James M Driskill

Raynes Erickson, Attorneys at Law
300 E State St Suite 690
Redlands, CA 92373
Phone: (909) 793-6800

Raynes Erickson, Attorneys at Law focuses its practice on the legal representation of clients who are victims of medical malpractice, catastrophic injury, or wrongful death. Contact us today to learn more about your legal rights and how our litigation team can help you receive the compensation you deserve.


This Contact to this Law OFfice Is In Reference to their Site Article:

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This Article Mentions My Current Assigned PRIMARY CARE DOCTOR from HUMANA that sites my DOCTOR RICHARD KANGAH in example of a 4.4 MILLTION DOLLAR MALPRATICE CASE where my current doctor was found “negligent in the diagnosis or treatment".

In Overview, in that case and my own personal experience with my involvement with Doctor's Communcation Stytle, I claim a major reason why the death of his former patient is Doctor's Kangah's lack of communication skills way below the STANDARD OF CARE.

The Written TEXT of this [ https://rayneserickson.com/contact/ ] is not yet made available online.



May 22, 2022 5:33:18am
James M Driskill
May 09, 2022 10:17:55am
James M Driskill
May 09, 2022 10:17:22am
James M Driskill
I stopped sending --- tou continue --- you an't sop yourself from writing me --- why should I stop wrintt you -- dumb fuck
Feb 15, 2019 11:29:38am
Timothy Ashley
I ask you politely too many times now
Feb 15, 2019 11:29:09am
Timothy Ashley
I'm not joking
Feb 15, 2019 11:28:36am
Timothy Ashley
Stop send me message or
Feb 15, 2019 11:28:26am
James M Driskill
I am busy. I am writing chat content to a "peer support specialist" in concerns to my story. Good Day Sir. You are going to be a pain in teh ass, now aren't you. i am not reading blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa.
Feb 15, 2019 11:27:43am
Timothy Ashley
Get some fresh air and
Feb 15, 2019 11:27:29am
Timothy Ashley
Put the fucking pipe down and get so e fresh air
Feb 15, 2019 11:27:03am
Timothy Ashley
Don't tell me what the fuck I need to do ! That what you told me ! A real friend won't include themselves in you paranoid thought . Get the fuck over u self woe is Martin you have the mental condition not me . Just trust me . I don't stand to gain nothing
Feb 15, 2019 11:26:27am
James M Driskill
and I am stuck trying to be a friend to you when you don't relay the needed elements back upon me. A quote:

"These friendships, I have found, are not easy to come by. You have to fight for them, invest in them, and pour into them everything you want to get back.."

You cannot say that I have not invested in you.... but really can you say that same thing in reverse. You stand there issolated in your world that you do not support me in my cause. In that you want to critisise me to all end when you have not even a clue to what I am, because you really do not listen to me. You take a stand and place a barrier or wall in front and say "no" and then offer your position and opinion which is off the mark of reality and will not listen to anything of my side of concern. That is the problem between you and I.

We are in a digital tool called "Messenger" it does not require the secondary app of "Facebook" to operate. But it used to. With messenger, as it sits not separated from the facebook interface, you can invite into Messenger anyone with a

[1] Facebook account,
[2] Messenger Account,
[3] Sms Chat Phone Number, or
[4] An Email Address.

These all are at an equal level of understanding that email does not allow for video chat. Sms by itself does not allow for video chat, and messenger does. So you can invite others from an older or less optioned communication exchange to a higher one here with messenger. So, you say I cannot use email to communicate with you. In email, there is something of a better feature --- it is called word formatting. That is why I choose to write in email. Email allows the use of font and color formatting as well as other features that messenger cannot form. So, if I write an email, it is because of the features using that mode of communcation. And as such, as one who holds an email address [ by which you can't get though technology interfaces without one generally ], it is an obligation to the receiver to accept email and/or reject email by placing a block filter. It is as though you do not want to accept my calls. You don't want something on the record of the written word. That is an escapist attitude on the truth.

My email sits here [ http://timothy.gruwup.net/Email/Gmail-Take-Into-Account-What-My-Mother-Had-To-Say-On-A-Call-Recording-of-2016-When-Will-Truth-Be-Honor-For-Told-In-and-Excuses-Go-Out-With-The-Wind.htm ] and here it will be standing forever unless you specifically ask me to remove contents out of your folder. It will not go away just because you refuse to acknowledge the reading of the email and the duty of friendship upon it to be accountable. Good day Sir, when exactly will you be leaving the room of this home? For if we have no friendship, we have no reason to continue this arrangement. For I have no reason to continue to invest into a fantasy that you will ever get it. I still love you but we can't continue this fantasy.
Feb 15, 2019 10:36:25am
Timothy Ashley
I'm stuck at staters Bros
Feb 13, 2019 5:53:33pm
Timothy Ashley
Feb 13, 2019 5:53:04pm
Timothy Ashley
Jan 31, 2019 11:43:27pm
James M Driskill
I don't understand you --- I am not feeling good -- I am exhausted dude! I am not driving out . .
Jan 31, 2019 11:41:45pm
Timothy Ashley
Huh yeah well .....,
Jan 31, 2019 11:37:57pm
James M Driskill
Knock on the window -- I should be awake until you get here ---- I am not driving out.... sorry
Jan 31, 2019 11:33:55pm
Timothy Ashley
Jan 31, 2019 11:33:26pm
Timothy Ashley
Jan 31, 2019 11:33:20pm
James M Driskill
My mother tried to wake me --- she told me you called.
Jan 31, 2019 11:32:52pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm was just debating whether or not to call because it's so late I'm almost to staters Bros and yes I'm coming back I called when the rain was heavy ur mon said to let u sleep.
Jan 31, 2019 11:32:16pm
James M Driskill
are you coming back tonight? And we need to discuss the arrangement of our friendship.
Jan 31, 2019 11:30:34pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a video call with Timothy.
Jan 30, 2019 10:34:36pm
James M Driskill
Conversation here muted for 24 hours.
Jan 30, 2019 10:30:10pm
James M Driskill
Right - dude --- stick to my guns -- the advise calls to manage a personally like you --- to the end of calling days,. You are out of here on Friday --- when you go gto court for your date in
on record -- you don't come back here to stay another night.. If you need to leave something --- I will arrange to get it to you -- wherever you end up. Got it?
Jan 30, 2019 10:28:10pm
James M Driskill
I am not threatening anything. i am saying if you don't watch yourself ---- and hold a tone of sanity --- which you just broke by the way --- you are in the line of a 911 call to stop you from insulting me.
Jan 30, 2019 10:26:11pm
Timothy Ashley
Stop messaging me u are angry because you don't have any on to argue with
Jan 30, 2019 10:25:53pm
Timothy Ashley
If u can call one friend to have are u threatening me for " not " speaking. To u
Jan 30, 2019 10:25:05pm
James M Driskill
dear do you shit stink elsewhere ---- if you create a disturbance of mental abuse, I will call 911.
Jan 30, 2019 10:24:03pm
Timothy Ashley
Your an overweight faggot who only gets friends with dope . Nobody loves you but your mother and I've already to u I'm not being nice give a fuk less about talking to u about anything u piece of shit retard
Jan 30, 2019 10:23:19pm
James M Driskill
This conversation has been unmuted.
Jan 30, 2019 10:20:59pm
James M Driskill
Nice does not cut it with you --- dude! You are intentionally being an asshole. So, I have o be an asshole back --- which you start -- in order to accomplish something besides the swallowing shit that is generated in this --- i just proved that status --- it is absolutely your doing --- being obstinate intentionally perverse on the situation at hand -- -that shit is immature --- childish --- GROW UP!
Jan 30, 2019 10:14:09pm
Timothy Ashley
Jan 30, 2019 4:14:16pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Jan 30, 2019 2:20:23pm
Timothy Ashley
Listen to me when I say this you had no reason for taking me to chase with u other then u want to do things your way , then u start yelling about it's your car and I can't drive it you pulled in to the parking lot and started yelling at me what for u had no reason to yell at me other then I answered ur question . In ur mind u thought I was going sit there and take your abouse yelling . So I locked to door to keep From hearing from you try to dominated me ina conversation witch I didn't want to be a part of because well I'm not saying anything other then this you had no rights to take me somewhere I didn't want to go and then start yelling at me be a because u missunderstood what I was saying . You were so high and recklessly paranoid that by the time I got home.you start accusing my of stealing some spare key I didn't know you had minutes before I walked in the door u sent me an message threatening me,an or what I hadn't even seen it . I just walking away from I got the ten dollars noone forced u to give to . And as I'm walking out the door u. Call me back in the house to say swear that I stole the bottle of meth you had .on you table I hadnt even stood on that side of the room because I figured that you were just way too high and the best thing would be to stay out late again because I didn't want to argue with you . And that I should be able entitled to have of the dope e bag so I could go get some one high and be warm for the in doors . When I sent u a text then I got to u hadn't even heard message u and in addition u flip out and refuse to read it then you hit me , I didn't hit you back I just wanted to leave the house and when I went to grab a jacket on thereon the floor was ur dope so I figured I'd better get it away from you ASAP and I did remoes my portion as just half of it . If you want your I don't know yet but this morning I had to change clothes outdoors this morning so I will be short I'm going to be there in a few hours and when I get there I won't be bothering you I'll.even be so kind as to pack up and sleep on the couch until I the first even though I never agreed to anything I'll do us all the faver and just go queitly even though u are in the wronge I don't give a damn about any of it any more I'm on my way
Jan 30, 2019 2:18:50pm
James M Driskill
I see that you have updated your "seen" position to the bottom. Just to let you know, the doors here are all locked and I have turned my notifications to messenger activities as "mute" means i will not be disturbed by a notice that you are attempting to contact me via. messenger. I do not expect that you just knock on the window to alert me to your presence wanting to come in. Keys are not available for your total freedom to come and go. That is not true due to the lack of trust for your presence here in this residence. It just is a matter of control and convenience that you are not really considered a permanent residence here and a guest-friend stay of me. Also, I do expect that you note the contents that are involved in your web presence folder that is held onto my domains. In such, it is a supplement content attached to your web presence here on Facebook.

The information society as a totally definable digital active processing space both in limited scope English Only and globally that has language translations can be effectively and naturally invisible to information across all domain platforms. This is how these interactions and involvements are related. The term Noosphere applies. The Total Amount of All Human Information both considered knowledge and general information. That is why Neilson Watch Ratings works on PornHub.

As such as my domain space applies and is attached T facebook content, so too are there YouTube videos produced that have relevance here that i wish to express your attention to realize.

Redirect Links to YouTube videos that I have self-produced appear and updated this evening in this web presence direct named binded folder contents in your name:


It is my stated intention last time that you folder was moved into this view, that I would not alter the progress of having this web presence view from indexing actions and that I would not interfere in the process time [ could take a month or more, I can request an immediate rescan ], of the contents that are contained in this very small data footprint record I hold of you --- as a mirror data set to publicly accessible data. There is absolutely nothing illegal being performed here. There is nothing showing rating against my domains for malware code or malicious links. My domains are SiteAdvisor cleared Safe To Browse. Actually, my rankings [ order of appearance from top search results ] have actually improved over the past year or so. There are two videos in that folder "From-Your-Man" that I would like for you to have watched before you step one foot back into the inside of this residence. Thank you. Until this content is confirmed #1 Disclosure that is actually exists and #2 that you have concern or care what is actually posted on the web off facebook and onto YouTube that references your real name, that I give a flying fuck tyo repair the enormous gaping hole of wrongdoing that you have created in this latest attempt to gain a power hold or relevance in holding my attention to you any longer. WRONG --- IT MUST SUCK BEING YOU.
Jan 30, 2019 1:26:12am
James M Driskill
This conversation is muted --- I will not receive notifications for any of your messages until further notice. Do check out the link [ http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com/Timothy.Ashley/ ] --- I can make that persons.fuckeduphuman.net or timothy-kyle-ashley.fuckeduphuman.net if you escalate this further.
Jan 29, 2019 11:25:21pm
Timothy Ashley
Please don't contact me anymore for the rest of the night
Jan 29, 2019 11:22:06pm
James M Driskill
Read the first 5 words, stopped reading. I will read this in pieces over the next few days. 5 words at a time. That is because you hold yourself to be "I'm waiting..." and you have not a clue what you are waiting for --- for me to give you slack for being a fucked up human? NOT! http://timothy-kyle-ashley.adinkra.gruwup.net/083-GodSeesAllSecrets/OnyakoponAniwa-@Gruwup2.gif
Jan 29, 2019 11:21:15pm
Timothy Ashley
Your true colors come out when you get high u get highly agigtated and you start yelling at people and say foul shit nobdy wants to hear I'm coming back to the house when I get there I want half of that dope because all u paid for was a 8 ball the rest was me I'm not playing with u
Jan 29, 2019 10:20:46pm
James M Driskill
Jan 29, 2019 10:15:12pm
James M Driskill
When all possibility have been eliminated -- when the meth supplys last position as double checked to be in the drawer, and that position has changed and you are the only variable to the moving of said object --- you lied and you are a theif. The supply is no where to be seen in this rooom --- as far as I am concerned --- you owe me at least $50 left supply that I paid for --- not your sorry ass --- you are a cheap down right vindictive and predictable bitch. In that you did not leaern your lesson the first time I had to place this record front and center --- this time it does not get moved out of line of sight positioning --- you are fucked up human dude --- for all that you represent --- you can't be absolutely a true friend. You will at some time future --- betray that friendship for some kind of misguided shortsiighted inconsidereate selfish action --- we are broken --- this is non-negogtavble. Either return with $50 or $50 worth of meth product --- you do so to make ammends for your mistakenly thinkming and mistakenly taken my kindness for weakness. I will on Friday 1st Feburary go to legal remedy to have you evicted and call the DA's offfice --- you have been warned --- either repair this first thing --- or we are fullly broken beyond repair and your folder remains static filed:


BTW, a copy of this messenger archive message will be linked to this "friends list" page that is off facebook site archived with this filename. When anyone on this list of friends searches their own name in Google, a link to this page [ and referenced chat conversation message link ] will be able to access the truth. Don't fucking lie! That is all that I ask of you. Don't fucked up human lie when you have been fucked up human caught in your web of lies.
Jan 29, 2019 10:11:09pm
James M Driskill
This will only be said once and once only. If you have my spare key to the car out of the top right drawer [ i am not looking for it ], and you take and drive my car away from where I left it at the Chase Bank at Arrowhead and Highland, and that car is moved even a single inch from the position that I left it --- with you pounting like a child because you did not have 10 priority fucked up human minutes, I will proceed directly to the nearest police station and report my car stolen with the perp being you. I must report it stolen anyway so that if you god so happen get into a traffic accident for some fucked up human reason, the insurance on the car will be real up human covered. That means ---- #1 I am heading down to the Bank with David right this minute. If the car is there and it is locked, I will call AAA to have them open the car. If the car is there unlocked but you are no where to be seen, I want you to immedatly pack your stuff and you remove your physical body presence by Friday 1st of Feburary or I will be filing eviction proceedings and calling DA office to report you presence in this home after Friday as a violation of consent. I in no way gave you permission to drive my car. GOT IT?
Jan 29, 2019 9:07:38pm
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Duration: 11 seconds
Jan 29, 2019 1:22:10am
Timothy Ashley
I'm locked out the back door
Jan 29, 2019 1:20:59am
Timothy Ashley
Jan 29, 2019 1:20:52am
James M Driskill
Dearest Genius Storyteller Timothy Kyle Ashley,

I know how you can make a living income as a story teller of macabre real stories to a kive audience.

