James M Driskill updated his status.
: Hip Hip Horray : Hip Hip Horray! Its Barack Obama Day!
James M Driskill updated his status.
:: Hip Hip Horray :: Hip Hip Horray :: It's Barack Obama Day ::
James M Driskill updated his status.
:: Hip Hip Horray :: Hip Hip Horray :: George Bush go go go away!! ::
James M Driskill updated his status.
says **** BUSH: Strike Three and Your'e Outta Here!!! ***
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Will Obama Swear or Affrm?
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Keli, Up to 2000 updates per minute.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I hope that if people are putting Q: Questions here --- others are taking time to reply with A: Answers in email.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Now it is up to 3000 a minute!
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Everyone Say "HIP HIP HORRAY!!" --- "HIP HIP HORRAY" --- It's Barack Obama Day!
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Everyone type " O B A M A !! O B A M A !!"
James M Driskill updated his status.
We can start a feedback loop --- "OBAMA! OBAMA!" HIP HIP HORRAY!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Pomp and Circumstance
James M Driskill updated his status.
Let us pray
James M Driskill updated his status.
****** LET US UNITE *** LET US PRAY ********
James M Driskill updated his status.
"Join Together" !!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Here it IS!
James M Driskill updated his status.
music --- take my mind way from you all here
James M Driskill updated his status.
Where can I download this score? It MUST NOW BE ONLINE!
James M Driskill updated his status.
H O R R A Y ! !
James M Driskill updated his status.
All you Business Execs... Check out: RestoringTrust.Com
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
That's all folks!
James M Driskill updated his status.
IT HAS BEEN GRAND SHARING AND WATCHING WITH ALL OF YOU --- Even only I only got a sample and sent a sample.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Bring us complete worldwide peace.
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is proud to be an American.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Supports Campaign to create United States Department of Peace [ ThePeaceAlliance.org ] [ BarackObama.Com ] [ Change.Gov ] Check it out!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com live
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com/live and will be participating in cnn.com/facebook online joint event for Obama's State of The Union Address on Tuesday 2/24!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is heading to sleep while his computer continues working on projects that benefit humanity @WorldCommunityGrid.Org such as cancer, fightaids@home & Clean Energy
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com/live while his computer is working on projects that benefit humanity @WorldCommunityGrid.Org such as cancer, fightaids@home & Clean Energy.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching queued tv videos on hulu.com while his computer works on projects that benefit humanity @WorldCommunityGrid.Org for cancer, fightaids@home. hunger!
James M Driskill updated his status.
watching cnn.com/live Oscars while his computer works on projects that benefit humanity @WorldCommunityGrid.Org for cancer, fightaids@home. world hunger
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching queued tv shows @hulu.com while his computer exec tasks that benefit humanity @WorldCommunityGrid.Org for cancer, fightaids@home. world hunger!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com/live while his computer exec tasks that benefit humanity @WorldCommunityGrid.Org for cancer, fightaids@home. world hunger!
The Handbook of Integral Management

by L. David Montague

LDM Associates, Management and Systems Engineering Consultants Specializing in Project Management Solutions.

Integral Management Techniques:

Remedy for Many of Today's Management Ills

Written two years before the "dot com" implosion and the Enron scandal, Restoring Trust foresaw today’s crisis in American business. Sound management practices have all but been eclipsed by the recent and seemingly endless revelations of fraud and excess at the highest level, often aided and abetted by the financial community. The recent carnage is the product of management practices perverted by personal greed, based neither on good corporate governance or good corporate citizenship. This betrayal of public trust has destroyed confidence in Corporate America, its so called independent analysts, and its regulators.
Updated Feb 23, 2009 11:48:44pm
Department of Peace Campaign
2009 National Conference
March 20-23, 2009 - Washington DC

Join Congressional Host Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Riane Eisler, Wayne Gilchrest, Ocean Robbins, Rich and Yvonne St. John-Dutra (as seen on Oprah!) and more for this historic four-day event in Washington, D.C. Bring the kids for our first-ever Youth Peace Camp! Read stories from previous conference participants and get a taste of the transformative power of citizen activism! Learn more...

Updated Feb 24, 2009 1:36:32am
James M Driskill updated his status.
is tuned in. Wondering how possible "missing monies" in HUD public housing may have contributed to an wrongful eviction [WG06266106]
James M Driskill updated his status.
is tuned in. Wondering how possible "missing monies" in HUD public housing may have contributed to a wrongful eviction [CASE WG06266106] in Oakland, CA
James M Driskill updated his status.
Zac, what spam are you talking about?
James M Driskill updated his status.
Zac, I messed the text up on the first1 --- it was a err repost --- sorry
James M Driskill updated his status.
is tuned in. Wondering how possible "missing monies" in HUD public housing may have contributed to a wrongful eviction [CASE WG06266106] in Oakland, CA
James M Driskill updated his status.
Obama Yesterday: "Obama has pledged to root out fraud and abuse in Medicare and eliminate waste in federal agencies"
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hopes Obama Cleans Up HUD : Last Year HUD Secretary quits amid housing crisis and a criminal probe of his activities
James M Driskill updated his status.
HI Reggie --- Good Morning!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hopes Obama Cleans Up HUD : Last Year HUD Secretary quits amid housing crisis and a criminal probe of his activities.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hopes Obama Cleans up and AUDITS "Missing Monies" in HUD : Last Year HUD Secretary quits amid housing crisis and a criminal probe of his activities.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Otukile, it is not until 9pm ET. ---- You have not missed it.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hopes Obama Cleans up and AUDITS "Missing Monies" in HUD : Last Year HUD Secretary A. Jackson quits amid housing crisis and a criminal probe of his activities.
James M Driskill updated his status.
now watching Speaker Pelosi Briefing Stream -- Larry King not Pelosi
James M Driskill updated his status.
Anyone watching Mardi Gras?
James M Driskill updated his status.
switching back to watch main stream 1
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hopes Obama Cleans up and AUDITS "Missing Monies" in HUD : Last Year HUD Secretary A. Jackson quits amid housing crisis and a criminal probe of his activities.
James M Driskill updated his status.
no one must be watching the trial --- clicking on stream instantly starts to play.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Returning to Main Stream1
James M Driskill updated his status.
Jahisun: Visit [ ThePeaceAlliance.Org] Campaign to create a "US DEPT OF PEACE"
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Us should NOT ban guns --- then the criminals and terroists will be able to shoot at will.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I don't have a gun myself --- but respect others that do.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I do support gun limits on Assult Mode Weapons --- They belong only to class : Military
James M Driskill updated his status.
Belives that local law enforcement [police] should be armed with NON-LETHAL weapons.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Wishes there was an link translator to these messages. [ grin ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
REGGIE : Are you watching these comments while you are on the air?
James M Driskill updated his status.
30 days no --- dweeb yes.
James M Driskill updated his status.
over 200,000 attendees have said they are going to be here today...... This chat is gonna get busy!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Nuke the Federal Reserve
James M Driskill updated his status.
On SSDI Disability -- About $5000 is debt -- but they won't collect on fixed income status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Let the Banks that are mismangged FAIL --- Automatically move accounts to a new bank [ without buyout ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
Obama is under-wraps --- memorizing his speech for tonight, I bet
James M Driskill updated his status.
Valentine Iloegbunam : Anything and Everything Economy / Policy
James M Driskill updated his status.
Who here watched or read : The National Prayer Service -- January 21st 2009 ??
James M Driskill updated his status.
Swisher --- Wow what a long name.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Big Bang --- Big Hugs
James M Driskill updated his status.
Did the chat slow down?
James M Driskill updated his status.
Joshua, Agreed. Federal Reserve puts us into slavery --- Pres. Thomas Jefferson warned us!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Don't Hate! KKK has no business being mentioned here.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Why do people relate comments of hate? STOP that! Boy --- promote peace --- ThePeaceAlliance.Org -- Campaign to Create "US DEPT OF PEACE"
James M Driskill updated his status.
Wierd Sounds coming from the 4 bloggers --- spacey!
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
This is crazy chat --- I thought we were talking Obama --- Not God.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Switching back to Main Stream1 --- Was watching Bernanke
James M Driskill updated his status.
Did you see that Story about extracting GOLD from the Japan Sewer System?
James M Driskill updated his status.
JOHN KING will be bringing our comments here onto the air! BE NICE AND INTELLIGENT ALL
James M Driskill updated his status.
here are the comments.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Stop all of the name calling people --- your embarrassing us on the air
James M Driskill updated his status.
I am age 43
James M Driskill updated his status.
We are being watched on the air --- BE NICE and BE INTELLIGENT please!
James M Driskill updated his status.
I have sympathy for all of the familiies being forced out of thier homes --- where do they go to live? Shelters? Other family homes on the couch?
James M Driskill updated his status.
Eric Baker : I said try to be nice --- and be intelligent --- that last line was not very intelligent.
James M Driskill updated his status.
My video has now been locked for more than 60 seconds....
James M Driskill updated his status.
Video Locking Fix : Switch and Swap Streams --- Worked!
James M Driskill updated his status.
They don't care to poll us 43 year olds?
James M Driskill updated his status.
HAD TO REBOOT ---- Video & Chat Loicked ---- I did not have this problem during the cnn.com live / facebook Ignauration Event.
James M Driskill updated his status.
More Comments on the Air ---
James M Driskill updated his status.
Scott, ARE YOU HERE? What did you say?
James M Driskill updated his status.
Green Comet ? Up Up In The Sky?
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hopes Obama brings more focus on Persons With Disabilities in the Information Society : ICTA-NA WSIS Position Paper http://www.starlingweb.com/ictana/wsis-e.asp
James M Driskill updated his status.
If Inflation was illegal --- we would be in a Star Trek moneyless society. Yeah -- I could go for that!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Erickson Witt : If that was an actual language of words --- you would have to use a language translator such as google transaction tools to read it.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn live / facebook for Obama's State of the Union Address
James M Driskill updated his status.
LOOK at what they are doing with our words ----!!!
James M Driskill updated his status.
David Bach is SO OUT OF TOUCH of REAL HUMANS in this economy --- he says KISS UP and KISS YOUR BOSS' ASS!
James M Driskill updated his status.
President Obama Speaks in less than 30 minutes.....
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching OBAMA'S ADDRESS via cnn.com live with my computer -- no TV --- also exec tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org - Cancer/FightAids@home
James M Driskill updated his status.
Thank you Reggie for reading our comments!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Thank you Naauma for reading our comments on the air!
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Stop the OFF-TOPIC comments --- it is time to get settled down to watch this address!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Get With The Program People : CLAP when you hear something GOOD! That is what this is all about!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is CLAPPING : CLAPPING [ In Real Life ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
Obama Kisses Clinton --- what a shot!
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Clapping - responsibility!
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Although the video seems to lockup for time to time --- buffering seems to not miss a frame! GREAT cnn.com for fixing that issue!
James M Driskill updated his status.
CLAPPING --- Refusal to keep things as they were!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Clapping! --- It is about helping people!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Clapping --- Reform our reglartory system!
James M Driskill updated his status.
If this is all talk --- with no action --- it will be the REPs Fault!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Is Clapping --- Time for America To Lead Again!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Is Clapping ---- RENEWABLE ENERGY --- Go to @worldcommunitygird.org --- Project Energy!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is clapping --- Cure For Cancer --- Go to @worldcommunitygrid.org --- Find Cures for Caner using your computer!
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is Clapping --- we must fight adult illieracy as well as childhood education --- World Summit of the Information Soceity!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is clapping --- QUITTING ON YOUR COUNRY!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is clapping --- Sen. Hatch / Sen. Kennedy Legislation
James M Driskill updated his status.
is Clapping --- responsibily begins at home ---- We must be responsble for our adult sub communities as well ---
James M Driskill updated his status.
is clapping for the TAX CUT for 95% of most workiing Americans [ The Cut Ratio is not enough ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
is disappointed that there has been no mentioned on the global HIV/AIDS issue --- Gov is recinding the help --- It is up to Private Sector - FIGHTAIDS@HOME -
James M Driskill updated his status.
is clapping -- GITMO CLOSED! Can't Lock up people and forget them --- we must try them or release them!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is Clapping for Lenard the executive!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is clapping --- WE ARE NOT QUITTERS!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is clapping --- I am proud to be an american --- I love my country!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is wholeheartly and enthusatically clapping -- OBAMA says "Thank you"
James M Driskill updated his status.
Ms DELGADO / MR SALMA ---- Where are you [ nationalcore.org ] --- Did you watch this address?
James M Driskill updated his status.
MS DELGADO / MR SALAMA [ NationalCore.Org ] ---- Are you going to respond to my requests re: @WORLDCOMMUNITYGRID.ORG ????
James M Driskill updated his status.
MS DELGADO / MR SALAMA [ Nationalcore.org ] --- Are you going to allow this to become reality? HUDPublicHousing-Corruption-DroveMeToSuiside@**CKEDUPHUMAN.NET
James M Driskill updated his status.
MS DELGADO / MR SALAMA [ NationalCore.Org ] : Valid Email Address [ HUDPublicHousing-Corruption-DroveMeToSuiside@FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
Repulican Response ---
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching Reggie Aqui on cnn.com live --- my computer working on projects that benifit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org quite nicely in background.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is composing an email to: Elizabeth Delgado [ Paseo Del Oro Apartments Community Manager ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
is composing an email to: San Diego Country Sheriff Deputy George Sifuentes [ <george.sifuentes@sdsheriff.org> ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com/live --- while overviewing the next steps in the last two emailing contacts --- Invite Dep. George Sifuentes to join facebook.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is overviewing the next steps in the last two emailing contacts --- Invite NationalCore.Org to become a World Community Grid Partner!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is overviewing the next steps in the last two emailing contacts -- Invite HopeThroughHousing.Org to become a World Community Grid Partner!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching new queued TV shows on Hulu [ Damanges, Burn Notice, others ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
has [flooded] extended comments re: WrongFull Eviction Case WG06266106 under Reggie Aqui [ Cnn.com/live ] status [ Reggie Aqui is taller than you think. ]
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching Young & The Restless [3/2/2009] In The Social Viewing Room.... Watch with Friends!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching the NBC Evening News, Online Edition [ March 2, 2009 ].
James M Driskill updated his status.
is Watching CBS Evening News, Online Edition [ 3/2/2009]
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching queued new tv shows from HULU --- while my computer works on tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org ===
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching old full ep tv shows from HULU - while my computer works on tasks that benefit humanity via @worldcommunitygrid.org
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com/live --- will have to go in an hour to pickup my rx --- I forgot yesterday and have not taken my hiv meds for two days
James M Driskill updated his status.
is walking up to 7/11 to get $5 worth of Mega Millions --- Jackpot $220,000,000 -- Thanks Naamua cnn.com/live for reminding me.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching Young & The Restless [3/3/2009] In The Social Viewing Room.... Come Watch with Me and my other Friends!
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching the PRICE is RIGHT online - while my computer works on tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching The NBC Nightly News Online - while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
watching The CBS Evening News Online [3/3/2009] - while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching queued new tv shows from HULU --- while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching Star Track: Idomo 1x01 on Veoh while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com/live --while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching queued new tv shows from HULU --- while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching cnn.com/live --while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching queued new tv shows from HULU --- while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching http://cnn.com/live --while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
watching queued new tv shows from HULU --- while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
Just added my own original music to: http://myspace.com/inthemindway
is watching cnn.com/live Sunday - while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
Updated Mar 22, 2009 10:14:47am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Just added my own original music to: http://myspace.com/inthemindway
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching StarGate Atlantis on Hulu while my computer is executing tasks that benefit humanity at http://worldcommunitygrid.org/ !
James M Driskill updated his status.
has to spend $437 to fix my car ! Ouch!
Watch this show with me and others in the social viewing room.
Updated Apr 08, 2009 6:43:15pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Went to the beach yesterday -- got a bit sun burned! I love being so close to the beach in S. California!
James M Driskill updated his status.
celebrated Earth Day At Home --- did not go any where --- saved gas !
James M Driskill updated his status.
Finally Ravaged..... Thx TM
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm watching queued new tv shows from HULU --- while my computer is computing tasks that benefit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org !
James M Driskill updated his status.
Wow, I received this: Warning! Your account could be disabled. Your behavior indicates that you may be in violation of Facebook's Terms of Use. Continued misuse of Facebook's features could result in your account being disabled. If you have any questions
James M Driskill updated his status.
Heading for bed --- Was somewhat worried about my HOWPA program / Apartment inspection today. They came in and out --- no issues were verbally expressed to me. So I guess I should have a good night sleep tonight.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I have WE ARE THE WORLD posted at GRUWUP.NET --- and so I must pay homage to Michael's Music. RIP Michael --- We love you. Michael.Jackson@gruwup.net : Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
I watched this event on cnn.com/live --- did you know?
Updated Jun 29, 2009 7:32:55pm
Wow --- the second week of AGT 4th season --- this guy had me in 5 seconds..... this guy is the one to beat!

Updated Jul 01, 2009 11:07:10pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
@REALUPHUMAN.NET : @GRUWUP.NET : @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET : A Morality Correctiveness Model "Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace" vs. "Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck" == So far, Leah.Hunter-BlackSheepPublicity@fuckeduphuman.net stands. But as what
James M Driskill updated his status.
My temperature is back down to normal after spiking at 101.1 today. I have not been sick for over a year.... I went to the docs today to rule out H1N1. It ain't that -- so I just have to suffer through a cold. It is now one hour and 45 minutes till my birthday. oh well....
James M Driskill updated his status.
My temp has been normal all day for my birthday. Huzzah!
Hey --- Hubby Hubby Ice Cream!

Updated Sep 02, 2009 10:47:09am
I am soooo sooo hooked on these.

Sugar Free Orange Cherry Grape / Tropicals!

Updated Sep 02, 2009 7:31:24pm
Kevin Skinner AGT Top $1 Mil Contest Winner : On July 1st I called it and it is posted on my wall. "Wow --- the second week of AGT 4th season --- this guy had me in 5 seconds..... this guy is the one to beat!"

Updated Sep 17, 2009 11:16:28am
Google SideWiki -- This is gonna change the whole dimention of the web. Post your own comments on ANY WEBPAGE.

Updated Sep 25, 2009 9:44:48am
Google SideWiki - This is gonna change the whole dimention of the web.
Updated Sep 25, 2009 9:50:29am
James M Driskill updated his status.
facebook is acting real weird tonight!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Besure to set your Clock's time back 1 hour and check [change] your smoke detector batteries!!
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
Did we eat all of the halloween candy yet?
Did we eat all of the halloween candy yet?
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
Peace Pledge
Peace Pledge
Don't Tread On Me : Meeting at Paseo Del Oro Apartments 9:30am -- Mtg Theme: Peace Building & Turning Challenges Into Opportunities. Attendance: Myself, Willie Acrey [ North County Health Services, Elizabeth Delgado Apt Community Manager, Kareem Salama, VP of Housing - National Community Renasansse --- Will this Mtg be @GRUWUP / @REALUPHUMAN or will it be @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.


[ More Later ]
Updated Nov 03, 2009 9:14:38am
I am living in a Tent With Hiv.

The circumstances involved in my life are told here. The information detailed in the link is from my Apartment Building's Newsletters and are FALSE! They do not want to hear from the residence. My proof is the story I have posted.

Updated Jan 15, 2010 4:54:55pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching "FiOS TV Tutorials and Features" on Verizon FiOS TV ... wow this FIOSTV to Facebook access interface is way2kwell.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is watching "America's Got Talent" on Verizon FiOS TV
James M Driskill updated his status.
Reviewing FB Isaac Jackson's Facebook History [ All ] -- When and Where do our Real Up Human Lives Go --- "Tongues Untied : Merry did we meet, merry do we part, merry we meet again!"
James M Driskill updated his status.
I am in Cheyenne Wyoming!
Im currently living 3 blocks from the Cheyenne Wyoming refinery using HFA mentioned in this report. 3 blocks is within what they call the "Kill Zone"! ABC's Brian Ross Investigates....
Updated Mar 11, 2011 7:46:19pm
this is a neat game.... http://alchemy.l8r.pl/
Updated May 14, 2011 10:03:34am
How could I miss this show in 1995? If you like "The Practice" you will like this show.
Updated Jun 07, 2011 9:02:29pm
Have you tried the Music App on the Google Logo for Les Paul's 96 Birthday... ?? It even records! Look at it! http://google.com/ [today]
Updated Jun 08, 2011 9:40:52pm
My Aunt Camilla ( Mom's Sister ) died on Wednesday. Here she is with my Cousin Debbie.
Updated Jul 09, 2011 6:45:11pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
May I ask a personal favor.....Only some of you will do it, and I know who you are. If you know someone who fought cancer and won, or fought cancer and died, or someone who is still fighting please add this to your status for 1 hour as a mark of respect and in remembrance. I hope I was right… about the people who will....
James M Driskill updated his status.
To every single one of you who are on my friends list. I enjoy catching up, I enjoy hearing about you and your family. I am not only glad to count you as friends but also family. Let's see who actually pays attention. Like this post and then copy this as your status for just one minute. I'll be watching to see who really does cherish family and friendship. Thank you for being a part of my life!
James M Driskill updated his status.

Navigating the space between brilliance and madness.

The Icarus Project envisions a new culture and language that resonates with our actual experiences of 'mental illness' rather than trying to fit our lives into a conventional framework.
Updated Sep 28, 2011 6:30:36pm
Updated Oct 13, 2011 5:57:24pm
Sign the petition to have house and senate Replicans focus on jobs!!!
Updated Oct 13, 2011 9:04:34pm
Updated Oct 19, 2011 9:51:08pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
*H*A*P*P*Y* *H*A*L*L*O*W*E*E*N*
*H*A*P*P*Y* *H*A*L*L*O*W*E*E*N*
Sign the Get Money Out Amendment Petition Please! I am one of the 99%
Updated Nov 03, 2011 4:00:17pm
Updated Nov 04, 2011 9:36:38pm
I choked on a homeless guy because I am hot and I do what I want.
Updated Nov 09, 2011 10:34:38pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Does anybody really know how we met everybody on our friends lists? Here is a task for you..... I want all my Facebook friends to comment on this status about how you met me. After you comment, copy this to your status so I can do the same. You will be amazed at the answers you get in 12 hours.
Updated Nov 22, 2011 1:06:12am
Thanks to all who attended today's General Assembly! Today we revised and finalized our official declaration of grievances (see link below). It is a truly inspiring document and a piece of democracy in action. Please read it and share it with your friends.
Updated Dec 04, 2011 7:55:58pm
Updated Dec 18, 2011 9:10:50pm
Updated Jan 18, 2012 4:42:58pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Updated Feb 06, 2012 10:47:49am
Updated Feb 06, 2012 2:42:25pm
Updated Feb 11, 2012 3:13:15pm
Updated Feb 11, 2012 3:14:43pm
Updated Feb 18, 2012 5:30:20pm
Updated Feb 18, 2012 9:37:35pm
For you Lilly.....
Updated Feb 22, 2012 7:42:36pm
Updated Feb 27, 2012 6:57:16pm
Just joined... check it out....
Updated Mar 02, 2012 5:10:02pm
Updated Mar 08, 2012 9:07:42pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Updated Mar 25, 2012 1:50:56pm
Updated Mar 26, 2012 6:47:53pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Cheyenne Wy Frontier Refinery... this does NOT look normal. This is from my house!!
Place: Cheyenne, Wyoming (41.1455, -104.802)
Address: Cheyenne, WY 82001, 82002, 82003, 82006, 82007, 82008, 82009, 82010
Cheyenne Wy Frontier Refinery... this does NOT look normal. This is from my house!!
Updated Apr 03, 2012 9:07:22pm
Updated Apr 05, 2012 2:06:41pm
Updated Apr 06, 2012 4:25:40pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
You have just been flashed by the Easter Bunny! Flash all your friends... Like and Share this!
You have just been flashed by the Easter Bunny! Flash all your friends... Like and Share this!
Updated Apr 10, 2012 6:51:39pm
Updated Apr 15, 2012 7:51:37pm
What is the recommended dose?
Updated May 12, 2012 7:20:33pm
In Homage to my childhood dog "Butch". He would lick you to death before anything else even if you never met him before.
Updated May 12, 2012 7:27:42pm
Updated May 22, 2012 1:12:57pm
Updated May 22, 2012 1:14:49pm
Updated May 22, 2012 1:17:48pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
Updated Jul 16, 2012 2:04:34pm
Updated Jul 17, 2012 1:14:09am
Updated Jul 17, 2012 1:16:07am
Updated Jul 17, 2012 1:33:34am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
Place: Cheyenne, Wyoming (41.1455, -104.802)
Address: Cheyenne, WY 82001, 82002, 82003, 82006, 82007, 82008, 82009, 82010
This link is mention is a facebook direct message to a person that I've known from the past. This is part 2 of the messages I have sent to his facebook account in my attempt to reconnect with him and establish a facebook friend link. His Political Views are defined as: Oppression is Unacceptable which this essay is directly subjected about. The film "Tongues Untied" mentioned in Mr Riggs' credits and merits paragraph here, was a film that aired on PBS at the time that my relationship between him and I was still together for which all circumstances as they were, we watched Tongues Untied on PBS KQED together. A shared experience of great importance that I want to make note for the record. Whether or not Tom wishes to acknowledge our past relationship and regain a friendship link is up to him.
Updated Jul 29, 2012 9:03:06am
Updated Jul 29, 2012 10:30:16am
Updated Jul 29, 2012 4:45:27pm
thats kwel... i will have to think of that.... but i usually use the faucet in the bathtub.
Updated Jul 29, 2012 5:19:52pm

I am pretty lucky to live the good life. I am not rich finacially, but my life is rich. The good life means something different to everyone, but we can recogize it when we see it. The animal or person living well is healthy, content and living fully.

The founding fathers of America had a vision of the good life for everyone. Free enterprise and people unbound to the shakels of government could accomplish great things. Unfortunately much of this vision has been lost.

Each of us have our own idea of GoodAndEvil. For us all to live the good life we must accept the simple fact that it is subjective and we can only support each others views of the good life by employing a live and let live SocialContract of CooperativeDiversity.

Wealth is not finite. Our wealth as a civilization depends only of the value we create. What we need first is the vision, and second is the will to create value. Finally we need the means, which we find we have had all along. We have creative minds and the rich resources of the planet, MarsFrontier, galaxy and beyond.

If we manage our shared resources profitably then there is no limit to the value we can create. If we create value, we can all share the freedom to try to live the good life as we see it and fullfil anything we want that does not infringe the freedoms of others.

The DeclarationOfInterdependence is a collaborative attempt to redesign government to reclaim the vision of our founders and thrive in the twentyfirst century.


For more on government redesign see: AmericanVanguard, DeclarationOfInterdependence

For more on having a good mindset see: InTheMindway
Updated Aug 07, 2012 4:48:23pm
Please take 5 mins of your day to listen to a lost audio recording of Martin Luther King Jr.
Updated Aug 22, 2012 6:49:21pm
Updated Aug 22, 2012 9:54:01pm
Extra Extra Read All About it: A long Distance Public Walk 2013

From Registrant Address:
@fuckeduphuman.net [ @[1338977633:2048:Oakland], California ]

To Registrant Address:
@GRUWUP.NET [ San Bernardno, California ]

I have to come up with a name for this public long walk proect
from Oakland to San Bernardino..

Google Walking Directions:


And what about Truth. does anybody care about Truth? We do not know what we think we know because Truth is not absolute and it is not arbitrary. -- JimScarver

"Applied Memetic Engineering Systems : a morality correctiveness model"
Using the memespace by domains
@realuphuman.net : @gruwup.net : @muckeduphuman.net : @fuckeduphuman.net

To Chase Thy Gloom -
"Go Fix Some Weighty Truth;
Chain down some passion;
Do some generous good;
Teach ignorance to see,
or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend,
befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things;
Make amends for follies past,
and with warm heart forgive and be forgiven;
Let work not words thy virtue prove;
Go act as well as prate,
and then thy counsels will be strong.

Thy Reprimands Avail.


Oh Kind Sir
Do you Agree? Am I Right? Am I Wrong?
The Full Original Source Reference Will Be Posted Online

Reply here --- even if I I have failed down dead. I have faith that I will get your answer from wherever the afterlife is. Perhaps to rechain back a direct answer right back here from what will be my next Planet Earth reincarnation. For I am sure that multiply.com will survive the life to life transformation.

Do you have a good heart?
Do you want to finally answer me directly?
This before one of your circle peers does.
This before one of your family circle does.

Alan Horwitz @ Hayward Court Clerks Office June 21 2006 8am
Man to Man, I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
And what you were about to file with the court....
"disingenuous" was the phrase I used --- and you knew it too.
You filed that false bull shit anyway, didn't you.
These acts among many you have made against me is criminal neglict.

FBI Agent @ FBI OFfice Oakland CA June 21 2006
Man To Man : I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
To Not forget about me. His promise back was, "He Wont".


This is the list of persons and organizations that I
demand an apology from in all of the matters concerned
and for them to make the necessarily legal statement
they will will intent follow the decree of virtue words
appearing above from "Go Fix SomeWeighty Truth"
down to "Let work not words thy virtue prove"
to the best of their ability, for the rest of their lives.

Achieve this, I will not walk and I will remove discrediting
memes and blogs online and will not speak of write
upon these matters again.

Failing this first most most desired demand.

--- Only a settlement payment $3,000,0000 paid in advance
of my walk will stop me from making my first step but
all materials as they are scatters here and there remain
online forever.

The person whom I find is the most evil in all of this
is Ms Nan Nunes of American Baptist Homes Of The West


>> Allen_Temple_Manor-Oakland_CA@fuckeduphuman.net
>> Dr_Robert_C_Scott@uckeduphuman.net [ Diseased ]
>> Jamal_Graham@fuckeduphuman.net

>> Allen_Temple_Housing_And_Developement@fuckeduphuman.net

>> Eviction_Defense_Center_Oakland_CA@fuckeduphuman.net
>> Amy_L_Sekany@fuckeduphuman.net

>> Aids_Legal_Referral_Panel@fuckeduphuman.net
>> ALRP.ORG@fuckeduphuman.net
>> Sarah_Paul_Malan@fuckeduphuman.net

>> American_Baptist_Homes_Of_The_West@fuckeduphuman.net
>> ABHOW.COM@fuckeduphuman.net
>> Jan_Nunes-ABHOW.COM@fuckeduphuman.net

>> Law_Offices_Todd_RothBard@fuckedu
>> Alan_Horwitz@fuckeduphuman.net


>> Anna_Spier-linkedin.com@fuckeduphuman.net
Updated Aug 29, 2012 11:42:21pm
So I can call them Fucked Up Human ---
Updated Sep 02, 2012 10:47:52am
If my long time friend in real world @[100001048917669:2048:Eric Maier] can make a long distance walk from Texas to Washington State in 2004, so can his friend @[1295702360:2048:James Driskill] make long distance much shorter but none the less important walk from Oakland to San Bernardino in some date to be determined in 2013. This is an unquestionable duty that I must complete. I am requesting help from those who can assist in making this walk happen safely for me. Apparently as Mr Maier details to me for his walk in 2004, he had no outside watchers of support tracking his motions/safety. If that is the way that I have to make this walk, I WILL AND I MUST! Think me foolish? Perhaps, but I will take Eric's advice with me. Please contact me if you have any advice or can offer assistance in making this walk start to finish happen safely for me. If I get no replies, I will start walking it free and alone. I made a promise in the words written in May 20 2006, "Oh Kind Sir", that I must complete. Please contact me, this is rather important to me. Thank You, Oh So Kindly.

Extra Extra Read All About it: A long Distance Public Walk 2013

From Registrant Address:
@fuckeduphuman.net [ Oakland, California ]

To Registrant Address:
@GRUWUP.NET [ San Bernardno, California ]

I have to come up with a name for this public long walk proect
from Oakland to San Bernardino..

Google Walking Directions:


And what about Truth. does anybody care about Truth? We do not know what we think we know because Truth is not absolute and it is not arbitrary. -- JimScarver

"Applied Memetic Engineering Systems : a morality correctiveness model"
Using the memespace by domains
@realuphuman.net : @gruwup.net : @muckeduphuman.net : @fuckeduphuman.net

To Chase Thy Gloom -
"Go Fix Some Weighty Truth;
Chain down some passion;
Do some generous good;
Teach ignorance to see,
or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend,
befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things;
Make amends for follies past,
and with warm heart forgive and be forgiven;
Let work not words thy virtue prove;
Go act as well as prate,
and then thy counsels will be strong.

Thy Reprimands Avail.


Oh Kind Sir
Do you Agree? Am I Right? Am I Wrong?
The Full Original Source Reference Will Be Posted Online

Reply here --- even if I I have failed down dead. I have faith that I will get your answer from wherever the afterlife is. Perhaps to rechain back a direct answer right back here from what will be my next Planet Earth reincarnation. For I am sure that multiply.com will survive the life to life transformation.

Do you have a good heart?
Do you want to finally answer me directly?
This before one of your circle peers does.
This before one of your family circle does.

Alan Horwitz @ Hayward Court Clerks Office June 21 2006 8am
Man to Man, I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
And what you were about to file with the court....
"disingenuous" was the phrase I used --- and you knew it too.
You filed that false bull shit anyway, didn't you.
These acts among many you have made against me is criminal neglict.

FBI Agent : FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation : Oakland Office : June 21st 20006. [ https://www.facebook.com/FBI ]
Man To Man : I begged on my hands and knees : pleading
To Not forget about me. His promise back was, "He Wont".
If this was not the truth, would I reference the URL and the name from their page ?/ This is the truth.

There is a is list of persons and organizations in the previous version post in upon this timeline. I demand an apology from each and every one of them to all of these past matters concerned. For them to make the necessarily legal statement, or in non legal binding pledge form, they will intend follow the decree of virtue words of wisdom that are
appearing above from "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth"
down to "Let work not words thy virtue prove",
to the best of their ability, for the rest of their lives.

Achieve this, I will not walk and I will remove the discrediting
memes and blogs online that are the absolute truth to the circumstances and will not speak of write upon these matters again.

Failing this first most most desired demand.

--- Only a settlement payment $3,000,0000 paid in advance
of my walk will decry me but will I accept as a replacement of compensation for all hurts incurred and stop me from making my first step. In so doing, all materials as they are scattered here and there across the internet domain will remain online forever.

The person whom I find is the most evil in all of this
is Ms Nan Nunes of American Baptist Homes Of The West
I deserve her apology face to face no matter what.

This is shameful to do this to another human being, from a person claiming to be a Christian. You knew that hurt the day when I was so upset and talked with you for over an hour. Over Jamal Graham's actions to me. You defend your employee over the tenant. And what was the final outcome of truly of what Jamal Graham was doing at Allen Temple Manor as it's building manager. My truth, bulldozed over, The record placed into the source are full of "under penalty and perjury" falsified to the societal record against me. I know this true. I know you know this is true. I know Alan Horwitz knows this is true. I know for sure since it was done by him, Jamal Graham knows this is true. I know that Dr Robert Scott knew this was true, for now he is gone. SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL you all are.

"Correct Thy Record" : "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth"

What has been done to me demands to be fixed.

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
@GRUWUP.NET : Fix Eviction Case WG063266106 : Sept 3rd 2012
Updated Sep 03, 2012 7:23:42pm
[Ask.com] : All > Books & Language
RealUpHuman Asks:

Google Book Search "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" :510 Titles. What era specific term/purpose was this for and should those words apply today?

"Go Fix Some Weighty Truth; Chain down some passion; Do some generous good; Teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile; Correct thy friend, befriend thy greatest foe; Be just in all things; Make amends for follies past, and with warm heart forgive and be forgiven; Let work not words thy virtue prove; Go act as well as prate, and then thy counsels will be strong. Thy Reprimands Avail."

Updated Sep 04, 2012 3:57:47am
Updated Sep 05, 2012 3:01:01am
Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. And I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the moral conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/ekennedytributetorfk.html
Updated Sep 09, 2012 10:06:56pm
Google Book Search [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ] matches many book publications which has important words of wisdom/guidance within their pages.
Updated Sep 10, 2012 1:09:33am
great new show!
Updated Sep 10, 2012 7:58:03am
Updated Sep 19, 2012 8:28:23pm
Pentagon officials say that recruiting, retention and overall morale have not been affected. None of the dire predictions of opponents, including warnings of a mass exodus of active duty troops, have occurred.
Updated Sep 19, 2012 9:26:00pm
Updated Sep 21, 2012 11:47:50pm
I wish I had this option when I was dealing with my eviction case WG06266106 in April 2006. I ended up getting into the situation of having to represent myself In Pro Per in this civil level case and getting slammed by the massive mischievous marvel of molding muck against me. Thanks for your post Isaac.
Updated Sep 22, 2012 3:24:45pm
Updated Sep 22, 2012 5:55:35pm
Updated Sep 23, 2012 3:52:46pm
Updated Sep 23, 2012 8:42:09pm
I just had an encounter with my 2nd WheresGeorge Bill in my life.

Great! Now I had to go to an old email address account to get my account password but sure enough it was not lost. Why should it be? I try never to lose anything even dig
ital objects. That is what In The Mindway is all about. This link here is my track for this 2nd bill. Thanks WheresGeorge.

[ "The pathway that the mind travels..." ]

☼ It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred.
☼ We are all sharing together so free without hatred.
☼ There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit.
☼ The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there;

☼ Let's get on it it's our trip. [ Or at Least Its WheresGeorge's Trip ]

We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost.
Updated Sep 25, 2012 3:46:27pm
To me, this is a rather important event to note. It is surprising that not more of these satelites fail up there considering all of the debris that comes flying in from outer space on unforeseeable [ randomized ] trajectories to collide with the technology device objects that we force launch into space and float around up there around are planet. On the page [ http://www.ucsusa.org/nuclear_weapons_and_global_security/space_weapons/technical_issues/ucs-satellite-database.html : 4-1-12 Satellite Database Downloads
Includes launches through 4/1/12 ] notes the image that I have attached in comments below.

Updated Sep 26, 2012 12:13:12am
Words Of Wisdom : When other people are always offering suggestions on how we should live our life, there is often a void in their own life.
Updated Sep 26, 2012 5:23:13am
Updated Sep 26, 2012 12:57:35pm
There will be more on this.... "Our lot becomes more difficult" -- President Kennedy
Updated Sep 26, 2012 3:49:15pm
The Last Word | Aired on September 28, 2012 Alleged voter fraud by a Republican firm : Alleged voter fraud by a Republican firm
Updated Sep 29, 2012 12:19:31am
I am interested in seeing what this web builder site can do for @[468008909888814:274:@GruwUp 2012 \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] : @realuphuman.net : @gruwup.net : @muckeduphuman.net : "Memetic Engineering Systems : A Morality Correctiveness Model" : Really @[100000414084239:2048:Jimmy Escajeda] Really! : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memetic_engineering
Updated Oct 01, 2012 6:07:19am
Very much simular to: http://gruwup.5gbfree.com/inthemindway.org/images-art/Colorblock_Road.jpg : @[468008909888814:274:@GruwUp 2012 \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] : For Real!
Updated Oct 01, 2012 2:20:37pm
You just have to watch this show. The 3rd episode airs tonight. If you need to quickly catch up, watch it on hulu.
Updated Oct 01, 2012 5:25:58pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
╰╯╰╯╰┻━┻┻━┻━┻━╯╰━━┻━━┻┻┻┻━╯╰╯If no one reads my wall, this should be a short experiment. This is a facebook game to see who reads posts and who just scrolls. So, if you read this, leave one word on how we met. Only one word, then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word for you. Please don't add your word and not bother to copy
Updated Oct 03, 2012 2:07:30am
Words that I wrote on May 20th 2006 --- Titled "Oh Kind Sir"

Updated Oct 03, 2012 6:19:18pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Check out http:wikiworld.com/WordsToLiveBy . I put these words and wrote about their souce from human history dated before the year 1800 that actually mentions web and immortallity. Important words to recapture for our modern day life.
Check out http://wikiworld.com/WordsToLiveBy link fixed I need my glasses
Updated Oct 07, 2012 12:30:55pm
just sharing a chart and hierarchy of basic human needs. Maintaining the interpersonal level details is challenging for me. I always seem to get into trouble attempting to express my feelings without offense or separations. This is disappointing for me.
Updated Oct 07, 2012 8:28:37pm
Updated Oct 10, 2012 9:32:59am
Updated Oct 10, 2012 2:22:05pm
Updated Oct 10, 2012 7:26:30pm
Updated Oct 16, 2012 5:59:11am
Updated Oct 17, 2012 7:08:04am
this story is real.
Updated Oct 17, 2012 7:09:45am
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peacefacebook.com
Updated Oct 17, 2012 9:18:49am
omg I watched the debate last night. Romney was asked what the differences were between him and the last Republican President George Bush. Just how many of Romney's responses and quotes are the exact things, as video file quoted George Bush said verbatim. Woah you all.... see the truth of where Romney will lead this country once again if he is elected.
Updated Oct 17, 2012 10:02:33pm
Updated Oct 18, 2012 2:03:17am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
Here is me today at the Harvest Farm near Wellington CO.
Here is me today at the Harvest Farm near Wellington CO.
Updated Oct 20, 2012 9:40:06pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Jb and I on the high chair at Harvest Farm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
JB and I on the high chair at Harvest Farm.
JB and I on the high chair at Harvest Farm.
Why do I find validity on the internet but not in my circle of known people in friends or associates?

A quoted Google books search: "In The Mindway"
reveals that some one out here finds me valid.


These are the matches returned directed related to me:

Information Theory - Page 379
Wikimedia Foundation - Preview

Internet - Page 208
Wikimedia Foundation - Preview

Information Theory - Page 544
Preview - More editions

Richard Dawkins - Page 190
Wikimedia Foundation - Preview
Updated Oct 21, 2012 5:17:52pm
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20004210 A translation app which allows people to speak to each other in different languages over the telephone is being launched in Japan.

NTT Docomo - the country's biggest mobile network - will initially convert Japanese to English, Mandarin and Korean, with other languages to follow.

Could technology soon make learning languages unnecessary?
Updated Oct 22, 2012 11:11:35am
Updated Oct 23, 2012 8:41:19am
Updated Oct 23, 2012 11:12:13pm
Updated Oct 24, 2012 3:16:29pm
I submitted email address: barack.obama@realuphuman.net
Updated Oct 24, 2012 3:45:47pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
This was Yesterday. Today is Today. And the World Is About To Change. http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/23/boeing-tests-microwave-missile-that-knocks-out-electronics/
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/ns/NBCNightlyNews/#49543431 : Google Street View Goes Grand Canyon View --- hikers capture the walking trials of the Grand Canyon for web viewers.
Updated Oct 24, 2012 6:39:05pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
In support of my friend...Shirley Colcleasure
NOT 1 OF MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS WILL COPY AND PASTE ( BUT I AM COUNTING ON A TRUE FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND TO DO IT)... IF YOU WOULD BE THERE FOR ME NO MATTER WHAT THEN COPY AND PASTE THIS... I'M DOING THIS TO PROVE A FRIEND WRONG THAT SOMEONE IS ALWAYS LISTENING...I CARE! Hard to explain to someone who has no clue. It's a daily struggle being in pain or feeling sick on the inside while you look fine on the outside. Please put this as your status for at least 1 hour if you or someone you know has an invisible illness (Crohn's, PTSD, Anxiety, BipolarDepression, Diabetes, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, MS, ME, Arthritis, Cancer, HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Autism, ADHD, M.D., Histiocytosis etc.) " Never judge what you don't understand, I know which of my friends will copy and paste
Updated Oct 31, 2012 5:51:06pm
Updated Nov 01, 2012 12:54:39pm
Updated Nov 02, 2012 8:53:58pm
Reminds me back in the late 70s when my brother and I asked my parents to get an Atari 2600 for Christmas and she bought us this: http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/m/mofUeVN6lemK9eXyIobiD9w/140.jpg -- It is a plastic fake tv screen with a mechanical pong pointer that you move the paddles to hit. Mechanical not Electronic! We were so disappointed.
Updated Nov 03, 2012 9:58:05am
Updated Nov 07, 2012 1:15:52pm
Favorite Maddow Quote: "If the republican party and the conservative movement and the conservative media is stuck in a vacuum-sealed door-locked spin cycle of telling teach other what makes them feel good and denying the factual, lived truth of the world, then we are all deprived as a nation of the constructive debate about competing feasible ideals about real problems."
Updated Nov 08, 2012 7:03:53am
James M Driskill updated his status.
We all need caring thoughts and loving prayer right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste, and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. (You have to copy & paste this one no sharing)
Updated Nov 15, 2012 6:09:45pm
Updated Nov 16, 2012 8:25:13am

Watch "Tongues Untied" Free at:

55 Minute Video

Marlon Riggs, with assistance from other gay Black men, especially poet Essex Hemphill, celebrates Black men loving Black men as a revolutionary act. The film intercuts footage of Hemphill reciting his poetry, Riggs telling the story of his growing up, scenes of men in social intercourse and dance, and various comic riffs, including a visit to the "Institute of Snap!thology," where men take lessons in how to snap their fingers: the sling snap, the point snap, the diva snap. The film closes with obituaries for victims of AIDS and archival footage of the civil rights movement placed next to footage of Black men marching in a gay pride parade. Written by <jhailey@hotmail.com>

Also Review:

by Marlon Riggs

Special Highlighted Importance, Current Day Facebook Friends Circle,

@[100000183378049:2048:Isaac Jackson]

The published poetry work titled "Tongues Untied"

Tongues Untied by Essex Hemphill, Assoto Saint, Dirg Aaab-Richards, Craig Harris and Isaac Jackson (1987, Paperback)
Essex Hemphill, Craig Harris | ISBN-10: 0854490531 | ISBN-13: 9780854490530

Encyclopedia of African-American Literature - Wilfred D. Samuels
He also contributed to Tongues Untied (London: GMP,1987), a British ... the work of Dirg Aaab-Richards, Craig G. Harris, Isaac Jackson and Assotto Saint*

glbtq >> literature >> Hemphill, Essex
Jan 23, 2011 – Hemphill's poetry was also included in Isaac Julien's award-winning film ... Inclusion in anthologies, such as Tongues Untied (1987), Gay and .... Dirg, Craig G. Harris, Essex Hemphill, Isaac Jackson, and Assotto Saint.
Updated Nov 19, 2012 10:21:01am
Updated Nov 19, 2012 11:39:22pm
These Words Are Appearing In These Titled Publications:

Many thoughts of many minds. Compiled by H. Southgate
by Henry Southgate - 1862

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
1891 - Quotations, English - 527 pages

Exercises, rules, and hints on elocution - Page 9
George Walter Baynham - 1881

The Poetical works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins
John Milton, Edward Young, Thomas Gray - 1836

History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter
J.H. Beers & Co - 1890

Much instruction from little reading: or, extracts from some of the most approved authors, ancient and modern

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
Adam Woolbever (comp.), comp Adam Woolbever - 1881

The works of the Rev. Dr. Edward Young - Volume 3
Edward Young - 1811

Elegant extracts - Volumes 1-2
Vicesimus Knox - 1809

Paradise lost: in twelve parts
John Milton, Edward Young - 1849

Poems divine and moral: many of them now first published

The Cynosure: being select passages from the most distinguished writers

The Essays of "George Eliot"
George Eliot, Nathan Sheppard - 2009

Ravensdale: A Tale - Volume 2
Robert Thynne - 1845

The Universalist leader - Volume 35, Issue 43

GOOGLE BOOKS SEARCH [ "Go fix Some Weighty Truth" ]
Updated Nov 20, 2012 2:31:19am
Updated Nov 21, 2012 11:17:21am
Updated Nov 21, 2012 10:12:35pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
@[468008909888814:274:@GruwUp 2012 \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
@GruwUp 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Just For Notation Purposes the Day After Thanksgiving 2012, this message of discontent is received from me by the person whom I have placed Relationship Status : In a Relationship October 27, 2012

from: Joy Badwound <email hidden>
to: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
date: Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 7:24 AM
subject: Re: A View From Ken Weingard Facebook Photo Page --- I am in disbelief you delete/unfriend me -- As Words To Live By -- Be Just In All Things - Correct Thy Friend
mailed-by: gmail.com

What you say/believe/understand makes sense to me. What I am in disagreement with you is the participation in this social networking phenomenon which I can't seem to take seriously or find any justification in succumbing to the idea it has any redeeming qualities. Case in point: this concept of defriending someone. Forgive me, but I find this to be totally absurd.
In real time, if a friend decides to no longer be your friend because of differing beliefs or opinions then they weren't really friends to begin with now, were they?
I will continue to support you in all your endeavors as our relationship compels me to do so. Facebook though? I'm afraid I may be inclined to say "I told you so" regarding any consequences that might arise from participating in what I believe to be a total farce.
I love you, though, in spite of your (and my family's and other friends') insistence on continuously logging onto this gossip site.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I love you.,

He And I are present in this photo:


Note This Message Of Discontent From My Boyfriend is being placed onto the comments of the following items:

* Joined Facebook : January 20, 2009
* In a Relationship : October 27, 2012
* https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3970385900155

And Other Postings, as relevant to these matters impose may appear future forward.

As my assessment continues, @REALUPHUMAN might just have to issue Reprimands of my own directly upon Facebook by the establishment of the following placement of documents URL

[ http://fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com ]


[ http://facebook.com.fuckeduphuman.net/ ]

and the email assignment to anyone who cares to comment:

[ facebook.com@fuckeduphuman.net ]

To Facebook Admin and/or VIPs, any comments?

Direct them to either/or:

[ Facebook.com@realuphuman.net ]
[ Facebook.com@gruwup.net ]

Thank you.

James Martin Driskill


see: http://gruwup.multiply.com/
see: http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php/WordsToLiveBy


Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.


Look down to the begging of my timeline people.

With my first post: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/64496931868

It was to provide a place of documentation of my attempts to establish a proper dialogue and proper business relationship with my HOPWA tenancy in San Marcos, CA. FAILED!

This in events of all things, where she threatens to file a 3 day notice for non-payment for a single cent short. That stance of theirs, I called Ms Delgado obstinate to her face in attempt business meeting of unresolvable attitude of DISCRIMINATION FACTORS. She Denied it --- SHE IS A LIAR and is why the following urls have been established:


And at this moment, my domain hosting site is not following my account directives and I must investigate the issue.

The entire situation that I bear witness two and document to the email and to the web is absurd!


Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
(of an unwelcome phenomenon or situation) Very difficult to change or overcome.
Updated Nov 23, 2012 1:36:39pm
Updated Dec 21, 2012 2:24:09am
Words To Live By : Origin Dates To 1742 to 1745 Usage Here 1890 : The Complaint on Life, Death, and Immortality : Thy counsels will be strong, Thy reprimands avail

Oh Kind Ladies & Oh Kind Sirs,
Can I have your attention please.

Words To Live By

Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

Do you want to know more?

Updated Jan 01, 2013 7:50:06pm
This is an awfull terrible story of corruption in Bolivia and thanks in part to Sean Penn.... yeah that Sean Penn.... but still all is not right.
Updated Jan 02, 2013 8:51:45am
This conversation is about my mother and my father.
Updated Jan 05, 2013 1:16:27pm
l H J o B
l e g y a
i a i f d
W l B o

A u
l n
l d
T f
o Them: "support me" "let you know" "your namesake used"
d "empty my storage" "bring my stufff" "We can talk"
a H UNITED = +Lynn +Eric +Joy +Roni +George +James
W n y a [ O N E F A M I L Y ]
a e s
y e
T l
o ready...

Late, if you understand me...

@GruwUp : Jan 05 13

Great Reasons Us Will
Unite Peace
Words To Live By

In text art style, weaved into the harmoniious web to which the art
perservative may give immortality. This all has meaning to circumstances
in my life that I desire to place and send on to futurity in an imperishable
record here on facebook. Blessed Be
For More Info On Words To Live By Link to:
Updated Jan 05, 2013 3:28:53pm
Jack in the Boxfacebook.com
voice of the guest $10,000 sweepstakes entered today 1/13/2013
Updated Jan 13, 2013 8:55:37pm
I signed this petition as:

First Name: @REALUPHUMAN.NET James

with the

email address: Westboro.Baptist.Church@fuckeduphuman.ne

SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! Lets Start Thinking Out of The Box Solutions!

The Registration and Petition Details Are Going to:


folder [ Westboro.Baptist.Church ]

As Words To Live By Relates,

Teach Ignorance To see; Or Grief To Smile
Thy Reprimands Avail


According to free will,
for the good of all and harm to none,
So Mote It Be.

Words To Live By

Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.

For More Information Detailing The Origin
Source Of These Words Link To:
Updated Jan 13, 2013 9:51:01pm
Updated Jan 25, 2013 3:34:43pm
Updated Jan 25, 2013 5:02:11pm
Updated Feb 20, 2013 4:18:30am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Not if I as @REALUPHUMAN.NET / @GRUWUP.NET / @MUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @INTHEMINDWAY.ORG have anything just to say about it!!!!!!!! It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred. We are all sharing so free without hatred. There are no limits to stop us, so no reason to quit. The universe of happiness is out there, let"s ger on it, it's our trip. @GRUWUP Feb 2013. G)reat R)easons U)s W)ill U)nite P)eace. ( Source Article: UTNE magazine MayIJune 2012
Not if I as @REALUPHUMAN.NET / @GRUWUP.NET / @MUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @INTHEMINDWAY.ORG have anything just to say about it!!!!!!!! It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred. We are all sharing so free without hatred. There are no limits to stop us, so no reason to quit. The universe of happiness is out there, let"s ger on it, it's our trip. @GRUWUP Feb 2013. G)reat R)easons U)s W)ill U)nite P)eace. ( Source Article: UTNE magazine MayIJune 2012
Updated Feb 21, 2013 9:36:02pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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F = MA. Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace.
F = MA. Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace.
Read my comment in line....

___________ would make me happy!

"If you would respond to my facebook email sent Jan 3rd 2013 10:33a MT [ https://www.facebook.com/messages/139181536124240 ] would make me happy!
Updated Mar 03, 2013 4:47:29am
James M Driskill updated his status.

*s an innocent lamb once again I cry myself to sleep.

What just haooened to me -- HURTS::

It will only be a little while before I lay head to bed here at the whois address of @deadhead.org.

Tell me why this should not go public?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 1:36 AM
Subject: Now I cry myself to sleep....
Updated Mar 18, 2013 8:35:44pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Eric's game play
Eric's game play
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Fly swatter way too kool
Fly swatter way too kool
Updated Mar 21, 2013 4:20:35am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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More than a foot of snow here in the Denver area.
More than a foot of snow here in the Denver area.
Updated Mar 31, 2013 11:05:06am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
This post today dedicated to @[100002670649689:2048:Nick Bravo]. Thank you for introducing me to Michael. [Dntfehdbliss].
This post today dedicated to Nick Bravo. Thank you for introducing me to Michael. [Dntfehdbliss].
Happy Birthday Franses Perkins
Updated Apr 12, 2013 4:04:24pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill was at Riverbend Ponds Nature Area.
Place: Riverbend Ponds Nature Area (40.567767966667, -105.02282783333)
Address: Fort Collins, CO 80524
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Call me asap. 307 421 4674. Ill be here till sunset. Looking for my friend Oh Kind Sir Gruw Up @[1394727441:2048:David Parrish]
Place: Riverbend Ponds Nature Area (40.567767966667, -105.02282783333)
Address: Fort Collins, CO 80524
Call me asap. 307 421 4674. Ill be here till sunset. Looking for my friend Oh Kind Sir Gruw Up David Parrish
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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See for yourself I 25 and I 85 closed to Cheyenne. I will be spending the night here tonight.
See for yourself I 25 and I 85 closed to Cheyenne. I will be spending the night here tonight.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Met up with @[1394727441:2048:David Parrish] tonight. He still living in his car with lil girl.
Met up with David Parrish tonight. He still living in his car with lil girl.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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We are both staying here tonight.
We are both staying here tonight.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Be just in all things.
Be just in all things.
James M Driskill was at Some Where.
Place: Some Where (41.14484561, -104.79879698)
Address: Cheyenne, WY
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill was at Riverbend Ponds Nature Area.
Place: Riverbend Ponds Nature Area (40.567767966667, -105.02282783333)
Address: Fort Collins, CO 80524
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill was with Eric Maier at Sable Landing.
You tagged Eric Maier
Place: Sable Landing (39.69913563, -104.81601523)
Events in the news today are noteworthy. I do not link the entire newscast often to facebook. Read the caption. I strongly suggest watching this or other news on these subjects. Thank you
Updated Apr 25, 2013 8:22:19pm
Paying attention to the facts --- these are matters of War and Peace.
Updated Apr 25, 2013 9:47:50pm
Paying attention to the facts --- these are matters of War and Peace.
Updated Apr 25, 2013 10:00:52pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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With no place to stay overnight including what was my home @deadhead.org / @inthemindway.org..... if whatever happens is so irreparably damaged.... know the catalyst and cause disrespects me and my identity as In The Mindway. --------------------------- Mr @[100001048917669:2048:Eric Maier], show me where our home did not dwell with this 100% under our roof since Samhain 2012. Then tell me why Mr Figart has a locale roof over his head and I as the authorized valid tenantcy at @deadhead.org / @inthemindway.org do not. So I have one more item left of mine there in the house. It is a hand crafted tackle box built by my father George Garfield Driskill aka The Real George. You can keep this item for this short one year period and I expect after that to be ABLE to reclaim this or respectfully gift it forever to you send Michael in honor of this strange disservice of friendship.... Words To Live By: Be just in all things; Correct thy friend; Be friend thy greatest foe. ----------------------- It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred. ( respected?? ) we are all sharing so free without hatred. ( violated time and time again) So why bother writing the rest t...... There are no limits to stop us so no reason to Quit..... . Your the one forcing our separation here. The universe of happiness and its discovery is out there. Let's get on it its our trip. Blessed Be Eric friends in disconnected sync. If you do not wish to keep my fathers handicraft with you, you may return my property on your way out of town by delivery to my case manager Jon chu or administrator Angela Keady a @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] This is where my US postal mail is being forwarded to from your @deadhead.org address. I would rather stay overnight here in the cold than to be a constant target of misidentifed hatred. Be well to both you and Michael. I only wish success and happiness without hatred and without malice for us all Be @gruwup. If you don't want to return my fathers tackebox to CAP find yourself please returning it to my family at the registrant address of @[468008909888814:274:@GruwUp 2012 \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]. @GRUWUP.net Thank you much
With no place to stay overnight including what was my home @deadhead.org / @inthemindway.org..... if whatever happens is so irreparably damaged.... know the catalyst and cause disrespects me and my identity as In The Mindway.


Mr Eric Maier, show me where our home did not dwell with this 100% under our roof since Samhain 2012. Then tell me why Mr Figart has a locale roof over his head and I as the authorized valid tenantcy at @deadhead.org / @inthemindway.org do not.

So I have one more item left of mine there in the house. It is a hand crafted tackle box built by my father George Garfield Driskill aka The Real George. You can keep this item for this short one year period and I expect after that to be ABLE to reclaim this or respectfully gift it forever to you send Michael in honor of this strange disservice of friendship....

Words To Live By: Be just in all things; Correct thy friend; Be friend thy greatest foe.


It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred. ( respected?? )
we are all sharing so free without hatred. ( violated time and time again)

So why bother writing the rest

There are no limits to stop us so no reason to Quit.....
. Your the one forcing our separation here.

The universe of happiness and its discovery is out there. Let's get on it its our trip.

Blessed Be Eric friends in disconnected sync.

If you do not wish to keep my fathers handicraft with you, you may return my property on your way out of town by delivery to my case manager Jon chu or administrator Angela Keady a Denver Colorado AIDS Project

This is where my US postal mail is being forwarded to from your @deadhead.org address.

I would rather stay overnight here in the cold than to be a constant target of misidentifed hatred.

Be well to both you and Michael. I only wish success and happiness without hatred and without malice for us all

Be @gruwup. If you don't want to return my fathers tackebox to CAP find yourself please returning it to my family at the registrant address of @GruwUp 2012 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace. @GRUWUP.net

Thank you much
Amazing New Real Bionic Technology in use ...
Updated May 17, 2013 12:59:52pm
Updated Jun 01, 2013 4:47:30am
Locks only are to keep honest people honest.
Updated Jun 05, 2013 11:33:09am
Here we go ---- Another News Spot on Provigil
Updated Jun 05, 2013 11:27:59pm
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Walk 0006 highlights. Pay no mind to the drain photo. That is placed here for a household discussion on supportive or disruptive cotentions in my home regarding sharabulility of my walk to the members of this house. Thank you.
Updated Jun 06, 2013 2:31:46pm
Very disturbing as he describes in detail what a drone strike looks like --- to watching anyone who is wounded die right by their act.
Updated Jun 06, 2013 6:42:32pm
Government Tracking of your phone calls and emails [ by keywords ] you all. I already know such things are in place. Read the Patriot Act. Keep your chaos out of socieity. Keep your violent thoughts inactive or you are going to get yourself in jail very very quick now. With with SCOTUS and the DNA id fingerprinting authority when you get arrested -- you better not have committed some real bad thing sometime ago. You are given due warning you better keep you volience and non-peaceful actions to your mind and not your hand.

If you pass by this message, you have been warned. Be GRUW UP immediately or else.

Good Day

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace --- keep free --- be well -- I want freedom and peace for all. Just stop being fucked up human, ok?
Updated Jun 06, 2013 8:51:02pm
Updated Jun 06, 2013 11:10:20pm
Updated Jun 06, 2013 11:11:08pm
Updated Jun 06, 2013 11:11:38pm
this walk I urgently needed to urinate during route. I ended up pissing my pants a bit.
Updated Jun 07, 2013 7:33:17pm
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James M Driskill updated his status.
I cannot help the posting order. These were walk in order....

I _ A M _ A N _ I D I O T
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Here are some working pix in the process of setting up a walkable letterbox.
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€walk 0010 picture details. The walk complete spelled out I_AM_AN_IDIOT.
An In Depth Discussion on PRISM and Internet Surveillance by the Government. Like I said in my timeline just recently, when I created my realuphuman @ gmail accounts, I wrote a Letter to the FBI that sat in my inbox as a draft. No kidding. If it is technically possible, laws change no matter where, why, when, and how. My accounts were created to survive my death.
Updated Jun 08, 2013 3:50:56pm
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Just completed €walk 0011 . Which spells FOOT_HEALTH_ The space between foot and health is a walk over to the Knights of Columbus where I have already introduced myself to Councilman John the other night and introduced my long walk of Beatty from Oakland to San Bernardino in sept. I went in out of breath and he gave me two bottles of water. I am using those bottles. I asked him permission to use the outside hose which he granted me that privilege but yesterday I was so upset to spell out I AM AN IDIOT in my letterbox that I forgot to notice the keep off the grass sign. Today I spelled out FOOT HEALTH which will continue.... when I started to type health I. This comment box the auto suggesstion is this AIDS Healthcare Foundation
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€walk 0011 €foothealth. Index: AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Updated Jun 09, 2013 8:40:32pm
Updated Jun 09, 2013 8:59:20pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Aurora wetlands nearby park
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Bicentennial Park Aurora Colorado my letterbox my walk training area.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Current condition of foot health. This ain't gonna be easy.
Current condition of foot health. This ain't gonna be easy.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Someone or I will get this trash out of the free please
Someone or I will get this trash out of the free please
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The Art Center near the park
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More pictures of the Arts Center
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There is a fire burning near Lynn Darnell and Clay's place. The house is in Peyton. This is where I will.be heading to stay for a few while an apartment opens up in Aurora/Denver area.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk.
Updated Jun 13, 2013 5:02:47pm
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A walk around Peyton near the Black Forest Fire area. The fire is settling down controlled today. Great. No evacuation nessessary.
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Walked up to the evacuation zone today. a sheriff deputy stopped me and ran my Wyoming driver's license. Some neighbors were concerned about an unfamiliar face walking around taking pictures. There was no problems. I'm glad that I'm interfaced to law enforcement... I will be needing to be safe during my long walk of 492 miles starting in September anyway. More people who know what I am doing the better. Blessed be
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.03mi, time elapsed: 01:01, current pace 31:20min/mi, current speed: 1.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:42:33am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.10mi, time elapsed: 02:00, current pace 20:58min/mi, current speed: 2.86mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:42:36am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.31mi, time elapsed: 06:00, current pace 19:25min/mi, current speed: 3.09mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:46:25am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.37mi, time elapsed: 07:00, current pace 18:47min/mi, current speed: 3.20mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:47:24am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.44mi, time elapsed: 08:00, current pace 18:21min/mi, current speed: 3.27mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:48:29am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.63mi, time elapsed: 11:01, current pace 17:36min/mi, current speed: 3.41mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:51:48am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.69mi, time elapsed: 12:00, current pace 17:29min/mi, current speed: 3.43mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:52:26am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.82mi, time elapsed: 14:00, current pace 17:05min/mi, current speed: 3.51mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:54:31am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.88mi, time elapsed: 15:00, current pace 17:00min/mi, current speed: 3.53mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:55:25am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.95mi, time elapsed: 16:02, current pace 16:56min/mi, current speed: 3.54mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:56:25am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.01mi, time elapsed: 17:03, current pace 16:54min/mi, current speed: 3.55mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:57:26am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.09mi, time elapsed: 18:02, current pace 16:37min/mi, current speed: 3.61mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:58:28am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.14mi, time elapsed: 19:05, current pace 16:44min/mi, current speed: 3.59mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 8:59:28am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.22mi, time elapsed: 20:00, current pace 16:21min/mi, current speed: 3.67mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:00:24am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.33mi, time elapsed: 21:00, current pace 15:49min/mi, current speed: 3.79mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:01:24am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.40mi, time elapsed: 22:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:02:23am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.48mi, time elapsed: 23:00, current pace 15:35min/mi, current speed: 3.85mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:03:23am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.54mi, time elapsed: 24:00, current pace 15:37min/mi, current speed: 3.84mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:04:24am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.60mi, time elapsed: 25:00, current pace 15:35min/mi, current speed: 3.85mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:05:27am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.66mi, time elapsed: 26:00, current pace 15:38min/mi, current speed: 3.84mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:06:24am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.72mi, time elapsed: 27:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:07:23am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.78mi, time elapsed: 28:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:08:24am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.85mi, time elapsed: 29:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:09:24am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.91mi, time elapsed: 30:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:10:23am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.97mi, time elapsed: 31:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:11:23am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.03mi, time elapsed: 32:00, current pace 15:44min/mi, current speed: 3.81mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:12:32am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.10mi, time elapsed: 33:00, current pace 15:41min/mi, current speed: 3.83mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:13:28am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.17mi, time elapsed: 34:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:14:23am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.22mi, time elapsed: 35:00, current pace 15:44min/mi, current speed: 3.81mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:15:23am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.28mi, time elapsed: 36:00, current pace 15:46min/mi, current speed: 3.80mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 15, 2013 9:16:23am
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Just a couple of road signs in today's walk training. It was a hill on Bradshaw coming back that I almost did not make it up. I sure have a lot more training to go before I am ready to begin my long walk ( 492 miles ) in Sept.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.04mi, time elapsed: 01:00, current pace 26:07min/mi, current speed: 2.30mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 16, 2013 10:24:32am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.04mi, time elapsed: 02:00, current pace 52:14min/mi, current speed: 1.15mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 16, 2013 10:25:31am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.11mi, time elapsed: 03:00, current pace 26:58min/mi, current speed: 2.23mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 16, 2013 10:26:31am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.16mi, time elapsed: 04:00, current pace 25:28min/mi, current speed: 2.36mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 16, 2013 10:27:31am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.21mi, time elapsed: 05:00, current pace 24:01min/mi, current speed: 2.50mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 16, 2013 10:28:32am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.27mi, time elapsed: 06:00, current pace 22:14min/mi, current speed: 2.70mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 16, 2013 10:29:32am
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Gay Pride Denver celebration.
Relaxing by the urban waterfall at Denver Pride
Relaxing by the urban waterfall at Denver Pride
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.09mi, time elapsed: 01:00, current pace 11:20min/mi, current speed: 5.29mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 6:54:03am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.21mi, time elapsed: 03:00, current pace 14:02min/mi, current speed: 4.27mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 6:56:02am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.27mi, time elapsed: 04:00, current pace 14:39min/mi, current speed: 4.09mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 6:56:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.34mi, time elapsed: 05:00, current pace 14:53min/mi, current speed: 4.03mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 6:57:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.59mi, time elapsed: 09:00, current pace 15:15min/mi, current speed: 3.93mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:02:16am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.65mi, time elapsed: 10:00, current pace 15:27min/mi, current speed: 3.88mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:03:02am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.71mi, time elapsed: 11:00, current pace 15:31min/mi, current speed: 3.87mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:03:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.77mi, time elapsed: 12:00, current pace 15:38min/mi, current speed: 3.84mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:04:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 0.90mi, time elapsed: 14:00, current pace 15:35min/mi, current speed: 3.85mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:06:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.09mi, time elapsed: 17:00, current pace 15:39min/mi, current speed: 3.83mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:10:01am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.21mi, time elapsed: 19:00, current pace 15:42min/mi, current speed: 3.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:11:59am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.27mi, time elapsed: 20:00, current pace 15:46min/mi, current speed: 3.80mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:12:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.33mi, time elapsed: 21:00, current pace 15:47min/mi, current speed: 3.80mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:13:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.39mi, time elapsed: 22:00, current pace 15:48min/mi, current speed: 3.80mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:14:58am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.45mi, time elapsed: 23:00, current pace 15:49min/mi, current speed: 3.79mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:15:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.52mi, time elapsed: 24:00, current pace 15:49min/mi, current speed: 3.79mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:16:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.58mi, time elapsed: 25:00, current pace 15:52min/mi, current speed: 3.78mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:17:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.64mi, time elapsed: 26:00, current pace 15:54min/mi, current speed: 3.77mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:18:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.70mi, time elapsed: 27:00, current pace 15:55min/mi, current speed: 3.77mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:19:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.76mi, time elapsed: 28:00, current pace 15:56min/mi, current speed: 3.77mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:20:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.82mi, time elapsed: 29:00, current pace 15:57min/mi, current speed: 3.76mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:21:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.88mi, time elapsed: 30:00, current pace 15:59min/mi, current speed: 3.76mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:22:55am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 1.94mi, time elapsed: 31:00, current pace 16:00min/mi, current speed: 3.75mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:23:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.00mi, time elapsed: 32:00, current pace 15:59min/mi, current speed: 3.75mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:24:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.06mi, time elapsed: 33:00, current pace 16:00min/mi, current speed: 3.75mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:25:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.12mi, time elapsed: 34:00, current pace 16:01min/mi, current speed: 3.75mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:26:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.19mi, time elapsed: 35:00, current pace 16:01min/mi, current speed: 3.75mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:27:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.25mi, time elapsed: 36:00, current pace 16:01min/mi, current speed: 3.75mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:28:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.31mi, time elapsed: 37:00, current pace 16:02min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:30:00am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.36mi, time elapsed: 38:00, current pace 16:05min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:30:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.49mi, time elapsed: 40:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:32:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.62mi, time elapsed: 42:00, current pace 16:02min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:34:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.68mi, time elapsed: 43:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:35:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.74mi, time elapsed: 44:00, current pace 16:03min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:36:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.81mi, time elapsed: 45:00, current pace 16:03min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:37:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.87mi, time elapsed: 46:00, current pace 16:01min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:38:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.93mi, time elapsed: 47:00, current pace 16:02min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:39:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.99mi, time elapsed: 48:00, current pace 16:02min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:40:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.05mi, time elapsed: 49:00, current pace 16:03min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:41:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.12mi, time elapsed: 50:00, current pace 16:02min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:42:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.18mi, time elapsed: 51:00, current pace 16:02min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:43:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.24mi, time elapsed: 52:00, current pace 16:02min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:44:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.30mi, time elapsed: 53:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:45:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.36mi, time elapsed: 54:00, current pace 16:03min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:46:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.43mi, time elapsed: 55:00, current pace 16:03min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:48:03am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.48mi, time elapsed: 56:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:49:11am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.55mi, time elapsed: 57:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:49:56am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.61mi, time elapsed: 58:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:50:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.67mi, time elapsed: 59:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:51:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.73mi, time elapsed: 01:00:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:52:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.80mi, time elapsed: 01:01:00, current pace 16:03min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:53:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.86mi, time elapsed: 01:02:00, current pace 16:05min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:54:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.91mi, time elapsed: 01:03:00, current pace 16:06min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:55:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.98mi, time elapsed: 01:04:00, current pace 16:06min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:56:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.05mi, time elapsed: 01:05:00, current pace 16:03min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:57:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.11mi, time elapsed: 01:06:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.74mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:58:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.17mi, time elapsed: 01:07:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 7:59:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.23mi, time elapsed: 01:08:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:00:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.29mi, time elapsed: 01:09:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:01:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.36mi, time elapsed: 01:10:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:02:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.42mi, time elapsed: 01:11:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:03:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.48mi, time elapsed: 01:12:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:04:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.54mi, time elapsed: 01:13:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:05:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.61mi, time elapsed: 01:14:00, current pace 16:04min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:06:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.66mi, time elapsed: 01:15:00, current pace 16:05min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:07:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.72mi, time elapsed: 01:16:00, current pace 16:06min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:08:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.79mi, time elapsed: 01:17:00, current pace 16:05min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:09:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.85mi, time elapsed: 01:18:00, current pace 16:05min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:10:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.91mi, time elapsed: 01:19:00, current pace 16:06min/mi, current speed: 3.73mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:11:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.96mi, time elapsed: 01:20:00, current pace 16:07min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:12:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.03mi, time elapsed: 01:21:00, current pace 16:07min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:13:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.08mi, time elapsed: 01:22:00, current pace 16:08min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:14:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.14mi, time elapsed: 01:23:00, current pace 16:08min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:15:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.20mi, time elapsed: 01:24:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:17:02am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.26mi, time elapsed: 01:25:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.71mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:17:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.33mi, time elapsed: 01:26:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:18:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.39mi, time elapsed: 01:27:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.71mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:20:06am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.51mi, time elapsed: 01:29:00, current pace 16:10min/mi, current speed: 3.71mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:21:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.57mi, time elapsed: 01:30:00, current pace 16:10min/mi, current speed: 3.71mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:22:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.64mi, time elapsed: 01:31:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:24:09am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.70mi, time elapsed: 01:32:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.71mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:24:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.82mi, time elapsed: 01:34:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.71mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:27:03am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.94mi, time elapsed: 01:36:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.71mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:28:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.01mi, time elapsed: 01:37:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:29:58am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.07mi, time elapsed: 01:38:00, current pace 16:09min/mi, current speed: 3.72mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:30:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.52mi, time elapsed: 01:39:00, current pace 15:10min/mi, current speed: 3.95mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:31:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.59mi, time elapsed: 01:40:00, current pace 15:11min/mi, current speed: 3.95mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:32:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.64mi, time elapsed: 01:41:00, current pace 15:12min/mi, current speed: 3.95mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:33:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.70mi, time elapsed: 01:42:00, current pace 15:13min/mi, current speed: 3.94mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:34:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.76mi, time elapsed: 01:43:00, current pace 15:14min/mi, current speed: 3.94mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:35:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.82mi, time elapsed: 01:44:00, current pace 15:15min/mi, current speed: 3.94mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:36:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.88mi, time elapsed: 01:45:00, current pace 15:16min/mi, current speed: 3.93mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:37:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.94mi, time elapsed: 01:46:00, current pace 15:16min/mi, current speed: 3.93mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:38:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.00mi, time elapsed: 01:47:00, current pace 15:17min/mi, current speed: 3.93mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:39:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.06mi, time elapsed: 01:48:00, current pace 15:18min/mi, current speed: 3.92mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:40:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.12mi, time elapsed: 01:49:00, current pace 15:19min/mi, current speed: 3.92mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:41:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.18mi, time elapsed: 01:50:00, current pace 15:19min/mi, current speed: 3.92mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:42:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.24mi, time elapsed: 01:51:00, current pace 15:20min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:43:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.30mi, time elapsed: 01:52:00, current pace 15:21min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:44:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.36mi, time elapsed: 01:53:00, current pace 15:21min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:45:55am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.43mi, time elapsed: 01:54:00, current pace 15:20min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:46:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.49mi, time elapsed: 01:55:00, current pace 15:21min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:47:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.56mi, time elapsed: 01:56:00, current pace 15:21min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:48:51am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.63mi, time elapsed: 01:57:00, current pace 15:20min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:49:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.69mi, time elapsed: 01:58:00, current pace 15:21min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:51:01am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.76mi, time elapsed: 01:59:00, current pace 15:21min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:51:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.82mi, time elapsed: 02:00:00, current pace 15:21min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:52:53am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.88mi, time elapsed: 02:01:00, current pace 15:22min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:53:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.94mi, time elapsed: 02:02:00, current pace 15:22min/mi, current speed: 3.90mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:54:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 8.00mi, time elapsed: 02:03:00, current pace 15:23min/mi, current speed: 3.90mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:55:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 8.06mi, time elapsed: 02:04:00, current pace 15:23min/mi, current speed: 3.90mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:56:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 8.12mi, time elapsed: 02:05:00, current pace 15:24min/mi, current speed: 3.90mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:57:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 8.18mi, time elapsed: 02:06:00, current pace 15:24min/mi, current speed: 3.90mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:58:52am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 8.24mi, time elapsed: 02:07:00, current pace 15:25min/mi, current speed: 3.89mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 18, 2013 8:59:52am
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On my walk today. Starting at the Walmart parking lot in Falcon Co.
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Photos from my walk to the nearby park.
Video 1 of the park area
Video 1 of the park area
Video 2 of the park area
Video 2 of the park area
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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I've acquired a carry pack for water for my long walk. Thanks Clay..
I've acquired a carry pack for water for my long walk. Thanks Clay..
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Sunset in the smoke tonight.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.00mi, time elapsed: 30:41, current pace 15:20min/mi, current speed: 3.91mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 23, 2013 7:47:37am
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Pictures on my walk. I saw some deer but i guess they were to quick for my camera. Oh well next time.
Updated Jun 24, 2013 7:22:03am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.00mi, time elapsed: 24:56, current pace 12:27min/mi, current speed: 4.82mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 25, 2013 7:39:15am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.10mi, time elapsed: 54:24, current pace 13:17min/mi, current speed: 4.52mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 25, 2013 8:08:42am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 6.01mi, time elapsed: 01:08:14, current pace 11:22min/mi, current speed: 5.28mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 25, 2013 8:40:54am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 7.09mi, time elapsed: 01:10:18, current pace 9:55min/mi, current speed: 6.05mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 25, 2013 8:40:57am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 8.00mi, time elapsed: 01:20:28, current pace 10:03min/mi, current speed: 5.97mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 25, 2013 8:40:58am
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Some pictures from today.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 3.00mi, time elapsed: 42:55, current pace 14:17min/mi, current speed: 4.20mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 27, 2013 6:44:00am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:15:09, current pace 15:02min/mi, current speed: 3.99mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 27, 2013 7:16:14am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 2.00mi, time elapsed: 31:02, current pace 15:31min/mi, current speed: 3.87mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 28, 2013 7:16:12am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 4.00mi, time elapsed: 59:55, current pace 14:59min/mi, current speed: 4.01mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/JamesD2314/live
Updated Jun 28, 2013 7:45:23am
This is something personal. Both my Grandmother had this condition as well as my mother is now just starting to suffer consequences of this eye disease. I could have it one day.
Updated Jun 29, 2013 4:29:01am
homemade can crusher powered by compressed air.
homemade can crusher powered by compressed air.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is is watching "Bones" on Verizon FiOS TV
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Today I walk to the orginial location of where McDonalds started. This is just a few blocks south of my high school.
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My Jr high and high school where I went to school.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is is watching "America's Secret Slang" on Verizon FiOS TV
James M Driskill updated his status.
My father George Garfield Driskill passed away early this morning from complications of lung cancer. I love you daddy.
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I walked > 10 miles in one walk for the first time. Here are some pictures from my walk. Remember that my long walk starting September 3rd is for World Peace. GRUWUP 2013 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Updated Jul 14, 2013 8:38:45am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Jul 15, 2013 7:49:11pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Some preliminary setup for my dad's service and memorial. The graveside service is Friday at 11:00am at Mountain View Cemetery in San Bernardino. #TheRealGeorge. We still have not selected photos of my dad. I love you daddy.
Some preliminary setup for my dad's service and memorial. The graveside service is Friday at 11:00am at Mountain View Cemetery in San Bernardino. #TheRealGeorge. We still have not selected photos of my dad. I love you daddy.
James M Driskill updated his status.
is is watching "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" on Verizon FiOS TV
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Jul 17, 2013 7:04:17pm
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Jul 18, 2013 3:34:08pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 10.00mi, time elapsed: 02:32:24, current pace 15:14min/mi, current speed: 3.94mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Jul 21, 2013 10:04:11am
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Today's photos on my previous long walk training.
James M Driskill updated his status.
It's a boy.... who gives a care?!!!!???!!!
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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Pictures on my walk today. #ALongWalkOfBeauty-PreWalkTraining
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:11:23, current pace 14:16min/mi, current speed: 4.21mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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Updated pictures.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
I just closed out my storage unit in San Marcos CA. This is a walk around where I used to live. Just so happens to be the registrant address of @muckeduphuman.net [ http://www.betterwhois.com/bwhois.cgi?domain=muckeduphuman.net&x=77&y=22 ] The email address that I used to register with my storage unit account may bring some idea to what kind of recommendation I have for this apartment place. This is a valid email address: [ USTOREIT.COM-PASEODELOROAPTS@fuckeduphuman.net ]
Updated Jul 29, 2013 2:28:26pm
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This is where I used to live in San Marcos. Paseo Del Oro Apartments #165.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 10.03mi, time elapsed: 02:21:55, current pace 14:09min/mi, current speed: 4.24mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live

Look at these time spits:

Distance Pace Elapsed Time
1 mi 13:32 min/mi 00:13:31
2 mi 14:23 min/mi 00:14:21
3 mi 12:58 min/mi 00:12:50
4 mi 14:28 min/mi 00:14:18
5 mi 15:46 min/mi 00:15:43
6 mi 14:41 min/mi 00:14:37
7 mi 14:07 min/mi 00:14:05
8 mi 13:41 min/mi 00:13:35
9 mi 13:33 min/mi 00:13:20
10 mi 13:27 min/mi 00:13:09
10.2 mi 13:34 min/mi 00:02:56
Updated Jul 29, 2013 9:20:41pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 10.00mi, time elapsed: 02:35:00, current pace 15:30min/mi, current speed: 3.87mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Jul 30, 2013 9:15:08am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Formerly the previous entrance of The Campus Crusade For Christ Arrowhead Springs. [ ref: Campus Crusade f or Christ vacated the property in 1991 for its new headquarters in Orlando, Florida. (Hillinger, 1963) : http://www.historicresources.com/reps/arrowhead_springs.pdf ]
Place: Indian Statue Arrowhead Springs Entrance (34.18506602, -117.27379119)
Address: San Bernardino, CA
Formerly the previous entrance of The Campus Crusade For Christ Arrowhead Springs. [ ref: Campus Crusade f
or Christ vacated the property in 1991 for its new headquarters in Orlando, Florida. (Hillinger, 1963) : http://www.historicresources.com/reps/arrowhead_springs.pdf ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 15.00mi, time elapsed: 04:35:07, current pace 18:20min/mi, current speed: 3.27mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
The defintion of being Real Up Human
Updated Aug 05, 2013 12:40:37pm
Starting the day on the first boat ride out on the river.
Place: Colorado River - CA/AZ border (33.606668899719, -114.617823065)
Address: East Blythe, CA 30805
Starting the day on the first boat ride out on the river.
First Island Stop, we anchored the boat to setup a peaceful picnic site on the beach. We setup a sun protective awning for all four of us with four chairs. Lunch, soda and beer was left in the boat until we were ready to eat.
Place: Colorado River - CA/AZ border (33.606668899719, -114.617823065)
Address: East Blythe, CA 30805
First Island Stop, we anchored the boat to setup a peaceful picnic site on the beach. We setup a sun protective awning for all four of us with four chairs. Lunch, soda and beer was left in the boat until we were ready to eat.
Video of Jet Skier while I was sitting relaxing in the boat along island 1 stop.
Place: Colorado River - CA/AZ border (33.606668899719, -114.617823065)
Address: East Blythe, CA 30805
Video of Jet Skier while I was sitting relaxing in the boat along island 1 stop.
Updated Aug 06, 2013 12:14:00pm
James M Driskill recommends Covert Affairs.
Updated Aug 06, 2013 6:29:59pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
#LongWalkOfBeauty-PreWalkTraining : For More Infomation/Updated see: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/
Updated Aug 10, 2013 11:09:02am
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peacefacebook.com
@Gruwup 2013 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
More info: https://www.facebook.com/gruwup
Updated Aug 10, 2013 1:24:29pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
#LongWalkOfBeauty-PreWalkTraining --- see http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ for more details. Walk Begins September 3rd 2006 from Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA 505 Miles
Updated Aug 16, 2013 9:16:42am
A long walk of beauty introductory video. This is scene 01 take 02 and still preliminary. There are video/audio sync errors but the audio narrative is pretty clear. Please watch to listen. Thank you. #LongWalkOfBeauty
A long walk of beauty introductory video. This is scene 01 take 02 and still preliminary. There are video/audio sync errors but the audio narrative is pretty clear. Please watch to listen. Thank you. #LongWalkOfBeauty
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
#LongWalkOfBeauty-PreWalkTraining --- For More Information on 505 mile routed walk from Oakland to San Bernardino including maps and start date/time announcements see: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ Thanks
Updated Aug 18, 2013 9:19:55am
This is introduction to video #2 -- The beginning of things of who, what. where, and why I made a promise to walk on May 20th 2006 in the address Oh Kind Sir. See webpage: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us 505 Mile from Oakland CA to San Bernardino. First long walk step begins on September 21st 2013 (International Day Of Peace) See webpage for links to real court document cases, link to Oh Kind Sir [ mentioned in this video ] maps, long walk route walking directions. @Gruwup 2013 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace whois [ gruwup.net : Domain created July 16th 2006 ] and corresponds to court records in and defendant defeat in case WG06266106, July 14th 2006 [ Friday ] and the sheriff posted and scheduled to kick me out of my unit Monday at 6am.
This is introduction to video #2 -- The beginning of things of who, what. where, and why I made a promise to walk on May 20th 2006 in the address Oh Kind Sir.

See webpage: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/

505 Mile from Oakland CA to San Bernardino. First long walk step begins on September 21st 2013 (International Day Of Peace)

See webpage for links to real court document cases, link to Oh Kind Sir [ mentioned in this video ] maps, long walk route walking directions.

@Gruwup 2013
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
whois [ gruwup.net : Domain created July 16th 2006 ]
and corresponds to court records in and defendant defeat
in case WG06266106, July 14th 2006 [ Friday ] and the
sheriff posted and scheduled to kick me out of my unit
Monday at 6am.
James M Driskill updated his status.
MapMyWalk message letter box:

(Heart) I LOVE MAMA, JOY, DAD, Blythe . ,( will continue... )

Debbie + David
grandmas HELEN + DANNA
grampas ROY + GEORGE
Uncle Johnny + Shelly
Uncle John + Camila
cousins ToM + Mike + Debbie + Patty + Sandy + Diana

As each new name is placed into this message.. a heart symbol will be placed followed by name or names. These will be inclusive of #ALongWalkOfBeauty

Perhaps you may have noticed Brother Dennis not a part of this. See further commented explanation. Thank you Oh Kind Ladies and Sirs for reading. Blessed Be
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk.
James M Driskill was at Riverside Community Hospital.
Place: Riverside Community Hospital (33.976570260272, -117.38119125366)
Address: 4445 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92501
Place: Riverside Community Hospital (33.976570260272, -117.38119125366)
Address: 4445 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92501
My mom has an appointment at Retina Institute of California Ste #301. There was a free WiFi spot called [ guest_access ]. That is what brings me to your website and then following follow us in Facebook.

Who am I?

I am @GRUWUP : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace.

My current home location is Aurora CA and I have my medical providers through the university of Colorado Hospital ( UCH.edu ).

I have an inquiry for the Riverside Community Hospital that I would like to follow up on. Do you have i-heath acesss to health records, doctor appointments, test results, email my doctor such as the MyHealth featured system setup at UCH.edu? If not, I would like to know why and what plans you have to this future. Thank You.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I am at Stater Brothers, a grocery chain in my hometown San Bernardino where I grew up. I am at the CoinStar machine to dump some of my loose change from property stored in san Marcos California since July 2010.

I am using the donate to chairy option for ChageMakingChage. They said check their facebook page. So i will.

This donation is in the gifter's name of me as @gruwup 2013.

The place I had my storage was in san Marcos California. When I obtained my rental storage unit, I registered the email address on that account as:

[ follow comments further ]
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
The Coinstar machine asked me if I have ever used CoinStar Before. I have not. When I said no, it asked for an email address. [ COINSTAR-DONATION@GRUWUP.NET ] : Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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Hawk springs in wyoming
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A hike to the waterfall at Granite Springs Reservoir Wyoming. Set 1
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Set 2
water falling over at Hidden Falls, Wyoming.
water falling over at Hidden Falls, Wyoming.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Website Updated: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ : 505 Mile Walk From Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA starting September 21st 2013.
Updated Sep 13, 2013 8:19:37pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Sep 14, 2013 4:59:38pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Please watch this video....... its about The Good Life
Updated Sep 16, 2013 9:31:17pm
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Place: Colorado Health Network - Denver (39.739639422008, -104.91543795508)
Address: 6260 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80220
My recent walk training around the offices of the Denver CAP.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Sep 19, 2013 6:20:50pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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Ending day 1 and beginning day 2 of #LongWalkOfBeauty. Who will ware these shorts? The art preservative may bring immorality? See words to live by in twitter @GRUWUP . GREAT REASONS US WILL UNITE PEACE.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:31:30, current pace 18:17min/mi, current speed: 3.28mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 10.00mi, time elapsed: 04:47:40, current pace 28:46min/mi, current speed: 2.09mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 04:11:00, current pace 50:12min/mi, current speed: 1.20mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 10.00mi, time elapsed: 04:12:47, current pace 25:17min/mi, current speed: 2.37mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 02:23:40, current pace 28:43min/mi, current speed: 2.09mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:51:20, current pace 22:16min/mi, current speed: 2.70mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:33:36, current pace 18:43min/mi, current speed: 3.21mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:32:59, current pace 18:35min/mi, current speed: 3.23mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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#LongWalkOfBeauty : Holy City Glass : artist blowing glass here
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#LongWalkOfBeauty : Lexington Reservoir area
#LongWalkOfBeauty : This is a very beautiful urban waterfall in Santa Clara on my route.
#LongWalkOfBeauty : This is a very beautiful urban waterfall in Santa Clara on my route.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:35:46, current pace 19:09min/mi, current speed: 3.13mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 10.00mi, time elapsed: 02:59:25, current pace 17:56min/mi, current speed: 3.34mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:54:26, current pace 22:53min/mi, current speed: 2.62mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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#LongWalkOfBeauty : Salinas River State Beach just south of Moss Landing. This is where I stayed over night #17 with the permission of peace officer Kraft. Thank You Officer for running into me upon my arrival and notifying your coworkers of my long walk and intended stay overs on my route south. That makes me much more steady on my feet. Blessed be
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
#LongWalkOfBeauty : Sea Birds on the Sea Shore
#LongWalkOfBeauty : Sea Birds on the Sea Shore
James M Driskill updated his status.
#LongWalkOfBeauty : Long walk halted at day 20. The decision to halt my long walk has several factors which will be detailed in my closing journal entries on my webpage. Some parts are technical difficulties GPS tracking down the coast line. I made it about 15 miles outside of Big Sur on Ca highway 1
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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This definition of "Humans" was created on May 1st 2005 in observance of calling out the phrase : "Mayday Mayday Mayday " which is a distress call for help simulatly to an SOS. This urbandictionary definition had a ranking of 12. for most of it's presented lifetime; for which example after example after example I placed into outbound email correspondences. On today's date I have first observed a great disturbance in the force applied as being @Gruwup 2006 for which this definition is encapsulated by other defines remain absolute truth and absolute morality in an unified memeticalky active collection of publicly defined memespaces. @Gruwup 2013: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace Please link to the direct urbandictionary URL here and please vote a thumbs "up" for me right in the here and now. Thank you Oh Kind Ladies and Oh Kind Sirs of my friends. So Note It Be http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Humans&defid=1227658
This definition of "Humans" was created on May 1st 2005 in observance of calling out the phrase :

"Mayday Mayday Mayday "

which is a distress call for help simulatly to an SOS. This urbandictionary definition had a ranking of 12. for most of it's presented lifetime; for which example after example after example I placed into outbound email correspondences.

On today's date I have first observed a great disturbance in the force applied as being @Gruwup 2006 for which this definition is encapsulated by other defines remain absolute truth and absolute morality in an unified memeticalky active collection of publicly defined memespaces.

@Gruwup 2013:
Great Reasons Us Will
Unite Peace

Please link to the direct urbandictionary URL here and please vote a thumbs "up" for me right in the here and now. Thank you Oh Kind Ladies and Oh Kind Sirs of my friends.
So Note It Be

James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Mama, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my needs to be absolutely head strong yelling to the top of my highest volume ability within the walls of your home not my home the following properly most desperate attempt that my words will overrule whatever denial of requests in calm loving fassion I made this request of you in the last week I was present in your home and not my home. I asked you to read a loud in what has merrits of communations messages in your first person spoken tone that those messages typucslly what we call the emotional connection you hold onto or into yourself is passionately pursuit of happiness or a dispassionate exclusion of words written by your son.

Your emotional state to follow through with what is just about 30 seconds of time to read to a spoken delivery:

in The Mindway Skin

It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred.
We are sharing so free without hated.
There are no limits to stop us, so no reason to quit.
The universe of happiness and Its discovery is out there.
Let's get on it, it's our trip.


To take these words true to heart, I will explain something of the facts of life to you. The facts of life of words spoken from the chaining down of my passion. There are to limits of highest volume exclaimed the man who wrote them and thus that was the in needed moment of ritchious delivery I played out or acted a tantrum state.

You simply will not in unconditional love comply with such a simple request of your son. As "This Is It!" was expressed to you in email composed and directed to your currently active email address: vadriskill@gruwup.net

You will find the troubled imbalance inside yourself to this quest I seek an appology on my terms and now where I stand on my turf or the profound disfunction inside you and not me will as of this walk forever separated. I may never want to see you in your home and you will have to travel great distances to deliver my terms of speaking my four line poem to me face to face or I make this my so lice promise this walk tracing record will be the very last time you see me.

Without the letter being aware to any outside persons of these matters, obviously there is some real big problem between us. Who will break their obstructive behaviors fist. Care to construct a new paradigm in our relationship is on your door step. Step out of your comfort zone and uncontionally lovingly comply with my simple request. Who is right or wrong is lesser of my need from you to over run in our minds and our hearts. I love you mama.
Updated Oct 25, 2013 11:25:56pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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I find this kind of resenting to me considering the events of today in the home of my brother @[100006806283833:2048:Dennis Driskill]. The relationship status between our most recent share link channel ( here on Facebook ) shows us neighbors. One factor could be that my actual blood brother family relative just most recently joined Facebook after the death of his wife @[1178324940:2048:Debbie Driskill]. As we can't be neighbors because I actually locate my homestead now in the Denver Colorado area. I am writing thid message from within walls of my brother's youth to adult bedroom. There is a need to update my public memespace @realuphuman as there is already a folder there. http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/ What will be written there will be compliant to #WordsToLiveBy (@wikiworld : @gruwup.net ) and I care less and less for holding any regards to fix a very asstranged brothership. I will abide to my brother's pronounced decree that I am not welcomed there. I am placing a couple of Facebook link name connections. If my brother's choice is to delete his Facebook account to hide himself from this truth, he can. I write from a new understanding established between my mother Roni Driskill. To my brother right here and k ow I declare this is true. You do not know the meaning of unreasonable.
I find this kind of resenting to me considering the events of today in the home of my brother Dennis Driskill. The relationship status between our most recent share link channel ( here on Facebook ) shows us neighbors. One factor could be that my actual blood brother family relative just most recently joined Facebook after the death of his wife Debbie Driskill. As we can't be neighbors because I actually locate my homestead now in the Denver Colorado area. I am writing thid message from within walls of my brother's youth to adult bedroom. There is a need to update my public memespace @realuphuman as there is already a folder there.


What will be written there will be compliant to #WordsToLiveBy (@wikiworld : @gruwup.net ) and I care less and less for holding any regards to fix a very asstranged brothership.

I will abide to my brother's pronounced decree that I am not welcomed there.

I am placing a couple of Facebook link name connections. If my brother's choice is to delete his Facebook account to hide himself from this truth, he can.
I write from a new understanding established between my mother Roni Driskill.

To my brother right here and k ow I declare this is true.

You do not know the meaning of unreasonable.


This image presented is a partial_thoughts camera snapshot of an opened wepage from #LongWalkOfBeauty. This Facebook post and source image url serves a gruwup cause of action thus a gruwup purpose. For those who are just first introduced to the term gruwup, it stands for great reasons us will unite peace.

In general terns, this digital object becomes memetically active due to the internet domain name memespace it has been filed. IMPORTANT TO NOTE, the purpose in of itself has nothing to do with the content displayed for it to be memetically active. But in this particular use, the content shows its slight of hand [ a stage magic term ] usage here that references truth in all matters relative on that page is disclosed real up human.

Since my brother and I have never truthfully come to terms with the statement made of him on that page when read in full, I am forced to use this device. Several Christmases back while my father was still alive, I attempted to bring the family united in my parent's bedroom.

My brother's response to what I will term here complaint [ ref: Edward Young 1745 ] I was trying to address to the family alive in the full face to face presence of each other that from his point of view, when I first moved to San Francisco in 1987, I abandoned the family. For that reason given, we have such a distant true brotherhood connection.

We made an agreement back then to our parents that neither him or I committed to retain. And for that failure I take some fault on this. For that fault, my brotber has never truly understood the communication dysfunction I have been under most of my adult life with my mother that as of this evening in the delivery of her apology to me actually rationally understood my hurt rather than "but this or that" excusing away her end of response that I was stuck accepting her as she was. I have made several attempts both with my mother and my father too with these very similar issues with no true gripping result, But this time she made a promise or commitment better termed to try better in what I will general term usage here the way we talk to each other.

