goes systemic all the way through the county
Apr 04, 2018 7:23:08pm