If youmarket it to no less than 10 in attendance amd charge $40 -- that is your minimum you said you wanted per month. Right? So you and i need to find a space to be converted into a presentation theatre.
Jan 28, 2019 6:06:04pm
Timothy Ashley
Jan 28, 2019 7:23:02am
James M Driskill
Yeah. I will leave here 15 mins at 7:30
Jan 28, 2019 7:17:37am
Timothy Ashley
I'm at Jack in the box can u pick me when u take Shane or before
Jan 28, 2019 7:16:44am
James M Driskill
Jan 27, 2019 11:14:13pm
James M Driskill
No Talkie -- Walkie Talkie - Communication = Commune + Uni + cation - [ Theme = UNITY ] --- Community = Communication + Unity -- THE SILENCE TREATMENT IS FUCKED UP HUMAN!


Jan 04, 2019 8:42:45pm
James M Driskill
Jan 04, 2019 3:19:47pm
Timothy Ashley
Dec 31, 2018 7:15:16pm
James M Driskill
Title of 12: Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming --- relating to Artificial Intelliegence.
Dec 28, 2018 5:32:24am
James M Driskill
http://timothy-kyle-ashley.community.gruwup.net/12/ [ As Specifically Name Use ] - Note: There are shortcut community addresses, 01, 02, 03, 04,05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13
Dec 28, 2018 5:31:08am
James M Driskill
[ Special Customize Direct Naming URL - Change To Real Names ] : Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming

Dec 28, 2018 5:29:10am
James M Driskill
Dec 27, 2018 7:17:19pm
Timothy Ashley
Come to circle k and get me I'll be out side
Dec 27, 2018 7:17:02pm
James M Driskill
Im back home. Text messaging also restored.
Dec 27, 2018 7:14:20pm
Timothy Ashley
Dec 27, 2018 7:13:29pm
James M Driskill
I dont have direct text messaging yet
Dec 27, 2018 6:15:22pm
James M Driskill
Im leaving to go to riye aid with my mother. david and shane are at the store.
Dec 27, 2018 6:14:53pm
James M Driskill
Dec 27, 2018 3:48:09pm
James M Driskill
my mom needs to go to Rite Aid after David gets home
Dec 27, 2018 3:44:09pm
James M Driskill
909-882-8759 - it is a listed number to the address and my mom's name --- the number has been the same for most of my entire life ---
Dec 27, 2018 3:42:57pm
Timothy Ashley
Dec 27, 2018 3:42:19pm
James M Driskill
the main house line?
Dec 27, 2018 3:42:07pm
Timothy Ashley
Dec 27, 2018 3:41:55pm
James M Driskill
Dec 27, 2018 3:40:53pm
Timothy Ashley
What is. The house number
Dec 27, 2018 3:40:29pm
James M Driskill
i am in the middle of another chat.
Dec 27, 2018 3:31:09pm
Timothy Ashley
Aww bring Shane up here
Dec 27, 2018 3:30:41pm
James M Driskill
he came and went ---
Dec 27, 2018 3:29:22pm
Timothy Ashley
Maybe David can being Shane to park did go home for lunch yet
Dec 27, 2018 3:29:01pm
James M Driskill
i got you a scratcher too
Dec 27, 2018 3:25:37pm
James M Driskill
you did not take it,..... it is wrapped up in the paper and i put it in the drawer next to the box
Dec 27, 2018 3:23:58pm
Timothy Ashley
With okay then I left mystuf on the laptop too
Dec 27, 2018 3:22:19pm
James M Driskill
I am tired
Dec 27, 2018 3:21:13pm
Timothy Ashley
Bring Shane to the park
Dec 27, 2018 3:21:00pm
James M Driskill
No. Im putside now
Dec 27, 2018 3:19:03pm
Timothy Ashley
Can u see us
Dec 27, 2018 3:17:15pm
Timothy Ashley
Coming down the mountain
Dec 27, 2018 3:16:25pm
James M Driskill
Where u?
Dec 27, 2018 3:15:57pm
James M Driskill
Circle k
Dec 27, 2018 3:15:43pm
Timothy Ashley
Where did u go
Dec 27, 2018 3:15:23pm
James M Driskill
I like you so much and that is why I decided to pray this prayer from the bottom of my heart . Continue to say AMEN until you finish. Do not give up.

From now till everlasting, I pray with YOU. You shall be great. *Amen*

You shall be fruitful. *Amen*

You shall be victorious. *Amen*

You shall be celebrated. *Amen*

You shall be successful. *Amen*

You shall be favored. *Amen*

You shall be blessed in abundance. *Amen*

You shall be prosperous. *Amen*

You shall have joy. *Amen*

You shall have peace beyond limits. *Amen*

You shall make it . *Amen*

You shall testify. *Amen*

You shall be lifted high beyond falling. *Amen*

You shall excel in all that you do. *Amen*

You shall be called Wonderful. *Amen*

Where the road is thirsty of flesh and blood, you and your loved ones will not go there. *Amen*

The evils that will happen will not know your dwelling place. *Amen*

Death messengers will not know your address. *Amen*

The miracles in the year shall locate your household.

Your heart desires will not be cut-Short. *Amen*

I will not cry because of you. *Amen*

I pray with u, your best picture will not be used for RIP. *Amen*

The peace of the Most High God shall locate you and your entire household . ( *AMEN*)

SATAN: Hahahaha
JESUS: Why are you laughing?
SATAN: You said this child is yours.
JESUS: Which one?
SATAN: The one who is reading.
JESUS: Yes its my child!
SATAN: Your child can't even send this text to 10 people!
JESUS: See my child is going to send it to 15 people right now!
SATAN: Okay mine will ignore it. Prove Satan is wrong as I have done....
Dec 27, 2018 3:11:25pm
James M Driskill
Dec 27, 2018 12:19:37am
James M Driskill
Dec 27, 2018 12:15:24am
James M Driskill
Link to the definition "legal" of consent. I don't give you consent to play this con game with me --- change one up more --- you get nothing --- you will be on your own means --- and that ain;t gonna keep you whole and complete. it terminates or we are history to that point I will make it uncomfortable as I can to rid your mind of this habit that you keep pushing the last straws with me --- I am not wrong --- don't argue with me --- you can't defend your position of relative balance. You create an imbalance with this game. The Con Game.
Dec 14, 2018 8:29:13pm
James M Driskill
I am upset this evening but it has been driving to a head for monthsl You think I don't understand what is happening --- you think I am not wise to realize what is happening? I have had enought of this bullshit game you play with the world at large and individually me, as your friend. That game does not exist here but you will never turn it off for a better vision of tomorrow. I am upset because you are out of inttegrity with consent. You bait and switch it up all of the time. $5 for cigs was actually -- you said it was free. You wanted $5 for something at the counter than you did not have --- and it turned out to be ? what ? Not $5 but way much... more than double. And then the card issue, you have the wrong card in your possession ---- it is not about the $$%$ but the insult that you think you are getting away with this idiocy -- it is the game in the way of rational thinking and loving friends. [ https://thelawdictionary.org/consent/
Dec 14, 2018 8:26:11pm
Timothy Ashley
The video call ended.
Duration: 58 seconds
Dec 14, 2018 9:30:55am
James M Driskill
I saw the xmas window creation of Mr Asley upon the Driskill home --- it is your home too --- great job!
Dec 14, 2018 9:29:25am
James M Driskill
All I have to say is that you are a remarkable guy. Remarkable in the good sense of course. Not all remarkables are great. Some things remarkable are quite perplexing contrary to the best practices way of life. I am really glad you are ok but I wake up this morning to see you are not here yet in the safety and warmth of the inside. Don't let everything go unmentioned to overrun your emotional presence balance. We all can do a lot better at communication in this household. I don't understand why is so hard to be honest in the dimension of illness actually under this roof long standing for decades.
  • 👍Timothy Ashley
Dec 14, 2018 9:24:55am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Dec 12, 2018 9:00:11pm
James M Driskill
Stat definition sets a yearbook also known as his annual as I said and you are wrong and I am right fuck you!!! Don't you dare try to argue Library information with me because I worked for a library after all you should accept my expertise on the subject instead of arguing with me! You're not stupid but you're not smart either in this case
Dec 11, 2018 9:12:58pm
James M Driskill
Dec 11, 2018 9:11:27pm
James M Driskill
i'll think about it. For now, I still have a few days. but perhaps you are worth 60 dollars.
Dec 10, 2018 7:50:05am
James M Driskill
well what?
Dec 10, 2018 7:49:43am
Timothy Ashley
Dec 10, 2018 7:49:34am
James M Driskill
really? You think money grows on trees I guess.
Dec 10, 2018 7:49:24am
Timothy Ashley
No I want 60 bucks for my birthday
Dec 10, 2018 7:49:08am
James M Driskill
you are sure taking a bit of a liberty ---- i should give you a set of scratchers for your birthday and be done with that.
Dec 10, 2018 7:48:04am
Timothy Ashley
Yes scratcher
Dec 10, 2018 7:47:39am
James M Driskill
Dec 10, 2018 7:47:22am
James M Driskill
Dec 10, 2018 7:47:14am
Timothy Ashley
Is there any way to see if u can get me that scratch this morning
Dec 10, 2018 7:46:55am
James M Driskill
Where u at?
Dec 10, 2018 7:46:26am
James M Driskill
I think he has one more week before xmas vacation
Dec 10, 2018 7:45:10am
James M Driskill
Just hanging waiting till 8:15 to take shane to school
Dec 10, 2018 7:44:36am
Timothy Ashley
Dec 10, 2018 7:43:53am
James M Driskill
Dec 10, 2018 7:43:45am
James M Driskill
Timothy missed your call.
Dec 10, 2018 7:43:43am
Timothy Ashley
Dec 10, 2018 7:43:27am
James M Driskill
Nov 29, 2018 6:50:26pm
James M Driskill
Nov 29, 2018 4:23:29pm
James M Driskill
Nov 29, 2018 4:23:16pm
James M Driskill
Nov 29, 2018 4:22:51pm
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Duration: 5 seconds
Nov 28, 2018 11:48:37pm
James M Driskill
Timothy missed your call.
Nov 28, 2018 11:19:03pm
James M Driskill
Call me on messenger
Nov 28, 2018 11:17:46pm
James M Driskill
u there?
Nov 28, 2018 10:41:09pm
James M Driskill
Nov 28, 2018 10:35:41pm
James M Driskill
Nov 28, 2018 10:34:37pm
James M Driskill
u called?
Nov 28, 2018 10:31:28pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Nov 28, 2018 10:14:56pm
James M Driskill
What"s up?
Nov 26, 2018 9:26:23pm
Timothy Ashley
🎅 If a Fat Man comes into your room in the middle of the night 🌃, & shoves you into a Bag, don't be scared cause I told Santa 🎅, I wanted a Friend like YOU for Christmas 🎄!!!
Send this to everyone you care about, including me. If you get it back 4 times, you're real!!!
🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅
Nov 26, 2018 2:59:22pm
James M Driskill
You called Timothy.
Duration: 3 seconds
Nov 21, 2018 2:57:42pm
James M Driskill
Nov 21, 2018 2:35:47pm
James M Driskill
Timothy missed your call.
Nov 21, 2018 2:35:23pm
James M Driskill
You called Timothy.
Duration: 50 seconds
Nov 21, 2018 11:20:05am
James M Driskill
Timothy missed your call.
Nov 21, 2018 4:09:10am
James M Driskill
What's up?
Nov 21, 2018 4:08:10am
James M Driskill
You called Timothy.
Duration: 17 seconds
Nov 21, 2018 1:31:53am
James M Driskill
Im here
Nov 21, 2018 1:30:49am
James M Driskill
On my way....
Nov 21, 2018 1:14:19am
James M Driskill
Nov 21, 2018 1:13:43am
Timothy Ashley
I'll be here w
Nov 21, 2018 12:52:10am
James M Driskill
After i finish the image file i am working on
Nov 21, 2018 12:50:27am
Timothy Ashley
N u come get me I'm at ampm Arco across from motel six
Nov 21, 2018 12:49:33am
James M Driskill
You were saying?
Nov 21, 2018 12:48:10am
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Duration: 42 seconds
Nov 21, 2018 12:42:41am
James M Driskill
Nov 20, 2018 11:01:28pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 😉.
Nov 20, 2018 11:01:23pm
James M Driskill
Even a photo headship pix --- of Timothy Ashley can be used. [ :) ]
Nov 20, 2018 9:47:10am
James M Driskill
YouTube New Post : "Blue Eyed White Thug Tells Tale Of Serial Killer Murder Spree" [ Test Quality CrazyTalk8 Animator ] --- I will render the full and complete story and repost : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vygxLb61wU&t=0s Watch --- anything can be scripted.
Nov 20, 2018 9:46:35am
James M Driskill
Nov 20, 2018 7:21:01am
Timothy Ashley
Nov 20, 2018 7:18:06am
Timothy Ashley
Just a conversation between two friends