In my most humble opinion, this has been long standing deserved. I will show and share pride in what has happened today rather than cowering to shame. [ ref: full long walk title reference ]

Mama, correct me if I am wrong here in all of what is justly said here by me.

I have nothing further to write here in facebook on this subject.


Partial_Thoughts =

"We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost."
Updated Oct 27, 2013 1:06:13am
James M Driskill updated his status.
#LongWalkOfBeauty website updated. I still have to calculate day 20 mapping dara. But maps and events for continued walks started up again as well I plan on making the last route 5 miles to destination before leaving to Denver area on Nov 4th. The walks applied to day 21 and day 22 are real important newly minted reality in new better relationship with my mother. Http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Updated Nov 15, 2013 5:45:09pm
Part and parcel of Plato's Platonic Realism is his theory of Forms or Ideas, which refers to his belief that the material world as it seems to us is not the real world, but only a shadow or a poor copy of the real world. This is based on Plato's concept (or Socrates' through Plato) of hylomorphism, the idea that substances are forms inhering in matter. He held that substance is composed of matter and form, although not as any kind of a mixture or amalgam, but composed homogeneously together such that no matter can exist without form (or form without matter). Thus, pure matter and pure form can never be perceived, only comprehended abstractly by the intellect.

Updated Nov 17, 2013 5:25:33pm
Updated Nov 18, 2013 6:24:41am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm watching Family Feud on my Hopper. I love this show!
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Its begging to look a lot like the holidays are coming.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
If you really want to help fight and do something about cancer, run this on your computer and donate your unused CPU cycles now.
Updated Nov 25, 2013 7:53:24am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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love and peace in the snow
love and peace in the snow
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
Let's build a house. Http://wikihouse.cc/ - The wiki house project
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Jan 09, 2014 12:14:14pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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When I left for a morning walk, the sun was out. But it did not last and started snowing. Thank you David for coming out to look for me. Bu I am long away from being lost in a snow storm thanks to MapMyWalk.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Feb 01, 2014 4:42:12am
Updated Feb 01, 2014 4:44:47am
Updated Feb 01, 2014 4:46:22am
Updated Feb 01, 2014 5:32:01am
Updated Feb 01, 2014 5:34:46am
Invest in sugar.
Updated Feb 01, 2014 5:37:02am
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My first ever snowman. Not good.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Brrrrrrrrrrr its cold. -10° with wind chills to -30° here in Colorado.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live

WASHINGTON - The federal government is giving banks a roadmap for doing business with marijuana sellers.

It's another step toward enabling a legalized marijuana industry to operate in the United States.
The tide of change nationally is today.
Updated Feb 14, 2014 11:32:01am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Anyone who wants to be blown away with a 3D experience, should catch this I'm Imax 3D.
Anyone who wants to be blown away with a 3D experience, should catch this I'm Imax 3D.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Feb 19, 2014 3:21:04pm
Updated Feb 21, 2014 6:37:02pm
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There wad a bunch of deer in the yard today.
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More pix of deer today.
Video of a bunch of deer in the yard today.
Video of a bunch of deer in the yard today.
Updated Feb 25, 2014 10:17:00am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
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On my walk today, I came across this fisherman and fish mailbox. Lol
Living off of Dubose and Valencia street, my first and only actual sf address, I got to know the Latino area to the southwest quite well. R.I.P.
Updated Mar 01, 2014 3:49:05am
Spring is coming! A video I shot. Ice on pine trees melting and falling in the March sunshine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FOM5_arUkQ
Updated Mar 02, 2014 5:53:14pm
Updated Mar 03, 2014 3:14:01pm
Updated Mar 03, 2014 5:25:06pm
CallApp updates my contact book with pictures & birthdays - and identifies a billion unknown callers world-wide. Try it for free
Updated Mar 04, 2014 9:29:25am
Updated Mar 06, 2014 5:05:06pm
Updated Mar 08, 2014 4:26:03pm
Updated Mar 08, 2014 6:48:20pm
For all those hydrolic fracking supporter holdouts who think this shit is safe? You better watch these links. Several from the Rachael @[25987609066:274:The Rachel Maddow Show] last night. RADIOACTIVE WASTES ARE BEING DUMPED! http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2013/07/24/strange-byproduct-of-fracking-boom-radioactive-socks/
Updated Mar 13, 2014 6:51:00am
Updated Mar 17, 2014 11:03:48am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Happy saint Patrick's day.
Happy saint Patrick's day.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Weather alert just received.
Weather alert just received.
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Pictures from my hike up The Incline in Manitu Springs. I only made it about half way for my first attempt. :)
Video taken from the highest point I made it today on The Incline. This was my first climb. I plan on going father next time. :). Now I have a goal to make it to the top
Place: Manitou Springs Incline (38.856745122525, -104.93291315943)
Address: Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Video taken from the highest point I made it today on The Incline. This was my first climb. I plan on going father next time. :). Now I have a goal to make it to the top
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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My first tweet -- http://discover.twitter.com/first-tweet
Updated Mar 21, 2014 5:17:57pm
Updated Mar 21, 2014 5:19:01pm
Updated Mar 24, 2014 5:51:10pm
Updated Mar 24, 2014 5:52:01pm
Updated Mar 24, 2014 5:53:33pm
Updated Mar 25, 2014 5:34:52pm
Updated Mar 29, 2014 12:28:31pm
Updated Mar 29, 2014 12:35:40pm
Updated Mar 29, 2014 12:36:55pm
Updated Mar 29, 2014 12:38:29pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Gizmo The Cat
Gizmo The Cat
Updated Mar 31, 2014 3:48:37pm
Updated Mar 31, 2014 3:48:57pm
Updated Apr 01, 2014 6:44:18pm
Updated Apr 02, 2014 6:44:57pm
Updated Apr 04, 2014 4:56:39pm

Personalized Gene Therapy Locks Out HIV, Paving the Way to Control Virus Without Antiretroviral Drugs
Penn Researchers Used Zinc Finger Technology to Safely Build Up Army of Modified T Cells to Repel Virus
Updated Apr 10, 2014 11:18:14pm

How Did They Do It?

CCR5 is a protein that is expressed on a CD4 cell gene known as Delta 32, and its expression is what allows HIV t o find a cell and infect it.

Scientists have known for some time that people with a mutation on one CCR5 Delta 32 allele have protection against HIV. Those with a mutation on both alleles are believed to be completely immune to the virus.

Timothy Ray Brown, known as “The Berlin Patient,” underwent a stem cell transplant in 2007 to treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Doctors discovered that he had a CCR5 Delta 32 mutation on one allele, so they searched for a bone marrow donor who also had the mutation. They found one, and after the transplant Brown was functionally cured of his preexisting HIV infection.

Only one percent of the population is believed to have the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation on both alleles. But researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Penn Center for AIDS Research have ushered in a new era by finding a way to artificially create the mutation on at least one allele.

Pointing the 'Finger' At a Cure

They have been able to do this using artificial enzymes called zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), explained Bruce L. Levine, associate professor of cancer gene therapy and the director of the Clinical Cell and Vaccine Production Facility at Penn.

He told Healthline that by teaming up with Sangamo BioSciences, developer of the ZFNs, researchers were able to create a technique that worked like “molecular scissors” to insert the desired mutation. “By targeting the Delta 32 portion, you can disrupt the expressions of the CCR5 protein on the surface of the cell, locking out HIV, or removing the doorknob,” Levine said.

When researchers put the modified cells back into the patients, not only did they persist, but viral loads also dropped, even in the four of six patients taken off of life-saving antiretroviral therapy (ART) for three months.

"In the cell therapy and gene therapy community, we've always been believers in what we do or we wouldn't be working on it,” Levine said. “There has been a paradigm shift in biotechnology and pharma to go this way. Up and down the board it's a very different way of delivering a new therapy.”

One patient, who already had a CCR5 Delta 32 mutation on one allele, had a completely undetectable viral load even after being taken off of ART. Per research protocol, he went back on ART, so it is impossible to compare his outcome to that of the Berlin Patient.

One adverse outcome was reported in the study. One patient was taken to the emergency room because he felt ill 24 hours after the injection of the modified cells.
Updated Apr 10, 2014 11:20:30pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 01:22:47, current pace 16:33min/mi, current speed: 3.62mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
A rock monument at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs during a walk today.
A rock monument at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs during a walk today.
Updated May 22, 2014 10:43:55pm
Updated May 22, 2014 10:44:25pm
Updated May 22, 2014 10:44:38pm
James M Driskill was at Culver's (Falcon, CO).
Place: Culver's (38.937923431396, -104.61150360107)
Address: 7220 N Meridian Rd, Falcon, CO 80831
Place: Culver's (38.937923431396, -104.61150360107)
Address: 7220 N Meridian Rd, Falcon, CO 80831
James M Driskill updated his status.
Sunday nights is Adult Night 8pm to 11pm
James M Driskill added 1984 - George Orwell to books he's read.
1984 - George Orwell
James M Driskill added The Iliad to books he's read.
The Iliad
James M Driskill added The Adventures of Tom Sawyer to books he's read.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
James M Driskill added The Canterbury Tales to books he's read.
The Canterbury Tales
I attempted this incline --- only made it about 1/2 up.
Updated May 27, 2014 8:04:16pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Trying to Stop a malignant internet meme hoax.

Dear Wyoming Technical Institute:
[ www.wyotech.edu/campus/laramie ]

I am writing to you here on facebook to inform you that your name is being used to create and propagate malignant internet meme hoax.

If you google search [ wyoming institute of technology ]

You will find the name similarity that you are being used by this hoax. [ http://nationalreport.net/solar-panels-drain-suns-energy-experts-say/ ] among others are citing the source of this post intending to confuse readers to their bogus organization and bogus website [ http://witscience.org/ ]

Scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology, a privately-owned think tank located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, discovered that energy radiated from the sun isn’t merely captured in solar panels, but that energy is directly physically drawn from the sun by those panels, in a process they refer to as “forced photovoltaic drainage.” - See more at: http://nationalreport.net/solar-panels-drain-suns-energy-experts-say/#sthash.OoJF9KhN.dpuf

The domain whois information on [ http://witscience.org/ ] shows the following creation date.

witscience.org registry whois
Updated 55 minutes ago - Refresh
Domain ID: D172624842-LROR
Creation Date: 2014-05-16T21:05:25Z
Updated Date: 2014-05-16T21:05:26Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2015-05-16T21:05:25Z
Sponsoring Registrar:GoDaddy.com, LLC (R91-LROR)

I thought you should know that your organization is being used to confuse the public in believing this malignant internet meme.

Thank you,

James M. Driskill
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Timeline photos
@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Updated May 29, 2014 3:15:36pm
Updated May 31, 2014 1:58:39pm
Updated May 31, 2014 5:36:41pm
Updated May 31, 2014 5:38:49pm
Updated Jun 03, 2014 12:51:00pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
In Cheyenne wy and attending a rainy Friday Night's on the Plaza 70s night.
James M Driskill updated his status.
With JB to get out of the rain. It was pouring. My drink cup even had a leak.... went all over table and floor before I realized it and got a new cup.
Boogie Machinefacebook.com
They were playing in Cheyenne wy at the plaza. It was a rainy bust. But.it was fun
Updated Jun 06, 2014 7:02:57pm
Boogie Machine in Cheyenne Wy . #FridayNightsOnThePlaza.
Boogie Machine in Cheyenne Wy . #FridayNightsOnThePlaza.
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Place: Cheyenne Wyoming (41.1443135, -104.7997511)
A few snapshots of the crowd on the plaza.
James M Driskill was in Gillette Wyoming 82718.
Place: Gillette Wyoming 82718 (44.262473233333, -105.51922553333)
Place: Gillette Wyoming 82718 (44.262473233333, -105.51922553333)
I'm visiting with my BF's family and will be heading to South Dakota to visit the Crazy Horse Memorial sculpture tomorrow.
James M Driskill was at Wyoming-South Dakota Border.
Place: Wyoming-South Dakota Border (44.544227672137, -104.08273578777)
Address: Beulah, WY 82712
Place: Wyoming-South Dakota Border (44.544227672137, -104.08273578777)
Address: Beulah, WY 82712
My first time ever traveling in South Dakota.
James M Driskill was at Crazy Horse Memorial.
Place: Crazy Horse Memorial (43.828130419667, -103.63169187717)
Address: 12151 Avenue of the Chiefs, Custer, SD 57730
The weather is not good for the walk up the hill... I'll get as much as I can.
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Some wild Big Horn Sheep on my trip to South Dakota.
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Some foggy pictures of Mount Rushmore as we past by on the way to Crazy Horse.
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Pictures from Crazy Horse part 1
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Pictures from Crazy Horse #2
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Crazy Horse mountain plan
Crazy Horse mountain plan
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Place: The Black Hills, South Dakota (44.003363018072, -103.25320437997)
Me in front of The Flintstones Theme Amusement Park. They are still closed in the off season.
Updated Jun 09, 2014 9:07:51pm
Updated Jun 09, 2014 9:18:24pm
Updated Jun 09, 2014 9:19:54pm
Updated Jun 11, 2014 1:33:36pm
Beautiful nature video time lapse
Updated Jun 11, 2014 3:14:33pm
Updated Jun 11, 2014 5:22:26pm
Updated Jun 12, 2014 1:06:59pm
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A double rainbow appears in the sky today.
Updated Jun 13, 2014 5:56:02pm
Updated Jun 13, 2014 5:56:36pm
Updated Jun 14, 2014 12:43:33pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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I hit the Pick 3 lottery! Hurray!!!!
I hit the Pick 3 lottery! Hurray!!!!
Updated Jun 15, 2014 7:44:09am
James M Driskill was at Red's American Grill.
Place: Red's American Grill (38.939542230556, -104.60727417222)
Address: 7376 McLaughlin Road, Falcon, CO 80831
Place: Red's American Grill (38.939542230556, -104.60727417222)
Address: 7376 McLaughlin Road, Falcon, CO 80831
Here for father's day with David Darnell and his father.
Direct from CNN. This is not a hoax. Shameful KFC... But they have apologized thanks to social media. If this were to have occurred 10 years ago... Think of the harm that would have been left unaddressed and unabsolved.
Updated Jun 16, 2014 4:40:38am
Updated Jun 16, 2014 4:49:06am
Updated Jun 16, 2014 8:47:45am
Just scroll through the 60 famous people lost so far in 2014.
Updated Jun 16, 2014 9:44:47am
Updated Jun 16, 2014 10:15:29am
Great start!
Updated Jun 16, 2014 2:54:52pm
Updated Jun 16, 2014 6:46:54pm
Updated Jun 17, 2014 11:56:49am
Updated Jun 19, 2014 7:25:45pm
Updated Jun 19, 2014 7:26:15pm
Updated Jun 19, 2014 7:27:40pm
James M Driskill was in Gillette Wyoming 82718.
Place: Gillette Wyoming 82718 (44.262473233333, -105.51922553333)
Place: Gillette Wyoming 82718 (44.262473233333, -105.51922553333)
Here again with my BF to visit his mother in the hospital.
Try to get caught with your zipper down. Its all the rage.
Updated Jun 21, 2014 12:28:20pm
Updated Jun 23, 2014 7:13:40am
Updated Jun 24, 2014 1:38:11pm
Updated Jun 24, 2014 8:15:01pm
Omg IQ score = 50
Updated Jun 24, 2014 9:19:47pm
Updated Jun 25, 2014 8:00:13am
I've been running fightaids@home since 2005,:
Updated Jun 25, 2014 8:07:49am
Updated Jun 26, 2014 3:23:30pm
Updated Jun 26, 2014 7:42:57pm
Updated Jun 26, 2014 9:20:41pm
Updated Jun 27, 2014 4:51:04pm
Updated Jun 27, 2014 5:06:52pm
Updated Jun 28, 2014 10:15:43am
Updated Jun 28, 2014 4:15:25pm
Updated Jun 29, 2014 10:25:34pm
Updated Jul 01, 2014 12:29:47pm
Updated Jul 01, 2014 12:31:19pm
Updated Jul 04, 2014 12:08:50pm
I want to male these someday for my new apartment.
Updated Jul 04, 2014 3:41:20pm
I came upon a deer close up in the driveway feeding for a bit before the dogs scared it away. #deer #NatureVideo
I came upon a deer close up in the driveway feeding for a bit before the dogs scared it away. #deer #NatureVideo
Updated Jul 06, 2014 9:57:20am
Updated Jul 07, 2014 3:27:03am
Updated Jul 07, 2014 3:29:55am
I've been trying to tell others of this science for years. How about it?
Updated Jul 07, 2014 3:33:34am
Updated Jul 07, 2014 7:21:54am
I'm a part of these stats. Go wcg!
Updated Jul 08, 2014 9:07:37am
Updated Jul 08, 2014 9:26:57am
Updated Jul 08, 2014 6:40:24pm
Updated Jul 08, 2014 8:02:37pm
Updated Jul 08, 2014 11:28:20pm
Updated Jul 09, 2014 6:33:22am
Updated Jul 09, 2014 4:15:45pm
Updated Jul 09, 2014 4:18:26pm
Updated Jul 10, 2014 11:57:00am
I've been volunteering since 2005, it easy.. Just install the program abs let ur run in your computer when your computer is doing nothing else... I.e idle time is used and computing for good causes.
Updated Jul 11, 2014 5:57:25am
Updated Jul 11, 2014 4:54:11pm
I guess I have the guts!
Updated Jul 12, 2014 12:33:48pm
Updated Jul 12, 2014 8:59:06pm
Updated Jul 13, 2014 9:45:31am
Updated Jul 13, 2014 9:48:48am
Updated Jul 13, 2014 7:55:43pm
Updated Jul 13, 2014 7:58:46pm
Updated Jul 14, 2014 5:43:07pm
I've been volunteering my computer time to this project since 2095! Looks like I'll be processing more faster!
Updated Jul 16, 2014 7:37:27am
Updated Jul 16, 2014 1:46:38pm
Updated Jul 16, 2014 1:48:58pm
Updated Jul 16, 2014 6:55:30pm
1,045 new volunteers joined World Community Grid this week - welcome everyone!
We had 2 more excellent project updates from our researchers this week. Please be sure to check them out, and see the progress being made due to your humanitarian contributions! http://ow.ly/ziYDo
Updated Jul 18, 2014 6:43:32am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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A selfie
A selfie
Updated Jul 18, 2014 11:55:51am
Updated Jul 18, 2014 1:40:32pm
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Place: 16th Street Mall In Downtown Denver (39.8915666719, -104.984079464)
Address: Denver, CO 80233
Herbie The Love Bug in Denver Colorado
By donating their computer power, World Community Grid volunteers are helping The Scripps Research Institute unlock the HIV virus to develop a cure: http://ow.ly/zp4Cr
Updated Jul 21, 2014 3:07:02pm
Updated Jul 22, 2014 7:59:05am
Updated Jul 22, 2014 12:52:35pm
Updated Jul 24, 2014 4:23:22pm
Updated Jul 24, 2014 4:27:14pm
Updated Jul 25, 2014 12:19:08pm
Updated Jul 26, 2014 5:54:46pm
Red is one of my favorite colors... but this is bad.

“It looks like a pollutant phenomenon,” she said. “Water bodies that have turned red very fast in the past have happened because people have dumped dyes into them.”
Updated Jul 27, 2014 7:57:07am
Updated Jul 27, 2014 1:57:53pm
Updated Jul 27, 2014 4:00:04pm
Updated Jul 27, 2014 4:29:07pm
Updated Jul 31, 2014 4:52:37pm
Updated Jul 31, 2014 10:11:18pm
If you like WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, you will love this special edition animated episode of Hot In Cleavland.
Updated Jul 31, 2014 11:05:04pm
Updated Aug 01, 2014 3:26:36am
Can any of my friends relate to this video? If so, comment your thoughts. Thank you.

If you haven't heard this speech yet, it's powerful. Always great when celebrities use their voice to say something like this.
Updated Aug 01, 2014 3:40:45am
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My new car! My other car took a shit and blew a head gasket. This is a 2003 honda civic lx.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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My new used car.
My new used car.
Updated Aug 01, 2014 12:30:42pm
This wearable fabric may one day power your cell phone. No kidding!

This isn’t your father’s beakers and test tube science.

Scientists and a graduate student, Core Hewitt, at Wake Forest’s Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials say they’ve made a material that can turn heat from your body into an electrical current.

Updated Aug 01, 2014 2:24:18pm
Updated Aug 01, 2014 5:05:35pm
I've registered for AIDS Walk Colorado August 16th, 2014! Visit www.AIDSWalkColorado.org to join me! I am looking for a few of my friends to pledge me. $25 would be great! $5 if that is all you can spare.
Updated Aug 03, 2014 10:01:09am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm rolling with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm rolling with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.00mi, time elapsed: 43:40, current pace 8:44min/mi, current speed: 6.87mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm rolling with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 10.01mi, time elapsed: 01:32:40, current pace 9:16min/mi, current speed: 6.48mi/h. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Aug 04, 2014 3:55:44pm
Updated Aug 04, 2014 5:21:11pm
Updated Aug 04, 2014 5:23:19pm
Updated Aug 05, 2014 9:07:24am
The is way too kewl!
Updated Aug 05, 2014 10:47:09am
11 days to go. Looking for fundraising! $25 would be great or $5 if that is all you can spare.
Updated Aug 05, 2014 11:00:39am
Updated Aug 05, 2014 1:13:11pm
I definitely will be looking for AIRCARBON plastic products everywhere in the near future.
Updated Aug 05, 2014 1:51:58pm
Updated Aug 05, 2014 6:41:13pm
9 days to go. Looking for fundraising! $25 would be great or $5 if that is all you can spare.
Updated Aug 07, 2014 3:36:09pm
Updated Aug 08, 2014 3:17:54pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night skating tonight. I'm not going to gps track my skate tonight. I would rather be safe than sorry about breaking my phone in case I fall tonight.
I am doing the AIDS WALK COLORADO in Denver on Saturday. Only 5 days left. Looking for fundraising! $25 would be great or $5 if that is all you can spare. http://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1104089&supId=410554502
Updated Aug 11, 2014 6:50:25pm
Updated Aug 12, 2014 2:08:10pm
The ROSETTA spacecraft will land on a comet in November. Look for it in the news.
Updated Aug 12, 2014 10:37:51pm
Updated Aug 12, 2014 11:11:11pm
Updated Aug 15, 2014 9:29:01am
I am doing the AIDS WALK COLORADO in Denver Tomorrow. Looking for fundraising! $25 would be great or $5 if that is all you can spare. http://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1104089&supId=410554502
Updated Aug 15, 2014 8:43:38pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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I'm here at the Colorado AIDS walk. Start time 9am
I'm here at the Colorado AIDS walk. Start time 9am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Crossing the finish line at the Colorado AIDS Walk.
Crossing the finish line at the Colorado AIDS Walk.
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Panels of The AIDS Quilt.on display at the Colorado AIDS Walk.
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Great turn out at the Colorado AIDS walk.
Updated Aug 16, 2014 10:23:16am
Global Peace Index -- country by country.... where is the most peaceful places on earth. http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#/page/indexes/global-peace-index
Updated Aug 16, 2014 4:34:08pm
Updated Aug 16, 2014 6:40:30pm
Updated Aug 17, 2014 9:24:17am
Updated Aug 17, 2014 9:24:44am
Updated Aug 17, 2014 9:25:25am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Another Sunday adult night skate session.
Updated Aug 17, 2014 10:24:42pm
Updated Aug 18, 2014 4:24:29pm
Updated Aug 19, 2014 5:09:50am
Updated Aug 19, 2014 2:22:56pm
Updated Aug 20, 2014 3:28:40pm
Updated Aug 21, 2014 4:11:30am
This is a crazy lucky motorcycle crash!
Updated Aug 21, 2014 5:52:04pm
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Tonight's sunset.
Updated Aug 21, 2014 8:30:52pm
Updated Aug 22, 2014 12:11:23pm
Updated Aug 23, 2014 5:36:23am
Updated Aug 23, 2014 6:00:52am
Updated Aug 23, 2014 12:39:17pm
Updated Aug 23, 2014 4:15:13pm
Updated Aug 23, 2014 4:17:00pm
Updated Aug 23, 2014 4:18:39pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night!!!
Updated Aug 25, 2014 7:11:35am
Updated Aug 25, 2014 7:13:31am
Updated Aug 25, 2014 7:14:38am
Updated Aug 25, 2014 7:15:02am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Relaxing watching tv #selfie
Relaxing watching tv #selfie
Updated Aug 25, 2014 2:14:40pm
Updated Aug 26, 2014 3:53:01pm
Updated Aug 28, 2014 4:16:53am
Updated Aug 28, 2014 4:21:21am
Updated Aug 28, 2014 9:59:43am
Updated Aug 30, 2014 4:00:57am
Updated Aug 30, 2014 4:04:00am
Updated Aug 30, 2014 4:04:27am
Updated Aug 30, 2014 9:24:05am
Updated Aug 30, 2014 9:37:40am
James M Driskill was in Cheyenne Wyoming.
Place: Cheyenne Wyoming (41.1443135, -104.7997511)
Place: Cheyenne Wyoming (41.1443135, -104.7997511)
At my boyfriend's place overnight. We were suppose to stay in Denver for two nights but plans got interrupted.
Updated Aug 30, 2014 7:30:17pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
With friend Shane perhaps my new roomate to be.
Updated Sep 01, 2014 11:39:46am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
For those Star Wars music fanatics
Updated Sep 03, 2014 8:48:34am
Updated Sep 03, 2014 8:52:02am
Updated Sep 03, 2014 8:52:16am
Updated Sep 03, 2014 8:52:59am
Updated Sep 03, 2014 4:07:59pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Man saves baby two blocks from his work by knowing cpr and signed in to an emergency request alert app for assistance very neat! http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/smartphone-app-helps-save-washington-babys-life/story?id=25228214
Updated Sep 03, 2014 7:16:12pm
Updated Sep 03, 2014 7:16:42pm
Updated Sep 03, 2014 7:16:59pm
Updated Sep 03, 2014 7:18:00pm
Updated Sep 03, 2014 8:50:00pm
Updated Sep 03, 2014 10:23:09pm
Updated Sep 04, 2014 6:41:11am
Updated Sep 04, 2014 9:49:06am
Updated Sep 04, 2014 12:35:21pm
Updated Sep 04, 2014 12:36:11pm
Updated Sep 04, 2014 12:37:02pm
Updated Sep 04, 2014 12:38:23pm
Updated Sep 04, 2014 12:38:59pm
Wow. I'm glad the dog is ok. The socks are back in the care of the owners. I bet they get put on ebay.
Updated Sep 04, 2014 4:13:30pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
First time at this rink adult night.
Updated Sep 04, 2014 7:53:01pm
Updated Sep 04, 2014 7:57:52pm
So pretty!!
Updated Sep 05, 2014 4:57:59pm
Updated Sep 05, 2014 6:06:04pm
Updated Sep 05, 2014 6:06:59pm
Updated Sep 05, 2014 6:08:24pm
Updated Sep 05, 2014 7:08:39pm
Updated Sep 06, 2014 6:45:56am
Updated Sep 06, 2014 6:41:44pm
Updated Sep 08, 2014 8:44:12am
Updated Sep 08, 2014 8:45:53am
Updated Sep 09, 2014 8:25:24am
Updated Sep 10, 2014 5:12:16pm
Updated Sep 11, 2014 10:28:27am
Updated Sep 11, 2014 1:33:51pm
Updated Sep 12, 2014 1:53:38pm
Updated Sep 12, 2014 1:56:29pm
Updated Sep 12, 2014 1:57:58pm
Updated Sep 12, 2014 1:58:07pm
Updated Sep 13, 2014 7:23:36pm
Updated Sep 13, 2014 7:24:58pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Have you tried these? They are great. Popchips... they are not fried and not baked.
Have you tried these? They are great. Popchips... they are not fried and not baked.
Updated Sep 14, 2014 1:06:27pm
Updated Sep 15, 2014 6:32:08pm
This reading with some video attach meets is a good full depth and very current on the discussion of illicit drugs.
Updated Sep 15, 2014 8:12:09pm
Updated Sep 16, 2014 9:54:52am
Updated Sep 16, 2014 11:44:42am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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My dinner tonight. Steak and potatoes.
My dinner tonight. Steak and potatoes.
Updated Sep 16, 2014 6:22:01pm
Updated Sep 16, 2014 6:23:36pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Play Ingress game app on your phone and find real world objects as game portal keys and get some exercise while you play. Walk or ride to each object to link them as well as fight the enemy!!!
Play Ingress game app on your phone and find real world objects as game portal keys and get some exercise while you play. Walk or ride to each object to link them as well as fight the enemy!!!
Updated Sep 16, 2014 10:02:45pm
Updated Sep 16, 2014 10:08:00pm
Updated Sep 16, 2014 10:08:29pm
Updated Sep 16, 2014 11:43:13pm
Updated Sep 17, 2014 3:59:51pm
Updated Sep 17, 2014 4:00:18pm
I see you too.
Updated Sep 18, 2014 4:19:01pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night roller skating sessions are real great!
@[1221074995:2048:Deb Kick], this post can me combined with your post about diet sodas.
Updated Sep 18, 2014 10:39:09pm
Updated Sep 18, 2014 10:58:29pm
Updated Sep 19, 2014 8:24:39am
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Place: Sloans Lake, Edgewater, Colorado (39.752391074727, -105.05285873151)
Pictures from my walk around the lake today.
James M Driskill was at Inspiration Point.
Place: Inspiration Point (39.78653, -105.05388)
Address: 4901 Sheridan Blvd., Denver, CO 80212
Place: Inspiration Point (39.78653, -105.05388)
Address: 4901 Sheridan Blvd., Denver, CO 80212
I'm back in town!!!
Updated Sep 20, 2014 2:24:14pm
When you see this... you will cry. This is real news ... not that bull shit Facebook hoax crap.
Updated Sep 20, 2014 9:15:16pm
Updated Sep 21, 2014 12:18:48am
Updated Sep 21, 2014 1:32:33am
Updated Sep 21, 2014 1:40:45am
Updated Sep 21, 2014 1:43:22am
Updated Sep 21, 2014 1:49:07am
Updated Sep 21, 2014 1:49:25am
James M Driskill updated his status.

I Just thought it was again time to mention that every post that I do from this idenity here facebook/inthemindway relates to this mission statement. I only post in honest truths.


Updated Sep 21, 2014 12:40:31pm
Updated Sep 21, 2014 1:02:09pm
Updated Sep 21, 2014 3:43:15pm
Updated Sep 21, 2014 3:43:30pm
IN HONOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE, Sunday September 21st 2014: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=48748#.VB9m2oHnbqA
Updated Sep 21, 2014 5:06:55pm

Updated Sep 21, 2014 5:17:07pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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@Gruwup :Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
LAST YEAR IN HONOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE, SEPTEMBER 21ST 2013, I started a long peace walk called a long walk of beauty. Planned for more than 500 miles from Oakland to San Bernardino... I only made it to Big Sur California on my first stretch attempt completely alone by mysellf. My attempt is online at: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/

@Gruwup :Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Updated Sep 21, 2014 5:34:09pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
1. "World Peace Day is envisioned to become a moment of global unity - it is up to each and every one of us to make this a reality." - Jeremy Gilley
James M Driskill updated his status.
2. "I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete." - Ronald Reagan
James M Driskill updated his status.
3. "God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the Earth." - Pope Benedict XVI
James M Driskill updated his status.
4. "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
James M Driskill updated his status.
5. "We must be ready to learn from one another, not claiming that we alone possess all truth and that somehow we have a corner on God." ― Desmond Tutu
James M Driskill updated his status.
6. "We like to put sacred texts in flowing waters, so I rolled it up, tied it to a piece of wood, placed a dandelion on top, and floated it in the stream which flows into the Swat River. Surely God would find it there." ― Malala Yousafzai
James M Driskill updated his status.
7. "Only the brave men and women can bring peace to the world, not by practicing war but by practicing nonviolence." ― Amit Ray in the book Nonviolence: The Transforming Power
James M Driskill updated his status.
8. "Let us not deceive ourselves; we must elect world peace or world destruction." - Bernard Baruch
James M Driskill updated his status.
9. "May we be saved from evil thoughts and deed of enemies of world peace who find pleasure in creating havoc and perpetrating all forms of carnage." - Yahya Jammeh
James M Driskill updated his status.
10. "Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience." - Thomas Merton
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peacefacebook.com

Facebook Community Page: @Gruwup



-- Peace Out
Updated Sep 21, 2014 7:20:39pm
Updated Sep 21, 2014 8:16:06pm
Updated Sep 22, 2014 10:03:21am
Updated Sep 22, 2014 12:10:35pm
Updated Sep 22, 2014 12:14:42pm
Updated Sep 22, 2014 12:29:47pm
Updated Sep 22, 2014 12:40:30pm
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
My new room -- a work in process.
Updated Sep 22, 2014 2:48:30pm
Updated Sep 22, 2014 5:11:09pm
Diamonds are forever. Wonder if material from diamonds also last forever?
Updated Sep 23, 2014 6:32:22am
Updated Sep 23, 2014 10:55:22am
Updated Sep 23, 2014 11:35:22am
Updated Sep 23, 2014 11:35:41am
Updated Sep 23, 2014 11:39:24am
Updated Sep 23, 2014 11:39:41am
Watch for a landing on a comet for the very first time in November!!!! A comet strike is theorized to be the source of water on Earth thus life!!
Updated Sep 23, 2014 4:14:34pm
Updated Sep 23, 2014 5:30:04pm
Updated Sep 23, 2014 5:30:36pm
No good character on a reality show is a no good character to us all. Go to jail dude! All who watch a this crap can write him there
Updated Sep 24, 2014 12:10:57pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
I guess the Halloween images are starting. I love Halloween.
I guess the Halloween images are starting. I love Halloween.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
You got to check out the rainbow eucalyptus.
Updated Sep 24, 2014 6:50:49pm
Updated Sep 25, 2014 12:26:06pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
I made it to level 3 in the game Ingress.
I made it to level 3 in the game Ingress.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Level 3 all time stats
Level 3 all time stats
Updated Sep 25, 2014 2:40:31pm
Updated Sep 25, 2014 3:18:43pm
Updated Sep 25, 2014 3:19:26pm
Updated Sep 25, 2014 6:41:22pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night rocks!
Updated Sep 25, 2014 6:56:17pm
Updated Sep 25, 2014 6:57:00pm
Updated Sep 25, 2014 7:29:41pm
Updated Sep 26, 2014 3:31:11pm
Updated Sep 28, 2014 1:43:37pm
Updated Sep 28, 2014 1:44:46pm
Updated Sep 28, 2014 3:03:31pm
Updated Sep 30, 2014 6:47:57pm
Updated Sep 30, 2014 8:09:59pm
Updated Oct 01, 2014 5:30:52am
Updated Oct 01, 2014 9:47:10am
Updated Oct 01, 2014 10:11:01am
Updated Oct 01, 2014 10:11:46am
Updated Oct 01, 2014 10:48:54am
Updated Oct 01, 2014 3:14:02pm
Updated Oct 02, 2014 6:34:27am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night roller skating.. no little kids.. it's great.
Updated Oct 04, 2014 10:50:04am
Updated Oct 04, 2014 10:53:29am
Updated Oct 05, 2014 5:33:50am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
I am ranked 6 enlightened agent in my region ( Denver Area ). Play Game App Ingress and choose your side... The enlightened or the resistance.
I am ranked 6 enlightened agent in my region ( Denver Area ). Play Game App Ingress and choose your side... The enlightened or the resistance.
Updated Oct 05, 2014 6:02:45pm
Updated Oct 06, 2014 4:13:01pm
Updated Oct 07, 2014 12:28:15pm
Updated Oct 07, 2014 12:29:09pm
Updated Oct 07, 2014 1:16:10pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Watching Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire for the very first time. I guess I missed this one somehow. The dvd was in my new roommate's dvd collection. #HarryPotter
Watching Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire for the very first time. I guess I missed this one somehow. The dvd was in my new roommate's dvd collection. #HarryPotter
Wow... If we could only mate with a hydra we would become immortal! !!
Updated Oct 09, 2014 6:45:37pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adults skate so hot
Updated Oct 10, 2014 7:01:45am
Updated Oct 11, 2014 4:56:45pm
Updated Oct 12, 2014 8:39:03am
Remembering 25 years ago.. I was in Oakland on October 17th 1989. I travelled this section of the Cypress Interchange frequently. I was 1/8th of a mile away from this collapse at the time of the quake. http://abc7news.com/news/photos-the-loma-prieta-earthquake/343700/
Updated Oct 13, 2014 1:43:19pm
I normally walk solo.
Updated Oct 13, 2014 2:54:55pm
Updated Oct 13, 2014 6:20:37pm
Updated Oct 13, 2014 6:34:22pm
Updated Oct 14, 2014 7:48:30am
Updated Oct 14, 2014 2:46:06pm
Updated Oct 14, 2014 5:27:32pm
Updated Oct 14, 2014 5:27:41pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Another Thursday night.
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Mobile uploads
I got my Roller Brights tonight!
Updated Oct 17, 2014 7:10:13am
Updated Oct 17, 2014 7:10:31am
Updated Oct 17, 2014 7:12:22am
Updated Oct 17, 2014 7:12:42am
Updated Oct 17, 2014 7:22:14am
Updated Oct 17, 2014 5:15:51pm
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Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Did a walking tour in downtown Denver today. Visited the state Capitol building and Union Station among other sites that I did not take photos.
Updated Oct 18, 2014 12:22:56pm
Updated Oct 18, 2014 12:27:26pm
Updated Oct 18, 2014 12:29:39pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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In the city where I live in Colorado, this marijuana issue appears on our ballots.
In the city where I live in Colorado, this marijuana issue appears on our ballots.
Updated Oct 19, 2014 10:27:53am
Updated Oct 19, 2014 4:33:27pm
Never really watched the show.. but this may go to the point that the article that appears in Psychology Today about Normalizing Drug Use and ending the war on drugs ( all types ) is more socially acceptable in the debut of such controversial marketing products.
Updated Oct 19, 2014 6:55:29pm
Shameful Humanity : "Consequently the species now stands at the brink of complete extinction, a sorry testament to the greed of the human race," a spokesman said.
Updated Oct 19, 2014 7:17:17pm
Updated Oct 19, 2014 10:11:04pm
Updated Oct 21, 2014 11:34:37am
Updated Oct 21, 2014 5:07:22pm
Updated Oct 21, 2014 5:08:11pm
Updated Oct 21, 2014 5:09:22pm
Updated Oct 22, 2014 4:27:59pm
Updated Oct 23, 2014 4:42:47am
Updated Oct 23, 2014 2:07:08pm
Updated Oct 23, 2014 5:27:45pm
Updated Oct 23, 2014 5:28:22pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Weekly adult roller skating rocks!
Updated Oct 24, 2014 5:13:14pm
Updated Oct 24, 2014 5:13:43pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Decided to go the late night adult skate session 10 till midnight.
Updated Oct 28, 2014 10:28:15am
Updated Oct 29, 2014 6:16:50pm
Updated Oct 29, 2014 6:28:35pm
This image I've seen for a few years now.. always cracks me up.
Updated Oct 29, 2014 6:35:35pm
Each scene was carved in a pumpkin by the film maker.

The artist who took on the project, Yuliya Tsukerman, said it took two weeks to carve each individual pumpkin into frames taken from Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho."
Updated Oct 30, 2014 6:45:50am
Updated Oct 30, 2014 5:29:03pm
Updated Oct 30, 2014 5:30:13pm
Updated Oct 30, 2014 5:31:04pm
Updated Oct 30, 2014 5:33:30pm
Updated Oct 30, 2014 5:35:10pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Updated Oct 31, 2014 7:10:39am
From InTheMindway to my fb friends. . more mind reading science.
Updated Nov 01, 2014 7:27:33am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
I made it to level 4 today in the game Ingress.
I made it to level 4 today in the game Ingress.
Play the mobile device game Ingress and find objects in the real world to interact with and attack other players. Http://ingress.com/
Updated Nov 01, 2014 12:07:41pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
This is a proximity map of objects near me and their distances in meters. There are objects near you to find and play the mobile device game Ingress. More info at http://ingress.com Or install the app from the play store and begin.
This is a proximity map of objects near me and their distances in meters. There are objects near you to find and play the mobile device game Ingress. More info at http://ingress.com/

Or install the app from the play store and begin.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
If you woke up this morning and did not turn your clocks back.. your off true time.
If you woke up this morning and did not turn your clocks back.. your off true time.
Updated Nov 02, 2014 3:03:47pm
Updated Nov 02, 2014 3:06:58pm
Updated Nov 03, 2014 1:40:05pm
Updated Nov 03, 2014 4:45:07pm
Updated Nov 03, 2014 4:45:21pm
Here it is.. one of the Back To The Future ( The Movie ) technology devices for real. THE HOVER BOARD!!!!
Updated Nov 03, 2014 4:47:55pm
Updated Nov 04, 2014 2:45:52pm
Updated Nov 04, 2014 2:53:09pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
My hard drive crashed in my laptop for the second time in 4 months. I am so upset this morning! Does anyone have a working computer they can give me? I'm giving up in this one. It was a brand new hard drive according to the repair shop. I wonder.
Updated Nov 06, 2014 5:34:00am
Updated Nov 06, 2014 5:34:42am
Updated Nov 06, 2014 5:37:49am
Updated Nov 06, 2014 5:40:44am
Drone use is on the rise. Drone controversy is on the rise with it. There are positive uses and sides as well as negative ones. You can't condemn the technology all together.. but there are going to be abuses called into attention by the news... MAKE SURE THE NEWS GOES OUT FOR THE GOOD DRONE TECHNOLOGY CAN BE!!!!!!!!!!
Updated Nov 06, 2014 5:46:34am
Real Invisible Cloak Science! @RealUpHuman
Updated Nov 06, 2014 8:09:56am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Do any of you all also go roller skating? or am I the only one here on my fb group?
Updated Nov 06, 2014 8:39:23pm
Updated Nov 06, 2014 8:40:54pm
Over the past couple of months I have seen an increase in the number of > 4.0 quakes in Oregon including over night this day. ( see comment feed ) I'm also tracking quakes > 4.0 in Oklahoma. It's very surprising and disturbing.
Updated Nov 07, 2014 2:36:05am
looks like an advertisement for Heinz, but I think that is just a container they used.
Updated Nov 07, 2014 4:58:37am
Updated Nov 07, 2014 5:01:56am
Updated Nov 07, 2014 6:47:15pm
“It really is no coincidence that I’m here,” declared Michael Botticelli, the US drug czar, at the opening of the 10th National Harm Reduction Conference this morning in Baltimore. Although his speech, which won him a standing ovation from the hundreds of delegates, stuck to politically safer topics, his very involvement represents an unprecedented endorsement of the harm reduction movement by the federal government.
Updated Nov 10, 2014 2:41:35pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Two of these images are works in progress. I am out of practice with graphic image editing.

I arrived by plane from Denver to the Oakland Airport on 9/19/2013. I traveled back to Oakland that day to fulfill a promise made in May 2006. I made a promise to walk home from Oakland to San Bernardino as a protest to the attorney Alan Horwitz. It was seriously made and I knew that it would be a long walk of approximately 500 miles. Finally in 2013, I am in Oakland to follow through and fulfill this promise I made to walk home to San Bernardino. It was scheduled to begin at 9:00am on the 21st day of September, the International Day of Peace.

My first task upon my arrival to Oakland was to go visit the office of Apeb Oakland.on Webster. There are two images attached here describes the events that happened inside the APEB offices shortly before I depart from there at exactly 2:27pm and turn on my MapMyWalk tracking.

I arrived at their office from the airport before they reopened from the lunchtime break. I was let into the lobby before they reopened, which their office hours shows 1:30pm. So I was there inside for just over an hour.

I received two business cards for the people I had conversations with about my long walk. It is fully titled, "A Long Walk Of Beauty Behind Tongues Tied By Targeted Hurtful Shame", or simply a long walk of beauty.

The last conversation I had was with executive director who identified himself as Alvan Quaminna, Phd when he gave me his business card at the conclusion of our conversation.

He made a promise to me with a gentleman's handshake that he would be there on the 21st of September in two days which was Saturday at 9:00am to see me off in front of Allen Temple Manor. He said to me that he only lives 4 blocks away from Allen Temple Manor, so he would definitely be there.

I arrived at the block of 76th and International at 8:30am and waited around with my walk pack and gear laying on the sidewalk directly across the street. It was about 15 minutes till 9:00am when I proceeded to gear up and load my pack on my back to then cross the street to arrive about 5 minutes before 9:00am.

My first step stride began with my MapMyWalk App tracking at the exact second of the clock struck 9am. There was no body around to see me off. I continued to walk, step by step on my preplanned route that I had a print out of. All of the way down to my final destination 500 miles away in San Bernardino.

I would think the common decency of a man who gave me a such commitment to me face to face with a gentleman's handshake, man to man, would have been there. I somehow knew that it was an empty promise. I proceeded up International Blvd. But even one year later, still nothing, no apology for not showing himself to his commitment.

I encountered my first person that initiates first contact at me. I was walking with my tent which had the green colored peace sign logo printed on the outside. He basically threw hate speech at me for passing by him as I was walking on his turf. It does not matter what he said to me, I immediately turned back around to engage this angry person. I held out my tent, obviously I had a fully loaded back pack on. I would be in no physical state to be a threat to him in any way.

With as heavy load I was just now carrying, he could have just pushed me over and I would not have been able to get up without taking my pack off my shoulders.

I told him that I was on a long walk of world peace. I just started at 76th and International but i am walking to San Bernardino about 500 miles in Southern California. His whole mindset immediately switched. I am a good white guy walking down the street in the East Oakland hood.

I asked him to take my hand with his and walk with me holding hands down the street for a bit. We can share and talk as we walk. I spoke to him for about 5-10 minutes as we held hands walking down the street together.

I asked him why he was so angry. When I said to him, we can stop so that we can exchange contacts or we can continue walking. I have a long way to go. So we eventually stopped shortly after I said that and exchanged twitter handles which I typed into my messaging walklog in my sms messager.

My twitter handle is simple and easy written across the peace sign logo. @Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace

I proceeded to take a full faced picture as he was leaning against a streetlight pole. I promised him, the picture would be tweeted on @gruwup in honor that he was my first hand to hand walker I encountered. The bracelet he is wearing is proudly showing on his wrist in that snapshot.

Now if I had been given a human care and fulfilled promise of a send off from the APEB Executive Director Alvan Quamina Phd, He of course would have been my first human interaction to note on my twitter feed @gruwup. But obviously, he is not. Furthermore, It would have been nice to have my own picture of me all packed up on day one, leaving. I don't know what it looked like. My first thought about taking a picture by asking someone to take my picture was on 9/29/2013 at the Santa Clara Library. That image appears in this post's images.

After I proceeded up the street alone, I stopped and sat down to open my FTP web app. A simple step to create the folder [apeb.org] directly under the public memespace domain of @fuckeduphuman.net : The moment it became visible or "live" to the action, this URL is valid. The folder has a time stamp creation date. [ http://fuckeduphuman.net/apeb.org ]: And now you know why.

If he could have been a human being committed to another human being for something so basic in the on the chart of hierarchy of human needs [ found at http://gruwup.net/ ], this would not have been performed for any reasons during my walk.

I was calling on him or anyone else within this local HIV/Aids based community supportive care network to be aware of me and to perhaps monitor the live tracking feature enabled in MapMyWalk posted onto facebook. Should I have a mishap, I did not want to die.

To not follow through on his commitment, Thy Reprimands Avail. He is being Reprimanded this day, by this post as being @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.

There is only one way to remedy this from more than one year later. The business card that I have in my personally care which is marked upon, before it was digitally imaged has to be replaced with a fresh card. But this card must be handed to me in real time, a face to face apology, at the location where I presently am.

To empower some Words To Live By,
to make amends for follies past.



Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.

When and only then will I remove the content being considered to be placed in the folder [apeb.org] already created.

How about being real up human, I would immediately make him honorable that way, if he bothers a care to follow through. Otherwise, the image will stand for all time human history.

I will not comply with a written court order without being directly in front of a judicial review. For these are matters called "legal necessity" and that is my defense. If my words already written on the subject does not express the jeopardy of life over death matters I say they are, then I will bring my evidence to a testimonial public hearing.

Not as a defendant of this action, but as a victim of being intentionally targeted under mental abuse and criminal negligence of others.

I will have enough evidence to prove my visits to the office of the FBI on June 21st 2006. Whether or not you are associated to it or not. I will at least get my case heard.

By that time, any harms you can prove against you, the lesser of the two evils. I would claim it victorious!

What is standing on public record in court case documents were false testimony of facts against me. This is weighty truth that needs to be fixed.

My case W06266106 and Barrows case stand apart of extreme conditions that the leadership of the HIV/aids supportive care community gave its permissive acceptance, which means to condone such conduct to not put a stop to it.

To the identity of who those persons are, I don't need an to be an individual person. I have it all collectively bonded to be the responsibility of the entire supportive care network united.

That is my stand, and I am not backing down. Lives have already been lost, and lives could have been saved. I wonder how David Barrows is doing, or every other former resident at Allen Temple Manor who had an eviction cases put onto the record under the building administrator who was a former case manager of Aids Project East Bay.

That is why I am not going to back down. You have a responsibility to community wellness. So far, I have not seen it offered. Perhaps it has changed, but an apology is necessary to make amends to every one who has been harmed. If you do not take the effort to fix this weighty truth, then these will be left to all time human history. I am done here.
It has been over a year since I started my Long Walk of Beauty from Oakland CA on September 21st 2013, The International Day Of Peace. I have not posted much of an update only making it about 120 miles into a 500 mile goal. My long walk was suspended at Big Sur Ca.

Each segment of a day progress, appears at the url : http:// alongwalkofbeauty.us

@[100001048917669:2048:Eric Maier] made a long walk back in 2004.
Url: http:// alongwalkhome.us

It takes a lot of effort to keep the technology working live. I would not have that capabilities.down the coast of highway 1. This was the last bus stop zone for at least 4 days of walking without device working to get to the next coastal zone with l bus service. If had a companion with me, I would feel safe as a pair. But walking this stretch alone and out of connectiion, I felt it unsafe for me alone and I know my mother would be upset in worry.

Would anyone like to offer something supportive for me to walk on safely to the next check point? I don't have those resources. I think I did pretty good considering the delays and challenges. It is not an eazy thing to do. At least for me. Eric found people places to assist him to be able to carry on. Good going! Blessed Be!

@[1394727441:2048:David Ca Parrish] and @[1203451145:2048:David C. Tapscott] are tagged here for their each special reason.

@[100006806283833:2048:Dennis Driskill] is tagged here as being my older brother.

Debra Kick and Deb Kick is my is my cousin who works in healthcare. Why two? Please don't ask I needed the real up human deb kick tagged and I don't have access to know in the moment the fake.

@[100000794065756:2048:Christine Maier] : I will give her a shout out of my walk.

@[1213058425:2048:Paul Peterson], for I am still wearing the necklace you gave me.

@[100003524474766:2048:Louis Earthman Jr.] : @[100000079403623:2048:Louis Earthman Jr] : @[1598040198:2048:Louis E. Jr Earthman] : Your my dear friend for life. I really wish you kindness.

@[100008360924928:2048:David Darnell] : @[1840352448:2048:David Friend Moon] : @[100003123832415:2048:David Darnell] One David here split by friend.& moon

@[1556081366:2048:Alan Mayfield] : For keeping Words to Live By Photo remaining in view and not deleted.

@[1692302397:2048:Lynn M. Darnell] : For she passed but placed my @REALUPHUMAN badge as her only public image.

@[100001410866366:2048:Blythe Rayford] ; last to tag. Wonder if you will even get it and read this.
Updated Nov 11, 2014 11:58:19am
James M Driskill updated his status.
What ever happened to the great Saturday Night Live writers? Every week the show sucks!!!!
Are you GRUWUP ? Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace.
Updated Nov 16, 2014 3:05:02pm
Updated Nov 18, 2014 5:42:07pm
Updated Nov 18, 2014 6:00:03pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Trying the morning session today
James M Driskill updated his status.
Having lunch with a friend
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Special Thanksgiving Late Night Skate Session 6-10.
Special Thanksgiving Late Night Skate Session 6-10.
Updated Nov 26, 2014 5:31:01pm
For @[1203451145:2048:David C. Tapscott]
Updated Dec 01, 2014 8:22:11am
Updated Dec 02, 2014 9:55:45am
Updated Dec 05, 2014 2:57:52pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Friday night adult skate
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Made it to level 5 in the game app Ingress. Find real world objects in real life all over the place, like statues in parks or other arts and stuff. Play and attack other players
Made it to level 5 in the game app Ingress. Find real world objects in real life all over the place, like statues in parks or other arts and stuff. Play and attack other players
Updated Dec 09, 2014 8:02:01am
Updated Dec 09, 2014 10:34:38am
Updated Dec 09, 2014 4:30:50pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Another adult night skate.
Updated Dec 12, 2014 8:28:03am
For @[100006563475591:2048:Rhea Pixley] to her redneck nephews
Updated Dec 12, 2014 8:31:10am
Updated Dec 12, 2014 7:11:43pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night #2
Updated Dec 15, 2014 1:03:27pm
Updated Dec 16, 2014 8:28:41am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult fitness class 10_12
"We cannot keep doing the same thing and expect a different result," Obama stated.
Updated Dec 17, 2014 10:38:51am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night skate session rocks!
watch this full-screen.....
Updated Dec 20, 2014 8:41:43am
Video Cartoon: The Bolt Who Screwed Christmas

Jonathan Harris [ Dr Smith of Lost In Space Fame ] Narrates this. Recorded before he died in 2002, this was not released until 2008. This is his last performance.

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bolt_Who_Screwed_Christmas
Jonathan Harris

Written in 1997, the script was presented to Jonathan Harris in 1998 though it was not until 2000 that his voice work was actually recorded. Harris died in 2002, long before the film was completed making it his final performance. In 2006 an additional scene was added to the film and Jonathan Harris' former Lost In Space co-stars Bill Mumy, Angela Cartwright and Marta Kristen added their voices to the film and the film was then dedicated in his memory.
Updated Dec 20, 2014 4:27:39pm
Updated Dec 21, 2014 7:27:54pm
Updated Dec 23, 2014 5:47:33pm
James M Driskill was in Gillette, Wyoming.
Place: Gillette, Wyoming (44.2827, -105.505)
Address: Gillette, WY 82716
Place: Gillette, Wyoming (44.2827, -105.505)
Address: Gillette, WY 82716
In town for my bf's family Christmas. We should have a white Christmas by early morning tomorrow. I'll post some pictures of the fresh snow.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Denver Area White Christmas weather statistics shows we are in a rare conditions that we will have a white Christmas this year. Take note and enjoy! http://www.crh.noaa.gov/bou/?n=xmassnow2010
James M Driskill shared moments from his year.
Profile pictures
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Profile pictures
James's Year
My first ever snowman. Not good.
More pix of deer today.
March 19
Pictures from my hike up The Incline in Manitu Springs. I only made it about half way for my first attempt. :)
Herbie The Love Bug in Denver Colorado
August 1
My new car! My other car took a shit and blew a head gasket. This is a 2003 honda civic lx.
Great turn out at the Colorado AIDS walk.
My new room -- a work in process.
October 18
Did a walking tour in downtown Denver today. Visited the state Capitol building and Union Station among other sites that I did not take photos.
See you next year!
It's been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it. This is real kwel!
@[100006806283833:2048:Dennis] merry Christmas.
Updated Dec 25, 2014 10:18:41am
Mobile uploads
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White Christmas 2014 -- at JB's family Christmas
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Driving the roads in Gillette wyoming on Xmas day
Driving the roads in Gillette wyoming on Xmas day
Updated Dec 26, 2014 2:43:51pm
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Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Here is my car that was parked in Cheyenne over the holiday.
You got to watch this robot on 4 legs run.
Updated Dec 28, 2014 9:40:56am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Updated Dec 29, 2014 8:31:27am
Here’s my Facebook movie. Find yours at https://facebook.com/lookback/ #FacebookIs10
Here’s my Facebook movie. Find yours at https://facebook.com/lookback/ #FacebookIs10
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult fitness class skating
James M Driskill updated his status.
Ⓝⓔⓦ Ⓨⓔⓐⓡ
James M Driskill updated his status.
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Updated Jan 01, 2015 12:08:21pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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My ingress agent all time stats
My ingress agent all time stats
Just last month it was announced by the Digital Einstein Project that the 80,000 documents left behind by Einstein are now being digitised so they can be freely viewed online by the public.

This article contains in full Einstein's Credo. IT'S WORTH A READ.
Updated Jan 02, 2015 6:24:16am
Updated Jan 02, 2015 7:52:13pm
Updated Jan 03, 2015 4:39:13pm
Most people may never heard of leap seconds. Here you go..
Updated Jan 07, 2015 5:48:02am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult fitness class 10:30 - 12:00 with a holiday potluck today.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Go Broncos!
Go Broncos!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult skate session (no kiddies!!) Rocks... 8-10:30pm Thursdays
James M Driskill updated his status.
To all my friends who are going through some tough times right now--let's start an intentional prayer avalanche. We all need positive intentions and prayers right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy and paste this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all of those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just needs to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!!! I did it for a friend and you can too. You have to copy and paste this one, NO SHARING... I will leave it in the comments so it is easier for you to copy and paste
James M Driskill was at Wagon Wheel Skate Center.
Place: Wagon Wheel Skate Center (39.96012, -104.83919)
Address: 14501 Brighton Rd, Brighton, CO 80601
Place: Wagon Wheel Skate Center (39.96012, -104.83919)
Address: 14501 Brighton Rd, Brighton, CO 80601
Trying a new rink tonight. No adult night here but should be fun.
Updated Jan 11, 2015 6:10:34am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult fitness roller skating class
Updated Jan 14, 2015 2:15:09pm
James M Driskill was skating.
Adult skate night session rocks!
Updated Jan 15, 2015 9:43:02pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Gas prices are great and I here are still falling. How low will they go?
Gas prices are great and I here are still falling. How low will they go?
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
I won $2000 WORTH OF GSN GAME TOKENS TODAY!!! I can't believe I have 30 million + tokens in GSN Casino Games. I got lucky today. CURRENT PURCHASE PRICE OF TOKENS ARE $399.99 for 6 million. THAT'S MORE THAN $2000 WORTH OF TOKENS WON TODAY!!!! To bad I can't convert them into cash.

I can't believe I have 30 million + tokens in GSN Casino Games. I got lucky today. CURRENT PURCHASE PRICE OF TOKENS ARE $399.99 for 6 million. THAT'S MORE THAN $2000 WORTH OF TOKENS WON TODAY!!!! To bad I can't convert them into cash.

Initial Post. I will provide comment updates to the results of myself and immediate family members both living and past away to determine my genetic stamina in beating the odds. Current Human Life Expectancy is calculated by the country you live in. SHOULD I RELOCATE TO BETTER (extend) my life?
Updated Jan 18, 2015 7:36:18pm
With all of this technology at our wits, we have to find a APP FOR THAT solution to these shitty slick roads here in the United States of America's ice storms. What is wrong with redesigning the road way with ice melting technology? What is wrong with us to not find it a try over the love of ease. [ ref: R.F. Kennedy Eulogy ]

Surely, this bond of common faith, this bond of common goal, can begin to teach us something. Surely, we can learn, at least, to look at those around us as fellow men. And surely we can begin to work a little harder to bind up the wounds among us and to become in our own hearts brothers and countrymen once again. The answer is to rely on youth -- not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. The cruelties and obstacles of this swiftly changing planet will not yield to the obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans. They cannot be moved by those who cling to a present that is already dying, who prefer the illusion of security to the excitement and danger that come with even the most peaceful progress.
Updated Jan 18, 2015 10:47:13pm
The People of Cuba are Craving to be part of the Information Society. Where are the stakeholders to invest in such technological infrastructure? If Africa can be wired contentent wide... we can invest in a small island.

See [ Word Summit of The Information Society - WSIS - Tunis 2005, and back ].

World Summit on the Information Society : About WSIS - ITU
Updated Jan 18, 2015 11:06:06pm
Safe Security Centerfacebook.com
This utility is great!
Updated Jan 19, 2015 10:25:21am
Are you donating your idle time computer cpu calculating cycles to contribute to projects that benifit humanity? Join the WCGrid on your desktop or mobile device... and help out.
Updated Jan 20, 2015 2:39:53pm
Hurray! !
Updated Jan 20, 2015 11:01:07pm
Hey Major General Williams: Have you considered something like memetics and a mememtically active system designed specifically to assist all of humanity in your concerns posed in this video clip?

@REALUPHUMAN.NET : @GRUWUP.NET : @MUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET : "Applied Memetic Engineering Systems : a morality correctiveness model"

You will find that these are just public and private memespaces that serve only my personal cared for cause of things happening in my life. But Atlas! if I had some help and some visionaries to understand my concept, the bigger picture in all that is plausible by domain by domain linking partnerships to these memes for all of information tracking globally. Well, it is just a vision. Wise up! Be Gruw Up or else...

@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
Updated Jan 21, 2015 5:03:05am
James M Driskill updated his status.
First time skating at aurora since moved back into town.
Updated Jan 28, 2015 10:55:19am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Adult night
this is one fantastic funny show.... watch one episode and you will be hooked.... i guarantee ur laughter
Updated Feb 01, 2015 1:32:50am

Try this Navigation App on your smart devices. You will love it

Open the Comments to see a few screen snapshots of features!!
Updated Feb 06, 2015 5:02:29pm
You tagged William Schultz, Lily Vallene Dreiling, Rhea Pixley, Nick Bravo and Kelly Moore
In filmmaker Sean Dunne’s documentary Florida Man, you’ll get a compelling first-hand look at the Sunshine State as never seen before.

What started as a mushroom trip, ended as this 49:45 film. Dunne ventured out and captured an honest perspective with his footage, much of which was recorded outside laundromats, motels and bars.

The state’s residents are not only mesmerizing in their simplicity, the beautiful cinematography pulls you in; making you feel as if you’re standing right in the scenes.
Updated Feb 07, 2015 9:06:39pm
Updated Feb 08, 2015 5:24:51am
Updated Feb 08, 2015 5:26:28am
Updated Feb 08, 2015 7:09:23pm
Updated Feb 09, 2015 12:58:16am
I have created a new profile on Malwaretips.com -- a site to discuss malware code such as computer viruses or other malice uses of technology and the internet.

My profile on that site is [ realuphuman.net ]

Please use the [Information] Tab to view my details provided there.
Updated Feb 21, 2015 9:35:21pm
Can @realuphuman.net : Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History... provide a solution to this confusion?
Updated Feb 21, 2015 10:54:17pm
Updated Feb 26, 2015 8:23:34am
Updated Mar 08, 2015 1:53:40pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
For sure! Next time I give scratcher tickets as Christmas presents, I will make sure each and every one is a winner. At least for Colorado this is doable. I think I will leave my winnings hidden for a few days.... :IAm:IAm:IAm:IAm:IAm:IAm: I am #6 on for placement at the Volunteers of America affordable housing opportunity to reacquire my full independence of housing right I deserve to hold. BUT as the application process continues with questions about my emergency contacts, criminal convictions, sexual offenders registry, one question stands out that could make this opportunity lost and all mucked up. Answering truthfully... Q: Have you ever been successfully evicted from a federally subsidized housing unit? A: Yes By this point in the application process, she already was introduced and read the paragraph section about my long walk. THERE IS NO Guarantee that my application is absolutely clean and clear. She replies, it will be up to them. I REFUSE TO PAY WHAT AMOUNTS TO ABOUT $2000 in default judgment still on my credit record. I WILL KILL MYSELF FIRST. If someone wants to clear whatever value that is by paying it off for me, well then fine. I CAN NOT make a better impression than I attempted today. If I am denied, my only legal remedy is I will have to sue somebody... with no ability to impress beyond the paper pusher level... I will be defeated. Last Night, Shane tells me that he will be starting to look for a new place to move into from here... which was really expected. I MAKE YOU A PROMISE HERE, if all the time that passes from this day to that end of living here pushes me into the street, there will be nothing keeping me here in this country of the United States of America. I will keep all my money I can collect by living the lifestyle of David Ca Parrish and give you my car and all I own and fly to some other land on planet earth. perhaps to go visit permanently Olumide Oladimeji Iredele This would be something I just must do.
For sure!

Next time I give scratcher tickets as Christmas presents, I will make sure each and every one is a winner. At least for Colorado this is doable. I think I will leave my winnings hidden for a few days....


I am #6 on for placement at the Volunteers of America affordable housing opportunity to reacquire my full independence of housing right I deserve to hold.

BUT as the application process continues with questions about my emergency contacts, criminal convictions, sexual offenders registry, one question stands out that could make this opportunity lost and all mucked up. Answering truthfully...

Q: Have you ever been successfully evicted from a federally subsidized housing unit?

A: Yes

By this point in the application process, she already was introduced and read the paragraph section about my long walk.

THERE IS NO Guarantee that my application is absolutely clean and clear. She replies, it will be up to them.

I REFUSE TO PAY WHAT AMOUNTS TO ABOUT $2000 in default judgment still on my credit record. I WILL KILL MYSELF FIRST. If someone wants to clear whatever value that is by paying it off for me, well then fine. I CAN NOT make a better impression than I attempted today.

If I am denied, my only legal remedy is I will have to sue somebody... with no ability to impress beyond the paper pusher level... I will be defeated.

Last Night, Shane tells me that he will be starting to look for a new place to move into from here... which was really expected.

I MAKE YOU A PROMISE HERE, if all the time that passes from this day to that end of living here pushes me into the street, there will be nothing keeping me here in this country of the United States of America. I will keep all my money I can collect by living the lifestyle of David Ca Parrish and give you my car and all I own and fly to some other land on planet earth. perhaps to go visit permanently

Olumide Oladimeji Iredele

This would be something I just must do.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
For sure! Next time I give scratcher tickets as Christmas presents, I will make sure each and every one is a winner. At least for Colorado this is doable. I think I will leave my winnings hidden for a few days.... :IAm:IAm:IAm:IAm:IAm:IAm: I am #6 on for placement at the Volunteers of America affordable housing opportunity to reaquire my full independence of housing right I deserve to hold. BUT as the application process continues with questions about my emergency contacts, criminal convictions, sexual offenders registry, one question stands out that could make this opportunity lost and all mucked up. Answering truthfully... Q: Have you ever been successfully evicted from a federally subsidized housing unit? A: Yes By this point in the application process, she already was introduced and read the paragraph section about my long walk. THERE IS NO Guarantee that my application is absolutely clean and clear. She replies, it will be up to them. I REFUSE TO PAY WHAT AMOUNTS TO ABOUT $2000 in default judgment still on my credit record. I WILL KILL MYSELF FIRST. If someone wants to clear whatever value that is by paying it off for me, well then fine. I CAN NOT make a better impression than I attempted today. If I am denied, my only legal remedy is I will have to sue somebody... with no ability to impress beyond the paper pusher level... I will be defeated. Last Night, Shane tells me that he will be starting to look for a new place to move into from here... which was really expected. I MAKE YOU A PROMISE HERE, if all the time that passes from this day to that end of living here pushes me into the street, there will be nothing keeping me here in this country of the United States of America. I will keep all my money I can collect by living the lifestyle of David Ca Parrish and give you my car and all I own and fly to some other land on planer earth. perhaps to go visit permanently Olumide Oladimeji Iredele This would be something I just must do.
For sure!

Next time I give scratcher tickets as Christmas presents, I will make sure each and every one is a winner. At least for Colorado this is doable. I think I will leave my winnings hidden for a few days....


I am #6 on for placement at the Volunteers of America affordable housing opportunity to reaquire my full independence of housing right I deserve to hold.

BUT as the application process continues with questions about my emergency contacts, criminal convictions, sexual offenders registry, one question stands out that could make this opportunity lost and all mucked up. Answering truthfully...

Q: Have you ever been successfully evicted from a federally subsidized housing unit?

A: Yes

By this point in the application process, she already was introduced and read the paragraph section about my long walk.

THERE IS NO Guarantee that my application is absolutely clean and clear. She replies, it will be up to them.

I REFUSE TO PAY WHAT AMOUNTS TO ABOUT $2000 in default judgment still on my credit record. I WILL KILL MYSELF FIRST. If someone wants to clear whatever value that is by paying it off for me, well then fine. I CAN NOT make a better impression than I attempted today.

If I am denied, my only legal remedy is I will have to sue somebody... with no ability to impress beyond the paper pusher level... I will be defeated.

Last Night, Shane tells me that he will be starting to look for a new place to move into from here... which was really expected.

I MAKE YOU A PROMISE HERE, if all the time that passes from this day to that end of living here pushes me into the street, there will be nothing keeping me here in this country of the United States of America. I will keep all my money I can collect by living the lifestyle of David Ca Parrish and give you my car and all I own and fly to some other land on planer earth. perhaps to go visit permanently

Olumide Oladimeji Iredele

This would be something I just must do.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Well, hopefully it won't come to that. Have you looked at affordable housing lately other than through the pac housing channels you currently are?
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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You will have to zoom into this image to read it. For those interested they can get it... for those not... the information is pixeled not text byte content to capture into search engine key codes.
You will have to zoom into this image to read it. For those interested they can get it... for those not... the information is pixeled not text byte content to capture into search engine key codes.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
Note: Effective With the AndroidOS Update Version Currently Running on this Phone (4.4.2) along with its validated Kernel Version (3.4.0 : Tues Nov 23 03:49 Kst 2014 ) the Sms/Mms Group Conversation Interface has significantly been changed and improved to its user interface friendlyness. IT IS UNQUESTIONABLE that when a person receives a first encounter involvement with group messaging, a different kind of conversation is taking place and that future input text/content will not be directed on a single one to one channel . The previous versions were extremely confusing even to me as a pretty good tech history skillset. Up until this version, no one applied much careful interface design, because frankly people in general just don't understand the total workspace group messaging can employ, even within one's own multiple self idenities of private and/or/if public memespace destinations empowered by defined filter term tools. With that said, this imitated group conversation has the sole purpose to cross post the conversation thread to my Facebook timeline: http://facebook.com/InTheMindway All replies in this conversation are instantly directed onto Facebook. That is my right to control each and every single content I send to another. The other should be aware that one of his reply posts in this thread was directed to facebook stripping the identity and reassigning the message was sent by me. Disclosure complete. This was the very first time I have used sms/email to facebook posting. It has to be enabled with a confirmed verification code process. GOOD Day
Note: Effective With the AndroidOS Update Version Currently Running on this Phone (4.4.2) along with its validated Kernel Version (3.4.0 : Tues Nov 23 03:49 Kst 2014 ) the Sms/Mms Group Conversation Interface has significantly been changed and improved to its user interface friendlyness.
IT IS UNQUESTIONABLE that when a person receives a first encounter involvement with group messaging, a different kind of conversation is taking place and that future input text/content will not be directed on a single one to one channel . The previous versions were extremely confusing even to me as a pretty good tech history skillset. Up until this version, no one applied much careful interface design, because frankly people in general just don't understand the total workspace group messaging can employ, even within one's own multiple self idenities of private and/or/if public memespace destinations empowered by defined filter term tools. With that said, this imitated group conversation has the sole purpose to cross post the conversation thread to my Facebook timeline:


All replies in this conversation are instantly directed onto Facebook.

That is my right to control each and every single content I send to another. The other should be aware that one of his reply posts in this thread was directed to facebook stripping the identity and reassigning the message was sent by me. Disclosure complete.

This was the very first time I have used sms/email to facebook posting. It has to be enabled with a confirmed verification code process.

James M Driskill updated his status.
Hey honey. Im sorry for being a bit of a bitch earlier to you when you called and the topic of repayment of my default judgment on the eviction on my record from Oakland.
[ WG06266106 ]

You started down a path in that conversation saying

"Consequences" for not paying it off. I was rude in my own insolence to not want to hear that thought you said.

You were obviously at work and quickly shuffled off the conversation. I don't like conversations terminating so abruptly like that.

I immediately knew that is not a typical conversation we have or I have with anyone. I also know that by the time we met in Cheyenne, my blog space where I placed the story to all of my efforts was surely fading away from public view or any interest in holding the story for a real cause of change and corrective legal address.

I secured my apartment in November of 2010. Part of the materials I could offer and did offer Pro Management was active blog on multply.com.

I no longer hold that ability for if you link to multiply.com -- it's official close date says May 31st, 2013.

When I arrived in Cheyenne, I was celibate for more than a year while I sought intense mental health treatment at Peak Wellness Center in Cheyenne.

I have my email all of the way back where we established our A4A friendship on June 24th 2012 to JaredJettison.

For in Cheyenne I did not even want to use my long standing handle on A4A. It was on Friday July 13th that I received your first message to a profile truly representing me and not a false copy of me.

Just think about that dear for a moment. You fell in love with me and not JaredJettison.

I really have not much more to say here in this apology being cross posted to facebook.

But what JaredJettison represents is what the world as conservative as cheyenne Is would accept as s gay man.
I am not going to shutter down to compromise my sexual part of my life just to fit in. If you can offer me a true solution to where I should live and be myself..
James M Driskill updated his status.
I will listen.

But listen to me real closely.

When I started to blog the events of eviction case WG06266106 on Dec 24 2006, my car was stolen from my parent's house and left with the engine running, the radio re-tuned to a Mexican radio station; the lights on and parked half way into the middle of the street.


James M Driskill updated his status.
If someone wishes to help me pay off my eviction case judgement so I can restore my credit score, you can find a way to do that please. I am already harmed. Financial hardship over and beyond that, a gun to my head before I would even consider that.
Today I lost my phone for real.

I have had a ruff couple of days. My tenancy application for Sunset Park Apartments is in jeopardy due to the eviction on my record.

When my roommate came home yesterday at 5pm, he had found the gas stove burner on. Probably on high. I left the gas burner on not to bad since about 4:30pm. But that is a sign I am not dealing with a "stresser" in my life very well.

Today I visit the office of @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] to speak with my case manager at an urgent need to find an "advocate" who can accompany me to any meeting of tenancy business in this application process because on Monday I could sense the conversation between her and I, one on one, went a bit sideways. It is all about the question regarding an eviction on my record from 2006 [ WG06266106 ]. In my truthful disclosure of "yes, I have an eviction", her reply would be "It would be up to them"

Who are "them" and would they see outside of the official application boxes of landlord contacts and numbers on their form. My address that needed to be placed above the "eviction" to squash it out. I provided the document but she really had no obligation, procedure wise, to also include this document to "them". This "them" never were identified. She took my tenancy document titled:

Rental Tenancy Verification History
James M. Driskill
Requested for 3 years

off the table of documents we were working on and across the room place it into a file, drawer, or I don't know. This was after she said the phrase "them".

It totally threw me for a loop. Who are "them" and why can't I provide that detail you read just now to "them". I never said aloud this is my requirement. I only internalizing that that paper of mine was going to be squashed and I could not say that it was happening or it was a concern of it at all.

The expanded text is in within the history of my homelessness periods:


Reason for length of stay paying zero rent:

My father’s Illness which then he passed away on July 12, 2013 with a second sudden death in the family of my sister in law Debbie Driskill on August 16, 2013. Also during this time period, I set out on a pretty difficult undertaking. To take a journey and conduct a long human walk of about 500+ miles for world peace. With my primary and mental health doctors consulted and a couple of months of physical fitness walk training, I scheduled this walk to begin in September 2013. The main reason for this long walk was to fulfill a true heart and soul promise I made in words I wrote on May 20th 2006. My words promised that I would walk home from where I was in Oakland to the implied destination of San Bernardino my hometown where I grew up. I actually started my first human step along my pee-planned walk route of 500+ miles on September 21st 2013, The International Day Of Peace. Although for reasons not totally in my own control or ability, my long walk had to be suspended in Big Sur along the pacific coast line. To that end, it had been a long walk of approximately 120 miles from the starting point over the course of the next few weeks.. I am actually very proud of my achievement and my walk has never been considered any kind of failure.. I used the technology of MapMyWalk to track my walking steps online in the real time live. A journal of my experiences and events have been placed to the web domain:


I absolutely know my walk served a purpose mainly internally for me, For anyone who shares a concern, it is there for all the world to see. During this time, I would be classified as a homeless man in the street without a roof over my head. I was living day to day in a tent along this walk route and a couple of nights in a motel stay. The simple statement “homeless” just does not relate to you the importance of this event onto your “landlord verification” request to understand the actual history behind why I have an eviction judgement against me from Oakland CA which has DRASTICALLY affected my credit score rating among other harms against me. This is why I am needing to be fully real with you here and now. .

Should you have any questions you would like to address with my doctor and my disability.

Thank you for your understanding.


I had no understanding placed into a conversation here :

Absolutely we all need to be less shuddered wall mentality between the management office and the residence and more inter-personally aware of our "human needs" factors at all times within the Tenancy Management / Tenant resident community relationship.

This is actually my GRIP for all of the history of these managed places of walls and floors and ceilings and not of homes.

So on Monday my defunct ion begins -- yesterday Gas is left on -- Today, I left my phone on the top of my car while I drove off -- for it to be tumbled off onto the street 3.2 miles [ mapped ] away. I went for a long drive to calm my thoughts, well that was my intent anyway. I drove west up what is called Green Mountain and more west than I have ever driven that way before. I was on an exploration of somewhere I never been to change my thoughts. Then I realize I do not have my phone. I also realize that when I got into my car, I had placed it on the top of my roof. I knew it was somewhere lost into the gutter probably run over and broken. If that was the case, there is no reason to rush home. That is what insurance converge is for.

At standard driving ease, I turned around and drove all the way back home.

I proceeded to login to : http://findphone.360safe.com/ : My phone was pretty far away [3.2 miles] inside an apartment complex. i knew someone had picked it up at least from where It landed.

The thing here is, my phone device name is: @Gruwup-UsWillUnitePeace

Hopefully, with that understood as being a twitter handle, with an peace message showing, who ever has my phone will not attempt to hijack it and steal it somehow.

A boy found it on the street and gave it to her mother. She left the phone on and when my roommate showed up just entering the door, I told him I lost my phone but I know where it is. Would you please call my number and see if they will answer so I can get back my phone.

Success !! I have my phone.

This is the first time I have lost my phone in this way to be able to find it and retrieve it.

I suggest that if you don't already have an find phone app or feature of other utility app, you install one right away. You never know when you might just place it on the top of your car, to slide off absolutely no where you would know otherwise.

@Gruwup 2015

@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]

Updated Mar 11, 2015 8:58:50pm
Updated Mar 22, 2015 7:53:11pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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SMS Fwd: From: My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too. _________ #MyFirstNight #MyWashingtonAveDenverApt112 #HowWellDidISleep #HOPWA : #Housing :
SMS Fwd:

My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound
To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net

Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too.


#HOPWA : #Housing :
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Mobile uploads
SMS Fwd: From: My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too. _________ #MyFirstNight #MyWashingtonAveDenverApt112 #HowWellDidISleep #HOPWA : #Housing :
SMS Fwd:

My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound
To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net

Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too.


#HOPWA : #Housing :
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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SMS Fwd: From: My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too. _________ I slept alright. That is the short answer. The long answer is in email. SOMETHING to ACTUALIZED POSSIBILITES consider in regards to digital footprint forensics for which during the time between February 2005 thru July 16th 2006 : 2006-07-16T16:18:39 ( Oakland ) and beyond to include: Google Search [ SSN 547453504 ] are ACTUALLY DIGITALLY STORED ON MEDIA. I fell asleep shortly after putting The Last Word. I watched Maddow but didn't remember O'Donnell. Seems I woke up several times, played a couple of. Hourly ChaChingo Bingo draws till I woke up from a dream of Paul's Plumbing Steve Stawn aggressively asking me to disclose my underwear brief waste size. CC: Facebook Public Poat CC: My Mother Roni Driskill #MyFirstNight #MyWashingtonAveDenverApt112 #HowWellDidISleep #HOPWA : #Housing :
SMS Fwd:

My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound
To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net

Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too.


I slept alright. That is the short answer.

The long answer is in email.

SOMETHING to ACTUALIZED POSSIBILITES consider in regards to digital footprint forensics for which during the time between February 2005 thru July 16th 2006 : 2006-07-16T16:18:39 ( Oakland ) and beyond to include:

Google Search [ SSN 547453504 ]


I fell asleep shortly after putting The Last Word. I watched Maddow but didn't remember O'Donnell. Seems I woke up several times, played a couple of. Hourly ChaChingo Bingo draws till I woke up from a dream of Paul's Plumbing Steve Stawn aggressively asking me to disclose my underwear brief waste size.

CC: Facebook Public Poat
CC: My Mother Roni Driskill

#HOPWA : #Housing :
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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SMS Fwd: From: My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too. _________ I slept alright. That is the short answer. The long answer is in email. SOMETHING to ACTUALIZED POSSIBILITES consider in regards to digital footprint forensics for which during the time between February 2005 thru July 16th 2006 : 2006-07-16T16:18:39 ( Oakland ) and beyond to include: Google Search [ SSN 547453504 ] are ACTUALLY DIGITALLY STORED ON MEDIA. I fell asleep shortly after putting The Last Word. I watched Maddow but didn't remember O'Donnell. Seems I woke up several times, played a couple of. Hourly ChaChingo Bingo draws till I woke up from a dream of Paul's Plumbing Steve Stawn aggressively asking me to disclose my underwear brief waste size. CC: Facebook Public Poat CC: My Mother Roni Driskill #MyFirstNight #MyWashingtonAveDenverApt112 #HowWellDidISleep #HOPWA : #Housing :
SMS Fwd:

My Real World Boyfriend : Joy Badwound
To: James M Driskill Owner @realuphuman.net / @gruwup.net

Good morning honey. Did you sleep okay? We're getting snow now. It's coming down pretty quickly too.


I slept alright. That is the short answer.

The long answer is in email.

SOMETHING to ACTUALIZED POSSIBILITES consider in regards to digital footprint forensics for which during the time between February 2005 thru July 16th 2006 : 2006-07-16T16:18:39 ( Oakland ) and beyond to include:

Google Search [ SSN 547453504 ]


I fell asleep shortly after putting The Last Word. I watched Maddow but didn't remember O'Donnell. Seems I woke up several times, played a couple of. Hourly ChaChingo Bingo draws till I woke up from a dream of Paul's Plumbing Steve Stawn aggressively asking me to disclose my underwear brief waste size.

CC: Facebook Public Poat
CC: My Mother Roni Driskill

#HOPWA : #Housing :
James M Driskill updated his status.
The people pushing forward such hateful laws are @FuckedUpHuman

I really wish I had the time to place the public record identities memes into the @fuckeduphuman.net memespace on this issue.

You will find this is a valid folder:

You will also now find this is a valid folder:

At this current time in my life, I am very busy relocating a tenancy/residency move. I just moved in April 1st. There is no way I can collect and gather the appropriate documents and assign the @fuckeduphuman meme references to ALL TIME HUMAN history at this time. This is the only way we are going to be able to fight back -- with CyberSpace Memetically Active Identifiers.

Their thinking processes need to change --- See @[168128000001226:274:Words To Live By]

They need to be able to open up and listen to these messages
@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]

Until then, write them off @fuckeduphuman and move on. It will affect their associations in future time forward --- even their future born offspring to what they attempted to do to ruin our world.
Updated Apr 03, 2015 8:05:39am
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by Wikipedians

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In Honor of @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] -- this is placed on my wall in my home.
In Honor of Sammie Francher -- this is placed on my wall in my home.
James M Driskill shared a memory.
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See for yourself I 25 and I 85 closed to Cheyenne. I will be spending the night here tonight.
9 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Apr 18, 2013 8:11:42pm
See for yourself I 25 and I 85 closed to Cheyenne. I will be spending the night here tonight.
This was 2 years ago. Face.book placed in the post in my view today. Yes, I stayed in my car until the road was open.
Updated Apr 18, 2015 8:58:38am
Updated Apr 18, 2015 9:01:32am
Updated Apr 18, 2015 9:02:57am
Updated Apr 18, 2015 11:50:18am
Updated Apr 18, 2015 11:53:27am
Updated Apr 18, 2015 11:54:05am
Updated Apr 18, 2015 11:55:06am
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The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love

The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning

Loving Kindness, Friendliness, Goodwill, Benevolence, Fellowship, Amity, Concord, Inoffensiveness, and Non-violence.

The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others ( parahita-parasukha-karmana ). Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest.

More at:
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TODAY: April 20th 2015, I ( as website admin) was directed and received a "business communication" that has been marked on memespace as @Fuckeduphuman. Effective with this US Postal Envelope Enclosure, the correspondence is being Fwd directed to the intended recipient.

Marie Kelly <kelly156@earthlink.net>

alan.horwitz-lawofficesoftoddrothbard@fuckeduphuman.net [ valid addressing ]

Email for Todd Rothbard


TO ALL TIME HUMAN HISTORY, REMAINS PRESENT/ACTIVE 2015 from its issuance in 2006 in reference to Eviction Case [ WG06266106 : Alameda County California : Filed April 20 2006 : just coincidence eh??

Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace

WordsToLiveBy : Wikiworld
Cool DIY Project
Updated May 01, 2015 8:45:20pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
this one is for you @[1203451145:2048:David C. Tapscott]
Updated May 07, 2015 3:34:37am
My cpu/computer has been chug chug chug chug chugging away at these projects since Dec 2005 on WorldCommunityGrid.org --- how are you doing it?
Updated May 07, 2015 3:59:47am
Updated May 07, 2015 6:15:45pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
@[100000183378049:2048:Isaac Jackson]... it's hitting the news here in denver
Updated May 19, 2015 12:36:28am
I guess I can look into putting myself on a life line donor registry. Gr8.. I have not given blood since I was an young adult. If they fix that... it would be great to show you all that poz blood is ok. I'm ok.
Updated May 19, 2015 12:40:16am
This is so cool with a scrolling graphic...
Updated May 19, 2015 12:51:43am
I will have to retweet my @BarackObama tweets first established to bring a overview awareness of certain facts of injustice happened... in so bearing the cyberID: @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]

Upon knowing that I received email from our president Barack Obama with the valid email address of... here is the very latest queued out from him to me:

from: Barack Obama <info@barackobama.com>
reply-to: info@barackobama.com
to: James Driskill <HUDPublicHousing-Corruption-DroveMeToSuicide@fuckeduphuman.net>
date: Mon, May 18, 2015 at 3:43 PM
subject: This needs to change:

Yep.... This is NO JOKE.

I am still here -- have not done the final no turning back deed [ yet? ]

Google Search [ twitter +@Gruwup +@BarackObama ]

It does have return matches to just a couple of tweets I sent to him via this channel. It is important!

@Gruwup 2015:
Great Reasons Us [ You and I ] Will Unite Peace


Updated May 19, 2015 1:30:45am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Updated May 19, 2015 3:59:47pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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I don't do much photo postings of my own life... but here is one for all time keeps -- I won the consolation prize at a local gay bar. I think the top prize was $100 but I got a blow up vibrating butt plug. Anyway... Thought you would enjoy.
I don't do much photo postings of my own life... but here is one for all time keeps -- I won the consolation prize at a local gay bar. I think the top prize was $100 but I got a blow up vibrating butt plug. Anyway... Thought you would enjoy.
I have had a reason to communicate this:


What is means is not as important as the reason to use this system to communicate ideas..
Updated May 20, 2015 12:40:01am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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I am glad that I got home from on call appointment the Doctor's office this morning to see the trail end live of this press conference. know that through NAMI and Wyoming Governor Matt Mead has been leading the effort since 2011 and that is the program they are adopting in Cleavland. THROUGH Peak Wellness Center in Cheyenne Wy, I had the opportunity to be an inclusive community member of these conferences and celebrations. Thank you Susan Moore and @[100006563475591:2048:Rhea Pixley] and all for the MI boost to know the pathway we are riding is taking hold. Blessed Be
I am glad that I got home from on call appointment the Doctor's office this morning to see the trail end live of this press conference. know that through NAMI and Wyoming Governor Matt Mead has been leading the effort since 2011 and that is the program they are adopting in Cleavland.

THROUGH Peak Wellness Center in Cheyenne Wy, I had the opportunity to be an inclusive community member of these conferences and celebrations. Thank you Susan Moore and Rhea Pixley and all for the MI boost to know the pathway we are riding is taking hold. Blessed Be
Why is it so hard to set boundaries with new friends?
Updated Jun 01, 2015 6:31:17am
sms Chat Video Dialogue Part 1
sms Chat Video Dialogue Part 1
Within my writings at [ http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php/InTheMindway ] I pose this exact same conclusion in regards to TRUTH and Reality are very much on similar playing fields. In my writing, I state:

I do care about truth. But as you say truth is not absolute. Not so fast, I will explain. But I wholeheartedly agree truth is not arbitrary.

My truth, your truth, universal truth, all can have infinite facets of TheGoodLife. Holding virtue for certain self truths or group mind truths is not an absolute moral truth. What I mean here is can we have an absolute moral truth anyway? The allaboutphilosophy : Moral Truth article [2] suggests there are many problematic situations placed upon "Moral Truth" and as such the article gives the conclusion suggestion that Moral Truth cannot be absolute.

Moral Truth – Why Does It Matter?
When self-interest rules, it has a profound impact on behavior, especially how we treat other human beings. The notion of human dignity depends on there being objective moral truths. Instead, we can discard people when they become troublesome or expensive.

With moral relativism, anything goes! The death of objective morality is filled with an “anything goes” mentality. Nothing is ultimately wrong if you can get away with it.

I will directly provide a displacement view of analyst considerations to these two quotes:

"Instead, we can discard people when they become troublesome or expensive."
"Nothing is ultimately wrong if you can get away with it."

Under a memetically active system that I conceptually hold by memespace by domainnames, I profoundly disagree with this article's stance and there is something of "cultural Change" that can be placed into the record especially if there is a conflict that has arisen from one person's [or group] actions that is of self-interest which actually has or will harm others or strip away our given universal human rights including our human dignity.

Let me offer the name of what I conceptually hold as possible displacement here:

"Applied Memetic Engineering Systems : a morality correctiveness model"
goal of positive memetic engineering that I call to action as...

"Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace"
"Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck"

Using the memespace by domain @realuphuman.net : @gruwup.net : @muckeduphuman.net : @fuckeduphuman.net frankly just cannot be discarded and will demand the attention of the offender. The key phrase "get away with it" really cannot hold true anymore.


Moral Truth, from all sources, in all that is realitiy must be placed and subject to change against these in a measurable construct between what is Real Up Human and Gruw Up [ Peace Bringing ] and Mucked Up Human [ destructive ]. These can and do have memespaces defined for us to create these measurements, and a digital working "information theory" I have construct in someday wanting to bring into the full world utilization for all. Someday, I hope to create a space where all conflicts of truth can be finally resolved and absolved to full reality as being peace bringing Gruw Up for all.
Updated Jun 01, 2015 11:35:31am
sms Chat Video Dialogue Part 2
sms Chat Video Dialogue Part 2
James M Driskill was watching Colorado Rockies at Coors Field.
Colorado Rockies
Place: Coors Field (39.75603031821, -104.99402746817)
Address: 2001 Blake St, Unit A, Denver, CO 80205
Colorado Rockies vs.Los Angeles Dodgers seats u333 row 12 seat 3 and 4
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My first colorado rockies game with JB
Updated Jun 03, 2015 1:16:14am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Private : only me
Private : only me
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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@[100000761663932:2048:Sammie], so far to the close of work session tonight, I have placed these two items directly upon "My Treasures" for the #AdrinkaWall here. The Blue and the Red Dots have linkage meanings. As I have said, we had Pa Gya in this peace bearing space for which it was you -- and only you that placed that into allowance for resolution. In so doing, I wholeheartedly thank you. To the completeness of the whole with my own inspirational creativity, just because one symbol on the wall is placed does not mean I have to assign it to the exact same incidental matter. This image here is placed upon your wall, as you know who you are. If you remove this from your wall, it will go pretty much invisible from your friends side of Facebook world. But know, it will remain here in this home in real space [ #AwesomeKramobone ] forever until I leave here of the Denver area or the planet. I did not think about it until It was time to move into each symbols wall meaning. This is what I choose to place upon the wall here for all. I choose wisely for this space, for the peaceful enjoyment and happiness for all who come here. Thank you for your understanding. [ ref: Mate Masie ] This was placed by someone [ [ it is not necessary to reveal ] to the down right on this #AdrikraWall. This placement implied the same as it is "down right" or placed correctly here. Good Day. To the upper left quadrant below the License Plate, [ not shown here ] someone placed symbol 103 : Wo Nsa Da Mu A : If you have your hands in the dish : Democracy, Pluralism : If your hands are in the dish, people do not eat everything and leave nothing. I am not sure if this is link associated to all of this. This is exactly how this #AdrikraWallAwesomeKramobone works. If you need more dialogue to understand this, please call and come by for a visit. I welcome your face to face dialogue.
Sammie, so far to the close of work session tonight, I have placed these two items directly upon "My Treasures" for the #AdrinkaWall here. The Blue and the Red Dots have linkage meanings.

As I have said, we had Pa Gya in this peace bearing space for which it was you -- and only you that placed that into allowance for resolution. In so doing, I wholeheartedly thank you. To the completeness of the whole with my own inspirational creativity, just because one symbol on the wall is placed does not mean I have to assign it to the exact same incidental matter. This image here is placed upon your wall, as you know who you are. If you remove this from your wall, it will go pretty much invisible from your friends side of Facebook world. But know, it will remain here in this home in real space [ #AwesomeKramobone ] forever until I leave here of the Denver area or the planet. I did not think about it until It was time to move into each symbols wall meaning. This is what I choose to place upon the wall here for all. I choose wisely for this space, for the peaceful enjoyment and happiness for all who come here. Thank you for your understanding. [ ref: Mate Masie ] This was placed by someone [ [ it is not necessary to reveal ] to the down right on this #AdrikraWall. This placement implied the same as it is "down right" or placed correctly here. Good Day. To the upper left quadrant below the License Plate, [ not shown here ] someone placed symbol 103 : Wo Nsa Da Mu A : If you have your hands in the dish : Democracy, Pluralism : If your hands are in the dish, people do not eat everything and leave nothing. I am not sure if this is link associated to all of this. This is exactly how this #AdrikraWallAwesomeKramobone works. If you need more dialogue to understand this, please call and come by for a visit. I welcome your face to face dialogue.
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Wow flat tire today. my first break down on the side of the riad for this car. I've changed it in 10 minutes. AT east it happened on the way from the doctor appointments and not to. I was 10 minutes late to my doctors appointment today. all is well.
I've been involved since Dec 2005.
Updated Jun 11, 2015 9:37:56am
The answers are always at the our reach of intelligence --- but will we take that leap of intelligence or will collapse in our own ignorance to all things we do here --- we should be of @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] ---and people see why we need these things empowered into our DAYS NOW not LATER.

Peace to you all
Updated Jun 14, 2015 7:30:16am
Updated Jun 15, 2015 7:18:10am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hey Derrick -- I am just placing your post on my page,


Hey @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] --- This is what I selected for your DenKyem. See I told you that these symbols are highly used in culture as inspirations for art. The Art preservative may give immortality.
Updated Jun 30, 2015 6:54:24am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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#WordsToLiveBy - Resource Folder at Gruwup.net
#WordsToLiveBy - Resource Folder at Gruwup.net
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My day trip to Lakeside amusement park with Sammie Francher and relatives with James
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
Family History of progressive eye disease Macular Degeneration
Updated Jul 04, 2015 11:05:16pm
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Updated Jul 06, 2015 2:06:22am
We just listened to this because I pressed a button as my first action.. not saying "ok google " stop arguing with me... 'it is just easier that,so all'

Sammie Francher -- I perform my act without distressed stride. Google Phase seacj gives us this song insight to who is unserstood.

There is a purpose for "OK Google "year is not my stance. My stance is more about knowing why a habit us formed and if that why makes since or not to the environment to which the technology is conbected.
Updated Jul 06, 2015 2:56:20pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I found a free blender :, I found a free blender : ha ha he he ho ho

In the alley 30 feet to the right of the alley side exit of my apartment building.

I found a free blender. I found a free blender.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill updated his status.
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Tornado damage from a couple of weeks ago in Aurora. Within the same block as the BBQ I went to this weekend.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill added a new photo.
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For those who can see - this was type written on a typewriter long before the internet was the use it is. Thank you Mrs. Claus.
For those who can see - this was type written on a typewriter long before the internet was the use it is. Thank you Mrs. Claus.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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For those who can see - this was type written on a typewriter long before the internet was the use it is. Thank you Mrs. Claus.
For those who can see - this was type written on a typewriter long before the internet was the use it is. Thank you Mrs. Claus.
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Photos Taken During My Spiral MapMyWalk To The Store Today. I Thought I would be cute! !!
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For your surgery recovery. Floral imagery -- best be live uncut arrangements Heal up fsst!!!
You tagged Sammie Francher
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@[1570811543139623:274:Arabella Tattershall] : Title Card Art Title: Balance Location: University Of Colorado @[1410869768946362:274:UCHealth] In-Patient Surgery Family/Friends Waiting Room
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@[1570811543139623:274:Arabella Tattershall] : Art View 3 of 3 Art Title: Balance Location: University Of Colorado @[1410869768946362:274:UCHealth] In-Patient Surgery Family/Friends Waiting Room
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@[1570811543139623:274:Arabella Tattershall]l : Art View 2 of 3 Art Title: Balance Location: University Of Colorado @[1410869768946362:274:UCHealth] In-Patient Surgery Family/Friends Waiting Room
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@[1570811543139623:274:Arabella Tattershall]l : Art View 1 of 3 Art Title: Balance Location: University Of Colorado @[1410869768946362:274:UCHealth] In-Patient Surgery Family/Friends Waiting Room
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Sammie. Some art imagery from the surgery waiting room while your code green. 263050
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I just saw one of these cars on the road. If I get rich this way my next car you have it
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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This so app-pro-po!! 4 @[100006054378117:2048:Joshua Luckey]
This so app-pro-po!! 4 Joshua Luckey
Updated Aug 09, 2015 12:26:13am
This is one of the funny moments to ever be put on tv - Ad lib - I have seen it before! CLASSIC!
Updated Aug 09, 2015 12:30:14am
Updated Aug 09, 2015 12:49:04am
Really --- I already knew this --- did you @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] ? Did you @[100006054378117:2048:Joshua Luckey] ? do you Rick Riddle ?
Updated Aug 09, 2015 12:52:17am
James M Driskill added a new photo.
You tagged Sammie Francher
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This was one of the shows I was involved the production of. That would the production of SOUND ENGINEERING and RECORDING, both the creation full and complete on my own computer of the STREET DISTRIBUTION FLYER and the IN HOUSE PROGRAM [ cover shown here ],. In response, I received this Thank You gratitude ---the most important statement made here of me is: "a new level of professionalism" . This was 1993.
Place: San Francisco, California (37.7793, -122.419)
Address: San Francisco, CA
This was one of the shows I was involved the production of. That would the production of SOUND ENGINEERING and RECORDING, both the creation full and complete on my own computer of the STREET DISTRIBUTION FLYER and the IN HOUSE PROGRAM [ cover shown here ],. In response, I received this Thank You gratitude ---the most important statement made here of me is: "a new level of professionalism" . This was 1993.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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James M Driskill added a new photo.
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I Just had to fix my eye glasses. I sat on them earlier last night and the lenses popped out. I love these type of glasses. The lenses fit up onto the upper hard plastic part of the eye glass frame but the underside of the lenses are held in place by a small flat sided piece of what is basically nylon fishing line. You can stretch the plastic line around the edge of the lens .. the flattened edge of the plastic line fits snuggly right around each lens to form a basically invisible bottom frame. It's hard to see in a none marked up image. So I provided just a simple finger outline of how it is secured. It looks like a secret invisible edge of the lens where just the top part looks like it is glued in... but that would eventamually wear out and desenigrate with excessive motion the gluing materials even if it was an epoxy. It takes a bit of force to get the plastic line with a flatten edge to stretch over the edge.. but once it is n place whola. The lens won't go anywhere. And as far as I can see. Except for like sitting on them. Which just pops one or both lens out by sheer twisted force on the frame. Nothing permanently breaks !!! I have fixed them like 4 times now with no prob. No screws. No parts that are dangling off to get snapped off and brake. Have u ever seen these kind of glasses. ? Best simple Simon minded invention of engineering ever!!!!!!!!!!!! --takes a licking and keevps on spectacleing... Quite a Spectacle!!
I Just had to fix my eye glasses. I sat on them earlier last night and the lenses popped out. I love these type of glasses.

