James M Driskill
May 22, 2022 11:47:15am
James M Driskill

Raynes Erickson, Attorneys at Law
300 E State St Suite 690
Redlands, CA 92373
Phone: (909) 793-6800

Raynes Erickson, Attorneys at Law focuses its practice on the legal representation of clients who are victims of medical malpractice, catastrophic injury, or wrongful death. Contact us today to learn more about your legal rights and how our litigation team can help you receive the compensation you deserve.


This Contact to this Law OFfice Is In Reference to their Site Article:

[ Should Give Preview ]


This Article Mentions My Current Assigned PRIMARY CARE DOCTOR from HUMANA that sites my DOCTOR RICHARD KANGAH in example of a 4.4 MILLTION DOLLAR MALPRATICE CASE where my current doctor was found “negligent in the diagnosis or treatment".

In Overview, in that case and my own personal experience with my involvement with Doctor's Communcation Stytle, I claim a major reason why the death of his former patient is Doctor's Kangah's lack of communication skills way below the STANDARD OF CARE.

The Written TEXT of this [ https://rayneserickson.com/contact/ ] is not yet made available online.



May 22, 2022 5:31:33am
James M Driskill
I still do not have an HIV DOCTOR confirmed -- since March of 2019
May 09, 2022 10:31:46am
James M Driskill
OPEN AND WATCH THIS YOUTUBE POSTING VIDEO OF MINE -- I HAVE A COPYRIGHT DISPUTE WITH [ I Shot The Sheriff ] -- I Think they are their end - terminated end - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcAPRhA0zNE
May 09, 2022 10:31:29am
James M Driskill
OMG TES -- Open this -- This is a SCATHING REPORT issued by the AUDITOR of the STATE of CALIFORNIA who selected 5 counties - one of which is San Bernardino Country -- http://auditor.ca.gov/reports/2021-105/index.html#section1
May 09, 2022 10:30:20am
James M Driskill
Apr 04, 2022 11:52:49pm
James M Driskill
Feb 28, 2022 1:36:34pm
James M Driskill
Official: Gang Stalking is Real!!

The truth asserted in this comment has an published research analyzed to result findings published on the National Institutes of Health. .


Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study

Monitoring Editor: Rita Kukafka

Reviewed by Jun Wen Tan

Andrew Lustig, MD, MSc,#1,2 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#3 and Daniel Hunt, PhD


The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking.

Keywords: internet, discourse analysis, psychosis, delusions, linguistics, language, online discourse, corpus linguistics, computer mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealth

The research findings holds that gang stalking is real. Also found is the proven false that targeted individuals are suffering by mental illness, paranoia, and mass delusion.

We have a problem in the United States.

We have an hidden world of gang stalking.

This activity is extremely harming in intentional assaults in mental abuse / mind control methods.

This is sourced as a secret hate agenda against Targeted Individuals.

Much of this activity is invisible harm being intensely done.

The end game of thee informational warfare is the complete annihilation of a human life, to ruin a person even to death.

There appears a legal definitions video under the title:

What.ia gang stalking?

by LawDepot.com.

My mother and I are preparing to walk together from our family home to the Los Angeles / United States Office.

Main Sharing Topic of Interest Community Sharing MEME asdress:



------[ folder: lawpot.com ]----


-----[ Folder: Request For Help From Google / Comments via Feedback ]----



May 29, 2021 2:58:26pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 8:38:50pm
James M Driskill
Yes to Tes.

Tes ( Time no : Energy no : Space no )

Prove me wrong please prove me wrong
Apr 15, 2021 8:37:33pm
James M Driskill
With the magic of my network. .

Shorten URL


Facebook processes My Links. Not only does Facebook process My Links but TruthFinder placed my links at ( fuckeduphuman.net ) into ( related links ) on a background report of a person involved in the denver matters unresolved.


I am a value Information Society resource -.

There's time for those people who are directly involved in my life to acknowledge me now not later

Disregard distracted detached disillusioned I am in a state of overwhelming the wilderness nobody is listening to a true sense calling for help.

Goodbye test otherwise forever I would rather die first to be insulted one more time with your silence
Apr 15, 2021 8:35:30pm
James M Driskill
The adage goes friends don't let friends drive drunk ..

Family members don't witness this travesty and do nothing. Friends don't witness this travesty and do nothing and remain there silence in the store disturbing Trends watch me die because you are a committed to a reality that it does not meet to your expectation it is very much real
Apr 15, 2021 8:25:25pm
James M Driskill
As over the time period has allowed the haters in this to win
Apr 15, 2021 8:24:10pm
James M Driskill
But I'm through and a breast infection with my so-called friends
Apr 15, 2021 8:23:58pm
James M Driskill
And that goes for everybody I would rather die first test intelligence untrue disorientation untrustworthy connection with my doctors
Apr 15, 2021 8:23:44pm
James M Driskill
A phone voicemail I left to their office when I got back home from the doctor office.

I had to record and restart a couplen of times.

the extension recording that I'm providing has a full message expressed.

The final verison. ..