Bitch Where's my pipe ? Umf, aint nobody playing wit u looking . Look man i was finna come find you . Naw Naw bitch hell naw and why is u in this shed ? Come on now let go of my arm i was just playin . !!! Gimme dis u ugly ass nappy headed haffa , im bout teach yo money ass a lesson ...........um Hell naw Reggie i aint no finda do nuttin with for dat little bit a crystal .. Bitch ill kill nasty i talking bout fucking ugh ima finna give you the Lang treatment some body call Jame -aarl . ..... Awww naw please dont You now have been Langed bitch before u know you know ima call you lil jaime or i know Rose jr . Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .......
Nov 20, 2018 6:11:17am
James M Driskill
Timothy, the picture that you took with the Major is great to put forward. But if you really want to hit an impact, you should tag your post with his facebook page. http://www.sbcity.org/cityhall/mayor/default.asp --- you can do this with an @Mayor Davis San Bernardino. Watch you might get a response from the Mayor for his visit to this address --- and if you start a conversation with the Mayor, mention my conflict with FAP and the facts that on Google Reviews, it says "This agency is FRAUDULENT" and that the Ryan White Care Act demands a standard that places you in housing approiate to your living status. There is no requirements of Drug Rehab mentioned in the Ryan White Care Act. There is no mention of "evaluation periods of 6 months" if you are ready for housing placement [ as they claimed against me ] , There is no mention of anything but transitional housing [ group living typically ] and permanent placement housing [ independent living ] location services.
Nov 17, 2018 10:57:10pm
Timothy Ashley
Psalm 126.God asked me to tell you: that everything will be fine from now on ... you will be victorious and you will reach all your goals. Today Jesus Christ visited your house, on his way he brought all your worry with him. Do me a favor. Right now if you believe in God share this message with 20 of your friends. Do not ignore it and watch in 3h, you will receive very good news. it does not cost anything to share
  • 😠James M Driskill
Nov 14, 2018 5:49:17pm
James M Driskill
This is an REQUIREMENT FOR OUR RELATIONSHIP TO CONTINUE - YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TAKES MY ATM CARD -- AGAINST MY WILL AND KNOWLEDGE ---- YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT IF YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT MY PAST EXPERIENCES OF MY LIFE --- FUCK YOU OR YOU READ MY COMMENTS ON THIS PAGE --- AND UNDERSTAND MY ANGER --- STOP BEING A IGNORE ME TO ALL END FORCE IN MY VERY OWN FUCKING ROOM ---GET OFF YOUR SHIT TO SAY THIS IS NOT AN IMPORTANT THING TO IX OF THE WORLD --- YOU ARE LAZY THEN: [ You are part of the problem and not a part of the solution and you bother me with attitude -- fuck you --- get the fuck out of my life ] https://www.opendemocracy.net/5050/claire-provost/us-government-anti-lgbt-hate-groups-money
Nov 11, 2018 6:49:43pm
James M Driskill
Follow through with all links and requests here --- or you disregard resolution and create imbalanced relations. If this happens again, the content will remain on file record --- forced indexed --- and we will begin with a new set of visible standing that the public can see -- the negotiation digital objects --- if they want to monitor such activities. But who really is listening?
Nov 07, 2018 4:41:34pm
James M Driskill
The URL to this image is extremely important definition and meaning -- content is served under this presence of naming --- don't disregard its ability to be placed to a public content that can be matched to "images dot google dot com" under your real namesake presence. It works! [ http://timothy-kyle-ashley.understanding-and-commitment.james-martin-driskill.presentation-of-imbalanced-relations.adinkra.gruwup.net/012-LinkedHearts/012-AkomaNtoso.png ]
Nov 07, 2018 4:39:03pm
James M Driskill
I expect every element of these sharing items to be followed through into your mindset -- we cannot have a resolving understanding and it's agreements put forward into our interpersonal rational expectations of holding respect, honor, dignity, self identity, and autonomy balanced between us and that we don't get derailed and contorted by outside of us influences that don't meet with mutual satisfaction for any holding reasoning why we actually continue to be together experiencing life and it's every changing dynamics together for a mutual bonding friendship to hold it's challenges --- for assistance is assistance -- wellness is wellness - and stresses are stresses. We can always be better in the next future point time than what we were and what we drop off, expel, or leave and walk away from as our baggage that we no longer hold a keepsake belonging purpose to burden our carry weight of linked hearts understanding and agreement of what is actually important and what is actually not.
Nov 07, 2018 4:30:45pm
James M Driskill
Tab to the bottom and read my comments applied.
Nov 07, 2018 3:15:01pm
James M Driskill
Please also apply this TruthFinder Article comment stream at the bottom of this --- you have not followed responsibility -- each time you fail -- a new marking is applied because I can, I will, and I must. [ https://www.truthfinder.com/infomania/psychology/narcissistic-friend-signs/ ]
Nov 07, 2018 3:14:41pm
James M Driskill
Tab to the bottom and read my comments applied.
Nov 07, 2018 3:11:58pm
James M Driskill
Since you did not take to this assumption of standard responsibility at first glance in front of you -- i have made an additional resolve marking to our informational world --- in public --- [ https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10212878695944266:0 ] - a facebook interfaced comment stream onto a Truthfinder Article.
Nov 07, 2018 3:11:15pm
James M Driskill
Please read in full the .txt links --- and we have a platform of resolve to undertake.
Nov 07, 2018 3:08:26pm
James M Driskill
First off, have you actually linked to the directory data set stored --- and retrieved the understanding of the functionality of this web presence that the public has access to also perform? This is an observed assumption of responsibility [ http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com/Timothy.Ashley/ ]
Nov 07, 2018 3:07:02pm
Timothy Ashley
Well what type of resolve
Nov 07, 2018 3:05:37pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm not in the right now is there justification. For my actions or you behavior
Nov 07, 2018 3:05:09pm
James M Driskill
I also told you --- sorry [ its apology ] does not fix this --- that is not a standard resolve that I am seeking.
Nov 07, 2018 3:04:50pm
Timothy Ashley
If I come over there and apologize I'm going to make sure you never want to see me
Nov 07, 2018 3:04:12pm
Timothy Ashley
Nov 07, 2018 3:03:04pm
James M Driskill
If you read my text, you would have read it is not about the $$ --- that is not the value I place upon this. It is not about the $$$ lost. It is about breaking consent. You are not allowed to do this within our relationship. YOU ARE FORBIDDEN FROM THIS ACTIVITY SIR MR ASHLEY. That is the grip I hold against you.
Nov 07, 2018 3:01:48pm
Timothy Ashley
Well understand this u only haveone friend me don't loose me because of your set in stone ways I'm definitely worth mor then 75 dollars that u would have spent any how on something so stupi
Nov 07, 2018 3:00:18pm
James M Driskill
Mr. Ashley -- we are in a relationship separation process because frankly you have taken advantage of my generosity and kindness to it's extreme. You have taken to theft of my Debit/ATM card and used the referenced PIN number that you must have observed me use while we were at the store together in purchasing food or other items of life needs while you have been staying in the comfort of having a roof over your head and a bed to sleep on and a pillow to rest your head instead of spending the homeless night or days in the park or couch surfing among your crowd of peeps. Please don't tell me you did not take my ATM card in a most recent of days against my willful knowledge to allow you to use it for any means without my consent. It is about consent Mr. Ashley, not the $ purchase values. It is that you have broken a trust that you don't give a fuck about obtaining consent for your actions that mutually effect me and collectively effects this family. By breaking consent, you are willing to commit theft thinking so how you have a right to these acts instead of remorse for wrongdoing. Lets put it to a relationship discount or allowance that if I don't take a stand now, what else are you capable of acting to a harming effect onto me and/or my network of family and friends.

How much weekly allowance do you need [ $$ income ] or want or hold against me and take away from me to waste away in your lifestyle persistence to hold a life in the fast lane pretense justification in your activities? I tell you kindly, I express my dissatisfaction preference that I am not funding the entertainment and/or pleasures of others of your peeps arrangements that you continue to attempt to include their funding into your external activity affairs apart from my time spent with you. You have taken way way to much liberty and you continue to violate my wishes by asking me for an approval of such a level of funding of your entertainments and pleasures to outside peeps that I desire to only hold you, you and you alone, in the extra money that I may have left over after my self expenses and family expenses are spent out. You want and take much more than I approve and can indeed afford ---- and in that you have acted against me, you injure me to take without consent because you have no limits, no morals, and no boundaries that you are willing to break agreements or understandings with me. We have nothing further to build until you take a commitment of pledge and have consequences for breaking your code of conduct -- even as minor as petty cash values are involved. It is not about the amount of the money that goes away --- it is about the breaking of consent --- that is much much much more important to clarify and to hold you accountable for wrongdoing. GET FUCKED UP HUMAN real dude! Respect me and I will stop name calling and so called insulting you --- when you deserve to be name called and insulted. You created this contentious imbalance, not I.

This is your About Page from Facebook Captured On June 20th 2018 : [ http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com/Timothy.Ashley/About.html ] and that is a fact jack! It was classified stored at the domain of webdomains.gruwup.net/facebook.com/ until you steal my ATM card and PIN and made unauthorized purchases against my banking account without my consent. Do not question that this data record can be as permanent or as temporary as your conceding of the truth. The original store archive data set and its present store location is perfectly legal as long as I do not alter the saved copy data to reflect a different data output than what was present open to the public presentation meaning. I have not sliced and diced the content to a different spin -- it is the exact same content presentation that was showing presented by the servers at facebook. There is no difference in the save page presentation except for site facebook interactive functionality. If you don't take a responsibility of facebook controls -- and leave open to the public your file record, anyone can capture it and store it and repeat serve this content at will. There is nothing net-wise that is being violated here. But the name space itself serves a utility that is absolute. It should be amended and corrected by acknowledging the truth, making amends for wrongdoing, reconciliation of interactive interpersonal relations conflicts, and be released back to a great standing shine for the peace building model that it represents. @Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace --- Peace Out! [ I have that ability to make this a STAMP SERVED AND SEALED PRESENCE onto our cyberspace life ]
Nov 07, 2018 2:52:58pm
Timothy Ashley
Oct 28, 2018 3:29:37am
Timothy Ashley
Come to back sliding door quietly quietly
Oct 28, 2018 3:29:27am
James M Driskill
Your choice. You did not telll me where you were going. I was worriied.
Oct 28, 2018 3:28:25am
Timothy Ashley
What do you think
Oct 28, 2018 3:25:04am
Timothy Ashley
It might be Good for me to pack my things tomorrow morning and get a new location
Oct 28, 2018 3:24:48am
Timothy Ashley
Awww I missed u
Oct 28, 2018 3:23:51am
James M Driskill
Oct 28, 2018 3:23:39am
Timothy Ashley
Ahh ahh we're u sleeping
Oct 28, 2018 3:23:13am
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Duration: 36 seconds
Oct 28, 2018 3:22:46am
James M Driskill
Do you think you will be back before morning?
Oct 27, 2018 10:51:36pm
James M Driskill
are u ok?
Oct 25, 2018 5:28:51am
James M Driskill
Timothy missed your call.
Oct 25, 2018 5:20:47am
James M Driskill
where are u?
Oct 25, 2018 3:15:05am
James M Driskill
oh i see
Oct 25, 2018 2:12:13am
Timothy Ashley
No walking around
Oct 25, 2018 2:11:44am
James M Driskill
are u here?
Oct 25, 2018 2:10:13am
Timothy Ashley
Oct 24, 2018 12:56:41pm
Timothy Ashley
Oct 24, 2018 12:56:33pm
James M Driskill
Im here
Oct 24, 2018 12:50:17pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm at the McDonald's on G
Oct 24, 2018 12:50:03pm
James M Driskill
Oct 24, 2018 12:40:38pm
James M Driskill
where are you?
Oct 24, 2018 12:33:46pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm ready
Oct 24, 2018 12:32:43pm
James M Driskill
u ready to meet up?
Oct 24, 2018 12:22:04pm
Timothy Ashley
But don't want your mom to
Oct 24, 2018 8:02:08am
Timothy Ashley
I'm outside
Oct 24, 2018 8:01:56am
James M Driskill
Oct 24, 2018 8:01:26am
Timothy Ashley
Oct 24, 2018 7:00:49am
James M Driskill
Are you coming back out? Were you meaning to be let off here. Im waiting
Oct 23, 2018 6:17:34pm
Timothy Ashley
Oct 13, 2018 4:39:04pm
James M Driskill
Oct 11, 2018 4:14:09pm
James M Driskill
You may question why I have a colored light display in the ceiling..... look at the caption of this video frame. Then watch the video in whole. You may not realize it --- but you are in the presence here of "In The Mindway" and all of the different ways mindway is explored.
Oct 11, 2018 4:13:57pm
James M Driskill
These are the messages that drives me forward --- and helping others --- who want to hurt me, in the end, is not on the table of --- the game.

The game ends with what I said, I am not into that game.

If you take that and lead with that, take a stride that always means always, we can't be broken..... the internets won't let us depart our digital tracking markers.

Always, I will come into view ---- somewhere somehow down the road of internet life.

That's true to whomever you spend much time with.

Unless you want to go into the Dark and Deep Web forever and leave civil life, which means you can't come back up and out....

The story that you shared on YouTube about a guide traveling directories of the dark web is a reflection of truth. My internet domains are web directories that are the same exact exploration of experience -- but everything there is web indexed. @realuphuman.net : @gruwup.net : @fuckeduphuman.net :

You might find yourself already marked there, since you have a public facebook page.

I am an archive record of the day to day hits or markers in my life --- an archive of experiences that typically get lost in a world of lifestyle "new" after "new" experiences that I understand that lifestyle -- endorse its validity onto the surface web.


I don't think you realize the interconnections that happen automatically when you log into networks. The digital tracking is part of the internet layer holding us together in mutual respect. That mutual respect only happens from one side or the other or vise versa when we both understand the internet reality. I have a feeling you are not quite as "smart" in this field as I. I am technically online in cyberspace since 1985 and before. My first referenced online document that has my work mentioned is this document from Yule Time 1986.

Google Search [ red garters microlink apples-r-us ]

This Newsletter Remains Online Indexed --- My someday may go away.


I am mentioned in the very last portion of this newletter by reference to "new things":

We have not checked these out, so caveat emptor:
"THE REALM", 781-5943; "A.F.A.C.", 781-8774; "APPLES-R-US",
883-6348; "COMMNET-80", 359-3189; "THE FORUM", 874-9731;
"COMPUTER STUFF", 780-2409; "DBBS", 882-1559; "TELE-MATE",
822-2718; "KANDY SHACK #1", 354-8004; "SBCBBS", 883-8130;
"MICROLINK", 884-4922; ;"THE BUSINESS CENTER", 798-4921;
"TIBBS", 350-8583; "VALLEY COLLEGE", 888-6541; "THE
NAUTILUS", 793-9614; "CPR II", 883-1428, "THE ENCHANTED
ATTIC", 881-1216; "THE DUNGEON", 877-3044.

SysInop, Lord Allyn Wolfe 12/31/86

Apples R Us BBS was a dialup BBS Service that ran out of the closet of the room next to us, Shanes Room. It was the very first BBS in this area to have support for gay/bi adults only messaging. The section on the BBS was called "Libidos".

The Library BBS was called "Microlink bbs" --- I worked for the San Bernardino Public Library in their transition to their new location at the Norman F Feldhym.

Open All Links Provided In This Messenger Chat Message:


The Library BBS was called Microlink BBS. If you have made it down this far to read, you and I are standing great. If the narcissist in you ignores this message to the fault of our relationship, when you leave, you must never back. Our friendship is broken. You are in the game with me.

From November 1st 1987, I was in the Library Journal regarding Microlink BBS:


I realize that "the game" is a factor of newness. That game of ever yearning for a "new" experience with someone. I understand that game well. Don't question my resolve to bring that lifestyle forward into view to validate its presence and life in wellness factors, which includes the legalization and normalization of the drug culture.

For whatever reason you want to turn on me, because I can't be everything you need for the moment, you need to assess your response onto all of what happens.

Brain Fingerprinting is the model of technology in the fight against the criminal element in our society. Don't question my resolve of matters. I already shared you that link. You ignored it I bet.

To Confirm: My mother and I agreed that you could stay a week as your foot heals. That is the arrangement that we had. I realize your freedom to continue the "new"'after "new" experiences as you heal but my mother would not.

Also, as a part of an extended time element, as I stay here, I have had to remove myself from that lifestyle for choosing the element of Shane's upbringing here be more stable as I provide his ride to and from school.

The elements of this family dynamics are hard to "interplay" onto that "new" after "new" experiences lifestyle. I am in hot water with my mother if you can't leave after a week and that means, that I will be the one leaving the family forever --- in order to preserve her wellness because she is at a vulnerable stage in her life

-- and she refuses to take an understanding of her blindness forward and remain a connected person of function in an internet connected world.

She has chosen to remain just barely connected digitally to the informational world.