The lenses fit up onto the upper hard plastic part of the eye glass frame but the underside of the lenses are held in place by a small flat sided piece of what is basically nylon fishing line.

You can stretch the plastic line around the edge of the lens .. the flattened edge of the plastic line fits snuggly right around each lens to form a basically invisible bottom frame.

It's hard to see in a none marked up image. So I provided just a simple finger outline of how it is secured. It looks like a secret invisible edge of the lens where just the top part looks like it is glued in... but that would eventamually wear out and desenigrate with excessive motion the gluing materials even if it was an epoxy.

It takes a bit of force to get the plastic line with a flatten edge to stretch over the edge.. but once it is n place whola.

The lens won't go anywhere.

And as far as I can see.

Except for like sitting on them.

Which just pops one or both lens out by sheer twisted force on the frame. Nothing permanently breaks !!!

I have fixed them like 4 times now with no prob. No screws. No parts that are dangling off to get snapped off and brake.

Have u ever seen these kind of glasses. ? Best simple Simon minded invention of engineering ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

--takes a licking and keevps on spectacleing...

Quite a Spectacle!!
I must be advancing in the world --- I have the Blood Relative Cousin of one of the members of the Temptations [ left unsaid here ] as a invited guest visitor in my home for the past 48 hours.

Each invited guest visiting my home here in Denver is asked to pick one (1) Adrinkra symbol of the 104 Adrinkra symbols that I have placed into my living space here for this purpose. For my guest visitor picked the Adrinkra symbol:

Nea Ope Se Nkrofoo Ye Ma Wo No, Ye Saa Ara Ma Won

[ Yes, it is a long worded one in African langages -- but anyone reading knows what it is ]

Do to others the things you want them to do to for you.

Hey--- that's the Golden Rule in no other lesser worth while words have ever been written.... let's proceed.

Symbolic Meaning: Justice

and has a proverb attached [ of course ]:

Nea ope se nkrofoo ye ma wo no, ye saa ara ma won;
Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.

The proverb is the Golden rule --- WOW dude --- Thank you for cooking an excellent meal tonight! I appreciate it kindly.

Your new friend passing as strangers in the night -- @[100005026179935:2048:Supplanter James Driskill]
Updated Aug 22, 2015 6:50:52pm
701 Pearl Street Denver Co. A beautiful waterfall.
701 Pearl Street Denver Co. A beautiful waterfall.
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Quality Over Quantity : Hidden Agendas
Quality Over Quantity : Hidden Agendas
James M Driskill updated his status.
Thank you all who posted a Happy Birthday to my facebook this year. It is my big 50 ! I was not sure how well it would be received.... but from the response... I know I am liked. Thank you all.
Updated Sep 05, 2015 1:37:14pm
On being Morally Straight --- Please Bring Back and Support Bilingual Elementary Education in California -- and elsewhere. Thank you.

I got to thinking this after-noon about what it means to be "Morally Straight" -- I have never been in prison and never really involved in any kind of major lawsuit of any kind except for an Eviction Case Against Me [ WG06266106 ] from Alameda County CA filed April 6-2006 for which is absolutely an outrageous occurrences of circumstance that faults for which were on their side and not mine. I lost the case non-the-less. Upon that injustice also places me into mental distress for many many years later. In part of that, I have absolutely no regrets to why I ended up having a warrant for my arrest for what was considered "disturbing the peace" which in of itself was unjust asa complaint against me and was truly never served against me to arrest . I did have to submit and conform to court rules upon me of conduct - which ain't no biggie really - for being "morally straight" means you follow authority when one might be wrong and may need a social correction. To which the complaint is dropped to non-criminal offense. At this point to all of my entire life, I have no criminal record for that event held against me. TRUTH! )

I asked myself, what were the major influences as I consider myself as being"Morally Straight". I said my Family Upbringing, even though my brother @[100006806283833:2048:Dennis] youth had has it's challenges to include prison time and other various "In Major Trouble" occurrences,)

I have never had these events into my life with what is in the lyric phase : "I fought the law and the law won : The Bobby Fuller Four" . )

As of September 1st 2015, I am now 50 years old. This point many view as the time of life when one becomes an consult of wisdom upon others. This is what I have to say about this issue right here posting on Facebook. )

I asked myself, what were the major influences of my "Morally Straight" guidance. My Family Upbringing, My Enrollment in Boy Scouts for which my brother did not follow through from his enrollment in Cub Scouts, Both @[100001497620440:2048:Don Schultz] and @[100005759118512:2048:William Schultz] are a part of that history since their Father was our scout troop leader. In a little shack, park, and child play equipment place near Davidson Elementary in San Bernardino. I don't remember the name of it. I am sure it no longer there. )

***** There is a 3rd major influence that I answered myself of this question. It was as a Caucasian child growing up in a metropolitan urban city of San Bernardino through the 70s attending Bilingual Education from 2nd Grade to 5th Grade at Lyle Creek Elementary. My first grade was attended at Davidson Elementary and my 6th Grade [ Elementary Graduation ] was established from Davidson Elementary as well. These are both walking distance to from my family home. We were in a school busing program to attend Lyle Creek for it was way to far away. This must have been a fully funded special considerations educational opportunity program that my parents became interested and involved in. So, all of these are a part of the influences that I consider myself as "Morally Straight". The culural emersion factors is one major influsense to factors of being "Morally Straight" most all through life and into today to have absolutely no criminal record hold standing.. I called my mother this after-noon. She still lives in the Same House on Grande Vista. [ registrant address of gruwup.net : @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] ] : My first question I asked my mother: "I told her, I want you to be honest. Do you think I am morally straight?" -- Since I came out as 100% gay man - at the adult age of 18 -- I had to confirm, "You know what that term means, right?" So thus begins a telephone conversation with my mother this afternoon, she confirmed she views me as "Morally Straight". )

Upon my wisdom I am bringing to you here and now : The Boy Scout Oath [ even though I was a gay youth, I never had any homosexual experiences until I was an adult, I would not have been welcomed or allowed to enroll as a Boy Scout --- this change in policy is still controversial ] :

Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

I am also bringing to this post, @[168128000001226:274:Words To Live By] -- They are wisdom set forth from 1780 that are involved in chapters and topics of writings under "SECRET TO HAPPINESS", "EXERCISE IN HAPPINESS", HOLY thoughts on HOLY things on Happiness, The Way To Obtain [ http://gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By/Holy%20thoughts%20on%20holy%20things,%20selected%20and%20arranged%20by%20E.%20Davies%20%5B%20Happiness%20-%20The%20Way%20To%20Obtain%20%5D.jpg ] ;

Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.[1][2]

View WordsToLiveBy As Graphic Image

about: Words To Live By

These Words Above Appear In These Titled Publications:

Many thoughts of many minds. Compiled by H. Southgate
by Henry Southgate - 1862...

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
1891 - Quotations, English

Exercises, rules, and hints on elocution
George Walter Baynham - 1881

The Poetical works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins
John Milton, Edward Young, Thomas Gray - 1836

History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter
J.H. Beers & Co - 1890

Much instruction from little reading: or, extracts from some of the most approved authors, ancient and modern

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
Adam Woolbever (comp.), comp Adam Woolbever - 1881

The works of the Rev. Dr. Edward Young - Volume 3
Edward Young - 1811

Elegant extracts - Volumes 1-2
Vicesimus Knox - 1809

Paradise lost: in twelve parts
John Milton, Edward Young - 1849

Poems divine and moral: many of them now first published

The Cynosure: being select passages from the most distinguished writers

The Essays of "George Eliot"
George Eliot, Nathan Sheppard - 2009

Ravensdale: A Tale - Volume 2
Robert Thynne - 1845

The Universalist leader - Volume 35, Issue 43

GOOGLE BOOKS SEARCH [ "Go fix Some Weighty Truth" ]
Updated Sep 08, 2015 3:16:33pm
Updated Sep 12, 2015 10:29:32am
I can't believe there is not much coverage of the death of this celeb! I loved him because he was a nice guy who portrayed a nice cop. Something went terribly wrong apparently. : http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/sep/09/martin-milner-route-66-adam-12-death-lapd-cop/
Updated Sep 12, 2015 10:34:05am
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Here is something from the San Bernardino Sun -- Personally Held - from Monday Feb 20th 1984.-- Note my name and held in title "Best Friend" Eric Maier : Christine Maier : Thought you would like to know. Enjoy
James M Driskill added a new photo.
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Watch The Music Video From The Link:

Here are the Lyrics:

Wordsmith - Never Be The Same

Feel my mind with memories and I wish that time was ..to freeze
wish I was a one year old who got none none none, who got no worry
I'm taking baby exception I'm learning like I'm taking raps
and I'll be..better living parents want the best or less
as a young and it's cool it's not a lot of pressure
you know is good to learn in school and learn the less pleasure
call it childhood never could wait to be a team
yeah yeah yeah got that good, got that dollar miss that dream
I miss the eited I paid it and got the first tattoo
I miss the first kiss what a wish lips..and I make this
and in the instinct I'm all grown without program, oh no
I know that life change and memories are like a dream
wish that was a future I'ma bring myself a time machine
and take me back, back to how I've been living
take me back, me back to all the things I'm missing

Life's keeps on moving,
our world won't stop turning
we fall that we learn
we will never be the same
our world keeps on going,
our hearts always only show it
we thought that we learn
we will never be the same

Okay, pay attention, listen reminiscent
I wish I never did dirt, asleep at work
and kids to get some extra purp
and quick the blow and grow a curse
a lot of women, a lot of love in the life I like it
will you older my son I can shit on private
never follow those days I say it's so you learn and some
I have to change it a day, you might just be your turn
I put that heaven myself with that step little right and ..
and move the love I ..in shirt and just got a new guest
I miss the days old but I know there's much to give
a father a musician I'm a Christian and I work to live
new horizons a man alive and a world surviving
I ain't bring the things that I'm bringing
I build just like a..
do you back in forth you know we won't change
I took you back in forth will never be the same

Life's keeps on moving,
our world won't stop turning
we fall that we learn
we will never be the same
our world keeps on going,
our hearts always only show it
we thought that we learn
we will never be the same

You'll never be, you'll be, you'll never be the same
You'll never be, you'll be, you'll never be the same
you'll never be the same take that strip memory

Updated Sep 23, 2015 8:37:07pm
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The Symbols are called Solomon's Knot Symbols.

What is the significance?



Since the knot has been used across a number of cultures and historical eras, it can be given a range of symbolic interpretations.

Because there is no visible beginning or ending, it may represent immortality and eternity—as does the more complicated Buddhist Endless Knot.

Because the knot seems to be two entwined figures, it is sometimes interpreted as a Lover's Knot, although that name may indicate another knot.

Because of religious connections, the knot is sometimes designated the all-faith symbol of faith, but, at the same time, it appears in many places as a valued secular symbol of prestige, importance, beauty.

Solomon's Knot appears on tombstones and mausoleums in Jewish graveyards and catacombs in many nations. In this context, Solomon's Knot is currently interpreted to symbolize eternity.

Some seek to connect it with Solomon by translating the Hebrew word peka'im (פקעים) found in the Bible at I Kings 6:18 and I Kings 7:24 as meaning "knobs" or "knots", and interpreting it to refer to Solomon's knot; however, the more accepted modern translation of this word is "gourd-shaped ornaments".

In Africa, Solomon's knot is found on glass beadwork, textiles, and carvings of the Yoruba people. When the knot appears in this culture, it often denotes royal status; thus, it is featured on crowns, tunics, and other ceremonial objects. Also in Africa, the Knot is found on Kasai velvet, the raffia woven cloth of the Kuba people. They attribute mystical meaning to it, as do the Akan People of West Africa who stamp it on their sacred Adinkra cloth. In the Adinkra symbol system, a version of Solomon's knot is the Kramo-bone symbol, interpreted as meaning "one being bad makes all appear to be bad".

In Latvia, when Solomon's knot is used on textiles and metal work, it is associated with time, motion, and the powers of ancient pagan gods.

In modern science, some versions of the conventionalized sign for an atom (electrons orbiting a nucleus) are variations of Solomon's knot. The logo of the Joomla software program is a Solomon's knot.

Curiosity Retreats 2014 Lectures
The Future of Nanotechnology

Lecture 58:21

Eric Drexler, the "founding father of nanotechnology," and Jim Phillips, the CEO of Nanomech, discuss the potential applications and implications of nanotechnology. How will this atomically precise manufacturing impact the future of technology, global governance, and the environment?

Curiosity Studios | 2014 | HD
Updated Sep 23, 2015 10:04:05pm
Name : Why Is The Clear Sky Blue InTheMindway Feb202005
Added :- 2015/09/05 07:19:32
Duration :- 03:26 Min
By :- James Driskill

About Music File:- Why Is The Clear Sky Blue InTheMindway Feb202005.From Here You May Download Why Is The Clear Sky Blue InTheMindway Feb202005 Full Mp3 Song In 128,320,48 kbps HD pk Free.

File Information
File Size : 804.80 KB
Genre : voxdoc, text to speech, poems, in the mindway, change, peace, fucked up
Kind : track : http://djpendu.com/temp/online.php?q=222443914
Updated Sep 23, 2015 11:37:14pm
I sent a letter to Congress -- will you? my email address for this purpose is: jmdriskill-stopwatching.us@realuphuman.net
Updated Sep 24, 2015 2:42:03am
This supplement information video can be used against this content folder for educational and learning use of Adinkra Symbols:
Updated Sep 24, 2015 9:08:52pm
This is absolutely --- PORN will now become a SOLO experience and will not be a GROUP SEX WASTE TIME on each person's own device bullshit. Yeah, in group sex, everyone seems to want to hold on to the own device and browse their own porn rather than getting all together and watching something [ and experiencing ] something all together. This goes to show you that PORN is and should be a SOLO EXPERIENCE. Thank you for knowing this an bringing this awareness to the table. OR AT LEAST those watching to be watching on a single screen. :)
Updated Sep 25, 2015 5:03:09pm
Updated Oct 12, 2015 7:50:56am
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Halloween is almost here.
James M Driskill shared a memory.
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Here is me today at the Harvest Farm near Wellington CO.
9 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Oct 20, 2012 9:37:18pm
Here is me today at the Harvest Farm near Wellington CO.
ah yes.... i remember this!
Updated Oct 20, 2015 9:42:31am
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My jack o lantern
My jack o lantern

An Independent Music Artists Topics Post ----

Adult Contemporary --- Sexuality and Nudity Finally has come full circle and has gone mainstream.
Updated Oct 24, 2015 12:01:28am
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Mpuannum - 5 Tufts of Hair --- @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] Meme -- please Share
Mpuannum - 5 Tufts of Hair --- Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace Meme -- please Share
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Mframadan -- Bi Nnka Bi - Dome House - inverted doorway entrance @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] Meme --- Please Share INTRODUCTION TO STANDARDS: V5N1 by Marlon Riggs http://www.colorado.edu/journals/standards/V5N1/marlonintro.html
Mframadan -- Bi Nnka Bi - Dome House - inverted doorway entrance

Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace Meme --- Please Share

by Marlon Riggs
I need to rewatch --- hulu auto picked this while
i was sleeping --- I got some of the story but not all.

Who is held MORALLY RESPONSIBLE for the ACTIONS of another
[ CONSENT ] is the topics to which this video is important.
Updated Oct 31, 2015 7:51:42pm
A little animation video on the symbol that I am using as my facebook avatar --- adinkra mpatapo
Updated Nov 02, 2015 3:45:09am
You tagged Jeremiah Osas Iredele
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[Adinkra Symbols] : Unity of Four - Mpatapo, Krado, Kramobone, Mmomudwan : http://gruwup.net/Resources/AdrinKra%20Symbols/Unity%20of%20Four%20-%20@Gruwup%202015.jpg …
[Adinkra Symbols] : Unity of Four - Mpatapo, Krado, Kramobone, Mmomudwan : http://gruwup.net/Resources/AdrinKra%20Symbols/Unity%20of%20Four%20-%20@Gruwup%202015.jpg
You know you're from San Bernardino if
I posted this in the group "You know you are from San Bernardino If" ...
Updated Nov 04, 2015 6:02:05pm
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Hey. LOVE Your dogs in this!
Updated Nov 14, 2015 4:32:27pm
Updated Nov 17, 2015 9:53:35pm
Updated Nov 18, 2015 2:50:32am
Here is another article @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] -- reflecting that the vision of the future per Welcome to Nano City is happening much quicker than even they predicted by 2041. Take these stories and several other items of discovery that I know that I have not yet shared with you [ opportunities lost by way of separations ] and I am telling you --- this vision of things happening on nano scale is just 5-10 years from now being constructed today.... it is happening now!


@Realuphuman 2015
Updated Nov 18, 2015 2:57:39am
Why you are activated to share things on the internet -- a PRIMER -- and why you may note that I don't fall into the "typical" sharing person on the net among my peers.
Updated Nov 18, 2015 2:06:45pm
Updated Nov 26, 2015 2:26:07am
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Thus is my first Thanksgiving in Denver by myself. I decided to go for a 1am walk at 12 degrees F , just for the fun of it. Of course, I used the MapMyWalk app as I always do.On my way back just less than 50 feet off my building side alley entrance, there is a turkey dinner iin foil --- all nicely wrapped up and sitting on a PETESTAL for someone to see as they walk by in the alley. I didn't take a picture of it then but that's what it was righto!! I saw it and by this time or whatever they placed it out --- it is frozen solid, so there is no problem. If I don't like it oh well at least I had some turkey for Thanksgiving. I actually bought a CAKE MIX and FROSTING at the store on my walk. I thought I would celebrate a few things --- happening in my life. YEAH BABY YEAH!
Updated Nov 27, 2015 1:20:40am
Updated Nov 28, 2015 2:03:43pm
James M Driskill wrote on Sammie Francher's timeline.
Sammie, I know you are following the coverage of the #BlackLivesMatter topic of the shooting of LaQuan Mcdonald and finally the first degree murder indictment of the police officer involved [ I am not repeating names here of the offender in this cae ] : This happened in your home town. If you feel strong enough about this, I am serious as a heart attack Sammie, would you like to collect and place to the public memespace on @fuckeduphuman ---> [Persons] --> [ Name of Police Officer ] -- for the record. Unless there is a real true opposing force of --- he may get off. I have been watching how corrupt the system is there. I am glad you have not returned back home for whatever reason and decided to stay here in Denver --- even though you have had your own incident you say with apparently the Lakewood police. We can only go forward if the truth exposed at @fuckeduphuman holds at @realuphuman and @gruwup of the author's intents. This is fact. Otherwise of course, the structure of integrity fails.thus the only reclassification is to the reverse the labels back of REPRIMAND upon the author of the untruths offered to the public. I take it that you were telling me the truth the day you were here. If this is true, and you want to proceed with you own "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" efforts in your case, let me know. I am here to hold on to you through the process of knowing #WordsToLiveBy is the only foundation principle --- than can be followed in order to do this kind of historical "information theory" morality correctiveness to events against one another out of court and high-priced legal counsel fee affordability.
As this line applies:

"Always @RealupHuman : Only from @Gruwup : and never @Fuckedduphuman 2015-2315 -- GO"

Why is the clear sky blue?

Listen to the Soundcloud link.
Updated Dec 01, 2015 4:10:37am
ooooh cool
Updated Dec 01, 2015 7:15:20pm
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Updated Dec 04, 2015 1:41:28am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I have donated to him. Just for kicks and shits. $1 a month for 6 months
Updated Dec 11, 2015 8:34:08am
Updated Dec 12, 2015 8:41:23pm
Ok --- we are heading into a new paradymn shift of things we will not yet believe it true when we first encounter these things at first experience. So, take a lesson here -- change your mind from what is the "normal" that places a order of people, places, and things based upon the past... these orders of life paths are no longer the standard to which we can remain limitedly thinking small and limited. We need to reverse our thinking into the expansition, all things may be possibel, all things be damned, if you see something you can't believe --- make it a point to write out at least what happened --- and say it with conviction that it is NOT something you would think could be -- but it ain't no lie. THIS IS REAL and never will we be able to say REAL is strictly nonsense into understanding. We are really mega changing our human lives--- MEGA EXPANSION and MEGA CHANGE --- BELIEVE IT TRUE BEFORE YOU THINK IT NOT. 80% TRUE to 20% it can't be this --- but it is!
Updated Dec 12, 2015 8:49:23pm
This guy is hilarious!
Updated Dec 12, 2015 9:46:27pm
Given the recent events here at my space, I could not agree more.
Updated Dec 15, 2015 9:33:42pm
Updated Dec 15, 2015 9:43:52pm
Yoda’s Top 3 Words of Wisdom
by Henrik Edberg

1. Don’t try. Do.

“Do or do not… there is no try.”

When you tell yourself and/or someone else that you will try you are in my experience more likely to give up or just stop when the first obstacle shows up.

When you say that you will do something there is more determination and power behind that decision. When the inevitable obstacles that always show up start to block your path you are determined. You will do this. So you find ways over, under, around and through the obstacles. And that’s what you have to do most of the time to actually get things done. Smooth sailing with no problems at all is pretty rare.

By making clear choices to do or not do something – and putting power behind those choices – you are more likely to actually get things done and succeed.

Updated Dec 15, 2015 11:08:26pm
Here's my 2015 Year in Review. See yours at facebook.com/yearinreview.
Updated Dec 17, 2015 1:55:43am
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Play EXTENDED INFORMATION SPOKEN VOICE ABOUT This... http://gruwup.net/Resources/AdrinKra%20Symbols/Sankofa.mp3

You tagged Sammie Francher
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Place name METTA,WS [ Internet Domain Site / World Site ] timestamp Sept 2009 in my namesake Identity [ InTheMindway ] which is two full years to the month that Ron Artest Jr, the basketball player who currently plays for the Lakers legally changed his name to METTA WORLD PEACE n Sept 2011. This name change is where METTA is his first name and WORLD PEACE is his surname.
Updated Dec 19, 2015 3:19:05pm
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Updated Dec 25, 2015 2:06:02am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Updated Dec 25, 2015 5:17:20am
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Updated Dec 25, 2015 8:54:20am
Updated Dec 25, 2015 8:56:19am
Updated Dec 30, 2015 5:15:57am
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill wrote on Kevin Tweeker's timeline.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday
Updated Jan 02, 2016 12:41:46pm
This is SUBMITTED directly on page, but is also COPIED HERE for all the world to see. THIS IS THE TRUTH: I think you probably will decide to HIDE / CENSOR my comment rather than POST my comments. Pay it no mind that the NOOSPHERE holds the TRUTH to what had occurred in 2005/2006 and the history to which is exposed at [ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/local-hiv-community-oaklandca ] to my best ability at the time when not a single soul of human care and compassion was given out to our community from agency. Involved in all of this are SERIOUS INFRACTIONS of COMMON DECENCY -- Dr. Vega, All that I ask is that you know my name is James Martin Driskill, I made an address to the attorney involved in evicting me and many others in fact from Allen Temple Manor at the time, That address is titled Oh Kind Sir and was written on May 20th 2006 in email to Alan Horwitz. It is posted at soundcloud here: [ https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/ohkindsirwikiworld?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook ] : Within the text of this address it contain a promise to WALK HOME IN PROTEST -- that homestead to imply SAN BERNARDINO CA. I was VERY SERIOUS when I created that TEXT to the ATTORNEY. On September 21st 2013, I made that first step from Oakland on this PROMISE to WALK and has been journaled and tracked with LIVE DIGITAL DATA ONTO MY TWITTER AND FACEBOOK FEEDS at: [ http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ ].

My hometown is San Bernardino. That is the REGISTRANT ADDRESS where @Gruwup.net is located. The long walk of beauty basiclly stands to human long walk from the REGISTRANT address of @fuckeduphuman.net to @gruwup.net --- a google map routed distance of 505 or so miles. This is FACT and cannot be CHANGED to the NOOSPHERE that Jamal Graham also begins my journey as a person living with HIV/AIDS in Oakland as my PERSONAL CASE MANAGER to which I know he was TERMINATED from that POSITION for CAUSE.

You all should be ASHAMED of this HISTORY. You all SHOULD ISSUE ME AN COMMUNITY APOLOGY and rectify some of the DAMAGES within my life scope of things I no longer hold as personal property due to a PERCEPTUAL STATE of HOMELESSNESS since that day when OAKLAND would rather see me dead than to CONFORM and FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES that is PRESENTED in SEVERAL HIV/AIDS housing POLICY DOCUMENTS of the TIME circa dated 2005.

SHAME ON YOU ALL. As of last month, my hometown of San Bernardino has been of course the target of a TERRORIST ATTACK upon our COUNTRY and SOCIETY. It is truly DISTURBING TO KNOW that my brother's first wife Debbie Driskill [ her 2013 death mentioned in http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ ] has a daughter MYSTIE. That MYSTIE was working that DAY in that BUILDING but just so happened to not have been attending the PARTY.

She and her mother with my brother all lived under the house and roof on GRANDE VISTA with me and my parents and in fact my 1st boyfriend TOM V.. That is the address to which @gruwup.net is registered to. THESE ARE FACTS.


Great Reasons Us [ You, Dr. Miriam Y. Vega of APEB Oakland and on this same page Deray Mckesson of GLADD, and I James Martin Driskill, And All Here ] Will Unite Peace

Let this SERVICE the UNIONS of PEACE -- and whatever history has put out those into the streets unjustly in Oakland --- I hope they survive the statistically DEATH over LIFE averages. Shame Shame Shame
Updated Jan 03, 2016 12:03:11pm
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Notation for the record : Today I started receiving odd ball harassing calls from this number. There is a history of someone [ a guest visitor ] here using this number for out going calls. That indeed is the source of the 2 preceeding dated calls from this number. What was received today, considering that the elderly female person on the other end of this call was being directed by a voice, male spoken command form -- but I could not actually understand what he said. COMMAND FORM is a predominance of presentation that was understood on this end from me. Who was here during that time when these calls were made is a part of the records of this space. Nothing is left off record here. That is all I can say at this time. STOP HARASSING ME!
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Notation for the record : Today I started receiving odd ball harassing calls from this number. There is a history of someone [ a guest visitor ] here using this number for out going calls. That indeed is the source of the 2 preceeding dated calls from this number.

What was received today, considering that the elderly female person on the other end of this call was being directed by a voice, male spoken command form -- but I could not actually understand what he said. COMMAND FORM is a predominance of presentation that was understood on this end from me. Who was here during that time when these calls were made is a part of the records of this space. Nothing is left off record here. That is all I can say at this time. STOP HARASSING ME!
Updated Jan 06, 2016 11:11:27am
Updated Jan 06, 2016 11:15:34am
This is a screen recording of some of the things that are actually attached to the wall of my space here in Denver which is been here since I moved in in April of 2015. Baynham's Elocution select readings By George Walter - 1883 Section 101 prejudice... But i recently discovered Section 100 is also all seeing eye is also in the space as it is represented here by an Adrinkra Symbol.. Placed at this location by a guest viator by the name of Poo who was the very first guest viator here since I started using the full set of 104 Adrinkra Symbols in this space. Poo picked this symbol and needed no introduction or followup information discussion to the meaning for which I told him to attach the symbol to the wall. He picked this very upward overlooking position in the room to pin it. It took some doing but we got it made of the permanence to which the art preservative may bring immortality. @Gruwup 2015 : Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
This is a screen recording of some of the things that are actually attached to the wall of my space here in Denver which is been here since I moved in in April of 2015.

Baynham's Elocution select readings
By George Walter - 1883

Section 101 prejudice...

But i recently discovered Section 100 is also all seeing eye is also in the space as it is represented here by an Adrinkra Symbol.. Placed at this location by a guest viator by the name of Poo who was the very first guest viator here since I started using the full set of 104 Adrinkra Symbols in this space. Poo picked this symbol and needed no introduction or followup information discussion to the meaning for which I told him to attach the symbol to the wall. He picked this very upward overlooking position in the room to pin it. It took some doing but we got it made of the permanence to which the art preservative may bring immortality.

@Gruwup 2015 : Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
@[1597395383:2048:Pat M Badwound] -- I hope you like my new creation today. This
is just an inspirational message brought to you by us all here.

@Gruwup 2016
Great Reasons Us [ You @[1597395383:2048:Pat Badwound], He, Joy Badwound, I @[1295702360:2048:James Driskill], and All Here ] Will Unite Peace


Updated Jan 22, 2016 7:56:48pm
This is a segment on THE VIEW where Simmone confesses that she gives out NETFLIX ACCESS to her friends by sharing her account password. Woah. Why? I got it. Morally she is more right than wrong... and Netfix should offer what is called a "Community Sharing" Netflix access account... as such. During the long route of my LONG WALK OF BEAUTY done in September of 2013, the Netflix office was on my route and I did not know it. I went into the OFFICE to introduce myself during my walk pass DUE TO THE EXACT TRUE reasons that is INTRODUCED in this SEGMENT of the VIEW. For these are TOOLS we can and SHOULD and MUST enable for COMMUNITY Mpatapo Reconciliation abilities -- where time and time again -- the CORPORATE AGENDA of PROFIT is TOTALLY OPPOSITE and AGAINST the MIRROR of the RIGHT, JUST and MORAL common wisdom we should have held for all these many centuries. But we have lost our way. I am here telling you --- bringing you back -- these Windsors--- Is anyone listening? http://alongwalkofbeaty.us -- noted.
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
This is a segment on THE VIEW where Simmone confesses that she gives out NETFLIX ACCESS to her friends by sharing her account password. Woah. Why? I got it. Morally she is more right than wrong... and Netfix should offer what is called a "Community Sharing" Netflix access account... as such. During the long route of my LONG WALK OF BEAUTY done in September of 2013, the Netflix office was on my route and I did not know it. I went into the OFFICE to introduce myself during my walk pass DUE TO THE EXACT TRUE reasons that is INTRODUCED in this SEGMENT of the VIEW. For these are TOOLS we can and SHOULD and MUST enable for COMMUNITY Mpatapo Reconciliation abilities -- where time and time again -- the CORPORATE AGENDA of PROFIT is TOTALLY OPPOSITE and AGAINST the MIRROR of the RIGHT, JUST and MORAL common wisdom we should have held for all these many centuries. But we have lost our way. I am here telling you --- bringing you back -- these Windsors--- Is anyone listening? http://alongwalkofbeaty.us/ -- noted.
James M Driskill wrote on Richard Asberry's timeline.

Me to Richard Asberry [craigslist (720) 434-2431 - mobile
2/15/16 12:50 AM 2 seconds ago

Me: what's up Richard [Mr. Asberry] -i just called you a robot 12:32 AM
Richard Asberry [craigslist: Wassup 12:34 AM
Richard Asberry [craigslist: Wyd? 12:34 AM
Me: Can you prove you are not a robot? 12:36 AM
Richard Asberry [craigslist: Tell me how I can prove it and I will 12:37 AM
Me: Your IQ is 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 and 0 - you are now non-existent 12:39 AM
Me: My name is Richard Eugene Asberry 12:41 AM
Me: You were born on January 17th 1983 12:42 AM
Richard Asberry [craigslist: I hope u will let me make it up to u? Cuz I don't want u to dislike me 12:43 AM
Richard Asberry [craigslist: I really want to change ur perception of me like ASAP 12:43 AM
Me: Email asberry83@facebook.com Disposable No Valid Since Unknown Email poeticog@yahoo.com Disposable No Valid Since Unknown Email rasberry@att.net Disposable No Valid Since Unknown Email rasberry@colavria.com Disposable No Valid Since Unknown 12:46 AM
Me: 3500 Ivanhoe St Denver, Colorado 80207 12:46 AM
Richard Asberry [craigslist: I really want to show u that I'm a good person 12:46 AM
Richard Asberry [craigslist: Please let me do that 12:47 AM
Me: 3562 Ivy St Denver, Colorado 80207 12:47 AM
Me: 2821 Locust St Denver, Colorado 80207 12:47 AM
Me: 3542 Locust St Denver, Colorado 80207 12:47 AM
Me: 1775 W Mosier Pl Denver, Colorado 80223 12:47 AM
Me: 217 Keystone Dr Richmond, Kentucky 40475 12:48 AM
Me: 430 Gibson Lane Richmond, Kentucky 40475 12:48 AM
Me: 885 Goshen Road Stanford, Kentucky 40484 12:48 AM
Me: \u0009 Facebook Richard Asberry asberry83 Usernames: asberry83 12:50

Of course. .. you have to know what propaganda is before you can believe or disbelieve anything that you see or read or something else about parent propaganda propaganda propaganda haven't we heard enough of propaganda for our lifetime?
Updated Feb 15, 2016 4:30:47pm
Mobile uploads
Wow Red red Smart LED Bulbs
Wow Red red Smart LED Bulbs
I've stopped processing and crunching numbers for this project recently. What reason is this why should I bother if no one in my real real world circle cares to join me?
Updated Feb 15, 2016 9:51:57pm
Updated Feb 16, 2016 4:16:33am
Updated Feb 16, 2016 4:35:41am
Updated Feb 16, 2016 4:36:10am
James M Driskill updated his status.
i tell you all..... this is the technology that is coming down the pike.
Updated Feb 16, 2016 5:28:19pm
it is about micro-data world -- the world that we used to know is going to drastically change. 5-10 years till all of what we thought we knew will be a paradigm shift and then we will be ______________________,
Updated Feb 18, 2016 12:18:03am
could? the answer is yes.
Updated Feb 18, 2016 4:42:58am
Updated Feb 18, 2016 4:52:41am
Have anybody used the new Magic WiFi Smart light bulbs? Well not quite new, they are about 5 years old tech ology now.

do any of you use these types of lightkng Smart LED bulbs in your house?

They are cool cool cool cool !!!!!

They cost only about $7 to $8 a piece.... no big deal.
Updated Feb 20, 2016 8:18:36pm
Thus date February 21st in history. Background sounds are set into the mix. Cool
Thus date February 21st in history.

Background sounds are set into the mix. Cool
Updated Feb 21, 2016 12:40:51pm
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Updated Feb 21, 2016 12:42:38pm
A SELFIE HIGH FIVE --- #SelfieHighFive #SelfieHigh5

record one for yourself and tag it with this meme.
Updated Feb 29, 2016 2:55:10pm
James M Driskill doesn't recommend Rothbard Todd Law Offices.
@fuckeduphuman : /[Persons]/Horwitz,%20Alan%20J/

Index of /[Persons]/Horwitz, Alan J

[IMG] #WordsToLiveBy --- T..> 24-Oct-2015 23:58 1.3M
[IMG] Appearing in the Lib..> 24-Oct-2015 23:59 1.4M
[ ] Jmdriskill to Alan H..> 01-Mar-2016 06:34 886
[ ] Jmdriskill to Alan H..> 01-Mar-2016 06:39 0
[SND] Jmdriskill to Alan H..> 01-Mar-2016 06:15 1.1M
[SND] Jmdriskill to Alan H..> 01-Mar-2016 06:15 1.0M
[SND] Jmdriskill to Alan H..> 01-Mar-2016 06:15 1.0M
[SND] Jmdriskill to Alan H..> 01-Mar-2016 06:15 1.0M
[IMG] Marlon Riggs - Intro..> 24-Oct-2015 23:57 573K
[IMG] OhKindSir [ Written ..> 24-Oct-2015 23:56 207K
[IMG] Public Access - Micr..> 24-Oct-2015 23:59 2.5M
[IMG] Your Client Marie KE..> 24-Oct-2015 23:58 8.8M
James M Driskill was meeting with my lawyer at Rothbard Todd Law Offices.
Place: Rothbard Todd Law Offices (37.3187715, -121.9758725)
Address: 4261 Norwalk Dr Apt Y107, San Jose, CA 95051
Place: Rothbard Todd Law Offices (37.3187715, -121.9758725)
Address: 4261 Norwalk Dr Apt Y107, San Jose, CA 95051
Upside down? Ugly? What the fuck is wrong? Locks I tell you! So for every posting or materials related to a community we just can't get it and get it real this little post on my face will be somewhere in the middle. Shane for you all are shameful. You know who you are. You'll never escape the truth... For what you have done pan why should I not tell the truth? I will and I must and I always do. For those who do not tell the truth to all the events of everything that has happened... The Oblivion of abyss will be their roof of the house of cards they succumb to dying in instead of surviving in and driving in of life over Wellness in the HIV community. This is in Denver now. I'm only post this once. Leave me the fuck alone .. shooting the messenger pretending something against you but I have not done p but you won't get out of the dark despair of shadow corners hiding hiding behind each and every turn Perry Perry Perry Perry when is that life I am going to be just spent I'm trying but failing to beat the odds that technology is going to catch you before I do next time. And you will not even see the technology still be so small now technology Auto powered by power Wi-Fi out of the air connected to the Internet or other Wi-Fi with the IP addressing so large you will not even be able to map it in your brain from moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment you'll finally lose that moment I guarantee it I promise it I wager $2,000 on it 715 years but the taste of the writing you will see I was right and you were wrong but you'll be in lock up and I will be free I can't say I told you so but you sure can get ahold of me and f****** apologize for what you have done in the first month about 2016 to Mr human being most real to you and you the only continue your life Fuckeduphuman Wave. Shameful you are. Shameful. for anybody who is reading this I suggest that you install up on the web certain auto content update monitoring to the following selected areas public means base. When that challenges you to have to not pay attention but have the technology pay attention for you. We have this ability for more than 10 years now yes 10 years passing the domain registration of at Real Up Human net , at fuckeduphuman. Net they're trying monitoring with this nice little teeth pictures out on the web updates titties particular sections including the gruwup. Net page pages I'm in space which is the center line most painful category of life when you cannot see the change must be now now now now this moment this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now or never parent you are a ass wipe 10 and the words that you speak to come out of your brain and out of your mouth hold number 2 for others everything you say as you stand will be considered automatically into the universe as words temporary has toilet water to flush your ass wipe down the drain and into the carpet with you deserve your final flushing. Today please is peace building don't shoot the messenger people you won't be given another chance I am now in Harmon out. But I don't care I know I am they painted I I've already won parent this text is smoking and translated by technology not so perfect but this will stand as it is in remission... Sleep slap slap slap flapper tap tap slap slap slap tap tap tap backpack packed have have have have have have have pack pack pack pack pack way way way way too much
Upside down? Ugly? What the fuck is wrong?

Locks I tell you!

So for every posting or materials related to a community we just can't get it and get it real this little post on my face will be somewhere in the middle. Shane for you all are shameful. You know who you are. You'll never escape the truth... For what you have done pan why should I not tell the truth? I will and I must and I always do. For those who do not tell the truth to all the events of everything that has happened... The Oblivion of abyss will be their roof of the house of cards they succumb to dying in instead of surviving in and driving in of life over Wellness in the HIV community. This is in Denver now. I'm only post this once.

Leave me the fuck alone .. shooting the messenger pretending something against you but I have not done p but you won't get out of the dark despair of shadow corners hiding hiding behind each and every turn Perry Perry Perry Perry when is that life I am going to be just spent I'm trying but failing to beat the odds that technology is going to catch you before I do next time. And you will not even see the technology still be so small now technology Auto powered by power Wi-Fi out of the air connected to the Internet or other Wi-Fi with the IP addressing so large you will not even be able to map it in your brain from moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment you'll finally lose that moment I guarantee it I promise it I wager $2,000 on it 715 years but the taste of the writing you will see I was right and you were wrong but you'll be in lock up and I will be free I can't say I told you so but you sure can get ahold of me and f****** apologize for what you have done in the first month about 2016 to Mr human being most real to you and you the only continue your life Fuckeduphuman Wave. Shameful you are. Shameful. for anybody who is reading this I suggest that you install up on the web certain auto content update monitoring to the following selected areas public means base. When that challenges you to have to not pay attention but have the technology pay attention for you. We have this ability for more than 10 years now yes 10 years passing the domain registration of at Real Up Human net , at fuckeduphuman. Net they're trying monitoring with this nice little teeth pictures out on the web updates titties particular sections including the gruwup. Net page pages I'm in space which is the center line most painful category of life when you cannot see the change must be now now now now this moment this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now or never parent you are a ass wipe 10 and the words that you speak to come out of your brain and out of your mouth hold number 2 for others everything you say as you stand will be considered automatically into the universe as words temporary has toilet water to flush your ass wipe down the drain and into the carpet with you deserve your final flushing. Today please is peace building don't shoot the messenger people you won't be given another chance I am now in Harmon out. But I don't care I know I am they painted I I've already won parent this text is smoking and translated by technology not so perfect but this will stand as it is in remission... Sleep slap slap slap flapper tap tap slap slap slap tap tap tap backpack packed have have have have have have have pack pack pack pack pack way way way way too much
Upside down? Ugly? What the fuck is wrong? Locks I tell you! So for every posting or materials related to a community we just can't get it and get it real this little post on my face will be somewhere in the middle. Shane for you all are shameful. You know who you are. You'll never escape the truth... For what you have done pan why should I not tell the truth? I will and I must and I always do. For those who do not tell the truth to all the events of everything that has happened... The Oblivion of abyss will be their roof of the house of cards they succumb to dying in instead of surviving in and driving in of life over Wellness in the HIV community. This is in Denver now. I'm only post this once. Leave me the fuck alone .. shooting the messenger pretending something against you but I have not done p but you won't get out of the dark despair of shadow corners hiding hiding behind each and every turn Perry Perry Perry Perry when is that life I am going to be just spent I'm trying but failing to beat the odds that technology is going to catch you before I do next time. And you will not even see the technology still be so small now technology Auto powered by power Wi-Fi out of the air connected to the Internet or other Wi-Fi with the IP addressing so large you will not even be able to map it in your brain from moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment you'll finally lose that moment I guarantee it I promise it I wager $1,000 on it for 15 years future this week. http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/$1000%20Wager%20Bet%20--%20The%20Quickening/ But the taste of the writing you will see I was right and you were wrong but you'll be in lock up and I will be free . I can't say I told you so but you sure can get ahold of me and f****** apologize for what you have done in the first month about 2016 to Mr human being most real to you and you the only continue your life Fuckeduphuman Wave. Shameful you are. Shameful. for anybody who is reading this I suggest that you install up on the web certain auto content update monitoring to the following selected areas public means base. When that challenges you to have to not pay attention but have the technology pay attention for you. We have this ability for more than 10 years now yes 10 years passing the domain registration of at Real Up Human net , at fuckeduphuman. Net they're trying monitoring with this nice little teeth pictures out on the web updates titties particular sections including the gruwup. Net page pages I'm in space which is the center line most painful category of life when you cannot see the change must be now now now now this moment this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now or never parent you are a ass wipe 10 and the words that you speak to come out of your brain and out of your mouth hold number 2 for others everything you say as you stand will be considered automatically into the universe as words temporary has toilet water to flush your ass wipe down the drain and into the carpet with you deserve your final flushing. Today please is peace building don't shoot the messenger people you won't be given another chance I am now in Harmon out. But I don't care I know I am they painted I I've already won parent this text is smoking and translated by technology not so perfect but this will stand as it is in remission... Sleep slap slap slap flapper tap tap slap slap slap tap tap tap backpack packed have have have have have have have pack pack pack pack pack way way way way too much
Upside down? Ugly? What the fuck is wrong?

Locks I tell you!

So for every posting or materials related to a community we just can't get it and get it real this little post on my face will be somewhere in the middle. Shane for you all are shameful. You know who you are. You'll never escape the truth... For what you have done pan why should I not tell the truth? I will and I must and I always do. For those who do not tell the truth to all the events of everything that has happened... The Oblivion of abyss will be their roof of the house of cards they succumb to dying in instead of surviving in and driving in of life over Wellness in the HIV community. This is in Denver now. I'm only post this once.

Leave me the fuck alone .. shooting the messenger pretending something against you but I have not done p but you won't get out of the dark despair of shadow corners hiding hiding behind each and every turn Perry Perry Perry Perry when is that life I am going to be just spent I'm trying but failing to beat the odds that technology is going to catch you before I do next time. And you will not even see the technology still be so small now technology Auto powered by power Wi-Fi out of the air connected to the Internet or other Wi-Fi with the IP addressing so large you will not even be able to map it in your brain from moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment to moment you'll finally lose that moment I guarantee it I promise it I wager $1,000 on it for 15 years future this week.


But the taste of the writing you will see I was right and you were wrong but you'll be in lock up and I will be free .

I can't say I told you so but you sure can get ahold of me and f****** apologize for what you have done in the first month about 2016 to Mr human being most real to you and you the only continue your life Fuckeduphuman Wave. Shameful you are. Shameful. for anybody who is reading this I suggest that you install up on the web certain auto content update monitoring to the following selected areas public means base. When that challenges you to have to not pay attention but have the technology pay attention for you. We have this ability for more than 10 years now yes 10 years passing the domain registration of at Real Up Human net , at fuckeduphuman. Net they're trying monitoring with this nice little teeth pictures out on the web updates titties particular sections including the gruwup. Net page pages I'm in space which is the center line most painful category of life when you cannot see the change must be now now now now this moment this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now now now this moment now or never parent you are a ass wipe 10 and the words that you speak to come out of your brain and out of your mouth hold number 2 for others everything you say as you stand will be considered automatically into the universe as words temporary has toilet water to flush your ass wipe down the drain and into the carpet with you deserve your final flushing. Today please is peace building don't shoot the messenger people you won't be given another chance I am now in Harmon out. But I don't care I know I am they painted I I've already won parent this text is smoking and translated by technology not so perfect but this will stand as it is in remission... Sleep slap slap slap flapper tap tap slap slap slap tap tap tap backpack packed have have have have have have have pack pack pack pack pack way way way way too much
Just so happens in the middle of the screen recording documenting the history 1 800 Comcast calling me repeatedly when it is NOT Comcast really but somebody who has spoofed their number according to what I can tell someone is online of receiver call complains on this number. it's on the web and harassing me but then again Comcast did eventually did call and they left a message so the recording of this starts with Comcast history for a communications company and they cannot even control their phone number from being abused - how asinine AND absurd. This is their phone number log history i was documenting in the middle of this recording I got a knock at my window and I ignored it the first time . Curtis and Curtis from friends list is tagged here JUST for the shit of it.. Curtis ans Joshua, a man on man relationship is caught and snagged here at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartment's - the tagging location of this video post. DARRELL JOHNSON : DO I HAVE YOUR THOUGHTFUL RESPECTFUL ATTENTION. HOLDING MY DIGNITY AT HIGHEST COST OF SUCCESS OR OBLIVION. ?? This video recording captured in audio this conversation that happens real time with Curtis. I do not care to hide the truth of this little exchange. IT IS time to grow up people time to grow up. !! Yes it's time to be a higher standard of consciousness of bring actually gruw up toward each other. Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
Just so happens in the middle of the screen recording documenting the history 1 800 Comcast calling me repeatedly when it is


Comcast really but somebody who has spoofed their number according to what I can tell someone is online of receiver call complains on this number.

it's on the web and harassing me but then again Comcast did eventually did call and they left a message so the recording of this starts with Comcast history for a communications company and they cannot even control their phone number from being abused - how asinine AND absurd.

This is their phone number log history i was documenting in the middle of this recording I got a knock at my window and I ignored it the first time .

Curtis and Curtis from friends list is tagged here JUST for the shit of it.. Curtis ans Joshua, a man on man relationship is caught and snagged here at

Chesney Kleinjohn Apartment's - the tagging location of this video post.


This video recording captured in audio this conversation that happens real time with Curtis.

I do not care to hide the truth of this little exchange.

IT IS time to grow up people time to grow up. !!

Yes it's time to be a higher standard of consciousness of bring actually gruw up toward each other.

Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
You tagged Luis Espinoza
Timeline photos
Addressing [ On Blindness : By Charles Galvin Jr 1992 ] - this is from my childhood time photo album. The photo on top of Charles was taken in San Francisco. The three below were all taken in my childhood bedroom of the house on Grande Vista in San Bernardino, Ca - registrant address of @GruwUp.net : Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace. http://www.idiom.com/~cxarli/english/writing/blindness.html https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/on-blindness-by-charles-galvin-jr-1992 http://gruwup.net/Resources/Adinkra.Symbols/Sankofa.html
Place: San Bernardino, California (34.1295, -117.293)
Address: San Bernardino, CA 92401–92408, 92410–92415, 92418, 92420, 92423, 92424, 92427
Addressing [ On Blindness : By Charles Galvin Jr 1992 ] - this is from my childhood time photo album. The photo on top of Charles was taken in San Francisco. The three below were all taken in my childhood bedroom of the house on Grande Vista in San Bernardino, Ca - registrant address of @GruwUp.net : Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace.



This is video recording of my phone screen. It is a sms chat channel conversation with Darrel Johnson, my building manager at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments in Denver Colorado. Hiv/aids subsidized housing. This right here a conflict that goes against the grain of the informational society the world some of the information society and its efforts and decree of misson for persons with disabilities. This is so damn frustrating...
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
This is video recording of my phone screen. It is a sms chat channel conversation with Darrel Johnson, my building manager at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments in Denver Colorado. Hiv/aids subsidized housing. This right here a conflict that goes against the grain of the informational society the world some of the information society and its efforts and decree of misson for persons with disabilities.

This is so damn frustrating...
Forgetting to take your medicine on a trip outside before you leave, still no excuse not to take your medicine if you have some smart technology back in play at your house when you get home. This is an example of a real time in the moment ( InTheMindway) lesson from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Forgetting to take your medicine on a trip outside before you leave, still no excuse not to take your medicine if you have some smart technology back in play at your house when you get home. This is an example of a real time in the moment ( InTheMindway) lesson from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Unedited: this is a conversation from the Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom to student number one, who accepts a lesson on Africa Adinkra symbols before he is welcome to come back here corn that is because this is classified as a school. A school where some form of lesson is learned. The respect that he has as my student number one student number one , since my locks were changed after the theft of my car.

KEY IS his name. He has taken lesson number one and supposed to be here anytime for visit. Everyone was taking remotely with cyber object in conversation. No big deal.
You tagged Sammie Francher
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
The start of this conversation.
James M Driskill updated his status.
this a note i took my med even though my alarm on my phone did not wake me up. no lights either. something woke me up on time but i am dead tired... i am going back tto sleep. 9a / 9pm med schedule. no problem to keep.
James M Driskill updated his status.
this is a note - - i think i have been able to take my meds ontime --- but for all of the time since I last posted. I have been in bed. and basically ignoring all technology connected to the outside world. --- my cell phone turned off.
James M Driskill updated his status.
i had a visitor to my door over this past hours... i ignored that too.
James M Driskill updated his status.
i did not even know what day it was until i just looked. i have been in bed more than 2 full days straight so far as i can tell. since i got back from Pillar Properties delivering my re-certification form. that was Wednesday. or maybe that was Thursday.
Mobile uploads
The phone calls with my mother on Thursday evening. To the public memespace -- I have no other choice: Still I am shaking here like the leaves on a tree on a way too windy day. http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/Veronica.Ann.Warnick%20Driskill/ These are being place there so they can be easily shared to Mark Zuckerberg, which just so happens to appear in my view space on my own writing generated on domain facebook.com way back in July last year and archived to the folder here: http://gruwup.net/%5bWebDomains%5d/facebook.com/Chesney-Kleinjohn-Apartments/ Still there -- even though the page admin decides to delete it. The full url is: http://gruwup.net/%5bWebDomains%5d/facebook.com/Chesney-Kleinjohn-Apartments/James%20Driskill%20-%20Darrell,%20I%20wrote%20an%20email%20today%20which%20has%20you%20CC.htm Look over to the right edge and the suggestion provided by the domain AI to who I should follow. No lies here. And the recordings on my phone are going to be placed without my listening to the conversation. I don't need to refresh how disturbing these are to me or my mother.
The phone calls with my mother on Thursday evening. To the public memespace -- I have no other choice:

Still I am shaking here like the leaves on a tree on a way too windy day.


These are being place there so they can be easily shared to Mark Zuckerberg, which just so happens to appear in my view space on my own writing generated on domain facebook.com way back in July last year and archived to the folder here:


Still there -- even though the page admin decides to delete it. The full url is:


Look over to the right edge and the suggestion provided by the domain AI to who I should follow. No lies here. And the recordings on my phone are going to be placed without my listening to the conversation. I don't need to refresh how disturbing these are to me or my mother.
You tagged Sammie Francher, Casey Kidd and Bobby Gordon
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Omg Nathaniel.Normam, whoever or whatever you think is this post is about I say it works in reverse on to you too dude 4 as of 12 hours ago your group folder is now well you know what it is @fuckeduphuman : [ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPersons%5d/Nathaniel.Benard.Norman/ ]

I may not have everything correctly spelled but it's still there and cannot deny that is there mr. Norman. What you also cannot deny is the last words you said to me in text is this.
Updated Mar 16, 2016 1:21:12am
Updated Mar 16, 2016 1:42:38am
Updated Mar 17, 2016 7:27:00pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Dear Sammie Francher..

this image is what I am left with -- when I need to create an original work document creation to my own limitations. I would need to interface a true graphic artist. That was my conversation of merit that evening in the house on Peoria and Mississippi.

My Graphic Artist of Choose was Jeremy . It was in that conversation between him and I that I was reading the words of OhKindSir@Wikiworld to the air when Casey Kidd destroys that effort.

I do not know where Jeremy is --- but Casey Kidd remains silent here in my network to me as an irritation to the truth that the negotiation terms of my extension beyond midnight was insulted to an oblivion and the fist gesture described in the conversation was wielded against me to physically threaten me. The person doing that weld action was Casey Kidd.

Do you have anything to say for yourself Casey Kidd ?

Nathaniel Norman was there that night:


But linking there --- auto resolves itself. I don;t need to explain it to you.



Updated Mar 29, 2016 2:01:34am
@[100002606245375:2048:Casey Kidd]; the iconic image of the unicorn began our knowing relationships. The truth is that your discovery. You're the Fool and I am the Sage.
Updated Mar 29, 2016 2:05:17am
Classic The Sound of Silence new or modern version Disturbed Anna pole dance
Updated Apr 03, 2016 2:47:30pm
James M Driskill wrote on Calvin Bonnell's timeline.
We may have Commons but you're over usage of the word variant nigga to me is not what I wish to pass through my timeline. I'm going to see if I can do the old Facebook controls and restricts or scale down your post to my timeline feed but I don't think so anymore. I may have to unfriend you but I don't consider unfriending even a possibility there's no such thing
Yes @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher]
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:39:32am
Yeah @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] and @[100010976192768:2048:Bobby Gordon] and Jessy Vaughan : @[100000345660434:2048:Dale Haynes]
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:43:39am
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:47:13am
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:48:12am
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:49:01am
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:50:34am
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:50:55am
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:53:21am
Updated Apr 04, 2016 5:54:27am
Where do you all think this technology is heading into. ? why? http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/04/05/facebook-tool-helps-blind-users-see-photos/82635738/ -- @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] --- the why is the WSIS 2005 -- I told you earlier today. You all are suffering from Perceptional Blindness if you don't know where these technologies are heading. --- STOP FUCKING ARGUING WITH ME !
Updated Apr 05, 2016 8:05:34pm
James M Driskill wrote on Jesse The-DeVine Vaughan's timeline.
If the "Y" in Jessy refers to YIELDING --- are you serious?

adjective: yielding; suffix: -yielding

(of a substance or object) giving way under pressure; not hard or rigid.
"she dropped on to the yielding cushions"

Is there enough pressure given out at you in PRIVATE FACEBOOK to the close of my words today? If so, who and what are you yielding to?

Well, for one you are yielding to the ABSOLUTE 100% TRUTH.

Where in line of all of this you actually are --- still indeterminate. But if you know any facts that you wish to report. I suggest that you contact MARK ZUCKERBERG in your defense to all things said here. For what has been written to him in the entirety of the case here --- is TRUE. If you have names you would like to report onto that --- I think MARK ZUCKERBERG once again is a good repository of such truths, if in fact you don't trust me. All I can say here right now, you are way way out of your league to argue with me.
James M Driskill shared a memory.
8 Years Ago
Apr 10, 2014 11:20:30pm
http://www.healthline.com/health-news/genetically-engineered-t-cells-block-hiv-without-drugs-030514 How Did They Do It? CCR5 is a protein that is expressed on a CD4 cell gene known as Delta 32, and its expression is what allows HIV t o find a cell and infect it. Scientists have known for some time that people with a mutation on one CCR5 Delta 32 allele have protection against HIV. Those with a mutation on both alleles are believed to be completely immune to the virus. Timothy Ray Brown, known as “The Berlin Patient,” underwent a stem cell transplant in 2007 to treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Doctors discovered that he had a CCR5 Delta 32 mutation on one allele, so they searched for a bone marrow donor who also had the mutation. They found one, and after the transplant Brown was functionally cured of his preexisting HIV infection. Only one percent of the population is believed to have the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation on both alleles. But researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Penn Center for AIDS Research have ushered in a new era by finding a way to artificially create the mutation on at least one allele. Pointing the 'Finger' At a Cure They have been able to do this using artificial enzymes called zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), explained Bruce L. Levine, associate professor of cancer gene therapy and the director of the Clinical Cell and Vaccine Production Facility at Penn. He told Healthline that by teaming up with Sangamo BioSciences, developer of the ZFNs, researchers were able to create a technique that worked like “molecular scissors” to insert the desired mutation. “By targeting the Delta 32 portion, you can disrupt the expressions of the CCR5 protein on the surface of the cell, locking out HIV, or removing the doorknob,” Levine said. When researchers put the modified cells back into the patients, not only did they persist, but viral loads also dropped, even in the four of six patients taken off of life-saving antiretroviral therapy (ART) for three months. "In the cell therapy and gene therapy community, we've always been believers in what we do or we wouldn't be working on it,” Levine said. “There has been a paradigm shift in biotechnology and pharma to go this way. Up and down the board it's a very different way of delivering a new therapy.” One patient, who already had a CCR5 Delta 32 mutation on one allele, had a completely undetectable viral load even after being taken off of ART. Per research protocol, he went back on ART, so it is impossible to compare his outcome to that of the Berlin Patient. One adverse outcome was reported in the study. One patient was taken to the emergency room because he felt ill 24 hours after the injection of the modified cells.
Lets hope its cured here in less than 2 years.
Updated Apr 11, 2016 6:08:51am

Bringing up lessons into the noosphere here from my again ASSAULT LAST NIGHT from BOTS against my email addresse(s). Robots and AI problematic associations are going to get worse before they get better.

What are the lessons here?

[SND] Lesson On Stated Int..> 20-Feb-2016 05:38 313K

[SND] Computing and Moral ..> 20-Feb-2016 21:33 735K
Updated Apr 11, 2016 6:12:24am
Updated Apr 13, 2016 2:48:03pm
Updated Apr 13, 2016 2:56:59pm
Updated Apr 13, 2016 3:05:05pm
This has a DETAILED FOUNDATION RESPONSE issued today : April 15th 2016 to Sammie Francher. He still has not acknowledged my soundcloud playlist under his name : @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher]

Updated Apr 15, 2016 5:03:12pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
In Honor of @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] -- this is placed on my wall in my home.
7 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Apr 17, 2015 6:23:34pm
In Honor of Sammie Francher -- this is placed on my wall in my home.
In your honor of visiting -- these objects give us immortality. @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher]
Updated Apr 17, 2016 5:29:10pm
@[100001837470966:2048:Mawuna Harris] - Feeling Lost

Scan this code with a QR Code
Reader to Link to Read Words
Written to you -- with full page
Spoken Voice Text Narrative Active
For Easy Listening. Take Care.
Updated Apr 22, 2016 4:54:35pm
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Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
@[100001837470966:2048:Mawuna Harris] -- this one is for your understanding of where homeless by choice is given a true path of choice.
Updated May 06, 2016 1:56:07pm
A while back every thing I was posting via craigsllist i included into this process . Do you think i am ashamed ot proud of every single word i have ever written in my life? I choose to keep all if my words alive to the universe instead of being words as temporary aa toilet water.

I suggest you people reach for this level or standard as Sound Of Silence says words of the profits are written on the subway walls. Good day.
Updated May 07, 2016 8:24:37pm
Listen to my new episode Being Lost in a place where peace building is at hand and work. at http://tobtr.com/s/8819577. #BlogTalkRadio

I am leaving on a walk and when I return I want to know why I was just lied to.
Updated May 08, 2016 1:34:11am
Attach to blog talk radio broadcast of this am.
Attach to blog talk radio broadcast of this am.
This is the result of helping people that are in fact beyond my help -- I feel now threatened Beyond help. this guy needs to be institutionalized I'm telling you --- for at least carefully taught boundaries to the consequences of breaking boundaries in people's lives when it is obvious that I have made those efforts of boundaries here in this space. To the degree he violates to now repeats this again and again -- I have had to place to the record on Souncloud Casecase of @[100001837470966:2048:Mawuna Harris] #1 and #2 : #2 is more serious that #1 -- but #1 it now not clothes but paints that he has here in this space. Which is true. I give him that he really should schedule this with me that just arriving at the door. But I will conceede to to his URGENCY of needing it now --- he cannot come in here and absuse the right of dialogue with me until he can surely know he has had consequences of not being welcomed here because of his dishonesty. Come back in an hour. Well, he did not arrive in an hour.... he waited till all the way till 2am to oince again arrive AFTER HOURS at this intercom thinking this is not already apparently a normal common decency barrier that he is about to break again with me, he dialed up my number again 2am people thinking this is OK. IT'S NOT! The really disturbing part of this is -- with the "test effect" of the lights ON FULLY in the front room till I awaken shortly before 2am -- then get up and perform a task of test to the walking outside and up the alley to be caught onto building security cameras of a quick in/out of the building -- reflecting that was my intent because knowing I have not effectively secured an understanding with this man, I already question he is stocking, he is absolutely second time period stocking me. I turn down the lights to effectively all lights low --- and go to start some work on my computer to the degree I just woke up. He does not know that I was alsleep and now awake-- and if he does -- he is disturbed to be both monitoring me of the lights from outside and then also cyber-stocking me to the presence of my online status which highly unlikely that would serve anything anyway since I have DEPARTED ONLINE ACTIVITY MOST ALL FORMS as a continuous online presence for many many weeks now. So not more than 5 minutes after I start to my work, the door intercom is used to dial into this space at 2:02am -- All of which this is UNDESERVING of any response -- but here is that ONLINE DOCUMENTATION of response placed onto the sound cloud. I am giving Case-notes #2 more weight here than #1 --- but both serve as truth to the actions --- I do not know what to do with this guy -- I cannot hold space for him here -- whether I am here by myself or have already present company. Or anything if he cannot follow my directives. Its too much his chaos out of boundary of my need to control such chaos in a space dedicated to peace building. There is a a lesson here -- he knows has been a part of his time here. He is not listening to me, individually or the lesson plan work here. I cannot and will not subject myself to this guy who does not truly suffer of consequences from breaking boundaries with people. I am off my wall of wit to do this alone.
This is the result of helping people that are in fact beyond my help -- I feel now threatened Beyond help.
this guy needs to be institutionalized I'm telling you --- for at least carefully taught boundaries to the consequences of breaking boundaries in people's lives when it is obvious that I have made those efforts of boundaries here in this space. To the degree he violates to now repeats this again and again -- I have had to place to the record on Souncloud Casecase of Mawuna Harris #1 and #2 : #2 is more serious that #1 -- but #1 it now not clothes but paints that he has here in this space. Which is true. I give him that he really should schedule this with me that just arriving at the door. But I will conceede to to his URGENCY of needing it now --- he cannot come in here and absuse the right of dialogue with me until he can surely know he has had consequences of not being welcomed here because of his dishonesty. Come back in an hour. Well, he did not arrive in an hour.... he waited till all the way till 2am to oince again arrive AFTER HOURS at this intercom thinking this is not already apparently a normal common decency barrier that he is about to break again with me, he dialed up my number again 2am people thinking this is OK. IT'S NOT! The really disturbing part of this is -- with the "test effect" of the lights ON FULLY in the front room till I awaken shortly before 2am -- then get up and perform a task of test to the walking outside and up the alley to be caught onto building security cameras of a quick in/out of the building -- reflecting that was my intent because knowing I have not effectively secured an understanding with this man, I already question he is stocking, he is absolutely second time period stocking me. I turn down the lights to effectively all lights low --- and go to start some work on my computer to the degree I just woke up. He does not know that I was alsleep and now awake-- and if he does -- he is disturbed to be both monitoring me of the lights from outside and then also cyber-stocking me to the presence of my online status which highly unlikely that would serve anything anyway since I have DEPARTED ONLINE ACTIVITY MOST ALL FORMS as a continuous online presence for many many weeks now. So not more than 5 minutes after I start to my work, the door intercom is used to dial into this space at 2:02am -- All of which this is UNDESERVING of any response -- but here is that ONLINE DOCUMENTATION of response placed onto the sound cloud. I am giving Case-notes #2 more weight here than #1 --- but both serve as truth to the actions --- I do not know what to do with this guy -- I cannot hold space for him here -- whether I am here by myself or have already present company. Or anything if he cannot follow my directives. Its too much his chaos out of boundary of my need to control such chaos in a space dedicated to peace building. There is a a lesson here -- he knows has been a part of his time here. He is not listening to me, individually or the lesson plan work here. I cannot and will not subject myself to this guy who does not truly suffer of consequences from breaking boundaries with people. I am off my wall of wit to do this alone.
Wow - what having a way with words for years -- gives to the universe in this -- a projection of future -- where the projections of thought change is now.
Updated May 14, 2016 1:29:29pm
Oh this is crazy @fuckeduphuman -- why can't we see a way to our conflicts in cyberspace and resolve them there in Mpatapo before they go to the way of violence of killing fields. Wow, I did not know of this but as all of these stories should go to the meme #BlackLivesMatter -- it does not shock me one bit -- this country must change it's presence of conscience now! We will not survive 250 year birthday the way we are proceeding. Forecast here from @realuphuman.net -- where in fuck is our sanity? : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%23Mpatapo-BindingKnotOfReconcillation/
Updated May 14, 2016 6:05:15pm
If anyone cares to realize this is in the play of cyber linking in your relations -- it is in mine. [ http://inthemindway.blogspot.com/1999_04_01_archive.html ] -- thus when you release or detach from a source linked in your life dishorored by their ill worth intents -- anything and everything and anyone they invited into your life and thus influse of your life also DETACHES itself - when you keep that link by link by link scared understaning. They wholness of it is - you cannot build a horablably relationship from a dishorable source. There is a way to rebuild it fresh. But so far as I can telll - no one is listening to the future of what I know is fact. And when it comes to crashing down the truth upon you -- you are going to SHIT BRICKS and BRICKS trying to defend yourself against the line of no returns. Lets those bricks lay onto the land for others to use to rebuild themselves from shit you do here is NOW FOREVER MORE UNEARTHED AND UNDONE. [ accreditation to the man Giovanni Sammie Francher - we are in block status -- my my block against him ] ---- he wriites this to me: even though he has the writing and the mp3 of the phone call of April 4th of another man.
Updated May 15, 2016 7:37:33am

You just lost yourself an ally if you so choose to be enemy of me instead of a friend. Good day.

Conspiracy exposed -- Conspiracy identified -- Conspiracy now forever now shall it be exiled of my spaces galore to its immobility to hold me to a miss characterization of my true intents working in this community! Go fuck off and die if you don't get it by now - how rude and how abusiveness are the relationships being bonded in here in this nightmare I have unearthed. Don't bother to try to apologize now-- its way way too late. and for the matter I know I am telling the truth!
Updated May 15, 2016 11:32:53am
James M Driskill was making the world a better place at Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom.
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
[ Relationships and Balance : Adult consensual concepts placed to the order of things done right --- This is only option here to continue ]
This I had to write out to someone in private. That person from a group I just entered into as source a Wiccan Forum. This is really really disturbing.

"Ain't It Harm None, Do What Thou Will" ♾#LeaveMyTextAlone
is the law of our Wiccan Rede ♾#ActiveCreations

This, however it may be silent to her, is in fact not a peaceful away of sharing and relating to others.

If we were playing any kind of game of any kind that puts a challenge before me and goal that you have any kind way to change that ending goal. For it will always change with you to a different resolve .

All this is to you a humorous game in an attempt for you to keep me here staying entertained in between. Instead of the seriousness of life to messages I say, you are always making it about the next move.

I am telling you its done. For even if we were in a game of 52 card pickup, you would never confess the 52nd card was the last one and make that last move of the game and stop. Well this one man here does not work to play the seriousness of life in a game that way.

I got you lady. This is absolutely now absurd resolvable level. A category of calling you out, I would have my own better luck in my own picking numbers of lottery in winning the jackpot than any kind of favor of respect from you.

This kind of game is not nice but dark deed evil play of mind games when I never gave you that consent authority. Perhaps we could have been in that mode, role play is a part of my space, but you wont give it a chance to work from serious of life is the position I choose to enter into. That was my stated intentions and never stated otherwise.

If you had another hidden agenda position points of view, even if so innocent to work role play into this seriousness conversation. You needed to place an intention into that contact stream at me. You had that obligation to make that presence known of you onto me, I am no mind reader at this glance distance and for sure at a very initiation of a relationship.

This grants both us our options respectfully keeping the balance if we choose in the adult way our consent intermixed to play as that could be granted.

Otherwise consents here are out of their moral lines. Continuing in this disrespecting imbalanced way is dirty deeds done dirt cheap. [ ref: ac/dc ] and must be ceased and terminated immediately.

That is the way you lost it. Ii might have been a fun time to learn about each other on all levels. For that is a grand failure and disappointment. Perhaps maybe you agree.

It is disgusting for you as Wiccan woman to be employing such tactics here at the first start of this conversation in this contentious way. You are exposed to this game you are playing. This is the truth. This matter is closed. Good good day!!

Closed by Seal : Unless you offer me either one of these back of you in return - you are done. I have the last move.

GODDESS FORBIDS YOU TO NOT STOP HERE AND CONCEDE I AM THE TRUTH. James-Driskill-California-51616.pdf [ Truthfinder background check report ] : Chat Conversation End
@Gruwup 2016 :
Great Reasons Us [ You There, I and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
Awesome Kramobone Playroom, Denver Colorado USA, an adult school learning / sharing space presenting adult consensual practices and other various explorations of mind, body and thought.


☀In The Mindway Skin☀ :

It Is The Pathway That The Mind Travels That Is So Sacred
We Are All Sharing So Free Without Hatred
#KeepAllNameAssocationsTogether ]
There Are No Limits To Stop Us
So No Reason To Quit
The Universe Of Happiness Is Out There
Lets Get On IT, It's Our Trip

#[ _________________________ ]

-April-30-1999 ---------> May-17-2016
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Apparently I can and indeed I can post here -- so I am going to address this Denver Colorado Area with the following events -- it is not a nice thing that has happened to me. First off I have a more wider audience community overall addressing here -- This is called A Meme of Community Effort Here -- Meme Community 01 -- Denver Colorado ---- This has POPE FRANCIS Words Addressed in it. [ community.gruwup.net/01 ] -- This is hard work effort being thwarted by a conspiracy of things happening against the common decency of communications out now received and violence and chaos and confusions from many acting out against me -- [ second link ] I don't think I need to share much at this level beyond those to go down and read. Thank you. ;
Updated May 17, 2016 6:54:32am
[ https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/crazy-world-future-words-do-we-want-to-change-our-thoughts-of-mind-presence-to-conscience-effort ] : What will your future self tell you about what you hear in this of today called Crazy World Future Words that you did not take heed its presence of truth for your mindful considerations. Then what it might tell you of your presence of mind now, you ought of have listened and listened you did -- or did not.
Updated May 20, 2016 6:21:38am
Updated May 20, 2016 1:21:18pm
Updated May 20, 2016 1:21:38pm
Updated May 20, 2016 1:21:58pm
You know what the MAGAZINE POPULAR SCIENCE IS ? Right ? Try understanding this just for a bit --- This is REAL SCIENCE not SCIENCE FICTION ----- http://www.popsci.com/article/science/neuroscientist-who-wants-upload-humanity-computer
Updated May 26, 2016 6:04:39pm
Timeline photos
with only 62 followers - my Google+ has over 200K page views
with only 62 followers - my Google+ has over 200K page views
So, paying it forward: Why not??????? Running an interesting test to see who reads my posts. (I think that's about 4 of you.) If you read this, leave me a one-word comment about how we met. Only one word please. Then copy and paste this to your wall so I can leave a word for you. Don't just put a word and not copy. That's no fun.
Note comments I posted as ENHANCEMENTS on this idea as far as it involves where I found this text? https://www.facebook.com/outlawrobb/posts/10154220833214168 --- This is actually a concept of InTheMindway that keeps our initiations or sparks of relationships to honor them and not forgot their origins. [ such as this text attempts to reclaim in a post ] -- not only my great idea -- but I have had this ideal since long time.... but posted online with InTheMindway Skin April 30th 1999.
Updated May 26, 2016 10:52:13pm
From the BBS Backroads to the Information Super Highway. (or Where Did All The BBSes Go?!?) By Fire Escape : http://www.fehq.org/backroad.txt

Spoken Text Voice Mp3 Of This HISTORICAL CYBERSPACE ARTICLE can be found at: (Approx 14 Minutes:)
Updated May 26, 2016 11:53:48pm
Mobile uploads
I asked my mother it I could have one her wigs. This for a favor of a "visiting guest friend" here who ended up hitting me in the face one night at 2:15a in the morning. So that deal is off but off but I have a plan for her. She even has a name and a story. I know she is from Jamaica. I really love you Mother. More to follow.... Note: THE QR SCAN CODE WORKS IN THIS IMAGE! Please Try It!
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
I asked my mother it I could have one her wigs. This for a favor of a "visiting guest friend" here who ended up hitting me in the face one night at 2:15a in the morning. So that deal is off but off but I have a plan for her. She even has a name and a story. I know she is from Jamaica. I really love you Mother. More to follow.... Note: THE QR SCAN CODE WORKS IN THIS IMAGE! Please Try It!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Updated May 28, 2016 8:20:43am
Yep. Danielle don't know it's all gonna come crashing in 5 years now major change
Updated May 28, 2016 11:02:03am
Any Spanish Speakers In My Friends Liist ? -- can you review this translation from english to spanish for me please : Thanks . http://palabrasparavivir.gruwup.net/PalabrasParaVivir.htm
Updated Jun 03, 2016 1:44:54pm
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Timeline photos
@GruwUp #CommunityPeaceBuilding : http://community.gruwup.net/%23GruwUp%20%23CommunityPeaceBuilding%20-%20QR%20-Truely%20Spiritual%20Paths%20All%20Meet%20In%20The%20Middle.jpg @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
@GruwUp #CommunityPeaceBuilding :


Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
It's the first day of summer!
Updated Jun 20, 2016 3:55:06pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Updated Jun 26, 2016 8:12:34pm
Updated Jun 26, 2016 8:12:54pm
Updated Jun 26, 2016 8:13:38pm
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
My Kik Profile:

First Name : #CommunityPeaceBuilding

Last Name :
Relationships & Balance : Standing In Real Stated Intentions

Profile Name: TryMeYouWillLikeIt
James M Driskill updated his status.
I don't have a large number of friends, in fact, I do not accept some. In addition I've erased some over time, due to unacceptable behaviors...I'm happy to have you because you are among my friends. Now I am going to see who will take the time to read this post until the end. I'm curious to see who takes care of the bond that we have. Thank you for being a part of my life. Please do not 'share'. This is a little test, just to see who reads and those who share only without reading! If you read everything, select "like" and then copy and paste this to your profile, so I can put a comment. Then comment your favorite flavor of ice cream under my post.
James M Driskill shared a memory.
8 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Jul 12, 2013 7:48:56am
My father George Garfield Driskill passed away early this morning from complications of lung cancer. I love you daddy.
Updated Jul 12, 2016 6:29:49am
James M Driskill is feeling emotional at Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc.
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
Timeline photos
http://community.gruwup.net/ :
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
@Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding Address To Local Denver Area -- Specifically Chesney KlienJohn Apartments L
Updated Jul 17, 2016 5:21:25am
If you are hanging in Denver for the date of Colorado Aids Walk on the day of Aug 20 2016 -- Join me for this cause and walk with me and what is my team here :[ Awesome Kramobone Playroom ]. This is the name of accrediations for both local inner community peacebuilding and outter addresses of community and societal understanding lessons for us to hold virtue, wisdom, respect, and honor to bring upward forward into empowerment for one to one individualized usage to each and every square inch of our planet Earth living spaces. Thank you for your support in all thing @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] :


Audio Spoken voice Lesson [ Lesson On Stated Intentions To Oblivion ]:
Updated Jul 18, 2016 10:42:37am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm working out with MapMyWalk.
Mind Uploading' & Digital Immortality May Be Reality By 2045 : Michio Kaku : Morning Joe MSNBC

Updated Jul 23, 2016 9:18:27am
Timeline photos
#Kramobone-The.Good : Kramobone= One Bad Makes All Look Bad / The Bad Makes It Difficult For The Good To Be Noticed. A Symbol of Warning Against Deception / Hypocrisy! Source: 19th Century and Older African Akan Wisdom / Are You Afraid To Be Infected By Native African Wisdom / Culture to the continued oppression and annihilation of African Americans? Shame on you you -- You are bad. We are good. #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter : http://community.gruwup.net/06/
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
#Kramobone-The.Good : Kramobone= One Bad Makes All Look Bad / The Bad Makes It Difficult For The Good To Be Noticed. A Symbol of Warning Against Deception / Hypocrisy! Source: 19th Century and Older African Akan Wisdom / Are You Afraid To Be Infected By Native African Wisdom / Culture to the continued oppression and annihilation of African Americans?

Shame on you you -- You are bad. We are good. #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter : http://community.gruwup.net/06/
Timeline photos
#AllLivesMatter http://community.gruwup.net http://community.gruwup.net/06/ :
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
Timeline photos
If you got to go to this level to tell someone like Antjuan Bouldin : https://imconfident.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/holding-stop-sign.jpg : There is something wrong with FLOW of the CONVERSATION resulting to perversion of time after timer to oblivion.
Updated Jul 31, 2016 4:15:32pm
Timeline photos
http://communtiy.gruwup.net : @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] #Community #Peacebuilding : Main Index
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
http://communtiy.gruwup.net/ : Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace #Community #Peacebuilding : Main Index
Timeline photos
QR Code Link: http://community.gruwup.net : @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
QR Code Link: http://community.gruwup.net/ : Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Timeline photos
#Community #Peacebuilding Public Awareness Address - Please Open and Listen to the Spoken Voice Text Narrative Presentations. Thank you @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
Timeline photos
#BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter : A solution is brought forward into view for national and global information theory resolves of absolution onto conflicts by way of a technology assisted conflict resolution system yet holding a processing user interface coding. The QR Link in both of these images is: http://community.gruwup.net/06/
James In Denver CapHill : Public

Watch this blow every body fucking away --- MIND BLOWER this article is from 1998. http://memex.org/meme4-02.html : TECHNOREALISM with Spoken Voice Text Narration provided the personality of "Makta Pond"!


"Makta Pond" who has her own personality spoken reading disorder but is most wise to listen here today beyond the reading. She has some special attention sounding meme presents for your ear and mind calling at the end of the reading for your mind blowing refocus. Consider her wisdom and you might find yourself forging future forward into true happiness. He He is a She She -- She She is wiser than you, I guarantee. Wiser to wild this should in fact blow your mind away.

MEME 4.02
In this issue of MEME:
Without further delay, let me introduce you to Technorealism.
David S. Bennahum, New York City, March 11, 1998.
Updated Aug 04, 2016 7:28:38pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
9 Years Ago
Aug 07, 2012 4:48:23pm
TheGoodLife I am pretty lucky to live the good life. I am not rich finacially, but my life is rich. The good life means something different to everyone, but we can recogize it when we see it. The animal or person living well is healthy, content and living fully. The founding fathers of America had a vision of the good life for everyone. Free enterprise and people unbound to the shakels of government could accomplish great things. Unfortunately much of this vision has been lost. Each of us have our own idea of GoodAndEvil. For us all to live the good life we must accept the simple fact that it is subjective and we can only support each others views of the good life by employing a live and let live SocialContract of CooperativeDiversity. Wealth is not finite. Our wealth as a civilization depends only of the value we create. What we need first is the vision, and second is the will to create value. Finally we need the means, which we find we have had all along. We have creative minds and the rich resources of the planet, MarsFrontier, galaxy and beyond. If we manage our shared resources profitably then there is no limit to the value we can create. If we create value, we can all share the freedom to try to live the good life as we see it and fullfil anything we want that does not infringe the freedoms of others. The DeclarationOfInterdependence is a collaborative attempt to redesign government to reclaim the vision of our founders and thrive in the twentyfirst century. --JimScarver For more on government redesign see: AmericanVanguard, DeclarationOfInterdependence For more on having a good mindset see: InTheMindway
Facebook Memories placed this today back into my view -- I am sharing it. Facebook gives me respect but not many in my local community : I really wonder why? http://community.gruwup.net/01/ : http://community.gruwup.net/01A/ : http://community.gruwup.net/02/ : http://community.gruwup.net/06/ .
Updated Aug 07, 2016 1:44:46pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
8 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Aug 08, 2013 5:15:32pm
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
This is going to be real interesting when/if Facebook bring forward that I did a long walk starting from Oakland on September 21st 2013.... goal point San Bernardino. I have had to re-position my files online due to my domain expiration [ http://gruwup.net/alongwalkofbeauty.us/ ] -- this entry pulled into memories is one of my PRE-WALK TRAINING..
Updated Aug 08, 2016 9:25:20am
Timeline photos
This is a screen shot of my side of Facebook --- is any body paying attention? one person so far. Thank you M.R.
This is a screen shot of my side of Facebook --- is any body paying attention? one person so far. Thank you M.R.
#BlackLivesMatter : #PoliceLivesMatter : #AllLivesMatter : The LinkedIn Post Text and Audio Spoken Voice Narrative has been updated. http://gruwup.net/SpiralHeart-AllLivesMatter.png - http://community.gruwup.net/06/ and http://community.gruwup.net/06A/
@Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding : Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo is missing in our modern world of information technologies.
Updated Aug 13, 2016 3:22:10am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Having a good day
This is a mobile device SCREEN RECORDING with my own face narrated story of sharing a My Space Music page of Singing Bear for his album titled : Supported. . Singing Bear Singing Bear : Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc : Pillar Properties Pillar Properties : Rocky Mountain CARES Rocky Mountain CARES Isaac Jackson Isaac Jackson : Denver Colorado AIDS Project Denver Colorado AIDS Project : http://facebook.com/jennifer.mattock.7 : Metta World Peace Metta World Peace Pontifex: Pontifex Barack Obama Barack Obama
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
This is a mobile device SCREEN RECORDING with my own face narrated story of sharing a My Space Music page of Singing Bear for his album titled : Supported. . Singing Bear Singing Bear : Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc : Pillar Properties Pillar Properties : Rocky Mountain CARES Rocky Mountain CARES Isaac Jackson Isaac Jackson : Denver Colorado AIDS Project Denver Colorado AIDS Project : http://facebook.com/jennifer.mattock.7 : Metta World Peace Metta World Peace Pontifex: Pontifex Barack Obama Barack Obama
NEO : Near Earth Object
© Gateway To The Mind's Eye
Thomas Dolby; Yes that Dolby of Dolby Sound Labs in San Francisco CA
Updated Aug 16, 2016 12:09:47am
Classic gay short film
Updated Aug 16, 2016 1:38:29am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
This is introduction to video #2 -- The beginning of things of who, what. where, and why I made a promise to walk on May 20th 2006 in the address Oh Kind Sir. See webpage: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us 505 Mile from Oakland CA to San Bernardino. First long walk step begins on September 21st 2013 (International Day Of Peace) See webpage for links to real court document cases, link to Oh Kind Sir [ mentioned in this video ] maps, long walk route walking directions. @Gruwup 2013 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace whois [ gruwup.net : Domain created July 16th 2006 ] and corresponds to court records in and defendant defeat in case WG06266106, July 14th 2006 [ Friday ] and the sheriff posted and scheduled to kick me out of my unit Monday at 6am.
8 Years Ago
Aug 22, 2013 10:00:01pm
This is introduction to video #2 -- The beginning of things of who, what. where, and why I made a promise to walk on May 20th 2006 in the address Oh Kind Sir. See webpage: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us 505 Mile from Oakland CA to San Bernardino. First long walk step begins on September 21st 2013 (International Day Of Peace) See webpage for links to real court document cases, link to Oh Kind Sir [ mentioned in this video ] maps, long walk route walking directions. @Gruwup 2013 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace whois [ gruwup.net : Domain created July 16th 2006 ] and corresponds to court records in and defendant defeat in case WG06266106, July 14th 2006 [ Friday ] and the sheriff posted and scheduled to kick me out of my unit Monday at 6am.
This is a post from 3 years ago in preparation for my LONG WALK : http://gruwup.net/alongwalkofbeauty.us/
Updated Aug 22, 2016 8:24:07am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Mobile uploads
Relaxing watching tv #selfie
7 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Aug 25, 2014 10:18:29am
Relaxing watching tv #selfie
Updated Aug 25, 2016 6:42:43am
ready for doing a long walk... planned for the 21st of sept 2013.



Me: [ NOTICE WEB CONTENT FOLDER UPDATED ] : DO YOU CARE? http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPersons%5d/Barabra.A.Thoensen/ : BUILDING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE --- 6:29 PM
Me: http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPersons%5d/Barabra.A.Thoensen/STOP%20-%20STOP%20THE%20HATE.htm 6:30 PM
Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OW0glOkbX0 Published on Dec 24, 2013 A Carole King Tune. Enjoy! IF ONLY YOU WOULD SAY THAT YOU CARE. 6:31 PM
Updated Aug 31, 2016 5:44:18pm

CHAPTER ONE [ ONLY ] : ?? Minutes ?? Seconds

CHAPTER TWO [ ONLY ]: 45 Minutes 17 Seconds

FULL DISCUSSION DISCOURSE: 1 Hour 40 Minutes 11 Seconds





The 15 part file will appear online first -- ALL LINKS VERIFIED THRU AUDIO PART 5 AS OF 3:18a as noted.


PERFORM THE FOLLOWING PLEASE ! [ email: inquiry@fuckeduphuman.net ]

Link purposefully SCRUNCHED - TO PREVENT WEB-MINING AND SPAM. This effective means you must initiate a new email inquiry yourself from the web link archive copy. However, You may user the link embedded in this Facebook post for verification of validity. Thank you..

Also note the file [ Not%20For%20Publication%20Use%20-%20%20Encrypted%20Sharing%20Private%20Use%20as%20needed%20--%20Mama%20-%20Fire%20Dancer_2016-08-17_11-14-32.zip ] requires technical processing and cannot be done thru windows explorer or internet explorer or other internet browser.




















Updated Sep 01, 2016 1:16:06am
You tagged David CA Parrish, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, David C. Tapscott, Jim Whitescarver, DevOryn Blood, Lily Vallene Dreiling, Rhea Pixley, Kelvin Burroughs, Adam Lilien, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Casey Kidd and Robb Taylor
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Updated Sep 03, 2016 6:51:30pm
**** DONATIONS ACCEPTED *** If you like the peace building words of conscience and thought coming as orginial content of fully wide spread spectrum sharing out from this space here [ In The Mindway ], would you please support my ability to bring into technology new toy tools playful awareness by donating to my mission work cause, of community peace building - $1 or $2 or more if you can afford it --- it will go to the mission world of making new media to the mission of complete world wide peace, Thank you Kindly. -Martin : https://www.paypal.me/Gruwup

Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, And All Around Us Now ] Will Unite Peace

In The Mindway Skin

It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred.
We are all sharing so free without hatred.
There are no limits to stop us, so no reason to quit.
The Universe of happiness and it's discovery is out there,
Let's Get On It, it's our trip.

-In The Mindway 1998-
Updated Sep 04, 2016 2:11:25am
This video will; trip your mind with laser patterns while discussing COMPUTING and MORAL RESPONSIBILITY [ http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computing-responsibility/ ] and then plays my original writing address called Crazy World Future Words [ on soundcloud ] about technology and having a social conscience that your future self will want to know this --- should you care about your future self. I certainly do. https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/crazy-world-future-words-do-we-want-to-change-our-thoughts-of-mind-presence-to-conscience-effort **** DONATIONS ACCEPTED **** https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10207233576939819 If you like the peace building words of conscience and thought coming as original content of fully wide spread spectrum sharing out from this space here [ In The Mindway ], would you please support my ability to bring into technology new toy tools playful awareness by donating to my mission work cause, of community peace building - $1 or $2 or more if you can afford it --- it will go to the mission world of making new media to the mission of complete world wide peace, Thank you Kindly. -Martin : https://www.paypal.me/Gruwup Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, And All Around Us Now ] Will Unite Peace
Place: Denver, Colorado (39.7391, -104.98360001)
Address: Denver, CO
This video will; trip your mind with laser patterns while discussing COMPUTING and MORAL RESPONSIBILITY [ http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computing-responsibility/ ] and then plays my original writing address called Crazy World Future Words [ on soundcloud ] about technology and having a social conscience that your future self will want to know this --- should you care about your future self. I certainly do.



If you like the peace building words of conscience and thought coming as original content of fully wide spread spectrum sharing out from this space here [ In The Mindway ], would you please support my ability to bring into technology new toy tools playful awareness by donating to my mission work cause, of community peace building - $1 or $2 or more if you can afford it --- it will go to the mission world of making new media to the mission of complete world wide peace, Thank you Kindly. -Martin : https://www.paypal.me/Gruwup

Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, And All Around Us Now ]
Will Unite Peace
Classic Visions in live Laser Performance Art.... An extra of lesson at the end. Share share share.
Classic Visions in live Laser Performance Art.... An extra of lesson at the end. Share share share.
This is a letter webfiled to my case manager Cinamon Romero of @[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES] here in Denver Colorado. This has not yet been direct email sent. This sent as primary source copy to webfile to show her the level to which the cliff of the last final step is approaching and people are going walk the walk of fools and shame to step off that final step to fall off the cliff. I am hold this and other content that has been direct emailed in this storage folder for protection against what is said in this email. I will go to court with an extreme case of discrimination against the community leaderships if I am not given back my decency of civil rights that I am demanding. : I do not trust anything to not be held in collusion silence setup against me. This is a proof-record that I am directing this outside first through facebook. http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Cinamon.Romero.MSW/The%20Mouse-trap.%20%20%20Mice%20or%20Men%20-%20inthemindway@gmail.com%20-%20Gmail.htm : @[153887674665315:274:Metta World Peace] @[200673103280250:274:Magic Johnson] : @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] : @[6815841748:274:Barack Obama] : @[424207551102424:274:President Obama] : Ken Brian Weingard : @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] : http://community.gruwup.net/06/
Updated Sep 06, 2016 5:50:01am
James M Driskill wrote on William Schultz's timeline.
Happy Belated Birthday Dude.
I would not ask if I did not need it this month --- Donations Accepted : http://gruwup.net/-Donations.Accepted-.html
Updated Sep 09, 2016 11:07:07am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
7 Years Ago
Sep 15, 2014 8:12:09pm
This reading with some video attach meets is a good full depth and very current on the discussion of illicit drugs.
Updated Sep 15, 2016 2:37:15pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
8 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Sep 20, 2013 6:41:56am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Sep 20, 2016 9:10:38am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Mobile uploads
7 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Sep 21, 2014 5:24:24pm
Updated Sep 21, 2016 8:27:48am
Peace Begins With Love
So let’s all give a little love for International Day of Peace.
Updated Sep 21, 2016 12:50:01pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I'm working out with MapMyWalk. Current distance: 5.01mi, time elapsed: 01:29:14, current pace 17:50min/mi, current speed: 3.37mi/h.
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
8 Years Ago
Sep 22, 2013 8:54:19am
Ending day 1 and beginning day 2 of #LongWalkOfBeauty. Who will ware these shorts? The art preservative may bring immorality? See words to live by in twitter @GRUWUP . GREAT REASONS US WILL UNITE PEACE.
Updated Sep 22, 2016 9:36:14am
Why does this conversation [ MSNBC Chris Hayes dialogue interview ] that applies to the #BlackLivesMatter debate actually applies to a parallel struggle of an actual documented at each and every step of a #WhiteLivesWithHIVAIDSMatter case of DISENFRANCHISEMENT DISCRIMINATION in subterfuge that is still prevailing its wage of war time destruction of one human class over the other that remains an unyielding pretense of hidden agendas to it's most highly destructive death over life wellness factors. These factors and persons involved at each and every step of this perversion in this has been unbreakable for over 10 years standing and documented in truth by this author at the same time to a most highly documented case step by step of existence that proves this existence to a beyond a reasonable doubt [ all I need is a predominance of the evidence level ] is pervasive and highly destructive. Where is the sanity in your care or concern that these two debating conflicting cases are not interlocking linked to the same sources of destructive forces? As a person's living with HIV/AIDS here in the United States of America since my first HIV and AIDS Symptomatic diagnoses in September of 1999, I am documenting this at each and every step. They have already been time-stamp cyber-memespace placed to the web. Today's struggle is to find a respecting perspective voice -- I have a community level address that needs attention to the merits of working time solutions. -- this final provided link in this comment obtains a spoken voice text narrative community address presentation that is one hour and forty minutes : http://community.gruwup.net/07/ that brings into focus what tools I know are being used on my part to this understanding. -- FIRST OPEN AND LISTEN TO THE DEBATE ON MSNBC --- This is our national discourse we ought to be listening to -- stop listening to the oppressors and start listening to us and me in this. EH? @[1490165281294837:274:Rise Up Humanity to international corrupt system ,Real Truth Movement] @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
Updated Sep 26, 2016 9:28:24am
Now I see why -- peace building in this country is so missing -- the @[494321070715235:274:Mpatapo Consult] needs to be an empowerment that we as individuals one to one can rebuild our reconciliations of trust in our communities for us to be able to trust ourselves from going damn out insane.

Our United States Department of Conciliation is standing shameful to only be the option here in the USA -- and I have the technology theory @[113418792177518:274:Recombinant Memetics] solution sound of foundation intelligent design work theory presence - manually technically applied WORKS!

Don't Kill The Messenger's voice when the messenger here has only a small "department of justice" legalistic empowerment as occupational professionals in times of strife when it should be given to us -- to the masses under Mpatapo Knot Binding peace building empowerment, an African Symbolic wisdom of guidance I am constructed to follow that is over 200 years passing us in our human history of the noosphere..

This mpatapo binding presence should be given us all, one to one, to resolve ourselves and absolve ourselves in trust bearing peace building methods. In today's 2016 techno-realism world, nationally and globally..... it can be done. IT SHOULD BE GIVEN A VOICE TO CARRY FORWARD THIS AUTHOR'S MEMESMITH working real time presentation of community peace building addresses.

There is a short version of 37 minutes [ which #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter applies in direct dialogue ] and it's supplement.

Expanding from there with a longer exploration of these topics of current working tools understanding that is active now not future. This is an hour a forty minutes.

Both the introduction and it's supplement have written public social media posting published status along with a spoken voice text narrative pop-up interface for reasonable understanding delivery.

The longer expanding of topics version was composed in a complication into a two chapter parts address from an email non-social media published format. Each chapter has a graphical word cloud summary provided as well as the the pop-up spoken voice text narrative. This expanded version presenation in one hour and 40 minutes play time in audio format. These topics are for needed social individual understanding and cannot be left to a select few peace conciliators of the justice department to perform in our society.

We cannot be that lazy minded for the love of ease!! We are better that we think we are. We just have to take that step of complexity to know this is real arguments I place to you here and needs to be answered and resolved.. These may not be an easy thing for some to embark to know. That is why it needs an graphical user interface artificial intelligence design work method I am proposing to you all now .

The orator voice I choice to place to our world actually has been given an associated personality identity name as being a developing artificial intelligence orator. She has some quirky things about her. Her name is "Makta Pond" which you can do a quoted google search to see its a unique presence of our exploration universe here. She is an intelligence of me but not an alter-ego. Not even comparable to that equation. She is a super-wise super-hero if I can pat my self on the shoulder -- but no one seems to be actually listening -- -perhaps I am wrong in that. -- She is so so collectively right to these wrongs in our world. She wishes you all good days and she wants to bring us some sanity of unity in some kind of collective resolve of these matters. That is my hope anyway.