The one that is standing in their office waiting for tomorrow morning confirmation that they're going to call me back with an apology.
Apr 15, 2021 8:23:23pm
James M Driskill
History of the technology available on my website to code a valid URL from an opening space like that has been active online site for 15 years is nothing new it may look new it's nothing new link please buy drinks are safe you know that there's no Mal code it's 2021 after all and it's an audio file
Apr 15, 2021 8:20:35pm
James M Driskill
That is a Google location map page for the Southern California Orthopedic Group for which dr. Gupta is a doctor there.

It's the same thing I've been dealing with for 15 years Tes.

A big monster.

This one was caught by a covid-19 screening turn to enter into the business of a healthcare provider. For which this doctor would commit a felony instead of having this discussion. Was willing to commit a felony until I diverted from that rationality I had to confirm that we were going to follow the law. You have to listen to the call recording of the voicemail that I left to their office when I got home.

This situation is critical Tes.

Missipn critical.

the fact that I've had blood spilled all over a motel room - the police being unprofessional to 911 and 911-tezt interface - official Communication channel to the police authority to which if the citizen was deceiving is a felony on my part.


Apr 15, 2021 8:19:52pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 8:12:42pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 8:01:09pm
James M Driskill
Apr 15, 2021 8:00:01pm
James M Driskill

Tedx - Frientimacy

I have no safety net and there is no consulate for me to find resource.

I record this into an audio I don't know if this is a very unique perspective of my observation but I'm living a nightmare day-to-day where the nights are my safety. I do not feel safe in my day to day to day .

During the day there is a monster!
Apr 15, 2021 7:58:57pm
James M Driskill
Are You Going To Say Something Tes?
Apr 15, 2021 7:58:13pm
James M Driskill
Apr 13, 2021 11:15:55pm
James M Driskill
Apr 13, 2021 11:15:10pm
James M Driskill
That image has markups please read
Apr 13, 2021 11:14:26pm
James M Driskill
Apr 13, 2021 11:14:13pm
James M Driskill
Tes - we be silly strings childish thing's.
Apr 13, 2021 11:14:02pm
James M Driskill
Sep 11, 2020 3:34:51pm
James M Driskill
Tes - Tes -- you have to know this truth already -- if you have not heard it -- I would be my pleasure to tell you about the official military statements made on a subject they confirm now -- but have been in contact secrecy denying -- the real existence of of outside earth vehicles -- presumably to be of origin extraterrestrial -- I have an article I read to my mother -- its one of those kind of one to one sharing trusts --critical mass convergence of truth reality -- its not blasting across the meda news - for goodr reasons.
Sep 11, 2020 3:34:30pm
James M Driskill
Sep 07, 2020 3:20:49pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:58:02pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:57:59pm
James M Driskill
Mar 11, 2020 4:57:58pm
James M Driskill
This is a page FB Messenger archive of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council organization conversing channel of change. This change from my very own hometown here in San Bernardino. The conspiracy that I have been living through for over 10 years with is placed to the standing record here [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/facebook.com/IEHPCSupports%20[%20Inland%20Empire%20HIV%20Planning%20Council%20]/Messenger-ArchiveJuly072018.html ] --- Follow the instructions on the page to read the messenger archive conversation with IEHPC [ http://iehpc.org/ ] complete and the appended page content that follows the facebook messenger portion on this archived page. Thank you
Jul 07, 2018 6:28:25am
James M Driskill
Please Share with your network ---- my mother needs a magnifier for her Macular Degeneration. : https://www.gofundme.com/FireDancer
IP Address:
Feb 10, 2018 12:09:06pm
James M Driskill
I don't want to confuse you out to an oblivion.

I'm here when you are ready. Sorry for flood of text.. but what shared to him also can apply to everybody as community.

In your honor Sir,

I issue this upon the day.

What I mean of special media - this will be placed.
It has no name applied here - in it's writing.

AS TRUE as true as all things from here TRUTH ABSOLUTE!
It's our society peace building tools elite!

You are the man spoken of this day and upon the quote held in memespace..

-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself. -Paul Bryant

-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
http://community.gruwup.net/ : http://community.gruwup.net/Prejudice/
http://community.gruwup.net/Persuasive-Technology/ :