The narcissist in you is showing itself, I feel you are not listening to your Facebook connections because you are posting content and just moving on to new after new experiences and not holding onto what really matters ---

[ true friendship ] --- I offer that to you.
Oct 08, 2018 8:16:45am
James M Driskill
Anthony J James : From LinkedIn

You may not have saved a lot of money in your life, but if you have saved a lot of heartaches for other folks, you are a pretty rich man.
― Seth Parke
Oct 08, 2018 7:35:55am
James M Driskill
Just to let you know that there is Pepperoni Pizza Here for you when you get back.
Oct 05, 2018 8:28:05pm
James M Driskill
You asked what Brain Fingerprinting is:


Brain Fingerprinting Dr Larry Farwell On PBS
Oct 04, 2018 1:40:33am
James M Driskill
Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can't get them back. So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I'll never lose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to All your friends including me if u treat me as 1. If you get four back you are a Great friend 🌽🌽
Oct 03, 2018 9:34:27pm
James M Driskill
I can hold on to it for you.
Sep 30, 2018 9:44:01am
Timothy Ashley
Hey would you hang on to my red suitcase for a few hour I gotta run some where and I don’t really have the energy to to carrying it around town
Sep 30, 2018 9:42:44am
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Duration: 3 minutes
Sep 26, 2018 7:13:23pm
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Duration: 3 minutes
Sep 26, 2018 8:46:10am
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Sep 25, 2018 6:14:29pm
Timothy Ashley
Timothy called you.
Duration: 1 minute
Sep 25, 2018 1:01:20pm
Timothy Ashley
954 - 584-9307. This is for you. I have been praying a lot lately and a prayer warrior sent this to me. So I choose you. A blessing is coming to you in the form of money. Don't ask questions just fed to 50 ppl. The devil said you wont take the time to do this. Prove him wrong. You will receive $ 15900.00 in 1 days if you send this to 50 ppl. Don't ask just trust
Sep 24, 2018 2:32:59am
James M Driskill
Sep 19, 2018 4:34:03pm
Timothy Ashley
Look out super man it’s.........Super Martin
Sep 19, 2018 4:33:20pm
Timothy Ashley
Wow I got a question for you do you have a letter S stamped on your chest
Sep 19, 2018 4:32:40pm
James M Driskill
Goodnight --- I am going back to lay down --- and perhaps get sick --- because I think I am coming down with a cold.
Sep 18, 2018 10:20:48pm
James M Driskill
Facebook likes my content --- at least as I share it to you --- that is what I see --- but do you see what I see? Big Green Bar image. ?
Sep 18, 2018 10:19:37pm
James M Driskill
Sep 18, 2018 10:18:40pm
James M Driskill
I am asking others to contact POZ MAGAZINE and take hold of my story, the story of James Martin Driskill and pubish the story --- word to word as it is the truth.
Sep 18, 2018 10:18:14pm
James M Driskill
I submitted my story to Poz Magazine via http://poz.com/stories - but I doubt they will take a hold of it --- because they too are tainted by the authorieis of this hate conspiracy --- it is a massive mischeivous marvel of molding muck. it will be I TOLD YOU SO --- I am about to give it up --- change my United States Citzenry to another country that cares.
Sep 18, 2018 10:17:17pm
James M Driskill
I am beginning to wonder if the entire community is deaf eared, blind-eyed, and dumbed down by distraction additions to bring forward this story of hate agenda that is embedded in the Ryan White Social Services Agencies Nationally region to region and everyone just keeps quiet because they don't give a flying fuck about it. And when your friend dies next --- or you die next -- because no one gave a flying fuck to make an adaptive currection today, I will say, I TOLD YOU SO!
Sep 18, 2018 10:14:04pm
James M Driskill
i am getting kind of tired since I did not sleep over last night. What are you doing?
Sep 18, 2018 6:15:20pm
James M Driskill
The Library ran Microlink BBS. I appeared in the Newspaper.
Sep 17, 2018 9:00:10am
James M Driskill
Apples R Us BBS and Microlink BBS are my creations when I was a young.
Sep 17, 2018 8:59:25am
James M Driskill
Quoted in that newsletter is this: We have not checked these out, so caveat emptor:
"THE REALM", 781-5943; "A.F.A.C.", 781-8774; "APPLES-R-US",
883-6348; "COMMNET-80", 359-3189; "THE FORUM", 874-9731;
"COMPUTER STUFF", 780-2409; "DBBS", 882-1559; "TELE-MATE",
822-2718; "KANDY SHACK #1", 354-8004; "SBCBBS", 883-8130;
"MICROLINK", 884-4922; ;"THE BUSINESS CENTER", 798-4921;
"TIBBS", 350-8583; "VALLEY COLLEGE", 888-6541; "THE
NAUTILUS", 793-9614; "CPR II", 883-1428, "THE ENCHANTED
ATTIC", 881-1216; "THE DUNGEON", 877-3044.
Sep 17, 2018 8:58:53am
James M Driskill
The site it is posted at is beyond weird --- no kidding.
Sep 17, 2018 8:57:56am
James M Driskill
YULE 1986
Sep 17, 2018 8:57:12am
Timothy Ashley
I love you and I didn’t see those feelings coming I
Sep 17, 2018 8:56:52am
James M Driskill
Do you know my oldest reference of something online of me is from a newsletter around Chrismas Time 1986 ? That is 80 80 80 6.
Sep 17, 2018 8:56:42am
Timothy Ashley
Thank so much
Sep 17, 2018 8:56:17am
Timothy Ashley
You scoundrel you... you make my heart sink if it wasn’t for you this past couple of months I know I would be heading back to prison
Sep 17, 2018 8:56:02am
James M Driskill
I don't feel rushed. I was reading some things I left off last night and eating breakfast. But if you phone dies.... then worry free --- I will be there to save your ass once again..... just kidding.
Sep 17, 2018 8:54:03am
Timothy Ashley
Just need a bit of a helping hand til I get my appt with Darryl my counselor at fap
Sep 17, 2018 8:53:59am
Timothy Ashley
Okay but I’m not rushing you
Sep 17, 2018 8:52:05am
James M Driskill
I told you that I was not on --- ON DEMAND TAXI SERVICE --- I think this parameter is getting a bit of out control.
Sep 17, 2018 8:48:32am
Timothy Ashley
Sep 17, 2018 8:45:43am
James M Driskill
I will meet you near the Stadium
Sep 17, 2018 8:45:31am
Timothy Ashley
Okay I don’t know if my phone will last that long
Sep 17, 2018 8:44:54am
James M Driskill
Hey there ---- good morning. So you need to go to Walgreens? I can be down there shortly to pick you up.
Sep 17, 2018 8:38:28am
James M Driskill
I will get back to you when I return home.
Sep 17, 2018 8:15:25am
James M Driskill
I have to take my newphew to school in 5 minutes.
Sep 17, 2018 8:15:12am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Sep 17, 2018 8:12:15am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Sep 17, 2018 8:08:06am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Sep 17, 2018 8:06:34am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Sep 17, 2018 8:05:52am
Timothy Ashley
On Delarosa
Sep 17, 2018 8:05:22am
Timothy Ashley
Hey can you swing by secombe lake I need to pick up my meds from walgreeens
Sep 17, 2018 8:05:13am
James M Driskill
Sep 16, 2018 6:59:27pm
James M Driskill
My notifications has re-alerted me - a friend suggestion on facebook. But I am not going to make that request. You can request it of me.
Sep 16, 2018 6:59:24pm
James M Driskill
Are you doing ok?
Sep 07, 2018 3:08:21pm
James M Driskill
I have not had my car's brakes checked yet. I was going to do it after I get paid on Friday. I have less than $30 in my checking account.
Aug 29, 2018 9:03:47pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm dying to smoke
Aug 29, 2018 9:01:46pm
James M Driskill
Aug 29, 2018 9:01:04pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 29, 2018 7:47:57pm
Timothy Ashley
Your request for $1 expired so it was canceled.
Aug 27, 2018 8:32:41pm
Timothy Ashley
That's pretty good
Aug 26, 2018 1:45:01pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 26, 2018 1:19:35pm
James M Driskill
Aug 25, 2018 10:41:36pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 💎.
Aug 25, 2018 10:41:31pm
James M Driskill
Aug 25, 2018 10:41:14pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 😍.
Aug 25, 2018 10:41:09pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 25, 2018 10:40:24pm
James M Driskill
Aug 25, 2018 10:38:02pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 25, 2018 10:37:43pm
James M Driskill
Supposed to be an animated gif
Aug 25, 2018 10:37:01pm
Timothy Ashley
What the fuck is that
Aug 25, 2018 10:36:27pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 25, 2018 10:36:00pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 25, 2018 10:34:11pm
James M Driskill
Aug 25, 2018 10:31:26pm
Timothy Ashley
Next month were using less stuff and more saving up. I'd like to give you my hustle proceeds so we go see the sites maybe in San Francisco or palm Springs maybe somewhere we can eat cheap hot dogs and finally fall 100 % in love 😍😍😍😍😍
Aug 25, 2018 10:30:55pm
James M Driskill
there will be others.
Aug 25, 2018 10:28:26pm
Timothy Ashley
Well your missing as great wild party my honey bunny It would've been nice to promote your domain here but your home , because of those stupid breaks
Aug 25, 2018 10:26:46pm
James M Driskill
Graphics I am working on
Aug 25, 2018 10:24:51pm
Timothy Ashley
What is this
Aug 25, 2018 10:24:35pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 25, 2018 10:21:30pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 25, 2018 9:41:09pm
James M Driskill
Link to Listen To Spoken Voice Narrative Interface
To The Meaning Of Mpatapo:

Aug 25, 2018 9:41:07pm
James M Driskill
You called Timothy.
Duration: 44 seconds
Aug 25, 2018 4:06:08pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 25, 2018 4:05:01pm
James M Driskill
Where u?
Aug 25, 2018 3:56:45pm
James M Driskill
You sent a live location.
Last update Aug 25
Aug 25, 2018 3:54:26pm
James M Driskill
Im at the 5th street park.
Aug 25, 2018 3:54:02pm
Timothy Ashley
I am
Aug 25, 2018 3:47:22pm
Timothy Ashley
Park at the park I'm coming
Aug 25, 2018 3:47:14pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 25, 2018 3:47:00pm
James M Driskill
I thought you were in the store. Where are you?
Aug 25, 2018 3:46:56pm
Timothy Ashley
It's across fromm the park
Aug 25, 2018 3:44:58pm
James M Driskill
Parking lot is full
Aug 25, 2018 3:44:42pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 25, 2018 3:40:47pm
Timothy Ashley
On e st
Aug 25, 2018 3:40:37pm
Timothy Ashley
Economy thrift
Aug 25, 2018 3:39:14pm
James M Driskill
Im at 8 th and E
Aug 25, 2018 3:39:08pm
James M Driskill
Where are u?
Aug 25, 2018 3:38:37pm
Timothy Ashley
Oh okay should be able leave I'm trying something on now
Aug 25, 2018 3:35:29pm
Timothy Ashley
That way I don't have to rush you .and then you can rest
Aug 25, 2018 3:34:35pm
James M Driskill
On my way
Aug 25, 2018 3:23:18pm
Timothy Ashley
Wonderful I guess we've decided to post pone until later
Aug 25, 2018 3:14:23pm
James M Driskill
I will leave here in a short min.
Aug 25, 2018 3:13:36pm
Timothy Ashley
At a thrift store
Aug 25, 2018 3:13:28pm
Timothy Ashley
Right now I'm on 9 th and E st
Aug 25, 2018 3:13:17pm
James M Driskill
where are you?
Aug 25, 2018 3:13:16pm
Timothy Ashley
Could you swing by and pick me up I need to grab some clothes from home to get ready
Aug 25, 2018 3:12:51pm
James M Driskill
What's up?
Aug 25, 2018 3:10:54pm
James M Driskill
Timothy --- this is the technology that I have been attempting to warn those who have harming effects in our society. We have to educate the world that this technology is available and being advanced to law enforcement to the deception detection technology of the criminal mind. [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/brainwavescience.com/Brainwavescience-brochure.pdf ] This is real!
Aug 25, 2018 12:52:02pm
James M Driskill
usually comes with the base install
Aug 25, 2018 12:43:25am
James M Driskill
you should be able to open those files if you have a pdf viewer on your apps
Aug 25, 2018 12:43:08am
James M Driskill
Those are in PDF format. The only San Bernardino returned address is for a 56 yo match. Same middle name. Could be mistake.
Aug 25, 2018 12:40:32am
Timothy Ashley
You found it
Aug 25, 2018 12:39:17am
Timothy Ashley
Aug 25, 2018 12:39:10am
James M Driskill
Aug 25, 2018 12:38:54am
Timothy Ashley
Aug 25, 2018 12:38:29am
Timothy Ashley
Actually never mund
Aug 25, 2018 12:38:23am
Timothy Ashley
A little older then me use the phone number
Aug 25, 2018 12:38:05am
James M Driskill
do you know his middle name?
Aug 25, 2018 12:37:54am
Timothy Ashley
No he's young
Aug 25, 2018 12:37:39am
James M Driskill
There is no 47 --- I thinkk he may be 56 ?
Aug 25, 2018 12:37:19am
Timothy Ashley
So do both
Aug 24, 2018 11:54:53pm
Timothy Ashley
He 37 or 47
Aug 24, 2018 11:54:46pm
Timothy Ashley
Mobile +1 909-678-2328
Ontario, CA
Aug 24, 2018 11:18:25pm
Timothy Ashley
I'll be waiting I'm worried a little not much the thing is u would know what legal recourse I have and what my rights are
Aug 24, 2018 1:47:04pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm right on 16 th and F
Aug 24, 2018 1:45:16pm
Timothy Ashley
There someone being a jerk online towards me and before I get them pissed off
Aug 24, 2018 1:44:20pm
James M Driskill
If you really wanted to "get to know an understanding my way of perspective creations, you would link to this spoken voice narrative audio file, playtime 15min 6 seconds, in that I created a "new tool" channel space on YouTube --- in which I invited each and every contact that it allowed to be selected into a "Group Conversation". The topic of that group conversation is: The Erosion Of Trust Leads To Violence, Murder, and Mass Shootings. Also a part of that chat space is the science field of meme and mememtics. The focused priority is to engage Shannon Southall,, that options were allow to invite her into partipation. She was the former Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Cares --- WebEtched In Mpatapo Peacebinding Presence at: [ http://rockymountaincares.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] -- link to that directory for a moment. Shannon Southall also has a persons fuckeduphuman folder at [ http://persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Shannon.Rene.Southall/ ] --- Check That folder out of the contents recorded [ documented ] onto the space in real time events as close to humanly possible ---- I don't make up false story telling here on the content --- story staying etched permanence -- no content removable requests have been received, I have a instruction policy guide for how to request content removal from my domains. Nothing has ever been challenged for removal. It represents the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth. So Help Me God. I affirm the responsibility to all contents stored on domain web presence, including perhaps the copy content of Facebook content archives. This includes you dude.... your time snapshot was taken and stored for all prosperity --- just in case you got hacked --- or deleted something accidentally. There are actually many of these content mirroring sites online.