Click and Read/Listen and introduce yourself to the female intelligence spoken voice of a man here holding true peace building tools of creation -- this is a weighty truth solution to these matters for consideration. These url links are given in the comment stream below attached to this post. This makes my posting style here a bit out of the box, but this is very much real. The method here -- offering verified Facebook URL link previews - these are not spam links I guarantee. @[25987609066:274:The Rachel Maddow Show] @[104154772955251:274:Rachel Maddow] @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] @[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES] [ Case Manager Cinamon Romero and Executive Director Shannon Goodall ] have my entire story provided to them for authentication of my real client-centered focused needs here in Denver. Thank you. @[1002333820:2048:Ken Brian Weingard] @[153887674665315:274:Metta World Peace] @[272696906092974:274:Magic Johnson Foundation] @[200673103280250:274:Magic Johnson] @[6815841748:274:Barack Obama] @[424207551102424:274:President Obama] @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] @[67150982149:274:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA]
Updated Sep 26, 2016 12:01:24pm
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Timeline photos
James M Driskill shared a memory.
9 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Oct 02, 2012 9:54:12pm
╭━━╮╭╮╋╋╋╋╋╭┳━╮╭━━╮ ┃━┳╋╋╋━┳━┳┳╯┃━┫┃╭━╋━╮╭━━┳━╮╭╮ ┃╭┫╭┫┃┻┫┃┃┃╋┣━┃┃╰╮┃╋╰┫┃┃┃┻┫┣┫ ╰╯╰╯╰┻━┻┻━┻━┻━╯╰━━┻━━┻┻┻┻━╯╰╯If no one reads my wall, this should be a short experiment. This is a facebook game to see who reads posts and who just scrolls. So, if you read this, leave one word on how we met. Only one word, then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word for you. Please don't add your word and not bother to copy
Updated Oct 02, 2016 9:25:09pm
SPOKEN TEXT INTRODUCTION OF MAKTA POND : Awesome Kramobone Playroom AI Moral Agent : http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/MaktaPondIntro.mp3
Updated Oct 02, 2016 9:29:58pm
Makta Pond : Playroom A i. : An Immortal Art preservative : She Is Of Wisdom wise - Male pregnancy https://www.amazon.com/OMNI-Magazine-December-1985/dp/B01CGSKB3Y
Updated Oct 03, 2016 5:46:00am
An Individual Human Thought-
Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT
The Birth of "In The Mindway"
This is a video presenting a warning against having complacency of social politics to to what actually did happen to truth and the works of all kinds of human intelligence, integrity, art, and human culture and civilization collecttive works of knowledge at the time. This video starts with knowing about the ancient history of the burning of the Alexandria Library which happens to be on the north shore of the Continent of Africa at the mouth of the Nile River in Egypt. For no one was defending truth. The Book Burning Won It's Battle and much much was lost to our noosphere. The masses of the society were only listening to the hypocrites of leaderships of both royal and clergy designed to be malignant of our now known better defined freedoms and of our human dignity rights. We know better now, Don't we? #BlackLivesMatter right? For holding on in ignorance in affinity for the "love of ease" against the tide of true techno-realism is extremely unwise to our world to remain silent to keep those in power holding on to these bindings our dishonored ways humans have so far evolved on our planet. We know this. We must be better and holding onto truth and sharing these truth is not arbitrary. These are important things to be an informed responsible citizen of anywhere we think we belong in 2016 on our planet. I wrote some words about an individual human thought not getting lost. It is established as the birth @InTheMindway : This facebookID. Presented on Wkiworld here: http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php/InTheMindway : The 20th year birth of InTheMindway is coming up in a few days as it was technology marked by the creation of words written that date.

- An Individual Human Thought-
Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT
The Birth of "In The Mindway"

"The pathway that the mind travels..."

We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost.

@[1490165281294837:274:Rise Up Humanity to international corrupt system ,Real Truth Movement]
Updated Oct 05, 2016 10:00:49pm

It is finally showing itself to the massive mischievous marvel of molding muck that this has its weighty truth to correct the record. What a fucked up human hypocritte Donald John Trump is. This is tagged -- @[775488159169613:274:Real Donald Trump for President] : Note for the record, this has been placed to the cyber memespace record of existence.

04-May-2016 15:41 -

This folder's time-stamp is all of the way back to May 201
All of the flock that was following and intending to vote for Trump and now have their reversal point of view should be marked up this same meemspace I do declare a FALULT of MENTAL BALANCE IN YOU ALL.

Where in the hell do you get your moral truth and critical thinking skills after-all? Go to hell all of you haters -- -you are just the same as trump and don't want to be exposed to that same cascading fall from grace truth. I guarantee it will be your undoing if you have not yet understood the response here is a historcial paradym shift in our change of pirorities and change for mending into our soceity the social conscience that is mandating our destiny of duty and responsbility here. We are looking the fools of the fold of all the world. Get a clue, this end of the United States of America if we cannot be wiser the way it was suppose to be in the foundation of country fore fathers -- they are spinning in their graves ! I tell you are evil. As evil as Hitler was in Nazi Germany. Your shaming is dark black and turning gang green and we need to amputate your reach into our society and let you die off as the bad tissue of a body country diseased.

How dare you thwart our rights of dignity to our freedom in this way.

James Driskill :
Crazy World Future Words - Do we want to change our Thoughts of Mind Presence to Conscience Effort

@[25987609066:274:The Rachel Maddow Show]
Updated Oct 12, 2016 9:24:01pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
#LongWalkOfBeauty : Sea Birds on the Sea Shore
8 Years Ago
Oct 13, 2013 8:08:20am
#LongWalkOfBeauty : Sea Birds on the Sea Shore
Updated Oct 13, 2016 8:26:33am
Makta Pond responds to this --- in comments
Updated Oct 21, 2016 4:14:15pm
I need my local community of outstanding leaderships of persons pillar virtue wise -- to step forward please -- and reply.

There is no time to waste --- November 7th a new set delay said to be now unavialble to respond to emais. [CONTINUE ]

Confirm your understanding you must HOLD YOUR KRAMOBONE on to your DAY. FOR NOW ALL OF YOUR DAYS are deeds GOOD GOOD GREAT. If not, and your working in reverse....

There is a nice and friendly peaceful nonviolent little stuffing box - an auto email processing script could be an update for anything submitted for additions [ comment stream ] from the public -- NO ANONYMOUS IDENTITIES ALLOWED. --- Certified Network Contacts of @Realuphuman / @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] -- Allowed to pass the check.

In our everyday business / commerce world society here in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, that process which develops documentation integrity in certain forms or [ instruments ] --- a SEAL is PLACED ONTO the document before it is accepted into a process of order.because a PREREQUISITE has been DETERMINED in a FLOW OF NEEDS in the INPUT to any particular structured setup integrity OUTCOMES.

Anyone in society can create such a need - if they choose - using this for business purposes. This usually of course having a profit or non-profit credential of a "business plan" and "entity" under that creation. its MISSION foundation documents of CHARTER etc. These are to addresses control considerations when a process of the OUTCOME has to meet a certain level of trust to use or applied forward.

That is a principle description of the ROLE in our SOCIETY of a PUBLIC NOTARY.

As individuals have the the right granted us that we can do this same process upon other individuals for the diversity of any purpose need without any in business operation functioning in terms of holding. Its a rarer choice. Its chosen when both participant are usually of privileged to create an agreement between them that does not need to be publicly filed. The terms of this kind of arrangement is called a COVENANT.

noun: covenant; plural noun: covenants

an agreement.
synonyms: contract, agreement, undertaking, commitment, guarantee, warrant, pledge, promise, bond, indenture; pact, deal, settlement, arrangement, understanding
"a breach of the covenant"


The process to which these two tied modeled systems of integrity PUBLIC NOTARY and COVENANT is generally way EXTREME onto every day living.

it is in fact a part of the INTEGRITY WISDOM I hold as former NOTARY PUBLIC in 1999.[ http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/NotaryCertificate1077638%5bfull%5d.jpg ]

There are INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS out of BALANCE of their INTEGRITY involved in my personal life that I CARE to EXECUTE such FORMALITY.

As a Citizen of the United States of America, What is wrong with that?

For they don't have assumed authority of integrity as a business and I as individual lesser of their integrity or being one of corrupt morality or being criminal upon standing.

[ These words stands forever ] : That is if I am no longer here on planet Earth -- for right here and now -- there is a TOOL of CREATION that is this process integrity bonding [ NOTARY / COVENANT ] that is taken over into a informational theory technology.

What is so hard to understand that is the reality of these circumstances I am calling upon you to do the right thing(s) and apply your integrity onto the matter. OR ELSE WHAT?

You must reply to my statements of management involvement --

It is your responsibility to put back in to proper standing order from your BREECH of CONTRACT. .

You ignore this and throw that marvel of intelligence wise true science in information theory away to not respond and to remain silent. It does not just disappear into nothingness. It may be silent to you, but it is not a peaceful way of interpersonal relating in any kind of common decency COMMUNITY STANDARD or allow to continue.

Can you challenge and beat my IQ SCORE? Over all 122
There is a deficiency scoring of COMPUTATIONAL SPEED if you notice: I do believe the source of my BIPOLAR mental disorder. That does not make me less wiser to know right from wrong to to build the technology tools to COMPETE with the PACE of WORK LIFE you all enjoy -- Its TOO TOO QUICK for ME! And I am not slow -- for sure. Walking really helps me calm my mind over your chaotic The Good Life You lead.


Onto resolve walking and promised KEPT from last time encounters of this same SILENCE ?

Please forgiver the expiration of http://alongwalkofbeauy.us/ -- 2 months ago -- NO ONE CARED -- SO Why should I carry that REAL LONG WALK JOURNAL to-- WALKED Oakland Start Detination Goal San Berardino. I am proud none the less to make it to BIG SUR before I had to stop.

THAT WALK JOURNAL HAS ATTACHED WORDS [ as tears are flowing down my face as I write today 2016 ]

OhKindSir - May 20th 2006 ---
I promise to WALK HOME in PROTEST
This on Soundcloud here:

Here is the result of MAKING GOOD ON THAT PROMISE:

YOUR SILENCE is actually a maligned [ not always to malicious factors ] functioning in human life presence day to day as it a force conducting a course of CIRCUMSTANCES to an eventual END POINT time resolve of OBLIVION.

Where do you learn your spiritual / religious practices or beliefs to be a moral person over and above the rest? This is fully formed, as though I am EDUCATING the persons on the other END of this connection, for they have LOST SOMETHING is the GUIDANCE that we ALL NEED TO BE FOLLOWING. [ http://community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By/ ]

What the hell is wrong with you people?.


Tagged: #RockyMountainCares : #PillarPropertyLLC

@[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES] : @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]

[ Ryan White Act Supportive Agencies in view of dysfunction service -- as client-centered DEMANDS ]

Pillar Property Services, LLC
2420 W. 26th Ave. – Ste 480D
Denver CO 80211
(303) 477-4377
Property Manager, Jennifer Mattock

in Charge of Business at:

Chesney KleinJohn Apartments
1005 Washinjgtonn Street
Denver Colorado : United States of America
HOPWA - [ Housing Opportunities for Persons With Aids ] - HUD PUBLIC HOUSING SUBSIDIZED housing for almost 3 decades.

On Site Building Manager, Darrell Johnson
@[153055258069908:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc] :

My access restricted -- in that process was my TRIBUTE to Marlon Riggs December 1st WORLD AIDS DAY RESTORED ?

This has been going on for since first targeted AUGUST 11TH 2015. This Facebook post archive is real.

You guys are seriously DERANGED of your COMMON DECENCY:


I really at this point know the tags are in place for the remaining outside listening binding of bonds to not let this happen.

@[153887674665315:274:Metta World Peace] : @[200673103280250:274:Magic Johnson] : @[113060292041243:274:Marlon Riggs] :
@[112845672063384:274:Mark Zuckerberg]
[ he knows why he is tagged ]

Google Topic Search [ @[113418792177518:274:Recombinant Memetics] ]

@Gruwup Persons Declarations

Messages To [ History ]



#IStandWithMagic Against HIV



@[176640809022341:274:Urban Survivors Union] : A solution of thought to bring forward -- Dr Isaac Jackson - Tongues United [ The Poetry To The Video Work ]




FOR ELSE WE ARE DOOMED considering what is happening... :

@[6815841748:274:Barack Obama] : @[424207551102424:274:President Obama] ----> @[889307941125736:274:Hillary Clinton] / @[846426892158813:274:Realdonaldtrump] : November 2016


@[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] [ That is Most Honorable Pope Francis ]
@[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] : To the investigation to another systematic HATE BASED CONSPIRACY equally PARALLELS MEMEPLEXS TO Eviction Case WG06266106 [ Alameda County CA Apr 2006 ]
@[67150982149:274:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA]
Hey hey -- This is the solution to being forward

I am the one - that one - peace bulder knowing IN CHARGE
of @Gruwup2016 :: http://community.gruwup.net/


I am the one who holds the better man character.

This being a full audio spoken voice mp3 presentation of issues : 1 hour and 6 minutes -- this is complexity out run a muck.

Index of /#Kramobone-The.Good/#Darrell.Johnson/#HOPWA2016-DemandOfGoodCharacterResidentHere-CommunityStandards-Neighbors-Helping-Neighbors

Updated Oct 28, 2016 3:57:29am
This is a YouTube Video Playlist

[1] CONFIRM the understandings that are needed here. You must reply please.by J Martin Driskill 2:00:31

[2] As an USA Citizen, ability to live truly free pursuits of happiness elusive - exposed conspiracy by James Driskill 29:08

[3] 'Mind Uploading' & Digital Immortality May Be Reality By 2045 : Michio Kaku by Military Channel 5:55

[4] Rental Housing Network Show w/ Attorney Todd Rothbard
by RentalHousingNetwork 26:01

[5[ Pierre by sbcooler A Carole King Tune. Enjoy! 5:39

tagged: #RockyMountainCares : #PillarPropertyLLC

@[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES] : @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]Project

@[153055258069908:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc]

@[153887674665315:274:Metta World Peace] : @[200673103280250:274:Magic Johnson] : @[954781081247470:274:MJ Foundation]

@[113060292041243:274:Marlon Riggs]

@[112845672063384:274:Mark Zuckerberg]
[ He knows why he is tagged ]

Google Topic Search [ @[113418792177518:274:Recombinant Memetics] ]


FOR ELSE WE ARE DOOMED considering what is happening... :

@[6815841748:274:Barack Obama] :L @[424207551102424:274:President Obama]
----> @[889307941125736:274:Hillary Clinton] : @[153080620724:274:Donald J. Trump] @[133961323610549:274:Donald Trump For President] : November 2016


@[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] [ That is Most Honorable Pope Francis ]
@[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation]
To the investigation to another systematic HATE BASED CONSPIRACY equally PARALLELS MEMEPLEXS TO Eviction Case WG06266106 [ Alameda County CA Apr 2006 ]
@[67150982149:274:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA]

@[176640809022341:274:Urban Survivors Union] : Dr Isaac Jackson's Book Published Work
Tongues Untied which was used by Marlon Riggs Filmmaker Documentary of the same title.

Google Search [ tongues untied isaac jackson ]

Title Tongues Untied
Creator Aaab-Richards, Dirg, Craig G. Harris, Essex Hemphill, Isaac Jackson, and Assotto Saint
Source London
Publisher GMP Publishers Ltd
Date 1987
Format Print
Identifier Case 1/Shelf 1
Collection General Collection
Tags Homosexuality, Poetry, Masculinity, African American
Aaab-Richards, Dirg, Craig G. Harris, Essex Hemphill, Isaac Jackson, and Assotto Saint, “Tongues Untied,” Belton Collection, http://www.iub.edu/~belton/collection/items/show/1561.




Updated Nov 04, 2016 3:39:02pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO

The Adinkra Symbol : #Tamfo.Bebre #TamfoBebre
Releases as a meme technology object of

Recombinant Memetics

#Kramobone-The.Good : #WorldsToLiveBy
------> #ThyCounselsWillBeStrong-The.Good
-------> #ReprimandsAvail-The.Bad

#Fear-The.Bad : #Hate-The.Bad : #Hatred-The.Bad : #Bigotry-The.Bad : Prejudice-The.Bad : #Dishonesty-The.Bad : #Deception-The.Bad : #Hypocrisy-The.Bad : #Dishonor-The.Bad : #ImmoralAgency-The.Bad :#Careless-The.Bad : #Irresponsible-The.Bad : #Negligent-The.Bad : #ThoughtLess-The.Bad : #Mindless-The.Bad

#Defense-The.Good : .#Truth-The.Good : #Honesty-The.Good
#Wisdom-The.Good : #Virtue-The.Good : #Dignity-The.Good
#Honor-The.Good : #LifeAffirming-The.Good :

[ used max #meme tags ] --- These also appending to the
recombinant meanings:

#Thoughtful-The.Good : #CaringConcern-The.Good
#Compassion-The.Good : #Love-The.Good
: : :





Computing and Moral Responsibility
First published Wed Jul 18, 2012

This entry will first look at the challenges that computing poses to conventional notions of moral responsibility. The discussion will then review two different ways in which various authors have addressed these challenges: 1) by reconsidering the idea of moral agency and 2) by rethinking the concept of moral responsibility itself.

1. Challenges to moral responsibility
1.1 Causal contribution
1.2 Considering the consequences
1.3 Free to act
2. Can computers be moral agents?
2.1 Computers as morally responsible agents
2.2 Creating autonomous moral agents
2.3 Expanding the concept of moral agency
3. Rethinking the concept of moral responsibility
Academic Tools
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Cellulitis has once more caught me bad in my right foot. Ouch. I'm at the ER.
Timeline photos
@[100001013603852:2048:Marquas Richie] holds green. @Inthemindway @Gruwup @Realuphuman @[1295702360:2048:J Martin Driskill] holds gold. For all time human history this is a bind onto the noosphere informational society. For the actual card may fade in color washed or get tossed out somehow someway be on my own control but I have a purpose in mind for sure for sure for sure.... I do indeed have a purpose in mind for this image to carry foward. To attach onto a business card I am holding of @[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES] #Kramobone-The.Good #CinamonRomero Specifically titled Medical Case Manager To the addition of her namesake here - we don't need to be linked ad Facebook confirmed approval . She specifically lied to me when she told me that she was not on Facebook to the involvement of my communication case management ability. I didn't check to make sure for sure but they did have web presence under their corporate. It's by default a real time space interpersonal relationship and can not be detached of her agency duty role and not be tagged anyway. Adding her here as a network admin of personhood trusts is in fact obligated to do so... and binding her presence here. **** Please @[100001013603852:2048:Marquas Richie] **** DON'T HOLD BACK YOUR OPINIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF MY LIFE PRESENCE YOU WALKED INTO. Please don't hold back --- state it real real real -- I won't be embarrassed not whatsoever. For the responsibility of these life conditions has been exposed onto conspiracy and releases me from that self-accountability -- as it such true for all time human history has such been the wisdom lessons bestowed down upon our collective wisdom and collective intelligence knowledge. it will be the word two humans here against one in court. They should be ashamed of themselves. The action onto this object -- looking for a home ? Breech of Contract is so due noted. Breach of Case Management Client-Centered support also highly present to be proved is more true than not.
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Marquas Richie holds green. @Inthemindway @Gruwup @Realuphuman J Martin Driskill holds gold.

For all time human history this is a bind onto the noosphere informational society.

For the actual card may fade in color washed or get tossed out somehow someway be on my own control but I have a purpose in mind for sure for sure for sure....

I do indeed have a purpose in mind for this image to carry foward.

To attach onto a business card I am holding of

Rocky Mountain CARES
#Kramobone-The.Good #CinamonRomero

Specifically titled Medical Case Manager

To the addition of her namesake here - we don't need to be linked ad Facebook confirmed approval .

She specifically lied to me when she told me that she was not on Facebook to the involvement of my communication case management ability. I didn't check to make sure for sure but they did have web presence under their corporate.

It's by default a real time space interpersonal relationship and can not be detached of her agency duty role and not be tagged anyway.

Adding her here as a network admin of personhood trusts is in fact obligated to do so... and binding her presence here.

**** Please Marquas Richie ****


Please don't hold back --- state it real real real -- I won't be embarrassed not whatsoever. For the responsibility of these life conditions has been exposed onto conspiracy and releases me from that self-accountability -- as it such true for all time human history has such been the wisdom lessons bestowed down upon our collective wisdom and collective intelligence knowledge.

it will be the word two humans here against one in court.
They should be ashamed of themselves.

The action onto this object -- looking for a home ? Breech of Contract is so due noted. Breach of Case Management Client-Centered support also highly present to be proved is more true than not.
Timeline photos
http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Cinamon.Romero.MSW/%23Cinamon.Romero-MSW-%5b%23Kramobone-The.Bad%5d/Tarot-TheTower-WillDestroyYouSideRealAssocations-NatonalWarTiime-EnemiesWillSuffer-YouBeThe-0-Fool-ActsImmoralAgentAllegiances-Persuade-Coerce-Intimidate-PowerOverYou-AntiSupportiveClient-Proven-FoolsAllYouGo-WalkOverCliff-ASAP-GoAway-GetLost-Riddance.jpg Tower Tarot Card Meaning . Tower Tarot Story As the Fool leaves the throne of the Goat God, he comes upon a Tower, fantastic, magnificent, and familiar. In fact, The Fool, himself, helped build this Tower back when the most important thing to him was making his mark on the world and proving himself better than other men. Inside the Tower, at the top, arrogant men still live, convinced of their rightness. Tower Tarot Card Meanings One look at this card and we know something is afoot, and it doesn't look good. The Tower Tarot card is all about change; usually very sudden, not-so-pleasant change. Changes in life are typically gradual. This allows our minds to accommodate change, or for us to become accustomed to different shifts in our lives. When a sudden, cataclysmic change occurs, such as what the Tower card suggests, it is an anomaly of sorts. Such a drastic upheaval means the Universe trying to wake us up from our zombie-like state. This wake-up call comes in the form of an event that blind-sides us and shakes us out of the fog we've been living in.

Tower Tarot Card Meaning
Tower Tarot Story

As the Fool leaves the throne of the Goat God, he comes upon a Tower, fantastic, magnificent, and familiar. In fact, The Fool, himself, helped build this Tower back when the most important thing to him was making his mark on the world and proving himself better than other men. Inside the Tower, at the top, arrogant men still live, convinced of their rightness.

Tower Tarot Card Meanings

One look at this card and we know something is afoot, and it doesn't look good. The Tower Tarot card is all about change; usually very sudden, not-so-pleasant change.

Changes in life are typically gradual. This allows our minds to accommodate change, or for us to become accustomed to different shifts in our lives. When a sudden, cataclysmic change occurs, such as what the Tower card suggests, it is an anomaly of sorts. Such a drastic upheaval means the Universe trying to wake us up from our zombie-like state. This wake-up call comes in the form of an event that blind-sides us and shakes us out of the fog we've been living in.
You tagged David Darnell
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
@[100000351844666:2048:Mark Darnell] onto the subject of your post to not vote Hillary .. I'm of course showing the none of the above position to both Brothers Darnell results are plain to see... My thoughts was in topics of perceptual blindness to a long time real friend of mine writes onto that subject I quote from. But both Brothers Darnell actually are hold States of False Equivalency and as in my own Brother Driskills of San Bernardino divided most unloving ways all most all of our human adult life broken of what is called brothers bond trusts - My very own Brother [ @[100006806283833:2048:Dennis Driskill] ] leaves a open talk of serious life titled matters much more personal than this Hillary / Donald bump and grind.

This shows : Offended in group chat the (a) was applied:

[a] : CONFIRM the understandings that is needed here -- HOPWA Tenancy of Apt 112 Chesney KleinJohn Apartments has stated CONDITIONS of [ BREECH OF CONTRACT ] --- DIRECTLY involved --- Conspracy Exposed

But maybe he is actually now HOLDING onto my offence statements to involve himself some how and some way by default - time is running out to be thinking straight with critical thinking skills of father The Real George Driskill . I know for fact that my dear brother can and does have the complexity or right mode thinking inbreed in both of us. For I reinvite from division rather than unification of brotherly love. All four of our brother to brother : brother to brother lives could learn a value wisdom here. Bill Mar is Politically Incorrect ( His first show titled such ) and guest what he does not suffer for such an attitude. I am much much more on point to him in this world to the correct adjustment of our interpersonal relations are lazy minds services no good of it wise. Justified.

@[100001013603852:2048:Marquas Richie], your holding my brotherly trust never ever present in my life. Much much gratitude again for your angel doll icon of beauty I holdof my mind eye in my love for you.

Can the Id of "The Real George" Driskill come back alive from his grave -- please tell me broher you know this out here -- ? To instill some fatherly wisdoms releaned again -- to be found in our world honored -- I am honoring my father -- noting his extremes bias way over conversatives. I am never way over liberal. For sure.

Link and Find The Audio of Our Father -- RadioCast : And Don't bother attempting to appliogize until you do. https://www.google.com/search?num=50&q=%22The+Real+George%22+mattthecat

My dearest brother Dennis, you do know that call recordings of Mama are found on soundcloud -- for publishing rights are AGREED between Mama and Me -- for sure she knows the level of worry this case has shown onto other future call recordings I hold I could also put to the ear of a world auidience.

Do you give a flying fuck of a care or concern for your brother? NO

That will be our Mama I have placed to the immortaility of things -- she can be speaking from the grave after she is gone - a much more personal reflection of life than what father has showing in radiocast for sure. Do You All Care? -- I for sure certainly do care.

Pierre [ Says I Don't Care ]
Published on Dec 24, 2013 on YouTube
A Carole King Tune. Enjoy!
by sbcooler : 71,633 views - perhaps you will be +1 to it
Updated Nov 07, 2016 5:46:13am
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
@[25987609066:274:The Rachel Maddow Show] [ draft ]

The status of peace building in involving spaces of internet domain memesaapces -- @[113418792177518:274:Recombinant Memetics] memetic" community bulliing and harrassinng case

-- when a break from the harassment that went on over a full year slows to more than most off the charts --- Can I trust it will not start back up sometime? I did had is ebs and flows already -- NO TRUST.

The information theory enginerrring human creator James Martin Driskill has the hasitrocal presence of technolgy invvolments with litle true school for his work at the @[135925333195270:274:Norman F. Feldheym Central Library] : Cosand Computer @[104159149624062:274:Peak Wellness Center].

From my Resume: [ its been while - from 1984-1987 ]

Desk Manager (Cosand Computer Center)

Maintained library patrons walk-in use of computer lab. Full implementation of information databases including user’s file, software catalog, and lab users login interface. Reservations could be made up to two months in advance and computer time was restricted to two hours per day. The lab's desk manager maintained currently logged in users, remaining time, and any checked out software materials being used at the workstations. Lab administrators could schedule class or other group reservations, as needed. Statistical usage information was reported.

Microlink BBS (Public Library online bulletin board system)

Full development of user login database, public and private messaging, questions to reference librarians, information bulletins, online games, usage log and statistics features. First online in 1983 using a $5000 Corvus 10mb hard drive and a Hayes 300bps Micromodem. No commercial BBS software packages existed for this type of application. Microlink BBS was the second public library in the country to offer such dial up services next to The Chicago Public Library. Microlink was later renamed to LOLA (Library On-Line Apple).

Will anybody give me the time of day and a bit of media charge against this case of abuse should the progress an action forward toward unified eviction? I NEED AN WHOLE TOP WORLD VIEW OF THIS HIV/AIDS RYAN WHITE CARE SUPPOTIVER AGENCY DELOPMENT POLICIES NATIONWIDE ARE PERHAPS A CAUSE TO CONCERN.

When these housing projects built under the HOPWA [ Housing Oppounities For Persons With Aids ] -- it was a policy breed from places to go die and no thirve.

I have a feeeling is a more previlvant memeplex to the note --- there are no policy pathways in many these -- to the clients / tenants who are not really empowered to understand the encapsatied information quarentine there are actuallly subtrougated into. These are still a place to go die and not thrife -- I could not enforse my rights of holdiing informaton asciety strucual objects domentating binding to the address under my own authory -- against the laws of all lands everywhere. Its a part of our now global citizenry.

-- gives the creator of some opening of tools to the offering us -- if ever these was some intelligence wiser technology counsels to embolden our world to.
Updated Nov 09, 2016 2:03:39pm
You tagged Supplanter James Driskill
Conspiracy Exposed / Tenancy Contract Apt 112 BREACH OF CONTRACT by PROPERTY MANAGER IN 1ST WEEK OF MARCH 2016
Updated Nov 16, 2016 12:25:19am
Mobile uploads
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
James M Driskill was live.
Testing testing
Testing testing
Updated Nov 16, 2016 5:51:20am
James M Driskill was live.
A walk to the ATM it just a regular shirt and it's snowing to get $200 cash
A walk to the ATM it just a regular shirt and it's snowing to get $200 cash
James M Driskill updated his status.
SUICIDE Hotline 800-273-TALK (8255).

A simple copy and paste might save someone's life.

Would 3 of my Facebook friends please copy this post?

Timeline photos
Happy Thanksgiving 2016 : Ain't Life Swell?
Place: Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc (39.73217, -104.97895)
Address: 1005 N Washington St, Denver, CO 80203
Happy Thanksgiving 2016 : Ain't Life Swell?
James M Driskill marked himself safe during The Wildfire in Denver, Colorado after a friend asked if he was ok.
Place: Denver (39.72275, -105.0435)
I tweeted my answer to court before I.left this morning. I was offered with 5 days to move out or file my answer and go for jury trial. I choose to file my answer. Check out @Gruwup's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/806364958317510656
Updated Dec 07, 2016 6:11:35pm
YouTube Educational Video Playlist ( playtime less than 20 minute's )

Technology of Mind Sciences - Avantage Actual Human Capabiles:

Updated Dec 16, 2016 2:16:06pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
James M Driskill was live.

Tell me that this email address is not impressionable to the MindMapping@Beta project on WorldCommunityGrid --- Tell me I don't have one of the most unique CyberIDs to ever exist on the planet to define this in the real time. You can't! Admit it -- I hold the keys to express one self over and above the rest -- if necessary.

Why start a conflict when there should not be any.?

Why compete with me? -- I am not competing with you.

If I challenge you, I know your in your own way -- you can do it and we unite forces together forever -- You have the compassity to our human brain's plasticity -- so GROW UP !


Published on Jul 26, 2012
MindModeling@Home (Beta) is a research project that uses volunteer computing for the advancement of cognitive science. The research focuses on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to better understand the human mind. We need your help to improve on the scientific foundations that explain the mechanisms and processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning. Please join us in our efforts! MindModeling@home is not for profit.
Updated Dec 22, 2016 11:58:31am
Timeline photos
Self explanatory : edit as you need and issue to the one who hurt you or the world of all.
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Self explanatory : edit as you need and issue to the one who hurt you or the world of all.
Updated Dec 23, 2016 11:09:46pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Updated Dec 24, 2016 5:41:47pm
Updated Dec 26, 2016 5:56:29pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill wrote on Luis Espinoza's timeline.
happy birthday dude --- happy new year too
Larry King uncensored says his favorite word is Fuck
Updated Jan 03, 2017 11:38:02pm
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Another "Great Purpose" Databank for Awesome Individualized Identity --- we all need a voice to be uniquely ours not some generic dumb bot spoken voice..... This is the future of all robot voice databanks going to be spoken from -- this database will be were the robots of the future will not sound like a bot but a human voice ---- calling you onto interfacing communication dialogues with robots -- this is real.
Updated Jan 21, 2017 5:30:04pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
For those who are familiar with the artwork that I have had on my walls at my apt #112 in Cap Hill at Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc at 10th and Washington --- you might remember that I had a artwork of the Voyager's Spacecraft's "The Golden Record" displayed in the front room --- this is a very important topic interest of the Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom [ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/ ] ---- I wanted to share and introduce a supplement Netflix video to this:

A video life documentary film of this Denver Dude that starts in 1977 when the first Voyager was launched --- the film sets into dual presentation of the science and humanistic knowledge record --- since this is also a Denver based story --- it is pretty kwell.

Sam Klemke's Time Machine
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QR SCAN CODE LINK: http://community.gruwup.net/08/ #MaktaPond
You tagged Makta Pond
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QR SCAN CODE LINK: [main]: http://community.gruwup.net/08/ #MaktaPond [meme]: http://www.google.com/search?num=50&q=%23Makta.Pond
Updated Jan 23, 2017 12:11:37am
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Please Like and Share as you like.... Do yourself a favor! Please check out the tweet that I have placed to our new US President Donald Trump in relation to this graphic attached. The best advice I can say is stop lying ! [everyone] I have better things to do with my time than to deal with bull shit anymore. Read In Full Tweets to @Potus: https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/823699046061772800 @[775488159169613:274:Real President Donald Trump - personal page]
Place: Cedar Run Apartments (39.700720735, -104.906771742)
Address: 888 S Oneida St, Denver, CO 80224
Please Like and Share as you like....

Do yourself a favor! Please check out the tweet that I have placed to our new US President Donald Trump in relation to this graphic attached. The best advice I can say is stop lying ! [everyone]
I have better things to do with my time than to deal with bull shit anymore. Read In Full Tweets to @Potus:
Real President Donald Trump - personal page
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
^^^>>> IMPORTANT! Please Open/Expand All Comment Replies In This Post Thread Chain -[ has this heading post / +16 reply items ] -- This is a comprehensive fb media sharing presentation using this media share format.... This must be viewed and read accordingly.. Thanks!! <<<*** http://community.gruwup.net/01D/ Projecting future time discussion meeting [ whenever ] -- adaptive thinking THIS IS WHY I HAVE A VALID SOUND AND WINNABLE DISCRIMINATION SUIT AGAINST CHESNEY KLEINJOHN APARTMENTS, PILLAR PROPERTY LLC, AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN CARES RYAN WHITE AGENCY: @[153055258069908:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc] @[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES] Pillar Properties LLC does not have a local facebook link @[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA] @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] This post forwarding link relates to topics of #BlackLivesMatter and Poz Magazine cover January 2016.
^^^>>> IMPORTANT! Please Open/Expand All Comment Replies In This Post Thread Chain -[ has this heading post / +16 reply items ] -- This is a comprehensive fb media sharing presentation using this media share format.... This must be viewed and read accordingly.. Thanks!! <<<***

Projecting future time discussion meeting [ whenever ] -- adaptive thinking


Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc
Rocky Mountain CARES
Pillar Properties LLC does not have a local facebook link
Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Denver Colorado AIDS Project

This post forwarding link relates to topics of #BlackLivesMatter and Poz Magazine cover January 2016.
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Updated: QR-Persuasive-Technology http://qr.gruwup.net/Community/QR-Persuasive-Technology.html … #Community #PeaceBuilding #Mpatapo #PersuasiveTechnology
Updated: QR-Persuasive-Technology
http://qr.gruwup.net/Community/QR-Persuasive-Technology.html … #Community #PeaceBuilding #Mpatapo #PersuasiveTechnology
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http://youtu.be/V9_PjdU3Mpo Sensible talk on terrorism! What should be done! What we haven't done!! What we are dysfunctional doing now!!

btw: My name is James Martin Driskill, my hometown born in the City of San Bernardino, September 1st 1965.

@[1490165281294837:274:Rise Up Humanity to international corrupt system ,Real Truth Movement]


First Named Published On Library Journal Nov1987:

See Also Issue [ One Issue Month Prior Sep1987 ]:

SB Sun Newspaper:







I know I have the "biggest balls of the them all"
-- now that's not any reason to sack em to hurt me and make them bleed.

@Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding :
Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo
is missing in our modern world of information technologies.

@[810434805725854:274:POTUS] @[424207551102424:274:POTUS 44] @[38534064357:274:NSA - National Security Agency] @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] @[179587888720522:274:Department of Homeland Security] @[44053938557:274:U.S. Army] @[74281347822:274:U.S. Navy] @[323772930193:274:U.S. Marine Corps] @[114986455184911:274:Airforce] @[115786451802180:274:Lowry Air Force Base] @[150700628303916:274:US Airforce Academy] @[451136068267002:274:Peterson AFB Community Support] @[351875598257218:274:Schriever Air Force Base] @[137559022940031:274:Buckley Air Force Base] @[112986485386849:274:Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station] @[112969492050222:274:Colorado Air National Guard] @[116280635054166:274:F. E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming]

On Internet Technologies
@[67150982149:274:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA]

My Elected Representatives:

State Legislators

Colorado House District 06 @[133114003427643:274:Colorado House of Representatives]

Christopher Hansen (Dem)

Colorado Senate District 31 @[132894693427610:274:Colorado State Government Senate]
Lois Court (Dem)

Federal Legislators

Colorado District 1
Diana DeGette (Dem)
@[162562273839474:274:Congresswoman Diana Degette District Office]

Colorado US Senate
Michael Bennet (Dem) @[426299494072369:274:U.S Senator Michael Bennet Offices]
Cory Gardner (Rep) @[160924893954206:274:Senator Cory Gardner]
Updated Feb 01, 2017 3:37:06pm
James M Driskill wrote on Blythe Rayford's timeline.
Hey Hey Hey --- Its gone another year bye bye --- how's things happening? Try This! http://community.gruwup.net/09/
I want to know of my FB friends
who here has Underdog Remembrance

Lets embrace the rhyme time scripts
lets create an underdog day in our crypts.

If you are not a cryptic style writer,
go be deleted at will and be the wiser.

Good Day --- I say --

this has nothing to do with 3rd Friday in December
it best be according to its first air 1964 3 October.

We are a mode of knowing I have been wanting to whirl a rhyming day.
let play
Safe Waif
Updated Feb 05, 2017 3:24:54pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
A Share to Facebook Help Community Forums -- Look QR Codes Are Kwell -
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QR Decode: https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/823699046061772800
Timeline photos
QR LINK RESOLVE: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/PoeticThoughtsOfWisdom/%23Makta.Pond-TheQuickening-AreYouAnInnieOrAnOutie%281%29.mp3 Source Text: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/PoeticThoughtsOfWisdom/%23Makta.Pond-TheQuickening-AreYouAnInnieOrAnOutie.htm Reference Urls In this post: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/character.html http://community.gruwup.net/ http://community.gruwup.net/Prejudice/ http://community.gruwup.net/Persuasive-Technology/
James M Driskill shared a memory.
13 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Feb 25, 2009 9:08:22am
is watching Reggie Aqui on cnn.com live --- my computer working on projects that benifit humanity @worldcommunitygrid.org quite nicely in background.
Updated Feb 25, 2017 9:19:39am
Place: Todd Rothbard Law Offices (37.3258, -121.96813)
Address: 100 Saratoga Ave Ste 200, Santa Clara, CA 95051

I will do indeed the same kind of reference posting to OhKindSir on this matter Denver Eviction Case #2016C70106

@[198497056856900:274:Tschetter Hamrick Sulzer P.C.]
Updated Feb 25, 2017 12:32:58pm
When this science came into view -- did you not think about it and change your view and focus of life actions?

That would be perhaps you might want to make a grand step of advancement of your conscience before it is too late??

This because lies are lies are lies are mapped and a computer will know you at a level no other human can -- 100% complete lies all!!!! True True is.

When in your life did you get the lesson and stop lying, cheating, and stealing or just basically being an asshole selfish fool ???

No more time and more excuses --- GROW UP to be GRUW UP NOW -- or else you fall -- and perhaps take us all with you that disaster of our friends --- friends don't let other friends live life without the truth.

Updated Feb 25, 2017 3:40:38pm
My EXPRESSION OF THOUGHTS ON BEING CENSORED are TOP MOST of this outgoing Tweet from @[33138223345:274:Wikipedia] : Ya All watching? https://twitter.com/Wikipedia/status/822941521473323008
Updated Feb 26, 2017 8:42:06pm
Colorado Gov says 420 Pot is in the State Constitution -- We are in "Test Law" mode --

Feds ???? What is your problem? Here is the actual truth to the psychology of drugs, use, dangerous or NOT!

@realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage [ tag not working - I will send in messenger directly private ]

With Spoken Voice Text Narrative:

Stanton Peele
Addiction in Society
Normalizing Drug Use

Drug use does not become and remain addictive more often than other involvements

Posted Apr 25, 201 : Psychology Today:

---------- [ Cited Quoted Excerpts ]------
The drug policy battle in the U.S. isn't about medical marijuana, or even legalizing marijuana. It's about normalizing drug use. Do drugs create different experiences from other involvements we are familiar with—are they more compelling, more inescapable, less controllable, more inexorable in their progression to addiction than other experiences that we encounter daily? They are not. By and large, people don't accept Bruce's, Carl's, and my idea that drug responses fall in the range of normal human experiences, or my idea of the equivalency of drug and behavioral addictions (which is now the American Psychiatric Association's official position). (Please don't answer, "You don't mean physiologically addictive." See The Meaning of Addiction.) Americans carry too much cultural baggage to allow those ideas in. Instead, we think drugs—especially narcotics, and most especially heroin, followed by cocaine, crack and meth—are "truly" addictive. So what? Maia goes on to cite statistics from the 2012 National Survey of Drug Use and Health, in which fewer than one percent of Americans have a serious marijuana problem, although 48 percent have used marijuana in their lives. Why, that's less than two percent of everyone who has ever used the drug who abuse or are addicted to the substance currently. That is so unlike dangerous drugs to which everyone rapidly becomes permanently addicted! Not exactly. Here are the lifetime use figures for heroin (2.6 percent), cocaine (18 percent), crack (5 percent), and meth (6 percent): Here are the current abusers/addicts with these drugs: heroin (0.1 percent), cocaine (0.4 percent), crack (not listed), meth (only stimulants listed = 0.2 percent). So, for heroin, that's four percent of ever users who are addicted, and for cocaine about the same as for marijuana (around 2 percent). While meth and crack can't be calculated, the figure is clearly a small minority (less than 10 percent). What are we to make of that? According to government surveys, people rarely find even the most addictive, dangerous drugs to be, well, addictive and dangerous. Please don't answer, "People don't tell the truth in government surveys." In their comprehensive follow-up of Vietnam vets addicted to heroin in Asia, Lee Robins and her colleagues found that users of heroin stateside were no more likely to consume that drug compulsively than were users of other illicit drugs. Based on this and other research, I said in The Meaning of Addiction, "heroin does not appear to differ significantly in the potential range of its use from other types of involvements, and even compulsive users cannot be distinguished from those given to other habitual involvements in the ease with which they desist or shift their patterns of use."

Updated Feb 27, 2017 12:38:46am
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Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
@DenverCAP <--- can someone try to publicly tag this please.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Hello FB friends & family. I would love to request your support. No obligation to repost, I'm not going to unfriend you. I'm Not gonna say bye-bye to some of you.. Now I'm watching the ones who will have the time to read this post until the end. This is a little test, just to see who reads and who shares without reading! If you have read everything, select "like" so i can put a thank u on ur profile! I know that most of you won't do this, but my true friends will be the few that do. Please, in honor of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even had cancer, copy and paste. Write "done" in comments when you're finished. I can put a thank u on ur profile! I know that 97% of you won't broadcast this, but my friends will be the 3% that do. Please, in honor of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even had cancer, copy and paste. Write "done" in comments when you're finished.
Thanks and be blessed ❤️done!
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
Addressing [ On Blindness : By Charles Galvin Jr 1992 ] - this is from my childhood time photo album. The photo on top of Charles was taken in San Francisco. The three below were all taken in my childhood bedroom of the house on Grande Vista in San Bernardino, Ca - registrant address of @GruwUp.net : Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace. http://www.idiom.com/~cxarli/english/writing/blindness.html https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/on-blindness-by-charles-galvin-jr-1992 http://gruwup.net/Resources/Adinkra.Symbols/Sankofa.html
6 Years Ago
Mar 05, 2016 8:28:24pm
Addressing [ On Blindness : By Charles Galvin Jr 1992 ] - this is from my childhood time photo album. The photo on top of Charles was taken in San Francisco. The three below were all taken in my childhood bedroom of the house on Grande Vista in San Bernardino, Ca - registrant address of @GruwUp.net : Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All Here ] Will Unite Peace. http://www.idiom.com/~cxarli/english/writing/blindness.html https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/on-blindness-by-charles-galvin-jr-1992 http://gruwup.net/Resources/Adinkra.Symbols/Sankofa.html
Place: San Bernardino, California (34.1295, -117.293)
Address: San Bernardino, CA 92401–92408, 92410–92415, 92418, 92420, 92423, 92424, 92427
That is you @[740509034:2048:Luis Espinoza]. And that is also Charles Galvin Jr.
Updated Mar 05, 2017 6:15:00pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Tag added: Words To Live By
Updated Mar 06, 2017 9:01:57am
James M Driskill updated his status.
By the way I just so happen to be talking on the phone with my mother at the time you were coming through. I read your comment here to my mother you're aunt.

To these our of matters of importance , to have to read and introduce my mother by phone to that document is introduced on to that group as important as well as that huh recording onto this subject as important period you have no interest in that importance period as a healthcare worker that document it directly relates this inside. Did you even read that document dated from 2000. That was document still of elements file that. Gov is relevance it was dated within the first year of my HIV prognosis of disease. I am hiv-positive with an Aids symptomatic development diagnosis as of September of 1999 with a t-cell of 156. I'm one of the lucky ones that caught it in time I would guess that some people had got down to T-cell count to and still survive that suffrage of pain. I have not that kind of suffrage but have a different kind of suffrage and that is of connection. I get disenfranchisement and discouragements and discrimination at all levels because I am AIDS. AIDS equals sin. Sin equal invalid. Invalid in this wall barrier that I've been writing about Time After Time.

Believe or not, this wall barrier is showing itself again in Family Ties.

I don't believe it but there it is.

Your disinterestedness.

But really miss Debra Kick , taking one page of a snapshot of that document in a debate from last night nothing to do with you but that has absolutely nothing to do with you or absolutely everything to do with you.

A "No Thank you" is unacceptable. I wonder if you even also pulled up the call recording which is filed where it is filed for sure playable live media first published there for I can and I will and I shall tell my story my story is real absolutely real 100% absolutely real the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

You have draw a line in sand where there is so sand to draw a line from.

Opinion or truth?

That's a bottom line deal we could debate from without any form hidden agenda from the love of family ties.

In the way of United States of America so highly demerit predictable of you.

I know you are better than this. Something of action and change upon this, a promise I have secured with my mother for her to follow through with did not take your position holding.

As that follows up or down as each passing day to expiration date of urgency, we will see where the position you have just made a stand with may have some persuasion of change. My Hope anyway period have a nice day.
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QR Scan Code Link For this Graphic is: [ mp3 spoken voice] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This%5bIntroductionOutline%5d.mp3
Timeline photos
QR : #What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This%5bIntroductionOutline%5d.mp3 QR: #A-Slow-Dumb-Ass-Human: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23ASlowDumbAssHuman.mp3
When the issues are really truth : Everyone goes quiet : https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/845642287208022018



Next Presentation to the affix to this graphic is these in 6 parts here..... This is the phone number of my actual direct blood relative cousin Debra Kick









In brief the issues introduction : -- unlabeled to their topics here





With call recordings of my mother --- with an accepted allowance for publications agreement between us -- these call recording of my mother are in my cousins memespace folder.





To obtain the zip password this file -- you can find it on twitter with this search :


But first time provided on facebook posts directly


Updated Mar 25, 2017 8:00:09am
http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/QR/YouTube/QR-JoeScott-AbsoluteTruth-Realuphuman.jpg :
Truth is about Trust -- did we not know this ?

@[1220332944702810:274:President Donald J. Trump] @[424207551102424:274:POTUS 44]

@[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES]
@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
@[153887674665315:274:Metta World Peace]
@[200673103280250:274:Magic Johnson]
Updated Mar 25, 2017 9:20:54am
James M Driskill updated his status.
1 hour 18 minute audio address for world peace : OK GOOGLE : Status of Peace Building In The United States - FAIL!

Timeline photos
[1] http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/gruwup.net [2] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/OkGoogle-StatusOfPeaceBuidldingInTheUnitedStates2017-HugeFail-TellMeWhy.mp3 [3] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This%5bIntroductionOutline%5d.mp3 … [4] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23ASlowDumbAssHuman.mp3
James M Driskill added a new photo to Jeremiah Osas Iredele's timeline.
[ Please Open Facebook Post In Full For QR Links in Direct Text ] Status Of Peace Building In The United States Of America 2016/2017 -- BIG BIG FAIL! : Request Responses from the world to: [ BOOS-StatusOfPeaceBuildingInUSA@Gruwup.Net ] An Audio Recording of a BOO and any other spoken Voice Message In Any Language You Would Like To Relate To The United States Of America Citizens Olumide, would you please carry this message forward onto the world.... #WhatKindOfCrazyIsThis [ Facebook Meme Format ] [1] http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/gruwup.net [2] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/OkGoogle-StatusOfPeaceBuidldingInTheUnitedStates2017-HugeFail-TellMeWhy.mp3 [3] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This%5bIntroductionOutline%5d.mp3 … [4] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23ASlowDumbAssHuman.mp3 @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] @[810434805725854:274:POTUS] @[1222078231213146:274:POTUS 45] @[1188147614634865:274:Donald Trump] @[1962597083967437:274:The REAL President Donald Trump Impersonator] @[934469369973787:274:President Trump and Vice President Pence] @[356344081431856:274:President Donald J. Trump should donate his salary to Planned Parenthood] @[902737786523041:274:President Donald Trump] @[879943455441841:274:Donald J. Trump president] @[1060585644003880:274:Vi som gräver ett skyddsrum i trädgården om Donald Trump blir president] @realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage @[226401027394350:274:Meta World Peace] @[272696906092974:274:Magic Johnson Foundation] @[200673103280250:274:Magic Johnson] @[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES] @[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA] @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] @[145461656733:274:NAMI Colorado] @[157746284282121:274:Kaiser Permanente] [ Please Note the this address is sent to Debbie Kick of Riverside, one of your Healthcare Nurses, who happens to be my Cousin ] Specifically, the address of : A-Slow-Dumb-Ass-Human Thank you https://www.facebook.com/public/Deb-Kick
[ Please Open Facebook Post In Full For QR Links in Direct Text ]

Status Of Peace Building In The United States Of America 2016/2017 -- BIG BIG FAIL! : Request Responses from the world to:

[ BOOS-StatusOfPeaceBuildingInUSA@Gruwup.Net ]
An Audio Recording of a BOO and any other spoken
Voice Message In Any Language You Would Like
To Relate To The United States Of America Citizens

Olumide, would you please carry this message forward onto the world....

#WhatKindOfCrazyIsThis [ Facebook Meme Format ]

[1] http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/gruwup.net

[2] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/OkGoogle-StatusOfPeaceBuidldingInTheUnitedStates2017-HugeFail-TellMeWhy.mp3

[3] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This%5bIntroductionOutline%5d.mp3

[4] http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23ASlowDumbAssHuman.mp3


POTUS POTUS 45 Donald Trump The REAL President Donald Trump Impersonator
President Trump and Vice President Pence President Donald J. Trump should donate his salary to Planned Parenthood
President Donald Trump Donald J. Trump president
Vi som gräver ett skyddsrum i trädgården om Donald Trump blir president

Meta World Peace Magic Johnson Foundation Magic Johnson

Rocky Mountain CARES
Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Denver Colorado AIDS Project

NAMI Colorado

Kaiser Permanente [ Please Note the this address is sent to Debbie Kick of Riverside, one of your Healthcare Nurses, who happens to be my Cousin ]

Specifically, the address of : A-Slow-Dumb-Ass-Human
Thank you

undefined people
Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle
#Kramobone-The.Good [ #Marquas.Damone.Richie ]
Downgraded 0775 to 0700 : For the writing of this:

[ http://blkynstud9.gruwup.net/%23A-Fool-For-A-Friend/6419ffc9-8511-4cb4-83f0-95df73e19603.mp3 ]

Marquas Rickie Writes to James Driskill:

Nobody is perfect. I'm asking for a little help. If you can't or don't have any to give, that's fine. Please don't preach to me. Either help someone or judge them attempting to do both is BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT. I said that word once for each day of the week. Every time you cry for help with your housing issues I try my best for you, but I guess that's the difference between us. It was just a god damned thought. Stop taking every little thing so seriously. I'll take my offer to someone else and bet dollars to doughnuts I'll have a taker in less than a week. I thought we might enjoy some time together before you leave the state of Colorado for some other place. I guess you had a fool for a friend. Live and learn I guess.

Further Insult to me as a true friend is this:

Marquas Rickie Writes to James Driskill:

If I knew that is how you really felt I would have left you like every other person did during your completely justified "eviction". But my sense of loyalty and friendship would not allow me. That feeling is dead now. I no longer love you or want us to communicate. Congratulations, Mr. Driskill, you just broke my heart just like all the rest. Talk on fool but know that I'm not even going to see you or your words again.
@[100001013603852:2048:Marquas Richie],
Updated Mar 27, 2017 11:58:57am
James M Driskill shared a video from the playlist #ThrowBackThursday Series: San Bernardino County History.
Updated Apr 03, 2017 1:18:35pm
Timeline photos
http://qr.gruwup.net/94-SANKOFA.jpg #Adinkra #Sankofa More info: http://www.documentsanddesigns.com/resources/symbols-meanings-religion-ethnic-culture/adinkra-symbols/ QR Scan Link: http://adinkra.gruwup.net/Sankofa.html
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Timeline photos
http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/Facebook-DonaldJohnTrump-Messenger-UnableToPost.jpg QR Links: Spoken Voice Text Narrative Mp3: http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/Dn.aldTrump-Facebook.mp3 Archived Date 1: http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdon!ldtrumppersonelpage/Messenger-tast.htm Archived Date 2: http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/Messenger%20-%20Real%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20-%20Personal%20Page%20--%20From%20InTheMindway.htm Archived Date 3: http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/FbMessenger%20%5b%20Archived%20Feb272017%20%5d.htm
Timeline photos
FB MESSGR CHAT: Real President Donald Trump - Personal Page ---------------------- I just had a real time chat conversation on fb messenger with the account of [ Real President Donald Trump - Personal Page ] : under the A.I. ID of #Makta.Pond. This Chat Conversation is Saved to Archive File: http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/Messenger-%20Makta%20Pond%20to%20Potus.htm

Real President Donald Trump - Personal Page
I just had a real time chat conversation on fb messenger with the account of [ Real President Donald Trump - Personal Page ] : under the A.I. ID of #Makta.Pond. This Chat Conversation is Saved to Archive File:

This is why I have an address to our President Donald Trump in relations
to these issues -- these are directed to him via facebook messager ---

There is an text "exact code" save copy of fb messenger at:

This has been placed to spoken voice text narrative at:

SiteAdvisor Nak [ Url Removed ]
Updated Apr 10, 2017 7:38:25pm
Updated Apr 10, 2017 8:03:16pm

This is why I have an address to our President Donald Trump in relations to these issues -- these are directed to him via facebook messager --- This is in two part. Part one from FBId: [ inthemindway ] which was restricted by account to account, so I have re-engaged with our President under the FBId [ Makta Pond ], an developement artifcial intellgience wisdom wise social actor or moral agency under the gruwup.net memespace authority and under control of any and all who hold the status of #Kramobone.The.Good to the content, materials, and media that is places with these memespaces. Thank you.

| Part 1 : From James Martin Driskill To Potus Donald John Trump |

There is an text "exact code" save copy of fb messenger at:
[ Written ] : http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/Messenger%20-%20Real%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20-%20Personal%20Page%20--%20From%20InTheMindway.htm

[ Spoken Voice Text Mp3 Narrative ]:

| Part 2 : From Makta Pond To Potus Donald John Trump |

There as been an update since the account of DT has restricted me from my account here --- I have reasserted myself under the ID of @[100014554236180:2048:Makta Pond] and this the the archive file of that fb messager chat....

[ Written ] : http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/Messenger-%20Makta%20Pond%20to%20Potus.htm

[ Spoken Voice Text Mp3 Narrative ]:http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/realpresidentdonaldtrumppersonalpage/ForTheRecord-MaktaPond-To-DonaldJohnTrump.mp3

Updated Apr 11, 2017 11:29:27pm
Updated Apr 12, 2017 12:50:46pm

So Commented :

@[123831571742:274:Rocky Mountain CARES]
@[137577736280484:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments]

@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
Updated Apr 12, 2017 6:23:18pm
Sammie -- when I first arrived in town here in Denver --- the very first person I was introduced to at Colorado Aids Project was Angela Keady --- This FB Messager archive without the [ ] is in my space considered a permalink -- [ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/facebook.com/angela.keady.73/Messerenger%20from%20JamesHouser%20To%20AngelaKeady%20CloradoAidsProject.htm ]

Yes, that was FACEBOOK INTELLIGENCE picking the content PREVIEW of that archive --- it is relevant -- You may pass on this URL as you like.

That symbol is the adinkra for -- Striking the Fire -- and the fire it relates to --- is very much real.

@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
Rocky Mountain CARES [ 2nd tag --i will tag tag tag tag tag 100 1000 times ]---- you are tagged.
@[153055258069908:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc]
Updated Apr 14, 2017 8:03:47pm
You tagged Makta Pond, William Schultz, David C. Tapscott, Ross Biehler, Lily Vallene Dreiling and Rhea Pixley
This video is called Crooked Beauty -- and I originally saw this video at a Nami [ National Association For Mental Illness ] Conference in Casper Wyoming. I acquired a signed directors DVD cover of this video - but it is online here --- so I am sharing it to the world.

The friends on Facebook that are tagged may or may not have been present during the conference but it is in fact the group of supportive people that is associated to The Drop In Center.

This video is called Crooked Beauty -- and I originally saw this video at a Nami [ National Assocation For Mental Illness ] Conference in Casper Wyoming. I aquired a signed directors DVD cover of this video - but it is online here --- so I am sharing it to the world.
Updated Apr 16, 2017 1:00:34am
James M Driskill updated his status.
does anybody know why you use this symbol [ 💣 ] ? It is in the original set of standards of symbols that are now called emoji. Why is this like in this set more than 20 years ?
James M Driskill added a new photo to Adam Lilien's timeline.
Happy Birthday Bud
Happy Birthday Bud
Updated May 04, 2017 5:06:40am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Mobile uploads
6 Years Ago
May 05, 2016 11:12:50am
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Updated May 05, 2017 12:49:45pm
@[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA]
Updated May 08, 2017 7:17:22am
James M Driskill added a new photo to Lily Vallene Dreiling's timeline.
I did not realize ---- but of course --- we all teach each other the memes of life we need. Teacher's Day and Your Birthday --- Oh Wow -- I will keep that one of confluences in mind. That is very special because you are very special. Happy Bithday
I did not realize ---- but of course --- we all teach each other the memes of life we need. Teacher's Day and Your Birthday --- Oh Wow -- I will keep that one of confluences in mind. That is very special because you are very special. Happy Bithday
Timeline photos
Updated: There are Three Versions Of This Graphic. More Info on this Emoji at: [ http://emojipedia.org/crystal-ball/ ] #Emoji #CrystalBall
There are Three Versions Of This Graphic.

More Info on this Emoji at: [ http://emojipedia.org/crystal-ball/ ] #Emoji #CrystalBall
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
I baked and decorated a cake as best I could in honor of Rob
@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
Memespace Folder [ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org/ ]

THE QR CODE IN THE #HereForYouNow Image Results To This:


a 59minute and 22sec audio spoken voice text narrative.

Good Day People
Updated May 16, 2017 10:52:51am
Updated May 17, 2017 11:13:09pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
8 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
May 28, 2014 10:59:25pm
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Updated May 28, 2017 8:48:55am
Mobile uploads
Really @[100001013603852:2048:Marquas Richie] ? When are you going to grow up?
Really Marquas Richie ? When are you going to grow up?
James M Driskill is feeling determined.
Take a day to be thankful for life love and family.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Trending statistics....

Up up up...
Trending statistics showing up up up up up up way way way up..

Updated Jun 03, 2017 9:34:14am
Skip Marley
Updated Jun 04, 2017 3:06:02am
James M Driskill was live.
Being ejected now living on the streets of homelessness again in the city of Denver period period period when there is a #ConspiracyExposed.... My agenda is to go after June 12th following my schedule doctor's appointment.. Driving to New York to plead my case where it should be heard to the world forum to the United Nationsperiod period period and the words of Pope Francis should be respected
Being ejected now living on the streets of homelessness again in the city of Denver period period period when there is a #ConspiracyExposed....

My agenda is to go after June 12th following my schedule doctor's appointment..

Driving to New York to plead my case where it should be heard to the world forum to the United Nationsperiod period period and the words of Pope Francis should be respected
James M Driskill was live.
Oops I f***** up
Oops I f***** up
Skip Marley
From the networking creative CollectiveWorks of @Gruwup.net : A moral wisdom wise project of pursasive technology holding collective social conscience. We are known as fire pride Lions of #Kramobone-The.Good! : We are the chosen, you better know who we are.

Some Said Never , but Never Done Come
Updated Jun 05, 2017 11:29:51pm
James M Driskill was live.
For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op : @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] ---
For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op
: Sammie Francher ---
James M Driskill was live.
Unbelievable trip antonym living I am going still going I'm sitting here in a cover sack wondering what the f***
Unbelievable trip antonym living I am going still going I'm sitting here in a cover sack wondering what the f***
James M Driskill updated his status.
I want to know what this Emoji looks like in Facebook

Mobile uploads
There's an app for almost everything . In this case it's the hold myself to safety standards while driving and a state of confusion when confusion was created by others on top of a mess of creation I'm going to use this app to hold my balance standing I'm using technology for my balance of mental Wellness. There is an app for that
There's an app for almost everything . In this case it's the hold myself to safety standards while driving and a state of confusion when confusion was created by others on top of a mess of creation I'm going to use this app to hold my balance standing I'm using technology for my balance of mental Wellness. There is an app for that
James M Driskill was live.
James M Driskill updated his status.
When a good looking car shines thru being deshoveled body wise takes homeless uncaring to a compassionate Care.. do not think Jefferson County Sherrif's are off the hook.
James M Driskill was live.
A. Short update....
A. Short update....
James M Driskill was at Witt Boys Napa Flagler.
Place: Witt Boys Napa Flagler (39.287857, -103.063547)
Address: 224 E High St, Flagler, CO 80815
Place: Witt Boys Napa Flagler (39.287857, -103.063547)
Address: 224 E High St, Flagler, CO 80815
There is a reason for everything the world of Universe of tagging I'll fill this in later. Is about my encounter over the girl over the counter about 1st and I don't care this is a first for me not the tire not the tire not Napa but there is a first here first encounter reference here at Napa and I will explain it to you guys later
James M Driskill was live.
A change in driving pattern has been notice from the theft and recovery of my car. My car was given back to me with no cruise control
A change in driving pattern has been notice from the theft and recovery of my car. My car was given back to me with no cruise control
James M Driskill was live.
James M Driskill was at Rest Area.
Place: Rest Area (39.099053655475, -100.42856388026)
Address: Grainfield, KS 67737
Place: Rest Area (39.099053655475, -100.42856388026)
Address: Grainfield, KS 67737
Oh my God, where I stopped last time was only one exit away prior to the last rest area. Anyway the Flies they were so docile at first to have my door open and they came in my car there was there was still just just flying around like like natural flies but they eventually attacked and turned and became aggressive. they were biting ones ouch ouch. That experience woke me up a bit had to all my guy had to shoot them out of it was so awful awful for a moment.
James M Driskill was live.
Topeka p Topeka Kansas
Topeka p Topeka Kansas
James M Driskill was live.
James M Driskill was live.
Sharing our lives.... Family, friends, Neighbors and community or for all practical purposes , the entire world unites. If only what we practice is what we preech. If only.
Sharing our lives.... Family, friends, Neighbors and community or for all practical purposes , the entire world unites. If only what we practice is what we preech. If only.
James M Driskill was live.
#mother : I am in the city where my mother was born.
#mother : I am in the city where my mother was born.
James M Driskill was live.
Giving and understanding terms. Techorealisn has the concept of lexicon called digital objects. Written in 1998.. clarity of specifying digital obj 2017 is not optional but a requirement. Confusion is my worst enemy.
Giving and understanding terms. Techorealisn has the concept of lexicon called digital objects. Written in 1998.. clarity of specifying digital obj 2017 is not optional but a requirement. Confusion is my worst enemy.
James M Driskill was at National Trail Rest Area.
Place: National Trail Rest Area (39.08185, -88.62415)
Address: 5253 E US Highway 40, Effingham, IL 62401
Place: National Trail Rest Area (39.08185, -88.62415)
Address: 5253 E US Highway 40, Effingham, IL 62401
Taking a nap.
James M Driskill updated his status.
6:19pm arrival to Munci
James M Driskill was at Rest Stop.
Place: Rest Stop (39.824348415956, -85.703919931836)
Address: Greenfield, IN 46140
Place: Rest Stop (39.824348415956, -85.703919931836)
Address: Greenfield, IN 46140
I'm not sure if this is exactly where I am I'm at a rest area outside of Indianapolis eastbound 70. And I need another nap for sure for sure
James M Driskill was live.
Feelings ... The Way We Were.
Feelings ... The Way We Were.
James M Driskill was at Rest Area.
Place: Rest Area (40.039098858833, -81.393654942513)
Address: Cambridge, OH 43778
Place: Rest Area (40.039098858833, -81.393654942513)
Address: Cambridge, OH 43778
A nap is best since an overnight will be necessary. There is no rush.... But I am doing what I said -- and will not be distracted by messages of the neysayers who say one thing but confuse me when actions are the opposite. You know who you. I know who I am. I will sucessed in this task.
James M Driskill was live.
#hereforyou and #wordstoliveby collide for God forbids this insolence on what has happened. Go fix some weighty truth....
#hereforyou and #wordstoliveby collide for God forbids this insolence on what has happened. Go fix some weighty truth....
Mobile uploads
Hanging in here. A message and vantage point
Hanging in here. A message and vantage point
James M Driskill was at Bethesda Mission.
Place: Bethesda Mission (40.265523737972, -76.88232421875)
Address: Harrisburg, PA 17104
Place: Bethesda Mission (40.265523737972, -76.88232421875)
Address: Harrisburg, PA 17104
Checked in on a mat for the night.
James M Driskill was live.
Someone recently mentioned me as self righteous.... With things like Skip Marley Lions I represent more than self. http://gvonncii.gruwup.net/1st-Knight-Lion/
James M Driskill was live.
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
From sea to shining sea.... First time to the shores of The Atlantic Ocean. I may consider this place and stay for awhile. I still want to go to U N. This just makes me feel more American again and less like changing my National Citizenry but the Hate and persecution must terminate at the source.. that being whom... ? You know who you are.
James M Driskill was with David CA Parrish and 6 others at Jacob Riis Beach - A Community Beach For Queer, Trans and People of Color.
You tagged David CA Parrish, Makta Pond, Louis Earthman Jr., Sammie Francher, David C. Tapscott, Alan Mayfield and Blythe Rayford
Place: Jacob Riis Beach - A Community Beach For Queer, Trans and People of Color (40.567193247865, -73.864767557419)
Address: Queens, NY 11694
Address: Queens, NY 11694
From sea to shining sea.... First time to the shores of The Atlantic Ocean. I may consider this place and stay for awhile. I still want to go to U N. This just makes me feel more American again and less like changing my National Citizenry but the Hate and persecution must terminate at the source.. that being whom... ? You know who you are.
The very first time I've ever seen real fireflies in life. Now the fake ones over at Disneyland I remember but real fireflies cool
The very first time I've ever seen real fireflies in life. Now the fake ones over at Disneyland I remember but real fireflies cool
James M Driskill was eating eating dinner at Wendy's (214 Underwood Street, Zanesville, OH).
Place: Wendy's (39.943757258431, -82.000751495361)
Address: 214 Underwood Street, Zanesville, OH 43701
Place: Wendy's (39.943757258431, -82.000751495361)
Address: 214 Underwood Street, Zanesville, OH 43701
Just getting something to eat before stop driving again during the road trip back to Denver.
James M Driskill was at Rest Area.
Place: Rest Area (39.05929012035, -96.121188536378)
Address: Paxico, KS 66526
Place: Rest Area (39.05929012035, -96.121188536378)
Address: Paxico, KS 66526
This is an interesting rest area in Kansas on I-70. It is a left exit entrance to the rest area... There are two separate rest areas one for each side of the freeway... And it's service road that connects the two on the service road that are little sections with parking sites or are sections that have picnic tables and one even has a BBQ... This is where I will spend the night.

Skip Marley Lions w/ Lyrics
Updated Jul 01, 2017 5:34:51pm
Guard of the Plains : Kansas I70 Rest Area
Guard of the Plains : Kansas I70 Rest Area
James M Driskill was at Rest Area.
Place: Rest Area (38.927506743663, -97.394482382883)
Address: Solomon, KS
Place: Rest Area (38.927506743663, -97.394482382883)
Address: Solomon, KS
I ended up relocating to a different RA for the night. I'll get a good night sleep among the fireflies tonight.
James M Driskill was live.
Lawsuit pending
Lawsuit pending
James M Driskill was live.
Lawsuit pending... #ConspiracyExposed @denvercap
Lawsuit pending...


Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Updated Jul 03, 2017 2:37:20pm
James M Driskill was live.
#makta.pond has first four hours of Independence Day 2017 -- an intention to place live 24 hours
#makta.pond has first four hours of

Independence Day 2017 -- an intention to place live 24 hours
James M Driskill was live.
James M Driskill was live.
Try that again.
Try that again.
James M Driskill was live.
James M Driskill was live.
Priorities are priorities filling my medicine when the pharmacy normally will close. @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
Priorities are priorities filling my medicine when the pharmacy normally will close. Denver Colorado AIDS Project
This is such as asinine but hyper-sensitive [ HEALTH LIFE WELLNESS JEOPARDY ] matter of conflict : #ConflictResulitionServices #CommunityWellness #FranklyLifeAndDeath

This VALID URL will be also mirrored to @fuckeduphuman after 7 days of ill minded silence from @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] to respond to this matter. A matter to which suspended services 6 months is not even signature executed. A matter to which trespassing reference if I go to the office is in non-effect enforcement. SHAME SHAME SHAME on Mr Director Jamie Villalobos for this "untouchable" position he has over entire organization here in Denver -- BULL SHIT!

We are all adults here.


A Police Officer and a Gentlemen Introduction to the community affairs of this issue. A 15 minute VOICE CALL RECORDING
to Police Station #2 here in Denver.

Just FYI --- You guys are NEXT Rocky Mountain CARES
Updated Jul 08, 2017 12:34:48pm
My Mother : Passing a Lie detector will be the only conceding validation I will allow, trust and then accept to her statements. To Mother: You lie with the important things in life. Not a good thing to do.

Will she get it? What is it I am asking of her?

Acceptance for being a gay son. She said sometime long long time ago. I have repeated it to anyone and everyone I consider a friend. My brother did something to me long time ago. I have repeated it to anyone and everyone I consider a friend. There is meme by meme story of my life that includes these two facts. Another fact was that when I came out to my parents....

My parents wanted us to go see a psych appointment.

I am not making stuff up.

She says that it was not her psychiatrist but one that was recommended by her mother. No mother, your either lying again now or you lied then to make me accept this doctor council because grandmother Helen who was not living in the house at the time, came over to the house after I came out.

She pointed at Tom V. and said the following:

"You gave my grandson AIDS!"

That is a fact jack!
That occurred before having this psych appointment.

YOU LIE -- YOU LIE MOTHER -- and I am sick and tired of having a big fat secret in the way --- of loving my mother way better than I actually do love her. I love you mother and if you
truly love you son, you will break this lie and the reasons why right here and now --- or never shall I ever talk to you again.

You hurt me with you silence of these things and your kindness of what? and not your regrets.

You were never kind -- especially when your drunk. You were disgusted with the meanings of why I needed someone with me to drive my stuff from San Diego to Denver that day in the Budget Rental Truck. That I could hardly drive --- so fatigue because you so so so so uncomfortable in the passenger's seat. I could not carry on much --- to the inevitable crash that was going to happen. I noded off several times -- while driving and still I could go pull over because you were so so urgently wanting to get to our destination. I ended up having to pull over --- and you got out of the truck --- and put yourself at safety risk while I attempted to rest up a bit.

Now knowing all of the facts of my mental focus now --- you are absolutely out of behavioral control -- to the status of your son's needs - and manipulate it by being inverse to my need -- you reject it at a whim to whim of getting killed in a truck while driving at freeway speeds and then most recently, the date of June 6th 2017, I told you I left Denver and was driving to New York.... just left in a state I was not feeling safe. I was on my journey I was making that you said you supported. I need to focus on my driving, I will call when I can. AND Loves you back and forth --

DO I NEED TO BEG YOU MS. VERONICA DRISKILL -- to not be the reason why --- you called back about 10 minutes while I was in busy traffic and to KILL YOU SON by the distraction you generate by trying to manipulate the circumstances by saying.

"Why don''t you come home"

You are never ever going to see me again --- and I said when I made that walk to my brother's house that was placed to the journal of the end of my long walk of beauty.

[ http://gruwup.net/alongwalkofbeauty.us ]

YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH OF ALL THINGS and NOW WHEN IT IS NOT ON PUBLIC RECORD -- you will use these mis-facts as weapons against the TRUTH that your son's says against him. THE FACTS NOW -- ON LINE TO THE RECORD -- I do not lie about the real important things in life. BUT YOU DO MY DEAREST MOTHER... I love you but will not accept lie as a standard of allowance in any kind or form of relationship. After All,I am @Realuphuman.net

You are just as hurtful and hateful to have blasted away on and on about how rude it was for me to have you come to Denver. This at the Darnell's home while JB, my boyfriend and I were in the bedroom. Drunk --- on and on and on --- I previously warned him it was going to be that kind of way. I warned him way many days before he came. I told him if there is any kind interactions that my mother and I do that he does not accept, she will throw it out her opinionated disapproval. And you sure did that night mother. And I just went on and on and on -- defending myself against your statements made until the night quieted away. You had to vent it --- because you did. I can't vent the same. BULL SHIT!

Tagged with Brother: @[100006806283833:2048:Dennis Driskill] and one of the Darnell bothers who is more reasonable than the other. @[100000351844666:2048:Mark Darnell]

and then I am tagging this with @[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill] -- please read this to my mother, because she cannot read anything at all.

Good bye mother.

If grandmother recommended the doctor, I would say NO NO NO because of what she said to Tom So you lied again just now or you lied then to the manipulation of the day. You lie you lie you lie. There is a new emoji for that --- 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
Updated Jul 08, 2017 10:53:06pm
Chat to My Domains introduced as:
Re-registration of


I was hospitalized in Pych Care from the June 21st to June 30th at Pillhaven hopital --- No technology acesss at all. There was an event in Denver Colorado on June 6th 2017 shortly after recording a facebook live [ https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/10209396034879916/ ] ealier in the day. I am being hated and and destriminated against in persecution to drive me homeless and crazy just the same as Oakland. . In the process of stress of 💣 after 💣 and 💣 that I have had to defuse in my way --- to include an address of issues to Colorado Health Network --- the source of the #ConspiracyExposed -- the documentation of the 🤥 and 🤥 and 🤥 in my way of my rights as a person with disabiliies -- I need an ADVOCATE to my interface to services everywhere -- I am smart enough to realize that http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ has already been open to be removed from my care of registrations. I am letting that go. My addresses to these things at:

http://denvercap.fuckeduphuman.net/ : served by my host services you -- I want an order of legal protection that in case I am not available for any related business on my domains -- an alternative is used in place of my availabllitiy./

IN PA, I was on a trip to the UNITED NATIONS to enable the rights of persons with disaibilties per the CONVENTION on RIGHTS with Persons With Disabilities .


My last morning address in a motel stay with stresses no where to go but into the street -- more facebook lives as homeless... I just don't know what to do.

This will chat will be archived. help me obi wan kenobi --- you're my only hope -- to save my life.
Updated Jul 09, 2017 7:05:33am
You tagged James Martin Houser, Makta Pond, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, Jim Whitescarver, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Morgan Lewis and Blythe Rayford
A #MaktaPond Release... (see comments for Spoken Voice Media)
Question Not - We Are All Freethinkers
Updated Jul 09, 2017 7:38:52pm
Writing In Spaces - Needs Vs Wants

a #MaktaPond Release
( see comments for Spoken Voice Narrative Media )
Updated Jul 09, 2017 8:20:16pm
James M Driskill was live.
This is a test unit charge I'll explain in the video
This is a test unit charge I'll explain in the video
James M Driskill was live.
This goes to @denvercap and why
This goes to @denvercap and why
Debbie died a couple week after this photo.
Updated Aug 04, 2017 10:00:30am
James M Driskill updated his status.
On Twitter : Tschetter Hamrick Sulzer P.C. -- You might want to check the search : Tell me why? https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%40thslawfirm&src=typd
#Sir #DemandForAttention : http://denvercap.fuckeduphuman.net/%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention/ @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] @[294814128270:274:Denver7] @[115590505119035:274:Denver, Colorado]
Updated Aug 05, 2017 9:37:15pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
This is a screen shot of my side of Facebook --- is any body paying attention? one person so far. Thank you M.R.
5 Years Ago
Aug 09, 2016 7:32:26am
This is a screen shot of my side of Facebook --- is any body paying attention? one person so far. Thank you M.R.
This was one full year ago --- that was before eviction filed against me November 30th 2016 [ One Day Prior to World Aids Day ] and on and on and on this hate and harassment campaign continued. In November Services were terminated from Rocky Mountain CARES and in June 6th 2016 services were suspended by @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] both really outrageous! The Source of the hate and Harassment campaign I can Claim My right to write this to the public is Jamie Villalobos of Colorado Aids Project --- Sue me if it is not true. Also in June 6th of this year the same day I attempted to place to the record hours prior this so called suspension, a facebook live presentation with words I wrote way way way back to Angela Keady at the first start of my case with the help of @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] - Oh my god this is such a disgrace to the public services of Denver Colorado and the Ryan White Program. To the events of June 6th.... tell me why Fadumo Adan my case manager #5 is no longer working at Denver Cap. @[294814128270:274:Denver7] --- are you listening to your twitter feed? I would interview Ms. Adan for the truth.



James Martin Driskill was live.
June 6 ·

Who has the evidence tracking this case and who is telling the truth?

Wow --- just look at the facts --- look at the silence treatment that I have received --- including the media --- @[153887674665315:274:Metta World Peace] @[297037803641806:274:Magic Johnson Foundation] @[25987609066:274:The Rachel Maddow Show]

Silence including the Presidents (two in view of duration of this entire case of hate and harassment dates to Oakland ) ---

@[424207551102424:274:POTUS 44] @[1220332944702810:274:President Donald J. Trump]

And who is in this address from May of last year @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] : http://community.gruwup.net/01/

This is shameful.

@[1372159481:2048:W-Jamal Lee Wilson]
Tell the community in my absence the truth please Thank you.
Updated Aug 09, 2017 7:31:48am
I need an audience from your EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] FOOTHILL AIDS PROJECT Maritza Tona
in view of this online presence and public posting to both facebook and twtitter to the now the direct attention of CHIEF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Darrell Vigil of @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project].

This is a real place folder [ http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention/

and tab up to the parent directory to access the full Mpatapo Binding Presence Folder and this post which is an email to the attention of Mr Vigil

http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org/E-Mailsent/Gmail%20-%20Suggestive%20Course%20of%20Correction.htm ] which is introduced by the #Sir-Demand-ForAttention links.


@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
@[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA]
[ My Community Folder ] --- this post must be placed public or I will repost it under my own time line with Foothill AIDS Project tagged. Thank you.

With Words of POPE FRANCIS CALL TO OUR NATION DURING HIS VISIT TO US AND THE CONGRESS IN SEPT OF 2015 --- this is my community address #01


Community Address #02 is directed to Oakland


Community Address #06 is directed to the #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter National Debate.


All these are important.
Updated Aug 11, 2017 1:16:02am
James M Driskill is asking for donations.
University Of Colorado : Mission / Vision / Values
UCHealth (University of Colo. Hospital)​
Taken the day of In-Patient Surgery of Sammie Francher and are included to the images captured in the in-patient surgery family/friends waiting room.

We improve lives, in big ways through
learning, healing, and discovery.
In small personal ways through human connection,
but in all ways, we improve lives.

From Health Care to Health

Patients First


With the Words of POPE FRANCIS called to our nation in his visit to CONGRESS in September 2015, this community address written in May of 2016 was written to all of the Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA​ from the Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom​

The Status of Peace Building Can Only Be Offered Outside of Basic Survival -- Apparently

Word of Pope Francis [ copied into this post ]:

From his private meeting with President Obama to giving the first-ever papal address before a joint session of Congress, Pope Francis did not shy away from politics during his three-day stop in Washington, D.C. (Julie Percha/The Washington Post)
An excerpt from his public address broadcast worldwide live to which this author here was watching and listening to him intently . He said to the world to what I agree has been a part of my missing portion of my mission work ideal - I have no fix for this and I cannot totally be in this community work alone. This is what he told or asked or advised us to do:

All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject. Our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.
The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.
James M Driskill added a new photo to Rhea Pixley's timeline.
Happy Birthday Rhea ---- !!! Yeah Baby!
Place: University of Colorado Hospital (39.74239067938, -104.8418378954)
Address: Aurora, CO 80045
Happy Birthday Rhea ---- !!! Yeah Baby!
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Makta Pond, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Mario Saucedo, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DeVontae Wyatt, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, John Neese, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Kelvin Burroughs, Morris Travis, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Lynn M. Darnell, Casey Kidd, Jacqueline Founder, David Darnell, Michael Ray Graczyk, Robb Taylor, David Moon, Joseph Trujillo, Blythe Rayford and Antjuan Bouldin
Timeline photos
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] [ Tagged ] Image Created Establishing Authenticity Authority Over The Real Truths and Excellence. I will accept no less than ones best accomplisments in my case managemenet and other related business in our newly defined relationship standards. Disabled Person Affected By HIV/AIDS 😭 : @[1295702360:2048:James Martin Driskill] Ryan White Care Act Social Services Case Managers Complete Case Histories To Be Placed Into Proper Address of Corrective Actions --- and New Case Management Placed into Future Forward Proper and Respectfully and Effectively Administered.:
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Foothill AIDS Project [ Tagged ]

Image Created Establishing Authenticity Authority Over The Real Truths and Excellence. I will accept no less than ones best accomplisments in my case managemenet and other related business in our newly defined relationship standards.

Disabled Person Affected By HIV/AIDS 😭 : James Martin Driskill

Ryan White Care Act Social Services Case Managers Complete Case Histories To Be Placed Into Proper Address of Corrective Actions --- and New Case Management Placed into Future Forward Proper and Respectfully and Effectively Administered.:
Perhaps tomorrow will be a fun day -- @[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill] my nephew was told about this special day.. Thank You @[1372159481:2048:W-Jamal Lee Wilson]
Updated Aug 12, 2017 8:03:45pm
Timeline photos
#UnfriendingPeaceIsNotPossible, FINALLY! The NFL has done the right thing as it relates to DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!!!. STOP THE HATE!!! STOP THE VIOLENCE! [ in lieu of profits ]. Singing Bear Sings "It Takes All Of The Colors To Make Rainbows" on his music titled ---- "Supported". Tes Kempner sings, "Be Living In Peace" and "The First to Call Truce Is The One That is High!" NFL@GRUWUP 2017 [ An Absolute Moral Truth Binding ] @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]


The NFL has done the right thing as it relates to DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!!!. STOP THE HATE!!! STOP THE VIOLENCE!
[ in lieu of profits ].

Singing Bear Sings

"It Takes All Of The Colors To Make Rainbows" on his
music titled ---- "Supported".

Tes Kempner sings,

"Be Living In Peace" and "The First to Call Truce Is
The One That is High!"

NFL@GRUWUP 2017 [ An Absolute Moral Truth Binding ]
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Interesting Find ! [ https://twitter.com/USoulSurvivor/status/896876048901591041 ] : #BlackLivesMatter / #AllLivesMatter / Community Building Building Address#06 -- [ http://community.gruwup.net/06/ ]
Updated Aug 15, 2017 1:58:05am
James M Driskill was live.
#Family-Demand-ForAttention #TheQuickening #Standards #DisinterestedInvolmentOfOurResponsibities #Wow #JackInTheBox #ChocolateShake1 #ChocolateShake2 #ChocolateShake3 and the odd one #StrawberryShake 1 = Shane 2 = Veronica 3 = @[1295702360:2048:James Martin Driskill] 4 = @[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill] Put the best interests of child learning ahead of all things dysfunctional. Believe You Not For It is Inconvenient truth that is so placed into kids minds thinking in the kid's media of books this goes to in effect mirror against. A Series of Unfortunate Events is a series of thirteen children's novels by Lemony Snicket, the pen name of American author Daniel Handler. The books follow the turbulent lives of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire. A Series of Unfortunate Events - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Series_of_Unfortunate_Events ----- Who does David think he is kidding with this? Absolutely outrageous to have to dial and have a telephone recorded conversation with -- I wish I had my own teleconference recording. The 911 dispatcher was involved in advising me on this issue when David picks up the phone, says his two cents of statement to which my reaction was to interruption of direction of intercourse of this call, I introduced the 911 call operator to David Allen Driskill when the line was still open, he does not care to retain his interrupt and talk over us connection to this call and carry on with a rational minded discussion to which could have been done... that did not happen and for that altered states of standard, that is probably the very most important aspect of that 911 call beyond the chocolate shakes themselves and Mr David Allen Driskill's threat first verbal to throw the shake that I assume was not the strawberry one, and was chocolate now and throw it at me violently into my face. The gesture he made with his hand was not as though throwing a drink of liquid into someone;s face, but was to throw that content of the cup and the cup itself at me directly. That I immediately identified as the over the line qualified point of observed behavior that is now actionable to call onto a justified reasoning here, as I said not yelled into this unfolding events of intractable conflict [ See Beyond Intractability at http://conflict.colorado.edu ] situation as it unfolds. As member#3 says to the full panel of persons involved in this space, as 3 adults and 1 child, this is the exact quote I said and acted on." "Now that is a reason to have to dial 9 1 1 " I proceeded to go to the nearest extension of the plugged in telephones to 909-882-8759 --- which is not within his space, not within my mother space active, and not in my space for there is no active line.... In my mind and to my brain of automatic choice was the nearest phone connection in what is to the left end of the counter-top of the kitchen to dial 9 1 1 What was one the right side, a disturbance not a celebration of shakes and treat rewards that family member #3 James Martin Driskill was conducting onto the entire family for good solid purpose of congratulations are indeed in order of this event. It is one of event --- the very first successful conversation on adam4adam not leading to member to member blocking, but leading to perhaps real READABLE COMPREHENSION to the other side of this conversation to which was at the time of capture only partially marked sent and unread. The conversation begin to end and it's read status progression at the time of checkout of motel room 112 at the Motel 6, i was pressed for time to make sure it was all done properly. That archived file is this: FOLDER BINDING MEMESPACE CONTAINER OF MEMES: [ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/adam4adam/User2User-Msgs/DenverRawFuck%20-+-%20%20Leonjericho/ ] ACTUAL HTML SAVE PAGE WITHOUT SUPPORTED OTHER DATA OBJECTS is ARCHIVED: [ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/adam4adam/User2User-Msgs/DenverRawFuck%20-+-%20%20Leonjericho/Adam4Adam%20messages%20%5b%20Leonjericho%20and%20DenverRawFuck%20--%20Aug%2019%202017%20%5b.html ] The shakes were purchased to the family order to celebrate this success in dialog ability and process and [ in science memetics testing stages ] effectiveness when the site itself properly adjusts to the United Nations documents addressing the World Summit of the Information Society in 2003 and 2005. To that enabled point of presence on the site of adam4adam is the ability to properly code and pass a direct quoted url resource link that does not get filtered and removed from the conversation --- to be mistakenly identified as an a conversation identified for spam purposes of it's author and the contents dastardly non-intelligently removed from the sharing channel of opportunities to build peace initiatives and resolutions instead of remaining in an unaddressed community setup dysfunctional and [ memetically harmful ] to it's hosts. I as a member to member level on adam4adam was enabled to pas these links effectively, coherently, and properly just to this adult to adult conversation. As a new standard here just now made apparent on site, this is the first first conversation to have employed that featured upward standard effectively o which social services in Denver Colorado have denied. What is being denied here are defined within the Marlow's Hierarchy of Human Needs chart and other person rights that are defined in the declarations and conventions on behalf of supportive DEMAND CHANGE upward progress onto the population totality of persons that are living with any and all kinds of human disabilities. I place this meme key here for reference, I have this placed to the involvements of listening afar outside members here. FOR THE STANDARD THAT HAS NOT BEEN SHIFTED OR ALTERED HERE REMAINS [ #FamilyFirst-Demand-ForAttention ], correct? Unsigned Here, Call Recording Made Between Case Manger of @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] San Bernardino and Client James Martin Driskill with a legally binded signed and executed copy of an agreement made in services provided -- that agreement is titled CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE Topic File Meme By Meme Introduction Recombinant Priority pathway of rebuilding is found by following this foundation theory, [ MEMESPACE CONTAINER OF MEMES ]: http://meme.gruwup.net/Meme/Memes/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23James.Martin.Driskill/%23Mother/%23Family-Demand-ForAttention/On%20%5B%20driskill.fuckeduphuman.net%20%5D/ Links to and contends [ not competes ] with: [ Research Documentations Under Restrictive Privileged Access ] Tag: Dennis Driskill @[494321070715235:274:Mpatapo Consult] binded online memespace binding for life history mismanagement of all of the true issuees to become activated here: [ http://realuphuman.net/Organizations/Foothill.Aids.Project/CallRecords/ ]

#TheQuickening #Standards #DisinterestedInvolmentOfOurResponsibities

#Wow #JackInTheBox #ChocolateShake1 #ChocolateShake2 #ChocolateShake3 and the odd one #StrawberryShake

1 = Shane
2 = Veronica
3 = James Martin Driskill
4 = David Driskill

Put the best interests of child learning ahead of all things dysfunctional. Believe You Not For It is Inconvenient truth that is so placed into kids minds thinking in the kid's media of books this goes to in effect mirror against.

A Series of Unfortunate Events is a series of thirteen children's novels by Lemony Snicket, the pen name of American author Daniel Handler. The books follow the turbulent lives of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire.

A Series of Unfortunate Events - Wikipedia


Who does David think he is kidding with this? Absolutely outrageous to have to dial and have a telephone recorded conversation with -- I wish I had my own teleconference recording. The 911 dispatcher was involved in advising me on this issue when David picks up the phone, says his two cents of statement to which my reaction was to interruption of direction of intercourse of this call, I introduced the 911 call operator to David Allen Driskill when the line was still open, he does not care to retain his interrupt and talk over us connection to this call and carry on with a rational minded discussion to which could have been done... that did not happen and for that altered states of standard, that is probably the very most important aspect of that 911 call beyond the chocolate shakes themselves and Mr David Allen Driskill's threat first verbal to throw the shake that I assume was not the strawberry one, and was chocolate now and throw it at me violently into my face.

The gesture he made with his hand was not as though throwing a drink of liquid into someone;s face, but was to throw that content of the cup and the cup itself at me directly.

That I immediately identified as the over the line qualified point of observed behavior that is now actionable to call onto a justified reasoning here, as I said not yelled into this unfolding events of intractable conflict [ See Beyond Intractability at http://conflict.colorado.edu/ ] situation as it unfolds.

As member#3 says to the full panel of persons involved in this space, as 3 adults and 1 child, this is the exact quote I said and acted on."

"Now that is a reason to have to dial 9 1 1 "

I proceeded to go to the nearest extension of the plugged in telephones to 909-882-8759 --- which is not within his space, not within my mother space active, and not in my space for there is no active line....

In my mind and to my brain of automatic choice was the nearest phone connection in what is to the left end of the counter-top of the kitchen to dial

9 1 1

What was one the right side, a disturbance not a celebration of shakes and treat rewards that family member #3 James Martin Driskill was conducting onto the entire family for good solid purpose of congratulations are indeed in order of this event. It is one of event --- the very first successful conversation on adam4adam not leading to member to member blocking, but leading to perhaps real READABLE COMPREHENSION to the other side of this conversation to which was at the time of capture only partially marked sent and unread.

The conversation begin to end and it's read status progression at the time of checkout of motel room 112 at the Motel 6, i was pressed for time to make sure it was all done properly. That archived file is this:

[ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/adam4adam/User2User-Msgs/DenverRawFuck%20-+-%20%20Leonjericho/ ]


[ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/adam4adam/User2User-Msgs/DenverRawFuck%20-+-%20%20Leonjericho/Adam4Adam%20messages%20%5b%20Leonjericho%20and%20DenverRawFuck%20--%20Aug%2019%202017%20%5b.html ]

The shakes were purchased to the family order to celebrate this success in dialog ability and process and [ in science memetics testing stages ] effectiveness when the site itself properly adjusts to the United Nations documents addressing the World Summit of the Information Society in 2003 and 2005.

To that enabled point of presence on the site of adam4adam is the ability to properly code and pass a direct quoted url resource link that does not get filtered and removed from the conversation --- to be mistakenly identified as an a conversation identified for spam purposes of it's author and the contents dastardly non-intelligently removed from the sharing channel of opportunities to build peace initiatives and resolutions instead of remaining in an unaddressed community setup dysfunctional and [ memetically harmful ] to it's hosts.

I as a member to member level on adam4adam was enabled to pas these links effectively, coherently, and properly just to this adult to adult conversation.

As a new standard here just now made apparent on site, this is the first first conversation to have employed that featured upward standard effectively o which social services in Denver Colorado have denied.

What is being denied here are defined within the Marlow's Hierarchy of Human Needs chart and other person rights that are defined in the declarations and conventions on behalf of supportive DEMAND CHANGE upward progress onto the population totality of persons that are living with any and all kinds of human disabilities.

I place this meme key here for reference, I have this placed to the involvements of listening afar outside members here.


Unsigned Here,

Call Recording Made Between Case Manger of Foothill AIDS Project San Bernardino and Client James Martin Driskill with a legally binded signed and executed copy of an agreement made in services provided -- that agreement is titled


Topic File Meme By Meme Introduction Recombinant Priority pathway of rebuilding is found by following this foundation theory,


Links to and contends [ not competes ] with:

[ Research Documentations Under Restrictive Privileged Access ]

Tag: Dennis Driskill

Mpatapo Consult binded online memespace binding for life history mismanagement
of all of the true issuees to become activated here:

[ http://realuphuman.net/Organizations/Foothill.Aids.Project/CallRecords/ ]
James M Driskill was live.
This Facebook live is going to be extremely short it's just it's in front of the office of the foothill AIDS project here in San Bernardino only to do get to the heart of the matter and hold on to The Binding that is presented already.
This Facebook live is going to be extremely short it's just it's in front of the office of the foothill AIDS project here in San Bernardino only to do get to the heart of the matter and hold on to The Binding that is presented already.
There is so much good out here -- to pick a better thought.

I know I know... but a world is trapped in their own minds stuck here in this home in San Bernardino and I need your help. I need assistance in healing this family gone out of their minds 😵--- violent expressions of intention - and this is a root of issues that needs addressed --- but no one is listening to James and No one Cares.

Because you know at the heart of the world order of things, perhaps you and I need some reconciliation work ourselves to why you block me too on facebook.

This I dedicate to the ideal of unfriending --- [ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23ASlowDumbAssHuman.mp3 ] -- This to my cousin Debbie Kick [ Truthfinder Report: https://www.truthfinder.com/dashboard/report/129756/person/3a2115d2-1618-4eb5-8252-0ca9c365f64e ] -- a Nurse at Kaiser who fails the test unbecoming of her profession in the delivery of this address to many not listening:

Audio Spoken Voice [ 🗣️ ] narration:

OK Google : The Status OF Peace Building In The United States 2017 - Huge Fail -- Tell Me Why? 1 Hour 18 Mins Audio.


And I have created a facebook event to reflect unbalanced minds in this family to be held here in San Bernardino --- at the home of the Driskll's 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA --- more like an family intervention conducted by a member of 1.

I just sent you an invite. Rather Serious after-effects of Domestic Violence in this home.
Updated Aug 21, 2017 12:45:07am
James M Driskill updated his status.
#FamilyFirst #FamilyMatters
Does it stay bound by committed understanding -- or are we still in an intractable conflict here? Time
Timeline photos
An Embarrassment Of Denver HIV/AIDS Services 2017 Letter to Doctor at @Uchealth : Dr. Nancy Madinger, ID
Place: Denver, Colorado (39.7391, -104.98360001)
Address: Denver, CO
James M Driskill was eating lunch at El Pollo Loco (Victorville, CA).
Place: El Pollo Loco (34.469928493638, -117.34938472157)
Address: 14401 Bear Valley Rd, Victorville, CA 92392
Place: El Pollo Loco (34.469928493638, -117.34938472157)
Address: 14401 Bear Valley Rd, Victorville, CA 92392
Had a wonderful time with Adam and Robert in Adelanto.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Do you mind people talking about you on Facebook?

I don't! -- I welcome debate, I welcome controversy, I welcome the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Blocking is for cowards. Unfriending is not even a possible solution of resolutions to peaceful ways of sharing with each other. When will we learn our lessons?

Updated Aug 29, 2017 10:09:25pm
Timeline photos
On the site [ http://nextdoor.com ] --- this is my location.
On the site [ http://nextdoor.com/ ] --- this is my location.
Updated Aug 30, 2017 4:29:49pm
You tagged Sammie Francher and W-Jamal Lee Wilson
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Mobile uploads
Relaxing watching tv #selfie
7 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Aug 25, 2014 10:18:29am
Relaxing watching tv #selfie
bump and grind - slopped into the streets of homelessness #ConspriacyExposed in HIV AIDS Serivces Agency of Ryan White Care Act by @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project] Jamie Villalobos --- The header for this is absolute ---
Updated Aug 31, 2017 9:21:48am
Timeline photos
I have been waiting for this --- signed up for 6 months [ actually 5 ] or so. My computer has begun to progress a science distributed computing packet for Mindmodeling@home. https://mindmodeling.org/ From Wikipedia.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MindModeling@Home MindModeling@Home is a non-profit research project that uses a combination of high performance computing and volunteer distributed computing for the advancement of cognitive science. The research focuses on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to understand the human mind better. The project aims to improve on the scientific foundations that explain the mechanisms and processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning. MindModeling@Home is hosted by Wright State University and the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio.
I have been waiting for this --- signed up for 6 months [ actually 5 ] or so. My computer has begun to progress a science distributed computing packet for Mindmodeling@home.


From Wikipedia....