Great Reasons Us [ You There Travis, I Here Martin, And All Around ]
Will Unite Peace
IP Address:
Jan 03, 2018 11:19:23am
James M Driskill
Tes -- no talk in real time? You hurt me in a way... are you actually reading me or are you just passing the read status "seen" indicator in this technology... instead of blocking --- it called ignoring -- and that is the root of the word ignorance --- do we know that right? So why are you now not reaching for the block mode on facebook like you did before? Technology has changed even more technorealism way --- the way I knew it was happening and you just happened to not be in the know., The next stage is the quickening --- are you an innie or an outtie? Please open your mind to listen to these two media links -- if nothing more from me --- and unfriend [ when there is no such ideal ] me on facebook again -- which of course regrettable as it seems, created the song to song playlist link on soundcloud called "unfriending peace is not possible" and the comments applied to your song "peace in the middle east" -- you see -- I have a voice if you want to not really pay attention -- and you can't remove "my view" of technorealism -- the one that is shaping itself to be the one I have known for over 20 years --- is coming into focus. Are you still rationally or irrationally viewing the reasons for our contentions? I have done nothing to harm you but to EDUCATE or ENLIGHTEN you in our world of technology tools that need some fixing... believe me, they need fixing! Adinka memeplex morality wisdom guidences should be incorporated into the view aspects, They are of foundation over 200 years old. No my creation. But science has adapated a field of science with it's name -- the physics science called Adinkra -- perhaps bringing also your view that 11 of these adinkra symbols appears on the African studies page at the Rutger's univerity -- we should be scholary in all of our ways of thinking..... at times I need schollarly when it is not a standard that is being accepted. TOO FUCKING BAD -- when rationally I am right on my aspects of this "intractable conflict" between me and society in the Ryan White Care Act that i can prove is foundational formed flawed to it's written form is not its practiced form of deliverance to our society. We have a big #ConspiracyExposed secret to understand and tell the world. I want to change my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY as of this day.... new year --- because no resolve was placed by them doing a turn around 180 degrees. My other last ditch effort is a court appearance date for a phone harassment claim charge on Jan 16th -- here in San Bernardino. I can provide the information so i can have community level support appearance -- but I know you all will fail me -- same as them -- and have allowed hate to win. I just can't see how these English words to you don''t impact you to reply.
Jan 03, 2018 11:16:58am
James M Driskill
Hi Tes!
Jan 03, 2018 9:06:59am
James M Driskill
#MmereDane : Time Changes --- our quickening is upon us.

In Spoken Voice Text Narrative:

#IOnlyRationalThinking Can Save The World:
IP Address:
Jan 02, 2018 9:26:22pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jan 02, 2018 9:26:18pm
James M Driskill
Hey Tes... I love ya much..... Where are you staying at these days? I would like to see you sometime in either the month of January of the month of February... I will come to you.....
Jan 01, 2018 10:04:20pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Dec 11, 2017 9:10:15am
James M Driskill
11am -- but I bet family will miss it --- and go MIA on itself --- and this is so so sad.
Aug 21, 2017 1:17:23am
James M Driskill
Correction From Above: Sunday August 27th 2017 --- here in San Bernardino.
Aug 21, 2017 1:17:00am
James M Driskill
A #ConspiracyExposed Truth -- and things at home are my priority right now.
Aug 21, 2017 1:13:49am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 21, 2017 1:12:05am
James M Driskill
or no? 😭 this graphic has already been placed to the truth of my Denver housing.
Aug 21, 2017 1:11:28am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 21, 2017 1:09:31am
James M Driskill
My mom is not making rational sense -- and I need help from the foolish fate this family and lack of care or concern to leave my mom this way for over a decade. If you can come on Sunday, please I need help. If you cannot make it -- this is my first attempt family intervention by one -- and i am sure my brother Dennis will be MIA.
Aug 21, 2017 1:09:25am
James M Driskill
As Site Advisor has classified my domains as EDUCATION / REFERENCE --- these materials are valid to our information society. The two under the roof of this home are in a co-dependent keeping on to their pains and chains of Addictus --- and move to be free. So, I could describe their addictions to you -- but I would like you to see for yourself the way both of them justify themselves within the space of a 5 year old growing up in this environment.
Aug 21, 2017 1:07:31am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 21, 2017 1:05:09am
James M Driskill
And so I am stuck here -- and we need to bring back the life passion fire back to the life being of Fire Dancer, my mother, Veronica Ann Driskill. The event for this has been shared to you via facebook events.... it is archived here. This is real bad and they refuse to pick a better thought. Web Archive of Life Real Time world Family Event for Sunday July 31st 2017, and I cannot handle any more of this. No more lies. It is time to change the demention to which we know it is -- and bring forgiveness, faith, healing, and happiness back into the Driskill clan and I am the one to do it alone, if I can or must. I know I must do something..... the life presence essence of my mom is fading --- dead inside of her pain --- and almost to a fatal cliff we are about to fall.
IP Address:
Aug 21, 2017 12:59:55am
James M Driskill
Aug 21, 2017 12:53:59am
James M Driskill
Aug 21, 2017 12:53:08am
James M Driskill
I have my first knighted lion in view of my network --- and it's working meme space of #Kramobone-The.Good --- His name is Sammie Lee Francher and is a facebook friend here. But this link passes to SoundCloud and plays Skip Marley Lions.
Aug 21, 2017 12:53:01am
James M Driskill
Will anyone here heed the words of a family member here holding a set of domains to uproot the truth.... to actually be honest to itself -- I have invited you to a calling for Family Gathering Intervention --- but I bet no one will come.
Aug 21, 2017 12:51:34am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 21, 2017 12:50:30am
James M Driskill
There is no surprises here that in the year of 2017 --- I am in the home of the CB [ Citizen's Band Radio ] handle of "Fire Dancer", my mother. My mother who knew Lynn Darnell very very well, who was 911 dispatch operator here in San Bernardino for SB Fire Dept prior to 911 being put into social meme knowledge. Tes, I tell you now, I need your help very much help me please. For I know Lynn Darnell left her facebook page showing this when she died. This is real media real time family and real time life.
Aug 21, 2017 12:48:46am