[ http://webdomains.gruwup.net/facebook.com/Timothy.Ashley/ ]

@Gruwup 2018
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Aug 20, 2018 8:32:52pm
James M Driskill
You requested $1 from Timothy for 1$ of shines blinds minds : Mother.
IP Address:
Aug 20, 2018 8:32:39pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 19, 2018 9:36:33pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 19, 2018 9:26:14pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 19, 2018 9:25:28pm
Timothy Ashley
Drive slow
Aug 19, 2018 9:14:13pm
James M Driskill
on my way....
Aug 19, 2018 9:12:53pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 19, 2018 9:12:39pm
James M Driskill
Please take that back if you were intending that for me. it takes a special type of photo printer which I don't have.
Aug 19, 2018 1:54:35pm
James M Driskill
I don't think I can use the glossy photo paper. I don't have that kind of printer.
Aug 19, 2018 1:53:58pm
James M Driskill
secret money? Nah --- that is not right. I can reimburse you no problem.
Aug 19, 2018 1:52:59pm
Timothy Ashley
Card stock and glossy photo paper was hoping that you could reimburse me for it thought I took it out of the secret money
Aug 19, 2018 1:36:00pm
Timothy Ashley
Your like a mind reader I just went and got you so much cars stock
Aug 19, 2018 1:34:38pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 19, 2018 1:30:50pm
James M Driskill
I need to take the black out of the background... but I could use that as one of the promotion card handouts.... somehow.....
Aug 19, 2018 1:21:03pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 19, 2018 1:20:02pm
James M Driskill
Here is something
Aug 19, 2018 1:20:00pm
James M Driskill
ok... great.... I will text you on that number when I get there.
Aug 17, 2018 6:12:25pm
Timothy Ashley
Well I'm waiting for you I got the message
Aug 17, 2018 6:12:03pm
James M Driskill
installing messenger
Aug 17, 2018 6:10:44pm
Timothy Ashley
I'll go check it out now
Aug 17, 2018 6:09:07pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm yes but it's inside charging lol
Aug 17, 2018 6:08:53pm
James M Driskill
449 9853. is that your main number?
Aug 17, 2018 6:08:32pm
Timothy Ashley
On which number
Aug 17, 2018 6:07:55pm
James M Driskill
i texted u
Aug 17, 2018 6:07:28pm
Timothy Ashley
I love you so much
Aug 17, 2018 5:58:32pm
Timothy Ashley
Ohh lol is it's a nice phone
Aug 17, 2018 5:57:20pm
James M Driskill
i will tell you when im ready
Aug 17, 2018 5:56:41pm
James M Driskill
Aug 17, 2018 5:56:30pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 17, 2018 5:56:19pm
James M Driskill
if we can text each other..... I can go.
Aug 17, 2018 5:55:43pm
Timothy Ashley
Great just pull up across the street like usaul
Aug 17, 2018 5:55:38pm
James M Driskill
a few mins.
Aug 17, 2018 5:55:05pm
Timothy Ashley
How long do you think it'll be
Aug 17, 2018 5:54:28pm
James M Driskill
let me get my phone working
Aug 17, 2018 5:53:41pm
Timothy Ashley
Come over I need you
Aug 17, 2018 5:53:00pm
James M Driskill
Apps are updating
Aug 17, 2018 5:52:45pm
James M Driskill
I got a new phone. $97 fucked up dollars later. I had to pay it..... sucks .
Aug 17, 2018 5:52:31pm
Timothy Ashley
Or should i wait inside
Aug 17, 2018 12:40:47pm
Timothy Ashley
Go now
Aug 17, 2018 12:39:31pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 17, 2018 12:39:16pm
James M Driskill
im leaving. i needto be back to pickup my newphew at 3:30p
Aug 17, 2018 12:37:43pm
Timothy Ashley
In 5 minutes
Aug 17, 2018 12:35:10pm
Timothy Ashley
I'll be ready
Aug 17, 2018 12:34:58pm
James M Driskill
I still have a little left. we can do that on your return - if that is acceptable. if that is where you will be dropped off.
Aug 17, 2018 12:34:25pm
Timothy Ashley
You be needing something
Aug 17, 2018 12:33:36pm
James M Driskill
ok... will be leaving in 10 mins here.
Aug 17, 2018 12:33:13pm
Timothy Ashley
I'll be ready
Aug 17, 2018 12:33:00pm
Timothy Ashley
Just pull up in the drive way and honk
Aug 17, 2018 12:32:47pm
James M Driskill
I can't answer calls I tell you --- I don't have a microphone on my computer.
Aug 17, 2018 12:32:11pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 17, 2018 12:32:01pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 17, 2018 12:31:44pm
Timothy Ashley
Okay come just pull up in the drive way and b honk
Aug 17, 2018 12:31:34pm
James M Driskill
Aug 17, 2018 12:27:18pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm currently working on the availability of myself
Aug 17, 2018 12:27:03pm
James M Driskill
ok.... holding.
Aug 17, 2018 12:20:45pm
Timothy Ashley
Hold on
Aug 17, 2018 12:20:02pm
James M Driskill
I don't have a phone yet. So --- where ever you want to meet me --- you have to watch out for me. Perhaps I should stop by the phone store and fix that problem first. Anyway.... I still don't have a phone.
Aug 17, 2018 12:19:28pm
Timothy Ashley
Thank you very much let me see if i can get away
Aug 17, 2018 12:18:26pm
James M Driskill
I guess I can save you. If that is what you are asking ---- for a ride.
Aug 17, 2018 12:17:32pm
Timothy Ashley
I still have this problem with picking up my prescription drug from wal greens on del Rosa and Highland
Aug 17, 2018 9:12:35am
James M Driskill
Aug 17, 2018 5:03:19am
James M Driskill
Shall we organize a picket protest in front of FootHill Aids Project in view of this image: I am so nervous dear, it is pathetic -- They will come and kill me before they release this conspiracy of hate. [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/Review%20%5b%20This%20Agency%20Is%20FRAIUDULANT%20%5d.png ] --- I did not write that review 10 months ago.
Aug 17, 2018 5:01:13am
Timothy Ashley
Do it no bs do it
Aug 16, 2018 11:56:01am
Timothy Ashley
Gotcha thanks for everything
Aug 15, 2018 1:23:38pm
James M Driskill
ok. I will do that. if you receive a call, it will be from 720-446-7044
Aug 15, 2018 1:23:16pm
Timothy Ashley
But witll you let me know if you decide to go out
Aug 15, 2018 1:22:47pm
James M Driskill
i am too tried right now to drive. I was resting.
Aug 15, 2018 1:22:06pm
Timothy Ashley
That's fine but what will you do about the phone
Aug 15, 2018 1:21:53pm
James M Driskill
I don't have a microphone on my computer. I cannot talk to you in this channel.
Aug 15, 2018 1:21:09pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 15, 2018 1:20:41pm
Timothy Ashley
Only a ride I'm not asking for food or drinks or anything else just a ride if you get this message let me know
Aug 15, 2018 1:19:35pm
Timothy Ashley
Damn if you have to buy a new one can you please take me with you it's become a volotile situation here and i must find a ride into town
Aug 15, 2018 1:18:27pm
James M Driskill
I fried my phone btw. It don't charge. Fuck!
Aug 15, 2018 1:08:33pm
James M Driskill
Nope, I will fix it.
Aug 15, 2018 11:42:33am
James M Driskill
First question: Are you receiving my direct sent email. Last email sent, "There is no OPT OUT option" addressed and directed to "Michael Maynard" - an archive copy of one single message that is allowed by the site of LinkedIn [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/Staff/Michael_R_Maynard/LinkedIn%20%5b%20%23ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP%20%5d/LinkedIn%20-%20DM%20-%20Michael%20Maynard%20CADC-II.html/ ] The preview for this links says page not found - link to it anyway.... it will work I bet. I have had trouble with this with some naming conventions.
Aug 15, 2018 11:42:11am
James M Driskill
I'm here
Aug 14, 2018 4:15:30pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 14, 2018 4:12:57pm
Timothy Ashley
Is everything Okay
Aug 14, 2018 4:05:38pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 10, 2018 2:16:55am
Timothy Ashley
Aug 10, 2018 2:15:15am
Timothy Ashley
I'm just asking that you be thankful of the things your blessed with and realize not many people have th we same privileges
Aug 10, 2018 2:13:40am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 10, 2018 2:13:39am
James M Driskill
I am not going to argue with you. I have been Godsend to this cause and action. If you don't bother looking up the detail record that I provide to you --- I don't want to be your friend.
Aug 10, 2018 2:11:48am
James M Driskill
It would not service a cause of change. BUT THERE MUST BE A CHANGE.
Aug 10, 2018 2:09:57am
James M Driskill
BTW: That is why I don't want to pursue a lawsuit against them. That would be useless and held against all of us.
Aug 10, 2018 2:09:35am
James M Driskill
Read that image in full. That is what appears --- -until you know it is the truth and fight back.... this conspiracy is going to over-rule you.
Aug 10, 2018 2:06:18am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 10, 2018 2:05:31am
James M Driskill
Read it dude. Stop critizing me for something you don't wish to educate yourself about.
Aug 10, 2018 2:05:06am
Timothy Ashley
I'm not attacking you pleased understand that but there's not a lot of people trying to help those with our health issues if you bring down the one helping hand we have then who's going to help us .
Aug 10, 2018 2:04:41am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 10, 2018 2:03:57am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 10, 2018 2:02:23am
James M Driskill
right dear. No body really cares. I don't want to be your friend if you cannot support me in this cause. I am serious. There is no reason to say such a thing against me. I am not the one who is delusional about the Glassdoor reviews that appear on the web against the clients holding of respect. They are present on the web, this being two of the worst appearing. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/%23ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP.png --- Against Desert Aids Project Palm Springs Area, "If you have integrity for the Aids Patient go Elsewhere" -- note the claim of denying health care to clients to pack the pockets of the leadership.
Aug 10, 2018 2:02:10am
Timothy Ashley
This is 2018m how many times must I tell you that old shit you been hanging onto ain't helping you and nobody really cares
Aug 10, 2018 1:58:45am
James M Driskill
That is the letter from FAP doctor in the past mental health care program in 2007 issuing that letter. They, the haters, are not following this advise of the last paragraph of this letter. They must.
Aug 10, 2018 1:27:07am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Aug 10, 2018 1:26:24am
James M Driskill
I was about go out to the store. I am thirsty and out of any soda. But I don't know exactly. I probablly should go to bed.... after what I have written. Tomorrow they are going to call the authorities that I have said "suicide" when I am on a path of suicide primiarily after my mother passes and they, those who are in hater control of this situation, are allowed to hate on me again. That is what I mean. And no one can say I did not put the media onto the web that brings forward my mission work ideal of peace. The page directed to the doctors in care of my mental health are required to find the truth. I don't mind being locked up --- if that is what it takes to break this conspiracy. I am sick and tired of feeling like shit.
Aug 10, 2018 1:24:38am
James M Driskill
mowing the lawn. [ :) ]
Aug 10, 2018 1:21:43am
James M Driskill
I told him that before we left the parking spot, that he was breaking a friendship because he was not thinking clearly about the situation. And for that , he got all upset and started to drive down the mountain like crazy... trying to scare me. I did not appreciate being manhandled by hysteria. That was what he was in. I don't like people who can't handle their highs.
Aug 10, 2018 1:21:22am
Timothy Ashley
What you doing mow
Aug 10, 2018 1:20:39am
Timothy Ashley
I didn't really talk much to him because b he was trying to be too funny
Aug 10, 2018 1:19:32am
Timothy Ashley
Oh yeah what the fuck you know I thought he was like that
Aug 10, 2018 1:18:47am
James M Driskill
He was trying to scare me.
Aug 10, 2018 1:18:41am
James M Driskill
Driving wild and crazy like a mad man in his vehicle down the hill because he was upset with me --- for telling him no one was there -- and he was hearing thing delusional.
Aug 10, 2018 1:17:44am
Timothy Ashley
Oh yeah what did he eo
Aug 10, 2018 1:16:52am
James M Driskill
Tell him he fucked up a friendship.
Aug 10, 2018 1:16:31am
James M Driskill
Yeah. Tall guy right?
Aug 10, 2018 1:16:16am
Timothy Ashley
I met Dash today at fap
Aug 10, 2018 1:16:04am
Timothy Ashley
Aug 10, 2018 1:15:18am
Timothy Ashley
I'm at home
Aug 10, 2018 1:15:11am
James M Driskill
You are here. Cool
Aug 10, 2018 1:14:55am
James M Driskill
and we are ready to be 5150ed --- for challeging the system for adaptive correction. http://5150.realuphuman.net/ --- This is an address to all doctors involved in the mental heath wellness of James Martin Driskill. There is a letter from FAP Doctor Howard Newsom Issued from 2007 that is not being followed. This conspiracy is real --- glassdoor reviews show this conspiracy is wide and long across the entire ryan white care network. They don't want the truth to be told. The truth must be told.
Aug 10, 2018 1:14:03am
Timothy Ashley
Aug 09, 2018 9:42:26pm
Timothy Ashley
Aug 09, 2018 9:42:13pm
James M Driskill
Hey you.
Aug 09, 2018 1:33:07pm
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Aug 08, 2018 9:33:02pm
James M Driskill
This is a letter of corrective adaptive meansure address written to FAP to Michael Maynard's business card is attached onto this page as holding respojnsbility of adcocacy onto my case management.
Aug 08, 2018 1:37:04pm
James M Driskill
I don't know what number to call you back on.
Aug 07, 2018 3:50:47pm
James M Driskill
Are you getting alerts on your messenger? If so, I am back home
Aug 07, 2018 3:50:30pm
James M Driskill
wow.. I did not get my car done. I was waiting and waiting and then there was arguing from the customer that said he was being charged for things he did not approve. I got a bad feeling about the whole thing and left. Drove by the apt knocked on the door, no answer, came home. I am tired from sitting in the 106 degree heat today. I have to pick up my nephew at 3:30
Aug 07, 2018 1:37:00pm
James M Driskill
I am now home.
Aug 07, 2018 1:34:05pm
James M Driskill
Hey Timothy. I went by 1303 Lynnwood, apt 17 knocked on the door. No answer.
Aug 07, 2018 1:33:49pm
Timothy Ashley
Call me now
Jul 20, 2018 1:15:32am
Timothy Ashley
Hey call me when you get this message
Jul 20, 2018 1:15:21am
James M Driskill
I'm here
Jul 18, 2018 6:56:54pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jul 18, 2018 6:42:46pm
Timothy Ashley
Ok take ur time just wanted to check in with you babe
Jul 18, 2018 6:42:27pm
James M Driskill
I wrote a site Contact Us form --- I will write a more formal letter this weekend. I am on my way.
Jul 18, 2018 6:42:22pm
James M Driskill
I will be leaving in 20. I can't let this email wait. It is important. It is about the missing materials from Colorado university website that had been present since 1992 and now missing [ because of my interface to Colorado Health Network, I bet and the racist there ] I protest to Professor Burgess of conflict.colorado.edu --- also missing.
Jul 18, 2018 6:31:07pm
Timothy Ashley
Are u coming
Jul 18, 2018 6:29:02pm
James M Driskill
understanding the contents of this folder complete would do you some greatness leap in understanding me and my motives [ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck/ ]
Jul 18, 2018 6:25:12pm
James M Driskill
Unbelievable --- everything I stood for collapsed online ---- that the haters have been allowed to win.
Jul 18, 2018 6:24:08pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jul 18, 2018 6:20:56pm
James M Driskill
Jul 18, 2018 6:20:01pm
Timothy Ashley
Jul 18, 2018 6:14:52pm
James M Driskill
Actually I brought the tent with us to Denver --- I did not even remember. i thought it was missing for a bit. I do believe it is complete but I can check later.
Jul 18, 2018 6:03:37pm
James M Driskill
Charger works.
Jul 18, 2018 6:01:33pm
James M Driskill
Jul 18, 2018 5:55:22pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jul 18, 2018 5:52:11pm
James M Driskill
i am getting ready to go. Have you charged your phone? If not, bring an A.C. Charger for a quick charge in the car. I have an Converter among the things I have.
Jul 18, 2018 5:50:56pm
James M Driskill
Jul 18, 2018 5:47:13pm
James M Driskill
It is in the garage. I will get it anyway.... It belongs in my car.
Jul 18, 2018 5:46:21pm
Timothy Ashley
I'll be ready in 30 min
Jul 18, 2018 5:46:01pm
James M Driskill
Do you want me to bring the tent?
Jul 18, 2018 5:45:58pm
James M Driskill
yeah..... and legally, at least in Denver.... I last looked up the tenancy rights of swatters, it is an guest stay over 2 weeks....... so I had to be careful in colorado.
Jul 18, 2018 5:45:40pm
Timothy Ashley
Sounds good to me bring flash light and toilet paper
Jul 18, 2018 5:45:37pm
James M Driskill
I may feel like staying out all night.... picking my mother up in the morning and go over to their office and bring her back and carry on with my day with you. I am not sure. I feel so unsure of what should be done. We have a scheduled "party" to attend with Pete Aguilar Congressman on Friday afternoon. My mom has someone to watch shane while we go.
  • 👍Timothy Ashley
Jul 18, 2018 5:44:29pm
Timothy Ashley
I'm going to pack up a bag and find some place to stay for the night I believe I have already been here for too ( 2 days ) long like u said
Jul 18, 2018 5:44:26pm
James M Driskill
are you ready to go out? It rained a bit ealier.... has it cooled off ?
Jul 18, 2018 5:41:53pm
Timothy Ashley
So do you want to come over and get me
Jul 18, 2018 5:41:11pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jul 18, 2018 5:25:06pm
James M Driskill
It took the interface of my mother to call CAP Denver to get a meeting after my eviction case collapsed Jan. It was not until April That I had my first case management meeting after I was evicted from my own residence. This before the glassdoor reviews appear for Colorado Health Network later in the year July. My assigned case manger Fadumo Adan quit and was not longer employeed there upon my return from my New York Trip. I recorded the video the day I left for New York and there is a second Facebook live in that sequence that I name by direct name, the second tier director of CHN on July 5th. The Glassdoor Reviews did not start to appear until July 28th. I had to leave Denver for San Bernardino on the 14th. I have been here a year trying to get this matter up onto a calendar and resolved. NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE THE STORY FORWARD and IT IS ILLING ME.
Jul 18, 2018 5:25:02pm
James M Driskill
BTW: Thank you for liking my video to Denver Community. This video must be placed into perspective into current age case mangement. Once that happends.... Maybe I will have some actual truthfullness come through my case management instead of B.S. excuse after excuse to not bring these matters forward. IT HAS BEEN EXAUSTING AND ILLING ME SO BADLY AND THAT IS WHY I REMAIN SAD. https://denver-colorado-aids-project.business.site/
Jul 18, 2018 5:20:06pm
James M Driskill
Oh I mispelled County. I just saw the error.
Jul 18, 2018 4:46:10pm
James M Driskill
if you really want to listen to the wildness of sbcounty.gov --- Dr Christopher Berger and Dr. Mirza also changed their email addressing right in the middle of my process of attempting to bring this story forward. This is a story they don't want told.
Jul 18, 2018 4:38:31pm
James M Driskill
The email at this point is undelvered.
Jul 18, 2018 4:37:05pm
James M Driskill
We were told there was a new person being placed into this position but do not remember who is who. We will find out tomorrow. I put you in BCC so that your name would not be placed onto the email.
Jul 18, 2018 4:35:46pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jul 18, 2018 4:34:56pm
James M Driskill
Address not found
Your message wasn't delivered to bflippin@dph.sbcouny.gov because the domain dph.sbcouny.gov couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
Jul 18, 2018 4:34:28pm
James M Driskill
I send you an email address to Bonnie Flippin. She may be avoiding the matter. I redirected to the previously valid email address and received this mail processing error.
Jul 18, 2018 4:34:26pm
Timothy Ashley
Jul 18, 2018 10:28:09am
James M Driskill
I'm here
Jul 18, 2018 10:22:54am
James M Driskill
Jul 18, 2018 10:22:42am
Timothy Ashley
Are you near sorry I can't text with the new phone
Jul 18, 2018 10:13:28am
Timothy Ashley
U all here
Jul 18, 2018 10:12:32am
James M Driskill
Jul 18, 2018 10:02:03am
Timothy Ashley
K see u soon I babe
Jul 18, 2018 9:58:32am
James M Driskill
let me get ready to go.
Jul 18, 2018 9:58:04am
Timothy Ashley
Well if you swing by really quick like, I bet know one would even know your gone
Jul 18, 2018 9:57:41am
James M Driskill
I told my mother I would go with her later. So, I would have to be back here. m
Jul 18, 2018 9:56:25am
Timothy Ashley
On state St and Darby in muscoy where you took me
Jul 18, 2018 9:55:57am
James M Driskill
where are you?
Jul 18, 2018 9:55:06am
Timothy Ashley
With me
Jul 18, 2018 9:54:58am
Timothy Ashley
Wanna smoke a bowl
Jul 18, 2018 9:54:46am
Timothy Ashley
I believe you were sic but I mean I know I have little traits u don't care for although I am working on them 😎😎😎😎
Jul 18, 2018 9:54:33am
James M Driskill
I have been sic
Jul 18, 2018 9:53:18am
James M Driskill
why would you say such a thing?
Jul 18, 2018 9:52:48am
Timothy Ashley
miss you too babe ......I love you even if you don't want me I will always be here for when you do
Jul 18, 2018 9:52:21am
Timothy Ashley
Please let me know if you okay God bless you all and hope you come see me
Jul 18, 2018 9:51:03am
James M Driskill
wow --- great photo. I am here --- I went to the E.R. The day before yesterday. I had a respitory problem. It is better now.
Jul 18, 2018 9:49:54am
Timothy Ashley
Jul 18, 2018 9:44:58am
Timothy Ashley
What the hell is going on with you muther f@$$@ mmmmmm...........
Jul 18, 2018 9:44:52am
James M Driskill
This is a page archive of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council organization that is in my hometown here in San Bernardino. The conspiracy that I have been living with is placed to the standing record here [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/facebook.com/IEHPCSupports%20[%20Inland%20Empire%20HIV%20Planning%20Council%20]/Messenger-ArchiveJuly072018.html ] --- Follow the instructions on the page to read the messenger archive conversation complete and the page content that follows the facebook messenger portion on this page. Thank you
Jul 07, 2018 4:28:21am
James M Driskill
I have placed the issued video into a playlist:

Brilliancy Supplants My Life To Beauty: 4 Videos: 0 Plays

Jul 06, 2018 8:52:23am
James M Driskill
You changed the chat theme.
Jul 06, 2018 6:01:52am
James M Driskill
You cleared the nickname for Timothy Ashley.
Jul 06, 2018 6:01:30am
Timothy Ashley
Call me i miss u
Jul 06, 2018 5:58:54am
James M Driskill
I have placed all of the Denver Trip Photos into a photo album --- Timothy Ashley Denver Trip : You can access the photos and videos media from this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/6VeADP3Cb5GapmEW7
Jul 06, 2018 5:28:27am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jul 06, 2018 4:43:02am
James M Driskill
I went into their office and had a face to face meeting with this person. She is reviewing my materials.
Jul 06, 2018 4:42:41am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jul 06, 2018 4:42:08am
James M Driskill
Open and Watch This ---- The Template Graphic for this can be used to deliver a message to social services. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee6UCM1ES5s
Jul 06, 2018 4:31:39am
James M Driskill
give you $000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- such demands --- you know i have been homeless before too...... and I also know that you are not getting a fair shake at housing placement at FAP when you should. They should give you housing right away.... but they place us on "an evaluation period of 6 months" that is bullshit!
Jul 06, 2018 4:29:57am
Timothy Ashley
Im homeless
Jul 06, 2018 4:21:57am
Timothy Ashley
Only if u giv3 me 20 dollars
Jul 06, 2018 4:21:42am
James M Driskill
Happy 4th ---
Jul 06, 2018 4:19:22am
James M Driskill
Please Watch The Video ---
Jul 06, 2018 4:19:13am
Timothy Ashley
Whats up happy belated 4th m
Jul 06, 2018 4:19:12am
James M Driskill
A Video Created Especially For You Timothy Ashley, In Your Name and Your Facebook profile Review:

Timothy The Quickening Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye
Jul 06, 2018 4:17:51am
James M Driskill
I have only tried to help you --- see the light.
Jun 29, 2018 11:15:47am
James M Driskill
"Welcome To Nano City" -- the 3rd in the sequence describes a future that those with lack of character are barred from entering zones. And those who are in that character are in your network and you. I don't want to know you Do you understand how close we are connected to the metadata that creates that zoning? You are a fool to think I am suckered into being "you mark" --- GET THE FUCK OFF ME --- GO FUCK AND DIE I SAID STANDARD -- I MEAN IT!
Jun 29, 2018 11:15:30am
James M Driskill
Good Day Sir
Jun 29, 2018 11:12:00am
James M Driskill
That is our future.
Jun 29, 2018 11:11:50am
James M Driskill
To understand why --- you would have to watch something educational. But you won't listen so why bother. [ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Welcome-To-Nano-City/dp/B06WVGNK53 ]
Jun 29, 2018 11:11:41am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 29, 2018 11:07:02am
James M Driskill
Facebook knows we know each other. But you using Facebook in an obscure manner. For that reason alone, I do not want anything to do with you forever. Do you understand me ?
Jun 29, 2018 11:07:00am
James M Driskill
piece of shit --- does not make goodness --- i don't need to call you --- you need to call me --- on my line like you have been doing for all of this time. You change modes, not I., I do not support voice and/or video chat in messenger at all now. It is not supported at this time on my computer. I don't have a microphone or a webcam connected to this machine for "security reasons".
  • 😠Timothy Ashley
Jun 28, 2018 8:30:25am
Timothy Ashley
stop acting stupid call my fucking phone piece of shit you have the phone number
Jun 28, 2018 8:28:17am
James M Driskill
I uninstalled it --- per recommendations of #DeleteFacebook advice.
Jun 28, 2018 8:27:23am
James M Driskill
I don't have messenger installed on my mobile device.
Jun 28, 2018 8:26:17am
James M Driskill
You can call me.... if I don't answer --- leave a voicemail otherwise I consider your call --- not important --- to call back. At this stage of our interpersonal relations. I cannot answer calls on my computer in messenger. I don't have a microphone.
Jun 28, 2018 8:25:25am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Jun 28, 2018 8:25:17am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Jun 28, 2018 8:24:59am
Timothy Ashley
What th what's the fuck does that have to do with you stopping texting me I don't want to see any of your messages I don't want any messages from you
Jun 28, 2018 8:24:36am
Timothy Ashley
Im going to say this one more and I want to talk to you I'll call you I'll contact you
Jun 28, 2018 8:23:49am
James M Driskill
if you leave voicemail on my Google Voice number, it converts that voicemail to text. So that I am aware of it in text. That is my default delivery preference.
Jun 28, 2018 8:22:20am
James M Driskill
if you left voicemail, it would be an "audio file" attached here in this messenger content. As the blank voicemail shows. There is no difference between voice calls and text chat as far as I am considering this friendship at this stage. You will Thank Me One Day --- hopefully soon.
Jun 28, 2018 8:21:11am
Timothy Ashley
I asked you to do one simple thing I told you to stop messaging me. I don't want to read your messages cuz stupid the lifeless
Jun 28, 2018 8:20:40am
Timothy Ashley
Now why why doesn't that surprise me you don't want it argue well it is what it is I'm not trying to pressure you to do anything that you don't want to do that seems like something you're more interested in making people to talk and think and worry about you when you're a grown fucking man and you stand on your own two feet and do your own thing
Jun 28, 2018 8:19:43am
James M Driskill
if you left voicemail, when you could do so, it would be helpful. But you are just interested in an arguement. I am not interested in arguing.
Jun 28, 2018 8:18:51am
Timothy Ashley
What did i tell u about these messeages , if there is something on you mind you needed to call me im not one of your fly by night friends you wanna act like people are fucked up towards u but in actuallity u start doing things that piss people off to the point where they just don't even want to see your face ever again stop doing that you might wait for money or make more friends or make more anything in life if you just kick back and stop being such a fucking shit head
Jun 28, 2018 8:18:07am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 28, 2018 8:17:02am
James M Driskill
This image reflects we have --- established a link on facebook.
Jun 28, 2018 8:16:57am
James M Driskill
You left to substantive message in your voicemail. I really not wanting to get involved in an argument with you. I visited the Ryan White Contracted Services Administration Office Yesterday with my mother. I am trying to get accomplished results to bring forward a case complaint against FAP for not providing housing resource services to me -- and those who are under me -- will be released from their "informational quanantine" they are subject to fall under by classification as belonging to "the dirty". We can discuss the matter after the resolves have taken hold, but you frankly are not paying attention to me -- the importance of my messaging --- to the understanding that I am not going to be one who just sits by and allows friends [ if that is what we can be ] to become victims of a system of hate. It is all within the scope of an email that I have addressed in content to housing coordinator Anthony Brazier of Foothill Aids Project. If you have been paying attention so far, you know that this URL is valid :