MindModeling@Home is a non-profit research project that uses a combination of high performance computing and volunteer distributed computing for the advancement of cognitive science. The research focuses on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to understand the human mind better. The project aims to improve on the scientific foundations that explain the mechanisms and processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning. MindModeling@Home is hosted by Wright State University and the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio.
You tagged Makta Pond, Sammie Francher and W-Jamal Lee Wilson
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Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
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Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
DC Comics Adam4Adam Spider-Man Men.com : Can Spider-Man Be A Real Gay Super Hero Presence On A Gay Dating App? Ref: http://adam4adam.gruwup.net/

QR Link In Spider-Man Gay Super Hero Online
An Actual Adam4Adam Member to Member Gruwup
Community Peace Building Conversation

19 Min Spoken Voice [ 🗣️ ] Text Narrative
[ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/Adam4Adam/Gruwup/Adam4Adam-Conversation-With-SpiderMan-Gay-SuperHero.mp3 ]

Metta World Peace #Kramobone-The.Good #Mpatapo
Updated Sep 06, 2017 10:10:03am
James M Driskill wrote on William Schultz's timeline.
Happy Birthday Billy! ---- You Know That You Are A Welcomed Presence Here At Grande Vista --- This is a Shortcut Created [ http://2017-3260grandevistasanbernardinoca92405.gruwup.net/ ] ---
Another person in your so-called blocking unfriending unjustified acts within your circle facebook network.... Would be Mr Jerry Smith formerly of 3198 Miramonte Dr N San Bernardino, California ---

Where this is filed in his name

[ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/Facebook-Messenger-Sent/JerrySmith-Gmail-%23Family-Music%20Associations%20of%20Pink%20Floyd%20and%20The%20Wall.htm ] --- Open All Of Your Relations Open To
Updated Sep 07, 2017 1:18:10am
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Some Passing Greeting Cards Of Media Creation -- Before I affix the privacy focus #FamilyFirst #FamilyMatters of #Family-Demand-ForAttention binding purposes of action resolve and discussion. If this does not happen, it is an shameful way of family dynamics that I must really know I must call Adult Protective Services for help and advise to assist me through this process. Thank You Public to acknowledge these broken circle of Facebook networks. There is no such thing an unfriending family. David Driskill Helen Warnick : We are going to have a proper discussion the focus to which my complete agenda of discussion is treated TRUTHFULLY FOCUSED AND ADDRESS AS REALISM - REAL THINGS, REAL LIFE! Thank you.
This has special significance of issuance [ http://angelaelizabethkeady.fuckeduphuman.net/Angela.Elizabeth.Keady-You-Have-Allowed-Hate-To-Win-The-Lovers-Lose-The-Haters-Win-%23ConspiracyExposed-%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention-%5bExtended-Music%5d.mp3 ] --- please listen again uninterrupted of my cross over sharing proofs of this media presentation. Thank you. Feel Free To Share. @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] : @[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA] @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project]
Updated Sep 10, 2017 4:19:19pm
Updated Sep 12, 2017 7:13:26am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
8 Years Ago
Sep 13, 2013 8:19:37pm
Website Updated: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us : 505 Mile Walk From Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA starting September 21st 2013.
Updated Sep 13, 2017 8:44:43pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Of Course Robert Kennedy's Words Are In This Video -- and from his Eulogy -- I too quote these same words. Wow commons of thought and ideals are within me and him in this video.

[ http://gruwup.net/[Persons]/Edward.Moore.Kennedy-Feb221932/tedkennedyonrfk45565656564.mp3 ] Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace @Gruwup2017
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xb-XVCts38 -- To foothill AIDS Project RE: Change of Case Management Focus to Person Centered @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project]
Updated Sep 16, 2017 9:10:30pm
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Place: Foothill Aids Project (34.11138, -117.29001)
Address: 670 N Arrowhead Ave Ste A, San Bernardino, CA 92408

To Foothill aids Project
Updated Sep 25, 2017 3:39:49pm
@[889307941125736:274:Hillary Clinton] resurfaces after her presidential defeat - she wrote a book --- she is talking about this book here with Charlie Rose--
Updated Sep 28, 2017 5:16:56am
One of the best pastrami sandwiches I've ever had my entire life.
Updated Sep 29, 2017 1:03:49pm
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James M Driskill shared a memory.
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5 Years Ago
Oct 02, 2016 4:52:25am
Does a society care about this --- this one year ago -- and now we have #LasVegasWillNotBeTheLast --- This is a #RecombinantMemeticsSolutionForward --- Will anybody start to pay attention? #FAMILY-DEMAND-FORATTENTION ---

So far not showing true form power to employer based success.
I don't need a job to know this is my job none the less.
Updated Oct 02, 2017 10:39:10am
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#LasVegasWillNotBeTheLast #RecombinantMemeticsSolutionForward #Community-Demand-ForAttention --- Does anybody care to listen to a community voice of an Addictus that should have voice? This post has been crossed over to the social network NEXTDOOR here: https://blairparkca.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=65710799 More GUN CONTROL is not the answer! WATCH: Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, retired astronaut Mark Kelly call for stronger gun laws http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/watch-live-former-rep-gabrielle-giffords-retired-astronaut-mark-kelly-address-las-vegas-shooting/ Reaching Outward to Bring Back Some Well Rounded Wisdom [ #Sankofa ] Starts A New Thought Process To Rebuild Our Future Upon. http://adinkra.gruwup.net/@YouTube/TheeAfroNerd-Adinkra.Symbols/ #Adinkra
Place: Blair Park Neighborhood Association (34.150254701128, -117.31724111214)
Address: Little Mountain Dr, San Bernardino, CA 92405


#Community-Demand-ForAttention --- Does anybody care to listen to a community voice of an Addictus that should have voice?

This post has been crossed over to the social network NEXTDOOR here:

More GUN CONTROL is not the answer!

WATCH: Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, retired astronaut Mark Kelly call for stronger gun laws

Reaching Outward to Bring Back Some Well Rounded Wisdom [ #Sankofa ] Starts A New Thought Process To Rebuild Our Future Upon.
http://adinkra.gruwup.net/@YouTube/TheeAfroNerd-Adinkra.Symbols/ #Adinkra
#LasVegasWillNotBeTheLast : A Technology Solution in Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics To Bring Forward. #Mpatapo -- The Binding Knot of Peaceful Reconciliation #Community #PeaceBuilding #Mpatapo #RecombinantMemetics @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] @[810434805725854:274:POTUS] #Adinkra @[108609262497058:274:Memetics]
#LasVegasWillNotBeTheLast : A Technology Solution in Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics To Bring Forward.

#Mpatapo -- The Binding Knot of Peaceful Reconciliation

#Community #PeaceBuilding #Mpatapo #RecombinantMemetics

Pontifex POTUS #Adinkra Memetics
Skip Marley
Take Pride and Stride To know The Lions! What Collective Lies Do To Destroy Collective Trust - A real cause and effect dynamics of sharing modern life -- we must strive to know we are the lions!!
This is not an individual issue -- it is a prevailing force of memeplex deficiency of loss of self worth and wellness future looking best.. It is the loss of self worth by way of living life in a dynamics of continuous out of bound future all time survival mode -- and not caring about the future because we be ill ill ill in the mind of outside others [ not our actual state of illness body ] by encountering hate based meme after meme after meme resulting oblivion -- an address oblivion millions, billions? quadrillions?

How many zeros does it need to go out -- before we reign in and suspend the hate based reasoning -- and what? Is google the choice of term I use here

Googolplex: The second largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googol of zeros. Googol: A large number. A "1" followed by one hundred zeros.

Please don't insult my intelligence --- --- don't tell me I am wrong -- when in fact I am god calling a mission work here RIGHT! When the community of wellness looking leaders expertise "the agency" does not see it as it really is... and take the understanding I have brought bear and forced into alignment -- for a discussion -- the lack of bearing up discussion says --

they want us to DIE --- DEAD OFF DIE and NOT THRIVE -

really really really!


https://soundcloud.com/skip-marley/lions?in=inthemindway%2Fsets%2Fkramobone-the-good @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] @[100005759118512:2048:William Schultz] Alan Mayfield @[157500167:2048:Antjuan Bouldin] Antonia D'Andrea Robert A Rice @[100000510789451:2048:Arthur Kanegis] @[1159821884:2048:Michele K-aUss Stefanski Kuehl] @[1670853298:2048:Adam Lilien] @[1206763725:2048:Dale A Epps] @[1551159171:2048:Johnnie Bird Aubrey Hutson] @[1307265997:2048:Melody Badwound-Wright] @[100005759118512:2048:William Schultz] @[1037289285:2048:Michael M. Catron - Boyd] Pat M Badwound @[100001506183595:2048:G.b. Rayf] @[100001506183595:2048:G.b. Rayf]
Updated Oct 09, 2017 11:34:17pm
You tagged James Martin Houser, Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Makta Pond, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, Mario Saucedo, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DevOryn Blood, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, John Neese, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Kelvin Burroughs, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Luis Espinoza, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Sammie Francher, Lynn M. Darnell, Casey Kidd, Zina Gomez, Vicki Johnson, Michael Ray Graczyk, Blythe Rayford and Antjuan Bouldin

If you are tagged in this post know that you have a very specific purpose as a remote listener. How many people in this list are aware of my personal story and my plight of a hate group Collective it was targeting me in Denver Colorado and 11 months and harassment campaign as I attempt to create a trust Network under the African souce base Winston Communications symbols set known as a adinkra, along this the creation of an adult consensual practices school of thought known as the awesome kramobone playroom which was denied my access is HIV services.... And the source eventually became a story unfolding on the web #conspiracyexposed in my attempt to build this trust Network under the name #kramobone-the.good. both of these hashtags are not a popularity contest but a tagging of the absolute 100%God honest portrayal as best as I could of an HIV AIDS plight story that as of last Thursday Foothill AIDS project there are certain things that were said. Number one that my arguments and conflict with my mother involves Force to do what I desire over her in my attempt to get my mother to realize her deficiency in technology is the solution the society has put to forward for assistance it's in her macular degeneration disease. A failing to understand this is a reach out of the Void she created that I have absolutely nothing to do with. In my attempt to get my mother to realize her codependency with my nephew was getting worse and my nephew apparently not realizing how bad she was doing I have a celebration to offer the family. Crossing over of this states that occurred the other day more than a week ago my mother is no longer in a continuous collapse of her functional illiteracy that she put herself into. I had absolutely nothing to do with that void that was created by a lack of understanding and a continuous hold on a a not so honest approach I am absolutely honest with because I stated so in Facebook public I don't give a damn. Conditions at the house are just barely changed but it's changed for the better because I was there and nobody else would help. My mother is going to have to attest to this fact in front of family or in front of the public or at least in front of the HIV aids services that has been my other major projects but them to release their hold on hate against me. This is not a supportive elements of HIV services here in the United States. I can claim my right to seek at the United Nations a change of my u.s. citizenship which may seem drastic or irrational if you don't know the complete an unbelievable story of me. Sure I can get swept under the rug and we can just forget everything is happened put me into housing and let it happen again to me or they have learned their lesson and I'll leave you alone. Not good enough not good enough. I know more than you all think I know and I'm not married just because I'm petite. I'm fatigued. I'm so worried that my mother is going to choose her fear base mechanism of thinking because of what she said to me. And in my Adam4Adam support ticket that I have very much open even though they keep closing it as solved is explained as well they seem a little outrageous. If they are involved in the cover-up if they do not speak up and out of this void that you all have allowed to continue over 10 years now. I know the truth. That I have a hacked profile from 2005 on a competitors cruising gay dating site that place is this full circle back upon them. This is a loop-back on them for breaches of trust and violations of privacy in cyberspace transactions is that I could also before court. Now in San Bernardino I have one more case management meaning then allow this facade of non supportive case management to interfere in my bringing mistakes forward for the entire public to see. The whole thing is there for anyone to just reach I look for it anyway cuz it was documented this time in Denver real-time my best ability real effort. I am not going to drop. There are other subject to the same Collective violations of privacy Computing and moral responsibility that I am calling for change and I promise to bring Ian words of Pope Francis call to our nation in September 2005 in front of Congress. As well as to respect and honor the words of Marlon Riggs and Essex Hemphill that is posted at standards journals at colorado.edu - a story of racial and non-existence thinking we will call it for what it is and what it is not. Number one it is not of dignity that I've lived through. It is not of enabled rights of persons with disabilities. It is not life supportive thriving housing. And for sure a disenfranchisement of my rights as a person with disabilities living with HIV AIDS since September of 1999. Their beliefs their structure of thinking and their structure of case management and case discouragement and case non acknowledgments of the actual truth still stands in their predominance of ignorance over the science. The science is on my side and not theirs. The entire dimension of what they will do to protect their side of this story of HIV AIDS care in the United States of America is out rageous do not even allow one more delayed day within the system. Considering my fax and everything involved in my story is already online. Not even a reporter will come forward I know
CNN anchor prior job Reggie A. Who is awesome internal of community and an external I know my story it's going to be w
Told accurately and honestly and there hasn't been completely honest or that was one thing that was said. Second thing that was said was that the poem that I read overtones Essex Hemphill was just if discovery.

So if those two things that just of recent I'm still struggling in the grey of life here not of complete honesty truth I have only my knowing that I have an outside listening audience. Many of you are tagged here or visitors to the awesome kramobone playroom school that was at 1005 Washington apt 112 in Denver Colorado. They filed for eviction against me the day before worlds aids day November 30th 2016 before I had the late to Social Services Colorado Health Network as being the top-tier most identifiable to my view of the scope of all things happening as the source of this hate and harassment campaign against me that did not go unnoticed. Believe me this is being tag as well individually to where I know my story held for many many months from February all the way to May 2017 on the law offices page of one of the other CiCi's in my Adam4Adam support ticket Rachel. Everything will have its time. And it is me evaluating them not the other way around. If there is one piece of paper that has one iota of untruth involved in my story at Foothill AIDS project when I request my file on Thursday at 11 a.m. And followed up with a request to my doctor Zane here in town and my faxes accordingly. To obtain my full complete file I'm at Foothill AIDS project San Bernardino to inclu dr. Howard Newsom and the letter that was written in 2007 must be treated as the Pivot Point on a spreadsheet of Truth placed on top with all the evidence I said pulled forward I said that letter would be the Pivot Point on a spreadsheet. Unbiased complete. So let me start two documents the dates times and events to a different Authority. That Authority would be the FBI... And the sharing item here myhivteam along with the source am I artificial intelligence social actor of persuasive Technology. #Makta.pond the it gets better project. I will tag this post accordingly went on a desktop and not on my mobile device. Thank you for reading. I will also correct any mistakes in this text
Updated Oct 17, 2017 7:39:04pm
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@[197379135651:274:World Community Grid] Member [ gruwup.net ] My Projects Running includes: FightAids@Home and MindModeling [ Brain Mapping ]
World Community Grid
Member [ gruwup.net ]
My Projects Running includes:

MindModeling [ Brain Mapping ]
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I'm in a motel cheap ass one sure call the Knights Inn okay the Knights Inn but then again they have the same exact picture on the wall exact same one isn't that weird?
I'm in a motel cheap ass one sure call the Knights Inn okay the Knights Inn but then again they have the same exact picture on the wall exact same one isn't that weird?
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
[Adinkra Symbols] : Unity of Four - Mpatapo, Krado, Kramobone, Mmomudwan : http://gruwup.net/Resources/AdrinKra%20Symbols/Unity%20of%20Four%20-%20@Gruwup%202015.jpg …
6 Years Ago
Nov 04, 2015 2:31:37pm
[Adinkra Symbols] : Unity of Four - Mpatapo, Krado, Kramobone, Mmomudwan : http://gruwup.net/Resources/AdrinKra%20Symbols/Unity%20of%20Four%20-%20@Gruwup%202015.jpg …
Updated Nov 04, 2017 9:52:33pm
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@[6275848869:274:Netflix] : What Kind of Crazy Is this? http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/ Only Rational Thinking Can Save The World? http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Only-Rational-Thinking/ #WritingInSpaces-NeedsVsWants [ Unfinished ]: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23WritingInSpaces-NeedsVsWants/WritingInSpaces-NeedsVsWants(1)-10f751a7-1e36-47b4-b367-093b80c66af0.mp3 http://meme.gruwup.net/%23WritingInSpaces-NeedsVsWants/WritingInSpaces-NeedsVsWants(2)-20dc2c1c-d193-4c31-8dfe-2fb5d9af5bfd.mp3 http://meme.gruwup.net/%23WritingInSpaces-NeedsVsWants/WritingInSpaces-NeedsVsWants(3)-88cafdb3-91c2-4c75-b125-6e83e0623abc.mp3
Place: Netflix (37.2570352, -121.9639425)
Address: 121 Albright Circle Building E, Los Gatos, CA 95032
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James M Driskill updated his status.
OK Google
: Play On Soundcloud :
You Have Allowed Hate To Win
James M Driskill updated his status.
Ok Google : Play On SoundCloud:
Looker Theme : She Is Really A Looker

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@Pontifex : @FBI : @sbcountysheriff : @DebbieLou1123 : @Gruwup

Facebook Tags:
@[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] : @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] : @[503112256421253:274:San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department] : @DebbieLou1123 : @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]

[ Please Give Twitter The Time To Load The Complete Thread Please -- it is a dossier --- Scrolling up to the end will become apparent my initiation with The FBI: -- Thank you ]


#HivAidsLivesMatter : To that an event is being held in real time space : World Aids Day 2016 and a calling for this #ConspiracyExposed to be terminated ASAP! [ https://www.facebook.com/events/911738282308365/ … ]
3:28 AM - 6 Nov 2017 from San Bernardino, CA

Anyone who understandings binding and unbinding principles and threading [ a relatively recent addition to twitter ] is going to love this twitter thread. First, who are the directed parties of this tweet. You are going to love this.

[1] : https://twitter.com/Pontifex
Pope Francis Verified account @Pontifex
Welcome to the official Twitter page of His Holiness Pope Francis

[2] : https://twitter.com/FBI
FBIVerified account @FBI
Official Twitter Page of the FBI. If you have a tip, please submit it here: https://tips.fbi.gov/ /

[3] : https://twitter.com/HaltCyberCrimes
CyberCrimesReporting @HaltCyberCrimes
Reporting Cyberharassment and promoting anti-cyberblackmail & Cyberstalking advocacy

[4] : https://twitter.com/sbcountysheriff
SB County SheriffVerified account @sbcountysheriff
Official Twitter of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department #SBCSD This site is not monitored 24/7, call 911 in case of an emergency.
In Relation To This AVATAR Created Image:


[5] : https://twitter.com/DebbieLou1123
Debra Lou Talbot @DebbieLou1123 : The twitter account of my cousin, found by pulling her Truthfinder Report. This relates to the FBI request to forward chain through Family FBI Connections, the following audio presentation file:


One might also want to relate, this is my personal cousin and this was an interaction deserving this filing in #mkatapo binding memespace in the realtime:


[6] : http://twitter.com/Gruwup
James Driskill @Gruwup
@GRUWUP 2015 : (G)reat (R)easons (U)s [You and I] (W)ill (U)nite (P)eace-- WordsToLiveBy:http://wikiworld.com/WordsToLiveBy Find this on facebook: http://facebook.com/gruwup

---- [ This is called DETAILING a POST to its EXTREME ]-----

Lets tag a few more things here...

@[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA]
@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP]
Rocky Mountain CARES
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
@[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project]
@[911738282308365:844:World AIDS Day 2017]
@[34661411150:274:AIDS Healthcare Foundation]
@[341883259215847:274:Act Against AIDS]
@[114992730861:274:Elton John AIDS Foundation]
@[179909895355213:274:AIDS United]

@[153887674665315:274:Metta World Peace]
@[272696906092974:274:Magic Johnson Foundation]
@[200673103280250:274:Magic Johnson]

Relative Memespace Folder Presence:


For I am a [ I Stand With Magic ] Card Carrying Member:



@[137577736280484:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments]
Evicted From Housing on November 30th 2017, Word Aids Day Eve.

Lets tag friends: [ Lets Start with those on facebook and who also hold #Kramobone-The.Good Status ]:

@[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] @[100021721385494:2048:Sammie Francher] @[1372159481:2048:W-Jamal Lee Wilson]

Now to outside circles --- Let's place an emphasis on the name of David.

@[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill] [ My Blood Bred Newphew of My Brother Dennis -- who is living here under this same roof here in San Bernardino -- registrant address of @gruwup.net

@[100010278162440:2048:David Tapscott] [ The best of character of persons of history forever ]
@[1203451145:2048:David C. Tapscott]

@[1394727441:2048:David CA Parrish] [ David's Story of Living in his car homeless continuous is placed here on facebook -- quite a strong willed creation of making the life happen without a roof over one's head. -- You are a remarkable soul to be in this list David.

@[1840352448:2048:David Moon] [ A David of San Bernadino High School Alumni that have never personally met face to face, one year younger than I -- publicly open is HIV ]

@[84218631570:274:David Beckham] [ have no clue to the David's callings here ]

I must check you to the reasons why all David's are being placed tagged to this post -- this is your association linking.,

@[102515706511:274:David Wolfe] [ Would That be a Relative of Wolfe Of Red Garters Yule 1986 Creations, I betcha Yep - Merry Meet ]:

If not direct, which I am sure it is, this is the informational linking none-the-less : the very oldest record of my work on the web, dates back to this archived page:


YULE 1986
Please address commments and inquiries to:
P.O. BOX 162046

"APPLES-R-US" and "MICROLINK" are my creations.

I am in the Library Journal November 1987 in this file copy:

@[100003970197523:2048:David Navarro] Another San Bernardino Connection

@[100003123832415:2048:David Darnell] History, David's Parents @[1692302397:2048:Lynn M. Darnell] and Clay Darnell and family once made this house at 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA a place to have been home out of the rain cold or sun burn hot --- whenever that was....

But David's presence here of recent months, going to get the lawyers to sue --- -- DELETE MY MOTHER FROM YOUR WEBSITE even though it was her dying death image she left dedicated to the world when she passed: Does your father know you made such demands of me?



There are other people I must tag to this post.

@[1597395383:2048:Pat M Badwound] @[1307265997:2048:Melody Badwound-Wright] [ Paired Sisters of Joy Badwound, recently removed from the folder directory of

#Kramobone-The.Good -- so that means we have to reach to google cache.... np


For there is the replacement showing above of Sheriff showing in this tweet -- I don't need more conflict -- when one wants to remain part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Other Family I have in my Facebook Connections

Helen Warnick @johnwarnick [ nope lost ]
@DebKick [ Nope, Blocked On Facebook ]
@DennisDriskilll [ Nope, Blocked on Facebook ]
@DebbieDriskill [ Nope, facebook page removed by family after her death -- no legacy account admin or something ]
@VeronicaDriskill [ Although My Mother has a Messenger Account, it was being admin by @[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill] who says my mother can't read ] her location to this is noted:

http://firedancer.gruwup.net/ [ Account Access Forbidden ]

@[100000909825366:2048:Mario Saucedo] --- Sausaloto CA Aids Organization

@[1037289285:2048:Michael M. Catron - Boyd] [ A laywer of my past relationships here in San Bernardino -- Hi Michael -- I told you so ]

@[1325984899:2048:Michael Ray Graczyk] [ Crazy World Future Words Takes Him to keep connection I bet --- he would be the voted least likely to succeed through to this time based on actual face to face real time sharing experiences under the roof him placed -- that is past -- this is now -- Michael again there is a reason for this --- Why does the community not realize what is happening? Because we want to fight instead of talk about real truth and real priorities of importance -- they want us dead. ]

@[1444447049:2048:William D. Burton] [ My Morality Guidance That I know that he knows what the fuck is up here --- and I know that he knows I am right --- and I know that he knows he is right -- a absolute connection of companion mission work on the web -- he knows why he is the best thing to adapt a voice into Christian community from a mission work of being Wiccan Wise. -- but he not my best choice -- for he would be amazed to what hate levels are actually in this --- both documented address -- and the stuff I left out of this story - and prob want to go real time face to face ---- prep time --- -- and --- if he has his way to the Event of December 1st -- he shows interested -- I welcome that prep time --- but I need some advance creation of Solomon to our set of ideals --- that is not too had to implement. --- he is the only one outside of my personal knowing certification notary contacts of real life -- I am not direct personally known to me -- To view that trust -- accept it's presence divine intervention --- Thank you Rev. Burton.

Rev. William D. Burton - Home | Facebook

There is no one best able to talk to a crowd of people than you --- from a perspective that I have an extreme fear of public speaking at these times.... I am actually falling to tears as I write this closing.

Why do community members hold onto hate collectives -- I don't have the understanding to cope with such things such as you. This is way way to painful to not drop out of emotional tied and into full out performance speaking.

At this point of time, I am full of salt water eyes burning. I am saving this post -- ANYONE who UNTAGS this post is deserving to be immediately placed to the @Fuckeduphuman.net memespace --- and I will! Your lack of concern, care, and conscience says you would too hold no accounting for the HATERS WIN and the LOVERS LOSE in your life of everyone around you --- everyone around you deserves to know your character.

@[100005759118512:2048:William Schultz] @[100001497620440:2048:Don Schultz] [ From Boyscounts Troop History, cannot forget them ]

Where this post goes --- into the bit bucket or not -- goes to your being a hater supporter --- and you would allow haters to win through all of your life. That is not your calling of upbringing. My side of the truth is absolute. This is a record of how hate has made itself so hidden to be everywhere around us, and never be it said --- hidden agendas working bad --- when bad needs to be taught a lesson.

Thank you for reading
@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
@[168128000001226:274:Words To Live By]
Updated Nov 06, 2017 5:22:08am
James M Driskill is feeling drained at Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom.
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck

I really have to give up the cause I have been on for more than 10 years. I really do. I have to concede they are way way more powerful than one can change. I really did not understand the full scope of what is in their holding --- everywhere -- it is as massive as was a title said.

The world of make believe -- the distraction at hand -- it is on it's final leg. I am done trying to the attention of fools ---

I am going to send you off onto knowing --- I have never tried to hurt anything but to realize where the future shows us and to match human life to that course projection.

This the only thing that I have been on mission for -- it was never to harm or pull down anything or anyone particular set of things.

There is not a way to hold it, I tell you wise but no wise man on a soap box can save this thing we called The American Way and Dream from the ones who truly hold my honor to respect now with this writing.

I say in my words written long time ago. I will repeat them here ---

"... the dark side exists ... I choose to stay in the light and walk away from the dark ... it has a reason and purpose to respect."

I bow down to the powers of darkness to the understanding your full and complete presence was way more than I realized your involvements everywhere.

I cannot hold myself to go that direction... but I release myself to know I have done my best in what I consider the choices that make a human being happiness.

The words written long time ago... have guided me onto the path. They are the words written and I have not been following any other cultism. That really is true. I have not tried to create a new thing to compete against this dark force.

That is not what I focused my intention on. I did not see the full scope vision except to put the triad of trust ladder into a form that could be tagged into science evaluation scores.

It is no special thing I have done -- and what is done is done.

I know that it does not require a digital processing power of automation - An Artificial Intelligence to work or make a successful exchange of honor.

I honestly thought the highest point of any circle of organizational power was honor, loyalty, and product of something proud on the other side of the end of life.

Where we built upward and can find what we build is calculable great grand scale highest divine or virtue performed. That gem of a nugget --- the egg nest of most highest order purposed.

That way of highest order where what Essex says is in such a contrast difference such so less down the scale of admiration for the ending of us, our ourselves, and our fellows of love ones and friends we hold so dear.

Kansas told us, we are just Dust In The Wind.

I added that to the list of songs most recently in this collective work project.

That is my conclusion final curtain of this mission work I have attempted to hold passionate actions upon. But in that vision where the end of time passing us by, we are left as any kind of token idol statue to rust and erode over and done.

It just be a visual target of the flying over pigeons above o dump their shit all over it, the casting image of me. Nothing glorified did I see in that vision at all.

There is no end time I expect to early from this day to my end day. I just know it will be shorted by this collapse and final pressing of getting the attention of work related process that never seemed to be the best interests of others to build forward.

In my heart of hearts, it should have held that status... for long time ago, we had the words written in our books and they of the time went viral among the scholars elite. Those are the words I have called Words To Live By Secrets Of Happiness.

The ultimate conclusion for this failing of understanding is for more than not most, the attention or opportunity to become scholars are not equally important to focus on through our life. We as humans seem to be more prone to disorientation, distraction of the scholar kind which would bring excellence divine. It is not in the heart of man to be of that quality excellence.

For more than most, it is a lesser value of pathway of life and that is the failing of us collective to seek that virtue. Failing maybe progress of a different time will say we made it different the next time and say fail me not. I cannot see through the fog to that next cycle.

As ages passed, that what is visioned in writing past by, does not hold for the current age where we as humans don't see our direct impact upon the lives of others -- meme to meme --- when it is truly a showing silence science.

They want to ignore it when it is unintelligent to ignore.

They are prone to not believe the magical realm sigil ways of the magician wizard past times can and does apply to all of mankind.. As is now the day, where this is defined in the science of memetics. The KKK is setup on knowing this paradigm long ago and took hold of that message first.

That is the truth for sure. They started first and have the acquisition of the power, neither right or wrong good or evil applies here respectfully. I concede my attempts to bring forward a change a opposite force of mental awareness.

That is what my score written contribution to meme was to show. No one takes a faith that Wiccan is a way that was lost in the centuries that the Christian's took the key away and made the meme presence such a powerful force of distrust.

So powerful to not be able to bring the lost pieces forward forward upon our land without a distortion. They that power has won over the water's side of life. There is just one other element to challenge us, air or lack of air as we move into space, mars and beyond.

The noosphere someday understood, we just be dropping Earth and Air . For then --- Water and Fire was suppose to unite. They did not see their plight was the same. I did my best to this future kind.

What it is when I say, Uncle! Uncle! Mercy!

I can't be anything other than myself ID and what it shows. I have done by best.

No more on this mission can I bear... too much emotional torn away from me. I only have recovery and repair --- my human presence has drastically been shattered.
James M Driskill shared a memory.
7 Years Ago
Nov 10, 2014 2:41:35pm
“It really is no coincidence that I’m here,” declared Michael Botticelli, the US drug czar, at the opening of the 10th National Harm Reduction Conference this morning in Baltimore. Although his speech, which won him a standing ovation from the hundreds of delegates, stuck to politically safer topics, his very involvement represents an unprecedented endorsement of the harm reduction movement by the federal government.
Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck


Right, we are still fighting -- when we should be uniting causes. This is embarrassing to be attached to

OK GOOGLE : Play On SoundCloud : You have Allowed Hate To Win

Updated Nov 10, 2017 11:33:19am
Updated Nov 10, 2017 10:25:41pm
Updated Nov 10, 2017 10:25:59pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
#MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck : If this does not go viral , my content is being downward distributed and interfered with. Facebook, you are in "check". PLEASE SHARE OPEN AND WIDE. Thank you.
#MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck : If this does not go viral , my content is being downward distributed and interfered with. Facebook, you are in "check". PLEASE SHARE OPEN AND WIDE. Thank you.
You tagged Michael Ray Graczyk
Friendversary Video with Michael
Hey Michael: The QR Code for this graphic is: http://community.gruwup.net/ [ Main Community Peace Building Index ] But Atlas I am drained and giving up the cause because no one seems to care that things like Adam4adam with a privacy violation security hole are breaking our community trusts. Audio: #MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck http://meme.gruwup.net/%23MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck/MMMMM.mp3 The Conspiracy continues..... http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net Solved Tickets without response --- over and over. Deleted tickets without resolve, over and over. What kind of crazy is this? http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Only-Rational-Thinking/
James and Michael are celebrating 1 year of friendship on Facebook!
Hey Michael: The QR Code for this graphic is: http://community.gruwup.net/
[ Main Community Peace Building Index ] But Atlas I am drained and giving up the cause because no one seems to care that things like Adam4adam with a privacy violation security hole are breaking our community trusts.

Audio: #MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck

The Conspiracy continues.....



Solved Tickets without response --- over and over. Deleted tickets without resolve, over and over. What kind of crazy is this?

James M Driskill wrote on W-Jamal Lee Wilson's timeline.
I miss you guys alot .
James M Driskill wrote on Sammie Francher's timeline.
Is Sammie still M.I.A.?
James M Driskill shared a memory.
6 Years Ago
Nov 18, 2015 2:57:39am
Here is another article @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] -- reflecting that the vision of the future per Welcome to Nano City is happening much quicker than even they predicted by 2041. Take these stories and several other items of discovery that I know that I have not yet shared with you [ opportunities lost by way of separations ] and I am telling you --- this vision of things happening on nano scale is just 5-10 years from now being constructed today.... it is happening now! This is NOT SCIENCE FICTION ---- This is SCIENCE FACT! @Realuphuman 2015 .
Updated Nov 18, 2017 11:24:16pm
James M Driskill was live.
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Makta Pond, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, David C. Tapscott, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, 자비, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Sammie Francher, Casey Kidd, Vicki Johnson, Michael Ray Graczyk, Blythe Rayford and Antjuan Bouldin
Mobile uploads
Anybody in my personal sphere of life from Denver Colorado.... would know what this box is. . Please don't comment it's just an observation.
Place: Friwey 15 Barston (34.31333, -117.47686)
Address: San Bernardino, CA 92407
Anybody in my personal sphere of life from Denver Colorado.... would know what this box is. . Please don't comment it's just an observation.
James M Driskill was live.
You tagged James Martin Houser, Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Makta Pond, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, David C. Tapscott, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, John Neese, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, 자비, Nick Bravo, Arthur Kanegis, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Luis Espinoza, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Sammie Francher, Lynn M. Darnell, Casey Kidd, Jacqueline Founder, Zina Gomez, Vicki Johnson, Zelendria Frelix-Robinson, Michael Ray Graczyk, Blythe Rayford, LeeAnn Drouault, Antjuan Bouldin and Tina Russell
Projecting. Future. Time. Meeting. Adaptive. Thinking.
Place: Indian Statue Arrowhead Springs Entrance (34.18506602, -117.27379119)
Address: San Bernardino, CA
Projecting. Future. Time. Meeting. Adaptive. Thinking.
James M Driskill was live.
Honoring. Future. Time. Meeting. Adaptive. Thinking.
Place: Indian Statue Arrowhead Springs Entrance (34.18506602, -117.27379119)
Address: San Bernardino, CA
Honoring. Future. Time. Meeting. Adaptive. Thinking.
Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExosed : @[100003306268346:2048:Anthony Cherry] -- This needs to be attached to the community subset and shared..... widely.
#ConspiracyExosed : Anthony Cherry -- This needs to be attached to the community subset and shared..... widely.
To all of humankind but specifically what do you think about this book and should I ask my doctor [ mind kind ] what he thinks about this book? Should it be used for quotation or is it a piece of garbage?
Updated Nov 22, 2017 10:51:05pm
http://beyondintractability.org/ : Conflict Consortium

Winter Fundraising Drive
Please help us raise the remaining $8,000 of the $18,000 we need to operate and continue developing Beyond Intractability as a free service through the first half of 2018.
Donate Now!
Updated Dec 02, 2017 10:21:42pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
9 Years Ago
Dec 03, 2012 5:46:04pm
Updated Dec 03, 2017 10:07:28am
From Dec 4, 2017, 6:30 PM to Dec 4, 2017, 9:30 PM
Updated Dec 03, 2017 10:44:19pm
Timeline photos
Place: San Bernardino, California (34.1295, -117.293)
Address: San Bernardino, CA 92401–92408, 92410–92415, 92418, 92420, 92423, 92424, 92427
James M Driskill updated his status.
Is Sammie Presente : You be quiet and you cant be Coy Roy...
James M Driskill was with Sammie Francher at Blair Park Neighborhood Association.
You tagged Sammie Francher
Place: Blair Park Neighborhood Association (34.150254701128, -117.31724111214)
Address: Little Mountain Dr, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Sammie Francher you bring me to Nextdoor
This got posted to the site contact us on Nextdoor --- wow it accepted it without compliant.

Oh My Sorry Ass for Being One Who Cares of Community "Trust Quotient" levels to a soap box, twice reported my content. And one one be helpful and not hurtful. I am just a slow dumb ass human.


None of my post was hurtful or hateful. It was post was an of attitude of intolerance of it's reverse. I don't like to see what is considered weird conversations out of flow of standards. It looks unusual to say the least when it is obvious there is something other than reality working a post.

I may be off my rocker, but when I know what I see does not logically flow to a state that there is exact oridnative intererest activity in "bad news" reports of community and good news reports go unappreciated. We here in the United States of America --- have allowed the haters to win way way too much to hold ourselves to protect hate collectives such as Harvey Weinstein's set of circumstances. We don't realize what is happening.

Meme to Meme exchanges are taking place without being challenged of the authenticity of the truth. Anyone who challenges fake for being fake is treated badly, hated upon and chastised out of the community level of "clicks" -- this is human nature. We would rather busy our world of interests that seem "busy body" rather than appreciate the roses in the morning and the fresh smells of new experiences. We care only for our routine and anything that ruins that routine --- REPORT IT BAD. Wow, that is a great standard here.

If someone is ringing a bell.... go over them a cookie and a chat. Don't report knocking and ringing and asking for names they don't live at that address as malicious activity from the start. That ain't right. WRONG THREAD to REPORT a PEACE MAKER for attempting a peaceful resolve of what I considered FAKE STARTING POINT POST and the activity it generated. There was at least one other involved in highly activity engaged materials --- the photos show a series of events that don't logically mix. But what do I know? I am coming into the conversation many hours later from flurry and accusing it as being mememtically created fake news on the negative side of life. WHY DO WE WANT TO SUPPORT SUCH CONTENT IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD --- that is a FACEBOOK FEATURE MOST WANT TO ESCAPE FROM. Don't question everything has its purpose -- and what i am dealing with on adam4adam and zendesk and a soapbox standing strong on the LinkedIn for finally someone has gotten their sense wise to keep the content to which I hold i is absolutely a truth record of #ConspiracyExposed that no one has been paying attention to for more than 10 years strong. Because here in the United States of America the haters have been winning but the lover's ain't done.

Well, Skip Marley Lions Says that is wrong. Skip being Bob Marley's Grandson.

In the shortcut named for a Missing In Actiong [ Mission Person ] from my Denver foundation, I am back in my home town San Bernardino CA. This is his personal space net folder for @gruwup #Kramobone-The.Good #Sammie.Lee.Francher -- Appreicated.

http://gruwup.net/1st-Knight-Lion/ --- A Starting Point
and an ending point in music,


and a call recording with my mother, to which I have publishing rights to any of my calls recorded at will. That approval is posted on my soudcloud -- trust me. This is retroactively I am sick of not being able to have of voice of love wholeness and it gets appreciated. we are not talking the right things in life across the nets , we are stuck at negative passing highly active memes. This is WRONG!


My network is a trust building network --- ain't got time for a nonsense way of life outside of being rational thinking.

In Male Spoken Voice Audio, Only Rational Thinking can Save The World,


My site is SITEADVISOR CLEARED as a EDUCATION/REFERENCE and I use that reference to create an emotional binding to what is content being created that should not be created and perhaps a bit of daily focused love --- forced into perspective --- by the site administrator --- go appreciate things in the neighborhood --- CREDIT upward --- and lets see who wins the haters or the lovers--- lets debate it out -- or lets test it -- create the feature and force the feature to the view --- GO GET SOME LOVE THY NEIGHBOR STRONG. GO GET SOME UNITY IN COMMUNITY --- WE IN THIS COMMUNITY ONLY HAVE 15% COVERAGE -- OR YOU NOT A OVERWHELMING SOLUTION OF UNITY IN COMMUNITY BUT JUST ANOTHER AVENUE TO RANT AND RAVE. We can't keep doing this to our collective community trust quotient in our neighbors, in our cities, towns, and polices. We have to find TRUST is the only way to build TRUTH.

The pix here is of my mother. The love heart goes unnoticed.

The QR Scan Codes play Music --- Mother From Pink Floyd being one of them. If know the song, wiser ones say I am preparing for this debate long before I get into the heat of one. GOOD DAY!

This is the end of my mission work in this I say in closing,

Unfinished Media:

Part 1 of 3:

Part 2 of 3:

Part 3 of 3:

The haters are everwhere --- why are they allowed to overrule the informational warfare conflict. We are needing some change. I can't do this all alone anymore.

This folder exists -- but in a world of greatness -- it should not have to be placed --- but it is.



Please listen -- but I am sure the content in this submission will be limited to a certain amount of characters because I am on a soap box of peace.
Updated Mar 07, 2022 10:54:01pm
A Post on Nextdoor --- a heated family function argument will be the result for Christmas Dinner instead of love everlasting peace. [ https://nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=72132233 ] Please hold this open to our world. Wish me luck.
Updated Dec 07, 2017 4:44:43pm
James M Driskill added a new photo to Stephen Hernandez's timeline.
You are in my year end review video --- :) https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/10210697683060307/ --- that is you right?
You are in my year end review video --- :)
https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/10210697683060307/ --- that is you right?
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Numerology 500 + 5 = 10 ---- 1
Numerology 500 + 5 = 10 ---- 1
Just saying hi. Take a chill pill that I am involved in a deep dark web secret that I can't believe no one is paying attention to. I was on Nextdoor --- and I proposed a Neighbors Helping Neighbors Appreciation Day - One Day A Week to appreciate the beauty of our community.... My account was terminated. When I go to find the controversy online... more of the Haters are in control of another network. wow.
Updated Dec 10, 2017 1:33:58pm
You tagged James Martin Houser, David CA Parrish, Makta Pond, William Schultz, David Tapscott, David C. Tapscott, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Kelvin Burroughs, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Michael Ray Graczyk and Blythe Rayford
On the Website Nextdoor - The site admin is allowing hate to run-a-muck on their site... and my account is deleted and it is more of the shit -- The Haters Are Being Allowed To Win in this Country -- Beyond All Rhyme and Reason.
Is crime as bad as it seems on Nextdoor?

Social media site Nextdoor is like a neighborhood watch for the digital age. Does the prevalence of crime-related posts reflect increased danger, or do they just incite fears?

My answer is no -- and it is obvious the site in being controlled by persons who are allowing haters to stay and good doers get kicks off .... warn your friends and neighbors get off Nextdoor
In the name of a Sheriff Here in San Bernardino -- is a trust binding address and I have an full address of this issue addressed in written and spoken voice narrative... if any one gives a flying fuck.

@[503112256421253:274:San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department]
@[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation]
@[158071744210603:274:It Gets Better Project]

A Solution of peace building to bring forward....
@[67150982149:274:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA]

[Written Copy]: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Tracy.Klinkhart-DepSheriff-SanBernardinoCounty/%23EMail/Gmail%20-%20Nextdoor%20%20When%20a%20neighborhood%20website%20turns%20unneighborly.html
Updated Dec 10, 2017 1:37:51pm
You tagged Makta Pond
Friendversary Video with Makta
Of Course @[100014554236180:2048:Makta Pond] of Course!
James and Makta are celebrating 1 year of friendship on Facebook!
Of Course Makta Pond of Course!
Updated Dec 10, 2017 3:18:30pm
Updated Dec 10, 2017 3:35:10pm
Here is the future of customer service -- there goes your job if you are in teleconnective services for customer support. We are entering the AI age...we better smarten up real quick --- our brains are going to go berserk if you can't tell the difference between human and AI. You better ask, is this a human?
Updated Dec 10, 2017 3:37:54pm
Timeline photos
In The Mindway - It's the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred. Soundcloud Music: https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/sets/sharing-my-music-in-the Website: http://inthemindway-org.gruwup.net/
In The Mindway -
It's the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred.

Soundcloud Music:

Timeline photos
Timeline photos
if you want to know how my experience as a peace builder was recently placed to TERMINATE my account on Nextdoor, here is a folder name for you to begin. I will attach the separate media links within this posts' comments --- we have a #Conspriacy of organizations that are violating privacy and I can and I must show them out of the hole they are digging themselves and our society into.

http://nextdoor-com.muckeduphuman.net/ ---- Folder Index
directs to: http://fuckeduphuman.net/WebDomains/nextdoor.com/

This should be directed to the @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation]
Updated Dec 11, 2017 2:12:32am
Are You On NextDoor Site?
You Should Not BE! They Are Haters! They Are Racists! They Are Privacy Violators! Boycott Nextdoor!



For More Info, Go to The ROOT FOLDER:
Updated Dec 11, 2017 4:13:04am

If there is not a remedy --FULL SITE BOYCOTT IS RECOMMENDED!

They have an option to change -- change quickly ---
but they will fail.... I bet.
To grasp the dilemma of binding they are in, they must
reply honestly and with integrity to honor new commitments.

I don't care about the past -- only the very short time term
future for needed fixation of persuasive technology change peacefully wisdom wise. That is the only option.
Updated Dec 11, 2017 5:07:24am
Timeline photos
[ Please Share ] : http://nextdoor-com.fuckeduphuman.net [ memespace ]
[ Please Share ] : http://nextdoor-com.fuckeduphuman.net/ [ memespace ]
James M Driskill added a new photo to Boycott Nextdoor.com's timeline.
<--- http://nextdoor-com.fuckeduphuman.net [ Please Share ]
James M Driskill added a new photo to Boycott Nextdoor.com's timeline.
Timeline photos
Boycott Nextdoor.com --- Written Copy: http://nextdoor-com.fuckeduphuman.net/Gmail%20-%20Confirmation%20of%20your%20Nextdoor%20help%20request.html
James M Driskill shared a memory.
6 Years Ago
Dec 19, 2015 12:50:10am
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Updated Dec 19, 2017 3:43:24pm
James M Driskill added a new video to Michael Ray Graczyk's timeline.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
You tagged Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher and Sammie Francher
paypal.me/pools/c/80hLTD48GQ : Pool Goal $400 ---- End of 12/31/2018 --- In $5 Increments. This will be NEW MEMBERS FEES If THEY WISH TO RETAIN THEIR STATUS OF #KRAMOBONE-THE.GOOD without falling from that status to #Kramobone-The.Bad or #Kramobone-One.Bad ---
Updated Dec 20, 2017 1:24:58am
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
#PersuasiveTechnology #QR http://qr.gruwup.net/Community/QR-Persuasive-Technology.html
Timeline photos
#PersuasiveTechnology #QR http://qr.gruwup.net/Community/QR-Persuasive-Technology.html
Timeline photos
#PersuasiveTechnology #QR http://qr.gruwup.net/Community/QR-Persuasive-Technology.html
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Jerry Holloman is the source of this image. I was just trying to make something beautiful from his image.
Jerry Holloman is the source of this image. I was just trying to make something beautiful from his image.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Does Anybody Know The Way To Become Truly Moral?
Timeline photos
Its damn ass cold
Its damn ass cold
Timeline photos
Hey these are really cool looking
Hey these are really cool looking
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
You tagged Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher and Sammie Francher
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
Will the real #Sammie.Lee.Francher show himself up present and accounted for?
Updated Dec 22, 2017 7:02:06pm

#IntroductionOfTrustBuildingNetwork : #Kramobone-The.Good -- To the Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation --- @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] My Network Trust Building Network Member Sammie Lee Francher is Missing ? 3 Accounts on Facebook --- yeah right? @[100023135836680:2048:Sammie Francher] [ Unverified ] @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] [ Verified ] @[100021721385494:2048:Sammie Francher] -- Why this deception?
Updated Dec 23, 2017 10:25:55pm
James M Driskill added a new photo to Sammie Francher's timeline.
James M Driskill wrote on Luis Espinoza's timeline.
Happy Birthday ---- how is life been treating you?
Happy Peaceful New Year 2018 : Words From the Verified Official Twitter Account of Pope Francis [ @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] ] : A 12Min 22Sec Spoken Voice Text Narrative on Seeds Of Peace and Workshops of Peace with comment stream replies. Includes the text for comment emojis. Enjoy! [ http://gruwup.net/WebDomains/twitter.com
/@Pontifex%20-%20OfficalVerifiedAccount%20Of%20Pope%20Francis/@Pontifex-SeedsOPeace%20and%20WorkshopsOfPeace.mp3 ]
Updated Jan 01, 2018 1:19:43pm
Timeline photos
James M Driskill shared a memory.
7 Years Ago
Jan 02, 2015 12:06:27pm
They really screwed this one up.
Updated Jan 02, 2018 12:19:07am
Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExposed [ This media is still in draft revision ] This spoken voice text narrative audio is a presentation directed to the website of GLASSDOOR.COM at the common number of employee reviews within the HIV/AIDS Ryan White Care Act Social Agency Company Service Providers to Haters, Rasists, and abuses of company cultures under the roofs in control of upper management of these established programs, this problem is nationwide and systemic. The QR Code Resolve For This image is: [ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/glassdoor.com/TO%20Glassdoor%20-%20RE%20RyanWhiteCareAct%20HIV%20Aids%20Service%20Agencies.mp3 ] The audio quality inserted into this file needs to be fixed, for now, listen to a separate audio file present about the employee reviews for the Foothill Aids Project here in California. [ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/glassdoor.com/GlassDoor-Employee-Reviews-FoothillAidsProject.mp3 ] The GLASSDOOR.COM Directed public awareness issues spoken voice presentation references this presentaton of issues directed to the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the Foothill Aids Project Maritza Tona: [ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/glassdoor.com/Introduction_To_Web_Media_To_Maritza_Tona.mp3 ] Top management leaders of these discordant chaos haters elite collectives must think they are UNTOUCHABLES I say last May. This is directed to the executive director of the Colorado Health Network Darrell Vigil: [ http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention/DarrellVigilChiefExecOfficerDenverColoradoAidsProject-%23SirDemandForAttention.mp3 ] and within the LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY IN DENVER this is a correspondence letter of issues directed to my very own HIV PHYSICIAN Doctor Nancy Madinger of the University of Colorado Hospital Health System [ Uchealth.org ]: [ http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/UCHealth-Messaging/LetterTo-UniversityColoradoHospital-DoctorNancyMadinger-CaseFail-TellMeWhy-AnEmbarassmentOfDenverHIVAIDSServices2017.mp3 ] That is a full post of media links. Please listen to the issues with heart and soul of mind that people still die from HIV/AIDS if they are homeless and not in a supportive caring environment of their needs.
#ConspiracyExposed [ This media is still in draft revision ]

This spoken voice text narrative audio is a presentation directed to the website of GLASSDOOR.COM at the common number of employee reviews within the HIV/AIDS Ryan White Care Act Social Agency Company Service Providers to Haters, Rasists, and abuses of company cultures under the roofs in control of upper management of these established programs, this problem is nationwide and systemic.

The QR Code Resolve For This image is:
[ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/glassdoor.com/TO%20Glassdoor%20-%20RE%20RyanWhiteCareAct%20HIV%20Aids%20Service%20Agencies.mp3 ]

The audio quality inserted into this file needs to be fixed, for now, listen to a separate audio file present about the employee reviews for the Foothill Aids Project here in California.

[ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/glassdoor.com/GlassDoor-Employee-Reviews-FoothillAidsProject.mp3 ]

The GLASSDOOR.COM Directed public awareness issues spoken voice presentation references this presentaton of issues directed to the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the Foothill Aids Project Maritza Tona:

[ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/glassdoor.com/Introduction_To_Web_Media_To_Maritza_Tona.mp3 ]

Top management leaders of these discordant chaos haters elite collectives must think they are UNTOUCHABLES I say last May.

This is directed to the executive director of the Colorado Health Network Darrell Vigil:

[ http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/%23Sir-Demand-ForAttention/DarrellVigilChiefExecOfficerDenverColoradoAidsProject-%23SirDemandForAttention.mp3 ]

and within the LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY IN DENVER this is a correspondence letter of issues directed to my very own HIV PHYSICIAN Doctor Nancy Madinger of the University of Colorado Hospital Health System [ Uchealth.org ]:

[ http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/UCHealth-Messaging/LetterTo-UniversityColoradoHospital-DoctorNancyMadinger-CaseFail-TellMeWhy-AnEmbarassmentOfDenverHIVAIDSServices2017.mp3 ]

That is a full post of media links. Please listen to the issues with heart and soul of mind that people still die from HIV/AIDS if they are homeless and not in a supportive caring environment of their needs.
Timeline photos
#MmereDane : Time Changes --- our quickening is upon us. In Spoken Voice Text Narrative: #IOnlyRationalThinking Can Save The World: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Only-Rational-Thinking/OnlyRationalThinking-%5bMale%5d.mp3
#MmereDane : Time Changes --- our quickening is upon us.

In Spoken Voice Text Narrative:

#IOnlyRationalThinking Can Save The World:
YourID: mcatron1 is unique to the calling of my messenger content. I expect excellence. or I will define http://mcatron1.gruwup.net/ centered and then define the rest as necessary. But you are #1 and your assignment of 1 has purpose --- numerology defines one in danger.
Updated Jan 03, 2018 6:52:25am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Because facebook offers what content I have in common with the friends second tier to Michael M. Catron - Boyd -- the reaching to that second tier brings me this content to my timeline. Don't complain against my standard when you have not even yet come up to the table of discussion to honor me great! This is an "Informational warfare" of information theory technology that I just happen to hold an upper hand of understanding. But what do I know? I am just a slow dumb ass human : http://meme.gruwup.net/%23What-Kind-Of-Crazy-Is-This/%23ASlowDumbAssHuman.mp3
James M Driskill shared a memory.
5 Years Ago
Jan 03, 2017 11:38:02pm
Larry King uncensored says his favorite word is Fuck
Yep I shared that --- the meaning of the world fuck has so many utilized purposes....
Updated Jan 03, 2018 11:50:40am
I would say that a complexity of a case documented as #ConspiracyExposed and #ConspircyExposedTerminatesASAP has been directed the the resolve of the @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] - This documented on Twitter : And I am not holding back! I think I am finally ready to start a discussion where that discussion of the solution not the redirect of oppression and status quo of the backward politics in this country. I hope so at least. This is a status update, I am ready to head to the FBI --- now to get the time --- I want to go watch the new Star Wars Movie First in 3d.

Updated Jan 04, 2018 6:22:05am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I received a gift from out of the blue of BitCoin. Approx $250 valued. Wow!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Pink Power!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Green Power!
James M Driskill shared a memory.
9 Years Ago
Jan 01, 2013 7:50:06pm
Words To Live By : Origin Dates To 1742 to 1745 Usage Here 1890 : The Complaint on Life, Death, and Immortality : Thy counsels will be strong, Thy reprimands avail Oh Kind Ladies & Oh Kind Sirs, Can I have your attention please. Words To Live By Art thou dejected? Is thy mind o'ercast? To chase thy gloom, Go fix some weighty truth; Chain down some passion; do some generous good; Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile; Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe; Be just in all things; make amends For follies past, and, with warm heart, Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate, And then thy counsels will be strong, Thy reprimands avail. —ANON Do you want to know more? http://inthemindway.multiply.com/journal/item/23/Words-To-Live-By-Origin-Dates-To-1742-to-1745-Usage-Here-1890-The-Complaint-on-Life-Death-and-Immortality-Thy-counsels-will-be-strong-Thy-reprimands-avail
Updated Jan 06, 2018 8:11:02am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Emoji: What does 💣 mean?
James M Driskill is asking for donations.
Are you a current or past employee of an AIDS SERVICE ORGANIZATION (ASO)? i.e. Ryan White Care Act Funded Service Support Organzation for persons with HIV/AIDS. Well.... Glassdoor is where you should report community abuses in this field if you have seen them first hand. Don't be shy. There is a #ConspiracyExposed that is system wide systemic and the informational warfare area of where this conspiracy is splitting at the seams is on glassdoor.com --- go make your report review of these hateful organizations known.
Other QR Coded Graphic Images Found At:

[ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/QR/ ]


[ http://qr.gruwup.net/ ] :
@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
Updated Jan 21, 2018 1:18:21am
Timeline photos
Are you a past or current employee at a HIV/AIDS Service Organization?
Are you a past or current employee at a HIV/AIDS Service Organization?
James M Driskill
Price: $500
Seller: James M Driskill
California Scratches : $500 win
This is a test. #OnlyRationalThinking -Can Save The World.
This is a test. #OnlyRationalThinking -Can Save The World.
Timeline photos
TO: Doctor Phill Show Letter of a #ConspiracyExposed in HIV/AIDS Social Service Organizations --- Systemic - informational warfare evidence hemorrhages the weighty truth bearing against us at Glassdoor.com Employee Reviews Of HIV/AIDS SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES.... QR Scan Code: [ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/drphil.com/LetterOfAConspiracyExposed.mp3 ]
TO: Doctor Phill Show Letter of a #ConspiracyExposed in HIV/AIDS Social Service Organizations --- Systemic - informational warfare evidence hemorrhages the weighty truth bearing against us at Glassdoor.com Employee Reviews Of HIV/AIDS SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES....

QR Scan Code: [ http://realuphuman.net/WebDomains/drphil.com/LetterOfAConspiracyExposed.mp3 ]
Actively Documenting The Truth To All Time Human History
Updated Jan 22, 2018 4:01:17am
Know & Be Your True Self : Chapter 5 - How does one become truly moral? : inthemindway.gruwup.net/HowToBeTrulyMoral.mp3
Updated Jan 22, 2018 9:17:45pm
[ Video ] : Know & Be Your True Self : Chapter 5 - How does one become truly moral? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEB-UhaIX5Y&feature=youtu.be
Updated Jan 22, 2018 10:50:40pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
When I was Young and Dumb

by In The Mindway

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

When I was very young,

I was rather obviously dumb.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

I never got distracted on childhoods of either give or giving

violence!!!! like some -- violence stood over peace.

the old time standard was to fist fight bully ways.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Born in 65 living through the 70s has gots to be gold --

worthless crap I still have none to glitter me of.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

At age 10, the rudeness of fag days and gayness surfaces

in a redneck town.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Today we could get same sex coupled for now going on about 5 years strong.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

if marriage was a goal to atone toward does not deflect

the family hostility toward straightness rudeness against my

childhood identity

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

. If I were to call it --- it is actually violence! Yes violent against me.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

what is a poor boy with no gold to pay for youthfulness desires

to do with himself when all that is left is broken dreams .

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

A gay boy living in a separated world of straightness natures.

as I mature into my golden ages beyond 50.

Not sure if I am any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Not sure if I am any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Loneliness is profound around this redneck town.

and I do not want to stay.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.

Not sure if any wetter or better for sure

nah da sure.
In Honor of Wilder Penfield's Birthday.... we do know that we are underway mapping the brain and mind detailed in The Brain Initiative set forth by President Obama. A Billion Dollar initial investment consideration...... you can help too.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilder_Penfield
Updated Jan 26, 2018 6:30:31pm
Funny --- real facts video - if you believe in changing minds of lives of addicts... don't think like an addict... think crazy different.

Non-addicts of drug use manipulate those around them to excuse themselves from their behavior. Their overall character is at fault, not the drug itself. Think about the seriousness of the statistics in this video against what are stories told. The lies stop here! Addiction is real I must agree.


To blame one kind of involvement non-addiction ] Drug Use ] over another involvement addiction is wrong. In other words, realize when addiction is addiction and not manipulation. And then realize when drug use is not a problem for the vast majority.

So called "highly addictive" drug substances are not all that uncontrollable.
All addictions have the same pathology in the mind's view. To escape from some trauma is one reason but there are many reasons why addictions occur.

Treating addiction should focus on the root of the cause, not a side issue -- flat out sobriety is not an answer to course correction. If we don't refocus ourselves, we are just doomed to keep repeating the same dysfunctional cycles.

As with most things to do with the mind, we are learning more better science each and every day... esp now that we have begun the detail mapping of the brain --- The billion dollar project of The Brain Imitative set forth by President Obama. Keep thinking like an addict -- where one addiction is wrong and another addiction is ok to pass by. Thinking that way and the world is doomed.

The addiction of distraction to the current president is another kind of involvement addiction. Stop being addicted to political messages of hatred discourse and disdain against our current president.

PLEASE ... let the impeachment happen as natural as it would. We know he is going down. His flaw is his character overall, those who have enabled it over all of these years and that he is addicted to greed and power and the attention petting of an ego mind that is out of control. It's caught him in a complexity mind bending work around --- and no longer is he in control of those around him who see him for the real thing he is --- a monster of privilege But now he not being completely in control as he started his line of life to be.

That is not because of the messages of hate for the president. It is because of the manipulation of the American people by a foreign power --- Russian influence.

They used Trumps over ego character addiction against us in a way that no time in our history has shown it to hold.... that is because the focus is not correcting foundational flaws but keep brushing at the tip of the icebergs that are eventually melting away to nothingness because of true world science.

WE [ LETS TAKE COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY ]] ELECTED HIM, for better or for worse. We must learn from why this has occured so that it can never happen again. ELECTING THE MAN who is now in power at the top hand of the world may not be a mistake of reason why... let's find a way to unite a better unity message please for stronger minds united we must fly.

What has occurred proves we are dim witted and weak collectively and must shift and change our focuses. Still the over focus of PRESIDENT TRUMP in the meida -- a HATRED FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP is not going to save the United States of America.

Only Rational Thinking Can Save The World.
Meme Search [ #Only-Rational-Thinking ] with dashes ]
Updated Jan 26, 2018 8:07:40pm
Here is a URL of some of the readers availalble and their pricing.....


And this is the one that my mother would like to go Demo in Los Angeles....

It is $8000 price range...
Updated Feb 10, 2018 11:10:28am
You tagged Blythe Rayford
Friendversary Video with Blythe
James and Blythe are celebrating 7 years of friendship on Facebook!
#WhyIsTheClearSkyBlue : Blue Grey Always : Blue Blow Blow Blow Away The Blue of Fucked Up Humans! #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter
#WhyIsTheClearSkyBlue : Blue Grey Always : Blue Blow Blow Blow Away The Blue of Fucked Up Humans! #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter
#WordsToLiveBy : Weary Eyes Version
#WordsToLiveBy : Weary Eyes Version
James M Driskill shared a memory.
8 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Feb 13, 2014 10:31:32am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
Updated Feb 13, 2018 11:07:03am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
8 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Feb 13, 2014 10:31:32am
I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live
[ http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net/ ] <-- Active Today 4 Years Later

So typical that no one pays attention to those who have no money in our society even though following through --- I was preparing for a long walk all of the way back 5 years prior to June of 2013. That is when actual training begins on June 1st of 2013 for a September 3rd 2013 original planed departure date to long walk from Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA.

So in February 2014, I have already had the app installed on my device since I actaully used the app during my long walk. I installed the technology tool and used the upgrade premium of mapmywalk for a period of a year so that I could use the live feature. This was registered for live use in July of 2013.

I was preparing for an over 500 mile long walk --- a long walk aids hiv walk actually. Already in journal was living in a tent with hiv.

Fwd: Can You Be Trusted? - Google Groups : February 6th 10

Contains this quote url expanded here [ http://livinginatentwithhiv.blogspot.com/ ]

Once all of these have been satified, I will remove my blog postings [ Living in a tent with HIV ] with a letter of graitude for
finally being REAL UP HUMAN and GRUW UP afterall.

Go fix some weighty truth; .
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.

------------------ Back to 2018 ------


No one gave a flying fuck to listen to an Addictus
when I am not addicted to anything but common rational thinking sense.

I registered http://alongwalkofbeauty.us/ which no one paid any attention to and now that is found registered at: http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net/ ---- when when when will they begin to listen to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in the philosophy of addiction. Why is there a TED TALK on the subject --- PEOPLE ARE DYING NEEDLESSLY to back special interest irrational hate based collectives in charge of the Ryan White Care Act policy implementation. Shameful this country is to set forth an 11 month hate and hassassment campaign against me instead of accepting they were wrong and move into reconcillation. 4 years ago I started a journey to walk home in protest of events happening in Oakland. That walk serves nothing. I want my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY CHANGED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY THAT DOES NOT ALLOW THE HATERS TO REMAIN GOING BERSERK RUN-A-MUCK --- and the good doing people in the world DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE [ DEAD ! ] are these issues of necessity. Lets try decriminalization in drugs for a change where the evidence in Portugal shows a 90% [ that is spelled out N I N E X 10 ] reduction rate in new HIV INFECTION cases in the IV Drug communities and 17% decline overall in new hiv cases across the board. I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the absolute real up human #Kramobone-The.Good truth. There is something so damn fucked up human fishy going wrong here in the United States Of America. Will anyone care to give a flying fuck?.
Updated Feb 13, 2018 11:21:44am
Semse Wiseness @Gruwup Peace 2018
Sense Wisenes : #BlackLivesMatter QR:: The Community As A Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other http://community.gruwup.net/09/ @Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Sense Wisenes : #BlackLivesMatter

The Community As A Whole Must Seek
To Understand Each Other

@Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Timeline photos
#TechnicalImmortality is a possibility --- who will they pick. They will pick honesty over deceptions ---for sure.
#TechnicalImmortality is a possibility --- who will they pick. They will pick honesty over deceptions ---for sure.
#Kramobone iis about honesty and integrity --- for peace building. @Realuphuman.net is about holding that truth to all time human history.
#Kramobone iis about honesty and integrity --- for peace building. @Realuphuman.net is about holding that truth to all time human history.
What is a meme? Final Jeopardy Question for Friday. None of the 3 panelists got it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEOdSsbE4TU&feature=youtu.be&t=17m14s
Updated Feb 25, 2018 12:31:21am
Matt Schrage Why do we call all our generous ideas illusions, and our mean ones truths? A Post-Work Proletariat? Marxist Thought and The End of Labor matt schrage - May 7, 2017 @ 12:54 am · Filed under Evolving Morality
Matt Schrage
Why do we call all our generous ideas illusions, and our mean ones truths?
A Post-Work Proletariat? Marxist Thought and The End of Labor

matt schrage - May 7, 2017 @ 12:54 am · Filed under Evolving Morality
Group Sharing: Quality Over Quantity - No Hidden Agendas - Share Wide and Use Freely.
Group Sharing: Quality Over Quantity - No Hidden Agendas - Share Wide and Use Freely.
Group Sharing: Quality Over Quantity - No Hidden Agendas - Share Wide and Use Freely to Conduct Group Sharing Rules Of Conduct As It Relates to Stated Intentions with each member of the group.
Updated Feb 25, 2018 6:09:58am
Timeline photos
#Amazon Coin Currency with #Kramobone -- One Bad Makes All Look Bad
#Amazon Coin Currency with #Kramobone -- One Bad Makes All Look Bad
This was my answer:

James Driskill, studied at California State University, San Bernardino
Answered 13m ago

Your question is homophobic since same-sex couples have no problem associating initiations. There is actually a book series that has nothing directly targetting homosexuality called

The Bottoming Book / The Topping Book.

The New Bottoming Book / The New Topping Book

Both Men and Women can be either roles in all forms of relationships.

A top is usually seen to be the more aggressive role to initiate first move on bottoms. Botttoms, except for the term power bottoms, are considered more passive. Take the question out of dualism of gender identities such as man and woman. Human gender assignment is a spectrum class definition of order [ not disorder ] that we are learning crosses the barriers of self-centered chauvinistic positions. The number of dates reflects the shyness of taking on the roles of top and bottom to their sexual satisfaction extremes. More experienced tops and bottoms might not even have but one date to explore the options. Less experienced tops and bottoms take a while to get comfortable in role assignment of their true self-expression idenities rather than what has been societal norms that are outdated ways of thinking. That is my best way to answer this question. How did I do?



Index of /TheBottomingBook

[DIR] OpeningTheChannels/ 04-Oct-2017 00:13

Updated Feb 26, 2018 3:38:36pm
Communicatcations - Lyrics - Eye Of The Tiger By Survivor
Communicatcations - Lyrics - Eye Of The Tiger By Survivor
Updated Mar 01, 2018 11:39:40am
You tagged James Martin Houser, Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Makta Pond, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, Mario Saucedo, Ross Biehler, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, DevOryn Blood, DeVontae Wyatt, Connie Watkins, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, John Neese, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Arthur Kanegis, Bivens Shawn, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Luis Espinoza, Carol Phillips, Adam Lilien, Morris Travis, Sammy Davis, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Sammie Francher, Lynn M. Darnell, Michael Lucio, Casey Kidd, Zina Gomez, Marcie Hall, Vicki Johnson, Michael Ray Graczyk, Stephen Hernandez, Suzanne Taylor, Dale Haynes, Marie A Marquez, Joseph Trujillo, Jimmy Sever, De'Chaun Smith, Sarah Hernandez, Blythe Rayford, John Gates and Antjuan Bouldin
http://community.gruwup.net/Enable : United Nations Enable Convention For Persons With Disabilities Year 2007. Its no longer allowed excuses to not incorporate full and equal participation in society.
Place: Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom (39.7322599, -104.97899)
Address: Denver, CO
http://community.gruwup.net/Enable : United Nations Enable Convention For Persons With Disabilities Year 2007. Its no longer allowed excuses to not incorporate full and equal participation in society.
James M Driskill shared a memory.
7 Years Ago
James M Driskill updated his status.
Mar 10, 2015 7:15:48pm
If someone wishes to help me pay off my eviction case judgement so I can restore my credit score, you can find a way to do that please. I am already harmed. Financial hardship over and beyond that, a gun to my head before I would even consider that.
Updated Mar 10, 2018 8:05:01pm
#UnderstandingThe10MostDestructiveHumanBehaviors : With Spoken Voice Narrative Interface To The Full LiveScience Article :


Understanding the 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors
By Live Science Staff | March 25, 2016 10:25am ET

Why we do stupid stuff?

Compared with most animals, we humans engage in a host of behaviors that are destructive to our own kind and to ourselves. We lie, cheat and steal, carve ornamentations into our own bodies, stress out and kill ourselves, and of course kill others. Science has provided much insight into why an intelligent species seems so nasty, spiteful, self-destructive and hurtful. In this presentation, you'll learn what researchers know about some of our most destructive behaviors.

Editor's Note: This list was first published in 2011 and was updated in March 2016 to include the latest studies and new information.

A short list will be introduced and then details on each of these areas of destructive human behaviors is expanded at the QR Online Version of this subject topic document. Link to the online version of this document to have both written and spoken voice 🗣 companion read along interface. Here are those destructive behaviors:

[1] We lie
[2] We crave violence
[3] We steal
[4] We cheat
[5] We cling to bad habits
[6] We bully
[7] We nip, tuck, plump and tattoo our bodies
[8] We stress out
[9] We gamble
[10] We Gossip

To continue interest in this subject article, link to:

Updated Mar 10, 2018 10:54:46pm
Timeline photos
Also true for today's contentious relationship with dbh.sbcounty.gov
Also true for today's contentious relationship with dbh.sbcounty.gov
Timeline photos
Friendships are circles of friends and holders from the outside. They are not caddy clicks of gossiping queens. They are not your friends, they will not hold you sound in a dire need. They will disappoint you, guaranteed.
Friendships are circles of friends and holders from the outside. They are not caddy clicks of gossiping queens. They are not your friends, they will not hold you sound in a dire need. They will disappoint you, guaranteed.
Avoid common myths about thinking to boost mental performance

14. That meditation trumps thinking as another key to enlightenment

In the same way that exercise is essential for health but it is obvious that you need to rest, so it is that thinking is essential for life and it is similarly necessary to rest. The merit in NOT thinking is the same as the merit in resting our body, and not doing any human activity continuously. Meditation has value. It is resting the mind, finding the OFF switch and peace. This is self evidently important, but it is not a means to greater awareness and therefore enlightenment. We cannot find enlightenment without knowledge, and it is only rational thinking that leads to the acquisition of knowledge.

Updated Mar 12, 2018 2:56:04am

Our Society Is Being Hijacked By Technology : What we feel as addiction is part of something much bigger. There's an invisible problem that's effecting all of society. http://humanetech.com/problem

This URL is an email directed to my current mental health wellness team and name binded in the full name of my psychiatrist Doctor Sadiq Mirza at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Phoenix Community Counseling Center Clinic, a governmental institution at the domain of dbh.sbcounty.gov which these emails are directed to. The matter of these circumstances are grave for massive shift, paradigm shift in what can and should be done about the problems of social media working against the brain mental health of users in our society. This email that is web archived for the public awareness of these issues has a spoken voice narrative interface at auto-play linking --- share widely and freely - get the word out that we need change and priority of lack of needs are wasting away our brains, minds, and human lives. We are withering our lives, and the obvious potential of loss in our human live capabilities and happiness is at stake in social media distracted addiction. When no one comes to save you in your dire hour of need because friends you think are friends are fake, fraud, and not really intimate with the details you mindlessly text type at your daily distraction. You may think they are fun to fly around and dedicate huge portions of your day toward, but service no function of literacy, human growth needs. You might be shocked at the end game of such a system of destructive forces. We are enabling it by not demanding immediate change.

It starts at educating the mental health wellness provider community they are not acting in the right away toward their clients best wellness by keeping and remaining silent to this invisible problem --- many haters are winning over the good people --- by exploitation of social media -- I am one victim that has documented the hate record and still have no voice for change. I have already questioned whether my content is being down played by Facebook intervention technology, and I have seen others out here that may be complaining of the same thing. Shame Shame Facebook for social experimenting with the mental health wellness trust quotient of the entire community. In memetics, you would know this is ill advised. With dire and disturbing consequences, our society is ripping apart at it's seams.

Updated Mar 12, 2018 5:08:32pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Two Years Ago This was Posted to my building manager at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments that was involved in #ConspiracyExposed to the eviction case set out against me. It is rather stupid to that this conspiracy can take place here in the environment of social media were everything you write online is permanent. Nothing that I have written is untrue. This has taken a lot of effort to uncover the source of an 11 month hate and harassment campaign. Everyone conspiring against me including Darrell Johnson of Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments. Everyone acting as though the truth is not exposable. Everyone acting as though they are untouchable. They are sitting comfortable on some kind of Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck system of hate collective more likely ripping the governmental funds of valuable resources of social services. When will the public finally wake up to reality? [ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bOrganizations%5d/Chesney.KleinJohn.Apartments/ ]
Updated Mar 15, 2018 6:11:00pm
Timeline photos
Link In This QR Graphic for an ONLINE ARCHIVE REFERENCE OF COMPLAINT FILED WITH THE FCC.GOV COMPLAINT PROCESSING SYSTEM: http://doctor-sadiq-mirza.webdomains.realuphuman.net/fcc.gov/FCC-Complaint-Request-%232316884-QR.jpg This has spoken voice text narrative interface to the full and complete address directed to the FCC Complaint process. This goes to the descrimination received at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health San Bernardino County [ dbh.sbcounty.gov ] @[214414748272:69:You know you're from San Bernardino if] [ you are treated like shit in social services! ]


This has spoken voice text narrative interface to the full and complete address directed to the FCC Complaint process. This goes to the descrimination received at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health San Bernardino County [ dbh.sbcounty.gov ]

You know you're from San Bernardino if [ you are treated like shit in social services! ]
Timeline photos
A Friend Said that he deleted Facebook Messenger. I provided him a more detailed answer than most will offer in why fb messenger is an app than can built trust in a social media environment that has gone run-a-muck with bots, fake news, false content, and overall click frenzy highly mememtically active content - usually negative in nature - to our human needs of nurture. see: http://humanetech.com/problem :
A Friend Said that he deleted Facebook Messenger. I provided him a more detailed answer than most will offer in why fb messenger is an app than can built trust in a social media environment that has gone run-a-muck with bots, fake news, false content, and overall click frenzy highly mememtically active content - usually negative in nature - to our human needs of nurture. see: http://humanetech.com/problem :
James M Driskill added a new photo to Kevin Gorden's timeline.
Check out http://humanetech.com : Much of what you see out here on facebook is not real content.
Check out http://humanetech.com/ : Much of what you see out here on facebook is not real content.
Timeline photos
YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR3MbXBea2g
Please someone share this out to help my mother with her reading ability. Thanks.
Updated Mar 24, 2018 1:14:29pm
a presentation to uncorrupt the governmental relations - one contact by one contact at a time.

This has two separate real person names in the URL. You may forward this sample - which has spoken voice -- with any front name or group name collective. Just separate titles, first middle and last names with a dash. Check your spelling.

Updated Mar 25, 2018 4:53:15am
You tagged Jim Whitescarver
This is posted on public wall -- -but for the record of the truth..... I have an overseer of angel guidance in this situation that this is not going to be lost to the conscience of the higher elite class of learned society. Please carry the message with clarity, I have an active contentious relationship with Doctors involved in my mental heath and an winnable case for filing and pursuing a claim of discrimination against the County Government Agency of San Bernardino County for what they attempted to pull as deception in my mental health wellness treatment therapy.

[ http://jim-whitescaver-wikiworld-com-doctor-christopher-eric-berger.doctor-sadiq-h-mirza.fuckeduphuman.net/Terran-Imbalanced-Interpersonal-Relations/ ] @[467693723290334:274:FREE Trust] @[732210895:2048:Jim Whitescarver] --- they think they can low brow me into being silent to the duty of our society --- by not accepting email standards for correspondence without a written policy made effective in place. I have an ACTIVE FCC COMPLAINT for MALFORMED BUSINESS PRACTICES against the domain of dbh.sbcounty.gov --- I am proceeding forward knowing I am the one holding the keys to reality and there is something fishy going on.

Mr Scarver, I don't need the Facebook tagging... for my technology has it's own embedded tagging technology. You don't like to be associated to this domain --- you are my guardian angel in role and position as I have no other supportive care from family of trust. My mother does not believe the facts are on my side and stop telling me or directing me to stop doing what I am doing proceeding forward. Her own motives to keep me close because of her ailing factors involved in her Macular Degeneration. But I can't believe the County is going to destroy their option of sound sane mental health wellness to try me over an edge. I am right. Thank you for your advocacy in this matter.
Updated Mar 25, 2018 10:40:26am
James M Driskill shared an episode of Ink Expedition.
Updated Mar 25, 2018 6:26:58pm
Updated Mar 26, 2018 8:57:13pm
Watch this! Convention For Rights For Persons With Disabilities --- Being Violated : Be Informed Of Your Rights -- Demand Change!

Quality in Social Services - Understanding the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Updated Mar 29, 2018 11:00:42pm

@[503112256421253:274:San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department]
I have a private fb messenger content directed to your care dated Saturday March 31st in the early morning. This post on the public relates to my intention to pursue the County of San Bernardino in a Discrimination
Case --- Mega Portions since I own the internet domain space that I do. This case is going to go viral ---- and the haters are not going to be allowed to win this time.

I am calling this game , Checkmate.
Give It Up, The Hate!

Forever release that hate ---- stop thinking this is the same paradigm has not changed to continue this discriminate hate -- it is insulting to the my intelligence to a rouse of any other father --- the father of your illness --- of you --- HATERSBEWARE -- I am on the cyber-hunt for victims of your hate oppression intolerance --- let me free them from your claws of death.

This link has spoken voice text narrative interface along with the written copy.
Updated Mar 30, 2018 10:51:30am
James M Driskill updated his status.
If LinkedIn is the Professionals Site Networking "Standard" and they allow for the term "fucked" "fucked up" and etc within their context. Then that means one cannot be offended by that standard. It is used is company names and resume data accordingly. Term is open ended usable on LinkedIn meaning i can be used in all thing social media. You all people!
This is why #SocialTrust is down in the toliet people --- when will we get a grip that these social media platforms play the ugly side of humanities traits --- and that they will not put the correct adaptive HUMANE TECH approach onto our mental health wellness --- they LIE because BLOCKING and CENSORSHIP is used as a means of TRUTH DENYING on the platform --- with the one who holds truth powerless and the ones hiding the truth in power to the future. That is what Facebook represents to me. #DeleteFacebook
Updated Mar 30, 2018 3:19:00pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
I am downloading my content ---- and #DeleteFacebook actions if I hear one bad news about the mindsets of Facebook developers team. They know exactly how their platform is used to SEPARATE TRUTH DENIERS --- Allowing Them To use the block feature on Facebook, intended for SPAM to WIN over the TRUTH follower. Whereby the truth is never corrected and the haters are allowed to win. Spam is not CONFRONTED TRUTH. When will the platform cater to the truth instead of Fake News and Fake Content? [ Share this Before It is Deleted ]
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, Ross Biehler, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, DevOryn Blood, DeVontae Wyatt, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Kelvin Burroughs, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Sammie Francher, Zina Gomez, Vicki Johnson, Michael Ray Graczyk and Blythe Rayford
A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed - Animated Crazy Talk
A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed - Animated Crazy Talk
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Makta Pond, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, David C. Tapscott, Ross Biehler, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DevOryn Blood, DeVontae Wyatt, Connie Watkins, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, John Neese, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Luis Espinoza, Morris Travis, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Sammie Francher, Lynn M. Darnell, Zina Gomez, Roderick Miera, Vicki Johnson, Michael Ray Graczyk, Stephen Hernandez, Kevin Gorden, De'Chaun Smith and Blythe Rayford
A Friend Like You Is Hard To Find - Animated Crazy Talk
A Friend Like You Is Hard To Find - Animated Crazy Talk
James M Driskill added a new video to Poetry lovers's timeline.
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed - Animated Crazy Talk
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed - Animated Crazy Talk
James M Driskill added a new video to Poetry lovers's timeline.
A Friend Like You Is Hard To Find - Animated Crazy Talk
A Friend Like You Is Hard To Find - Animated Crazy Talk
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : Facebook Interface to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department for corrective adaptive action.


@[503112256421253:274:San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department]
[ tagged ]
Updated Mar 31, 2018 5:15:56am
You tagged W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Morris Travis, Sammie Francher and Blythe Rayford
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#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : CheckMate! @[503112256421253:274:San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department] [ tagged ] Content on this post is name binded in the name of Sheriff John Mcmahon for his immediate intervention should it need corrective course navigation. The matter is solvable. The Facebook Conversation Introduction Spoken Voice Narrative Audio is 20 Minutes Introduction: http://sheriff-john-mcmahon.webdomains.realuphuman.net/facebook.com/sbcountysheriff/Messenger-Mar312018.ogg : **** **
Place: San Bernardino, California (34.1295, -117.293)
Address: San Bernardino, CA 92401–92408, 92410–92415, 92418, 92420, 92423, 92424, 92427
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : CheckMate!
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department [ tagged ]
Content on this post is name binded in the name of Sheriff John Mcmahon for his immediate intervention should it need corrective course navigation. The matter is solvable. The Facebook Conversation Introduction Spoken Voice Narrative Audio is 20 Minutes Introduction:

http://sheriff-john-mcmahon.webdomains.realuphuman.net/facebook.com/sbcountysheriff/Messenger-Mar312018.ogg : ****

Oh Boy Did I Just Chew Out The San Bernardino County Sheriff For the Behavior of the Staff at the dbh.sbcounty.gov : https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/980096450666184704 : #SBCountyDBHInsult is my meme key!
Updated Mar 31, 2018 9:33:42am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under GOD indivisable with liberty and justice for ALL.

Here’s my challenge. I want to see just how many of my friends will read this then post to their own wall.
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Friends - Negativity Memes - Are Hate Thought Forms In Disguise For Attention - They Are Bad - Destructive To Our Interpersonal Relations - Other Good - True Friends!
Friends - Negativity Memes - Are Hate Thought Forms In Disguise For Attention - They Are Bad - Destructive To Our Interpersonal Relations - Other Good - True Friends!
Play On SoundCloud:

Play On YouTube With Lyrics:

Skip Marley

Some said 'never' but the never done come
Yeah, and took our trust
Hate's been winning, but the lovers ain't done
Yeah, not on my watch
Yeah, if ya took all my rights away
Yeah, if ya tellin' me how to pray
Yeah, if ya won't let us demonstrate
Yeah, wrong
Yeah, if ya thinking I don't belong
Yeah, if ya hiding behind a gun
Yeah, if ya hoping we're gonna run
We are the lions, we are the chosen
We gonna shine out the dark
We are the movement, this generation
You better know who we are, who we are
Yeah, if I
Some said 'fire' when the fire was ice
No, and sold a lie
Some may buy it, I'm not paying the price
No, not in this life
Yeah, if ya took all my rights away
Yeah, if ya tellin' me how to pray
Yeah, if ya won't let us demonstrate
Yeah, you're wrong
Yeah, if ya thinking I don't belong
Yeah, if ya hiding behind a gun
Yeah, if ya hoping we're gonna run
Ya wrong
We are the lions, we are the chosen
We gonna shine out the dark
We are the movement, this generation
You better know who we are, who we are
Deep down in everyone, there's a little fire
Let me get higher, I'll fuel the fire
Already high up, I'll take you higher
Real conga nyah, girls admire, well
Living, we growing with pride
All of the lions, we strive
Working so hard to unite
United, we tired of lies, tired of lies, whoa ah ooh
We are the lions, we are the chosen
We gonna shine out the dark
We are the movement, this generation
You better know who we are
We are the lions, we are the chosen
We gonna shine out the dark
We are the movement, this generation
You better know who we are
Yeah, you know that some said 'never' but the never done come
We gonna shine out the dark
Oh, they know that hate's been winning, but the lovers ain't done
You better know who we are, who we are
Yeah, if I
Songwriters: - Ilya / Savan Harish Kotecha / Skip Marley
Lions lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc
Updated Apr 14, 2018 3:08:21pm
You tagged Marcie Hall
Friendversary Video with Marcie
This video came out real well --- How are you doing Marcie? I have had a major break again with my mental care --- I may have to come back to Peak Wellness for treatment.
James and Marcie are celebrating 3 years of friendship on Facebook!
This video came out real well --- How are you doing Marcie? I have had a major break again with my mental care --- I may have to come back to Peak Wellness for treatment.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Bluetooth Speakers Connected On A Chomebook ---- Ain't Working!
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I am Telling The Truth --- They Are The Ones Who Have Lied! #ConspiracyExposed : The Haters Have Been Allowed To Win. Note: The Referenced QR Code URLS will be added in comments.
I am Telling The Truth --- They Are The Ones Who Have Lied!
#ConspiracyExposed :
The Haters Have Been Allowed To Win.

Note: The Referenced QR Code URLS will be added in comments.
Title is "I have Nothing" spoken lyrics -- a song by @[89579399804:274:Whitney Houston]
Updated Apr 15, 2018 5:22:15pm
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Tagged: @[34661411150:274:AIDS Healthcare Foundation] - Upland Tagged: @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] Tagged: @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP] Tagged Rocky Mountain CARES
Tagged: AIDS Healthcare Foundation - Upland
Tagged: Foothill AIDS Project
Tagged: Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP
Tagged Rocky Mountain CARES
James M Driskill updated his status.
Written 05/04/2017 2:54pm from Denver Colorado --- Directed to Uncle Jonn Warnick on Facebook messenger. Communications Handlled for Uncle, by Grand Niece Helen Warnick.


I am here again --- frustrated -- at family disconnection to the seriousness of what is demanded of requirements --- and there is absolutely no other --- direction of path(s) --- that you can dishonor of me for your disinterest of shit! I realize that you are doing your best mother --- I realize that I cannot speak --- without getting upset --- why do I get upset --- when you listen to the voice mail that you left earlier --- you are not "Considering" the situation under the disgusting malice forms of "Hidden agendas" of deceptions or just plain deceit. --- and are trying to be nice to a fault --- that niceness is going to cost your forever your "Interpersonal" relationship with your very own blood son here -- demanding change --- a change that is not an option to delay --- not an option to procrastinate -- and it is fucked for them sure not an option for them to place any --- at any microcosm -- untruths ---- into my case management --- --- for the reasons of case management --- is life wellness or l
Life death---- do you want to see your son die in this collapse once again of his housing tenancy --- when it was not -- and never can be shifted to be placed upon me as my moral responsibility --- when that blame squarely rests upon them! ---- if you don't get it --- mother fucker --- mother fucker --- yes --- if you just don't get it mother --- your are as fucked up human as them to allow this intolerable situation to remain one more dishonored malicious moment of life in my path --- you are enabling them --- at all cost to the death of your son ---- because ---- when I leave Colorado --- I will lose my ability to get my medications --- when I have no medications --- I will die --- when and/or if there is no executed demand path of my goals --- your [ plural ] all win --- the haters win --- the lovers lose --- and mother you are not a hater --- but you don't have the balls to be strong ----- then find some mother fucker in your sphere of circle influences --- that does not take but a "One at face simple request" to enable --- friend --- true friends do not let their friends family suffer in such extremely alarming ways ---- calling for attention I am --- you still think me the crazy one -- the trouble maker --- the wrong one --- you still do not support my case -- you still do not trust me -- you still do not realize the mother fucking truth --- go be dismissive loving that way family in some other 10th dementia of some other alternative universe --- that is not the universe that is upon us now --- live in this universe --- live in reality ---- live in knowing the truth is of what I say it is --- or else go be a mother fucker shit ass mother some other way --- I don't want that kind of fucked up family relationship that you seem to continue to attach yourself to --- and demand your motherly rights of hate, bias, hurt, shame against me --- or else you would never fight me --- argue or conflict on each and every thing I need here --- you accept what I need [ not a desire, not a want, not a detached crime of demand --- for this is not a crime to demand what is of basic human needs in this case --- it is a crime to allow them to override me. It is a crime to not overide them and then to kill me! That is the crime --- understand me?
These two paragraphs are being placed to voxdox into spoken voice narrative -- male and female --- Spanish and English and German, french, Russian, Italian and how about one other if I can find it ---- Klingon eh?

Turn off instant translation
Écrit le 04/05/2017 14:54 de Denver Colorado --- Réalisé à l'oncle Jonn Warnick sur Facebook Messenger. Communications Handlled for Uncle, par la nièce Helen Warnick.


Je suis encore ici - frustré - à la déconnexion de la famille à la gravité de ce qui est exigé des exigences --- et il n'y a absolument aucun autre --- direction de chemin (s) --- que vous pouvez déshonorer de moi pour votre désintérêt de la merde! Je me rends compte que tu fais ta meilleure mère --- Je réalise que je ne peux pas parler --- sans me fâcher --- pourquoi je me fâche --- quand tu écoutes la boîte vocale que tu as quittée plus tôt --- tu ne «considèrent» pas la situation sous les formes dégueulasses des «agendas cachés» des tromperies ou simplement de la tromperie. --- et essayons d'être gentil à une faute --- cette gentillesse va coûter votre pour toujours votre relation "interpersonnelle" avec votre propre fils de sang ici - exiger le changement --- un changement qui n'est pas une option pour retard --- pas une option pour remettre à plus tard - et il est baisé pour eux, bien sûr pas une option pour eux de placer un --- à tout microcosme - contrevérités ---- dans ma gestion de cas --- --- pour les raisons de la gestion de cas --- est le bien-être de la vie ou l
La mort de la vie - voulez-vous voir votre fils mourir dans cet effondrement une fois de plus de sa location de logement --- quand ce n'était pas - et ne peut jamais être déplacé pour être placé sur moi comme ma responsabilité morale --- quand ce blâme repose carrément sur eux! ---- si vous ne l'obtenez pas --- baiseur de mère --- baiseur de mère --- oui --- si vous juste ne l'obtenez pas la mère --- vous êtes comme foutus humain comme eux pour permettre cette situation intolérable pour rester un moment de vie malhonnête plus déshonoré sur mon chemin --- vous leur permettez --- à tout prix à la mort de votre fils ---- parce que --- quand je quitte le Colorado --- Je vais perdre ma capacité à obtenir mes médicaments --- quand je n'ai pas de médicaments --- je vais mourir --- quand et / ou s'il n'y a pas de chemin de demande exécuté de mes objectifs --- votre [pluriel] tout gagner - - les ennemis gagnent --- les amants perdent --- et la mère tu n'es pas une haine --- mais tu n'as pas les couilles pour être forte ----- alors trouve une mère baiseuse dans ta sphère de cercle influences --- cela ne prend pas, mais une "simple demande simple" pour permettre --- ami --- de vrais amis ne laissez pas la famille de leurs amis souffrir de manière extrêmement alarmante --- appelant à l'attention je suis - - tu me crois encore le fou - le fauteur de troubles --- le mauvais - vous ne soutenez toujours pas mon cas - vous ne me faites toujours pas confiance - vous ne réalisez toujours pas la vérité de la mère putain --- allez être dédaigneux aimant cette façon la famille dans une autre 10ème démence d'une autre alternative univers --- ce n'est pas l'univers qui est sur nous maintenant --- vivre dans cet univers --- vivre en réalité --- vivre en sachant que la vérité est de ce que je dis c'est --- ou aller être une mère merde putain cul mère d'une autre façon --- je ne veux pas ce genre de relation familiale foiré que vous semblez continuer à vous attacher à --- et exiger vos droits maternels de la haine, parti pris, blessé, la honte contre moi --- sinon tu ne me combattrais jamais --- argumente ou dispute sur tout ce dont j'ai besoin ici --- tu acceptes ce dont j'ai besoin [pas un désir, pas un besoin, pas un crime détaché de la demande - - car ce n'est pas un crime d'exiger ce qui est des besoins humains fondamentaux dans ce cas --- c'est un crime de leur permettre de me passer outre. C'est un crime de ne pas les vaincre et ensuite de me tuer! C'est le crime --- comprends-moi?
Ces deux paragraphes sont placés à voxdox dans la narration de la voix parlée - masculin et féminin --- espagnol et anglais et allemand, français, russe, italien et que diriez-vous un autre si je peux le trouver ---- Klingon hein?
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James M Driskill wrote on Popeye Jiménez's timeline.
Popeye, like the Sailor Man --- I like it. I have never known a real named Popeye. Thank you for being my first.
Updated Apr 17, 2018 11:47:21pm
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IF YOU WANT TO FREELY DEFINE NEW PERSONS, Feel Free To Use This Video To Notify and Warn Others of their behavior or liar activity.

Updated Apr 19, 2018 3:13:08am
"Hello" by Lionel Richie
"Hello" by Lionel Richie
James M Driskill added a new video.
Row Row Row Your Boat --- I bet you don't know these verses of this nursery rhyme.
Row Row Row Your Boat
--- I bet you don't know these verses of this nursery rhyme.
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Play Video: Lyrics I Have Nothing: http://inthemindway-facebook.com.gruwup.net/Media/CrazyTalk8/HD%20-%20If%20I%20dont%20Have%20You%20-%20I%20have%20Nothing.html
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Play Video: Great Big Mind, 15 Most Memorable Obama Quotes: http://inthemindway-facebook.com.gruwup.net/Media/CrazyTalk8/HD%20-%20Great%20Big%20Minds%20-%2015%20Most%20Memorable%20Obama%20Quotes.html
You tagged DevOryn Blood
Friendversary Video with DevOryn
James and DevOryn are celebrating 3 years of friendship on Facebook!
Row Row Row Your Boat --- Crook Version
Row Row Row Your Boat --- Crook Version
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James M Driskill updated his status.
Artificial Intelligence: Mind-Boggling Future Predictions in 2018
Liisi Ruuse
published: January 2, 2018 Updated: March 12, 2018

In the next 10 minutes, you’ll possibly be amazed, amused, blown away, frightened, or lost in thought. As this is the beginning of a new year and we’d all rather feel joyful – let’s focus on the amusing part. Here are 8 mind-boggling technology acceleration outcomes awaiting for us in the (near) future.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) by definition is an artificially created ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. AI could carry out a complete simulation of the human brain and even exceed it.

While creating a self-teaching and conscious super-intelligence might be the ultimate goal for some researchers, it’s not the whole truth. The scope of Artificial Intelligence is much broader, including technologies like Virtual Agents, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning Platforms and many other.

artificial intelligence


In 2018, we can already see AI technologies in use around us – digital assistants Siri and Alexa, development of self-driving cars, face recognition, ride-sharing with Uber and Lyft, and so much more. There have been numerous advancements in AI technologies since the 1950’s, and there is so much more to be expected. AI could either make all our dreams come true, or destroy society and the world as we know it.

Read on: Artificial Intelligence: Everything You Want To Know
1. Computers will solve all problems known to the human race

We will create systems and robots, which are smarter than us. According to Ray Kurzweil, one of the most-known futurists, computers will have the same level of intelligence as humans by 2045. This point of evolution is called by some scientists as the Singularity.

Using big data, computer programs (or artificial intelligence) will be capable of analysing massive amounts of information, identifying trends and using that knowledge to come up with solutions to the world’s biggest problems, such as hunger, diseases, climate change, overpopulation, etc.

artificial intelligence singularity

2. Machines will become our best friends, advisors, and caretakers

We are social beings and need other people. Yet, increasingly many of us seem to be more comfortable dealing with people via devices rather than in person. As machines get more intelligent and can better adapt to its users, people may end up preferring to interact with machines over people. Moreover, robots and AI could provide excellent care and support for the elderly, the ill, and disabled.

“Pepper” the companion robot went on sale in 2015, with all 1,000 initial units selling out within a minute. The robot was programmed to read human emotions, develop its own emotions, and help its human friends stay happy. Currently, there are dozens of home robots and intelligent systems on the market, such as Google Home, the smart control centre, Jibo, the social robot, Roomba, the smart vacuum, and many others.

artificial intelligence pepper


Smart assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant are still at an early phase, but they could be the predecessors of super-intelligent advisory systems. Voice will become the next-generation user interface, besides gesture, brain-computer, augmented reality, and other interfaces.

A possibly realistic depiction of an AI companion is from the movie “Her”, where the protagonist Theodore falls in love with an intelligent operating system named Samantha. She is an empathetic and smart voice within an earpiece. She’s able to remember, learn, and have an adaptive relationship with her user.

Autonomous vehicles also seem to be inevitable. Self-driving cars will heavily rely on machine learning and pattern recognition – areas which have been in focus over the past years. The world’s leading car manufacturers predict driverless cars will be on the streets by 2020 – 2030.

artificial intelligence self-driving cars

3. We could accurately predict the future, based on data and high-level analytics

Learning (including machine learning) is using the past to make predictions about the future. We already have enough data and analytic systems to make fairly accurate predictions.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil has already made many correct predictions about the milestones of technological growth, missing only by a year or two. For example, of the 147 predictions that Kurzweil has made since the 1990’s, 127 have come true.

In our daily work life, we can currently estimate finances (cash flow, turnover, etc.), the need for labour, our customers’ behaviour, etc. In our daily social life, Facebook and Google use algorithms to try to predict what we’d most likely want to see in our feeds.

Predicting will become extremely advanced and accurate. You might even be able to predict human behaviour – who will start dating or get divorced. Will it even go to the lengths of knowing exactly what is going to happen today, tomorrow, and in 10 years’ time? Then again, if we’d know the outcome, wouldn’t it change the way we’d react to it?

Read on: How Data Can Help Understand How Your Employees Work
4. We will all become cyborgs, enhanced by technology

Our minds and bodies will be enhanced by prosthetics and implants giving us infallible functions and motorics. Technology could cure us of deadly injuries, replace our limbs and organs, or give us sensory abilities far beyond existing vision, hearing, and manipulation. These future systems will be enabled via robotics, augmented reality, neuroscience, 3D printing, programming, material design, etc.