[ http://timothy-kyle-ashley.myfriendinneedwhenheisunwareoftroublesafoot.foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/Staff/Anthony_Brazier/E-Mail/ ] - You can link to the email directory and individal email yourself. Images attachments are not able to be downloaded from stored email archived this way. The mention of Friends? is subjected to scruitiny of "informational quanantine" -- Dear you are in an "informational quanantine" and subject to being controled by that quarantine to the behavior and dysfunction of our relationship. I have no other choice but to bring the truth forward.
Jun 28, 2018 8:11:21am
Timothy Ashley
Jun 28, 2018 6:33:38am
Timothy Ashley
You missed a call from Timothy.
Jun 28, 2018 6:32:38am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 27, 2018 6:31:15pm
James M Driskill
This is showing that facebook knows that we are linked together. There is no option to remove that link. You side of this question prompting will be said forever of your interface with Facebook. "Add Friend" it says... ? The post reference to Foothill Aids Project relates to you. I am sharing that post via this messenger even though you asked me to contact you only via voice. That restriction means that you are attempting to hide from "content linking" which you can't. I will only be sharing 1 screen snapshot, this text, and a public posting regarding Foothill Aids Project. End of messenger sharing. There is no other tool that can replace it.
Jun 27, 2018 6:31:12pm
James M Driskill
That is a TED TALK --- IDEAS WORTH SHARING MOTTO --- on the suibject -- it has the same script as the animated video version. It is about connection and building relationships of trust dear. You failed!
Jun 26, 2018 10:38:53am
James M Driskill
Jun 26, 2018 10:37:48am
James M Driskill
The opposite and answer to addition is not sobriety. The answer to addiction is "rat park" connection. But you won't listen to me, you want to hold onto thinking like an addict which is not true. I don't care what you think you know about addiction --- everything that we think we know about addiction is wrong. The script in this animated version is copied ina TED TALK video. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao8L-0nSYzg ] --- I know the facts and you ain't fooling me to your game.
Jun 26, 2018 10:37:02am
James M Driskill
Jun 26, 2018 10:25:50am
James M Driskill
Dear - I already have a video on this subject of "game play" play. No more lies. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGIZJRTqqlc ] --- Normalzing Drug use -- Drugs are not any more addictive that other involment addictions. Stop thinking like an addict. That is what is suggested.
Jun 26, 2018 10:25:26am
James M Driskill
You set the nickname for Timothy Ashley to Addictus: one who has no voice - slave to process.
Jun 26, 2018 10:24:17am
James M Driskill
No I'm not doing that to changing modes. Call voice and I will answer your call as it is being call recorded.
Jun 21, 2018 1:42:16pm
James M Driskill
Call again I don't answer your call knowing that it will be called recorded.
Jun 21, 2018 1:41:47pm
James M Driskill
If I answered the phone with my cell ring ding it will be call recording the call. That I guarantee we'll be the message to which I answered your call.
Jun 21, 2018 1:41:16pm
Timothy Ashley
pick up the phone
Jun 21, 2018 1:40:41pm
James M Driskill
call me crazy.... i don't won't disturb me and the belief I hold as written here as the hidden truth. Goodbye
Jun 21, 2018 12:21:26pm
James M Driskill
Jun 21, 2018 12:20:47pm
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 😵.
Jun 21, 2018 12:20:43pm
James M Driskill
You set the nickname for Timothy Ashley to I don't adore con-artists who continue the game.
Jun 21, 2018 12:19:58pm
James M Driskill
Call me arrogant, I don't care. I don't think I was wrong in the moment -- and since you tend to have ignored the first day away because you have were caught. I only prompt your response after the fact of jeopardy for ignoring me. You would have ignored the situation forever --- if I had not posted the last updates onto comments into view of your timeline. Don't bother --- you all follow the patterns of recognized game. don't bother ----it ain't gonna fly with me --- trying to deny what has happened. The only thing that will save this relationship from absolute endgame collapse -- is an apology. You will be so stubborn to admit that --- and to that credit GOODBYE
Jun 21, 2018 12:11:34pm
James M Driskill
You were bouncing memes patterns off each other --- onto to me -- as though I am not keen to their existence. It was a dual play out game --- I don't think I am wrong.
Jun 21, 2018 12:08:32pm
James M Driskill
You stopped reading. Read me before you reply.
Jun 21, 2018 12:06:16pm
James M Driskill
No response?
Jun 21, 2018 12:05:13pm
James M Driskill
Jun 21, 2018 12:05:02pm
James M Driskill
that was to cause sympathy over ordeal that I would feel sorry for her. Pity is what I feel for someone who gives thousands of dollars of rip off to so called friend. Oh boy --- OVER THE FUCKED UP HUMAN TOP GUYS --- OVER THE TOP OF RATIONAL BELIEVE!
Jun 21, 2018 12:04:55pm
James M Driskill
The banter of hers before that of being ripped for stuff, thousands of dollars she said in property loss. OVER THE TOP GUYS OVER THE TOP --- UNBELIEVEABLE --- NOT TRUE STORY NOT TRUE!
Jun 21, 2018 12:03:30pm
James M Driskill
I am sick and tired of knowing the game and having it played out on me -- just because I am the nice one trying to help you out ---does not mean to over-reach. You over-reached yourself in that moment. and I don't believe I am wrong.
Jun 21, 2018 12:02:30pm
James M Driskill
Well, you made it a point --- that every single penny was at your hands. I wonder if you thought it nice to offer a thank you. I don't recall. The option of food, the delivery of food, the impact of having to play out complaint issues about the choices made because of a cost --- over some edge of reason -- like you all did not know how much something was.... it was over the top --- over the top -- game play as though I would just cower into paying the difference. OVER THE TOP GUYS --- OVER THE TOP OF RIDICULOUS!
Jun 21, 2018 12:00:58pm
Timothy Ashley
so anyhow that money that was spent on whatever food that was bought the other day wasn't for me those are my friend in the backseat the $20 that was sent to the front seat of the car to pay for the meal was her money and I'll what goes on in her pockets is her business and application what goes on in my pockets is my business
Jun 21, 2018 11:58:14am
James M Driskill
That call lasted a half hour from the time of 11am to little past - and that was productive. So why are you questioning me of productiveivity. Have you done something productive in your life today to secure a housing after your rehab. With the resource of the Ryan White Admin before I reenter into FAP, I may have some clout. But then again, I have no faith I have any friends to find to help.
Jun 21, 2018 11:58:09am
James M Driskill
I don't have to answer you with details. But I found out through a distant office of Aids Project that there is a Ryan White Admin office here in San Bernardino. That was productive.
Jun 21, 2018 11:55:42am
James M Driskill
My shirt says "I may be wrong but I highly doubt it, I am a James" --- for a reason --- and on everything you challenge me on --- I am more likely right--- so go blow off steam of your insult. I am in this mission work for a solid reason and you carry forward unitied to me -- with that understanding we are friends right? No, you carry forward with your friends and me differently. I don't see where you are that much matching me. I don't see compatibility. I only see you making it nice for me for convenence of something I don't understand ---- a convenience that I am something helping you ---= when I am trying. But every option of resource that you can muster up out of me, is done. The change in the car was over the top for a meal that I was not going to pay for --- you saiid you would panhandle for the money to buy the food. So you were broke. But then again a $20 was set up into motion to pay for the food ---when I firmly said I would not be offering the payment for the difference absolute. So the game play is still in motion ---- you did not have to go that direction. You and her had the means to buy whatever you wanted at your hands. But you had to scrape to the last penny my change in my car --- for that is like --- you would take my last remaining shirt off my back if I was sunburn and leave me to roast away to dust.
  • 😠Timothy Ashley
Jun 21, 2018 11:54:44am
Timothy Ashley
M what is it that you're doing right now that's productive
Jun 21, 2018 11:51:57am
Timothy Ashley
yeah you might be right about
Jun 21, 2018 11:48:49am
James M Driskill
The day before yesterday when you here ---- you were in the garage and you played the simon and garfunkle version of the song. And I asked you specifically, Have you heard the "Disturbed" version? If that is a lie, strike me down with a bolt of lightening dead --- please tell me your memory is not that dim.
Jun 21, 2018 11:47:43am
Timothy Ashley
I'm playing
Jun 21, 2018 11:46:44am
Timothy Ashley
and what game is it that you think
Jun 21, 2018 11:46:26am
Timothy Ashley
check this out I never said anything about helping any Community that's something that you profess to do I could give a fuck less about the community understand that and second I never ever play The Sound of Silence yesterday
Jun 21, 2018 11:45:31am
James M Driskill
There may be hope for us --- but I am broken from your need to carry on the game.
Jun 20, 2018 7:32:12pm
James M Driskill
Those words to this song are presented in my LinkdIn Help Support many days ago. Before you played this song yesterday.
Jun 20, 2018 7:31:48pm
James M Driskill
If you really wanted to do something to help community -- you would listen to the audio presentation in this link which is an hour and a half presentation of my LinkedIn Help Interface that goes to the corrective adaptation of fixes that can be applied here -- they refuse to release their control of this conspiracy. http://truthfinder.com.webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/[Case-180603-002250]/LinkedInHelp-Full12hourupdates.html -- You do not have to sign into LinkedIn to use this link. I have a copy of the text and a spoken voice text narrative interface at this link. Facebook is balking at the links refer to content that is behind a firewall when I have recopied the content out of that firewall for the public knowledge. I can see where the code does that and remove it, but that would be an effective violation of modification coding which would be a legitimate reason of complaint to have the contents removed. But they can't if it is an exact mirror copy. Contents provided in full. The only modification is a disabilities allowance interface for persons with a visual disability who can't read. They are in a conflict of law if they attempt to conduct a content removal request. I provide the content in view for the visually disabled.
Jun 20, 2018 7:23:32pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 20, 2018 7:16:50pm
James M Driskill
Just to confirm, you are publically tagged to this public post - https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10212013099224889 -- cool preview on your post Basic Human Needs
Jun 20, 2018 7:16:18pm
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 20, 2018 7:11:29pm
James M Driskill
There is a read status indicator on messenger. Therefore this is my main tool to communicate things for you. Things are Terran Imbalanced Relations. [ that is a folder from the root of @ f u c k e d u p h u m a n . n e t ] --- it represents the interface that I received at the County of San Bernardino that they detached services/suspended services rather than bringing forward mental health wellness therapy that would first acknowledge there was a hate conspiracy in Denver and second to actually place the therapy needed to recover from an 11 month hate collective attacking me. That is what they did rather than allowing the truth to be told and the responsibility to have the persons responsible corrected for this situation, they detached services to prevent their legal obligation to report to authorities the "mental abuse" that I went through from their professional perspective. What is unprofessional is everything that represents to be able to bring forward the truth are cut out of the mix because they know the rational truth that is behind the conspiracy and knows that it is that bad to not reveal. They know this conspiracy of racial divide in social services. They know that surveillance is being conducted in the county system.. Slide9 notes the replacement old model that the county is still working under. They would have to abandon the racially biased system here in the County, and the haters in the county in charge of the department of behavioral health are in a conflict of interest to have that occur. They removed my interface to county services. It is that extreme dear. Please open and watch on a time-indexed coded 10-minute discussion on YouTube -- Mini Law School on Article 12 of the Convention for Rights For Persons With disabilities, I being the one to enforce the rule of law here. They detach services instead of enabling my rights. This is extreme I tell you --- extreme bias because they already know they are in the wrong but suffer from Terran Imbalanced Relations. And on a different front, so do you. You will not give up the game.
Jun 20, 2018 7:11:27pm
James M Driskill
As of this event --- this is your friends list copied onto my domain space --- as one bad makes all look bad, one good makes all look good. Currently standing "in good standing" is your facebook mirror reflection. [ http://webdomains.gruwup.net/facebook.com/Timothy.Ashley/Friends%20-%20Timothy.Ashley.html ]
Jun 20, 2018 2:48:24am
James M Driskill
We life in a multi-media world. I choose to be in that world not issocate from it.
Jun 19, 2018 4:35:15am
James M Driskill
Jun 19, 2018 4:34:37am
James M Driskill
Look at the time index coding for this file - first run -- "4:44" --- Triple Four.
Jun 19, 2018 3:34:03am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 19, 2018 2:51:21am
James M Driskill
Your device is getting confused --- not interpreting your keypresses correctly. This one takes the cake. I have had replicated sentences like this with my own device. Not for the reason why you have had this occur. I know you did not type this out like this. You have issued two blocks of text like this with no explanation. I am aware of crazy talk. This is not crazy talk -- but it is crazy if we listen to it. I am taking these into spoken voice narrative for the hillarium that it should be. lol
Jun 19, 2018 2:51:18am
Timothy Ashley
Something other than sap try try try try or try or try or try or try or try or the try or the presidency try or the presidency try or the presidency try or the presidency try or the presidency try or the presidency and try or the presidency and politics try or the presidency and politics try or the presidency and politics try try or the presidency and politics try try or the presidency and politics try try or the presidency and politics try try or the presidency and politics try try or the presidency and politics try try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children orphaned try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children orphaned in try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children orphaned in try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children orphaned in try or the presidency and politics try the mistreatment of young children orphaned in in Tibet Peruvian brothels
Jun 19, 2018 2:43:31am
Timothy Ashley
would like to think that you're on some sort of political Witch Hunt Witch Hunt Witch Hunt Witch Hunt Witch Hunt Witch Hunt how to Witch Hunt how to get Witch Hunt how to get Witch Hunt how to get this Witch Hunt how to get this project Witch Hunt how to get this project Witch Hunt how to get this project or Witch Hunt how to get this project or Witch Hunt how to get this project or Witch Hunt how to get this project or something Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on another Witch Hunt how to get this project or something like that I stay focused Today's Energy on
Jun 19, 2018 2:41:44am
James M Driskill
Take what I have said here, and mark this date. June 19th 2018. In ten years of time, June 19th 2028 tell me that I was wrong when I am right. You will conclude this of you --- and those around us --- who fall victim to this polarisation of "druggies" into the dirty status classification. Believe it -- they are playing God when they should be lesser of judgment. They should not be judging us that way. They are wrong to do so. They are wrong. I don't call them evil. But evil is evil is evil. There is no lesser evil than evil. There is no greater evil than evil.
Jun 19, 2018 1:40:08am
James M Driskill
That is what they are doing. They are assigning us the evil ones. The dirty. That is to be confronted --- or I be justified in my confrontation of this matter.
Jun 19, 2018 1:35:35am
James M Driskill
The word there is "CONFRONT"
Jun 19, 2018 1:32:51am
James M Driskill
An excerpt from his public address broadcast worldwide live to which this author here was watching and listening to him intently . He said to the world to what I agree has been a part of my missing portion of my mission work ideal - I have no fix for this and I cannot totally be in this community work alone. This is what he told or asked or advised us to do:

[ ... ] , [ ... ] , [ ... ]

------ All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject. Our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good. The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.
Jun 19, 2018 1:31:31am
James M Driskill
This is what Pope Francis says:
Jun 19, 2018 1:31:28am
James M Driskill
Here is a tweet on the subject to Pope Francis. Dear Evil is Evil is Evil. .