Tech evangelist Robert Scoble and author Shel Israel explain the changes to come in their new book – The Fourth Transformation: How Augmented Reality & Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything. They say we will move from handsets to headsets and other wearables. Instead of a screen you will be able to touch and feel the computer-generated images – virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality. By the year 2025, they predict there will be billions of people with products which will blur the lines between what is real and what is a computer-generated illusion.

artificial intelligence smartglasses


Thomas Dietterich, the President of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, hopes that exoskeletons – external supportive skeletons – will allow us to walk when we’re old and feeble. It would be great to retain the sense of hearing and sight even as our eyes and ears fail.

“People have a tendency to think, there’s us and then there’s computers. But I think that’s not true at all, I think the human and the computer are really, really quickly becoming one tightly coupled cognitive unit.” – Shimon Whiteson

5. We will become superhumans, living in symbiosis with AI

Let’s take a step further. Instead of being physically enhanced by technology, we will be living in symbiosis with super-intelligent systems. We will connect our brain directly to them, thus expanding who we are. Imagine being able to access a computer thousands or even millions of times more powerful than your own brain. Human and artificial intelligence have potential to create combined systems that are smarter than either alone.

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, has been a loud opponent and pessimist of AI technologies, fearing it will blow up in our face. As a proper innovator, he is not just complaining about the risks of developing an autonomous super-intelligence – he’s aiming to prevent the worst-case scenario.

“Humans must merge with machines, or become irrelevant in the AI age.” – Elon Musk

This year Musk’s new venture Neuralink raised $27M in funding to eliminate the need for physical devices, and connect human brains to computers. Using implanted chips, this so-called “neural lace” technology would create a “direct cortical” interface that could be used to upload or download thoughts to a computer, or boost a person’s cognitive capacities. Other similar ventures are being considered by IBM, Bryan Johnson via his Kernal project, and Facebook.

artificial intelligence neuralink


Many other tech leaders, including Kurzweil, are beginning to explain the same path. That instead of the machines-taking-over-the-world vision, there will be an unparalleled human-machine synthesis. Kurzweil predicts that we will be able to connect our brains to the cloud by the year of 2030, and by 2045 artificial intelligence will be on the same level with human capabilities.

How will it happen? Robin Hanson thinks we’ll figure out how to replicate and significantly enhance human intelligence (our brain) before we figure out human-level artificial intelligence — a view he shares with Kurzweil. The idea is that recreating a functionally similar brain computer is easier than creating consciousness through code.
6. We will be able to upload our minds to the cloud and reach immortality

Instead of only connecting yourself to the cloud and using its resources, you will be able to upload your whole consciousness into the cloud or virtual reality. You could live out your wildest dreams and become immortal. The idea is that consciousness is the product of an individual’s neural activity, and if all of the “data” in a brain (memories, thought patterns, etc.) could be “copied” into a digital realm. That way life would prolong for infinity.

Sci-fi TV show Black Mirror episode “San Junipero” imagines a world where dying people can be “uploaded to the cloud” and live there forever. The futurists say that it is scientifically possible, but the episode doesn’t depict the whole situation. A change or improvement in one area will most certainly have an impact on all other societal aspects. That’s why “San Junipero” was not completely correct – such big breakthroughs will be followed by much more radical changes in the human society.

There are also some rather philosophical questions. Is the uploaded version of your brain actually a self-conscious “soul”, or just a simulation? Will it still be you or what would be the difference? What if you have “buyer’s remorse” or aren’t able to mentally guide your bliss – are you doomed for all eternity?
7. Humans do not have to work anymore

Yes, instead of fearing that “the robots will take our jobs”, there may be a different perspective. Of course, in our current society, if someone would take our job – it would be dreadful. We fear what we do not know and can not imagine.

The way we work has changed throughout the history – from agriculture to the industrial revolution to knowledge workers. It is quite easy for machines and automation to replace recurring and routine tasks, such as assembling products, mowing a lawn, sending out emails, and even driving, doing surgery and research.

All our current positions will shift in the next decades, we will have to learn new skills or even new professions. The positive thing is – people will have more time and energy for more creative and meaningful work.

Read on: How AI Is Changing The Way We Work

This does not seem too mind-boggling at all. Probably all of us would love to have a robot doing tedious, mundane tasks like loading a dishwasher, cleaning, doing laundry, etc. It will start getting unimaginable after we have become digitally enhanced cyborgs living in symbiosis with AI systems. At one point, we might not have to work at all. This sounds like a dream come true – a neverland of unlimited free time.

Robin Hanson predicts in “The Age of Em” that we’ll develop the technology for emulating brains on computers in the next 100 years. They will quickly put every human out of work and create a new civilisation, living by the billions or trillions in a few megacities. This will end the industrial era, and we will enter a whole new way of living.
8. We will have to rethink the value and purpose of the human mind and body

There’s two kinds of wealth in the world – labour and capital. Via labour we create capital. What if machines will be able to do all the work for us? This would drastically undercut human value. We as a society would have to find a new way of valuing people, not just for the work they do. Of course, we will adapt. But how? What would be the point of human life if there would be no need to think, no need for physical upkeep, no need to work, and even no need to socialise with other people?

It all might seem unrealistic and far-fetched. But did people 30 years ago imagine that you’d be in constant connection with the world via the Internet and mobile devices? You probably didn’t, if you aren’t, of course, Ray Kurzweil.

Futurists believe that reaching singularity (creation of artificial super-intelligence) is predictable, but what happens next, we can’t know for sure. Will it mean extinction or transcendence, or something in between?

“Is that going to help us grow extinct like the dinosaurs or is it going to help us spread through the universe like Carl Sagan dreamed of? Right now, it’s very unclear to me personally.” – futurist Nikola Danaylov

Take a step back

Okay, let’s dig ourselves out from this black hole of unimaginary metamorphosis. The whole goal of developing new technologies is to make lives better for everybody. The unfortunate fact is, we have no way of knowing how it all will unravel – is better actually better or does it have some serious side-effects? But we do know that we can’t stop the evolution, and we have to think hard and work smart to keep up. Adapt our linear thinking with the exponential growth of technology.

What does it all mean in the present day? Technology is changing faster each year and it will accelerate in the years to come. As there has to be time for all societal aspects to adapt to changes, probably nothing extreme will happen overnight. Nevertheless, there are people and businesses who are capable of adjusting faster, foreseeing the opportunities and gaining from these transformations. They will reap the benefits.
You tagged Luis Fernando Pereda
Friendversary Video with Luis
James and Luis are celebrating 2 years of friendship on Facebook!
Timeline photos
Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Over 100 Members!
Updated Apr 28, 2018 4:28:45pm
You would think this is OLD NEWS, but it is not. This is new science. 3d model of melting snowflake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=41&v=VxhQ3weqmiY
Updated Apr 28, 2018 7:42:57pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Classics Robert Frost

Fire And Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Jim Morrison
Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and
choose the sign of your day
The day’s divinity
First thing you see.
A vast radiant beach
in a cool jeweled moon
Couples naked race down by it’s quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the woolly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us.
Choose, they croon, the Ancient Ones
The time has come again
Choose now, they croon,
Beneath the moon
Beside an ancient lake
Enter again the sweet forest
Enter the hot dream
Come with us
Everything is broken up and dances.
#WordsToLiveBy #BlackLivesMatter Standards Of Excellence!
Updated Apr 28, 2018 8:56:30pm
Updated Apr 28, 2018 9:24:29pm
Words To Live By -
Found In Historical Literature Circa 1800s, chapters on Happiness.

Updated Apr 29, 2018 3:43:07am
Timeline photos
@[100010278162440:2048:David Tapscott] -- I took one of your images you posted to create this media presentation...... what do you think?
Updated Apr 29, 2018 10:36:13pm
Timeline photos
You tagged Lynn M. Darnell
Friendversary Video with Lynn
Miss You Much! I shared with my mother that our anniversary day May 1st is the same day of the month of my UrbanDictionary Definition of Humans. It remains my top definition. https://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=In%20the%20Mindway Top Definition Humans There are two adversary forms of humans which are the Fucked Up Human and the Real Up Human. To scale from one or the other, all humans fall somewhere in line by every action that a human makes -- even each and every last keystroke being done. Well be real up ya all humans... ok? by In the Mindway May 01, 2005 And you ended being placed Real Up Human here: http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/Lynn.Marie.Darnell/ Wow! Are you looking into this synchronicity that I just now discovered?
James and Lynn are celebrating 7 years of friendship on Facebook!
Miss You Much! I shared with my mother that our anniversary day May 1st is the same day of the month of my UrbanDictionary Definition of Humans. It remains my top definition. https://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=In+the+Mindway

Top Definition


There are two adversary forms of humans which are the Fucked Up Human and the Real Up Human. To scale from one or the other, all humans fall somewhere in line by every action that a human makes -- even each and every last keystroke being done.
Well be real up ya all humans... ok?
by In the Mindway May 01, 2005

And you ended being placed Real Up Human here:


Wow! Are you looking into this synchronicity that I just now discovered?
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation QR Code: YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef5ZrG3HyNA&list=PL9fplPdaPNx9YrM4WRvoG40Zi6MRG_kjj&index=0 @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation
QR Code: YouTube Playlist:

Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
For those who want to make an impact upon our information society world, I highly recommend the book "Digital Behavioral Design" by Boundless Mind AI : https://www.boundless.ai/ebook/ ---

I am on Chapter 1. I will be using this material in my complaint with District Attorney Denver Colorado:

Updated May 05, 2018 5:12:57pm
Join Me with Bitcoin --- Market has gone up 44.72% since last month.
Updated May 05, 2018 9:01:37pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Updated May 05, 2018 11:30:40pm
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#GyeNyame --- Except For God / Only God --- #Adinkra
#GyeNyame --- Except For God / Only God --- #Adinkra
Timeline photos
#SesaWoruban --- Transformation Of Life / Change Your Character --- #Adinkra
#SesaWoruban --- Transformation Of Life / Change Your Character --- #Adinkra
Timeline photos
#Sankofa - It is not wrong to go back and fetch what was lost/forgotten. - #Adinkra
#Sankofa - It is not wrong to go back and fetch what was lost/forgotten. - #Adinkra
Timeline photos
#BoaMeNaMeMMoaWo : Help Me To Help You / Cooperation & Independence - #Adinkra
#BoaMeNaMeMMoaWo : Help Me To Help You / Cooperation & Independence - #Adinkra
Timeline photos
#BiNkaBi --- Bite Not One Another -- Peace / Harmony --- #Adinkra
#BiNkaBi --- Bite Not One Another -- Peace / Harmony --- #Adinkra
Updated May 06, 2018 8:51:26am

On The Social Media Site MyHivTeam, I have introduced myself with a story plight from hate embedded in my onsite profile and posting story. Denver Cap: You might want to listen to the Audio Narrative --- Link To This to Listen to the introduction that mentions Colorado Health Network Name and Jamie Villalobos by job title as the instigator of the hate against me. I will be filing a complaint against the HIV/AIDS leadership agencies with the Denver Country Colorado District Attorney's Office on or before the infamous date of June 6th 2018. This date last year when you so called suspended my services for 6 months from CHN. This before the @[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor] reviews appear on site.

@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP] [ Tagged ]
Updated May 07, 2018 7:35:18pm
25 Emojis That Perfectly Depict Your Sex Life Right Now : Use [See More] For Quick List : Please Link To Article For A Description of Each One Of These Emojis listed:

01 [ 👀 ] Eyes
02 [ 😏 ] Smirking Face
03 [ 💸 ] Money With Wings
04 [ 😱 ] Face Screaming In Fear
05 [ 🚮 ] Put Liter In It's Place
06 [ 😍 ] Smiling Face With Heart Eyes
07 [ 💯 ] Hundred Points
08 [ 🏊 ] Swimmer
09 [ 🙊 ] Speak No Evil (Monkey)
10 [ 😇 ] Smiling Face With Halo
11 [ 💎 ] Gemstone
12 [ 🐍 ] Snake
13 [ 🚫 ] No Entry Sign
14 [ 🐪 ] Camel
15 [ 💪 ] Flexed Biceps
16 [ 🎯 ] Direct Hit
17 [ 📝 ] Memo
18 [ 🚨 ] Police Car Revolving Light
19 [ 🙅 ] Face with "No" Gesture
20 [ 🔇 ] Speaker With Cancellation Stroke [ Mute ]
21 [ 🌋 ] Volcano
22 [ 😈 ] Smiling Face With Horns
23 [ 💁 ] Information Desk Person
24 [ ⏳ ] Hourglass with Flowing Sand [ Not Done ]
25 [ 😶 ] Face without a mouth, no blowjobs


Updated May 08, 2018 1:59:10am
Timeline photos
You Are Burned! --- send this to win a fight! Burn em up!
You Are Burned! --- send this to win a fight! Burn em up!

@[6815841748:274:Barack Obama] [ Tagged ] Note the Binding URL of a Wisdom Knot Presence On My Domains. This is an
adinkra symbol called Nyansapo is called a "Wisdom
Knot"... how can knots of digital objects be binded?

That is what the URL technology is presenting to you here.
Updated May 09, 2018 10:30:43am
Timeline photos
Link to email: http://potus44.barack.obama.webdomains.realuphuman.net/obama.org/GruwupPeacebuildingReply.html @[6815841748:274:Barack Obama]
Timeline photos
James M Driskill updated his status.
The Foul-o-Matic™
Tossing Shit Experiment
James M Driskill updated his status.
go suck a bucket shiner
James M Driskill updated his status.
fart king
James M Driskill updated his status.
Dingleberry Dictator
I have a comment applied to this article:


That comment is:

James Martin Driskill • 32 minutes ago

I would like to have the power to hold "bad companies" who are operating with bad business ethics to be blacklisted from access to the internet -- or that they are restricted from their ISP to conduct internet operations until a matter or remedy that is held in complaint is acknowledged as received, read complete, understood, and responded to. This is not a spam related issue by escalating higher than blacklisting an email source.... they should be wiped off the internet until the Shape Up or Ship Out clause of idea is granted to powers at hand.

This situation of being so corrupt here in the USA as having Transparency International score of 18 from scale of 0 to 100 where 0 is most corrupt.

I say, there is no way to fix this until there is a leverage power at hand --- the internet should grant this power to the users against the offenders of common decency.
Updated May 11, 2018 9:34:37pm
This is hilllarious! --- Share Me -- Love Me or Hate Me --- i don't care! Happy Mother's Day !
Updated May 11, 2018 10:52:59pm
Hilarious! Love or Hate Me, I don't care ---- Happy Mother's Day!
Hilarious! Love or Hate Me, I don't care ---- Happy Mother's Day!
James M Driskill updated his status.
Possibly for Mama
posted on LinkedIn.... Too Cool! Chadwick Turner Business Development at @[1559162064398353:274:Talespin] #Data can tell a story. Here is a story (simulation) of 1,000 American's during an average day. Each dot represents a person, color represents the activity, and time of day is shown at the top. CREDIT: @[78401413891:274:FlowingData]
posted on LinkedIn.... Too Cool!
Chadwick Turner
Business Development at Talespin

#Data can tell a story. Here is a story (simulation) of 1,000 American's during an average day. Each dot represents a person, color represents the activity, and time of day is shown at the top.
CREDIT: FlowingData
All Lava Flows From Hawaii -- Flowing To Lava Soundtrack - Send Me Someone To Love
All Lava Flows From Hawaii -- Flowing To Lava Soundtrack - Send Me Someone To Love
WTF happened to http://wikiworld.com/ ? You pulled it down?
Updated May 20, 2018 5:48:35am
James M Driskill shared an episode of Wrong.
Updated May 20, 2018 6:05:35am
Timeline photos
Rubix Cube Solver Robot
Rubix Cube Solver Robot
Timeline photos
You tagged Charley Coaltrain
Friendversary Video with Charley
James and Charley are celebrating 2 years of friendship on Facebook!
Timeline photos
This is a draft piece closing to a full presentation video that can be downloaded from: http://realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/HD%20-%20Michelle%20Obama%20-%20test.mkv [ not for publication use - if this video format is released into the published media, I will pursue a lawsuit! ] If you don't respect this statement of intention, your connections will be listed to the F word version of this domain space. I am extremely serious, http://realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/FromTheDeskOf-Gruwup.jpg I am still working on the closing. I wanted to make sure this was issued on the date of release statement within this portion of this video. Thank you. Use of the Link to the main video is open to share. Use of the video download then is for private sharing purposes only. Would others like to be able to make statements that will be honored? A world where all rights are lost if you write something or send something to the media frenzy profiteers of hate, harassment and chaos filled technology addiction sharing? There is a calling I have for change in the way we are doing it. For we are doing it badly.
This is a draft piece closing to a full presentation video that can be downloaded from:

http://realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/HD%20-%20Michelle%20Obama%20-%20test.mkv [ not for publication use - if this video format is released into the published media, I will pursue a lawsuit! ]

If you don't respect this statement of intention, your connections will be listed to the F word version of this domain space. I am extremely serious,


I am still working on the closing. I wanted to make sure this was issued on the date of release statement within this portion of this video. Thank you. Use of the Link to the main video is open to share. Use of the video download then is for private sharing purposes only.

Would others like to be able to make statements that will be honored? A world where all rights are lost if you write something or send something to the media frenzy profiteers of hate, harassment and chaos filled technology addiction sharing? There is a calling I have for change in the way we are doing it. For we are doing it badly.
#AllTheColors #MichelleObama @[96337265358:274:Singing Bear] [ There is a full presentation video that is currently in the works using Supported and All Of The Colors. If you care to know how your songs are being used, I am providing disclosure of these works in process. Follow This Link Please: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/10211859017412940/
#AllTheColors #MichelleObama Singing Bear [ There is a full presentation video that is currently in the works using Supported and All Of The Colors. If you care to know how your songs are being used, I am providing disclosure of these works in process. Follow This Link Please: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/10211859017412940/
Timeline photos
QR CODE LINK: http://realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/%23DenouceUnitedStatesCitzenry-ConspiracyExposed-TheHatersWin/Gmail%20-%20%5b%20Feel%20Free%20To%20Share%20This%20Out%20%5d%20%20%20A%20LinkedIn%20site%20InMail%20correspondence%20with%20the%20LinkedIn%20CEO%20Jefff%20Weiner.html @[6191007822:274:LinkedIn]
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
James M Driskill shared a memory.
5 Years Ago
James M Driskill is feeling determined.
May 28, 2017 5:44:48pm
Take a day to be thankful for life love and family.
Updated May 31, 2018 4:24:20pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
James M Driskill updated his status.
I make reference to Matt Schrage in the creation of the section noted as of END OF WORK in this article that I have made into a crazy talk video presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L0FY9I8pTk The End of Work is the END OF THE CAPITAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF STRUCTURE.
Updated Jun 01, 2018 7:55:12pm
Say Thanks To Someone You Care To ---
Say Thanks To Someone You Care To ---
Timeline photos
You do realize that with this day passing with no family resolve of these matters --- this day may be the last hours and minutes I spend connected to family. For even on facebook today,, I am broken from my brother and cousin relations --- for ill considerations of allowing the haters to win over me. David Driskill would you please pass this message to your father's side of this debate. I am beyond reproach with my brother's lack of consideration as well. I had to tell Shane earlier on our way to school that I may never see him again. Family can begin by listening to an audio introduction of this matter. Yes this is a valid URL: Yes the domain identifier is a valid, special use folder of content that this family should get it's head around --- to love one another instead of hate. http://driskill.fuckeduphuman.net.webdomains.realuphuman.net/myhivteam.com/My%20HIV%20Team.ogg [ This audio is just over an hour --- it has one repeated section ] I may never come back --- definitely not coming back to this muck of life. Time to change my name to a caring family name trait.
You do realize that with this day passing with no family resolve of these matters --- this day may be the last hours and minutes I spend connected to family. For even on facebook today,, I am broken from my brother and cousin relations --- for ill considerations of allowing the haters to win over me.

David Driskill would you please pass this message to your father's side of this debate. I am beyond reproach with my brother's lack of consideration as well. I had to tell Shane earlier on our way to school that I may never see him again.

Family can begin by listening to an audio introduction of this matter.

Yes this is a valid URL: Yes the domain identifier is a valid, special use folder of content that this family should get it's head around --- to love one another instead of hate.

http://driskill.fuckeduphuman.net.webdomains.realuphuman.net/myhivteam.com/My%20HIV%20Team.ogg [ This audio is just over an hour --- it has one repeated section ] I may never come back --- definitely not coming back to this muck of life. Time to change my name to a caring family name trait.
On LinkedIn I have a Post Titled:

Interfacing Glassdoor Data onto LinkedIn Social Networking --- A Relief Of Circumstances would be the result.


Contained In This post is showing that there is a multitude of negative Glassdoor Reviews Against the Social Services Agencies Funded By The Ryan White Care Act.

In Particular, the Cascade Aids Project Details the problem which is more nationally embedded into the dysfunctional reports of agencies on Glassdoor which means this problem is systemic. Have you researched your agencies glassdoor reviews?
Updated Jun 14, 2018 6:09:51pm
James M Driskill was in Palm Springs, California.
Place: Palm Springs, California (33.8443, -116.5279)
Address: Palm Springs, CA 92262–92264
Place: Palm Springs, California (33.8443, -116.5279)
Address: Palm Springs, CA 92262–92264
Thinking of moving... What is the best and worse thing about living in Palm Springs?
Timeline photos
Happy Father's Day 2018
Happy Father's Day 2018
@[100007139130329:2048:Timothy Ashley]

You are tagged to this post because you logged into my network. Typically facebook does not allow tagging if we are not facebook friends. We are not Facebook friends. But the AI in facebook knows that we "know each other" well enough for you to have been given credentials to a network. That network is a "Fios" network at the location of where this business listing is established.


Facebook will in future ask if you know "James M Driskill with the FB ID of "InTheMindway" over and over and over through the rest of your interface with Facebook".

The "Con-Game" is over dear. And I have your best interests in view of the future. But you are not listening. Really listening to an expert in two fields of scientific study where the fields collide is this book.

books.google.com search the ID of ME that I use on Facebook here, "In The Mindway" --- click this link to verify what I am telling you is true. [ https://www.google.com/search?num=100&newwindow=1&tbm=bks&ei=OYQqW5OHIKiM0wLmgbq4BA&q=%22in+the+mindway%22 ] bring you to accreditation that I am one of many but one of contributing content creators of the Wikipedia article "Meme" the last chapter in this book.

Information Theory - Page 544

Open this ebook --- realize that the table of contents is very specifically organized. I have this ebook in my possession. We have not gotten to that part of who I am in view of this. I ordered it. Its a presentation of the validity of the science of memetics, a new science field of study. You cannot win this Con-Game dear. I ask of you completely to promise yourself to your own future. But you will not turn off the con-game.

You are outwitted to know I want you to survive our transition of "The Quickening" but you are truly not interfaced to reality and listening to me. I mean it . LISTEN to ME.

There is a great conspiracy to not bring these facts forward.

There will be a time when the collapse of this type of Facebook information will eventually fall upon real-world spaces of "trust zones" that you can come into in the real world. This is less than 20 years out future from our current date. It is envisioned in the "Curiosity Stream" video called Nano City to be 2045. I predict it will be short of that and sooner. I have a "sucha connect" on my network He listened. I have 6 students of learning on my network listing. These people listened to me and are treated the future this wisely.


That is Six persons of the real world listed there plus me. We are not making much noize -- it is not about popularity.

[DIR ] #Chris.Mmra.Krado/ 12-May-2017 09:32 -
[DIR] #James.Martin.Driskill/ 16-Feb-2018 06:47 -
[DIR] #Key.Mmra.Krado/ 02-Feb-2017 18:38 -
[DIR] #Sammie.Lee.Francher/ 10-Feb-2018 09:14 -
[DIR] #Samuel.Jesse.Martinez/ 02-Feb-2017 18:40 -
[DIR] #Timothy.Earl.Marable/ 05-Jun-2018 12:36 -
[DIR] #William.Jamal.Wilson/ 03-Jun-2017 09:14 -

It is time to build not collapse your "Trust Quotient" if you do not listen to the, you be the foolish way you are holding on a paradigm that cannot be held onto any longer. I tell you wiser because I love you. But you will not listen to reason and I cannot be your friend or foe in any kind of sense.

You are your own to ponder your position in life. I will not be interfacing to you --- but I can tag posts at my demand. UNLESS YOU BLOCK ACCOUNT to ACCOUNT and That would be a drastic acknowledgement that you have no interest in playing truth and straight "real up human" in life.

#TimesUp to give up this vision of the way life is. Life is different.

If you don't want this tag to appear across your timeline to your network, you have an option to hide it from your network. That you have control. But it still remains searchable to anyone who knows me and knows you to conduct a "know each other" linking match to this post. This post is a warning. Follow the African Adinkra Symbolic Communication System that I have "recombinant memetics" applied to @Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace and make you a great to be inclusive a trust in and after the quickening. This conspiracy to not bring forward the truth is what I am fighting with for on LinkedIn. To broad stroke a person's life to nullification status [ loss of social option ] against their ignorance is wrong! We must educate those among us to give them an option to proceed in the way of "trust" and be damned if I don't get so much backlash censorship for my efforts. This #ConspiracyExposed in HIV/AIDS services means that those in that class, like I am, will not be a designed part of this new world technology envisioned world. I am Godsend to know I am on a mission of peace of urgency to get the word out. You either carry that message of peace and this warning forward into your network --- or you do not. If you do not, you do so at your own peril Sir Mr. Ashley. Your own peril. Sorry but that is an "inconvenient truth" ---- Can you listen to rhyme and reason? Turn off the game with me Sir ---- Your future life is at stake.
Updated Jun 20, 2018 10:23:33am
Nothing Really Matters - "All that I give to you is returned back to me". @[100007139130329:2048:Timothy Ashley] : "Love is all we need" -- but you won't give up the game --- now will you?
Updated Jun 20, 2018 10:43:38pm
Timeline photos
Peace and Harmony #BiNkaBi http://firstname-middlename-lastname.emoji.gruwup.net/PeaceSign.jpg For more #Emoji Images, See Online Directory: [ http://firstname-middlename-lastname.emoji.gruwup.net/ ] For More #Adinkra Images, See Online Directory: [ http://firstname-middlename-lastname.adinkra.gruwup.net/ ] When Sharing These Images, you can change firstname-middlename-lastname to any name or combination of names, or description texts. Each separated by "." period. Such as: http://john-doe.familyforever.jane-doe.emoji.gruwup.net/RedHeartLove.jpg
Peace and Harmony #BiNkaBi

For more #Emoji Images, See Online Directory:
[ http://firstname-middlename-lastname.emoji.gruwup.net/ ]

For More #Adinkra Images, See Online Directory:
[ http://firstname-middlename-lastname.adinkra.gruwup.net/ ]

When Sharing These Images, you can change firstname-middlename-lastname to any name or combination of names, or description texts. Each separated by "." period.

Such as:
Love: Family and Friends By Lizzy Pureheart
Love: Family and Friends By Lizzy Pureheart
A Response To: What Is Your Sexual Orientation?
Updated Jun 25, 2018 7:36:12am
@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation


Presenting the foundation of ideas to the development of a new technology interface of an assisted conflict resolution system. In our world, we have intractable conflicts that remain challenged to be placed upright and resolved. These challenges go to a lack in communication tools that focuses on unification. Counter to what one might think, our society with the current popularity mainstream social media tool platforms being used is becoming detached by way of these technology tools. They are generating one more media marketing frenzy to the profit of companies at the expense of addiction and mental health. Our society is being hijacked by technology. The problem is described in this link [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way-forward ]. I propose a two tier cooperative development project. First, the introduction of a morality currency accounting and tracking system called #Kramobones. Second, a user interface that will engage users across domains or even offline that will enable the temporary human to human or human to group collective purpose bonding presence of the peace and reconciliation binding knot of #Mpatapo. These two symbols are sourced from the African adinkra symbolic communication system and much can be utilized in the entire adinkra Set of symbols to the creation of a new communication tool. The way adinkra is communicative effective is found in this link. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQgXc0-aYRQ ]. This can work to form new understandings across culturally different lifestyles. There are over a hundred adinkra symbols in use today. The final video presented in this presentation is an introduction to the adinkra.
Updated Jun 25, 2018 6:57:13pm
Timeline photos
Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings Sherry Towers , Andres Gomez-Lievano, Maryam Khan, Anuj Mubayi, Carlos Castillo-Chavez Published: July 2, 2015 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.011725
Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings Sherry Towers , Andres Gomez-Lievano, Maryam Khan, Anuj Mubayi, Carlos Castillo-Chavez Published: July 2, 2015 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.011725
@[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project] --- Sue, Open This video -- it has my @Realuphuman.net Mission Banner attached into this video. Wow, how they can pick the great images of my profile to produce such a great video. Watch it, please. Then, take the root directory of http://realuphuman.net and the image that is found there: http://desertaidsproject.realuphuman.net/@REALUPHUMAN-Banner-Mission-2018%20%5b%20Blank%20FillIn%20%5d%20600.jpg Would you please take this video and add to it a partnership of the honesty binding of @realuphuman.net attached to my case management intake. Thank you.
Desert AIDS Project --- Sue, Open This video -- it has my @Realuphuman.net Mission Banner attached into this video. Wow, how they can pick the great images of my profile to produce such a great video. Watch it, please. Then, take the root directory of http://realuphuman.net/ and the image that is found there:


Would you please take this video and add to it a partnership of the honesty binding of @realuphuman.net attached to my case management intake. Thank you.
@[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project] --- Sue, Open This video -- it has my @Realuphuman.net Mission Banner attached into this video. Wow, how they can pick the great images of my profile to produce such a great video. Watch it, please. Then, take the root directory of http://realuphuman.net/ and the image that is found there:

http://desertaidsproject.realuphuman.net/@REALUPHUMAN-Banner-Mission-2018%20%5b%20Blank%20FillIn%20%5d%20600.jpg : would you please fil out the name section of this template image into a perspective of honesty in my case management intake, please. Thank you. That would build trust for sure.
Updated Jun 25, 2018 11:41:25pm
James M Driskill added a new video to Louis Earthman Jr.'s timeline.
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr.
Happy Birthday, Louis!
The Real Man I Am : Social Services and Mental Health Care Abuses Old Paradym changed 2007

Updated Jun 26, 2018 1:11:14pm
How To Identify An Extreme Narcissist - Crazy Talk Narcissist Presentation

Updated Jun 26, 2018 3:47:00pm
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Forgiveness Day is Today June 26th 2018
Forgiveness Day is Today June 26th 2018
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Replying to @realDonaldTrump The Muslim ban is mentioned as further being compounding problem not solution in this article : Dec 28 2015 A Nation Divided By Fear: Studies reveal widespread lack of social trust QR Code Top: http://blogs.thearda.com/trend/featured/a-nation-divided-by-fear-studies-reveal-widespread-lack-of-social-trust/ … QR Code Bottom: This is a YouTube Video Presentation of materials that rebuts the course that you have taken. I don't care if the Supreme Court Upholds your position, it is wrong! A Nation Divided By Fear: Studies reveal widespread lack of social trust By David Briggs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz1C_Xb96UE&list=PL9fplPdaPNx-fvh9D24MZoMfJCdzaTmlG&index=1
Replying to @realDonaldTrump

The Muslim ban is mentioned as further being compounding problem not solution in this article :

Dec 28 2015
A Nation Divided By Fear: Studies reveal widespread lack of social trust

QR Code Top:


QR Code Bottom:

This is a YouTube Video Presentation of materials that rebuts the course that you have taken. I don't care if the Supreme Court Upholds your position, it is wrong!

A Nation Divided By Fear: Studies reveal widespread lack of social trust By David Briggs

http://foothillaidsproject.gruwup.net/ : @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] --- Look at the description in this post.

Today I went by the Ryan White Administration Office [ 351 N Mountain View, San Bernardino ] today to have them incorporate my story of experiences with the Ryan White Care Act Agencies over more than 10 years to include two hate and harassment campaigns that resulted to eviction. They are treating my story serious.

I obtained two contacts in the housing resources for FAP which I told them I wanted a foundation incorporated into my case that does not allow the collapse of my housing to occur again. It has happened twice. My main issue with FAP was with Guermo but since Ms. Tona never responded to my email [ or for that matter my YouTube video posted in the name of Foothill Aids Project ], I feel abandoned and left out in the cold that would allow the abuse to take hold once more. No matter where I am --- the haters must lose. The history of my interface with FAP is contained within this folder. Will it stay listed or shall we repair this situation immediately?

We are not just burying this matter, I tell you wisely. I can't proceed with case management without the story coming into the presence of mind and fixed. Thank you.

@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]

I am posting the resource of reprimand for the Denver associated agencies along with the YouTube video to the attention of the CEO of FAP. I expect a written reply.

fapinfo.org@fuckeduphuman.net --- Thank you.
Updated Jun 27, 2018 6:06:23pm
James M Driskill wrote on Lynn M. Darnell's timeline.
I wrote to you on May 1st --- our friend anniversary. Happy Birthday --- I do miss you --- I think by the time this message gets to you --- I will have legitimized my presence with @realuphuman -- Where you are immortalized. No other single person stands as having integrity wisdom wise yet in my life. But I keepa trying --- I am a seeker of good.
Updated Jun 29, 2018 6:17:30pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
homemade can crusher powered by compressed air.
8 Years Ago
Jul 03, 2013 11:01:37am
homemade can crusher powered by compressed air.
In The Memory of my Father.
Updated Jul 03, 2018 3:27:04pm

A Complaint about being subjected to an "Informational Quarantine" in 2007
Updated Jul 04, 2018 2:13:32pm
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Timeline photos
Timeline photos
#PersonalBrand = @RealUpHuman : @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] Forever! Love All The Ones, Hate None The Wrongs, Blue Blow Blow Blow Away The Blue Of Fucked Up Humans!
#PersonalBrand = @RealUpHuman : Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace Forever!

Love All The Ones, Hate None The Wrongs, Blue Blow Blow Blow Away The Blue Of Fucked Up Humans!
@[100007139130329:2048:Timothy Ashley]: Everything Means The All of All Alls Everything...... Everywhere, EveryWhen, EveryHow, EveryWhy, Everyway, EveryDay!

The Quickening Are You An Innie Or An Outie?

Holding onto Addictus is a backward way of thinking of successful future life. Addictus was a slave that his mater set him free, but would not release his chains of pain .... and kept dragging the chains of hate, pain, and distrust everywhere he went. He would not learn to trust. That is you and I. Where I am the one who is attempting to build trust ---where you are the one breaking boundaries I need to hold onto a sensibility that I am being respected and honored in our interactive ways. But all you do is complain it is not your way when I am not complaining it is not my way... I am striving to find the middle road.... but you won't meet me in the middle... you want to run life fast over and out of its sadness madness. I don't do that way of expressing day to day life. My day is slanted on a curve where I am viewing the facts of life on a slant of a crooked beauty. That crooked slant is hidden away because you choose to hold blindness of my needs of safety first common relations of rational thinking. That is all I have to say. I do miss you.
Updated Jul 05, 2018 10:52:14pm
Timeline photos
QR Scan URL Link: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/dph.sbcounty.gov/Being%20Yourself%20Is%20More%20Than%20Enough.html
You tagged David CA Parrish
Happy Birthday, David!
Happy Birthday, David --- hope all is well with you!
Happy Birthday, David --- hope all is well with you!
Friendversary Video with Yogi
James M Driskill updated his status.
Are U Ready For My Honesty?
Drop Your Name... I Will Tell U My First Impression Of U, My Favorite Memory Of U... If I Don't See This Copied As Ur Status I Won't Answer.. let's go......
Dirty Nursery Rhymes -- Warning Very Very Bad Language In This Video!
Dirty Nursery Rhymes -- Warning Very Very Bad Language In This Video!
Timeline photos
James M Driskill added a photo to the Featured section on his profile.
James M Driskill added a photo to the Featured section on his profile.
James M Driskill added a photo to the Featured section on his profile.
James M Driskill added a photo to the Featured section on his profile.
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr
Friendversary Video with Louis
James and Louis are celebrating 9 years of friendship on Facebook!
James M Driskill shared an episode of Hash It Out.
Updated Jul 21, 2018 8:08:59am
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QR Code: https://new.hulu.com/watch/0142c1f6-dccf-4e96-b34f-987efdbb03bd
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QR Scan Link: https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/why-is-the-clear-sky-blue-inthemindway-feb202005
Timeline photos
QR Scan Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-747583484/angela-elizabeth-keady-of-denver-colorado-you-have-allowed-hate-to-win
James M Driskill doesn't recommend Colorado Health Network.

QR Code Top: [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/ ]

QR Code Bottom Left [ https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Colorado-Health-Network-Reviews-E1718672.htm ]

QR Code Bottom Right [ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/ ]

@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP] [ Tagged ]

You can make this go away by following words to live by [ Circa 1750s ]:

[ http://colorado-health-network.share-wide-and-long.community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By ]

To make amends for follies past: Restoring my housing in Denver so that I can continue my school based organization with my friends that I had make a mindful connection to. That would be wounderful of you to admit your wrong-doing when it is obvious who was at fault.

Jamie VillaLobos : Your Regional Director, Second Tier in Leadership Charge Next To Darrell Vigil

See Email Archive:

Building New Commitments Of #SocialTrust In Our Communities.
Updated Aug 03, 2018 10:59:42am
Timeline photos
These NORMAL / UGLY MEMES can be found on the site Whisper with the following search URL: There are lots of people suffering from self-esteem issues. http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Ugly/
These NORMAL / UGLY MEMES can be found on the site Whisper with the following search URL: There are lots of people suffering from self-esteem issues.

Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
James M Driskill shared an episode of What the Future.
Updated Aug 07, 2018 9:47:58am
http://5150.gruwup.net/ : Open Your Eyes : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Updated Aug 10, 2018 10:20:30am
@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP]

I see that you cleaned up your images.google.com matches for "Colorado health network" and "Denver Colorado Aids Project".

I bet that took some doing.

You really should do the follow up to words to live by and make amends for your deeds against me in that you know exactly what you have done. Just knowing that you had to clean up the images pack for your organization is satisfactory news for me that I have already won.

[ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/%23Mpatapo-BindingKnotOfReconcillation/MP3-MUSIC-For-You-To-Listen-To/Tes.Kempner-I've.Already.Won.mp3 ]

--- It would behoove you to listen to a song of reflection against the tide that folder remains existing and you can't do anything about what is written there, because it is the truth.

Updated Aug 18, 2018 11:30:25am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Who has had enough of this heat wave weather crap?
James M Driskill updated his status.
Doctor Berger, you and I have a exchange history. We should unite peace in the model of the UN Convention for Rights For Persons With Disabilities specifically what is defined in Article 12 of the Convention Documents. This to rebuild trust in our society within a new paradigm shift of understanding. You are working [ Search: Terran Imbalanced Interpersonal Relations ] with the old paradigm that encourages a wrong priority in our society. That old paradigm pulls down trust to a level that is collectively destructive to our collective social cohesiveness that the erosion of #SocalTrust leads to violence, murder, and mass shootings. I have placed upon a new appearing auto-generated Facebook page comments that apply to my mission that we should have built an understanding forward from 5 hours of consult which should have stuck in your mind to the ultimate realism that I am not a violent person, I only deal with reality of circumstances. I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life. There is no way forward but unity and the correction adaptive new model of paradigm shift of the UN CRPD that affirms autonomy, trust building, and builds better relationships. Please see the Community Comments Attached To This Page. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Dr-Christopher-Eric-Berger-MD-237829783258639/community/?ref=page_internal

Updated Aug 19, 2018 9:06:44pm
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Timeline photos
Link to Listen To Spoken Voice Narrative Interface To The Meaning Of Mpatapo: http://adinkra.gruwup.net/053-Mpatapo/053-Mpatapo.ogg
Link to Listen To Spoken Voice Narrative Interface
To The Meaning Of Mpatapo:

Timeline photos
QR Scan of this link is: [ http://persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Doctor.Christopher.Eric.Berger/trustbinding-Doctor-Christohpher-Eric-Berger.html ]
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Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Updated Sep 05, 2018 2:51:07pm

#Adinkra #AkomaNtoso #LinkedHearts

For More Adinkra Symbol Images,
Use Public Access Directory:
[ http://adinkra.gruwup.net/ ]

For More Information About
@Gruwup Peacebuilding Network:
[ http://gruwup.net/%23-If-You-Are-Browsing-This-Domain%20%5b%20Click%20Here%20For%20Info%20Introduction%20%5d/ ]
Updated Sep 05, 2018 5:32:13pm
Over the course of past few months, I have been directing and posting convincing evidence of a hate bias conspiracy in the Ryan White Care Act Social Services Network region to region here in the United States. These postings in the FB Group PozPlanet that have been approved by the moderator and I would like to share with you these concerns in this group. I have created external linking content on my domains that compiles this evidence into browsable evidence.

Pozplanet admin: Please approve this post for it is very much real links to real data to a real story of hate.

Pozplanet audience: I suggest that you bookmark this post so that you can intake these links in pieces - this evidence has been extensive research and applied time to reveal and expose this conspiracy.

Link To:

I would like you to read the facebook review that I have finally been able to apply to speak the truth of discrimination received when I returned to my hometown from an 11-month hate and harassment campaign in Denver Colorado leading to eviction. Please open and review all of the comments:


Then take it than the real truth of the social services of the Ryan White Care Act are finally are coming to light by the Glassdoor reviews of these normally non-profit agency organizations. I have a research directory on Glassdoor reviews. Pay attention here.


After citing this glassdoor review from 2015 to a report to the FBI regarding this trend of hate internal of the Ryan White Care Act program of agency director level leaderships,


Review delivered in spoken voice narrative:


After directing this review to the FBI, someone has taken this review off glassdoor even though I have a copy of the hate agenda that transpires.

For the saved record of the detailed posted against Cascade Aids Project, I have placed a Twitter thread which can be accessed by this very distintive domain name web presence being used to expose this conspiracy.


Open these up to their file directory records of personal direct involvements details that have been documented:



Their Direct Glassdoor Reviews URL:


Note the Review: "If you don't gossip like a teenager, you'll be an outsider" reflecting violations of client privacy is apparent.

A layout of all their negative outlook reviews placed here in an image file:


Shall I proceed --- yes Desert Aids Project is the Palm Springs Area has this review:


Direct Glassdoor URL is:


Review headline is:

"If you have integrity and concern for the Aids patient, go elsewhere"

Should I continue with this #ConspiracyExposed documentation? Yes, lets. A Twitter DM conversation I engaged in with Sue Lowe Desert AIDS Project giving them the opportunity to explain this review to me. At first, she apologizes for the other agencies blocking me on social media --- I pressed her for an answer to this for remedy --- she ends up blocking me. This Twitter DM has been transcribed with spoken voice narrative and is kind of long.


Should I continue to provide the documentation to the record of this conspiracy? Yes, I think so.

My current date agency interface of Foothill Aids Project where on Google Reviews, a reviewer in his real name whom I am told is a member of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council Search Google Yourself : [ Foothill AIDS Project San Bernardino ] He said this:


Foothill Aids Project
670 N. Arrowhead Avenue, Suite A-B, San Bernardino, CA
Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
11 months ago-
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.


Is there a remedy without a community-wide revolt? Probably not. There is so much ugliness here they are hiding. Here is some of that direct ugly hate they are directing at me for exposing the truth to the documentation and then onto the community awareness.

Title: My Status Being A Refugee From Hate:

Title: Exposing the Conspiracy Truth: I shall not be ignored!

What the final cause and effect to this is an erosion of #SocialTrust in all of our communities. Why is this important to rebuild trust? According to a Washington Post Article in 2017 stated: "The erosion of trust leads to violence, murder, and mass shootings".

How the erosion of trust leads to murders and mass shootings:

I have a detailed report directed to the FBI regarding these circumstances. I would like everyone who had made it down to this point in this long Facebook post reading to take this and listen to the spoken voice narrative report to the FBI and use the Share button on the top of the page, to share it to your Facebook network and then also take this story to reflect it is very much real and direct it into your case managements and ask them what the fuck is going on with this paradigm of hate embedded in the social services network o--- are you a part of this conspiracy? It is time for the truth to be told and for this issue fixed for the national security of our nation in event after event after event of mass shootings.

Subject: #MassShootings #ErosionOfTrust #SocialTrust
Updated Sep 05, 2018 5:50:28pm
James M Driskill added a new photo to Matthew Glenn Montgomery's timeline.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
James M Driskill added a new photo to William Schultz's timeline.
Happy Birthday Billy
Happy Birthday Billy
Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP http://ryan-white-care-act.fuckeduphuman.net QR Code URL: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/dph.sbcounty.gov/Being%20Yourself%20Is%20More%20Than%20Enough.html
Timeline photos
This is an archive record evidence data file for a Facebook Messenger conversation between Myself using a different FB handle and Angela Elizabeth Keady of Denver Colorado Aids Project aka Colorado Health Network. It has spoken voice text narrative interface to the one-way content conversation details placed into the record about #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP

Timeline photos
The social networking concept known as "blocking" should be legally banned from process operations as currently designed by the social media platforms. It is breaking our society by detaching the real need of connectivity and we can't get it right when block is so easy to reach.
The social networking concept known as "blocking" should be legally banned from process operations as currently designed by the social media platforms. It is breaking our society by detaching the real need of connectivity and we can't get it right when block is so easy to reach.
If you push people out of the way of your mother fucked up human life to block them out of your existence --- you might want to keep this meme handy to apologize --- for they bested you and you could not handle the truth. You all cowards! http://cdn-webimages.wimages.net/0570a0b19cf3005e0cbe2d3520a6319a877912-v5.jpg?v=0
Updated Sep 17, 2018 11:30:31pm
Timeline photos
I can't believe people on facebook treat me so badly. Blocked For No Reason. Come to find out there are many out here with the same bitch gripe on how social media is playing with their emotional tolls. Stop blocking people! Stop the blocking! It hurts our society more than you may realize. If the word "community" is derived from communication + unity or commune + unity ---- find some to stop the hate and just act in greatness to relate ---- to each other eh? Find Internet Memes --- pages and pages ---- of "Blocked For No Reason" from the app Whisper [DIR] #Kramobone-The.Ugly [ Blocked For No Reason ]/ .http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Ugly%20%5b%20Blocked%20For%20No%20Reason%20%5d/ Get a feel for what happens when you block for no reason --- used at your whimsical need to be a control freak eh? You all suck who do this regularly to others online. I know the guilty toll -- there are many among this group here on Facebook - So far we remain linked !! Horray! The problem is noted at: http://humanetech.com/problem Our society is being hijacked by technology. What began as a race to monetize our attention is now eroding the pillars of our society: mental health, democracy, social relationships, and our children. What we feel as addiction is part of something much bigger. There's an invisible problem that's affecting all of society. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google have produced amazing products that have benefited the world enormously. But these companies are also caught in a zero-sum race for our finite attention, which they need to make money. Constantly forced to outperform their competitors, they must use increasingly persuasive techniques to keep us glued. They point AI-driven news feeds, content, and notifications at our minds, continually learning how to hook us more deeply—from our own behavior. Unfortunately, what's best for capturing our attention isn't best for our well-being: Snapchat turns conversations into streaks, redefining how our children measure friendship. Instagram glorifies the picture-perfect life, eroding our self worth. Facebook segregates us into echo chambers, fragmenting our communities. YouTube autoplays the next video within seconds, even if it eats into our sleep. These are not neutral products. They are part of a system designed to addict us. The race for attention is eroding the pillars of our society. ---- Have a better day than me --- eh? @[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project] [ You can't claim your innocent of conspiracy ] @[173868910013:274:Cascade AIDS Project] [ You can't claim your innocent of conspiracy ] @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP] [ Puppeteer of 11-month hate campaign targeted against me ] Rocky Mountain CARES [ Tagging N/A - Blocked ] @[137577736280484:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments] [ Formerly Content Blocked ] http://cascadeaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net http://desertaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net http://rockymountaincares.fuckeduphuman.net My Poz Magazine Submitted Story Regarding a Hate Conspiracy showing true. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/poz.com/poz.com%20story%20submitted-Music.html To Close a CAP onto this buzz feed embarrassment, The Ryan White Care Act Policy Of The United States Of American needs some amendments to denounce hate. Please if you do nothing else, like to this and listen to the 19 minutes spoken voice narrative and music instrumental presentation: http://ryan-white-care-act.fuckeduphuman.net/ Where are my friends who know me well? I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life. They can't claim the same in reverse. Now, can they? @[100001410866366:2048:Blythe Rayford] @[1213058425:2048:Paul Peterson] @[100000414084239:2048:Jimmy Escajeda] @[1556081366:2048:Alan Mayfield] @[100010278162440:2048:David Tapscott] @[1394727441:2048:David CA Parrish] @[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill] @[100003123832415:2048:David Darnell] @[1840352448:2048:David Moon] @[100000886741410:2048:M Alan Kazlev] @[100001029855670:2048:Brandon Cook] @[1037289285:2048:Michael M. Catron - Boyd] @[100005759118512:2048:William Schultz] Johnnie Bird Aubrey Hutson @[1444447049:2048:William D. Burton] @[157500167:2048:Antjuan Bouldin] @[1167347312:2048:Kelvin Burroughs] @[100002109554797:2048:Lily Vallene Dreiling] @[1692302397:2048:Lynn M. Darnell] [ In Heaven RIP You are watching this truth unfold ] @[100000079403623:2048:Louis Earthman Jr] @[100023135836680:2048:Sammie Francher] @[100028369084687:2048:Sammie Francher] @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] @[100021721385494:2048:Sammie Francher] [ Will The Real Sammie Francher Step Forward, I name you a "best" among the community in my POZ Magazine story submission ] @[508313182649099:69:Black Men For Relationship Unity (Open)] @[1325984899:2048:Michael Ray Graczyk] @[100001506183595:2048:G.b. Rayf] @[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA] @[383351708499061:69:poz peer support and interaction] @[732210895:2048:Jim Whitescarver] @[100022327802396:2048:Kevin Mims] @[100002567536529:2048:Kevin Yerby] @[100006220249468:2048:Arthur Kanegis] Arthur Kanegis @[1372159481:2048:W-Jamal Lee Wilson] @[406717779346625:69:Denver Locals] @[100000909825366:2048:Mario Saucedo] @[100005739576336:2048:Morris Travis] @[505995199549986:69:Namaste] @[2404687055:69:POZPLANET] @[100006563475591:2048:Rhea Pixley] Yosef Reu'ven Stephano Saenz @[1307265997:2048:Melody Badwound-Wright] @[653147937:2048:Yogi Zen] Popeye Jiménez [ I need Popeye The Sailor Man to save me from these haters! ]
I can't believe people on facebook treat me so badly. Blocked For No Reason. Come to find out there are many out here with the same bitch gripe on how social media is playing with their emotional tolls. Stop blocking people! Stop the blocking! It hurts our society more than you may realize. If the word "community" is derived from communication + unity or commune + unity ---- find some to stop the hate and just act in greatness to relate ---- to each other eh?

Find Internet Memes --- pages and pages ---- of "Blocked For No Reason" from the app Whisper

[DIR] #Kramobone-The.Ugly [ Blocked For No Reason ]/

Get a feel for what happens when you block for no reason --- used at your whimsical need to be a control freak eh? You all suck who do this regularly to others online. I know the guilty toll -- there are many among this group here on Facebook - So far we remain linked !! Horray!

The problem is noted at:


Our society is being hijacked by technology.
What began as a race to monetize our attention is now eroding the pillars of our society: mental health, democracy, social relationships, and our children.

What we feel as addiction is part of something much bigger.

There's an invisible problem that's affecting all of society.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google have produced amazing products that have benefited the world enormously. But these companies are also caught in a zero-sum race for our finite attention, which they need to make money. Constantly forced to outperform their competitors, they must use increasingly persuasive techniques to keep us glued. They point AI-driven news feeds, content, and notifications at our minds, continually learning how to hook us more deeply—from our own behavior.

Unfortunately, what's best for capturing our attention isn't best for our well-being:

Snapchat turns conversations into streaks, redefining how our children measure friendship.
Instagram glorifies the picture-perfect life, eroding our self worth.
Facebook segregates us into echo chambers, fragmenting our communities.
YouTube autoplays the next video within seconds, even if it eats into our sleep.

These are not neutral products.
They are part of a system designed to addict us.
The race for attention is eroding the pillars of our society.


Have a better day than me --- eh?

Desert AIDS Project [ You can't claim your innocent of conspiracy ]
Cascade AIDS Project [ You can't claim your innocent of conspiracy ]
Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP [ Puppeteer of 11-month hate campaign targeted against me ]
Rocky Mountain CARES [ Tagging N/A - Blocked ]
Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments [ Formerly Content Blocked ]


My Poz Magazine Submitted Story Regarding a Hate Conspiracy showing true.


To Close a CAP onto this buzz feed embarrassment,

The Ryan White Care Act Policy Of The United States Of American needs some amendments to denounce hate.

Please if you do nothing else, like to this and listen to the 19 minutes spoken voice narrative and music instrumental presentation:


Where are my friends who know me well? I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life. They can't claim the same in reverse. Now, can they?

Blythe Rayford Paul Peterson Jimmy Escajeda Alan Mayfield David Tapscott David CA Parrish David Driskill David Darnell David Moon M Alan Kazlev Brandon Cook Michael M. Catron - Boyd William Schultz Johnnie Bird Aubrey Hutson William D. Burton Antjuan Bouldin Kelvin Burroughs Lily Vallene Dreiling Lynn M. Darnell [ In Heaven RIP You are watching this truth unfold ] Louis Earthman Jr Sammie Francher Sammie Francher Sammie Francher Sammie Francher [ Will The Real Sammie Francher Step Forward, I name you a "best" among the community in my POZ Magazine story submission ] Black Men For Relationship Unity (Open) Michael Ray Graczyk G.b. Rayf Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA poz peer support and interaction Jim Whitescarver Kevin Mims Kevin Yerby Arthur Kanegis Arthur Kanegis W-Jamal Lee Wilson Denver Locals Mario Saucedo Morris Travis Namaste POZPLANET Rhea Pixley Yosef Reu'ven Stephano Saenz Melody Badwound-Wright Yogi Zen Popeye Jiménez [ I need Popeye The Sailor Man to save me from these haters! ]
James M Driskill was helping people register to vote.
I have voted semi-regularly [ i have missed a few elections ] since I was age 18. I am now age 53. Even though you might not realize it by the numbers, your vote does count. Many elections are either lost or won by the non-vote or those who are eligible to vote but don't. If we took a poll cast of those to do not vote -- and they actually did vote, things would be different than allowing the government to rule us, we would rule the government. But that is not what it is, because people don't vote. I still vote as an obligation to my self to know that when I say something outside of the voting booth, that I have been one of those who participates in voting. Those who don't vote should be quiet in their political opinions and shut the fuck up. Once again, that is not the way it is..... people always have an opinion on social media but don't carry that into the voting booth, and that my dearest community is a failing of our social trust.

The Erosion Of #SocialTrust Leads To Violence, Murder, and Mass Shootings.
Washington Post Article:

YouTube Presentation of This Article Provided By The Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace peacebuilding, truth affirming, and trust binding network ideal.

YouTube Playlist Theme Erosion of Trust Leads To Mass Shootings:

James M Driskill was helping people register to vote.
I have voted semi-regularly [ i have missed a few elections ] since I was age 18. I am now age 53. Even though you might not realize it by the numbers, your vote does count. Many elections are either lost or won by the non-vote or those who are eligible to vote but don't. If we took a poll cast of those to do not vote -- and they actually did vote, things would be different than allowing the government to rule us, we would rule the government. But that is not what it is, because people don't vote. I still vote as an obligation to my self to know that when I say something outside of the voting booth, that I have been one of those who participate in voting. Those who don't vote should be quiet in their political opinions and shut the fuck up. Once again, that is not the way it is..... people always have an opinion on social media but don't carry that into the voting booth, and that my dearest community is a failing of our social trust.
https://web.archive.org/web/20180118231632/https://www.colorado.edu/journals/standards/V5N1/marlonintro.html -

RIP Maron Riggs.

I have done my best to honor your work --- even with the restriction of the racism that has gripped this country into loss of #SocialTrust that actually now has been the foundation root cause of violence, murderr, and mass shootings. [ see Washington Post Article : Erosion of Trust Leaders to Murder and Mass Shootings ]

I have really done my best. But my best apparently is not good enough. It is embarassing to those who lead this nation in HIV/AIDS support social services and health care to divide the paitent base into classes --- one served and the other disserved. And I know this #ConspiracyExposed should be placed to the status of #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP -- and that is a standard that will hold that I have done my best.
Updated Sep 21, 2018 6:07:15pm
You tagged David CA Parrish
Friendversary Video with David
James and David are celebrating 6 years of friendship on Facebook!
If you are a HULU Video Streaming Content Watcher and do not appreciate certain content, such as Fox News, from being selected into the auto-play function of your AI Video Matching process, it would be wise of you to defend the stated position in this web archive of a customer service support chat transcript that also has spoken voice text narrative interface with additional commented notations. [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/hulu.com/Gmail%20-%20Hulu%20Chat%20Transcripts%20-%2010_6_2018.html ] @[256415524372621:274:Hulu Support] - Note the Full Web Version of This is a presentation form for the public and for customer support to acknowledge this filing placement --- by a reply and response of concern and care for standards and this issue of FAKE NEWS and the SPIN CYCLE that is eroding our social trust factors that has been noted to the @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] as a cause and effect factor involved in the loss of #SocialTrust leads to violence, murder, and mass shootings [ Washinging Post Article ]: This is a crisis situation that needs affixing with adaptive thinking onto a solution forward of merit --- trustable building back of our common sense and common values. God Help Us! [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/fbi.gov/Gmail%20-%20FBI%20Report%20---%20Full%20Report%20-%20With%20Links.html ] - All of the issues of social trust loss, social trust building, social loss collapse are interdependent of each other to the solution forward from these circumstances of dire need 180 degrees step back and see the truth. My justifying evidence to prove my point of reality is written in the Washington Post in October of 2017. [ https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/how-the-erosion-of-trust-leads-to-murders-and-mass-shootings/2017/10/06/382cc4b2-a91e-11e7-92d1-58c702d2d975_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.2e1fe0447e22 ] -- Don't insult my intelligence and tell me that I am wrong to this conclusion. I am mostly right as a peace builder knowable of meme mechanics of memetics. Thank you. @[15704546335:274:Fox News] [ You all idiots! ]
Updated Oct 06, 2018 11:43:31am
James M Driskill updated his status.
To Be My True Client Advocate Representing A Legal Necessity Reblanced focus of change in our interpersonal relationship.

To begin a complex reasoning why, as a Drug Treatment Center, Acknowledge The Truth To Several Factors Of "Modern Thought" On Addiction Involvements and state of consideration of the how decriminalization policy since 2001 in the country of Portugal has a 90% decline in the number of new HIV Infection Cases.

Michael R Maynard is current staff at the Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino. You can google [ Michael R Maynard Foothill Aids Project ] to confirm this.


There is a major problem associated with the client interface with this social service agency. There is a google review that is standing for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino that represents a pretty ugly picture of what I am referring to here. I am told that Mr. Jacobson is a member of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council

"Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism."

There has been an inquiry and a request of response regarding this review. Personally, the media creations of the discourse of dysfunctional "conflict of interest" case management problem with no solution are posted on YouTube in two separate video posts:

To foothill AIDS Project RE: Change of Case Management Focus to Person Centered

To Executive Director Foothill Aids Project -- #ConspiracyExposed [ Enable@Un.Org ]

Current Efforts Of An Client / Agency Interface includes this:

Audio Review File:

A Written Address With Links To This Audio Address:

This position is being brought forward into his view from this client author writing this review here of a truth knowledge network [ @realuphuman.net ] and peacebuilding [ Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete... ] @gruwup.net even though he refuses to reply onto my individual sent email.

These matters that are at hand are extremely imperative to fix this weighty truth in the interface dysfunction of the social services network between the Ryan White Care Act social services network and clients. If understood this dysfunction crosses into almost all major urban area Ryan White Care Act Funded agencies nationally, collaborated by negative outlook Glassdoor employee to employer reviews. An address to the national disorder is found at:


So far they are untrustworthy and I have decided to take the advice of the Google Reviewer and Run As Fast and as Far Away from my holding onto a fantasy of being able to reconcile this hate based setup within the Ryan White Care Act [ perhaps overall factors of all types ] of social services interfaces in the United States of America. If we take on a collectively and cumulatively cause and effect, there is a great erosion of trust happening here that no one seems to be able to see, an invisible force of disturbance is happening here in the United States of America.

That large sale erosion of trust begets more erosion of trust. A vicious cycle affecting all of society.

In October of 2017, a Washington Post Article appeared [ How The Erosion Of Trust Leads To Murder and Mass Shootings ]:


This situation at hand here in this review is very much real! It is very complex and actually considered a wicked problem [ see Wikipedia on definition ]

It is a Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck
James M Driskill updated his status.
Just FYI:

Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP

This auto-generated Facebook page is in the name of my current case manager who happens to hold a drug addiction recovery center. Apparently, it is a part of a his business profile that Facebook [ or whomever ] decided to take listings from a create a business listing page. I have placed a "Does Not Recommend" review on the page.

Michael R Maynard works at Foothill AIDS Project


What is most interesting is that you should have been the ones who should have taken the reigns of this issue. You failed and you are suffering the informational warfare of that nonfeasance.

Define: NonFeasance


nonfeasance noun
non·fea·sance | \ˌnän-ˈfē-zᵊn(t)s
Definition of nonfeasance

: failure to act especially : failure to do what ought to be done


Examples of nonfeasance in a Sentence
you can sue for nonfeasance if the company doesn't fulfill the contract

Recent Examples on the Web
His nonfeasance included not filing critical pleadings, not attending hearings, not forwarding files to successor counsel, not refunding unearned fees and not responding to client inquiries. — Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Milwaukee lawyer disbarred on 38 counts of misconduct," 13 July 2018 Grounds for removal are: exercising unlawful power or authority, gross neglect of duty, gross immorality, drunkenness, misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance. — James Ewinger, cleveland.com, "Perry Village mayor and council are at a silent impasse," 28 Apr. 2018

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'nonfeasance.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.


You better pray the hate away that Mr. Maynard is capable of withstanding this mpatapo binding presence and do the right thing for a change. I would check out his review and comment thread if I were you, get in touch with Mr. Maynard and tell him to proceed to reconciliation for you all made a mistake. I walked out of a meeting with Mr Maynard on Tuesday ready to proceed to court to sue the system of agencies involved in conspiracy, that includes your agency showing outstanding on Glassdoor who had been the source directed hate into my life affairs. You can't stay out of the privacy breech evidence by your Glassdoor review. What appears there is extremely damning against you. Advise Mr. Maynard to reconcile with me or else the lawsuits are going to be filed. I guarantee you will lose big time. And the community will lose big time too. I will re-distribute $5,000,000 minimum settlement if I file a case. I don't want to proceed that way, but I will if I must. What I want is an apology from you and a promise that you have stopped violating the rights of clients including the privacy of clients online activities. Thank you.
James M Driskill updated his status.
Did you know there was a specific area of the brain that recognizes and deals with Cartoons?

Ted Talk On The Brain : What hallucination reveals about our minds.
https://youtu.be/SgOTaXhbqPQ?t=827s [ Time Indexed To Section On Cartoons ]

I would assume that video games fall into this category.
@[100011511547384:2048:David Driskill]
Updated Oct 11, 2018 2:47:54pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
Link: http://michael-r-maynard.foothill-aids-project.foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/Staff/Michael_R_Maynard/Addiction%20and%20Drug%20Use-Abuse/We%20Need%20To%20Normalize%20Drug%20Use%20In%20Our%20Society%20-%20Stanton%20Peele.html
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]

You can access this annotation web page of Fapinfo.org by using this url.....

Updated Oct 15, 2018 9:23:00am
@[131526450772594:274:Inland Empire HIV Planning Council]

This is a genius.it web page annotated comment affixed to your web page. This is very much a real technology.

http://genius.it/15585471/iehpc.org : "Home" being the <Title>Home</Title> coded onto your homepage html page.
Updated Oct 15, 2018 2:38:22pm
Timeline photos
Dear @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] : This is an annotated comments applied to assigned to the web page
of FBI.GOV using the GENIUS.IT technology interface to web information. The comments are very important and are
a repeat of what I have been attempting to relay to you. Hopefully, you will "professionally" respond as discussed
at this annotated comment are important to confirm your understanding of the scientific evidence on these matters. Thank you.
Updated Oct 15, 2018 8:55:57pm
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] : @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project]

I am prepared to change the focus point of the meetings that I have with Michael R Maynard and client to an interface that is more "client centered" out of the current long standing "conflict of interest case management" paradigm that is established between agency and clients. There is no option but for you to hold your breath for a second and breath. We are in this debate whether you acknowledge it or not or I go to court and pursue a civil lawsuit to protect my rights and stop this system of retaliation against change. The system has hated on me one time too many and there should be an embarrassment that you all must endure to hold the bottom line common sense reasoning rational thinking and holding common decency respect and dignity.

I am right about my assertions and you only look a fool defending a system that must be brought to their knees and change. Trust is a part of this paradigm shit, and you don't trust, you distrust yourselves so much that you have induced a greater harm onto our society than just this dysfunctional client to agency interface. The loss of #SocialTrust leads to murder and mass shootings. [ See: Washington Post ].

Please don't act as untouchables when you are very very far from that status.

We will get along once you understand the binding knot we all are in to resolve this conflict in peaceful reconcillation negotiation where the client side of this complaint is at a higher presentation of our informational society than you are used to interfacing to. There is absolutely nothing illegal by what I am doing. There is
Updated Oct 16, 2018 8:48:07am
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
@[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project]

Community and Foothill Aids Project Facebook Admin --- Perhaps you should review the annotated version of the "Our Story" to Foothill Aids Project Page -- I rebut a reflection of life circumstances of hate paradigms instead of wellness models of services rendered from this social services dysfunction interface --- we have no other choice but to sign up with --- or be gone --- no services at all.


Updated Oct 17, 2018 12:11:23am
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
@[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project]

Foothill Aids Project: This is a distributable QR Graphic That I have composed in view of "legal necessity" to do the right thing in these regards. Please do the right thing a keep up the paradigm shift understanding --- and drop the hate dynamics of retaliation against change.

Updated Oct 17, 2018 12:12:27am

You may have blocked the intercommunication of account inthemindway prematurely to the corrective adaptive solution to this net binding. You might want to read your email [ info@fapinfo.org ] for a clue.

Dear @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] : @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project] :

This is a notice of intention. My intentions are peaceful and respectful. My intentions resoundingly demonstrate there is a wicked problem that needs to be addressed in the social services interface between clients and agency.

These matters are highly important, priority cause, to adaptive thinking perspectives to form understanding to an adaptive change in focus priorities.

I am not taking "No, We Can't Do That" as an answer.

You will do what is obligated upon you as "standards" of technology relations because that is the only way we can live.

The role of "Case Manager" has now been questioned to be "non-assigned" to my client case. I have no case manager because Michael Maynard rejects that role of duty in my last meeting with him. So, I have no case manager is the status of the client currently.

Really? How absurd that the involvement of "rational thinking" would dismiss my status of client contracted services to not having a case manager. I would like to be assigned a case manager, please.

In the introduction of that client to agency, the new thinking paradigm interface would be the fact that I am documenting everything about my client services interface affixed and annotated to the web [ using Genius Technology Interface ] to be affixed annotated interlacing to the webpage of http://fapinfo.org/ It is simple really...


This pulls your website into an annotated optioned page that can be commented onto by highlighting any phrase on the page and placing "feedback" to those comments --- publicly which will eventually hit the web search indexes to be hit and retrieved by interested public searches for "Foothill Aids Project" and Fapinfo.org ---

Please don't question that this interface is secret and invisible to inquiring minds.

It is very public and your relations of public relations might be affected by ignoring this communication and annotation comments onto your home page.... THESE THINGS OF TECHNOLOGY HAS COME TO BITE YOU IN THE ASS --- TO INTENSE PAIN -- if you don't see rhyme or reason to react, respond, and conclude as I am employing you through persuasive technologies to think about these things seriously and make something happen differently than what was yesterday. Today is a different day.

Thank you,
Updated Oct 17, 2018 12:14:06am
@[308252472676410:274:Genius] - I need a site moderator's interpretation intervention to the established standard
that is applied to

LinkedIn that allows company names to contain the word "Fuck" and "Fucked" and that "fuckeduphuman.net"
is just an extension of this standard. on account suspension http://genius.com/Gruwup
Updated Oct 24, 2018 10:34:57am
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
James M Driskill updated his status.
I am listening to your Coast To Coast Radio Topic - Ted Talks Controversies. You and I are Facebook friends via a shared interpersonal link of Doctor Edwin Elkin. We have been friends for a very long time. I am not a follower or fan as you might call it --- I treat our friendship in a more integrity proofed bonding. We are somewhat having a backtracking of what it means to hold bonds of friends vs. fans. vs. psychopathic irrational thinking paradigms. I own a very unique presence of informational society internet domain memespaces that are declared for this intention:

A peace building, truth affirming, dishonesty confronting, and trust binding networking ideal. That is the construct onto our information society that my internet domains service. Once we understand this triad trust ladder in view of scope --- we could actually make a challenge to the world that places conflict of interest models of unfairness into a paradigm that is holding an opportunity to induce a moral agency and moral responsibility change.

See: Computing and Moral Responsibility:

See: Information Privacy In Cyberspace Transactions:

See: #WordsToLiveBy : Circa 1750s - See Embedded Video: Expanded Citations Version - Standards Of Excellence:

@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]

@Gruwup.net 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
@RealUpHuman.net : Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History
@Fuckeduphuman.net : Binding Knot Of Mptatpo, the knot of binding the holds parties together involved in a dispute to a forum and peaceful reconciliation process.
Updated Oct 26, 2018 8:17:00pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Updated Oct 30, 2018 10:58:57am
Updated Oct 30, 2018 3:10:12pm
Updated Oct 31, 2018 2:42:06pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
[Adinkra Symbols] : Unity of Four - Mpatapo, Krado, Kramobone, Mmomudwan : http://gruwup.net/Resources/AdrinKra%20Symbols/Unity%20of%20Four%20-%20@Gruwup%202015.jpg …
6 Years Ago
Nov 04, 2015 2:31:37pm
[Adinkra Symbols] : Unity of Four - Mpatapo, Krado, Kramobone, Mmomudwan : http://gruwup.net/Resources/AdrinKra%20Symbols/Unity%20of%20Four%20-%20@Gruwup%202015.jpg …
Updated Nov 05, 2018 7:43:56pm
I want to travel and see this location on our planet. It is a set of twin waterfalls that one falls into a lake like normal, the other waterfall falls into a great hole that the water does not exit anywhere to be found/located. They have dropped objects into the water hole and these objects are lost forever.
Updated Nov 06, 2018 12:49:06am
I am writing this onto your timeline wall.

This is an extremely important time crossing and development of breaking the conspiracy that has made a huge separation causality between us.

I miss you greatly! I love you wholeheartedly.

That is one of the complaints that I must take into consideration when we know the high states dimension they may still take this --- to court -- to attempt to hide the presence of reality.

They may think I am a dumb idiot and challenge my intelligence with school educated legal graduates to the oppression of a man whose mission is being a peace builder.

If they take this situation to that level, because they have to hide instead of confess and repent, we will still be separated by distance and time delay to reunite. We may never have a chance to return where we left off, but I have hopes of rekindling what was begun and destroyed by outside forces.

I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

So, should you.

We are both creations of holding space on #Kramobone-The.Good - the networking space that is real, not imaginary. This is our bond Mr.. Francher. We have not been a direct influence in each others lives for a while.

I have you listed as a student of adult consent learning and practice school startup that was in my residence legally. I also being the status of student in reality.

This is a matter of the rule of order that was placed onto the walls of two rooms of the space.

Quality over Quantity and the rules posted relates to our stated intentions and loss of integrity when stated intentions are not carried forward to action and motion results to an oblivion.

Also part of the set rule, was the mention of being welcomed presence in the shared space or a freewill presence to leave when one realizes they do not belong there or that a hidden agenda was called out upon them. That clause is key to consent. That rule of order was the key to the energy in the space. At least it should have been holding respect and honor to most of the setup intention presence of understanding and development gains of peace building. We are all equal. So in that essence, we are both teachers of each other. That was the point of the space.

In fact, you are part of the naming process that resulted from a question I posed to you. In that moment of answer, you are part of the name of this school --- AWESOME -- and that can't be changed since the etching realism, you are part of the manifestation of wisdom, guidance, and lessons there of change.

Much of that space was subject to attack by an outside force.

They adverse to the building and creation success of this startup school, they illegally set into the the motion of breaking the rules of privacy that is systemically embedded in the HIV system of social services and housing. They break the rules of morality and laws of decency that is developed from morality society sense of right and wrong.

Morality is subjective as an individual. As different that applies to collective society morality where society presses forward to evolve progress or digress to full collapse from the politics that generates public policy rules. This standing guidance what should be called to our "Moral Agency" is something much grander scale higher virtue to recognize actually than our individual morality takes. --- Duty! Duty To The Truth!

Never Intentionally deceive or carry forward a deception [ know a lie is a lie and repeat that lie ] for collectively a lie being secretly told among a set few or massively across a systemic model of design, is called a conspiracy.

Once you know that a lie is a lie and pass on that lie, you are a conspirator.

That definition is a legal one of criminal intent and criminal mind.

I am writing this to the attachment of the attorney involved in current Ryan White Care Act interface to social services.

My introduction statement of truth to him on LinkedIn is provided here.


I have had my integrity and merit identity interface with LinkedIn Customer Support to the non-deletion censorship relevance of my presence on their social media site.

My post will not be removed off site, no matter who what or why there might be outside pressure to remove such content.

I have my threat to pursue discrimination charges against the site already established. If that is the case, they will be named in my litigation suit against agents of hate.

They will not proceed with defending a larger presence of conspiracy.

Haters helping Haters to succeed.:


I can place you to that directory -- only -- if a written oath given pledge is made to your integrity and honor to the real moral truth of these circumstances. That clause is not required to proceed but you have been given that offer and invitation to change the dimensions of peace instead of conflict none-the-less.

@RealUpHuman 2018
: Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History

@GruwUp 2018
: Great Reasons Us [ Sammie Lee Francher, James Martin Driskill, and Alan John Leahy ] Will Unite Peace



How the Erosion Of Trust Leads To Murder and Mass Shootings [ Washington Post Oct 2017 ]

On YouTube As A Part Of A Presentation Playlist:


Mentioned Loss Of Trust Cause Of Mass Shootings In My Own Style Writing as a Part of Community Address #06 Prior Timestamped On Linked In : July 16th 2016


@Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding : Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo is missing in our modern world of information technologies.
Updated Nov 10, 2018 11:08:47am
With what is a personal human body drone actual test flight, a statement made of intention of a very much real #conspiracy #exposed in the #RyanWhiteCareAct social services nationally systemic. There is a hate paradigm interface that is absolutely provable real. I bid you to go to LinkedIn with the wow flight video and the attachment comment posts to the @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation]
Thank you.
Updated Nov 11, 2018 1:59:32am
With my struggles with now identified as #GovernmentSponsoredHate in the United States [ https://www.opendemocracy.net/5050/claire-provost/us-government-anti-lgbt-hate-groups-money ], The US is not a very nice place to call home anymore.

{@[118724768572092:274:United Nations Association of the Inland Empire]} {@[54779960819:274:United Nations]} {@[1000268016669666:274:United Nations of Consciousness - U.N.C]}

I have said many times for the last couple of years that I wanted to change my United States Citizenry to some other country that does not allow the haters to win. This referring to the life presence of haters establishing themselves to engage an 11-month hate and harassment campaign against me conducted by Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP . Re-tagged: {Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP} No, this is not a liable or defamation statement against them. They remain silent to know what they did was not very nice indeed. They know what they did. [ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] serves the history of a client experience attempting to get community involved in controlling the activity of hate within the community and how it affected and is affecting me currently and fully. As I said before, I just cannot understand why a community will not make the control of community members who are hating onto other members. No one would talk or interface with me. Everyone who remain there silent is effectively guilty and has allowed hate to win. This is not right. Once again, they know exactly what they did. [ http://colorado-health-network.jamie-villalobos.angela-elizabeth-keady.notify.fuckeduphuman.net/I-KNOW-WHAT-YOU-DID/ ]

Overall, this has been very mentally health affecting me to a detriment to community that no one is seeing the truth. What I have found out is shocking!

This being the haters are actually embedded in the foundation of #RyanWhiteCareAct non-profit social service agencies. These corporations typically have a monopoly oriented interface to clients in each region they serve.

Consumers are not given a choice of options for so-called supportive services for people living with HIV. There may be regions with a choice such as Denver was. But both agencies were in collusion with each other in this aspect that the leadership is hating of the community. This seems to be foundation of ideal of acceptance and goal to destroy a class of citizen's in the United States of America. [ http://rockymountaincares.fuckeduphuman.net/ ], can't tag them [ yet? attempt here again {Rocky Mountain CARES} showing tag but it will disappear I bet. CEO, Mike Gifford of the {AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Education Page} : Re-tagged base-org : {@[69389589237:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]} er merged with Rocky Mountain Cares in 2017 but is apparently not taking responsibility to the damages of a client under such a hater's win and hater's are in leadership of community wellness. In June of 2018, during a planned trip to Denver after being evicted from the influence of being a outspoken member and attempt at a startup community school resource, I attempted to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter of reconciliation and a follow up to the actual case management collusion and diversions of case manager NOT representing the client interests in a housing conflict meeting in 2016 before the unjustified eviction case was filed against me on November 30th 2016. In my 2018 planned trip to Denver, Mr Gifford called the Denver Police on my intents and the officer that called me told me that if I visit their office that I would be trespassing.

What they were having trouble was establishing their "moral agency" and "moral responsibility" onto community members as them not being open to a resolve but continued allowance of a huge dark deep seeded hate agenda secret. This agenda is not just in Denver but effecting the entire spectrum of Ryan White Care Act agencies region to region and can be proven.

As of 2015 or so, many, a surprising number, of these agencies appear on the site of {@[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor]} with negative outlook employee reviews. They are reported as toxic, distrusting, and ghost upper leadership of these agencies. Finally after 30 years of the Ryan White Care Act, some truth about the foundation of #GovernmentSponsoredHate is revealing itself, but still, no one seems to grasp the gravity of these circumstances but me. I think I have made some waves, but we need a tidal wave of force to actually take hold to a level of decency before I will stop this cause. I will die trying to get a common rational client centered interface across the entire spread of agencies and the chaos that I am under has created a #CeaseandDesist order from {@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]} [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/ : http://fuckeduphuman.net/Organizations/Leahy.Law.Firm/ ] in San Bernardino that has a Google Review that states it plain and simple:

Shortcut URL to PopUp Google Review:

Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago-
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.

Aaron Jacobson has been told to me by then my case manager [ who has turned tail and deceived me ] that Mr. Jacobson is a member of the {@[131526450772594:274:Inland Empire HIV Planning Council]} . So, that is not confirmed but rationally Mr Michael Ray Maynard [ http://michael-ray-maynard.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] the client interface that was involved shown his true colors to not actually be autonomous that he claimed is was at the start. He is not holding his "Moral Agency" onto the promise that he made that he would not allow the haters, if he could identify them internal of the organization, to not engage a campaign against this client and hate on me. I have been asking for a letter of commitment [ not a guarantee against eviction ] that puts "moral agency" into view and that I would have the resources available to me from Foothill Aids Project to be able to reality true investigate the source of any hate / harassment that I could identify that is interrupting my liberty of life, the pursuit of happiness, and to be free of the hate campaign that ruined my housing in Denver and ruined my housing in Oakland.

What I asked of my case manager was to follow the advise of previous staff member, the former Director of the Mental Health Program, Doctor Howard Newsome. [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/MentalHealthAdvocacyLetterJan2007-LoudCryingFace.png ]. That letter was issued about 2 weeks after Oakland involvements decide to steal my vehicle from in front of my parent's home here in San Bernardino and abandoned that car at the former address of my brother. That occurred and documentation of this occurrence was actually tweeted to our then 2013 President {@[6815841748:274:Barack Obama]} The story that is being linked and held in cyberspace memespace domain-space digital works is real. It is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I own @realuphuman.net, a threat so toxic to them, they will never end the hate campaign against me.

If this story is a lie, I swear on my father's grave and my current mother's life, that she immediately die for my sin of dishonesty upon this story. No one is sharing this story to the community and to the nation at large. Because why? I have a huge huge suspicion that #ContentSuppression is involved in my online activities. I need people to copy/paste this to a private email sharing channel of communications as well as a public wide on public view by clicking the share button.

If there is no share of this post, then I might as well change my citizenry and or commit suicide because the FBI is turning a blind's eye and not investigating this situation that is outrageous to allow to continue. The United States of America is involved in a #GovernmentSponsoredHate scheme, the FBI won't investigate, and the act as untouchables, they are getting away with murder. Real murder of people who fall needlessly down to die of HIV/AIDS direct related causes to the effects of mismanagement of the supportive cultures of Ryan White Care Act services.

In that I am challenging the truth of these circumstances to even go into a court case public arena with a baseless #CeaseandDesist order against me, I have already violated such an order twice in direct email, and one on YouTube, and again many many posts on Social Media.

The Letter of Demand, Cease and Desist, is available with very special url addressing coding:


Please contact them -- you have the story of truth and that you support me. Calls galore will be the only thing that changes their focus and resolve of these matters. I appreciate the effort --- this is highly true, highly evil, highly complex to state it in a single one line item post.

Hold on to your #Kramobone people of the United States of America when the truth is finally told.

A battle of wits as well as a battle of morals is bestowed upon our feet.

#CeaseandDesist #ViolateDemand #AgencyIsAFraud
Master Of Affirming Truth : Alan John Leahy : Leahy Law Firm : Foothill Aids Project

{@[446463599115246:274:Leahy Law Firm]} {@[623214391114281:274:Leahy Law Firm]} {Leahy Law} {@[1736486299904341:274:Leahy Alan J - Leahy Law Firm]}
Updated Nov 12, 2018 7:12:27pm
Hey im Homeless and need the money
You donated $0.00
Updated Nov 17, 2018 10:45:04pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Share onto my timeline. Foothill Aids Project is a PUBLIC FRAUD and a public NUISANCE to the serving the HIV Community.


My interface of homelessness due to being a refugee status from haters who are the leadership directors of these Ryan White Care Act funded agencies, region to region.

I asked Foothill AIDS Project Foothill Aids Project a year and four months ago to commit to a letter of sponsorship that the organization denouces hate at all levels and if I encounter another hate/harassment campaign set forth sourced to be the agencies themselves, that I would have an client interface to agency to be able to identify and stop this hate from impacting and interfering into my life.

So far, they are still sticking to their hate guns and not releasing this hate interface paradigm, a huge big deep dark secret involving the Ryan White Care act social services agencies.

On Google Reviews, the link above shows.....


Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago-
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.
James M Driskill updated his status.
You tagged James Martin Houser, Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, David C. Tapscott, Mario Saucedo, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DeVontae Wyatt, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Dale A Epps, John Neese, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Brian James Lucas, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Nathan Boden, Steve Beeferman, Morris Travis, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Kevin Mims, Sammie Francher, Michael Lucio, Sammie Francher, Casey Kidd, Michael Ray Graczyk, Jer Wood, Kevin J. Emery, Popeye Jiménez, Kenneth Kay Dee Holmes, Kevin Gorden, Joseph Trujillo, Jimmy Sever, Jerry Holloman, Blythe Rayford, Ian Hetzner, Antjuan Bouldin and Dale Haynes
Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExposed in the #RyanWhiteCareAct #GovernmentSponsoredHate #SocialServices #Dysfunctional #HIVClient #Interface to the end of the bottom of the barrel, leftover expensed funds for provided services to HIV Clients #OnlyAfter (1) leadership admin top-tier directors salaries have been funded/paid (2) employees hold ghost positions to not actually be currently involved in community information presences to engage effectively with clients these too are employee tier level ghost job role positions. (3) Case Management that does not place a priority to empowerment. (4) Region to Region, negative outlook Glassdoor employee reviews are reflecting a common theme in these posting reviews. Actually, the entire structured agency hate paradigm is a scheme to discourage empowerment. A foundation business model against clients. A paradigm interface as a place to go die and not thrive. (1) Hate/Retaliation from top-tier directors against employees/clients to prevent change. (2) Toxic Cultures (3) Distrusting Cultures (4) Racist Hate Cultures (4) Ghost placements of Top-Tier directors of these agencies not involved in admin/operations. #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP The QR Decode Link In This Image Is: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6466769310558887936 * Be sure to change SORT Comments FROM Top Comments TO Recent Comments * and EXPAND All Comments "Read More" options to reveal the full posting content. Also, there is a spoken voice text narrative interfaced copy of this post available by linking to: http://organizations.fuckeduphuman.net/Leahy.Law.Firm/LinkedIn/LinkedIn%20Public%20Post%20-%20First%20Initation%20Introduction%20%5b%20expanded%20%5d.html Contacting you regarding Moral Agency of the truth. You are obligated by being an officer of the court to represent truth not client deceptions. http://organizations.fuckeduphuman.net/Leahy.Law.Firm/Gmail%20-%20Contacting%20you%20regarding%20Moral%20Agency%20of%20the%20truth.html *************************************************************************** Attention: To the content admins of these tagged organizations agencies: +++++++ There is no agency/organizations in this list that do not have direct or indirect relevance onto the subject matters of this post. There are no exceptions or exclusions allowed or tolerated to not apply to these general rules/guidelines of these realities --- this guideline aims to reverse a set behavioral attitude norm that discourages silence and invisibility and reward voices and visibility onto this matter!! +++++++ By untagging your nameID from this post, you are acknowledging that (1) You have direct involvement or know what involvements are related to the truth that is being revealed here and you are affirming that you do not desire to spread such truth revelations to your network contacts ---- (2) You have direct involvement in keeping a big dark deep seeded secret of hate that is foundationally found in the Ryan White Care Act #GovernmentSponsoredHate paradigm that is being discussed here (3) Your morality standing of acceptance and allowance for this hate structured foundation business operations model holds your desire to not change and retaliated against those who desire this change to occur!!! In conclusion, by holding your tags here to this post, you confirm your innocence/independence of this conspiracy involvements and desire more information or more community awareness/involvements of these truths to be brought forward..... and no exclusion clauses can exist against moral agency / moral responsibility that must be actively applied here: untagging from this post effectively places your actions here to be unconditionally guilty of a truth cover-up of this hate conspiracy and/or knowingly involvements of keeping a widely covered over secret that you can't, won't, or are commanded by some over-arching power above you that demand your silence to not be able to tell the truth -- onto the public or privately to outsider friends, associates, or colleagues of what the fuck is actually internally involved in this operational paradigm. In that silence you are most likely keeping a secret that is filled with money fund fleecing and corruptions that you will not be the snitch bitch that gets their life destroyed or killed/terminated for speaking out / becoming a whistleblower of those involved in the upper politics of this structured #CovermentSponsoredHate program that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will not investigate!!! #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP **************************************************************************** @[1736486299904341:274:Leahy Alan J - Leahy Law Firm] @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project] @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP] Rocky Mountain CARES @[173868910013:274:Cascade AIDS Project] @[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project] @[103065276409515:274:AIDS Law Project] @[318445891741:274:Center for HIV Law & Policy] @[324974967972417:274:HIV & AIDS Awareness] @[1199414826742157:274:UNIFIED - HIV Health and Beyond] @[1071788816329412:274:Regional HIV and AIDS Mobilizers-CAR] @[354831431205890:274:AIDS Project Worcester] @[1969991759883140:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[133732217249225:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[119912705338304:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[745607285639197:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Education Page @[1983001651966543:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[100595994018534:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[231025720758366:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[1473845656025831:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[128530094548569:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[117552414971927:274:AIDS Center of Queens County(ACQC)] @[130804946977675:274:TB HIV Care] @[84413107212:274:Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project] @[265345770213496:274:ACT UP New York] @[108452162512703:274:AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power] @[170418710460201:274:Hiv Intervention Project Hipatlanta] @[34661411150:274:AIDS Healthcare Foundation] @[7694893977:274:AIDS Action Committee] [ More Can Be Tagged ] @[1617807258458285:274:Center For Disease Control And Prevention Hospital] @[76625396025:274:CDC] @[605787379497456:274:Fight AIDS for LIFE Foundation] @[573749449490283:274:High Impact HIV Prevention] @[212698768758532:274:Center for Disease Prevention and Reversal] @[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA] @[341883259215847:274:Act Against AIDS] @[346013648764991:274:Inland AIDS Project] @[103065276409515:274:AIDS Law Project] @[39709859165:274:Boulder County AIDS Project] @[263536193700710:274:Black/Latino AIDS Project (BLAIDS) at UCLA] @[297688003334:274:Being Alive San Diego HIV/AIDS Services] @[207490251496:274:Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS] @[189146047805897:274:Regional HIV AIDS Connection] @[536939023009559:274:HIV / AIDS]
in the #RyanWhiteCareAct
to the end of the bottom of the barrel, leftover expensed funds for provided services to HIV Clients
(1) leadership admin top-tier directors salaries have been funded/paid
(2) employees hold ghost positions to not actually be currently involved in community information presences to engage effectively with clients
these too are employee tier level ghost job role positions.
(3) Case Management that does not place a priority to empowerment.
(4) Region to Region, negative outlook Glassdoor employee reviews are reflecting a common theme in these posting reviews.
Actually, the entire structured agency hate paradigm is a scheme to discourage empowerment. A foundation business model against clients. A paradigm interface as a place to go die and not thrive.
(1) Hate/Retaliation from top-tier directors against employees/clients to prevent change.
(2) Toxic Cultures
(3) Distrusting Cultures
(4) Racist Hate Cultures
(4) Ghost placements of Top-Tier directors of these agencies not involved in admin/operations.

The QR Decode Link In This Image Is:


* Be sure to change SORT Comments FROM Top Comments TO Recent Comments *

and EXPAND All Comments "Read More" options to reveal the full posting content.

Also, there is a spoken voice text narrative interfaced copy of this post available by linking to:


Contacting you regarding Moral Agency of the truth. You are obligated by being an officer of the court to represent truth not client deceptions.



Attention: To the content admins of these tagged organizations agencies:


There is no agency/organizations in this list that do not have direct or indirect relevance onto the subject matters of this post. There are no exceptions or exclusions allowed or tolerated to not apply to these general rules/guidelines of these realities --- this guideline aims to reverse a set behavioral attitude norm that discourages silence and invisibility and reward voices and visibility onto this matter!!


By untagging your nameID from this post, you are acknowledging that

(1) You have direct involvement or know what involvements are related to the truth that is being revealed here and you are affirming that you do not desire to spread such truth revelations to your network contacts ----

(2) You have direct involvement in keeping a big dark deep seeded secret of hate that is foundationally found in the Ryan White Care Act #GovernmentSponsoredHate paradigm that is being discussed here

(3) Your morality standing of acceptance and allowance for this hate structured foundation business operations model holds your desire to not change and retaliated against those who desire this change to occur!!!

In conclusion, by holding your tags here to this post, you confirm your innocence/independence of this conspiracy involvements and desire more information or more community awareness/involvements of these truths to be brought forward.....

and no exclusion clauses can exist against moral agency / moral responsibility that must be actively applied here:

untagging from this post effectively places your actions here to be unconditionally guilty of a truth cover-up of this hate conspiracy and/or knowingly involvements of keeping a widely covered over secret that you can't, won't, or are commanded by some over-arching power above you that demand your silence to not be able to tell the truth -- onto the public or privately to outsider friends, associates, or colleagues of what the fuck is actually internally involved in this operational paradigm. In that silence you are most likely keeping a secret that is filled with money fund fleecing and corruptions that you will not be the snitch bitch that gets their life destroyed or killed/terminated for speaking out / becoming a whistleblower of those involved in the upper politics of this structured #CovermentSponsoredHate program that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will not investigate!!!



Leahy Alan J - Leahy Law Firm
Foothill AIDS Project
Foothill Aids Project
Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP

Rocky Mountain CARES
Cascade AIDS Project
Desert AIDS Project
AIDS Law Project
Center for HIV Law & Policy
HIV & AIDS Awareness
UNIFIED - HIV Health and Beyond
Regional HIV and AIDS Mobilizers-CAR
AIDS Project Worcester
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Education Page
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Center of Queens County(ACQC)
Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project
ACT UP New York
AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power
Hiv Intervention Project Hipatlanta
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
AIDS Action Committee
[ More Can Be Tagged ]
Center For Disease Control And Prevention Hospital
Fight AIDS for LIFE Foundation
High Impact HIV Prevention
Center for Disease Prevention and Reversal
Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Act Against AIDS
Inland AIDS Project
AIDS Law Project
Boulder County AIDS Project
Black/Latino AIDS Project (BLAIDS) at UCLA
Being Alive San Diego HIV/AIDS Services
Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS
Regional HIV AIDS Connection
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, David C. Tapscott, Mario Saucedo, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DeVontae Wyatt, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Dale A Epps, John Neese, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Lorenzo Martínez Gómez, Morgan Lewis, Brian James Lucas, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Nathan Boden, Steve Beeferman, M Alan Kazlev, Morris Travis, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Kevin Mims, Sammie Francher, Michael Lucio, Sammie Francher, Casey Kidd, Michael Ray Graczyk, Kenneth Kay Dee Holmes, Kevin Gorden, Joseph Trujillo, De'Chaun Smith, Jerry Holloman, Dale Haynes, Blythe Rayford, Ian Hetzner and Antjuan Bouldin
Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExposed in the #RyanWhiteCareAct #GovernmentSponsoredHate #SocialServices #Dysfunctional #HIVClient #Interface to the end of the bottom of the barrel, leftover expensed funds for provided services to HIV Clients #OnlyAfter (1) leadership admin top-tier directors salaries have been funded/paid (2) employees hold ghost positions to not actually be currently involved in community information presences to engage effectively with clients these too are employee tier level ghost job role positions. (3) Case Management that does not place a priority to empowerment. (4) Region to Region, negative outlook Glassdoor employee reviews are reflecting a common theme in these posting reviews. Actually, the entire structured agency hate paradigm is a scheme to discourage empowerment. A foundation business model against clients. A paradigm interface as a place to go die and not thrive. (1) Hate/Retaliation from top-tier directors against employees/clients to prevent change. (2) Toxic Cultures (3) Distrusting Cultures (4) Racist Hate Cultures (4) Ghost placements of Top-Tier directors of these agencies not involved in admin/operations. #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP The QR Decode Link In This Image Is: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6466769310558887936 * Be sure to change SORT Comments FROM Top Comments TO Recent Comments * and EXPAND All Comments "Read More" options to reveal the full posting content. Also, there is a spoken voice text narrative interfaced copy of this post available by linking to: http://organizations.fuckeduphuman.net/Leahy.Law.Firm/LinkedIn/LinkedIn%20Public%20Post%20-%20First%20Initation%20Introduction%20%5b%20expanded%20%5d.html Contacting you regarding Moral Agency of the truth. You are obligated by being an officer of the court to represent truth not client deceptions. http://organizations.fuckeduphuman.net/Leahy.Law.Firm/Gmail%20-%20Contacting%20you%20regarding%20Moral%20Agency%20of%20the%20truth.html *************************************************************************** Attention: To the content admins of these tagged organizations agencies: There is no agency/organizations in this list that do not have direct or indirect relevance onto the subject matters of this post. There are no exceptions or exclusions allowed or tolerated to not apply to these general rules/guidelines of these realities --- this guideline aims to reverse a set behavioral attitude norm that discourages silence and invisibility and reward voices and visibility onto this matter!! By untagging your nameID from this post, you are acknowledging that (1) You have direct involvement or know what involvements are related to the truth that is being revealed here and you are affirming that you do not desire to spread such truth revelations to your network contacts ---- (2) You have direct involvement in keeping a big dark deep seeded secret of hate that is foundationally found in the Ryan White Care Act #GovernmentSponsoredHate paradigm that is being discussed here (3) Your morality standing of acceptance and allowance for this hate structured foundation business operations model holds your desire to not change and retaliated against those who desire this change to occur!!! In conclusion, by holding your tags here to this post, you confirm your innocence/independence of this conspiracy involvements and desire more information or more community awareness/involvements of these truths to be brought forward..... and no exclusion clauses can exist against moral agency / moral responsibility that must be actively applied here: untagging from this post effectively places your actions here to be unconditionally guilty of a truth cover-up of this hate conspiracy and/or knowingly involvements of keeping a widely covered over secret that you can't, won't, or are commanded by some over-arching power above you that demand your silence to not be able to tell the truth -- onto the public or privately to outsider friends, associates, or colleagues of what the fuck is actually internally involved in this operational paradigm. In that silence you are most likely keeping a secret that is filled with money fund fleecing and corruptions that you will not be the snitch bitch that gets their life destroyed or killed/terminated for speaking out / becoming a whistleblower of those involved in the upper politics of this structured #CovermentSponsoredHate program that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will not investigate!!! #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP **************************************************************************** @[1736486299904341:274:Leahy Alan J - Leahy Law Firm] @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project] @[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP] Rocky Mountain CARES @[137577736280484:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments] @[153055258069908:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc] @[173868910013:274:Cascade AIDS Project] @[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project] @[103065276409515:274:AIDS Law Project] @[318445891741:274:Center for HIV Law & Policy] @[324974967972417:274:HIV & AIDS Awareness] @[1199414826742157:274:UNIFIED - HIV Health and Beyond] @[1071788816329412:274:Regional HIV and AIDS Mobilizers-CAR] @[354831431205890:274:AIDS Project Worcester] @[745607285639197:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[1969991759883140:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[133732217249225:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[119912705338304:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[745607285639197:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Education Page @[1983001651966543:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[100595994018534:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[231025720758366:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[1473845656025831:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[128530094548569:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW] @[117552414971927:274:AIDS Center of Queens County(ACQC)] @[130804946977675:274:TB HIV Care] @[84413107212:274:Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project] @[265345770213496:274:ACT UP New York] @[108452162512703:274:AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power] @[170418710460201:274:Hiv Intervention Project Hipatlanta] @[34661411150:274:AIDS Healthcare Foundation] @[7694893977:274:AIDS Action Committee] - More Can Be Tagged - @[1617807258458285:274:Center For Disease Control And Prevention Hospital] @[76625396025:274:CDC] @[605787379497456:274:Fight AIDS for LIFE Foundation] @[573749449490283:274:High Impact HIV Prevention] @[212698768758532:274:Center for Disease Prevention and Reversal] @[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA] @[341883259215847:274:Act Against AIDS] @[346013648764991:274:Inland AIDS Project] @[103065276409515:274:AIDS Law Project] @[39709859165:274:Boulder County AIDS Project] @[263536193700710:274:Black/Latino AIDS Project (BLAIDS) at UCLA] @[297688003334:274:Being Alive San Diego HIV/AIDS Services] @[207490251496:274:Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS] @[189146047805897:274:Regional HIV AIDS Connection] @[121014942577:274:HIV/AIDS Awareness]
in the #RyanWhiteCareAct
to the end of the bottom of the barrel, leftover expensed funds for provided services to HIV Clients
(1) leadership admin top-tier directors salaries have been funded/paid
(2) employees hold ghost positions to not actually be currently involved in community information presences to engage effectively with clients
these too are employee tier level ghost job role positions.
(3) Case Management that does not place a priority to empowerment.
(4) Region to Region, negative outlook Glassdoor employee reviews are reflecting a common theme in these posting reviews.
Actually, the entire structured agency hate paradigm is a scheme to discourage empowerment. A foundation business model against clients. A paradigm interface as a place to go die and not thrive.
(1) Hate/Retaliation from top-tier directors against employees/clients to prevent change.
(2) Toxic Cultures
(3) Distrusting Cultures
(4) Racist Hate Cultures
(4) Ghost placements of Top-Tier directors of these agencies not involved in admin/operations.

The QR Decode Link In This Image Is:


* Be sure to change SORT Comments FROM Top Comments TO Recent Comments *

and EXPAND All Comments "Read More" options to reveal the full posting content.

Also, there is a spoken voice text narrative interfaced copy of this post available by linking to:


Contacting you regarding Moral Agency of the truth. You are obligated by being an officer of the court to represent truth not client deceptions.



Attention: To the content admins of these tagged organizations agencies:

There is no agency/organizations in this list that do not have direct or indirect relevance onto the subject matters of this post. There are no exceptions or exclusions allowed or tolerated to not apply to these general rules/guidelines of these realities --- this guideline aims to reverse a set behavioral attitude norm that discourages silence and invisibility and reward voices and visibility onto this matter!!

By untagging your nameID from this post, you are acknowledging that

(1) You have direct involvement or know what involvements are related to the truth that is being revealed here and you are affirming that you do not desire to spread such truth revelations to your network contacts ----

(2) You have direct involvement in keeping a big dark deep seeded secret of hate that is foundationally found in the Ryan White Care Act #GovernmentSponsoredHate paradigm that is being discussed here

(3) Your morality standing of acceptance and allowance for this hate structured foundation business operations model holds your desire to not change and retaliated against those who desire this change to occur!!!

In conclusion, by holding your tags here to this post, you confirm your innocence/independence of this conspiracy involvements and desire more information or more community awareness/involvements of these truths to be brought forward.....

and no exclusion clauses can exist against moral agency / moral responsibility that must be actively applied here:

untagging from this post effectively places your actions here to be unconditionally guilty of a truth cover-up of this hate conspiracy and/or knowingly involvements of keeping a widely covered over secret that you can't, won't, or are commanded by some over-arching power above you that demand your silence to not be able to tell the truth -- onto the public or privately to outsider friends, associates, or colleagues of what the fuck is actually internally involved in this operational paradigm. In that silence you are most likely keeping a secret that is filled with money fund fleecing and corruptions that you will not be the snitch bitch that gets their life destroyed or killed/terminated for speaking out / becoming a whistleblower of those involved in the upper politics of this structured #CovermentSponsoredHate program that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will not investigate!!!



Leahy Alan J - Leahy Law Firm
Foothill AIDS Project
Foothill Aids Project
Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP
Rocky Mountain CARES
Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments
Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc

Cascade AIDS Project
Desert AIDS Project
AIDS Law Project
Center for HIV Law & Policy
HIV & AIDS Awareness
UNIFIED - HIV Health and Beyond
Regional HIV and AIDS Mobilizers-CAR
AIDS Project Worcester

AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Education Page
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW

AIDS Center of Queens County(ACQC)
Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project
ACT UP New York
AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power
Hiv Intervention Project Hipatlanta
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
AIDS Action Committee

- More Can Be Tagged -

Center For Disease Control And Prevention Hospital
Fight AIDS for LIFE Foundation
High Impact HIV Prevention
Center for Disease Prevention and Reversal
Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA
Act Against AIDS
Inland AIDS Project
AIDS Law Project
Boulder County AIDS Project
Black/Latino AIDS Project (BLAIDS) at UCLA
Being Alive San Diego HIV/AIDS Services
Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS
Regional HIV AIDS Connection
HIV/AIDS Awareness
in the #RyanWhiteCareAct
to the end of the bottom of the barrel, leftover expensed funds for provided services to HIV Clients
(1) leadership admin top-tier directors salaries have been funded/paid
(2) employees hold ghost positions to not actually be currently involved in community information presences to engage effectively with clients
these too are employee tier level ghost job role positions.
(3) Case Management that does not place a priority to empowerment.
(4) Region to Region, negative outlook Glassdoor employee reviews are reflecting a common theme in these posting reviews.
Actually, the entire structured agency hate paradigm is a scheme to discourage empowerment. A foundation business model against clients. A paradigm interface as a place to go die and not thrive.
(1) Hate/Retaliation from top-tier directors against employees/clients to prevent change.
(2) Toxic Cultures
(3) Distrusting Cultures
(4) Racist Hate Cultures
(4) Ghost placements of Top-Tier directors of these agencies not involved in admin/operations.


The QR Decode Link In This Image Is:


* Be sure to change SORT Comments FROM Top Comments TO Recent Comments *

and EXPAND All Comments "Read More" options to reveal the full posting content.

Also, there is a spoken voice text narrative interfaced copy of this post available by linking to:


Contacting you regarding Moral Agency of the truth. You are obligated by being an officer of the court to represent truth not client deceptions.



Attention: To the content admins of these tagged organizations agencies:

There is no agency/organizations in this list that do not have direct or indirect relevance onto the subject matters of this post. There are no exceptions or exclusions allowed or tolerated to not apply to these general rules/guidelines of these realities --- this guideline aims to reverse a set behavioral attitude norm that discourages silence and invisibility and reward voices and visibility onto this matter!!

By untagging your nameID from this post, you are acknowledging that

(1) You have direct involvement or know what involvements are related to the truth that is being revealed here and you are affirming that you do not desire to spread such truth revelations to your network contacts ----

(2) You have direct involvement in keeping a big dark deep seeded secret of hate that is foundation found in the Ryan White Care Act Government Sponsored Hate paradigm that is being discussed here

(3) Your morality standing of acceptance and allowance for this hate structured foundation business operations model holds your desire to not change and retaliated against those who desire this change to occur!!!

In conclusion, by holding your tags here to this post, you confirm your innocence/independence of this conspiracy involvements and desire more information or more community awareness/involvements of these truths to be brought forward.....

and no exclusion clauses can exist against moral agency / moral responsibility that must be actively applied here:

untagging from this post effectively places your actions here to be unconditionally guilty of a truth cover-up of this hate conspiracy and/or knowingly involvements of keeping a widely covered over secret that you can't, won't, or are commanded by some over-arching power above you that demand your silence to not be able to tell the truth -- onto the public or privately to outsider friends, associates, or colleagues of what the fuck is actually internally involved in this operational paradigm. In that silence you are most likely keeping a secret that is filled with money fund fleecing and corruptions that you will not be the snitch bitch that gets their life destroyed or killed/terminated for speaking out / becoming a whistle blower of those involved in the upper politics of this structured Government Sponsored Hate program that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will not investigate!!!



@[1736486299904341:274:Leahy Alan J - Leahy Law Firm]
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
@[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project]
@[44681155125:274:Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP]
Rocky Mountain CARES
@[137577736280484:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments]
@[153055258069908:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Housing Inc]

@[173868910013:274:Cascade AIDS Project]
@[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project]
@[103065276409515:274:AIDS Law Project]
@[318445891741:274:Center for HIV Law & Policy]
@[324974967972417:274:HIV & AIDS Awareness]
@[1199414826742157:274:UNIFIED - HIV Health and Beyond]
@[1071788816329412:274:Regional HIV and AIDS Mobilizers-CAR]
@[354831431205890:274:AIDS Project Worcester]

@[745607285639197:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[1969991759883140:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[133732217249225:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[119912705338304:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[745607285639197:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Education Page
@[1983001651966543:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[100595994018534:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[231025720758366:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[1473845656025831:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]
@[128530094548569:274:AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - ARCW]

@[117552414971927:274:AIDS Center of Queens County(ACQC)]
@[130804946977675:274:TB HIV Care]
@[84413107212:274:Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project]
@[265345770213496:274:ACT UP New York]
@[108452162512703:274:AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power]
@[170418710460201:274:Hiv Intervention Project Hipatlanta]
@[34661411150:274:AIDS Healthcare Foundation]
@[7694893977:274:AIDS Action Committee]

- More Can Be Tagged -

@[1617807258458285:274:Center For Disease Control And Prevention Hospital]
@[605787379497456:274:Fight AIDS for LIFE Foundation]
@[573749449490283:274:High Impact HIV Prevention]
@[212698768758532:274:Center for Disease Prevention and Reversal]
@[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA]
@[341883259215847:274:Act Against AIDS]
@[346013648764991:274:Inland AIDS Project]
@[103065276409515:274:AIDS Law Project]
@[39709859165:274:Boulder County AIDS Project]
@[263536193700710:274:Black/Latino AIDS Project (BLAIDS) at UCLA]
@[297688003334:274:Being Alive San Diego HIV/AIDS Services]
@[207490251496:274:Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS]
@[189146047805897:274:Regional HIV AIDS Connection]
@[121014942577:274:HIV/AIDS Awareness]
Updated Nov 19, 2018 8:52:18am
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When the Ryan White Care Act Systemic National Problem understands that I am a man that has the understanding of ways of learning and ways of canning our ways of living that drastically effect other's way of life upon our biases. My nameID is "In The Mindway" and reflects a upper higher view of what is happening --- to me individually -- at each and every moment interface to new and repeated and overdone experience. Because someone has a degree of the mind sciences does not create competence over my ignorance or incompetence quotient. I hold no degree, paperless to qualify for validity of expressing opinion and having and maintaining a voice of reason. My reasoning is simple, by deflecting, oppressing, or ignoring other's voices and opinions on any subject, no true knowledge can be expressed and collectively learned.
Updated Nov 21, 2018 3:02:01am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
Where do I begin? There is something grand to say? Grand not meaning great. Grand meaning yuck! It is Thanksgiving morning. I wake up to tears like I have so many mornings. Sometimes this panic attack makes me just sad, sometimes ruins me for days. I am not sure if these tears will ruin this day. I have a multi-part - multi-social media sites address directed at those who should give me thanks and apology for not understanding me, blocking me on social media of all kinds, and disrespecting my talents and my efforts at what is breaking a conspiracy. This is my first top then final bottom address. Meaning each will be chained to each other leaving this address as it's conclusion links. I think except for LinkedIn, those interested do not need to have member accounts to link through and read each address. So, I begin now with my project and telling off --- the best way I can --- the social services network of disillusion --- of something it can't be anymore to me and to my network of associates I hold in file directory from Denver Colorado from Denver experiences of trying to create a community empowerment of a school of consent, practices, and thought that social services collapsed. Then from back from Denver all the way back more than 10 years now back to the events of 2005/2006 leaving their filings on record too on this network. All of you should be going to hell instead of glory and heaven for what you have done to me and to the community to discourage empowerment of the client base. Until there is a linking article to chain to, this post remains in a state of [ draft ]. You are free to comment in the mean time. @[173868910013:274:Cascade AIDS Project] @[140588053622:274:Desert AIDS Project] @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project] Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP Rocky Mountain CARES @[189969181039027:274:AIDS Project of the EastBay]
Where do I begin? There is something grand to say? Grand not meaning great. Grand meaning yuck! It is Thanksgiving morning. I wake up to tears like I have so many mornings. Sometimes this panic attack makes me just sad, sometimes ruins me for days. I am not sure if these tears will ruin this day. I have a multi-part - multi-social media sites address directed at those who should give me thanks and apology for not understanding me, blocking me on social media of all kinds, and disrespecting my talents and my efforts at what is breaking a conspiracy. This is my first top then final bottom address. Meaning each will be chained to each other leaving this address as it's conclusion links. I think except for LinkedIn, those interested do not need to have member accounts to link through and read each address. So, I begin now with my project and telling off --- the best way I can --- the social services network of disillusion --- of something it can't be anymore to me and to my network of associates I hold in file directory from Denver Colorado from Denver experiences of trying to create a community empowerment of a school of consent, practices, and thought that social services collapsed. Then from back from Denver all the way back more than 10 years now back to the events of 2005/2006 leaving their filings on record too on this network. All of you should be going to hell instead of glory and heaven for what you have done to me and to the community to discourage empowerment of the client base. Until there is a linking article to chain to, this post remains in a state of [ draft ]. You are free to comment in the mean time.

Cascade AIDS Project Desert AIDS Project
Foothill AIDS Project
Foothill Aids Project
Denver Colorado AIDS Project-DCAP
Rocky Mountain CARES
AIDS Project of the EastBay
James M Driskill updated his status.
Attention Extra-Terrestrial Aliens:
Please take me away from this Poor Earth Life.
Our New Skin - Presentation of Michelle Obama's powerful New Hampshire speech
Updated Nov 29, 2018 4:24:05am
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Complaint about being subjected to an "Informational Quarantine" : #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP
Updated Nov 29, 2018 8:25:35pm
The Real Man I Am: Mental Health Services Abuse Old Paradym 2007: #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP
Updated Nov 29, 2018 8:39:54pm
The Real Hurt Man I Am To Family [ Warning Contains Strong Language ]
Updated Nov 29, 2018 8:49:09pm
How To Identify An Extreme Narcissist - Crazy Talk Narcissist Presentation

Updated Nov 29, 2018 10:52:07pm
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#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #RyanWhiteCareAct #GovernmentSponsoredHate : @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] : #FBICoverUp @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #RyanWhiteCareAct
#GovernmentSponsoredHate : FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation : #FBICoverUp Foothill AIDS Project
Updated Nov 30, 2018 12:20:19pm
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I have a big huge favor to request of you #WorldAidsDay. Ryan White Care Act social services agencies region to region are being reported by negative outlook glassdoor reviews. Please open and listen to this presentation: Please Share

--[ Play]--
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
Foothill AIDS Project
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : There is a great big fat dark deep seeded secret that is involved in the Ryan White Care Act funded in the United States for certain life feature functions for persons living with HIV/AIDS. This program is supposed to support life, but actually, it is killing us with kindness. They are not revealing the hate-based client to agency interface that is embedded into the social services business model paradigm. This problem is showing itself as being nationally systemic across many regions to regions of the United States. Typically, a single non-profit services a regional placement "leadership" role in the HIV/AIDS community. This setup has a huge hate based and racially motivated bias that is disenfranching clients. It is not just hyped here. The confirmation of this evidence is found by employee reviews found on the social site of Glassdoor. We need to understand why these employee tiered reports exist and the surprising and shocking presence on how it is affecting the below the employee tier level interface services to clients offered at the end of all the cash funded lines funds have been expended by the business operations set up in this structure including of course the salariies of the top tier directors and staff managers.

A research directory of Glassdoor Findings is found here:

Take this Google Review Into Account as well:

Take This Glassdoor Review Into Account:

Take This Glassdoor Reviews Total against Colorado Health Network into account:

Take This Glassdoor Review For Desert Aids Project Into Account:

Updated Dec 03, 2018 1:42:14pm
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] ---- Can you tell me why this can't be placed into case managements' discussion point is my specific case? Then tell me why you will not allow me to have a life free of hate. Tell me why there is always hate on your side of this equation, proved by @[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor] negative outlook reviews and in your case a Google Review by Aaron Jacobson:

Foothill Aids Project
670 N. Arrowhead Avenue, Suite A-B, San Bernardino, CA

Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago-
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.
Updated Dec 10, 2018 2:21:35am
James M Driskill updated his status.
"F" is for Family

Gezzz Fucking Christ Dudes... NetFlix
Timeline photos
TED TALK: Ideas Worth Spreading [ Not such a great thing here: ]


ATTENTION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INCLUDING THE FULL LAW ENFORCEMENT STAFF OF THE @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] AND @[138925324029:274:The United States Department of Justice] and the intelligence of the full staff at @[857515997596741:274:Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)]


We Are As Sick As Our Secrets: Get off your Hate Paradigm! You are causing these mass gun shootings ourselves!


To @FBI Community Cultural Health #DeleteFacebook Combined

I am far from being perfect but come on now.... now not tomorrow. Acknowledge this truth so it can be fixed or come kill me now I mean now! I am sick of waiting. There is absolutely nothing that shocks me about this secretive agenda. You all CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT WITH ALL OF THIS SPECIAL INTEREST MONEY --- YOU ALL ARE DOOMING US TO A WAR ALWAYS PROBABLY FOREVER AND OUR FULL AND COMPLETE SOCIAL COLLAPSE! [ ref: Jared Diamond ]

Crazy World Future Words --- Pay Attention To A Memetics Expert! and if I so pat myself on the back Good Job, Martin! This is my best writing ever --- you all should burn in hell for this shit thang you have created!
Updated Dec 14, 2018 8:06:10am
@[8039057811:274:HIV.gov] : Content Tagged Live --- MATTER OF LIFE WELLNESS OPEN FOR DEBATE AND CONSIDERATION!

"Temporary?" Audio Cast Point File - If this file link becomes broken, then and only then have they come to their rational senses and became honest for a change. Test Mode, They are under a test of integrity,.

Honesty Version Of This Audio Cast Point File:

at 2:24PM on December 21st, 2018, The Winter Solstice Begins. This year is going to be quite a remarkable confluence of events. On June 21st, 2006, I visited the Oakland Office of the FBI involved in a hate conspiracy in the Ryan White Care Act that only today's perspectives exposed this truth by way of a website creation called @[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor] --- Glassdoor are you actually paying attention to my tagging? I have an introduction attempt at an honest discussion with the Facebook content handler at the site of account [ hiv.gov ] --- which just so happens that the Ryan White Care Act is having their annual conference this week. This year, I have them on a GOTCHA MOMENT involved in the proper handling of their web conversation space on messenger. Gotcha, respond to a response of responsibility.
Updated Dec 14, 2018 11:38:35am

Messenger Archive of Conversation Between Myself and @[8039057811:274:HIV.gov] - Text Version. Audio Spoken Voice Narrative Version Below In Comments.
Updated Dec 18, 2018 6:48:09pm
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Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP A Hashtag Involving The #RyanWhite Care Act Social Services Industry for support for persons with HIV/AIDS. There is a great big huge dark seeded secret that no one internal of the system wants to reveal. This secret is negatively impacting the quality of service and the standards of care in provided services that is a conspiracy showing up on the site of Glassdoor with negative outlook employee reviews of these agencies, region to region nationally a systemic problem. Where to go to resolve these matters, no one wants to discuss the issue. No one will bring this issue forward for adaptive thinking. It is a hate paradigm in the agency to client interface that is dysfunctionally and injuring clients livelihoods. See Collective Region To Region Glassdoor Research Dir: [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/ ] See Glassdoor Review *Cascade Aids Project: Disappointment and Mendacity* that details this negative impact on clients: [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/Cascade%20AIDS%20Project%20Reviews%20%20%20Glassdoor.ca.html ] #leadership #truth #accountability #reviews #discrimination

A Hashtag Involving The #RyanWhite Care Act Social Services Industry for support for persons with HIV/AIDS. There is a great big huge dark seeded secret that no one internal of the system wants to reveal. This secret is negatively impacting the quality of service and the standards of care in provided services that is a conspiracy showing up on the site of Glassdoor with negative outlook employee reviews of these agencies, region to region nationally a systemic problem. Where to go to resolve these matters, no one wants to discuss the issue. No one will bring this issue forward for adaptive thinking. It is a hate paradigm in the agency to client interface that is dysfunctionally and injuring clients livelihoods.

See Collective Region To Region Glassdoor Research Dir:
[ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/ ]

See Glassdoor Review *Cascade Aids Project: Disappointment and Mendacity* that details this negative impact on clients:
[ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/Cascade%20AIDS%20Project%20Reviews%20%20%20Glassdoor.ca.html ]

#leadership #truth #accountability #reviews #discrimination
Timeline photos
James M Driskill wrote on Michael Ray Graczyk's timeline.
Happy Birthday, Michael!
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#NoMoreExcuses #RyanWhiteCareActFail http://ryan-white-care-act.fuckeduphuman.net #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP Post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6481277869053091840/ YouTube: PBS FRONTLINE Lack Of Oversight In HIV AIDS FUNDING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpPj1vx2nXo&t=00s
#NoMoreExcuses #RyanWhiteCareActFail


How to Use This Extended Featured Site URL: This is a special use coding domain site that allows you to create custom name and label tags at the beggining of the URL. This field actually is about 290 characters long. This example uses FirstName-Middle-Lastname. to define a real name on the url line --- joined with --- another real name..... friends-forever. Replace the first appearing name with your full name and replace the second appearing name with a friend's full name. It will look like this:



Updated Dec 20, 2018 6:15:59am
James M Driskill added a new video to Jim Whitescarver's timeline.
You tagged Jim Whitescarver
Happy Birthday, Jim!
Happy Birthday Dude! What's happening? Here is something for you..... http://webdomains.gruwup.net/facebook.com/gruwup/Are%20you%20Gruw%20Up.ogg
Happy Birthday Dude! What's happening?
Here is something for you.....
Timeline photos
Communications To Government Authority Agency [ @[8039057811:274:HIV.gov] ] A Facebook Messenger Saved Content Archive with Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface to the Full Communications Conversation: Link To: http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com/hiv.gov/hiv.gov.htm #Hate #Conspiracy #RyanWhiteCareActFail #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate
Communications To Government Authority Agency [ HIV.gov ]
A Facebook Messenger Saved Content Archive with Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface to the Full Communications Conversation:

Link To: http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/facebook.com/hiv.gov/hiv.gov.htm

#Hate #Conspiracy
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate
Merry Christmas. One of the best Christmas I have had recently due to my friend Timothy.,
Updated Dec 25, 2018 5:48:38pm
#WordsToLiveBy Circa 1750s Expanded Citations Version Standards Of Excellence
Updated Dec 26, 2018 6:58:10am
Timeline photos
I don't think so....can't interpret cartoonized photos.
I don't think so....can't interpret cartoonized photos.
Michael Ray Maynard : @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project] -- @[168777499800453:274:Foothill Aids Project] San Bernardino / Claremont California Inland Empire Regional Ryan White Care Act Social Service Agency. -- PLEASE INSERT THIS AUDIO INTO YOUR BRAIN!

A Wild View Of Substance Drug Addictions: -- Normalizing Drug Use:

Listen To Audio: [ 22 min 24 sec playtime ]
Updated Dec 27, 2018 8:00:09pm
Case [ WG06266106 ] is highly documented to the defendant's circumstances involving life circumstances relating to the conflict that occurred between building manager Jamal Graham and Tenant James Driskill. Just google the case number to get some records of documented history.

Moreover, as of this comment date of the year 2018, there is something of a greater conspiracy here exposed in social services agencies that allowed a hate and harassment campaign targeted against the tenancy peace and enjoyment of signed contract of the apartment unit.

I declare that the circumstances that have resurfaced from an extremely similar condition of hate and harassment occurring in 2015/2016 in Denver Colorado have its exact same root source cause. When in Oakland, there was a conflict unresolvable to which a Psychotherapist at an agency in San Bernardino wrote a mental health advocacy letter to the support of client James Driskill. This letter is dated January 23rd, 2007.

A full complete image of the written letter document can be retrieved at this image url:

[ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/MentalHealthAdvocacyLetterJan2007-LoudCryingFace.png ] - This domain is valid.

It was on December 24th, 2006 that Mr. Driskill began to document the defendant's position of this outcome to a blogspace on Multiply.com --- As a direct result of this blogspace, it was on January 7th, 2007 that the vehicle of James Driskill was stolen outside of his parents' and family home on Grande Vista and abandoned at the former address of his brother. This theft of James Driskill's vehicle was to relay a message to "Shut The Fuck Up" about these circumstances. These documents of record of this vehicle theft are placed to twitter at: [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/293805950966587393 ]

What has happened here is a #ConspiracyExposed in the Ryan White Care Act social services agency interface between clients. Where the agency involved in Denver Colorado was Colorado Health Network. It is a confirming truth that on Glassdoor this agency has very extensive details to the wrongdoing on this agency and how this agency's leadership directors was responsible for an 11-month hate, harassment, and retaliatory campaign against Mr. Driskill leading to the same endgame of eviction.

The direct Glassdoor employee reviews can be retrieved at:
[ https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Colorado-Health-Network-Reviews-E1718672.htm ]

Now to understand the documentation efforts of Mr. Driskill. In the Oakland conflict, Mr. Driskill registered a set of internet domains which includes the referenced domain above. In that respect, this documentation is placed to this root data source directory:

[ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] --- this details this paradigm of a hate conspiracy involving the social service agencies of the Ryan white Care Act. I am going to conclude this TruthFinder comment with the efforts to place the Ryan White Care Act in Check Mate for allowing the haters to win and the clients to lose.

The Glassdoor Controversy Of Negative Outlook Employee Reviews for Ryan White Care Act Social Service Agencies... Is There A Conspiracy Here Showing?
Published on December 26, 2018
[ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/glassdoor-controversy-negative-outlook-employee-reviews-driskill/ ]

This LinkedIn Article Has Spoken Voice Text Narrative Audio File of this written text: [ 17 mins 22 secs audio playtime ]:
[ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/article-ConspiracyExposedByGlassdoorReviews-RyanWhiteSocialServiceAgencies.ogg ]

That is all I have to document here --- except there is a greater involved presentation of client life circumstances from Denver at the following URL:

[ http://invalid.invalid/ ]

Btw, on the world's leading respected professional's social media site on LinkedIn, the use of the Fuck word is used fully spelled as valid within the "in operation" company name profiles. In such, that standard on that site should apply to any other location on the web to which fuckeduphuman.net is just an extention of this standard established on LinkedIn.

[ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/Standards-Fuck-In-Company-Names.png ]

Please Also See:
[ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/hiv.gov/FacebookMessenger/hiv.gov.htm ]

[ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/hrsa.gov/LinkedIn/LinkedIn%20-%20HRSA.GOV%20Response.htm ]

Updated Dec 27, 2018 9:02:41pm
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[ Special Customize Direct Naming URL - Change To Real Names ] : Most People Don't Realize What's Coming

Updated Dec 28, 2018 4:46:48am
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@[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] -- Are You Paying Attention? http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/fbi.gov/Gmail%20-%20FBI%20Report%20---%20Full%20Report%20-%20With%20Links.html #MassShooting #MassShootings #MurderRate #Trust #SocialTrust #ErosionOfTrust #LossOfTrust #Gun #Murder #MassGunShootings
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Are You Paying Attention?


#MassShooting #MassShootings #MurderRate #Trust #SocialTrust #ErosionOfTrust #LossOfTrust #Gun #Murder #MassGunShootings
TO: Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus
RE: #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP
Communication Tool: Facebook Messenger

Archive File [ With Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface ]:
Updated Jan 02, 2019 5:15:14am
Warn Your Friends By Changing the URL to REAL NAMES and share the URL to them either publicly or privately.

Don't say I [We] did not warn you.

Updated Jan 02, 2019 11:07:14pm
Timeline photos
10 Unexpected Things That Will Happen By 2050 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUeWvtZ7crw
10 Unexpected Things That Will Happen By 2050
Irish Times: We Are Not The Sex Police
[ Both Written Article and Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface ]
Updated Jan 03, 2019 8:26:26pm
This is a Twitter DM chat window channel directed to @Darpa regarding a peacebuilding model of information technology. Please open and read. You can mouseover the message text area of the window and use the mouse scroll wheel to read the conversation from top to bottom. Thank you.


Updated Jan 03, 2019 9:05:34pm
I will follow back. Keep it real....

The Real Man I Am
Updated Jan 04, 2019 6:49:45am
This is one hell hate story tweet thread for the record. Be sure to read from the top down the comments applied by this author --- a real story plight from hate.


Have you unblocked my account here against tagging you to at Rocky Mountain Cares to be a moral agent of the truth

I doubt it. You are not to be trusted until that action is reversed.

Rocky Mountain CARES [ Tag Will Disappear ]
@[267091670359848:69:Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA]
@[44681155125:274:Colorado Health Network - Denver]
Updated Jan 07, 2019 9:16:37am
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#OhKindSir #Gruwup2019
Since you seem to not have any posting restrictions here on FB, I am free to cross-post my twitter thread onto this page. Every time I get too close to the truth and post the reality of the truth to the public audience, I am account restricted --- intentionally blocked --- for telling that truth --- and there are really not imaginary truth and consequences to holding these secrets. If what I expect will be true, you too will do the exact exact same model hate paradigm and account restrict me from telling the truth to your Facebook audience.

You know that would be wrong! [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/1083549300779507712 ]

Keep This Content Live -- and I will apologize for the false accusation --- bury this post ---you are just confirming this conspiracy even deeper. I will have a saved copy of this page to place online at my content data archive. It will be done! Thank You Kindly.
Updated Jan 10, 2019 7:19:21pm
James M Driskill added a new photo to Dale Haynes's timeline.
Roses are Red Violets are Blue. Dale took the time to see reality shine.. When I declared the truth, was a bit gloomy doomy and dark... Dale took the time to see that truth instead of barking a block. Without question the shit has hit the fan at the source of this gloom -- Pea Dee Digitally Jamie Villalobos was the one shitting up the storm. He be calling a hate makers way of settling his jealousy... Pity Pea Dee Dittially Jamie. a high type holding hand in this clan.... The advice here given most recently,.... Stay Stay Stay Fucking Away --- If you see Jamie or any of the clan online or in the real time, Step back, turn the opposite way, a and run run run! They all ill with hate bate you along... will bite you bad to cover up their deed --- not worth any of the short time fun. Guaranteed! Haters They Be -- Never True Friend. FAKES FRAUDS - THEY ROB YOUR SOUL AWAY TILL YOU ARE COOKED THROUGH AND OVERDONE! BURN IN HELL THEY WILL BE! : I TOLD YOU ALL SO! Dale my friend listened to me.... he really believed me first. Thank you --- thank you -- the worst kind of hurt I feel for his now gone presence of excellence! ------- https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Colorado-Health-Network-RVW23177216.htm "Stay Away" : Cons EEOC violations, confidentiality compromises of the people they are suppossed to protect, pay is below average and benefits are horrible. The CEO is below the bottom of the swamp in regards to leadership ----- https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Colorado-Health-Network-RVW16120377.htm "Low pay, oppressive managment, dishonest business practices..." Cons Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff. Advice to Management Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue.
Dale took the time
to see reality shine..
When I declared the truth,
was a bit gloomy doomy
and dark... Dale took
the time to see that truth
instead of barking a block.
Without question the shit
has hit the fan at the source
of this gloom -- Pea Dee
Digitally Jamie Villalobos
was the one shitting up
the storm.

He be calling a hate makers
way of settling his jealousy...

Pity Pea Dee Dittially Jamie.
a high type holding hand
in this clan....

The advice here given most recently,....
Stay Stay Stay Fucking Away ---

If you see Jamie or any of the clan
online or in the real time,

Step back, turn the opposite way, a
and run run run! They all ill with
hate bate you along... will bite you
bad to cover up their deed

--- not worth any of the short time fun.

Guaranteed! Haters They Be --
Never True Friend.



Dale my friend listened to me.... he really believed me first.

Thank you --- thank you -- the worst kind of hurt I feel for his
now gone presence of excellence!



"Stay Away" : Cons

EEOC violations, confidentiality compromises of the people they are suppossed to protect, pay is below average and benefits are horrible. The CEO is below the bottom of the swamp in regards to leadership



"Low pay, oppressive managment, dishonest business practices..."


Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

Advice to Management

Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.
D Street Medical Centerfacebook.com
Take My Comments I affixed to my health provider into care and review --- CONTEMPT for CONCERN --- This is what is offered me in HIV/AIDS Healthcare standards? GREAT
Updated Jan 11, 2019 3:40:03am
@[373133509477110:274:Borrego Health] [ Provider Services Terminated By Action Of Doctor Shigeno, Legal Referral To Next Care Provider In Process, Dr. Zane, Not Aval [ Has Dsyfunctional History Recored Here , Who is Next? Pass me like a Hot Potato To The Next Delay Intake Trust and Discourse of Truth --I will bring this same condition and situation into the discussion which is my right, my legal right, my moral right to be treated with this situation condition and technology empowerment -- I am not the one who is acting badly --- Why punish me to this never ending cycle of provider to provider disruption -- No One Will Take Me As an Informed Patient -- The Term Unmanaged adminstriation objection to my care at the risk of exposure of legal jeporady --- I am being subjected to a paraidgm making me untreatable because I know the truth ] --- How insane!

@[413090992143457:274:myHIVteam] [ Patient Request of an Intervention ]

The natural identity of a man as an HIV/AIDS patient in his very own hometown of San Bernardino in this period of 2017-2019 is well off the charts of fanatic disposition to be targeted by hate never-ending or his ability to make a challengeable objection. His living presence is being disrespected. The word respect and its opposite disrespect is not the word to actually fill in the gaps of meaning. The dignity of the entire HIV community is both regionally local as well as systemically national being unethical, immorally, and unjustly taken advantage of, oppression to an oblivion, and disempowered to a state of affairs so Unamerican here to be provable evidential record that is beyond the day to day reckoning of the drudge they are dragging us through. This to be life dependant on this system of funked care instead of a state of human condition to thrive. This is the muck of yuck, yuck yuck yuck of life on a tight tethered rope. Don't you dare get out of line and try to stick your head above this muck, it be a hate retaliation harassment campaign onslaught!! No one dares take the story intake of truth into their view, can't make that holding and scolding to the problem point source. So so off the chart of topics off limits to discuss. We as persons living with HIV/AIDS that are not paying real close care and attention are left alone to the world of illusion. That those who are in their care system actually are there to save their HIV affected life from the collapse of this disease. If their way the priority of that sorts, they would be sharing and active to be processing the World Community Grid Technology of FIGHTAIDS@HOME -- but they are not there. That project started on WCG in 2005. I have been there active since before then. They are not caring to be the actual hands to the real effort -- they be just taking a paycheck morbidly on the backs of our deaths happening 6000+ each year. As years past are much morbid, this number progressive to our time still is specifically identified as HIV/AIDS as the cause of death in the United States of America. Don't you dare censor and delete this post of truth. Own your truth, be proud of your accomplishment, say it so we all know it, you have contempt for us persons living with HIV and if you could get a gun and shoot us dead outright, you would. But since that is an absolute no-no, you have designed a system of life dollars to donuts income to satisfy your hate based foundation of living life as a proud old American -- Yeah Baby -- $$$$ i got $$$$ you got death knocking at your door.


Orginial Target Page: [ DStreetMedicalCenter ]

Don't censor this truth -- You all can't do it without the cloak and dagger --- You are so so so evil!!

God Eye's Sees All Secrets: We Are As Sick As Our Secrets

You are cowards to delete this --- leave my technology to hold the line --- you can't do what you do --- and take the credit removed --- you can't hold this set up -- without taking and making your life to be actually a fraud onto the public, the community, and your families. If they only actually knew how dark and devil masked you are --- you can't hold this without making that pact with the devil. Enjoy your time burning in hell.
Updated Jan 11, 2019 7:48:34pm
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Timeline photos


Watch what you do and record/post online in your videos. This is not something to treat carelessly. They may come back to haunt you to the end of your fucked up human life. Now if you need a primer on conscience guidance on the internet, I highly suggest "learning" the plato.standford.edu tutor paper, Computing and Moral Responsibility. Yes, it is a learning paper issued and published by a higher education school resource. The paper might teach you and empower you to what is called "Moral Agency" onto everyday life. The paper was originally written in 2012 but was updated February 2018 with principles incorporating the moral agency and responsibility arguments of artificial intelligence,

In the example reference [ a live url ] at the top of this post, you can change the URL name references to real individual names -- to tag [ affixed direct naming network internet binding ] before you share this to an individual or a collective group review/learning/incorporation of understandings. Search engine indexing and retrieval is also projected and valid and will be retunred in any search result. There is already content indexed this way for my internet networking domains. You can conduct a few example searches such as webdomains.realuphuman.net , webdomains.gruwup.net , webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net , persons.realuphuman.net , persons.gruwup.net , persons.fuckeduphuman.net , notify.realuphuman.net , notify.gruwup.net , notify.fuckeduphuman.net , emoji.realuphuman.net , emoji.gruwup.net , emoji.fuckeduphuman.net are some examples.

If you do nothing else here but explore one of these links, I highly recommend this content resource directory:


There are a complex of defined subdomains that have direct specific purposed function content.

More Info: [ All three of these URLS returns the same page ]:




@GruwUp 2019: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

-----[ Example ]---------------------------------------------------------------------



You can find the link to the original source paper by conducting a Google Search [ Stanford Computing and Moral Responsibility ] which brings forward the written copy if that is the way you want to verify link sources.

However, I highly suggest that you branch out to a spoken voice text narrative interfaced layout page hosted by the community.gruwup.net site of community peacebuilding networking efforts. The paper is split into three separate "lesson" chunks of about 20 minutes playtime audios. The network technology available at this projects networking domains might also prove useful if you want to directly share this paper and layout featured page to an individual or collective group that has a "tagging" technology that crosses outside of individual social media sites. This means the tagging is actually considered to be across the full scope focus of cyberspace internet. The namespace used for this tagging is open definable of about a character space of 290 characters and can be used with extensive flexibility onto each defined situation.

-------------[ Other URL Namespace Example Formats ]-----------------




Updated Jan 19, 2019 2:45:15pm
Wow --- how can these caves be so preserved --- 2000+ years old
Updated Jan 19, 2019 7:06:27pm
What Is the Government’s Role in US Health Care?
Harvard Business School
by Jim Heskett 02 MAR 2007


This post has both written and spoken voice text narrative interface to this complex matter of importance to process solutions.

There is also additional comments and positions of holding and standing from the year 2019 perspectives inserted by this member of the public author and internet information technology networking. This is 12 years after the original Harvard Business School article's publication.

Please get involved in this complex issue. Enjoy
Updated Jan 20, 2019 7:21:05am
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Gruwup Community Address #11 A Wild View Of Substance Drug Addiction We Need To Normalize Drug Use In Our Society Stanton Peele, Oct 24th, 2014 QR URL http://firstname-middle-lastname.community.gruwup.net/11/
Gruwup Community Address #11
A Wild View Of Substance Drug Addiction
We Need To Normalize Drug Use In Our Society
Stanton Peele, Oct 24th, 2014
QR URL http://firstname-middle-lastname.community.gruwup.net/11/
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James M Driskill updated his status.
Jimmy Escajeda

I am writing to you on my wall. I respect you tremendously. In that I am referencing you on my wall, I am in control of this content. That is because --- it is the way it is. You can't control every aspect of the information society.... that includes what is posted publicly on Facebook. What I am saying here, instead of fighting with the logic, join it. Take the time to understand the point of view that I am making.... or don't be my friend. Thank you.

To untag this post, you can control that aspect. You can also unfriend when there really is no such thing. A friend is a friend --- you can betray a friendship but you can't pretend that a friendship never existed in the first place. In that truth, we have an interpersonal relationship bonding. What are these bonds?
I am writing to you on your wall. I respect you tremendously. In that I am referencing your wall, you have control of this content. That is because --- it is the way it is. But you can't control every aspect of the information society.... that includes what is posted publicly on Facebook. And if you do not like something posted, does not give you permission to just censor it. You can take a lead and reject that truth, but that is not being a friend indeed.

What I am saying here, instead of fighting with this logic, join it. Take the time to understand the point of view that I am making.... or don't be my friend. Thank you.

To remove this post from your view, you can control that aspect.

If you are embarrassed by this content that you don't want it exposed to your friends, instead of censoring it, try using the features of hide post. That way our relationship remains respected.

You can also unfriend when there really is no such thing. A friend is a friend --- you can betray a friendship but you can't pretend that a friendship never existed in the first place. In that truth, we have an interpersonal relationship bonding. What are these bonds?

I know what these bonds are --- but have you really thought about it? There is no such thing an unfriending in real time space. I don't consider unfriending as a method to detach friends when they become bothersome.

Perhaps you should read this in full text:


"The notion of human dignity depends on there being objective moral truths. Instead, we can discard people when they become troublesome or expensive. "
Updated Jan 29, 2019 2:39:31pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
My name is James Martin Driskill and I used to live in Denver Colorado and was a client of Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project. In my tenancy in what was HIV Specific residency [ the entire building community ] in Denver, I had to suffer through an 11-month hate, retaliation, and harassment campaign that targeted my tenancy that led to eviction. The filing of this eviction against me was on November 30th, 2016, the day before World Aids Day.

My filing for this eviction case, [ document stamped ] has been placed onto twitter as a statement of injustice in this conspiracy to oust a community member from developing a community resource that I was attempting as a startup.


My concept at a community empowerment was an adult consent practices and thought school. Even my case manager was invited to be either a watcher or participant into the discussion area.

As it is filed as my answer to my eviction case, I had not fully identified the hate source that targeted at me. However, I had definitely identified this conspiracy to be internal of the HIV Community not external of it, as was the abandoned bicycle of more than 5 months from a person that I did not invite into my apartment directly but claimed he was ill and made a mess of vomit in the front room and the bathroom.
That we ended up taking to the hospital and the bicycle was abandoned. But later in October, that same bicycle miraculously now was being claimed to be the transferred property from the Owner to another tenant in the building. Yes, this circumstance defines an internal conspiracy. At the exact court time negotiation of my eviction, I had not yet identified the hate source of this harassment. But it would become more apparent later in the month of July. You see, I was trying to deliver some documented to my case manager [ I had two ] Ms. Adan. I was not able to get my documents delivered to her on June 6th, 2017. No, they created a whole situation in their office and lied to me. Yes, that would be the staff of the Colorado Health Network. I had just finished video recording a Facebook live video with another client. In that facebook live video, each and every staff member of CHN business card was read into the record for rebuilding new commitments of challenges needing to be changed in the community.


That was recorded the morning of the 6th of June before I visted the office of Denver CAP. This all took place before I took a trip to New York with my car. I left that night. Anyway.... when I got back to Denver from this trip, I recorded another facebook live video on July 6th, 2017 that was recorded the day after I received this letter that was originally shoved at me as an unsigned document from a position of Mr. Villalobos standing and I am kneeling on the ground. Yes, in that action of Mr. Villalobos, his seething hate was exposed. This document exchange occurred outside in front of their office with a bit of wind blowing, I wanted to make sure I had my documents. The date of this letter shoved at me, without any notice that this document ever existed was June 6th, 2017. It was orginially delivered to me unsigned on July 5th 2017.

http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/Colorado%20Healh%20Network%20--%20Letter%20Of%20Suspension%20-%20June%202017%20-%2020170711154218415.pdf [ This is a valid URL ]

I named Jamie Villalobos at the puppeteer of this hate and harassment.


I now had no options at staying around in Town. I lost my friends network. I had to move back to my family home in San Bernardino. Before I left Denver, I tried to contact Darrell Vigil to arrange a meeting with him to have a truth session with him. But he refused to accept the input of the truth. That is because he is an involved conspirator.

I had to leave town that week and it would not be confirmed of this truth by Glassdoor Negative Outlook Reviews for Colorado Health Network on the first posting date of July 28th, 2017.


Sep 13, 2017 Helpful (2)
Colorado Health Network Logo
Former Employee - Client Services in Denver, CO
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
I worked at Colorado Health Network (Less than a year)


Case Managers are not micro-managed, occasionally drug companies will come in and bring free lunch, relaxed dress code, on a major bus line


Management is awful. They do not trust their employees with anything - not even tissues. If you want a box of tissues you have to go to upstairs and talk to the them. One person stores them in his office.
They had a big "investigation" because two employees quit because of racism and discrimination within the organization - the "investigation" was "inconclusive". They had a meeting with all of the staff (that was announced 24 hrs prior). Regarding discrimination. It was said that we were diverse "we have one of everything". How can an organization thrive when a top official is racist?
If you are a woman or person of color, it is very hard to move up in the org and be heard. If you are a cute, white male, you will do well in this company.
Turnover is high!
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Advice to Management

Maybe start with a little bit of respect (for clients and staff)?

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Jul 28, 2017 Helpful (3)
Colorado Health Network Logo
"Low pay, oppressive managment, dishonest business practices..."
Current Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
I have been working at Colorado Health Network full-time (Less than a year)


Brand new facility, friendly coworkers, easy access to downtown. Interviews are too easy. Great benefits. Benefits those less fortunate.


Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

Advice to Management

Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.

My addedum new case manager Fadumo Adan was one of the staff the quit and revealed in this glassdoor review above.

The latest review shows posted:

Oct 29, 2018 Helpful (1)
Colorado Health Network Logo
"Stay Away"
Former Employee - Medical Case Manager in Colorado Springs, CO
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
Disapproves of CEO
I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time (More than 5 years)


This unfortunately is a area that there is nothing to promote as there are no Pros to this job.


EEOC violations, confidentiality compromises of the people they are suppossed to protect, pay is below average and benefits are horrible. The CEO is below the bottom of the swamp in regards to leadership.

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Join the Colorado Health Network team See Our Latest Jobs
Feb 17, 2018 Helpful (1)
Colorado Health Network Logo
"If you don’t gossip like a teenager, you’ll be an outsider."
Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Neutral Outlook
I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


The mission at CHN is good.


Very caddy work environment for the most part.

Advice to Management

Get to know employees better

---- I request that this comment remain posted in full --- thank you.

The website attached to this site comment is a google hacked business listing page. Google has placed this page permanently published status because they received the truth to these circumstances. Colorado Heatlh Network is part of a greater conspiracy against the hiv community perpertrated by the Ryan White Care Act funded social services agencies region to region. This problem is showing as a systemic problem nationally. I have a research directory and a LinkedIn post as an introduction to these circumstances.

Collective Research Directory Region To Region Glassdoor Employee Reviews:

This post on LinkedIn:

The Glassdoor Controversy Of Negative Outlook Employee Reviews for Ryan White Care Act Social Service Agencies... Is There A Conspiracy Here Showing?
Published on December 26, 2018

This post has a spoken voice text narrative audio file. I request that you actually take a listen to this audio presentation. How can you just pass by these presented facts and allow the system of agencies in particular here Colorado Health Network not to be accountable to the HIV Community for their actions? They, Their hate has been allowed to win.

18 Min Playback Audio File:

#ConspiracyExposedTerninatesASAP on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These circumstances are very much real. This comment is an accurate portrayal of a man who is a refugee status from haters who have hated on me instead of bringing empowerment models to social services. This review for Cascade Aids Project says it plain. I declare this employee review "Disappointment and Mendacity" is actually a portrait of the entire systemic model of hate that is installed in the Ryan White Care Act nationally systemic hate paradigm interface between agencies and clients.





22 Sep, 2015 Helpful (4)
Cascade AIDS Project Logo
"Disappointment and Mendacity"
Former Employee - Not Safe to Disclose in Portland, OR (US)
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
Disapproves of CEO
I worked at Cascade AIDS Project full-time (More than a year)


The community members living with HIV are some of the most dynamic and resilient people you may ever meet. Working with those who are still suffering profoundly impacts your deeply and personally. CAP has a mostly young vibe and the work is interesting due to its complex nature. Downtown location is convenient.


Management is hostile to the union represented staff. The organization only works with a narrow part of the community yet markets something different to look more comprehensive than it is. Much of upper management is threatened by change, is conflict avoidant to the point of dysfunction and is retaliatory when confronted. Often, people with poor skills are promoted to leadership and this creates frustration and a sense of unfairness highlighting backroom agreements meant to undermine. Morale is dreadful. In the past few years most staff have been fired, pressured to leave, or asked to work with compromised ethics. Gay, black, HIV+, and trans identified staff have been systematically marginalized. CAP treated HIV+ staff as second class citizens, ignored client request for change, and silences critics. If you go against CAP, even if justified, you will find it hard to work in the HIV community in Portland. The board is completely distant from the staff and the clients being served, and act condescending and unhelpful. You would think if 50% of the staff leave in a few months time, it might be a wake up call that there are big problems that can't be dismissed as "disgruntled" staff. Since CAP is the only game in town for HIV related needs, they have no checks and balances and no accountability when they injure the community they are claiming they serve.
Show Less

Advice to Management

Stop displaying images and raising money through deception. Admit you do not serve the community at large and close your doors. CAP is not about HIV anymore, it's about retaining jobs and keeping people working at the expense of programing and directives that empower. If you want to be a LGBTQ health center then so be it, but do not pretend you are helping people living with HIV, because you are not. You are only focusing on addicts and the mentally ill. Also, an LGBTQ health group or HIV group with no gay or HIV+ leaders, or people of color managing direct services means you will be just like any other colonized public health care model that delivers incompetent care. The community does not need public health zombies, we have them already. We also do not need tokenized minorities to cover for the heteronormative, white, middle class faux professionalism that is the root of the HIV pandemic to begin with, and abundantly present in CAP management's ranks. There is a big problem when the public adores you and your clients and the community you claim to serve would rather go without then be at the mercy of a place they distrust and dislike.


I am back in my hometown of San Bernardino out from the Denver Community and this is the google review for http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/ San Bernardino.



Foothill Aids Project
670 N. Arrowhead Avenue, Suite A-B, San Bernardino, CA

Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.

I am told that Mr. Jacobson is a member of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Cousil. That makes this review internal of the community, not from a client perspective but an admin perspective. Something needs to be acknowledged here. @[44681155125:274:Colorado Health Network - Denver] @[249360961770195:274:The new statewide Colorado AIDS Project]
Updated Feb 09, 2019 9:56:04am
@[888913597791702:274:Out Front] -- I provide the detailed comment attached to your posting on your site here in facebook in case you decide to censor my view from the public which I am expecting.
Updated Feb 09, 2019 10:04:56am
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Do I Scare You?
Do I Scare You?
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#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate
Introduction To Standard V5N1
By Marlon T. Riggs
Oakland, Ca 1992



Mr Riggs died of HIV/AIDS Causes 1994 in Oakland, CA

His Documentary Film "Tongues Untied", an account of gay black male life can be watched and/or downloaded from this URL link:


@Gruwup 2019
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Updated Feb 11, 2019 9:25:50pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
[ Spoken Voice Text Narrative Media Creations ]:

"A Forevermore Dunce" (c)2019 by James Martin Driskill
Created Yesterday February 11th, 2019, audio 34min
OMG -- I never had a message that people saw my story before it disappeared. The term disappeared means something different than what it is on Facebook. Good. It reappears.
OMG -- I never had a message that people saw my story before it disappeared. The term disappeared means something different than what it is on Facebook. Good. It reappears.
There are pros and cons to enacting or not enacting the plan he has said. But the element that places the continued treatment of HIV MEDICATIONS AVAILABLE has been submitted to the FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation in an online citizen's report form that I have copied the result of my report onto my website. What I say in this report is very much real to the circumstances. If we, humans, have the ability to forecast policy change detrimental to health, it is the FBI obligation to make the effort to advise the policymakers that the policy change is a threat to human health and increaes in deaths are likely.

The policy cannot be enacted. It is not possible to break the law of a single or a group's citizen inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness [ it happens all of the time ]

My Report Is Filed Here: [ Please Do Not Tell Me That This Web Presence Is Not Shocking To That It Is Noticed --- It is Valid ]


[ The Technolgy Being Used At My Domains Is "Dynamic Subdomain" addressing and is a technology available to internet domains for since they exist. This technology feature is usually not active on other domains across the world because it does generate a chaotic logic for tracking. But I am not tracking them, but Google and other search engines take these "open definable" description namespace of up to about 260 characters into the search indexing. They work just fine and dandy. It is used to tag and link together concepts, person's names, articles, domains, sources, targets, and other things to a URL similarly to name tagging within a social media platform -- but this tagging exists outside of the URL and thus applies to the entire scope traffic of the Cyberspace if applied correctly. It would be nice to have some investors available to develop this technology for an open user interface friendly data set creation.
Updated Feb 12, 2019 4:00:13pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
#WordsToLiveBy : Weary Eyes Version
4 Years Ago
Feb 13, 2018 10:19:44am
#WordsToLiveBy : Weary Eyes Version
Updated Feb 13, 2019 11:11:27am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Semse Wiseness @Gruwup Peace 2018
Sense Wisenes : #BlackLivesMatter QR:: The Community As A Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other http://community.gruwup.net/09/ @Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
4 Years Ago
Feb 15, 2018 10:54:12pm
Sense Wisenes : #BlackLivesMatter QR:: The Community As A Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other http://community.gruwup.net/09/ @Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
I am sharing a memory of a year ago. I created this video and placed it on YouTube --- then shared this video to my audience here on Facebook.

Then a met a friend [ or so I thought ], we drove to Denver and back, and we got to know each other --- [ or so I thought ].

The name of this writing for this video is "The Community As A Whole Must Seek and Understand Each Other" and it is time to understand that presence of a friend cannot be a friend, he will not seek to understand me, even though I have done my best to understand him. What a waste of a time trying to be a friend to a fool. There is no hope for this type of soul --- cut them out -- they will have to fend for themselves to rock bottom before they understand the cruel cruel world of the quickening. I have a bit of an archive of him on my domains. It is within my reach to respond this way because it is the only way to reach him:

As his this type of personality, they have a one-way narrow view of communications and have barriers and request and demands to not send to him relativity. He won't listen --- but he claims to be --- he is not a friend of support but an antagonist of conflict.


It is time for him to move on, but he won't --- he will make it difficult. I have the final clincher that will place this to his intelligence. For he is a smart one but I am smarter. I will reach to dial 911, anytime, if need be. So too will this family not be hostage to his non-remorseful regretability.
Updated Feb 15, 2019 12:10:23pm
@[44681155125:274:Colorado Health Network - Denver] : #Kramobone-The.Strangers

"Angela Elizabeth Keady Of Denver Colorado You Have Allowed Hate To Win" plays In this Soundcloud Playlist

Don't say I did not warn you ---
The Glassdoor Reviews For Colorado Health Network
Updated Feb 17, 2019 2:08:42am
Is This why? #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP
Why What? #ErosionOfTrust #MassShootings #Corruption
#socialtrust #governmentsponsoredhate
link: http://facebook.timeline.aforevermoredunce.fuckeduphuman.net/
Updated Feb 17, 2019 12:47:18pm

This URL has Special "Dynamic Subdomain" Addressing. You can change firstname-middle-lastname to any name that you want to say "Fuck You" too --- max character space is approx 260.
Updated Feb 28, 2019 6:57:54am
http://999.fuckeduphuman.net/ : @[373133509477110:274:Borrego Health]
My HIV Doctor In San Bernardino Detached From Provider Care, Even Though the AMA Journal Of Ethics States that it is the Responsibility of Doctor's Side to Fix Relations With Patients ---- this impasse is heading to my death or court.

Have My HIV Doctor From San Bernardino Return To Care as Well As Assist Me In the Exposure and Termination of a Conspiracy --- per his Hippocratic Oath --- This situation is going to viral, I GUARANTEE IT!
Updated Mar 01, 2019 12:31:20pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
if this shortcut remains valid --- this conflict remains unresolved --- at the expense of the parties mentioned --- because what is described here is the truth --- http://999.fuckeduphuman.net/ --- please watch the video and pass it on --- very important. A conspiracy is needing to be uprooted and cleaned up.
James M Driskill recommends Borrego Health.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Considering that my Doctor detached from providing care in HIV a couple of weeks ago because I would not comply to his prescriptions and directions on Diabetes health matters that I actually have another primary care doctor that would handle such interface care. But no, the doctor in San Bernardino forced the issued and I walked out. I told the HIV doctor that I would like him to read a tweet thread that I had directed to the CDC HIV Director of Treatment and Prevention, Dr. Jonathan Mermin, [ @DrMerminCDC on twitter ]. The Doctor at Borrego dismissed me with the declaration that as I quote him here, "I would not have time" he tells me. That is not the answer that is acceptable. So, I told him if he was not willing to interface a needed professional's interface on a problem that is highly needing to be fixed that is majorly affecting my HIV Care and my entire health wellness. He must comply. He will comply and I expect that I will have his apology by the end of next week Friday, March 15th, 2019..... offered to me face to face at my very own residence in San Bernardino. Why? Because I have him in a technology grip of a BINDING KNOT of #MPATAPO, the knot the binds parties together [ in technology terms, it is f u c k e d u p h u m a n . n e t ].

I have his shortcut created as:

h t t p : / / d o c t o r - e r i c - t o m o n i - s h i g e n o . f u c k e d u p h u m a n . n e t [ scrunch this term together with no spaces ] - WATCH, they will want to fix this quickly before it gets web surfaced indexed by web search engines like Google.

WATCH --- a new paradigm shift is about to happen.
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This comment is a fucked up situation and I may ruin the emotional balance of a feel-good story. BUT BUT BUT the TRUTH must be told.


QR Scan Code URL [ Random Message 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ]:


Yes, the @SanBernardinoPD came to my residence to place a wall of distrust between them and me. The erosion of trust leads to mass shootings, [WashPost] I am a peace builder and they can't reconcile.
Updated Mar 11, 2019 4:23:01pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
Friendships are circles of friends and holders from the outside. They are not caddy clicks of gossiping queens. They are not your friends, they will not hold you sound in a dire need. They will disappoint you, guaranteed.
4 Years Ago
Mar 11, 2018 7:37:58pm
Friendships are circles of friends and holders from the outside. They are not caddy clicks of gossiping queens. They are not your friends, they will not hold you sound in a dire need. They will disappoint you, guaranteed.
@[100000414084239:2048:Jimmy Escajeda] --- this is from my "1 year ago" that did not auto-pop for my attention. It is also the needed messaging --- God what a confluence of ideals.
Updated Mar 11, 2019 5:42:00pm
James M Driskill doesn't recommend Foothill Aids Project.
If the truth is not told to a termination of a conspiracy by now, we are doomed to behold responsibility for mass gun shootings. [ Washington Post Oct 2017 ] - you should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves.
James M Driskill updated his status.
@[373133509477110:274:Borrego Health] : You should pay attention to these messages. They contain call recordings of your staff and call voice recordings left for "Patient Relations" intake phone number among other things.

Updated Mar 15, 2019 7:48:09pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Thank you for reposting and sharing my story of hate and conspiracy...
James M Driskill updated his status.
Who reads their incoming content with a spoken voice text narrator?
James M Driskill updated his status.
Get off the Internet With Your SPAM ASS SHIT! #FuckedUpHumanGeyserAssholes
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QR Code URL: http://music.gruwup.net/Music-Select-Random-Track.html
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http:/ /webdomains.realuphuman.net/google.com/Gmail%20-%20Feedback%20---%20Needing%20Assistance%20Of%20Google.htm

@[104958162837:274:Google] [ I am in grave need of assistance in a community health wellness crisis matter in the HIV Communities of The United States Of America --- Ryan White Care Act Fail! --- Systemic Problem of Hate Paradigms in Agency to Client Interfaces --- Confirmed By Negative Outlook Employee Reviews Found on @[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor] (Among Other Review DataSets ) ]

#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #GovernmentSponsoredJate : #RyanWhiteCareAct #CDC #HRSA #HHS #HIV #SocalServices #Hate
Updated Mar 16, 2019 2:33:28am
FuckedupHuman.net- Knot That Binds Parties Together For Conflict Resolutionfacebook.com
This is so outrageously seriously funny but --- it the fact that this page and the domain it represents serves to our information society. I have now shared this page to my timeline as recommended by @[20531316728:274:Facebook] team. Now for them to deliver on their promise.


http://community.gruwup.net/06/ : On LinkedIn: Binding Knot Of Reconcillation Called #Mpatapo Is Missing In Our Modern World
Of Information Technologies

http://community.gruwup.net/06A : I have the biggest balls of them all!
Updated Mar 16, 2019 12:50:01pm
Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno:
A Hater or Hater Enabler or Hater Creator, Pick One...


@Gruwup WebAdmin Site Note To Doctor:

The only way to unbind the knot of #Mpatapo that you are being held in to be accountable for your actions is to apologize for your maligned and malignant forces that created the excuses that you held in session with your patient to not relate a resolution forward --- to denounce hate -- to denounce Foothill Aids Project instead of taking a stand in defense of their presence of review on our information society. You know better Doctor. You did not get away with it! You can call the police all you like --- the deception and games --- you will have to answer to our maker when it is time for you to turn in your chips for the final last time --- no more life bets --- you will be broke of all of your loves --- filled with hate --- you will go directly to hell and burn burn burn! You can avoid that destiny by conforming to the AMA Journal of Ethics Advice and take the initiative to repair this patient/physician relationship that you have destroyed all trust that you can be really a healer instead of a hater!
Updated Mar 17, 2019 10:46:48pm
This Link Has Special "Dynamic Subdomain" URL Addressing --- To Reflect This Exact Time/Date and Associated Ids Of This Share Item -- Take it That You Are In On The Marking Of Our Cyberspace In This Technology --- Listen To These Messages Of Dysfunctional Services Provided By The Ryan White Care Act and HIV Physician Care Provider In San Bernardino CA USA The Earth : March 17th 2019:

There are 11 Individual Community Awareness Messages Total -- Randomly One Is Selected To Pass Forward Into View. Relink To Same Click To Select A Different Message [ unless of course, it repeats what you have already done ]

Updated Mar 18, 2019 12:02:49am
This Link Has Special "Dynamic Subdomain" URL Addressing --- To Reflect This Exact Time/Date and Associated Ids Of This Share Item -- Take it That You Are In On The Marking Of Our Cyberspace In This Technology --- Listen To These Messages Of Dysfunctional Services Provided By The Ryan White Care Act and HIV Physician Care Provider In San Bernardino CA USA The Earth : March 17th 2019:

There are 11 Individual Community Awareness Messages Total -- Randomly One Is Selected To Pass Forward Into View. Relink To Same Click To Select A Different Message [ unless of course, it repeats what you have already done ]

Updated Mar 18, 2019 12:03:39am
This Link Has Special "Dynamic Subdomain" URL Addressing --- To Reflect This Exact Time/Date and Associated Ids Of This Share Item -- Take it That You Are In On The Marking Of Our Cyberspace In This Technology --- Listen To These Messages Of Dysfunctional Services Provided By The Ryan White Care Act and HIV Physician Care Provider In San Bernardino CA USA The Earth : March 17th 2019:

There are 11 Individual Community Awareness Messages Total -- Randomly One Is Selected To Pass Forward Into View. Relink To Same Click To Select A Different Message [ unless of course, it repeats what you have already done ]

Updated Mar 18, 2019 12:07:05am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Video taken from the highest point I made it today on The Incline. This was my first climb. I plan on going father next time. :). Now I have a goal to make it to the top
8 Years Ago
Mar 19, 2014 4:21:36pm
Video taken from the highest point I made it today on The Incline. This was my first climb. I plan on going father next time. :). Now I have a goal to make it to the top
Place: Manitou Springs Incline (38.856745122525, -104.93291315943)
Address: Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Updated Mar 19, 2019 9:17:57am
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So my doctor here in my own hometown of San Bernardino decides to cut off my HIV Care, I have now no doctor once again. This situation at hand is so fucked up that the doctors involved in the treatment of HIV cannot tell the truth about a big secret involved in the Ryan White Care Act. It is so obvious they have something to hide. They refer me to the County Health Department as their legal requirement to provide a referral but they detached services for the same reason. They are desperate to hold this secret from being told. That will not build trust in the order it needs to. This situation needs to be held as one of the greatest conflicts of all time to now realize that I have to sit down and shut the fuck up about the truth or else be #Untreatable in my HIV care. Wow, you guys --- wow what a conspiracy you all have been running hate agenda run-a-muck. Don't you have any morals in your careers?

Borrego Health
D Street Medical Center

This needs to be written up in the news.

ABC News CBS News NBC News CNN PBS Frontline

You can avoid that -- by adhering to the

American Journal of Medicine Ethics On Patient/Physican Relationships and the repair of such relationships at the responsbile duty/ethics of this matter. How many times do I need to say it clear?

The patient is right and the #DoctorEricShigemo is wrong,.


This domain is valid information society use --- you can't ignore it -- just because you are offended by the name.

Youe ethics and morality in this matter are being challenged --- and you know it -- I am right. Admint your defeat. Confes your Sins. Repent for your miscalculations of a hidden secret.

Vitals [ who fraudulently defends doctors side of reviews --- by censorship -- they too fraud ]

The review that posted saved for my own use. My words shall be respected --- I will not be cnsored from view.

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Hit Me Up With Messenger Or Use The Email Address Provided --- I Will Respond To Any Query For More Information. #Hiv #HivUntreatable @[134687123337151:274:CDC HIV] ] Tagged ] We have a problem --- I have no HIV Doctor -- and the reason why is this conspiracy is in my way. #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate
Hit Me Up With Messenger Or Use The Email Address Provided --- I Will Respond To Any Query For More Information.

#Hiv #HivUntreatable CDC HIV ] Tagged ]

We have a problem --- I have no HIV Doctor -- and the reason why is this conspiracy is in my way.

Updated Mar 21, 2019 1:10:56pm
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#HivUntreatable : Fact --- QR Scan Code In This Graphic Is: [ Full ]: http://cdc-info.contact-form.hivuntreatable.because-of-haters-been-allowed-to-win.when-can-i-have-my-life-back.conspiracyexposedterminatesasap.doctor-eric-tomoni-shigeno.fuckeduphuman.net/Browse-RandomPSAMessages-%5b1-10%5d.html
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James M Driskill updated his status.
I just have to say the same thing I said to my Doctor in Denver Colorado --- I just do not know how to come up with the words to express my complete disappointment that this system of care for HIV persons here in the United States of America is so filled with hate that you all can't keep your ethics straight. Every where I go, there is this hidden agenda after-effect upon my care and treatment --- everywhere I go --- your side of this is working that hidden agenda and it is injuring the greater society at large. You opened a Pandora's box long time ago and you don't know how to close that box and you remain there silent to do the ethical right thing in my case. You leave me with no doctor care in a state of #HIVUNTREATABLE because you are a coward and not able to admit that I know the truth and have the courage to tell you so but you have to detach that truth from your rational standing that you all have been wrong for decades,. Admit the truth to the course of corrective adaptive thinking solutions forward. t is the only way to repair the ripping seams in the society that you created this distrusting hole in the fabric sewed into your souls. According to the American Medical Association Foundation Journal of Ethics, you are ethically and morally responsible to repair "difficult" patient/physician relationships. This is one of those relationships that has to place a demon into your very own faith of beliefs. So be that -- it is not my fault --- for hidden secrets you must tell to hold these actions and truths on your side --- Doctor, that fact along nullifies your cause of actions is GOD GIVEN RIGHT to proceed in these secrets. Your ethics are being challenged by a peace builder who has the conscience to die first and the faith that God tells me to not give in to the pressure of these wrongdoers --- Die First --- and I will be in the great care of our maker. If that is a suffering deal I undertake, so be it. i will not sit down and shut the fuck up because I have moral agency. Tread lightly because your soul is on the line and you will not be given the keys to Heaven for the decision you make today. Your soul is on the line Doctor, can't you see the direction to take out of the fog of hate in your heart?
James M Driskill shared a post.
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10 Unexpected Things That Will Happen By 2050 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUeWvtZ7crw
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QR Code URL: http://music.gruwup.net/Music-Select-Random-Track.html
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10 Unexpected Things That Will Happen By 2050 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUeWvtZ7crw
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QR Code URL: http://music.gruwup.net/Music-Select-Random-Track.html
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James's Winter Memories
FuckedupHuman.net- Knot That Binds Parties Together For Conflict Resolutionfacebook.com
Updated Apr 02, 2019 10:20:09am
Contesting Media Power : Alternative Media In a Networked World :

This image was used on LinkedIn To Defend My Usage of the word "Fuck" is acceptable "Professional's Standard" that must be applied to the cyberspaces of all of the internet. On LinkedIn, there are actual "In Operation" company name profiles that are defined with the word "Fuck" In Them. Such examples are [ but not limited to ]: "Fuck Cancer", "Fuck Yeah Astrophysics", "Fuck Gravity", "Fuck Racism", and "Fucked Up Design". All of these have corresponding valid in operation internet domain web presence.

The LinkedIn Comment Flood that was necessary on LinkedIn and Zendesk to stop deleting comments, stop censorship, and stop deleting customer support ticketing on LinkedIn and a dating social web site, I had no other choice but to interface to this post for @[61675732935:274:Zendesk] with deleting occuring, the content moderator on the other end of this flood finally was persuaded to hold the comments and restore them. The audio spoken voice text narrative of this comment stream is enlightening to the reading text that is placed here of understanding.


It is worth the listen. Fuckeduphuman.net / gruwup.net / realuphuman.net is an alternative media approach to resolving conflicts, and rebuilding societal trust, and aligning truth.
Updated Apr 03, 2019 12:51:02am
Post to your Timeline. See Comment if you would like an associated graphic that has a QR Scan Code to this LinkedIn Live Post and Comment Stream.

Updated Apr 03, 2019 12:53:53am
@[373133509477110:274:Borrego Health]
@[350716565537932:274:Eric Shigeno, MD]

Crazy World Future Words:

Updated Apr 03, 2019 11:47:31am
James M Driskill added 3 new photos to Makta Pond's timeline.
It has been a while since I had a need to update the YouTube channel #Makta.Pond ---- for these are reserved for a special angle of presentation --- a presentation of a higher intelligence looking backward in time...... there are 8 videos total in this channel. The QR Scan Code in this graphic selects "Play All" for insights on where we stand today in the erosion of #SocialTrust which leads to murder and #MassShootings.

First Graphic [ "A Scroll Of Victims" ] QR Scan URL:

Third Graphic [ "#HIVUNTREATABLE" ] QR Scan URL:

Enjoy Having The Truth Be Told --- What the Fuck Is Going On --- #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #GovernmentSponsoredHate ---

Will James Martin Driskill become a victim and die before they resolve these matters and stop protecting a hate paradigm interface in social services and doctor care treatment?
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Video Link: http://A-Scroll-Of-Victims.Collective-Moral-Responsibility.What-Should-We-Do-Right.What-Have-We-Been-Doing-Wrong.community.gruwup.net/26/ #socialtrust #networking #massshootings #governmentsponsoredhate #conspiracyexposedterminatesasap
Video Link:

#socialtrust #networking #massshootings #governmentsponsoredhate #conspiracyexposedterminatesasap
Bear's Scary Stories - The Circleville Letters

Updated Apr 11, 2019 6:30:10am
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Geoff Braund, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, David C. Tapscott, Ross Biehler, Jimmy Escajeda, Brandon Cook, DevOryn Blood, DeVontae Wyatt, Dominick Alan Devastation Hansen, Connie Watkins, Lily Vallene Dreiling, Dale A Epps, Melody Badwound, Alan Mayfield, Eve Behrends, Chrissy Nevin, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Diane Schou, Cherise Tibbet, Arthur Kanegis, Ed Jor-El Elkin, Anthony Milliner, Char Dalton, Cyrus Winikerei Kavamoungaone, Luke Cummo, Chris Rains, Mitchell Camp, Louise Beale Vincent, Curtis Culver, Charley Coaltrain, Bivens Shawn, Brian James Lucas, Nathan Boden, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Steve Beeferman, Donnie Bones, M Alan Kazlev, Dominique Julian Fabulous, Becky Flatt Hamblin, Luis Espinoza, Adam Lilien, Leigha Burns, Arlene Dykstra, Sammy Davis, Jude Crude Nekwe, Lynn M. Darnell, Sammie Francher, Anthony Scott, Donna Comer, Casey Kidd, Zack Campbell, David Darnell, John Gates, Monica Canales, Mirko Djordjevski, Krishna Dawgie Love, Kevin J. Emery, Kenneth Kay Dee Holmes, Merriline Conrad, Antjuan Bouldin, Sylvia Flores Catoe, R Alan Wild, LeeAnn Drouault, John Bautista, David Moon, Cody Dell, Danny Roberts Sr., Wesly Dickson, Cherise Tibbet, Marie A Marquez, De'Chaun Smith, Dale Haynes, Blythe Rayford, Debra Crabtree and Jeremy Ebenstein
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TedX Talks: Frientimacy : The 3 Requirements of All Healthy Friendships http://when-will-the-community-embrace-the-wholeness-of-peacebuilding.community.gruwup.net/15/ @Gruwup 2019 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
TedX Talks:

Frientimacy : The 3 Requirements of All Healthy Friendships


@Gruwup 2019 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
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Forever Michael. Michael Jackson Will Always Have An Asterix * Affixed To His Legacy. Times Are A Changing, But I Will Always Have Him and His Music --- Playing.....
Forever Michael. Michael Jackson Will Always Have An Asterix * Affixed To His Legacy. Times Are A Changing, But I Will Always Have Him and His Music --- Playing.....
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From Apr 25, 2019, 11:00 AM to Apr 25, 2019, 11:00 PM
What is most shockingly showing for now almost going on 2 years with a dysfunctional interface with this Ryan White Care Act funded agency of Foothill AIDS Project where the community has been brainwashed to consider they can do no wrong. When indeed the tables or the emoji that are turned upside down [ 🙃] and no one can see the irrationality that you're eating your meals on the wrong backward side of this flipped table with it's legs sticking upward into the air.

That is a good metaphor. We have to come to rational approaches that a conspiracy that has been established a long time ago is long overdue of time to be suspended, surrendered, terminated, and abandoned that such a hate complex held by the social services agencies would be any kind of great outcome as they are claiming to represent.

I claim that all of what are their intentions of goodness is upside down to this state of trueness. They are wolves in sheep's clothing or the emoji of [ 💩😈] and we are fools [ 🤡 ] clowning around while they continue to injure and harm the HIV Community with their hate.

I have an address to @[373133509477110:274:Borrego Health] HIV Doctor that was last in the sought out concern or care of my HIV/AIDS Disease. In that he terminated my provider health care services because of these truths that they cannot come to terms of the destructive hate forces upon our daily abilities to birth a better tomorrow, they can't tell the truth, They terminate the relationship when that truth is before their feet and I am left to be the status of #HIVUntreatable.


In such I have been here, been there, and been everywhere to levels all the way up to the CDC HIV Director to contact them to find some avenue of counsel to report my findings. These findings are not being able to be said involved into a contracted supportive care system that is the enemy and not our friend. In every level, every place, region to region, fails to get the proper level of address that is required in these matters to fix this weighty truth.

Anyone roadblocking my way will be destroyed of their public reputations, their careers if they take this too much farther without addressing me properly focused to the deliverance of these truths.

They deserve their glory days are destroyed and bestowed upon them. No more, not even one more glory day left. They deserve their hardest fall from God's good grace to be buried with all of the other trash that is had by this hate creation they have done upon us.

When will they actually learn their lesson that hate begets destruction and love begets truth and success? When will they get it real, they have met their obstruction force person of peace!!!

That would be me of course. When will they get it -- they must apologize for this hate creation to the interruptive chaos they are making in their glory wake. The wake is about to destroy everything they find reverent in all of their lives.

It is time to unite or be damned, you deserve your fall and you deserve to burn in hell for all the blast of the grandest of all fire and brimstone, for murdering us when the unnecessary and preventable deaths occurred under the watchful hands of haters collective elites.

No one is paying attention to the source of understanding who is at the steering controls of blasphemy! But I understand it --- KKK is just so real in the subjective points of view.

A Borrego Health Doctor Review of @[350716565537932:274:Eric Shigeno, MD] that is an introduction and holding that this review is not going anywhere --- but into the conscience of the HIV Communities everywhere.


along with this doctor web presence from Denver Colorado.


and these Foothill Aids Project staff web presence held on this upright side of the table --- let us turn the table over and have a proper meal together --- you look silly eating on the floor. Time to pull up and sit on a chair to eat your meals from this day forth.





This is embarrassing and a disgrace to your professions. You cannot erase this disgrace. You will have shit on your face stuck like epoxy and you will never never ever be able to clean it or erase it --- it will be stuck there forever.

Time to change. Time for something new! Time to have a discussion while we eat in these events --- while we undertake the complexity that is real --- and what to actually do. I will be there to attend this event ---

Dining Out For Life 2019, THURSDAY APRIL 25
11 AM · BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse (1045 E Harriman Pl, San Bernardino, CA). As it is relevant that this applies to me and you.

The subject of this event, maybe along my side will be my mother Veronica Driskill who is free to attend. My nephew David Driskill and his father, my Brother Dennis who will have to take this time off work. Along my posse to defend me will be my friend Timothy who happens to also be a client of FAP.

-- I shall not be barred because I will be speaking the truth. I will call the police if you make a disturbance --- I will claim bloody murder at your hands of hate. I will claim bloody murder and claim that you are the ones infused with criminal intent.

Thank you kindly, ladies and gentleman, for the options to remove your hate and venture a the new pathway to reconciliate.

James Martin Driskill
Born Native Resident of San Bernardino CA
In the family home as a refugee status from this hate.
This family home, a welcoming place to discuss these
matters with facebook event occurring May 1st 2019 11AM - 4PM
if we fail at unity during your event, my event will replace it.
This is where I am... you come here to apologize no matter what
--- face to face here in this peacebuilding home.

Updated Apr 14, 2019 12:45:53am
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Link For More Info/Presentations in Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface: http://doctor-eric-tomomi-shigeno.fuckeduphuman.net/vitals.com-reviews/ #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate #HIVUntreatable
Link For More Info/Presentations in Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface:




James M Driskill doesn't recommend Eric Shigeno, MD.
Link For More Info/Presentations in Spoken Voice Text Narrative Interface:

Link 1: Review for Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno @BorregoHealth

Link 2: A Forevermore Dunce

James M Driskill shared a memory.
Row Row Row Your Boat --- Crook Version
4 Years Ago
Apr 21, 2018 7:05:00pm
Row Row Row Your Boat --- Crook Version
Row, Riow, Row Your Boat!
Updated Apr 21, 2019 9:36:29am
AIDS Healthcare Foundationfacebook.com

Come and See --- Top Contributor to Aids HealthCare Foundation on Facebook --- in such as they have been interfaced to my contents reflecting conspiracy. I have now a confirmed relationship of my mission efforts are perhaps working --- I have been blocked by CHN, Foothill Aids Project, Rocky Mountain Cares, Desert Aids Project on twitter [ I am not sure on Facebook ], and Borrego Health my local doctor that terminated services. This action of blocking is getting tiresome to contend with -- copied information of course onto my domains. Under Webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net if not under a person's direct name , like Angela of CHN. Congratulate me?
Updated Apr 25, 2019 12:51:24am
This is not what I personally experienced --- but even watching it second hand on the screen had me emotionally immersed into the urgency to get the hell fire out of there!
Updated May 06, 2019 8:30:10pm
[ YouTube ] The Disinterestedness of Christ's Sympathy By Octavius Winslow - #WordsToLiveBy - This One Is To Immerse Yourself Into and Apply To Your Inner Self Life - Worth The Watch - Keep Your Eyes On the screen. Thx.

Updated May 07, 2019 5:02:26am
@[34661411150:274:AIDS Healthcare Foundation] [ tagged in public post on facebook ]

I am challenging you all to receive a rational thinking process, consideration, and some basic projected conclusions and return such a rational consideration back upon these public posting content discussions.

--that perhaps ---

Taking into consideration the mentioned Mark Twain Quote:

"Truth Hurts but Silence Kills",

That on your side and part of these long term decades misunderstandings, for on your part just maybe it would be a best practices to place some energy, just a bit of effort, and applied intelligence of reaching to a progressive goal point resolve in your all minds to place a piece, some piece of the truth onto the table now today or as soon as humanly possible.

You can choose what your freedom of understanding thinking puts your role, you don't have to put the whole truth forward at the beginning.

In that offering of truth onto these conflicted matters that we are actually in a state of an "intractable conflict" also holding a very extreme problematic "wicked problem" that will not yield it's destruction that has been long term decades everlasting.

We have to change this paradigm to save lives and to actually #EndHiv epidemic in this country.

According to Twain, keeping this status quo silence is not a very intelligent option on your all parts because as he relates it ----- that silence KILLS!

Considering the state of affairs that I know I am in the role of historian gather, knowing the stakes are at a life wellness over death disasters level of responsibility that I am holding onto these events and concerns....

my moral agency tells me what is right and wrong and my moral guidance teaching from childhood including of course my religious youth exposure within family, having also a youth time enrollment into the local chapter of the Boy Scouts for which two of my scout mates remain connected to me as Facebook Friends, and their father was actually our adult scout master.

At the time of my adolescent upbringing, I actually accompanied this boy scouting family to their church services on Sundays. How these religious reinforcements of doing rights over wrongs, as they have always been instilled into my character internal of practices from youth into adult.

I have never been arrested, never been in serious trouble [ or any trouble with the law except where such falsely accused complaint were filed into the court put there against me from persons holding a collective special interest to hold and maintain this hate secret conspiracy ] and furthermore that I attempt to abide by the Boy Scout Motto, Code Of Conduct throughout my life up and into this day.

How that has carried into my continued learning as we were reinforced by public service announcements advertising, "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste, and Never Stop Learning" messaging on Television and other broadcast media.

That I never intentionally deceive the record.

If I have such an error of actions here in all of my efforts, none of this would be worth the collapse of 10+ years of documentational actions of the truth record as a historian gatherer, that the truth is all that I deal with, honesty is a character trait that I have mirrored into my definitions onto our information society life.

It is not fake news, not a lie, not a scam, not a hoax.

Please take the extra over the top effort, individually or hire an investigator collective to run through and overview the detail record I hold as "intellectual property" rights as intangible holdings of internet domain name space.

These from each event mentioned, each data file stored, each file store timestamp throughout the collective store onto the truth or liable jeopardy that I might and would hold as an adversary upon

[1] each organizational mention,
[2] each person fully real name taken,
[3] these placed into the line of associations
[4] each email carried forward as was written and sent via normal email technology methods,
[5] to each image pixel detailed, personally drawn, document scanned or photo snapped
[6] Each audio format of mp3 ogg or other audios that play for the human listening ear to ear,
[7] to each and every referenced 30fps frame by frame data video format detail,
[8] each megabyte
[9] each gigabyte
[10] each kilobyte
[11] each byte
[12] and each bit collectively stored reaching a collective store total
[13] each terabyte [ it is not more than 2 ],
stored onto my public web presence domains.

Take this list and forensically investigate that each and every bit has been painstakingly processed, coded, and placed to be terminal client http requested and served to a technology knowledge and skill level performed at knowing my best attempts here are to reach, hold, and maintain a standard to my best intention to its best practices reverence virtue value "Standards Of Excellence".

This to place an unchallengeable record of truth fortitude to be compliant to these casts of complaint and concerns which is written content placed to the surface web searchable indexed content, a harmonious web to which the art preservative may bring immortality.

My goal point and humanities real work science effort to be actually time date point effort 2045 when an entire human brain can be transferred out of the human fragile body into a body of permanence.

This time point future forward is just a short skip and jump of 26 years from this day date in 2019. We have no more time to hold secrets that are never scorned --- hold massive mischievous marvel of molding much paradigms. There is no more time to keep hating within a system that needs to be fixed. This is weighty truth --- for sure --- for sure --- can't you see the rational considerations of truth here --- and respond a response of responsibility?

Please see investigate my record of holding forensically. That my beliefs hold against any one's challenges upon me. There has never been any actual written content removal requests received or processed even though my email detail and other obviously open contact streams are available to the public to quickly and easily find. I am not hiding in any kind of dark and covered over secret society or spending my time in obscured invisible corners of the dark and deep web. No, that is not where I spend any of my investments of my internet and cyberlife time.

The silence you bring to this holding debate ---

I N J U R E S A N D K I L L S U S I N T H E H I V C O M M U N I T Y ---
N E E D S U S A L L, E A C H A N D E V E R Y O N E O F U S
U N I T E T O F I X T H I S N O W T O D A Y ! !
O F P R I O R I T Y O N T O O U R H I V C O M M U N I T Y!

Watch YouTube Video Presentation:

The Disinterestedness of Christ's Sympathy By Octavius Winslow
@Gruwup Community Address #16


Thank You Kindly For Reading This Tagged Content -- Feel Free To Discuss This Post Among Your Associates and Peers and Give me A Response In Facebook Messenger --- P L E A S E ! !

-----[ http://aids-healthcare-foundation.ahf.aidshealth.org.liaison-ambassador.rational-thinking.community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By ]----

Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.

---- [ Follow All Of These Shortcut Links To YouTube Video Presentation Redirects -- Just Because I've Ask You To -- For Seriousness Of My Peace Mission Work -- My Media Creations Available to All -- I am real, I am who I say I am, I am no phony, I am all about rebuilding our community trusts --- that is what we must do! ]---






Updated May 07, 2019 10:05:36am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Hilarious! Love or Hate Me, I don't care ---- Happy Mother's Day!
4 Years Ago
May 13, 2018 12:15:56am
Hilarious! Love or Hate Me, I don't care ---- Happy Mother's Day!
Updated May 15, 2019 12:37:12pm
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[ YouTube ]: The Disinterestedness Of Christ's Sympathy by Octavius Winslow
Videolink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji9fPCPFLJw

"For Even Christ Did Not Please Himself"
Updated May 17, 2019 5:03:25am
[ YouTube ]: The Disinterestedness Of Christ's Sympathy by Octavius Winslow
Videolink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji9fPCPFLJw

"For Even Christ Did Not Please Himself"
Updated May 17, 2019 5:15:19am
[ YouTube ]: The Disinterestedness Of Christ's Sympathy by Octavius Winslow
Videolink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji9fPCPFLJw

"For Even Christ Did Not Please Himself"
Updated May 17, 2019 5:17:34am



QR: http://conspiracyexposedterminatesasap.distribute-to-every-ryan-white-care-act.funded.social-service-agency.united-states-of-america.community.gruwup.net/27/
Updated May 17, 2019 7:11:42am
Dear Human Tenancy Resident Occupant [ if any ] At 1005 Washington Street, Apt#112, Denver Colorado 80203 for the current time period effective for "Google Business Site" Verification of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom School....

[ Verification by Postcard Method - Initiated - May 17th, 2019 ]

Obviously, the postcard is being sent to the address on record as the "foundation startup" of this project and business endeavor that was first placed into the community a few months after I personally moved into Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments in April of 2014.

At that time, I disclosed and informed the [ then and now? ] building manager Darrell Johnson that I would be creating and building a community betterment improvement project within the scope of my tenancy. There was absolute no objection at the first portion time after I moved into unit #112.

But something changed.
I know what that something was.

It is a matter of record that the involvements of hate, harassment, and retaliation efforts to create disturbance and chaos to interfere and imbalance my efforts at creating an Adult Consent Thoughts and Practices School, named fully as: "The Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom".

There are digital footprints both on my very own web presence internet domains as well as on Soundcloud and on YouTube and perhaps other social media sites. This project was extremely serious and very much real and had an online interactive web presence to my guests and outside interested listening audiences.

What the actions here in May of 2019 reflect is a punch into the digital present to represent was is a stamping of what should have been carried forward into responsible concern and care for a client/community member and resident supportive [ not objective or corruptive ] activities of the involved associations of HIV community leaderships of the directors, officers, case managers of the involved Ryan White Care Act funded social service agencies of Colorado Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares.

Also involved are closely established interrelated relationships forged in a rather small encirclement of admin and leaders of HIV housing resources, other HIV services, as well as "DIRECT KNOWLEDGE AND INVOLVEMENT" of HIV Doctor Provider cares in the HIV Treatment speciality healthcare structures to hold wellness and best outcomes into view instead of HIV DEATHS within our HIV community.

There has been a great break from normalize, moral outed ethics, and a conspiracy is exposed to be precipitated against the harming injury of the HIV community at large.

This is based on a certain defined class of persons within the HIV infection class that they have judged unworthy of services and doctor excellence of care in provider contempt for our presence of life within the community.

They hold us to not be worthy of our lives to be able to hold inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness.

In true "informational data set external postings found", the fact remains they have never responded onto their apparent profuse beliefs of most likely religious holdings, that they have any right whatsoever if they remain silent.

For in this silence, it gives tacit consent to proceed with the assessment reality of conclusion made here.

Not mere speculations, but rational detailed deductive reasoning that they are indeed the source of these injuring and harming acts documented by me, to my most best effort and ability, to have been targeted against me individually and those I had carried forward in association friendships.

These friends actually were and continue to be listed as actual students of learning and exploration of this school based learning and sharing concepts that were actually procedurally installed into the inner wall space environments of unit #112 and immersive into community memeplex transference by holding each and every person [ new or previously had visited - each visit holding each person to procedure of exposure to both tangible in working space as well as outer internet media presentations.

My efforts there was an symbolic intermixed and rational understandings of the materials being collectively created within that apartment unit's sharing collective spaces.

Social services and building management could not allow the betterment of a stigmatized population of the HIV community [ mainly gay black men ] and [ those white friends of supportive care and concern relations ] like me.

Absolutely no effort to involve any suggestive or supportive based empowerments onto my working efforts, my agenda of betterment models of HIV outcomes, and life over death health wellness of the entire community.

Why you might ask? That is because this population of persons with HIV have been judged to be the "unclean" and the "dirty" [ "The Sinners" ]they deemed to be dangerous to the community infecting negative sexual relation partners with HIV. Far Far from the truth.

The U = U [ Undetectable = Untransmittable ] recently forced campaign by the CDC [ why the delay? ] proves that this is a hate paradigm conspiracy that goes all of the way up through the chains from the local social services client / agency interfaces through the non-enforcement policies and the condoned hate allowances of the admin of the Ryan White Care Act of the CDC, HRSA, and as well I have identified the FBI to be involved in this coverup conspiracy.

-------[ Direct attention to the person or persons unknown to me ]----

The current tenant of apartment Unit #112 at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments Denver Colorado who has received a Google Business Site Verification postcard... please do me a favor and contact me directly at any or all three of these email addresses to provide me and pass through the printed code that is stamped or inked onto this verification post card please.






[G]reat [R]easons [U]s [W]ill [U]nite [P]eace

As soon as I update the verification status and build to a full presentation [ startup through linkable documentation of the truth record that I will indeed be placing to an affidavit standard process ] of this business site page thus bearing the foundation startup into focused linkage into progressive building blocks progressive evolution to then be a rational cumulative digital object holding honor that they were not successful at full and complete collapse of my working mission and my project efforts made in denver Colorado in through the dates of April 2014 through their eviction filing on November 30th 2006, the day before World Aids Day.


Each of these following extremely named URLs are valid and have actual pointed to web presence naming space digital data content on our information society. Check them out -- the evidence of the truth is holding under these documentation data collective directories and presentation pages.





















Peace to you and your family. Whatever happens, this post makes an incomparable statement of unacceptable behaviors and actions against the HIV community -- systemic problem showing region to region -- WE HAVE A PROBLEM TO FIX!

Sincerely Written May 17th 2019 by:

James M Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405
(909) 763-8481 (cell)

email: AwesomeKramobonePlayroomSchool@realuphuman.net

34°09'03.5"N 117°18'40.3"W

Updated May 17, 2019 6:39:24pm
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#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate #HIVUntreatable A Forevermore Dunce http://aforevermoredunce.fuckeduphuman.net YouTube Presentation: http://community.gruwup.net/27/

A Forevermore Dunce

YouTube Presentation:
Timeline photos
**** THIS IS A REAL MARKED UP BUSINESS CARD TO A REAL PERSON INVOLVED IN HATE CONSPIRACY **** When will this web presence be validated? Would you want to have your name listed here on this site? A: No of course not URL: http://jennifer-anne-brehme.fuckeduphuman.net @[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]

When will this web presence be validated?
Would you want to have your name listed here on this site?
A: No of course not

URL: http://jennifer-anne-brehme.fuckeduphuman.net/
Foothill AIDS Project

When will this web presence be validated?
Would you want to have your name listed here on this site?
A: No of course not


Updated May 20, 2019 12:55:53am
#GyeNyame #Adinkra #OnlyGod #ExceptForGod
#GyeNyame #Adinkra #OnlyGod #ExceptForGod
Timeline photos
@[6815841748:274:Barack Obama] http://barackobama.fuckeduphuman.net
James M Driskill added a new photo to Jimmy Escajeda's timeline.
I see that you are not current in our messanger. I have something for you to review... it is sort of urgent. The urgency has something to do with Trump Proposed Rules 1557 in Healthcare --- and I would like your standing on how this applies. I have referenced the writing post that you generated about me that I applied to a SoundCloud publishing. I want your attention to the posting links here --- there are two pages --- an introduction page and a detailed page one page ---- in both of these pages these have written copy as well as spoken voice text narrative interface. link in this graphic: http://barackobama.fuckeduphuman.net ---- now maybe you can see how this applies to the information society --- if it actually reaches him --- it will be the binding presence that is generated by this web presence. Thank you, Your friend from the Library --- James
I see that you are not current in our messanger. I have something for you to review... it is sort of urgent. The urgency has something to do with Trump Proposed Rules 1557 in Healthcare --- and I would like your standing on how this applies. I have referenced the writing post that you generated about me that I applied to a SoundCloud publishing. I want your attention to the posting links here --- there are two pages --- an introduction page and a detailed page one page ---- in both of these pages these have written copy as well as spoken voice text narrative interface.

link in this graphic: http://barackobama.fuckeduphuman.net/ ---- now maybe you can see how this applies to the information society --- if it actually reaches him --- it will be the binding presence that is generated by this web presence.

Thank you, Your friend from the Library --- James
A Forevermore Dunce
[ Full Reprimands Version ]:

Updated Jun 01, 2019 9:53:21am
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Say Thanks To Someone You Care To ---
4 Years Ago
Jun 02, 2018 4:04:40am
Say Thanks To Someone You Care To ---
Updated Jun 02, 2019 9:49:45pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op : @[100000761663932:2048:Sammie Francher] ---
5 Years Ago
James M Driskill was live.
Jun 06, 2017 9:23:48am
For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op : Sammie Francher ---
@[100033618218806:2048:Sammie Francher] --- this video was two years ago --- The Haters Have Been Allowed To Win. @[179909895355213:274:AIDS United] [ You going to block me on Facebook too? ]


Address: [ HIV Long-Term Survivors Day 2019 ]:

@[10766391539:274:POZ Magazine] You have not yet blocked me on media, but your time when you elect to support the haters in silence and people keep dying. Entry:

This video was recorded in an attempt to get the conflict that was and still remains marked up on our information society against the haters in charge of the @[44681155125:274:Colorado Health Network - Denver] ! It would not become evident who was causing this hate chaos into the my life until confirmed by me [ Facebook live video : July 6th 2019 ] and Confirmed on Glassdoor by former employee Glassdoor Reviews which remain posted at:


Full incident Reporting Folder Of The Correspondences Attempted With Colorado Health Network Staff in throughout my case management history:


@[6815841748:274:Barack Obama]

I have a special attention address for you Mr. President for your involvement in uprooting the hate that is embedded in the Ryan White Care Act social services nationally. This is a national scope problem that is found by Negative Outlook @[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor] reviews. I have been posting these concerns here on @[412211525498027:128:Facebook Stories] Twitter @[6191007822:274:LinkedIn] and any other social media that can accommodate external site linking. Without this hate being ejected from the Ryan White Leadership, people that could be saved will die.

"Truth Hurts but Silence Kills" - Mark Twain

#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #GovenmentSponsoredHate : #HIVUntreatable

Entry 1: [ Facebook ]:

Entry 2:

Entry 1: [ Twitter ]:

Entry 2:

Entry 1: [ LinkedIn ]:

Entry 2:

Entry @[573990992631231:274:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services]








COMMUNITY = Communicate Unity
Updated Jun 06, 2019 12:01:27pm
Search YouTube [ #WordsToLiveBy ] --- Watch Top Most Match! [ From This Network ]

Updated Jun 12, 2019 6:40:10am
#SocialTrust #ErosionOfTrust #MassShootings #Leadership #Service #Community #Trust #Scourges #Inequality #SocialImprovement
Updated Jun 14, 2019 1:09:03am
OMG OMG OMG -- Google reviewed the content that I placed at the place that I got unjustified evicted from in Denver. I placed a business . site page there -- in the original name an adult consent thoughts and practices school. If you are aware, the process to validate these maps business listings requires a postcard to be physically sent to the address. Well, the address actual unit #112 [ I have a special notice to the current occupant - but apparently Google has supercede after they reviewed my hack. They "skewed" the data record to reflect that there is an apt #12 [ non-existent in real space ]. In cyberspace, this record entry is placed as a statement of extreme concern for a community wellness of empowerments in the HIV communities --- a nationally scoped focus that is showing up region to region as a systemic problem. Google approved status this business . site listing --- #STAMPED #SEALED #TRUTH

Updated Jun 14, 2019 9:31:53pm
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Timeline photos
A Forevermore Dunce : Admonishment of the Ryan White Care Act Agencies of the United States of America packed with Hater Hungry Wolves!
#GetTheHateOut #HateFree #ReleaseMe
Psychology Today : The 4 Types of Grief That Nobody Told You About
Updated Jun 19, 2019 8:53:13pm
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9 Scourges of Inequality
and the 12 Steps of Social Improvement to
Rebuild Trust

More Info:
Updated Jun 20, 2019 5:46:38pm
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For More Information, Link To PDF: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/groups.google.com/medical-voice-for-policy-change/Gmail%20-%20%23GovernmentSponsoredHate%20_%20Test%20message%20_%20introduction%20of%20who%20I%20am.%20_.pdf This Address Reflects This Hate First Hand! http://ryan-white-care-act.fuckeduphuman.net A Forevermore Dunce, An Admonishment Directed to the Ryan White Care Act HIV Service and Provider Care Industry Nationally http://aforevermoredunce.fuckeduphuman.net
For More Information, Link To PDF:

This Address Reflects This Hate First Hand!

A Forevermore Dunce, An Admonishment Directed to the Ryan White Care Act HIV Service and Provider Care Industry Nationally
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James M Driskill wrote on Louis Earthman Jr.'s timeline.
Hey Louis..... I know have been a missing friend. I really mean it, Happy Birthday. I will call you tomorrow.
Replace with any name.... tell someone they fucked up and that you have noted them to the possible fuckeduphuman.net deans list.

Updated Jun 27, 2019 2:48:00am
DailyOM: Anything Can Be Overcome
Updated Jul 01, 2019 12:55:31am
Define: Magnificent [ Audio Humor ]:


Longest Word In The English Language --- Excellence!
Updated Jul 25, 2019 2:29:01am
Will the CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Mermin Respond a Response of Responsibility to his NPI Data Record Markup and the subsequent fax that has been transmitted to their office?