Lisette Root
‏ @Simplylisette
14h14 hours ago

@Pontifex Pope Francis, can excommunication be applied to those who are acting in an evil fashion this very moment? Pretending to be Catholic and removing a 45 day old baby from it's mother? Can you make them stop holding this evil up as holy? I beg you, excommunicate the evil.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Jun 19, 2018 1:27:37am
James M Driskill
I have on demand at instant use the JUSTIFICATION for my attitudes in this matter is not without forethought. Dear evil is evil is evil. There is no greater evil than evil. It is evil when one cannot talk about something openly. Meaning the evil is a big secret they are hiding. There is no lesser evil than evil.
Jun 19, 2018 1:21:23am
Timothy Ashley
have you thought to bring that the fact that there are greater Eagles greater or is that greatern greater evils that let the Mungus and if there's no one putting a stop or even caring or taking a blind eye to these things so just like I delete go by it everydmay all day
Jun 19, 2018 1:19:42am
Timothy Ashley
and non necessary and
Jun 19, 2018 1:16:45am
James M Driskill
They confront the issue upward into the ryan white care act itself federal level, is what I am calling for. Confronting the truth is not a sin.
Jun 19, 2018 1:16:03am
Timothy Ashley
Griffith evil and
Jun 19, 2018 1:15:17am
James M Driskill
No bother -- I have a YouTube Link to the important part of this community address. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWQwxtAW0Hk ]
Jun 19, 2018 1:14:54am
Timothy Ashley
that's totally defending what's right by just taking a non-confrontational man on opposing sign
Jun 19, 2018 1:13:36am
James M Driskill
Jun 19, 2018 1:12:43am
Timothy Ashley
on them
Jun 19, 2018 1:12:11am
James M Driskill
That title should and used to show as the preview of this link. Bullshit it has changed.
Jun 19, 2018 1:11:05am
James M Driskill
Facebook is interfering with my content delivery of title addressing.
Jun 19, 2018 1:10:18am
James M Driskill
It is showing on the preview line below my typing.
Jun 19, 2018 1:09:49am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 19, 2018 1:09:33am
James M Driskill
Jun 19, 2018 1:09:31am
James M Driskill
affidavit requires a lawsuit or criminal complaint to be pursued. I really don't want that course of action on these matters. I just want to have a voice of concern, that being true real true grit concern, for matters that I know are collaborated by a person who is intelligent. I deserve an intelligent response to my correspondences of writing.. They offer none. That is wrong. That is so so so so wrong! http://community.gruwup.net/01 : The Status of Peacebuilding can only be offered outside of basic survival needs apparently. With words of Pope Francis call to our Congress in Sept of 2015. It is 2018 and still, I have not seen this happen in our community. I am a true believer in higher learning and higher wisdom and higher conscience guidances. This I hold true.
Jun 19, 2018 1:08:45am
James M Driskill
If forbid something were to happen to me, I only provide the links for resource purposes in that you realize I am telling you the truth. I don't do it any other way but to provide a digital footprint of my findings.
Jun 19, 2018 1:03:12am
Timothy Ashley
that word should have been conducive but it was spelled wrong and you don't have to send me all these sleeps you can tell me links you don't have to send me all these links you can tell the things to me or what you read from them from your own mouth and your words I don't need to reason for Bay temp because she says of matter is the was no signs affidavit same that that's the actual true statement made from these people
Jun 19, 2018 1:01:38am
James M Driskill
That is an emoji
Jun 19, 2018 1:01:25am
James M Driskill
Jun 19, 2018 1:01:16am
James M Driskill
I am clarifying my clairvoyance on this subject here in messenger with you and the purple crystal emoji that I set into motion onto this conversation. That is what I am doing.
Jun 19, 2018 1:01:04am
Timothy Ashley
M lol I know right so what are you doing right now
Jun 19, 2018 12:59:12am
James M Driskill
sushi is the only thing I need clairification. Is that the word you wanted? I don't understand that sentence.
Jun 19, 2018 12:59:08am
James M Driskill
You are excused.
Jun 19, 2018 12:58:12am
Timothy Ashley
excuse some of my typing there are some words that are typos I just caught that it's because of my voice to text app doesn't catch every word I made might catch air Moses in the background
Jun 19, 2018 12:57:50am
James M Driskill
There is a phrase "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" that would be true with a few services. For fully wise we are on course to either survive to our life expectancy expiration or not. Guermo did something wrong. He is no longer working there. I am not sure why. But I wrote a letter is a disappointment and no confidence in services rendered by him. He was my mental health interface to services there. http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/Platform-MediaWorkBin-HonorableorDishonor-ThisFolderCanBeRelocated--CLIENT-SERVICES-SUSPENDED-LACK-OF-GOOD-FAITH-ON-BEHALF-OF-AGENCY-SIDE-OF-CONTRACTED-SERVICES/
Jun 19, 2018 12:57:38am
Timothy Ashley
Mwe m are they helpful or can do sushi you and any way and in such way switch are they helpful and conducive you on a date today basis what services you they provide you have a provided you
Jun 19, 2018 12:57:04am
Timothy Ashley
in your reviews in your research have you searched and found conclusive evidence that there is a entity or organization or group that has higher rate inspire rankings and higher reviews send this program if so what are they and how are
Jun 19, 2018 12:56:13am
Timothy Ashley
did ad daddy day and what you felt like all we going to go work at you hi do could you tell who did she farewell I feel like at least some help is better than no help I little as better than the nothing a few is more than none I give credit where credit is due the Viking attempt they making effort and nothing they've done spells out anything differently and my eyes for my perspective I think they do one okay job and if they had done something wrong I would move on to the next no guarantees
Jun 19, 2018 12:52:47am
James M Driskill
Because no former or current employees of FAP stand forward to report these same things under their roof, does not mean they do not exist.
Jun 19, 2018 12:52:31am
James M Driskill
That means there is something fishy going on. Don't say I did not tell you now. For if there was not something fishy going on, they would respond simularly that Friday Desert Aids Project has on my twitter. That is palm springs area. They have a very poor review showing on glassdoor I approach the topics with. Don't tell me that this does not exist. [ https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Desert-AIDS-Project-RVW8368599.htm ]
Jun 19, 2018 12:50:08am
Timothy Ashley
it seems to negative of I don't know if I I can handle all that freakin Caesars your said you can look at the glasses have full you going look at it just have empty but believe me have you considered what either of our lives happy like without these people without super 8 pre assumption or green Ocean without even thinking just imagine or remember what it was like the
Jun 19, 2018 12:48:42am
James M Driskill
They still have not provided an answer to this. They remain silent.
Jun 19, 2018 12:47:13am
James M Driskill
Note the URL that is showing under the preview is active.
Jun 19, 2018 12:46:08am
James M Driskill
Note there is a preview title that is displayed here in messenger.
Jun 19, 2018 12:45:43am
James M Driskill
All I can say is from my interface with Gerremo involved in my case --- Gerrremo no longer is working there. I wanted to deliver a document to his care. That was the week before left to Denver. It was delivered but still has not been responded to. There is a YouTube Video under the name of foothill aids project that can be accessed from this folder link: [ http://timothy-kyle-ashley.foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/%5bYouTube%5d%20-%20To%20Foothill%20Aids%20Project/ ]
Jun 19, 2018 12:45:21am
Timothy Ashley
I'm a firm believer in you get what you deserve and nothing is offer to form free you must work for everything you have these people only nothing and such I have Peyton nothing so what should I have my hand up for anything that they offer should be a blessing and taking a such and not speaking for granted so I'm thankful for every helping hand out that I get
Jun 19, 2018 12:43:55am
Timothy Ashley
My you keep sayin these things about them but i have yet to be done wrong by these people theyve not promised me abything and did not deliver everything i have been offerd has been because its availablr to them please keeps and mind is that when you squander things that's just the way the cookie crumbles but if you cherish them and my last two good longer and mean a lot moreh
Jun 19, 2018 12:42:28am
James M Driskill
you can pass this information to another person, by their namesake similarly as I have done for you. If you don't know their full name, I can be a conduit of information research on TruthFinder to that course of full name binding presence. It is not that hard to find full names of people if you are aware of enough information. You are new to the HIV Aids Social Services misdirected deliverance of services. You are new and you hold faith that all is aye ok. I tell you they are not ok. I tell you wiser than not, that by the registration process of rehab through FAP, you have conditioned your services to a certain coursework potential of non-active services that you actually qualified to receive. They will claim you are on "evaluation" for these needed services while they place that funding into the budget but don't provide the services, the difference is pocketed into their care because you have not understood the dimension of dysfunction and disservice because you are not questioning their deliverance upon you. You are among the "dirty" that goes to the point of why it is imperative this be fixed. ]\
Jun 19, 2018 12:39:33am
James M Driskill
It is an emoji
Jun 19, 2018 12:33:29am
James M Driskill
Jun 19, 2018 12:33:19am
James M Driskill
I actually know what the fuck I am talking about.
Jun 19, 2018 12:33:14am
James M Driskill
As a current client of foothill aids project, you really should browse the contents that are filed here: [ http://timothy-kyle-ashley.foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] - you may want to do this on a desktop machine instead of a mobile device. When you are ready to do that, you can do that from my house or we can go to the library to perform this action. It just serves best the knowledge that you can say to your case manager, "I am aware of the contents that are filed at foothill aids project dot fuckeduphuman dot net. " : Are you aware of those contents? If not, time to get aware. And demand your case management to be client focused centered rather than the model they use which is a conflict of interest model that is being replaced --- if only --- if only --- if only -- clients would educate themselves to their submission of a system that is not designed in our best interest.
  • 😠Timothy Ashley
Jun 19, 2018 12:31:46am
James M Driskill
It is an emoji
Jun 19, 2018 12:05:26am
James M Driskill
Jun 18, 2018 11:58:27pm
James M Driskill
Quotation Introduction From This Article

"Purple and its lighter lavender shades has a special, almost sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, lilac and violet flowers are often delicate and considered precious.

While purple is the color of royalty, lavender is the color of feminity. It’s a grown up pink.

Purples are often rulers. Spiritual mastery is also under purple: those who strive for enlightened perfection do so under its influence. Also found here are the visionaries, working with the highest levels of thought , and seeing and hearing without using physical sense. Those under purple use its psychic perception on an everyday basis. They can be seen as mysterious and powerful."
Jun 18, 2018 11:57:18pm
James M Driskill
Why is this emoji purple or better defined lavendar?
Jun 18, 2018 11:55:53pm
James M Driskill
Jun 18, 2018 11:53:19pm
James M Driskill
You changed the chat theme.
Jun 18, 2018 11:41:00pm
James M Driskill
You changed the chat theme.
Jun 18, 2018 11:40:42pm
James M Driskill
My mother and I are going to go over to Foothill Aids Project this week to reattach services properly. I will explain it to them, clients of theirs I am advising to watch you guys for violations of privacy.
Jun 18, 2018 10:41:48pm
James M Driskill
All of these .mp3 files need an html coded player file. My server keeps giving me a server reset error. I am not into coding that right now.
Jun 18, 2018 10:39:38pm
James M Driskill
and rationally. This has a male voice counterpart audio spoken voice narrative if you prefer. "Now only rational thinking can save the world" by Andre Vitchec. sp? [ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Only-Rational-Thinking/OnlyRationalThinking-%5bFemale%5d.mp3 ]
Jun 18, 2018 10:37:25pm
James M Driskill
I had a nice twitter chat and an email address to Desert Aids Project on Friday. They are finally opening their pathways of communication to. Someone is starting to worry they are not going to remain secret much longer if they keep it up. I tell you, both of these are BREAKING THE BAD out of social services. They are outwitted by a master of technology theory. That is me. That is what I hold against them.... and anyone who does not think logically.
Jun 18, 2018 10:33:08pm
James M Driskill
Jun 18, 2018 10:29:43pm
James M Driskill
They have to enable the rights of persons with disabilities, per the UN Convention that was 2009. They have denied my rights to hold a huge big secret. The same conspiracy of not being able to tell the truth in social media about this matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrjKE9SeI9s&feature=youtu.be&t=43m00s
Jun 18, 2018 10:23:31pm
James M Driskill
You can bypass this link - it is large file --- but the url is valid;. [ http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/linkedin.com/Screen%20Recording%20(2018-06-18%206-32-07%20PM).wmv ] -- it goes to the facts they are pinned against the wall to do the right thing. They finally shifted --- a break of light in a dark tunnel.
Jun 18, 2018 10:20:53pm
James M Driskill
I have not reattached services. I have an address to fix with LinkedIn first. I am almost there. They still have not committed themselves to change the perspectives that caused 3 deleted help desk case tickets, and blocking me from creating a new case. They finally release that block against my account. it was tested today.
Jun 18, 2018 10:19:08pm
James M Driskill
Jun 18, 2018 10:17:02pm
James M Driskill
Jun 18, 2018 10:15:23pm
James M Driskill
So are you into emoji fortune telling? If not, I suggest that you change the emoji. I on the other hand, could tell your future fortune based on current events. But you would have to trust that I could / would be that accurate. I would not hold back.
Jun 18, 2018 10:15:09pm
Timothy Ashley
Jun 18, 2018 10:11:29pm
James M Driskill
Thank You
Jun 18, 2018 9:40:18pm
Timothy Ashley
You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've read messages.
Jun 18, 2018 9:39:07pm
James M Driskill
African Wisdom Guidance Symbolic Communication System -- Adinkra
Jun 08, 2018 3:51:15am
James M Driskill
Jun 08, 2018 3:45:31am
James M Driskill
You set the emoji to 🔮.
Jun 08, 2018 3:45:18am
James M Driskill
http://timothy.kyle.ashley.emoji.gruwup.net/AllSeeingEye.jpg --- This is the future to which I have coded the technology. Don't blame the messenger. Don't kill the messenger. This reality of society is predictable.
Jun 08, 2018 2:33:31am
James M Driskill
Note the URL
Jun 08, 2018 2:30:59am
James M Driskill
And the truth is the only thing that we can be living today. BTW, anyone is free to use my domains in a way, even to call out my inconsistencies of life. They domains have ia special technology adaptive that allows for the open subdomain namespace defintions even if the subdomain is not pretermined. Such as [ http://timothy.kyle.ashley.emoji.gruwup.net/Oblivion.jpg ]
Jun 08, 2018 2:30:42am
James M Driskill
In the personal name of my case manager, this would be defamation if what is stated here is not true. [ http://angelaelizabethkeady.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] --- and to build the character of associations, I hold this power upon all of my relationships. If there is anyone who really injures me, I will create this same kind of function of peace building solves over violence. Nothing is disturbed here in the real world but minds.
Jun 08, 2018 2:21:24am
James M Driskill
Jun 08, 2018 2:18:35am
James M Driskill
Tim : You see I am public enemy #1 as far as exposing this big secret in the Ryan White Care Act that they don't want to have to confess is the truth. The Cascade Aids Project Employee Review Here best describes the actual underlying Ryan White Agencies across the United States. An Employee stood forward and properly defines it [ https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Cascade-AIDS-Project-RVW8041978.htm ] - and he attributes this from the perspective of employee side of an agency. Can you imagine the level of oppression and suppression of services clients are being treated to?? Read the review for yourself. This feeling of illness, yuckiness is a aftereffect of knowing how far they would go to hide this secret. They know I know. And they also know they can't do anything about their online placement that is for the record. If it was not true, they would have liable and defamation standing against me for listing this matter in this fasion. When I don't receive a reply or a communication content removal request ---- the story stands true. And if this was as high stakes secret as I project it to be, unless there is a fix for this at a high -- high policy engagement, this situation is evil. That evil is what is making me upset and I can't do anything about it. Until there is an acknowledgement --- from their side --- that things have changed --- the evil being allowed to transform into peace will I feel complete. I feel broken by them and they have won. Because no one is talking about this in community. Even though what is showing, the glassdoor reviews, more than just this one.... is horrific if you apply that much has gone unreported by the cowering powers of fear and intimidation by those in power. There is someone or something very big on top of the scheme. And It makes me nervous to know that no body seems to understand it but me.
Jun 08, 2018 2:15:28am
James M Driskill
IP Address:
Jun 07, 2018 11:03:56pm
James M Driskill
A Thank You
Jun 07, 2018 11:03:28pm
James M Driskill
So you know Yosef.
Jun 07, 2018 10:59:47pm