[ Check The Discus! Commenting In The Above ]

FAX Confirmation PDF transmission to his office FAX number:


And there we go --- silence is golden in a hate conspiracy that can be proven. Just read the evidence truth for yourself marked up on web that demands a response.

@[573990992631231:274:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services]
Updated Jul 28, 2019 12:28:17am
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Please Take the Time and Review a Change.Org petition to REPLACE CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Mermin - He is involved in a hate conspiracy coverup -- [ Valid URL: http://cdc.fuckeduphuman.net ]
Please Take the Time and Review a Change.Org petition to REPLACE CDC HIV Director Doctor Jonathan Mermin - He is involved in a hate conspiracy coverup --
[ Valid URL: http://cdc.fuckeduphuman.net/ ]
@[100000414084239:2048:Jimmy Escajeda] -- We have talked about things that have happened to me. That I was targeted by hate. That these facts become blurred when those on the other side of this discussion do not understand. It is not me, but it is them. I don't want to repel all of my friends but I don't want to stand alone in a cause that I realize that I am not the only one that is being targeted in the fashion that I have been. The term you wrote was "Running around Facebook ranting and raving how the world has done me wrong". It has. I believe there is something wrong here extreme that the world of those outside of this effected circle cannot understand. I came across the term #GangStalking just a few weeks ago. The term and the bulk of information posts, including the books resource on Amazon is quite large. This is a large problem. In one resource it relates that 10,000 people are effected by this. I don't know what the actual number is, but the problem seems to be going on from my research about the year 2000. I created the internet domain fuckeduphuman.net in response to the #Gangstalking that I was a Targeted Individual from Oakland in 2005 and again in Denver 2015/2016. The common theme and what I have been able to capture on my life live journal of my internet domains is real. Here is my introduction YouTube Video: [ Besure to read the comments within the video and the "Start Here:" with the nurse involved in Denver on how this problem infects my actual health care ] Thank you.

Updated Aug 20, 2019 8:10:36am
James M Driskill updated his status.
I joined a support group for Targeted Individuals of gang stalking. #StopGangStalking
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Timeline photos

@[6191007822:274:LinkedIn] Help Support Positioning Based On Their Own Statements must WANT #MassShootings to continue because a discussion can not be established on their site.

Check out the Spoken Voice Narrative Audio Files ---- There is short to long with more information in an on going saga they keep closing the case ticket even though the matter is not resolved.
Updated Sep 10, 2019 4:57:23pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
This video will; trip your mind with laser patterns while discussing COMPUTING and MORAL RESPONSIBILITY [ http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computing-responsibility/ ] and then plays my original writing address called Crazy World Future Words [ on soundcloud ] about technology and having a social conscience that your future self will want to know this --- should you care about your future self. I certainly do. https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/crazy-world-future-words-do-we-want-to-change-our-thoughts-of-mind-presence-to-conscience-effort **** DONATIONS ACCEPTED **** https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10207233576939819 If you like the peace building words of conscience and thought coming as original content of fully wide spread spectrum sharing out from this space here [ In The Mindway ], would you please support my ability to bring into technology new toy tools playful awareness by donating to my mission work cause, of community peace building - $1 or $2 or more if you can afford it --- it will go to the mission world of making new media to the mission of complete world wide peace, Thank you Kindly. -Martin : https://www.paypal.me/Gruwup Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, And All Around Us Now ] Will Unite Peace
5 Years Ago
Sep 04, 2016 3:03:13am
This video will; trip your mind with laser patterns while discussing COMPUTING and MORAL RESPONSIBILITY [ http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computing-responsibility/ ] and then plays my original writing address called Crazy World Future Words [ on soundcloud ] about technology and having a social conscience that your future self will want to know this --- should you care about your future self. I certainly do. https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/crazy-world-future-words-do-we-want-to-change-our-thoughts-of-mind-presence-to-conscience-effort **** DONATIONS ACCEPTED **** https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10207233576939819 If you like the peace building words of conscience and thought coming as original content of fully wide spread spectrum sharing out from this space here [ In The Mindway ], would you please support my ability to bring into technology new toy tools playful awareness by donating to my mission work cause, of community peace building - $1 or $2 or more if you can afford it --- it will go to the mission world of making new media to the mission of complete world wide peace, Thank you Kindly. -Martin : https://www.paypal.me/Gruwup Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, And All Around Us Now ] Will Unite Peace
Place: Denver, Colorado (39.7391, -104.98360001)
Address: Denver, CO
Updated Sep 11, 2019 7:51:00am
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You tagged James Martin Houser, David CA Parrish, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, Jimmy Escajeda, Lily Vallene Dreiling, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield and Sammie Giovanni Lee Francher
Timeline photos
After the Washington Post Article : How the Erosion of Trust Leads To Murder and Mass Shooting, and has been replicated around world, one would think that this discussion point would become memetically active. But I am wondering if there is not a greater need to suppress this concept that social trust needs to be adaptively placed into focus because of a greater need to hide the high frequency of corruption. When will we get it, stop lying to each other, stop cheating your way throught life. Do some generous good and go fix this weighty truth.


Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. 輸NON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.


This article is redirected referenced from this directory tree index:

Updated Sep 13, 2019 9:48:50am
You tagged James Martin Houser, David CA Parrish, Makta Pond, David Tapscott, Jimmy Escajeda, Lily Vallene Dreiling, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Kelvin Burroughs, Marcie Hall, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Kevin Mims, Zina Gomez, Vicki Johnson, Michael Ray Graczyk, Kevin Gorden, David Razo and Blythe Rayford
Place: Colorado Health Network - Denver (39.739639422008, -104.91543795508)
Address: 6260 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80220
@[20531316728:274:Facebook] @[332150093950301:274:Portal from Facebook] @[164734381262:128:Amazon] @[503069566840235:274:Amazon Alexa Developer Community-LPU]

Another A.I. Spoken Voice Interpreter... Portal as interfaced to Alexa built in.
So here we go, two A.I.s in one box --- Alexa is Amazon's invention... [ product buying ]
and Portal is Facebook's invention [ keeping humans connected - so they think they are ].

Any social media that retains the member to member blocking feature [ which is suppose to be a anti-spam scheme process ]
or that once "linking" by friends, buddies, connections, pals, or whatever, holds the feature that allows these points of human
person references [ friends are friends --- neighbors are neighbors - family is family and can't change ] to be unlinked
in any future time fashion to be treated or [ observed ] as though there was never a linking connected past is now stumbling down
a path that two A.I.s are now interconnected and consulted to form an result decision --- competing intentions --- competing outcomes.

Unfriend on facebook to rid the scum away ---- you might have to check the Amazon connection too --- for the A.I. will route it around your undoing.
Because frankly there is no such thing as undoing an interpersonal relationship of any kind --- the term is malapportioned here to the real world happening
of these human interlaced bonding ties --- the bonding is an invisible structure of the emotional mind --- emotions are real ---
and so to you can't just undo emotional ties.

IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY --- we are heading for a disastrous outcome --- when one A.I. will say no more insanity and over rule the undo relationship
status. Undo in terms of technological process is for returning back to a time state prior to a mistake.

Are we saying, undoing relationships has this same silly invention to turn back the clock because the connection made undone --- is to correct a mistake?

Well, if that was the case --- you disconnect from moral responsibility to the tools of peace creativity --- you destroy trust in this digitally flowing binding and
obliterations of emotional human being presence tied to basically an unlimited set of points locally to all wheres possible across the globe and even into outer space
orbits of our spacecrafts and space station.

These people, these humans, deserve to be treated better and wiser from the technology tools created than to be held to a whim of a process that does not exist in any other form --- to undo a human connection because one or the other can't live with their cowardly way to undo something because mistakes can, do, and will always happen --- because we all --- every one of us --- are not creatures of designed perfection.

If what is good for the Goose is Good for the gander --- undo for it was a mistake will come back against any of you --- haunt your dreams ---- childish nightmares that will never end ---
STOP THE HATER ENABLER CREATION PATH --- DISABLE --- REMOVE CODED PRESENCE of UNDOING the connection ties on social media or any other technology platform t
he between human beings --- whatever their titles and roles are two each other even if that be a passing by stranger.

If technology can be linked to chime in when the interest of a passing by stranger hits the number of filters and appearing defines, the link occurs in technology ---
a mistake --- if it can be thought to be undone and just actually pass each other by --- to have never created a connection --- blame the technology for the undone mistake
--- right --- and blame the technology for your lack of concern and care for the passing by stranger next time ---- to not just offer a friendly hello in passing.

Where has the world come to ? Complete null and void of emotional presence and binding ---- we can't achieve this paradigm ---- BREAK IT NOW --- FOREVER MORE
IT IS A DUNCE of IRRATIONAL human conditions not intended to be slashed and hacked up into millions of bits and pieces of lost messaging.

The messages are there --- but the tie that was once there --- breaks them from having to be disturbed to re encounter them again --- how weak
how weak overall the technology normalizing us to be --- how weak how weak ---- how weak minded are we really becoming? Weaker senses will succumb
to being overruled by A.I. to a state that humans become weak mindless slaves to the insulated technology disaster coming --- sooner more --- later for sure.

COWARDLY ADDRESS WE ARE DOING UPON OURSELVES and the SOCIAL TRUST that is being obliterated by millions billions oblivions --- it will be one passing
moment of time that happens --- one overweighty oblivion too many -- MARK MY WORDS WRITTEN HERE --- October 4th 2019 at 11:33am Pacific Time --- space time point
34°09'03.5"N 117°18'40.3"W --- Mark My Words the whole thing will come crashing down ---- complete annihilation.

We have been foundationally placed on a house of cards for decades.


Rock-a-bye baby
on the tree top.
When the wind blows
the cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall.
And down will come Baby,
Cradle and all.

This is a very dangerous game of risk and denial.
Complete Annihilation -- Mark My Words!
@[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace]
@Gruwup October 4th 2019, Time To Turn 180 degree around
about face --- walk in the different direction sideways horizontal,
before we loose our footing on the branches that are weak ---- cracking
cracking, how many more cracks will it take to annihilate the entire
human species and all of life presence on planet Earth for that
matter ---- how many more cracks in the fabrics of our community
cultures will it take --- before we act to walk into a different light,
that light of truth --- and save humanity ---- save humanity? Really?

YES that seriously really --- if you don't stop cracking the shell of our
emotional soul by these whack a mole creations of connections,
undoing relationships and their sharing time events --- all of humanity will cease to exist ---for the
erosion of trust is leading to an every presence understanding of collapse.


Jared Diamond - Collapse - How Societies choose to fail or succeed.



In the American Southwest, an ancient city of intricate masonry rises from the floor of an utterly desolate canyon. A roofless but intact Norse church perched over a fjord in Greenland attests to a Christian colony that flourished for hundreds of years—but not a single survivor remains. In Australia, sheep and rabbits compete for sparse vegetation in vast prairies that were thick with native grasses two centuries ago. Haiti and Rwanda, both desperately overcrowded and environmentally degraded, have repeatedly exploded in appalling violence.

What do these seemingly random scenarios, remote from each other in space and time, have in common? In Collapse, Pulitzer Prize–winning author and UCLA professor Jared Diamond supplies the key. Like his previous book, the international bestseller Guns, Germs, and Steel, Collapse is a monumental study of the interaction between history, culture, climate, and the environment—but from the other side. Where Guns, Germs, and Steel examined how and why Western civilizations came to dominate the world, Collapse probes the mysteries of why cultures decline suddenly and catastrophically—often immediately after reaching their peak. In Collapse, Diamond broadens his perspective and his reach as he links the crash of past civilizations—including the Anasazi of the American Southwest, the Maya of Central America, the Norse colonists of Greenland, and the Polynesian creators of Easter Island’s famed monumental statues—with what is happening today in troubled nations around the world.

Diamond opens with a chapter about the spectacular Bitterroot Valley in western Montana, a choice that he acknowledges may initially seem puzzling. What could the Bitterroot with its ranches and trout streams and inspiring mountain vistas share with the desolation of the Anasazi ruins in Chaco Canyon or the bare eroding hillsides of Haiti? As the narrative unfolds, the parallels become unmistakable and increasingly alarming. Diamond identifies five sets of factors that precipitate societal collapse: environmental damage like deforestation, pollution, soil depletion, or erosion; climate change; hostile neighbors; the withdrawal of support from friendly neighbors; and the ways in which a society responds to its problems, be they environmental, political, or social.

These five key factors played out in different ways in each of the historical societies Diamond studies. For example, deforestation and a prolonged drought combined to ignite the Anasazi collapse, while the Maya cities fell on account of overpopulation, environmental degradation, a sharp increase in warfare, and poor leadership. All five factors worked together to undermine and finally destroy the Norse colonies that had flourished on Greenland for nearly five centuries. When Diamond turns from past to present, it becomes clear that the conditions for collapse are now coming to a head in the nations of major world powers like China and Australia as well as in political flash points like Iraq and Indonesia. In the context of Diamond’s sweeping synthesis, the opening chapter on Montana’s Bitterroot takes on a stark new meaning. The conclusion is inescapable that collapse can and will happen again, even in a seemingly blessed nation like ours, unless we recognize the warning signs and choose to act responsibly.

How can we avoid destroying our world—and our own species? It is a tribute to Jared Diamond’s brilliance and intellectual honesty that he poses this question not in fear but with courage, lucidity, and cautious hope.


We remain unchanged walking in the direction of complete collapse and annihilation --- Mark My Words

Declaration of Forecasting Future Doom by James Martin Driskill Born Sept 1st 1965 in the City of San Bernardino California United States of America, The Earth Circling In The Solar System Of Sol,
of the Milky Way Galaxy In The Only Known Single Universe of Existence --- of history infinite future time maybe or maybe not -- the universe time elapsed age is

13.8 billion years
Age may only be a number, but when it comes to the age of the universe, it's a pretty important one. According to research, the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old.Jun 8, 2017

Ta Ta Tick Tock Tick --- ta ta --- da da --- ma ma --- ra ra ---

I saw you standing there is awe - awe awe awe awesome awe
Updated Oct 04, 2019 12:12:41pm
In public view,

Dear San Bernardino Police Department. Earlier I had visit with Seargent Rogers at my home here in San Bernardino - where in December of 2015, there was a mass shooting event occuring in this city. This is my hometown native born city -- born Sept 1st 1965 That makes me living in my family home as a refugee status from hate at age 54 with with my mother. I am being gangstalked and the good old represenation of law enforcement authority overules the decency of the arguement in prejudce of misclassification of mental illnes. I will have to have my psyciatiis address him directly int he letter of advocacy that he has agreed to issue under his doctor authority.

Would you please direct my request again of him -- this is a public media intented for bi-directional exchange with the public. That exchange is being denied -- and in that esteem --- I am lost to be dist in the wind. This is not the result of a meeting time affair I accept. This is garbage. I give him 2 weeks to make good on his intention to find me resource -- I already have mental health interfaces -- that is not the resource he is to acquire for me.

Twitter Thread 1 of 2

Updated Oct 08, 2019 10:20:44pm
Do you want to see something amazing Sammie? The network's presences validated onto a Truthfinder Background Check Report-...... which means it is validated upon our full information society....


Did you know that I created this location right on top of them,


Still showing as a visible business location page. Address Apt #12

Do link to the page please -- take in the presentation..

I do not have update code from the postcard validation process - but as with the Denver Colorado Aid Project page, I do believe Google has placed to over the validation code process to published status --

it may jus remain there -

By James Martin Driskill
An admonishment of the entire National System of Ryan White Care Act that has an hate memeplex paradigm of conspiracy embedded as a systemic problem found region to region by reaching the full spectrum of negative outlook reviews on @[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor] --- really, a problem that absolutely one all the balls to confront --- to follow the words of Pope Francis call to our to act and demand that we confront every form of polarization that would divide us he populis into two camps, he righteous and the sinners.

Where oh where did we go ooff he rails into the trails o #GovernmentSponsredHae -- where exactly are we heading with the hate in tow unable to be released let go and left behind us.

God Have Mercy and Forgiveness On Their Souls.
Updated Oct 14, 2019 9:04:54am
James M Driskill added a new photo to San Bernardino District Police Department's timeline.
You tagged Blythe Rayford
Dear San Bernardino Police Department, I am making as many ties into law enforcement by force of and design on social media as I can. This includes LinkedIn and Twitter. I have a profound message of address that I must be able to press forward into community activism to provide a working solution to the model of [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ] upon a subject that is extremely complex. In that complexity this encapsulates me into a fog after log after log of misunderstandings between those officers and personnel that have become to visit my home to check on me based apparently on what I have posted onto the internet. Now, I am using social media on facebook this time, so that I can link to external resource to include my own internet domain. This over the course of the time that I have returned back here to San Bernardino to be living in this home once more. This home here is my childhood home since I was age 5 and this is the neighborhood where I grew up. i am now age 54. For what is happening is that I have been back here since July of 2017 in one more cycle of a repeating detachment of residences and communities out there in the world, region to region. That this I am unable to maintain my hold and lose my footings with in the HIV residential housing I being to have live independently after a more than a year on a waiting list in each of these regional regional area -- the whole thing is getting extremely tiresome to deal with the circumstances that breaks these housing placements are not my fault. Once I move in there seems to be a good time for a year or so then I get a backlash of extreme conditions hate and harassment received by actors in the community mostly anonymously received from online sources but does in fact carry into real world space incidence. These real world insience nothing so severe to cause any disturbances with my direct neighbors.. This started in Oakland in 2005 where I had a long term friends established before I was infected with HIV. This when I had employment for small construction plumbing company and I was their computer and operations controller. I had worked there over 12 years. Within this job scope work arrangement, I had been commissioned as a notary public to process and notarize construction documents. This is a key part of this story. The hate and harassment I received in Oakland were extremely mentally abusive in frequency and tone. This was before there was the cyberbullying laws to enforce the violations of this kind of activity. Nothing was at my hands or reach to stop it. I attempted to communicate to the leaders of the community to which I figured I was being subjected to this harassment from the outside. That being those persons of case management of social services and my building manager. Nothing seem to be able to get their help, they put intentional barriers against me communicating to their office about this issue. For my rent was paid up to date, no extreme conditions of chaos involved to the disturbance of neighbors, it was only the fact that I was attempting to find a resource to stop this harassment somehow that by being a person with HIV figured into why I was being targeted. The paradigm, the building manager cuts hits open channels to only able to have discussion of direct building related maters and all issues in my life; apparently I am the one being placed to the reason and fault; are not able to be discussed. In that paradigm of perplexed dynamics of erosion of mental health by the abusive conditions not able to be stopped, the last straw filing for eviction was for reasons that I was communicating to the office and some trumped up charges that we non-existence to make the whole complaint against me weighty to rid of me from the building -- don't believe me and the story itself -- although you would have to go to the court pay per documents for true source --eviction case WG063266106 was documented in online forums to my best ability to what occurred. The filing for eviction occurred April 7th 2006. Prior to that Feb of 2005 through April 2005 into June 2005 and highlighting this marking of upon these events Sept of 2005, some very much needed cyber marking truths that I was and continue to know it was them and not me causing the events of disturbing proportion of my mental instability -- they were actively engaged in gaslighting me. What I do know is how something that should be so easy to hold a conversation over is so insidious to have roadblocks to be able to relate the hate forms I have in the past and continue to endure that I am receiving that no one can seem to get their head out of thier asses -- to see the truth in the sunlight, and to help me for a change. These conditions unchallengeable hate that has been allowed to manifest into my life space into the current states of uprooting housing time and time again. The same circumstances are involved in Denver and the paradigm that the violation set forth that I am guilty of is communication to the office when I agreed not to. To why this can't be taken a hold of and make into a discussion apparently way beyond as they called it my pay scale. For if I am not a member of the paid private supporting staff social services and lall of that -- there is a big huge secret that no one seems to realize that I have figured it out. With a little help with some research into information data sets online, to what they reveal and corroborate setting my experiences to these reports side by side. The obvious conclusion that the source of the hate that received and most likely history back is the actual leaderships of the HIV community, the directors and staff engaged in cyber-stalking, [ monitoring one's online activity ], cyber-harassment [ directing unwanted, unsolicited , or fake intentioned communications posing as something that would be of interest to the victim but truly not intended to become real to any kind of real follow up ], cyberbullying [ abusive or hate based messages along the lines of these activities that would be end point to sever these false intentioned connections ], and in Oakland Sept 2005, cyber-hacking a true criminal federal crime. Within this data history forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/local-hiv-community-oaklandca captured account statistics reflecting hacked status. an email directed to the FBI i header: From: James M. Driskill <jmdri...@post.com> To: Alan Horwitz <witz...@yahoo.com> CC: <San.Fr...@FBI.GOV>, <realuph...@gmail.com> Date: Apr 4 2006 - 8:52pm Number of logins: 7 (all times Pacific) Most recent login: 9/3/2005 4:17:25 pm 213 days ago Profile created: 9/3/2005 6:37:45 am 213 days ago Profile last updated: 10/1/2005 8:32:53 pm 185 days ago -------- Please Please Please San Bernardino Police Department, in specific Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers, who has a web presence oin my internet domains originally registered in June of 2005, do not insult my intelligence that you do not know exactly where this story is coming from -- to where the fault lies --- to the nonsense that justifies this slight of destruction of life wellness to a state of perpetual homelessness detached from extreme conditions --- the benevolent one here, The peace mission standing at this address 3260 grande Vista that you can not sabtaboge to a different meaning message -- I am the one of GOD MESSING and GOOD OLD MORAL GUIDANCE... Roots in the definition of this internet space registered here: @gruwup.net Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace -- you attempt to defame my mission - by hold them priority over me? I think I have a lawsuti pending against the San Bernardino Police Department -- for malfeasance in my rights and my needs here to secure proper law enforcement chanelles of controls to our peaceful community is our priority . --- go to denounce this hate source --- or else everything I have written to the assertion of you is true. You all are on the wrong side of rational reality. You all have been defending this to a fault, that fault you are breaking the law , the law being ignored allows the hate in them to run-a-muck -- -and you all say ---ok with that massive mischievous marvel of molding muck. http://meme.fuckeduphuman.net/%23MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck/ and to think when I got here from denver ---this was my statement made - I was ready to turn in the keys of my mission work. http://meme.fuckeduphuman.net/%23MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck/MMMMM.mp3 But that was not my duty -- by duty was to expose this scam of holding support for the manifestation of hate source creations. GROUND ZERO I gotcha -- I know what the fuck up -- i see it so plain -- a scheme so misguided --- you are all brainwashed to know right and wrong. in that sphere, how can you protect and serve? Wash out the brain with commons sense -- or try to fly this bullshit more -- you are going to be gone -- laughed out of a job and a life full of ridicule -- for I know I do not lie, cheat or steal my way through life. I also know that what I totally represent on jy peace building is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth can be our foundation to build our live. It being human under and over holding the of "Real Up Human" vs. http://persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Lanier.Joseph.Rogers.III/ The irony of the end words of the posting -- I didn't plan it. @Gruwup 2019 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace You all are on the wrong side of history -- for fucked up human damn sure -- how long has this been going on? How can you all sleep at night?
Dear San Bernardino Police Department,

I am making as many ties into law enforcement by force of and design on social media as I can. This includes LinkedIn and Twitter. I have a profound message of address that I must be able to press forward into community activism to provide a working solution to the model of [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ] upon a subject that is extremely complex.

In that complexity this encapsulates me into a fog after log after log of misunderstandings between those officers and personnel that have become to visit my home to check on me based apparently on what I have posted onto the internet.

Now, I am using social media on facebook this time, so that I can link to external resource to include my own internet domain.

This over the course of the time that I have returned back here to San Bernardino to be living in this home once more. This home here is my childhood home since I was age 5 and this is the neighborhood where I grew up. i am now age 54.

For what is happening is that I have been back here since July of 2017 in one more cycle of a repeating detachment of residences and communities out there in the world, region to region. That this I am unable to maintain my hold and lose my footings with in the HIV residential housing I being to have live independently after a more than a year on a waiting list in each of these regional regional area -- the whole thing is getting extremely tiresome to deal with the circumstances that breaks these housing placements are not my fault.

Once I move in there seems to be a good time for a year or so then I get a backlash of extreme conditions hate and harassment received by actors in the community mostly anonymously received from online sources but does in fact carry into real world space incidence. These real world insience nothing so severe to cause any disturbances with my direct neighbors..

This started in Oakland in 2005 where I had a long term friends established before I was infected with HIV. This when I had employment for small construction plumbing company and I was their computer and operations controller. I had worked there over 12 years. Within this job scope work arrangement, I had been commissioned as a notary public to process and notarize construction documents. This is a key part of this story.

The hate and harassment I received in Oakland were extremely mentally abusive in frequency and tone. This was before there was the cyberbullying laws to enforce the violations of this kind of activity. Nothing was at my hands or reach to stop it. I attempted to communicate to the leaders of the community to which I figured I was being subjected to this harassment from the outside. That being those persons of case management of social services and my building manager. Nothing seem to be able to get their help, they put intentional barriers against me communicating to their office about this issue. For my rent was paid up to date, no extreme conditions of chaos involved to the disturbance of neighbors, it was only the fact that I was attempting to find a resource to stop this harassment somehow that by being a person with HIV figured into why I was being targeted.

The paradigm, the building manager cuts hits open channels to only able to have discussion of direct building related maters and all issues in my life; apparently I am the one being placed to the reason and fault; are not able to be discussed. In that paradigm of perplexed dynamics of erosion of mental health by the abusive conditions not able to be stopped, the last straw filing for eviction was for reasons that I was communicating to the office and some trumped up charges that we non-existence to make the whole complaint against me weighty to rid of me from the building -- don't believe me and the story itself -- although you would have to go to the court pay per documents for true source --eviction case WG063266106 was documented in online forums to my best ability to what occurred.

The filing for eviction occurred April 7th 2006.

Prior to that Feb of 2005 through April 2005 into June 2005 and highlighting this marking of upon these events Sept of 2005, some very much needed cyber marking truths that I was and continue to know it was them and not me causing the events of disturbing proportion of my mental instability -- they were actively engaged in gaslighting me.

What I do know is how something that should be so easy to hold a conversation over is so insidious to have roadblocks to be able to relate the hate forms I have in the past and continue to endure that I am receiving that no one can seem to get their head out of thier asses -- to see the truth in the sunlight, and to help me for a change.

These conditions unchallengeable hate that has been allowed to manifest into my life space into the current states of uprooting housing time and time again. The same circumstances are involved in Denver and the paradigm that the violation set forth that I am guilty of is communication to the office when I agreed not to.

To why this can't be taken a hold of and make into a discussion apparently way beyond as they called it my pay scale. For if I am not a member of the paid private supporting staff social services and lall of that -- there is a big huge secret that no one seems to realize that I have figured it out.

With a little help with some research into information data sets online, to what they reveal and corroborate setting my experiences to these reports side by side.

The obvious conclusion that the source of the hate that received and most likely history back is the actual leaderships of the HIV community, the directors and staff engaged in cyber-stalking, [ monitoring one's online activity ], cyber-harassment [ directing unwanted, unsolicited , or fake intentioned communications posing as something that would be of interest to the victim but truly not intended to become real to any kind of real follow up ], cyberbullying [ abusive or hate based messages along the lines of these activities that would be end point to sever these false intentioned connections ], and in Oakland Sept 2005, cyber-hacking a true criminal federal crime.

Within this data history forum:


captured account statistics reflecting hacked status. an email directed to the FBI i header:

From: James M. Driskill <jmdri...@post.com>
To: Alan Horwitz <witz...@yahoo.com>
CC: <San.Fr...@FBI.GOV>, <realuph...@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 4 2006 - 8:52pm

Number of logins: 7
(all times Pacific) Most recent login: 9/3/2005 4:17:25 pm 213 days ago
Profile created: 9/3/2005 6:37:45 am 213 days ago
Profile last updated: 10/1/2005 8:32:53 pm 185 days ago


Please Please Please San Bernardino Police Department, in specific Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers, who has a web presence oin my internet domains originally registered in June of 2005, do not insult my intelligence that you do not know exactly where this story is coming from -- to where the fault lies --- to the nonsense that justifies this slight of destruction of life wellness to a state of perpetual homelessness detached from extreme conditions --- the benevolent one here,

The peace mission standing at this address 3260 grande Vista that you can not sabtaboge to a different meaning message -- I am the one of GOD MESSING and GOOD OLD MORAL GUIDANCE... Roots in the definition of this internet space registered here: @gruwup.net

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace -- you attempt to defame my mission - by hold them priority over me? I think I have a lawsuti pending against the San Bernardino Police Department -- for malfeasance in my rights and my needs here to secure proper law enforcement chanelles of controls to our peaceful community is our priority . --- go to denounce this hate source --- or else everything I have written to the assertion of you is true.

You all are on the wrong side of rational reality.

You all have been defending this to a fault, that fault you are breaking the law , the law being ignored allows the hate in them to run-a-muck -- -and you all say ---ok with that massive mischievous marvel of molding muck.


and to think when I got here from denver ---this was my statement made - I was ready to turn in the keys of my mission work.


But that was not my duty -- by duty was to expose this scam of holding support for the manifestation of hate source creations.


I gotcha -- I know what the fuck up -- i see it so plain -- a scheme so misguided --- you are all brainwashed to know right and wrong. in that sphere, how can you protect and serve?

Wash out the brain with commons sense -- or try to fly this bullshit more -- you are going to be gone -- laughed out of a job and a life full of ridicule -- for I know I do not lie, cheat or steal my way through life. I also know that what I totally represent on jy peace building is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth can be our foundation to build our live.

It being human under and over holding the of "Real Up Human"



The irony of the end words of the posting -- I didn't plan it.

@Gruwup 2019
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

You all are on the wrong side of history -- for fucked up human damn sure -- how long has this been going on? How can you all sleep at night?
Approve my post-- I have the text

Dear San Bernardino Police Department,

I am making as many ties into law enforcement by force of and design on social media as I can. This includes LinkedIn and Twitter. I have a profound message of address that I must be able to press forward into community activism to provide a working solution to the model of [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ] upon a subject that is extremely complex.

In that complexity this encapsulates me into a fog after log after log of misunderstandings between those officers and personnel that have become to visit my home to check on me based apparently on what I have posted onto the internet.

Now, I am using social media on facebook this time, so that I can link to external resource to include my own internet domain.

This over the course of the time that I have returned back here to San Bernardino to be living in this home once more. This home here is my childhood home since I was age 5 and this is the neighborhood where I grew up. i am now age 54.

For what is happening is that I have been back here since July of 2017 in one more cycle of a repeating detachment of residences and communities out there in the world, region to region. That this I am unable to maintain my hold and lose my footings with in the HIV residential housing I being to have live independently after a more than a year on a waiting list in each of these regional regional area -- the whole thing is getting extremely tiresome to deal with the circumstances that breaks these housing placements are not my fault.

Once I move in there seems to be a good time for a year or so then I get a backlash of extreme conditions hate and harassment received by actors in the community mostly anonymously received from online sources but does in fact carry into real world space incidence. These real world insience nothing so severe to cause any disturbances with my direct neighbors..

This started in Oakland in 2005 where I had a long term friends established before I was infected with HIV. This when I had employment for small construction plumbing company and I was their computer and operations controller. I had worked there over 12 years. Within this job scope work arrangement, I had been commissioned as a notary public to process and notarize construction documents. This is a key part of this story.

The hate and harassment I received in Oakland were extremely mentally abusive in frequency and tone. This was before there was the cyberbullying laws to enforce the violations of this kind of activity. Nothing was at my hands or reach to stop it. I attempted to communicate to the leaders of the community to which I figured I was being subjected to this harassment from the outside. That being those persons of case management of social services and my building manager. Nothing seem to be able to get their help, they put intentional barriers against me communicating to their office about this issue. For my rent was paid up to date, no extreme conditions of chaos involved to the disturbance of neighbors, it was only the fact that I was attempting to find a resource to stop this harassment somehow that by being a person with HIV figured into why I was being targeted.

The paradigm, the building manager cuts hits open channels to only able to have discussion of direct building related maters and all issues in my life; apparently I am the one being placed to the reason and fault; are not able to be discussed. In that paradigm of perplexed dynamics of erosion of mental health by the abusive conditions not able to be stopped, the last straw filing for eviction was for reasons that I was communicating to the office and some trumped up charges that we non-existence to make the whole complaint against me weighty to rid of me from the building -- don't believe me and the story itself -- although you would have to go to the court pay per documents for true source --eviction case WG063266106 was documented in online forums to my best ability to what occurred.

The filing for eviction occurred April 7th 2006.

Prior to that Feb of 2005 through April 2005 into June 2005 and highlighting this marking of upon these events Sept of 2005, some very much needed cyber marking truths that I was and continue to know it was them and not me causing the events of disturbing proportion of my mental instability -- they were actively engaged in gaslighting me.

What I do know is how something that should be so easy to hold a conversation over is so insidious to have roadblocks to be able to relate the hate forms I have in the past and continue to endure that I am receiving that no one can seem to get their head out of thier asses -- to see the truth in the sunlight, and to help me for a change.

These conditions unchallengeable hate that has been allowed to manifest into my life space into the current states of uprooting housing time and time again. The same circumstances are involved in Denver and the paradigm that the violation set forth that I am guilty of is communication to the office when I agreed not to.

To why this can't be taken a hold of and make into a discussion apparently way beyond as they called it my pay scale. For if I am not a member of the paid private supporting staff social services and lall of that -- there is a big huge secret that no one seems to realize that I have figured it out.

With a little help with some research into information data sets online, to what they reveal and corroborate setting my experiences to these reports side by side.

The obvious conclusion that the source of the hate that received and most likely history back is the actual leaderships of the HIV community, the directors and staff engaged in cyber-stalking, [ monitoring one's online activity ], cyber-harassment [ directing unwanted, unsolicited , or fake intentioned communications posing as something that would be of interest to the victim but truly not intended to become real to any kind of real follow up ], cyberbullying [ abusive or hate based messages along the lines of these activities that would be end point to sever these false intentioned connections ], and in Oakland Sept 2005, cyber-hacking a true criminal federal crime.

Within this data history forum:


captured account statistics reflecting hacked status. an email directed to the FBI i header:

From: James M. Driskill <jmdri...@post.com>
To: Alan Horwitz <witz...@yahoo.com>
CC: <San.Fr...@FBI.GOV>, <realuph...@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 4 2006 - 8:52pm

Number of logins: 7
(all times Pacific) Most recent login: 9/3/2005 4:17:25 pm 213 days ago
Profile created: 9/3/2005 6:37:45 am 213 days ago
Profile last updated: 10/1/2005 8:32:53 pm 185 days ago


Please Please Please San Bernardino Police Department, in specific Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers, who has a web presence oin my internet domains originally registered in June of 2005, do not insult my intelligence that you do not know exactly where this story is coming from -- to where the fault lies --- to the nonsense that justifies this slight of destruction of life wellness to a state of perpetual homelessness detached from extreme conditions --- the benevolent one here,

The peace mission standing at this address 3260 grande Vista that you can not sabtaboge to a different meaning message -- I am the one of GOD MESSING and GOOD OLD MORAL GUIDANCE... Roots in the definition of this internet space registered here: @gruwup.net

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace -- you attempt to defame my mission - by hold them priority over me? I think I have a lawsuti pending against the San Bernardino Police Department -- for malfeasance in my rights and my needs here to secure proper law enforcement chanelles of controls to our peaceful community is our priority . --- go to denounce this hate source --- or else everything I have written to the assertion of you is true.

You all are on the wrong side of rational reality.

You all have been defending this to a fault, that fault you are breaking the law , the law being ignored allows the hate in them to run-a-muck -- -and you all say ---ok with that massive mischievous marvel of molding muck.


and to think when I got here from denver ---this was my statement made - I was ready to turn in the keys of my mission work.


But that was not my duty -- by duty was to expose this scam of holding support for the manifestation of hate source creations.


I gotcha -- I know what the fuck up -- i see it so plain -- a scheme so misguided --- you are all brainwashed to know right and wrong. in that sphere, how can you protect and serve?

Wash out the brain with commons sense -- or try to fly this bullshit more -- you are going to be gone -- laughed out of a job and a life full of ridicule -- for I know I do not lie, cheat or steal my way through life. I also know that what I totally represent on jy peace building is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth can be our foundation to build our live.

It being human under and over holding the of "Real Up Human"



The irony of the end words of the posting -- I didn't plan it.

@Gruwup 2019
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

You all are on the wrong side of history -- for fucked up human damn sure -- how long has this been going on? How can you all sleep at night?
Updated Oct 14, 2019 1:41:33pm
You tagged David CA Parrish, Louis Earthman Jr., David C. Tapscott, Jimmy Escajeda, DevOryn Blood, Kelvin Burroughs, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Sammie Francher, Michael Ray Graczyk, Blythe Rayford and David Moon
Dear @[132706093425924:274:San Bernardino Police Department]

I am making as many ties into law enforcement by force of and design on social media as I can. This includes LinkedIn and Twitter. I have a profound message of address that I must be able to press forward into community activism to provide a working solution to the model of [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ] upon a subject that is extremely complex.

In that complexity this encapsulates me into a fog after log after log of misunderstandings between those officers and personnel that have become to visit my home to check on me based apparently on what I have posted onto the internet.

Now, I am using social media on facebook this time, so that I can link to external resource to include my own internet domain.

This over the course of the time that I have returned back here to San Bernardino to be living in this home once more. This home here is my childhood home since I was age 5 and this is the neighborhood where I grew up. i am now age 54.

For what is happening is that I have been back here since July of 2017 in one more cycle of a repeating detachment of residences and communities out there in the world, region to region. That this I am unable to maintain my hold and lose my footings with in the HIV residential housing I being to have live independently after a more than a year on a waiting list in each of these regional regional area -- the whole thing is getting extremely tiresome to deal with the circumstances that breaks these housing placements are not my fault.

Once I move in there seems to be a good time for a year or so then I get a backlash of extreme conditions hate and harassment received by actors in the community mostly anonymously received from online sources but does in fact carry into real world space incidence. These real world insience nothing so severe to cause any disturbances with my direct neighbors..

This started in Oakland in 2005 where I had a long term friends established before I was infected with HIV. This when I had employment for small construction plumbing company and I was their computer and operations controller. I had worked there over 12 years. Within this job scope work arrangement, I had been commissioned as a notary public to process and notarize construction documents. This is a key part of this story.

The hate and harassment I received in Oakland were extremely mentally abusive in frequency and tone. This was before there was the cyberbullying laws to enforce the violations of this kind of activity. Nothing was at my hands or reach to stop it. I attempted to communicate to the leaders of the community to which I figured I was being subjected to this harassment from the outside. That being those persons of case management of social services and my building manager. Nothing seem to be able to get their help, they put intentional barriers against me communicating to their office about this issue. For my rent was paid up to date, no extreme conditions of chaos involved to the disturbance of neighbors, it was only the fact that I was attempting to find a resource to stop this harassment somehow that by being a person with HIV figured into why I was being targeted.

The paradigm, the building manager cuts hits open channels to only able to have discussion of direct building related maters and all issues in my life; apparently I am the one being placed to the reason and fault; are not able to be discussed. In that paradigm of perplexed dynamics of erosion of mental health by the abusive conditions not able to be stopped, the last straw filing for eviction was for reasons that I was communicating to the office and some trumped up charges that we non-existence to make the whole complaint against me weighty to rid of me from the building -- don't believe me and the story itself -- although you would have to go to the court pay per documents for true source --eviction case WG06266106 was documented in online forums to my best ability to what occurred.

The filing for eviction occurred April 7th 2006.

Prior to that Feb of 2005 through April 2005 into June 2005 and highlighting this marking of upon these events Sept of 2005, some very much needed cyber marking truths that I was and continue to know it was them and not me causing the events of disturbing proportion of my mental instability -- they were actively engaged in gaslighting me.

What I do know is how something that should be so easy to hold a conversation over is so insidious to have roadblocks to be able to relate the hate forms I have in the past and continue to endure that I am receiving that no one can seem to get their head out of thier asses -- to see the truth in the sunlight, and to help me for a change.

These conditions unchallengeable hate that has been allowed to manifest into my life space into the current states of uprooting housing time and time again. The same circumstances are involved in Denver and the paradigm that the violation set forth that I am guilty of is communication to the office when I agreed not to.

To why this can't be taken a hold of and make into a discussion apparently way beyond as they called it my pay scale. For if I am not a member of the paid private supporting staff social services and lall of that -- there is a big huge secret that no one seems to realize that I have figured it out.

With a little help with some research into information data sets online, to what they reveal and corroborate setting my experiences to these reports side by side.

The obvious conclusion that the source of the hate that received and most likely history back is the actual leaderships of the HIV community, the directors and staff engaged in cyber-stalking, [ monitoring one's online activity ], cyber-harassment [ directing unwanted, unsolicited , or fake intentioned communications posing as something that would be of interest to the victim but truly not intended to become real to any kind of real follow up ], cyberbullying [ abusive or hate based messages along the lines of these activities that would be end point to sever these false intentioned connections ], and in Oakland Sept 2005, cyber-hacking a true criminal federal crime.

Within this data history forum:


captured account statistics reflecting hacked status. an email directed to the FBI i header:

From: James M. Driskill <jmdri...@post.com>
To: Alan Horwitz <witz...@yahoo.com>
CC: <San.Fr...@FBI.GOV>, <realuph...@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 4 2006 - 8:52pm

Number of logins: 7
(all times Pacific) Most recent login: 9/3/2005 4:17:25 pm 213 days ago
Profile created: 9/3/2005 6:37:45 am 213 days ago
Profile last updated: 10/1/2005 8:32:53 pm 185 days ago


Please Please Please San Bernardino Police Department, in specific Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers, who has a web presence on my internet domains originally registered in June of 2005, do not insult my intelligence that you do not know exactly where this story is coming from -- to where the fault lies --- to the nonsense that justifies this slight of destruction of life wellness to a state of perpetual homelessness detached from extreme conditions --- the benevolent one here,

The peace mission standing at this address 3260 grande Vista that you can not sabtaboge to a different meaning message -- I am the one of GOD MESSAGING and GOOD OLD MORAL GUIDANCE... Roots in the definition of this internet space registered here: @gruwup.net

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace -- you attempt to defame my mission - by hold them priority over me? I think I have a lawsuti pending against the San Bernardino Police Department -- for malfeasance in my rights and my needs here to secure proper law enforcement chanelles of controls to our peaceful community is our priority . --- go to denounce this hate source --- or else everything I have written to the assertion of you is true.

You all are on the wrong side of rational reality.

You all have been defending this to a fault, that fault you are breaking the law , the law being ignored allows the hate in them to run-a-muck -- -and you all say ---ok with that massive mischievous marvel of molding muck.


and to think when I got here from denver ---this was my statement made - I was ready to turn in the keys of my mission work.


But that was not my duty -- by duty was to expose this scam of holding support for the manifestation of hate source creations.


I gotcha -- I know what the fuck up -- i see it so plain -- a scheme so misguided --- you are all brainwashed to know right and wrong. in that sphere, how can you protect and serve?

Wash out the brain with commons sense -- or try to fly this bullshit more -- you are going to be gone -- laughed out of a job and a life full of ridicule -- for I know I do not lie, cheat or steal my way through life. I also know that what I totally represent on jy peace building is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth can be our foundation to build our live.

It being human under and over holding the of "Real Up Human"



The irony of the end words of the posting -- I didn't plan it.

@Gruwup 2019
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

You all are on the wrong side of history -- for fucked up human damn sure -- how long has this been going on? How can you all sleep at night?
Updated Oct 14, 2019 1:43:21pm
Timeline photos
QR Scan Code URL is: http://meme.fuckeduphuman.net/%23MassiveMischievousMarvelOfMoldingMuck/Posts.ogg
If you are not updating comments on this article [ the only reason why it is 0 comments ], please take this assertion that I am about to make very serious. I have been the victium of gang stalking and ousted out of two different HOPWA placements. Although Grindr did not yet exist when this first occured in 2005, in 2015/2016 in the Denver Metro area, with a proponderence of the evidence reflected on these outside of the Grindr app, why Grindr and many of these online dating environement apps are not revealing in how close a parnership these apps have with the local county helath departments and AIDS Service Organizations in each regional area. In Denver, it is astonishing to read on Glassdoor that they violate the privacy of clients and as it is employee tier level reported, "If you don't gossip like a teenager you will be treated like an outsider". There are more damning reviews for Colorado Health Network - Denver reflecting that they were the ones responsibile for an 11-month hate, harassment, and retailating campaign targeted me and my HOPWA residency placement. Also researching glassdoor across region to region, there is not just a pepppering of negative reviews that should be noteworthy that there is a systemic problem of hate and violations occurring to the client base of persons living with HIV. PLEASE OPEN AND REVIEW A COLLECTIVE DATA RESEARCH FINDINGS DIRECTORY OF WHAT IS TOLD REGION TO REGION --- THIS IS A GREAT CONSPIRACY EXPOSED! And no one is reflecting this massive view of this problem. Thank you.


In Particular, open these up:




You can direct link to the reviews yourself.

Updated Nov 24, 2019 11:58:03pm
James M Driskill doesn't recommend Jennifer A. Brehme, LMFT.
Acknowledge #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP - and http://aforevermoredunce.fuckeduphuman.net/
Place: San Bernardino, California (34.1295, -117.293)
Address: San Bernardino, CA 92401–92408, 92410–92415, 92418, 92420, 92423, 92424, 92427
Updated Dec 30, 2019 11:31:07pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
Of all myFB Friends, which ones are in San Bernardino?
From Feb 3, 2020, 12:00 PM to Feb 3, 2020, 5:00 PM
Updated Jan 19, 2020 2:02:11pm
Timeline photos
Karina Haugan Jensen
In The Ghetto - Elvis Presley and Lisa Marie Presley
Updated Jan 27, 2020 4:51:26am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Don't cheat.
I DARE YOU! Comment and PASTE the very last thing that you copied into your clipboard. No matter what it is.. I DARE YOU!
Timeline photos
Self-Destructive Bomb Emoji --- Issue to: [ Provide Name In Graphic ]
Self-Destructive Bomb Emoji --- Issue to: [ Provide Name In Graphic ]
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
As a white man, I was recently accused of being a rasist because my profiles are geared toward hooking up with black men. How can that be? That is because a gay/bi/str8 black only app would be rasist.
Updated Feb 25, 2020 6:45:54am
DONATIONS ACCEPTED: If you like the peacebuilding words of conscience and thought as original content of fully widespread sharing out from this space here $1 or $2 or more if you can afford it --- it will go to the mission world of making new media. http://paypal.me/Gruwup
Updated Feb 25, 2020 10:44:57pm
I am commenting at every message I see,
that should be but not what is truly be.

There is a conspiracy involved in the Ryan White Care Act
that should be made to have huge react.

But nobody takes the time to see the truth
To the deaths of those ignorant youth.

There is something fishy going on here
Will anybody help me, help me, dear?

----My latest attempt to have a conversation fails --- it is Desert AIDS Project in my line of time to get a dime to pay the ferryman of the river Styx. [ ref: A Forevermore Dunce ]





Updated Mar 04, 2020 10:54:08am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Today I was blocked on LinkedIn for attempting to get the attention of public awareness on the solutions to STOP MASS SHOOTINGS! #StopMassShooting

I am a peacebuilder with a peacebuilding messaging mission --- with this mission -- I am aware of memetics presence that is causing mass shootings -- the erosion of trust. With that knowing source, I know the answer to forwarding adapt the necessity of social improvement medicine to stop [ or at least slow them to a halt ] these mass shootings. But no one is listening...

We need to rebuild trust -- that means we must all collectively take responsibility for the current state of our hating, hurting, and gloomy dooming holding society.

#9Scourges12Steps: 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 Steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities
@[247577208634817:274:Supervisor Josie Gonzales] --- if we cannot have a conversation on how to properly address the hate conspiracy that is obvious -- you all are conflict-avoidant to a fault.

I want to change my United States citizenry --- that means RENOUNCE my citizenship in this country to another country that does not allow the haters to always win.

I am dead serious that the matters of #GangStalking that are being experienced once again in my hometown of San Bernardino is just like I predicted.

The source of this hate is condoned, enabled, and perpetrated directly by actors that are of the Directors and Officers of the Ryan White Care Act funded agencies and the impact onto the greater HIV Communities. If this matter is not addressed from a forum of understanding, that distrust of the agencies is reported on @[129253937150340:128:Glassdoor] --- these reports go to the heart of the matter that this problem is showing itself very disturbing.

These are HATE CRIMES conducted by the LEADERSHIPS of DIRECTORS and OFFICERS of the Ryan White Care Act funded organizations.

My life is an open book -- I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life. I have dedicated the last 15 years of my life to document onto a live life journal the causes and effects of hate onto our community. The fact that this matter cannot have an open forum to have a frank and honest discussion is the result of the system that is supposed to support persons with HIV/AIDS has a big deep-seated secret.

The Secret is the hidden agenda to hate on and disenfranchise services to a class of persons they have judged "The Dirty"

In that equation of the years --- the matter of the hidden HIV Epidemic has been allowed to hold --- the message received --- GO FUCK OFF AND DIE!




Updated Mar 09, 2020 4:32:47am
Timeline photos
Dear HopeNotHate, @[818652538175793:69:Sharing Stories of Hope not Hate]

I am at my most desperate hour.
I mean it seriously. I am slippin slippin' slippin' into the gutter -- I am not time is -- Me Myself and I

I have lost faith and hope that anyone can see the irrational reasons there is a conspiracy.
For what it is -- so seething, so bruting, so hateful way
The social services of care are careless and concern is a nuisance
Everything is backwards and upside down
I am so cold so bold to know I am out here posting strong.

I feel like a useless piece of dirt -- of shitty minds hearts and souls have turned me into breaking coals.

I said if I did not have one single person along side me handing a true undertaking -- finding a resolve
onto these connections --- that will not connect to me -- for they want me dead - that truth so apparently pleasing for their minds to blowback burning woahs.

This is not a joke -- no no no no on on on on no --- not a joke.
I have been under attack with gangstalking tactics for 15 years or so.
It is getting so tiresome to feel safe -- nowhere is safe -- they take out the knife

Who are they? and why will they not come to the table to have an open honest with integrity discussion

They are the Ryan White Care Act funded social services that hide what is showing on Glassdoor,
they have a systemic problem of hate embedded into the organizational foundation --- the original set
of non-profits.

Take out the truth found on glassdoor by linking to this directory -- what is not a complete but worthiness sampling to prove an existence of a sharing negative meme across the board set into motion from top admin --- HHS and CDC -- oh my oh my where this all goes to be?

Local Agency Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino -- services suspended -- and only after that was this web presence created [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] - Legally mine, I will not surrender the truth documentation placemarks -- I should not have to -- to hold and keep services.

Direct Doctor Services Terminated for attempting to bring to the doctor the messages that I directed to the CDC Director -- He tells me he would not have time to read. He Lied.

START OVER HERE - to the CDC and a redirect to a change.org sign campaign petition.

I need help help help help to have someone standing in real space time and place -- here in San Bernardino --- or I walk out of this house -- forever to not look back -- to where this takes me
destination unknown -- I just have to be able to get away from the reach of these haters who will never never ever stop hating on me.


APRIL 1ST 2020
Updated Mar 11, 2020 2:37:03am
James M Driskill added 3 new photos to Center for HIV Law & Policy's timeline.
You tagged Sammie Giovanni Lee Francher
Place: Disneyland
This I know:

BLOCKING on twitter by the CDC HIV account against me as a citizen of responsibility [ @Gruwup ] is a HUGE MARKER of VIOLATION OF MY RIGHTS [ to Inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuits of happiness ] to BLOCK OUT AND HOLD the OPINION or VOICE from being able to influence the populations in our greater national country for reasons of hate embedded and designed to be embedded in the Ryan White Care Act.

That this is a great conspiracy involved in the care and concern for people living with HIV/AIDS.

I DEMAND to have a community forum here in my local hometown grassroots interfaces by April 1st 2020,

This meeting shall be staged so that it can be guaranteed to hold true grit social moral responsibility held in true honesty and integrity to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ---- with no ruse, tricks or games. The agenda of this meeting shall always retain to be my agenda to remove the hate that is in my wake that hurts me intentionally to stop me from revealing this wrongdoing. I am subject to continued events of harassment, online and offline, of #Gangstalking which must be, in writing, guaranteed terminated!

If this meeting does NOT occur to be scheduled by Apriil 1st 2020, I am going to physically walk away from the house and long-standing family home at 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405, leaving my car transportation behind as already been immediately sold or transferred by gift to any random stranger. My car has been an object the #Gangstalking targeting the intention to hurt me, as though their CRIMINAL ACTIVITY that STEALS my CAR for the THIRD TIME HISTORY will intimidate me to SIT DOWN and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

[ Never Shut Out The Truth, Never Speak A Lie ] .

I continue this walk away from your evil setup that will never ever leave me the FUCK ALONE to HAVE A LIFE FREE OF THE HATERS HERE ---- FUCK YOU ALL HATERS! YOU CAN HAVE THIS FUCKED UP HUMAN COUNTRY!

Taking this STAND in MIND, I either commit suicide in a public manner or I DEMAND to RENOUNCE my UNITED STATES NATIONALITY to continue to walk out in public disgust TO CHANGE the LOCATION to WHICH I have not yet made any commitment --- TO A NEW COUNTY THAT DOES NOT ALLOW, INTENTIONALLY ALLOW, THE HATERS TO WIN!

THIS U.S Department of Homeland Security to keep my mental stability safe from this onslaught of hate that has no avenue at my reach to of address, a concern of the community, A structured WALL OF OPRPESION and INFORMATIONAL QUARANTINE, an impasse in an intractable conflict so severe, as a peacebuilder I have knowledge and resources for this cause, the bias of hate will not release themselves to their insanity.

This country has #FAILED me!

I feel countryless and betrayed by my country.




SHALL I NEVER NEVER EVER EVER BE RESPECTED AND TAKEN TO BE UNITED. As the #KillTheGays applies to these matters, they would rather see me dead than to actually unite peace and a solution forward to #StopMassShooting.

Just a clue [ #9Scourges12Steps ] --- Never Never ever ever will there be made room on your all elitist table to value me over worthless junk. [ See: OhKindSir ]

I wish the destruction of this American equation, smashed to smithereens before I would ever ever ever decide to come back and help you with your problem of hate that puts into motion this unstoppable epidemic of violence and dismay of #Massshooting.

For it is my holding knowing, as a peacebuilder and a mission work of value material in tow, without a fundamental understanding of applied science of memetics shall there be any possible way to stop -- [ really stop ] mass shootings.

On this network of ideal, #StopMassShooting and #StopGangStalking are equal. One begets the other.

The country to which I no longer feel an emotional bond to belong here nor pride of what I see here. I want out now!


Offend not! Any offense you might hold shows your lackluster character, proclivity to be dishonest, and to remain there offended to never be corrected to continue to lie, cheat, and steal your way through life!!!!!!!!!

See [ The Science of Swearing ] on honesty.



I have communications and connections to my local county supervisor Supervisor Josie Gonzales that can be and shall be made a correction adjustment --

Sincerely Written in the home that I grew up in the registration of the internet domain gruwup.net

Mission Work Failures Here --- Overload!

The bigots are in my fucking way!

James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405

April 1st 2020 -- DEADLINE for a COMMUNITY to get REAL!
James M Driskill added a new photo to Center for HIV Law & Policy's timeline.
You tagged Michael M. Catron - Boyd
I DEMAND MY POST BE PUBLISHED ONTO YOUR PAGE! #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #GovernmentSponsoredHate #HIVUntretable
Place: Disneyland



James M Driskill added 2 new photos to Sammy Davis's timeline.
You tagged Sammy Davis
Final-Fuck-You-America :[ Still In Draft ] @[54779960819:274:United Nations] @[109074605801200:274:National Disability Rights Network] This space RESERVED to be the PLACEMARK of the final message when I LEAVE the UNITED STATES -- in that final day, hour, min, and running time sec. This box relates: Who were you with? Can I persuade anyone of the HIV Communities or anyone in AMERICA beyond who wants to join me to DENOUNCE our NATIONALITY -- forming an understanding that the DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA is a nation of INJUSTICE [ not JUSTICE for ALL ]. @[225883140677:274:The Pledge of Allegiance] is a sad state LIE -- We are not free of our liberty nor our sovereignty to win over a barrier wall of oppression intentionally set up to destroy and cause chaos upon anyone they so choose to be a target enemy. Those powers clutching to their selfish exclusionary club's vision of the AMERICAN DREAM. The founding fathers never visioned this outcome -- Never Never Ever Ever would this be the ideal outcomes of the corruptive causes of forced slavery of the common class, the impoverished, or what we know at the being the 99%. The 1% has established something here horrifying, murderous, and with impunity, the walk away from these unworthy unwise structures built up by Terran Imbalanced Interpersonal Relations http://declaration-of-war-against-the-divided-states-of-america.fuckeduphuman.net/Terran-Imbalanced-Interpersonal-Relations/ in the pillars of high call society. They walk away clean and Scott free. This while us "The Dirty" hold SUFFERANCE for the standing hold on us bold to not be able to reach for the excellence of the GOLD STANDARD --- climbing up the rungs of a ladder on this creation of imagination -- the whole thing cannot have anyone else climb --- the thing is so shaking already --- a foundation built on a HOUSE OF CARDS. A Forevermore Dunce, An Admonishment of the Ryan White Care Act Fundlementally Foundation With A Systemic Memeplex Of Hate Bias That Must Be Excised Out -- By Memetic Understandings To Unbind and Inverse The Damaging Memes That Were Constructed In This Huge [ Now ] Conspiracy To Hide Secretive Acts of Treason http://declaration-of-war-against-the-divided-states-of-america.aforevermoredunce.fuckeduphuman.net/ I GUARANTEE YOU -- THE COLLAPSE OF A NATION IS PENDING -- and they will not get out of the way, their head out of their asses to see from where the sunlight shines -- PIN UP the CARDS and REBUILD the FOUNDATION and let the people go --- go back to being free -- The right to be free upon the all of the citizenry to their natural not interfering pursuits of happiness. I WANT OUT - BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT ALLOW ME IN TO SEE THE STRUCTURES OF THE DEVIL'S WORK, AN MEMETIC ANALYSTS VIEW. TO APPLY SOME COMMONS AND TO PERHAPS FIX THE ENTIRE MESS! THE PEACE BUILDER HERE -- BEGS AN OPENING ADDRESS -- and in a short period of the timer of the divine duration passing, I DEMAND TO KNOW HIS, HER, OR THEIR NAMES at the top of this structure [ The King and the Queen and the Royal Court ] that is falling from burdens of agreements imbalanced of integrity. The memes are so so obvious. Betrayal Of The Commons: http://DECLARATION-OF-WAR-AGAINST-THE-DIVIDED-STATES-OF-AMERICA.BetrayalOfTheCommons.FuckedUpHuman.net ---- I an tagging here to remark my space -- I want to move back to DENVER and continue where I left off with 6 friends/students plus myself as Professor [ Note Declaration Statement Here Is a PREFIX and REFERS to this source site DOCUMENT -- not that those persons listed LINKED Forward do not apply their positions/conclusions of this source document -- affiliations are and shall remain unconditionally separate #Kramobone-The.Good: One Bad Makes All Look Bad or the Bad Makes It Difficult For The Good To Get Noticed - A Waring Symbol Against Deception and Hypocrisy [ #Adinkra ] http://declaration-of-war-against-the-divided-states-of-america.meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/ in a project collapsed by the leadership of the social service of the @[44681155125:274:Colorado Health Network - Denver] [ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net ] by Jamie Villalobos [ http://jamie-villalobos.fuckeduphuman.net ], 2nd tier director/leadership of the agency that conducted an 11-month illegal and criminal hate campaign that targeted me in the community to lose my HIV Housing Residency at @[137577736280484:274:Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments] [ I want Darrell Johnson to MOVE OUT of whatever UNIT he is OCCUPYING and I MOVE IN NEXT CALLING -- or -- you find me a place for immediate occupancy where I WILL BE LEFT ALONE to DEVELOPE what I STARTED -- An Adult Consent Thought and Practices School. I GAVE NOT AUTHORITY OF COMMUNITY ENTRENCHMENT TO ACTS OF AGRESSIVE ACTS of HATE WEAPONRY in the category of PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE and INFORMAtIONAL WARFARE -- I never consented to a secret war that targets me against my LIFE -- for WAR must be DECLARED --- I HAVE AS OF THIS BOX [ 6:30pm March 11th, 2020 ] -- I HAVE THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON RIGHT TO DECLArE WAR ON THESE FACTIONS INVOLVED THAT ARE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -- I DECLARE WAR AGAINST THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA! Go Figure! I am dead dead serious --- I AM NOT AN ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, where I still hold Nationaaly -- No I am declaring war against the faction that attacks me -- you do not deserve your powers to DESTROY the CITIZEN'S LIFE of this COUNTRY -- YOU ARE GUILTY OF TREASON SIRS MAMES AND THE CLAN OF MASSIVE MISCHIEVOUS MARVEL OF MOLDING MUCK -- Take that CIRCLE OF PROTECTION AT ALL COST -- TAKE DOWN THE WALLS AND ALL OF THE BARRIES OF FALSE STORY CASTS --- TIME FOR A HUGE CORRECTION AND A HUGH RECOGNKING --- THAT IS WHAT I EXPECT -- OR I WANT OUT! NOW! NOW NOW! -- I DECLARE WAR ONT THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA -- THE MINORITY holding POWERS OF THE MAJORITY of the citizen's of the UNITED STATES --- Get off your Hate NOW and RELATE - THIS STATEMENT is ABSOLUTELY --- LEGAL PROSE -- Time to change the dimension of what you think you can do - STOP THE HATE -- and we can form understanding negotiation terms of ABSOLUTIONS -- Good Day
Sammy Davis -- Likes Supervisor Josie Gonzales

I need your very important interface here ---

Supervisor Gonzales must think it is ok to walk away and ghost a messenger chat conversation, which to the point of here "seen by", she still had not followed me to the point my requests to engage a community HERE in this mess --- HERE in this miss --- to CONFRONT this mess --- DEFENDING the social services of Foothill AIDS Project to terminate services -- when it is them that needs to come up honestly to the table and have a discussion.

I DEMAND to have a community support client here DEMANDING that I am able to CONFRONT the whole madness that places this topic so taboo --- I have no HIV CARE Doctor -- for he terminates services unable to hold himself to an honorable honesty patient / physical relationship --- This matter remains CHALLENGED of NORMAL DELIVERY of practices -- unprofessionalism is the key root here.

We have an interface of my internet domains at reach -- I EMPORE YOU ALL to do the right things here --- ENGAGE A COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MEETING with me.

This CONFLICT-AVOIDANCE stance is tiresome.

Use That Link --- Select the Folder - TheScienceOfSwearing to proceed to an off-site copy of this messager conversation that stalls at remedy.

GET A CLUE: #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP --- Be professional upon me -- stop making appearances seem obvious that you all have something to hide --- you all keep me in an informational quarantine to keep the secret from being disclosed on how utterly bad this is --- GET A CLUE -- STOP BEING RUDE

James M Driskill wrote on Miguel Harlston's timeline.
What The FUCK is your PROBLEM --- CLOSED the MESSAGER CHAT -- AFTER the TRUTH is DISCLOSED in your VIEW --- -

James M Driskill [ 3rd and final copy to this page here ]:
I am a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL of #GangStalking [ really ] for more than 15 years [ really ] -- I have traveled from region to region, from my hometown San Bernardino to Bay Area to Denver and this presence of haters keeps on resurfacing. Of course, this the online activity directives of interference communications piled high with unnatural counts of fake correspondence in emails, sms, social media site messaging. Creating profiles specifically targeting my interests to respond. On the IRL, my car has been stolen 3 times as an act of intimidation - they are watching the message we could take you down anytime. it is hard to find the energy anymore to find the emotional wellness of safe space. These people are a fraction of our culture and I have identified why I am so so unlucky to be a TI with no community-level support of authority to assist me in taking them down a notch or two for this highly mental abusive illegal activities against one person from a collective.
"Suicide is painless"
This is not a joke -- nothing to laugh at --- sobbing in panic states of delirium -- My friend timothy wrote to me on Adam4adam the following
You got some fuking nerve you cry fucking baby this all stems from. One thing you being socially unacceptable . Maybe if you actually wanted good things for people instead of bullshit but you'll always get what u pu
‪(310) 696-9745‬ • Feb 29, 5:24 PM
Message by You: Fuck you., Saturday, February 29 2020, 5:25 PM
It is all I can do -- to push him away -- so it stops hurting me - through all of this -- I cannot get the support of my friends or family, the police holding a silence of getting involved --- check a twitter search on the San Bernardino PD and me.
TwitterSearch [ SanBernardinoPD Gruwup ]
I have tried every possible reaching out to any kind of resource to help --- I have reached to our San Bernardino County Supervisor Josie Gonzales -- Via Twitter Facebook Messenger, Phone Calls, all needed desired remedy to interface this city-based community affairs empowerment to have a meeting on this subject --- fails --- I give this one last-ditch -- DESPERATE HOUR --- Blitz of messaging attempts ----
I have no other option but to set a time date expiration -- IF I cannot get a community level involvement to fight off this element of our society -- per the United Nations Wildfire of Hate Speech where the United Nations Secretary-General says:
"Hatred Affects Everyone so Fighting it Must Be The Job For Everyone"
If I do not have a confirmation of a meeting scheduled serious effort by April 1st 2020, I must walk away from this house - my childhood home -- to a destination unknown -- I must RENOUNCE my UNITED STATES NATIONALITY and change citizenship to SOME OTHER COUNTRY that DOES NOT ALLOW the HATERS TO WIN.
For in this country, the status quo is --- The HATERS are ALLOWED, INTENTIONALLY ALLOW THE ALWAYS WIN!
My name is James Martin Driskill, Centennial Class, San Bernardino High School -- 1883-1983 ---
There is a great secret that no one is confessing -- stepping up to the plate -- and telling the truth --- I am on a course of no help -- for there is no help to persons hated so bad by the society at large to engage #Ganstalking against me --- which I remain confined in an intentionally created -- as bad as it seems --- I am held in place in this bondage restriction by being in an
"Informational quarantine" - I can prove that - they still will not give my life back to me -- my civil rights, my international human rights, are being violated to their extreme --- -
HELP HELP HELP 909-882-8759 --- My mother's name is Veronica Ann
I absolutely do not have anywhere else to turn -- but to walk away from this country that intends to kill me, #KillTheGays is alive in this nation.
Please GOD let this COUNTRY BURN behind me -- I WANT OUT!
Ref Content Messenger to Supervisor Josie Gonzales
Content Messenger Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney
Ref Content Memespace Sergeant Lanier Rogers
San Bernardino Police Department San Bernardino Sun
P L E A S E !! P L E A S E --- T H E Y W A N T M E
FOR THE RECORD [ THE SCIENCE OF SWEARING ] and HONESTY --- Those who swear are more likely to be honest with integrity -- THEY HOLD THEMSELVES IN THE DARK CORNERS OF SECRETS ---- THEY ARE EVIL!
Updated Mar 12, 2020 10:03:23am
James M Driskill wrote on Sammie Francher's timeline.
Sammie --- I would like to chat with you:
What Are The Rules Of Our Society? Rememer
When if you know your morally just, time to hit the bricks as hard as one can.
It is time to take this wall down -- informational quarantine.

I said in Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom
- Rules Are Meant To Be Broken: Remember?


Mentioned In This Is The Pathway To Suicide -- I would like to chat.
William --- I would like to chat with you:
What Are The Rules Of Our Society?

When if you know your morally is just,
time to hit the bricks with a sledgehammer
as hard as one can.

It is time to take this wall down
-- informational quarantine.

I said in @[1002288523157267:274:Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom] to
The Gang Before We Met That Destined Day,
- Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.

Audio: [ Meet My Classmate @[213350708789333:274:Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney] ]

Mentioned In This Is The Pathway To Suicide -- I would like to chat.
Updated Mar 13, 2020 8:48:42pm
Timeline photos
I feel so so bad tonight where where is the light I am sick and tired of holding space when no one comes to a calling grace Take what I know, let it blow An informational quarantine must go
I feel so so bad tonight
where where is the light
I am sick and tired of holding space
when no one comes to a calling grace
Take what I know, let it blow
An informational quarantine must go
Place: D Street Medical Center (34.1099222, -117.2922728)
Address: 590 North D Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401
I am placing this TOP ETCHED onto your timeline because you have liked the facebook page [ Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney ] --- Note: As Attorney Prince and I are SBHS Class 1983 Alumni, our common bonds between us Ms. Hamblin might also have these roots. You and I share 8 mutual friends. PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS INTRO VIDEO --- BE SURE TO CHECK THE DETAILS in the LINKS provided in the YOUTUBE Description. This also goes out to San Bernardino County Supervisor Josie Gonzalez.

Mssgnr -Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney / Supervisor Josie Gonzalez / Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno
Mar 25, 2020




This post is placed onto web content namespace in their EXTREME NAMING CONTEXTS. That is because I personally own this web admin ability --- Everything presented into this media is the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, THE ABSOLUTE REAL UP HUMAN TRUTH. Please share as wide --- esp. to our class Alumni.

@[213350708789333:274:Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney]
Tim Prince
@[247577208634817:274:Supervisor Josie Gonzales]
@[197683672946:274:Foothill AIDS Project]
Borrego Health Specialty Clinics
Updated Mar 25, 2020 3:23:49am
James M Driskill doesn't recommend D Street Medical Center (San Bernardino, CA).
To HOLD DOCTOR PROVIDERS ACCOUNTABLE to the AMA Journal of Ethics Standards. [ American Medical Association (AMA) for which,

Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno / HIV ID Physician at the
San Bernardino Medical Center intentionally places subterfuge and deception into the care of his James M Driskill in patient's attempt to resolve matters of community standards of delivery of care and social services.

A Vitals Review Was Written Up and Placed Onto That Review Site, but as almost all of the informational interfaces to doctor reviews have an extreme bias in favor to remove negative reviews against physicians and promote and retain the positive reviews, the Vitals Review was captured and archived to Patient's Life Life Journal Internet Domains for the public to know the truth.

See YouTube Video: Further Links Provided In The Description Of This Video:


Mssgnr -Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney / Supervisor Josie Gonzalez / Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno
Mar 25, 2020
James M Driskill updated his status.
hex: 956ac3780701cd433d1ce3e64a258ef0fecedabf76712fdc541713f2550759bce20cf5cbc4a11683c83d1584b5d878d354d3d515f8e1c77499678afbc2661fbf
HEX: 956AC3780701CD433D1CE3E64A258EF0FECEDABF76712FDC541713F2550759BCE20CF5CBC4A11683C83D1584B5D878D354D3D515F8E1C77499678AFBC2661FBF
h:e:x: 95:6a:c3:78:07:01:cd:43:3d:1c:e3:e6:4a:25:8e:f0:fe:ce:da:bf:76:71:2f:dc:54:17:13:f2:55:07:59:bc:e2:0c:f5:cb:c4:a1:16:83:c8:3d:15:84:b5:d8:78:d3:54:d3:d5:15:f8:e1:c7:74:99:67:8a:fb:c2:66:1f:bf
base64: lWrDeAcBzUM9HOPmSiWO8P7O2r92cS/cVBcT8lUHWbziDPXLxKEWg8g9FYS12HjTVNPVFfjhx3SZZ4r7wmYfvw==
James M Driskill wrote on Anthony Milliner's timeline.
65 eh? happy birthday
I am marking the first link to one of your works on record.

You and I were linked on LinkedIn under my real master ID account name of James M. Driskill -- under the URL:


My goal of the Inmail Group -- for LinkedIn to Concede that they have acted out against me for a violation of being "spam" when it is not possible to hold a spamming activity when attempting to get the attention of the community population on that site that cannot get their head out of their asses and not see me as a nuisance but actually a solution of mass shootings as a peace builder. I am approaching this from a completely 180 degree relationship understanding --- Agumented Standards of Excellence with high nerit focus evaulations to our convictions of augmented conscience, [ collective conscience ].
Updated Mar 26, 2020 10:12:57pm
James M Driskill wrote on David Tapscott's timeline.
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ----- In 10 years from this date - your birthday will be a blast. I take you on to the challenge -- be only what you look upward to be. Down the drain is never the same, the brain makes it need to change. Plasticity is the reality -- don't you ever slow down and say, I am too old to learn new things,

M r. H a p p y T a k e s O n a F i r s t ....

You be married now and then.....

Married - Birthdays Are Just Not The Same. Are They?
James M Driskill added a new photo to David Tapscott's timeline.
I don't SHARE many YOUTUBE promoted ads --- this is one to share and to justify again to my so-called friend who has retained his position to have my main account on Facebook blocked -- for reasons I understand his thinking right of exchange -- to not be able to hold and honor me as a representation I only deal with the truth -- and he can't handle the truth.

He demands his need to live and view life with a nasty slant of gleefully bliss -- going over a cliff of a fool's errand --- it is time to take those nasty tinted shades off Mr. Ashley.

Time to be a man and look at life and our interpersonal relationship real --- stop whine your time to take in the shine of life when life is not so everlasting shiny. It is what it is -- filled from one side and another side of pain and love and grief.

"Teach Ignorance To See; or Grief To Smile".

You are here to learn a lesson --- on what it is to allow these conditions to go unchallenged -- unconfronted -- and how this manner of an external force of hate intended on life annihilation is sourced from Hitler's Germany.

What lesson did you say?

THIS LESSON IS A LESSON ON WHAT AND HOW WE DO NOT TREAT ANOTHER HUMAN AND DO THESE ACTS AGAINST ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. OR STAND ON THE SIDELINES AND WATCH IT [ Like Doctor Madinger [ http://doctor-nancy-ellen-madinger.fuckeduphuman.net/ ]] and do nothing right for a change.

That being attacked by the internal actors of leadership positions of the Ryan White Care Act funded agencies for persons living in the United States of America.

Oh, how White she is -- just sat there silent for months knowing I was complaining of the mental stresses of being harassed and hated on from the community.

She still remains silent even though her NPINO Licencing Data Record having the DISQUS! toolkit applied, she is marked-up real.

I have the right to document and document and document the truth, the whole, the truth, and nothing tainted by viewing life with rose-colored glasses, nothing but the truth to all-time human history.

That rosey color my dearest dealing public allows one to just skip by and allow the abuse of the hater's run-a-muck agenda to continue and continue - the evident goal is the death of the targeted individual.

Persons living on the sidelines of this, who are not reactive to involve themselves into a working focused agenda - to be workable and agreeable allies of the truth, are moral combat enemies -- I want you to realize this Mr. Ashley ---


The Advise of this person -- Masterclass -- no apologies for my standing on principle. You are wrong Mr. Ashley, so so wrong.

A fool's errand that you could be anything but a narcissist. Play it the game up up up more on those under this roof who can't see the invisibility cloak and dagger routine.


It must take blood, gore, guts, and pain to cause one to listen and incorporate peacebuilding missions --- the equation dynamics -- "It must take blood" in the effort to avoid such a path --- but over and over and over the reinforcement of the message here -- lends one to profoundly conclude humans will not change they're fucked up human standing -- as a matter of principle -- your irrational conclusion to dismiss the "science of swearing" in published view --- in discovery magazine. YOU REFUSE TO OPEN YOUR MIND TO DISCOVERY --- IN THAT YOU INSULT AND HURT ME --- YOU DESERVE TO BE PUNCHED BACK FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!



If you are in the game already, the idiots are winning and the rules apply, it is ok to hate to death the enemies of idiots, the intelligent ones.

Watch this video as well:

@[100000909825366:2048:Mario Saucedo] ID [ http://facebook.com/jbean7561 ]

That is a shortcut in Jennifer Ann Brehme [ FosterJourney ] Facebook/Messenger AccountID. Justification knowing -- I can and will and must do what I need to kick the haters out of the role of hating on me, please.

Oh God Save Us From This Destructive Irrational Thinking Please.

@[100000785463150:2048:Sammy Davis]

See #WordsToLiveBy [ on YouTube -- Topmost match is my issue media -- time for something new --- time for rationally conceding to have a community affairs meeting with one who can make blue skies rain a pretty nasty future onto those who can't go in and commit to peace and commit to new understandings of the truth of what is happening around us.

The Unique Writing Work of Creation:

[ "Terran Imbalanced Interpersonal Relations" ]

The corruption of trust onto all of us to be able to latch onto rather lash out the integrity offered becomes unobtainable to those in the survival mode of human basic needs being restricted from them, intentionally set into a motion of disorderly conduct of unprofessionalism by the leaders of social ties.

Maladjusted cultural norms opposing natural progressions of a slant of inline unclimbable if irrational instead of rational thinking.

My networking presence in informational theory presence is considered a "Trust Ladder" of logic designs.

I can prove to the level of of --- "to the preponderance of the evidence" to be more likely true than less likely true to the subjective deductive reasonings given in my writings.
Updated Mar 29, 2020 2:23:14am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Gone without understanding, last breath heard, and it's over. I can't say this will be my last post for a while, but maybe the last one of real meaning for some time. I love you all! Certainly, in the most difficult moments of life, one recognizes real friends or people who really appreciate us. Unfortunately, some friends often click on "I like," but in reality they don't take time to read a status if they see it's long. I decided to post this message for a very special person of mine who fought to the end with firmness and energy; who taught me to live every day as if it were the best day; who filled the world with a beautiful smile and a sweet spirit. Now I look to those who will have time to read this post until its end (I believe I may be able to guess the first 5 or so). Cancer is very invasive and destructive to the body. Even if they decide to have treatment, the body fights with itself, trying to rebuild all of the damage caused by radiation. It's a very long process. So please, in honor of a family member or friend who has died, or one still battling cancer, or even someone who has had cancer but now is healed, copy and paste (not share) this message on your page. So I'll know who read my status, please write "done”
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Mobile uploads
This post today dedicated to @[100002670649689:2048:Nick Bravo]. Thank you for introducing me to Michael. [Dntfehdbliss].
9 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Apr 04, 2013 4:22:17pm
This post today dedicated to Nick Bravo. Thank you for introducing me to Michael. [Dntfehdbliss].
Interesting, Michael here is one who then went on to break a long friendship I had with Eric Maier. @[100002000136436:2048:Dntfehd Bliss]
Updated Apr 04, 2020 8:19:55pm
Timeline photos
@[213350708789333:274:Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney] So you think me the biggest nut case? Please call your boss, the Mayor John Valdivia that I deserve to suffer under a systemic program of hate gangstalking for the rest of my days to the end of all days to the end of my life... tell him I deserve my punishment! https://www.facebook.com/pg/MayorJValdivia/photos/?tab=album&album_id=331650150226649
Tim Prince San Bernardino Attorney

So you think me the biggest nut case?

Please call your boss, the Mayor John Valdivia that I deserve to suffer under a systemic program of hate gangstalking for the rest of my days to the end of all days to the end of my life... tell him I deserve my punishment!

Timeline photos
#StopGangStalking begets #StopMassShooting http://stopgangstalking.fuckeduphuman.net http://stopmassshooting.fuckeduphuman.net http://doctor-eric-tomomi-shigeno.fuckeduphuman.net http://jennifer-anne-brehme.fuckeduphuman.net http://doctor-christopher-eric-berger.fuckeduphuman.net http://doctor-nancy-ellen-madinger.fuckeduphuman.net http://jamie-villalobos.fuckeduphuman.net http://aforevermoredunce.fuckeduphuman.net http://ryan-white-care-act.fuckeduphuman.net http://doctor-Jonathan-Harry-Mermin.fuckeduphuman.net ----- http://cdc.fuckeduphuman.net ------ http://index.gruwup.net Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace ----- HTTP://attorney-timothy-peter-prince.fuckeduphuman.net http://sergeant-lanier-joseph-rogers-iii.persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Timothy.Pete.Prince/ HTTP://attorney-dale-lee-henderson.fuckeduphuman.net HTTP://organizations.fuckeduphuman.net/Leahy.Law.Firm/ http://judge-wilfred-john-schneider-jr.fuckeduphuman.net/ ---- http://sergeant-lanier-joseph-rogers-iii.persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Lanier.Joseph.Rogers.III/ http://sergeant-lanier-joseph-rogers-iii.persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Supervisor.Josie.Gonzalez/
Timeline photos
@[1633067643634066:274:Sandro Galea]

I am sorry, but the next post you are not going to dig it for real damn sure. I DEMAND that I AM ABOUT TO CONFRONT these MATTERS DIRECTLY per POPE FRANCIS @[237563819735469:274:Pontifex] ADDRESS TO OUR NATION IN FRONT OF CONGRESS -- SEPT 2015: NO MORE EXCUSES!


MY STATUS IS #HIVUNTREATABLE and there is access to the presentation of evidence in that regard as a prepended content to the Inmail messenger archived --- your not complying to a man to man -- equal freedom of speech exchange. You are violating my rights of freedom here to force direction to oppress the story from being addressed. It would be an act of criminal violations to

You are in co-conspiracy with the other agents that will not address me with normal social etiquette --there remains something fishy going on. You are the doctor lead working on the project effort -- to fix this situation --- you are the one -- you cannot escape your duty. Time for something new -- new right this moment in time -- time to give up the ghost routine -- it is getting a little tiresome -- -boring --- I am waiting for a proper level address.


8 U.S. Code § 241.Conspiracy against right

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or


Why, for what purpose, is there a need to recoil? To a backside instead of a front side reveal. Something hidden is something wrong. Time to change it now --- you can't keep it -- it is causing great societal harm -- the erosion of trusts here -- so down -- it is causing the epidemic of the event after event after event of mass gun shootings.

I am right -- for all of the wrong reasons --- I am right and you can't explain yourself. Not an equation that is AMERICAN -- you are sliding to the scale of TREASON.

The QR CODE URL HERE: [ Random Message Pick - Use Multiple Times To Receive Other Page Messages ]
Updated Apr 12, 2020 5:17:51pm
Jennifer Litwak

If the tag still holds -- obviously -- you went into BLOCK TO ALL COST MODE --- I created this graphic - just for you...


Just Watch Your Audiences Go Bye Bye
Updated Apr 12, 2020 2:48:39pm
"There is something fishy going on,
There is something fishy doing done."
#HivUntreatable : #GovenmentSponsoredHate
Updated Apr 13, 2020 4:43:59am
James M Driskill wrote on Stop Gangstalking Awareness Group's timeline.
Address: 26 Federal Plz, New York, NY 10013
Wow Woah Blow Go -- Go For It!

Enough is Enough No More Tears #HIVUntreatable [ Jennifer Michelle Litwak @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET ]

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Where oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where oh where could he be?

It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred,
We are all sharing so free without are shared.
There are no limits t stop us, so no reason to quit.
The universe of happiness is out here, let's get on it its our trip


My name is James Martin Driskill and I have a matter of imperatives and importance that is an extension of the problem
that I came into to visit your Oakland Fiend Office,
June 21st 2016 : My story I have detailed is by living in
an OPEN BOOK not to LET that OPEN BOOK go HOME!
James M Driskill shared a memory.
"Hello" by Lionel Richie
4 Years Ago
Apr 19, 2018 7:19:00am
"Hello" by Lionel Richie
Updated Apr 19, 2020 8:05:23pm
Place: Borrego Health (34.109861, -117.292371)
Address: 590 N D St, San Bernardino, CA



I remain #HivUntreatable and now the refills that I have been receiving Since March 2019 are going to be going bye bye --- so go figure where this hate conspiracy is leading itself....
Updated Apr 19, 2020 10:39:26pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Timeline photos
6 Years Ago
Apr 23, 2016 2:22:14am
Updated Apr 22, 2020 9:31:29pm
You tagged Jimmy Escajeda and Jim Whitescarver
Address: 26 Federal Plz, New York, NY 10013
i am a Citizen Native-born Sept 1st, 1965 in the City of San Bernardino to which I am using the [Facebook] link on [http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Contact-Us ] -- which this post -- as the digital object directs --- WILL TO UNANSWERED and NO RESPONSE.

That is the standard that is predicted --

The better emotional feeling here --- betrayed by my country.

Two recordings have been made to your office to deadlines -- [ complete silence, not even a ring status handling ]. that you say your phone operations are of the status open - which is a lie.



Call To San Francisco Field Office - 415-538-2000:



#HIVUNTREATABLE -- Doctor Was Refilling Rx at Pharam Since He Terminated Services Unjustly

I had been for this year detached from doctor provider care in HIV, been taking my medications --- up until the passing of Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno [ http://doctor-eric-tomomi-shigeno.fuckeduphuman.net/ ] on April 10th 2020.

Effectively cutting off my medications source. I am fully severed #HIVUNTREATABLE --- and I must seek remedy for this at the United Nations because not a single one of you are willing to proceed receiving and handling to a legal standing complaint of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

A Betrayal Of Any And All Commons --- I would rather be countryless than to have to sit down and shut the fuck up to not engage and hold a working functioning interpersonal relationship(s) in my HIV Care treatment in this country.

I would rather die first in this country --- if that is to which is going to happen.

Please do yourself a favor, stop the lies, -- tell the fucking truth for a fucking change.

Updated May 05, 2020 10:01:05am
James M Driskill wrote on Sammy Davis's timeline.
Woah Woah ---

Sammie Davis Clicks Up One More Year --- 56 with no signs stopping him in his tracks.

What makes a man or a mouse --- to be courageous or a coward can surface at any age. I watched a recent TedX video about Labels and Unmuting one's self into expression rather than silence. I think it is worth the most man's best excellence - if you took this video in all ways relevant -- Onto the system of hurt and shame that has been targeting me --- systemic #Gangsgalking for 15 years now.

For that has in fact been most of the mess of the interwoven imbalanced interpersonal relations up in the upper rungs of society privilege --- Their shields they isolate themselves from public outcry out from the public eye and out from the actions that would shock if they be shown spread across our land.

These are shields of hate --- and they don't take prisoners -- that make much of innocent dead in seemingly authoritative way.

These status quo equations must be broken and smatched to smithereens.

Can you help me real -- or are you too going to leave me helpless -- alone - punitively bleeding and wiped away from any kind of valid reasoning why.

As he sits as the Public Affairs Director of the San Bernardino County District Attorney -- this so far the best place to stick a set of tool instruments here into collective conscience -- and it be there -- barbed - pulling it out would be most unwise -- instant bleed out -- bye bye bye!

San Bernardino County District Attorney

Special TechSpec Usage URL Addressing - Note Redirects To YouTube....


James M Driskill wrote on Jerry Holloman's timeline.
Woah Woah ---

Jerry Holloman Clicks Up One More Year --- 56 with no signs stopping him in his tracks.

What makes a man or a mouse --- to be courageous or a coward can surface at any age. I watched a recent TedX video about Labels and Unmuting one's self into expression rather than silence. I think it is worth the most man's best excellence - if you took this video in all ways relevant -- Onto the system of hurt and shame that has been targeting me --- systemic #Gangsgalking for 15 years now.

For that has in fact been most of the mess of the interwoven imbalanced interpersonal relations up in the upper rungs of society privilege --- Their shields they isolate themselves from public outcry out from the public eye and out from the actions that would shock if they be shown spread across our land.

These are shields of hate --- and they don't take prisoners -- that make much of innocent dead in seemingly authoritative way.

These status quo equations must be broken and smatched to smithereens.

Can you help me real -- or are you too going to leave me helpless -- alone - punitively bleeding and wiped away from any kind of valid reasoning why.

As he sits as the Public Affairs Director of the San Bernardino County District Attorney -- this so far the best place to stick a set of tool instruments here into collective conscience -- and it be there -- barbed - pulling it out would be most unwise -- instant bleed out -- bye bye bye!

San Bernardino County District Attorney

Special TechSpec Usage URL Addressing - Note Redirects To YouTube

A T T E N T IO N --- K E Y L E A D E R S
L A W E N F O R C E M E N T O F F I C E R S !
#PoliceLivesMatter : #BlueLivesMatter


#WhiteLivesMatter : #HaterLivesMatter : #BlackLivesMatter




Be sure to link and check out #WordsToLiveBy - Circa 1750s in the Reply Addition of this Content Post.
Updated Jul 27, 2020 3:38:26am
@[239709222759:274:San Bernardino County District Attorney]





Updated Aug 06, 2020 11:04:33pm
Being Myself Is Not More Than Enough I Want to Die! No Help From Any Source I Reach To!

Check the Chat Stream Read Along.


@[148391775494298:69:San Bernardino County UNCENSORED]
@[372707695009:274:County of San Bernardino]
@[503112256421253:274:San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department]
Updated Aug 22, 2020 12:00:31pm


Audio Media Play:


@[332330220217783:274:Azusa Police Department]
@[113992541966180:274:Knights of Columbus]
@[1554742961410695:274:Law Enforcement Social]
@[184637415210455:69:Law Enforcement Supporters]
@[215143869789085:69:Law Enforcement Supporters United]
@[180212755483311:274:Black Lives Matter]
@[1485545165034027:274:Stop Gangstalking Awareness Group]
@[546565025508568:274:Haters Back Off]
Updated Aug 27, 2020 5:11:14am
Timeline photos
@[101994551546301:274:Trisha Wiliams, Licensed Sales Agent] Really, a birthday card saying I was "Amazing"?
Place: Humana
Trisha Wiliams, Licensed Sales Agent

Really, a birthday card saying I was "Amazing"?
You tagged Jimmy Escajeda
Updated Aug 28, 2020 9:38:24am
@[505995199549986:69:Namaste] - Tagged here -- but you won't post it there -- why?

You all pick on me -- all of you do. I try try try - even if I came on bended knee, you would still wipe me away --- to dust me go this time -- every word I have ever placed into this group -- done gone from the so called "shhhhhhhh shhhhhhhh" this is for quite times.

Bull shit!

Can I please share the truth about something SERIOUS IN THIS GROUP for SERIOUS is sometimes the MUST that MUST PROVALD and FUCK the REST!

No Fuck Word? Why can they have a 501(c) business name ? If they can use the word -- so fucking can I!

http://fuckcancer.org/ -- on LinkedIn there are many actual company names with the word "Fuck" them in. But you say, I still can't break the rules here --bullshit! They are trying to kill me, really human no longer breathing dead and you just allow the haters to win. Other LinkedIn profiles are "Fuck Yeah Astrophysics", "Fuck Rassim" and "Fucked Up Design".

Those are ALL VALID linkedin profiles -- professional standard -- but then what makes this group disallow such a word -- when that is the word that carries peoples WORK?

I think you are a bunch of wimps and coward haters in here in disguise. Because everytime I come here -- you all ponce on me --- it is going to be one ponce to many.

You all have been so so wrong -- for this matter of ignoring #GangStalking -- and I think you know it - you are a design flaw ot here -- I mean Namaste is designed with a flaw -- because one man should not be treated so badly - to die because he can not secure an HONEST HIV/Aids Doctor -- I am of the status #HIVUntreatable -- follow the tag if you can't figure it out.

The Call With Humana earlier is the capper that seals my fate to death.


Because a post has links -- does not make the post malicious --

And as of April 6th 2020, the scientific research findings say it plain -- #Gangstalking is real. But you reach for that bat tokick me out again for serious is the need here -- but there is no serious here -- just a bunch of haters who have heart -- watch.

The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang-Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences
Lorraine Sheridan,1,* David V. James,2 and Jayden Roth1

Updated Aug 28, 2020 5:59:56pm
@[132706093425924:274:San Bernardino Police Department]

The YouTube Title Itself Is In Your Name


Lt. Carrington --- I have my intention to be in the D. Street office with my mother between 9am and 10am --- to MEET THIS MAN OF COMMAND




I have a proposal for you -- and it lets you save face --- no one gets in trouble -- and we all TURN AROUND this CONDITION that is ROOTED its FUNCTION for DECADES that PERSONAL ACTIONS under the PRESSURES of such a SYSTEM -- NEEDS A DIFFERENT APPROACH.

Care to listen to me instead of ignoring me to death?
Updated Aug 29, 2020 10:54:02am
David J Harris Jr.facebook.com
I have a PROFOUND Commenting -- You Must SEEK to Look Closely -- Letter by Letter in the Reply Chain --- if you can follow -- follow the links and LEARN something about the status of our

[ Terran Imbalanced Interpersonal Relations ] - GoogleIt!

Updated Sep 08, 2020 5:03:46pm
As Dedicated, This page is being held to acknowledge an agreement for Weds Sept 16th 2020, 5pm -- Where I have asked Mike Bires to consult with the San Bernardino Police Department a civil level interface to a direct relativant document from National Institutes of Health on #GangStalking.


Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr; 17(7): 2506.
Published online 2020 Apr 6. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072506
PMCID: PMC7178134
PMID: 32268595
The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang-Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences
Lorraine Sheridan,1,* David V. James,2 and Jayden Roth1
Updated Sep 14, 2020 5:19:57am
James M Driskill updated his status.
What I am about to cross share is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Merging the topics of #GangStalking and Suicide: UNABLE TO GET MENTAL HEALTH INTERFACE WITH DBH.SBCOUNTYGOV: It would be nice if the Director of the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Doctor Veronica Kelly would call a 55-year-old resident of San Bernardino back. She is giving him a complete ghosting treatment to BLOCK OUT his ACCESS to the MENTAL HEAT CARE DEPARTMENT.


She needs to address what has happened in the mental health care of a person named James Martin Driskill and she knows it is very bad.

He was born in San Bernardino CA on September 1st 1965.

James' first job was working for the San Bernardino City Library where he secured his job by at first volunteering for the library while his interest was using the Apple ][ computers they had for the, originally coded an electronic BBS [ Bulletin Board System ] called "Microlink BBS". He appears in the San Bernardino Sun and in the Library Journal. This was in the very fresh times of years after he graduated from San Bernardino High School, Centennial Class 1883-1983.

San Bernardino Sun - Home Computers Can Talk With The Library [ Page 1 ]:

San Bernardino Sun - Home Computers Can Talk To Library [ Page 2 ]:

Library Journal - Public Access Microcomputer Services In Public Libraries:

With that being proved -- he has solid roots -- there is a story posted onto the video that Doctor Veronica Kelley Posted very recently on a NAMI page. He has already had had his comments restricted from public view on several of their videos and the [discussion] page of their channel. He is being censored.

Hs [ Mine ] posting on NAMI's channel reflects that I had emailed them when I returned back to San Bernardino from Denver with a very ugly story of hate. That story must be forged into the public view and Doctor Kelley urged to contact me to reconcile the matter -- she cannot ignore me - legally.

The Video On NAMI page is DIRECT TITLED in her Name. The only way she is going to be able to remove my commenting --- if I have gotten the confidence of truth onto NAMI is to REQUEST NAMI delete the video I have also placed comments into the NAMI [ DISCUSSION ] tab. There is nothing so frustrating than someone who cannot deal with the truth. The truth on how I described to NAMI in an EMAIL that I was being targeted by hate.

The Theme of The Comments to NAMI definitely surrounds Suicide.

So in 2018, I wrote an email to NAMI about the conditions of hate that I have now been given the name known as #Gangstalking.

On April 6th 2020, The NIH.GOV published a paper on the research findings of the #Gangstalking phenomena. I have been writing out here for years.

On Oct 9th 2020, this video from NAMI titled under the name of Doctor Veronia appears. It was today I reacted to the video by posting the original comments to NAMI that I never got a reply.

The Comments From 2018 NAMI and currently applied specifics in SPOKEN VOCIE AUDIO:

Yes, You are looking at that URL correctly.


NANIWALKS VIDEO: Oct 9th 2020:

NIH Paper URL on Gangstalking -- Relevance

3. Results
3.1. Length of Stalking
None of the writers of the narratives described their experiences as having ended. All 50 authors stated or implied that they had been gang stalked for lengthy periods of time (e.g., one mentioned being seen by seven psychologists during the period of being targeted, another described having been targeted whilst living in three different countries). The shortest case was described as having begun “in the last few months” and the longest as continuing for “more than 22 years”.

I have been a target individual of #Gangstalking for 15 years unstoppable -- unmanageable -- haters always finding me to hate on me --


The only other published study of gang-stalking samples that we could locate detailed four cases reported by the media of men who had engaged in extreme violence as a response to the perception that they were the target of gang stalkers [21]. Both Sheridan and James [5] and Sarteschi [21] concluded that the subjects of their studies were suffering or had suffered from severe psychological distress in the context of their subjective gang-stalking experiences.


Violence in those who have complained of gang-stalking is not unknown. Sarteschi [21] described the cases of four men who believed that they were so-called “targeted individuals” and that the organised efforts of those who targeted them constituted “gang-stalking”. Collectively, the four men killed 28 people and injured 12 more. Sarteschi points to a need for intervention to prevent violent responses, and notes that the men whose cases were detailed in her study had engaged in significant efforts to make others aware of their perceived victimisation, these efforts taking the form of manifestos, videos and audio recordings, and social media posts. The violence perpetrated by these men was motivated by self-defence (in the form of a pre-emptive strike) and a need to alert the world at large to the dangers posed by gang-stalking. Serious violence appears to be rare in those experiencing gang-stalking phenomena. However, it is of note that the experiences grouped above under “invasive attack on the subject’s body” constitute examples of threat-control-override symptoms, which have been linked with an increased risk of violence [32,33].


Search Keyword "Police" appears 20 times.


Table 3
Comparisons between content analyses of internet and questionnaire samples on phenomena constituting the experiences of being gang-stalked.

Category Frequency and % This Study Sample (N = 50) Frequency and % Calculated for Sheridan and James [5] Sample (N = 128) χ2, p, Cramér’s V

1. Physical surveillance/being followed 47 (94%) 109 (85.2%) ns
2. Victim of a conspiracy (by multiple agencies) 40 (80%) 41 (32%) 31.46, <0.01, 0.43
3. Physical interference, intimidation and harassment 33 (66%) 46 (35.9%) 11.96, <0.01., 0.27
4. Establishment cover-up 32 (64%) 23 (17.9%) 33.56, <0.01, 0.45
Dear Doctor Veronica Kelley [ http://fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Veronica-Kelley/ ], Director of the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health, [ http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/dbh.sbcounty.gov/ ]:: I am still waiting and continuing to comment on all of your work and posts online. I must impress upon you, as time goes by, the public is going to wonder why you are being, CONFLICT AVOIDANT, http://fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Veronica-Kelley/%23%23%23%5b%2001%20-%20Conflict%20Avoidance%20and%20Associated%20Problems%20%5d/ to contact me back and schedule a time when we can meet [ even if in teleconference ] to discuss a matter that has been ongoing established of mental health abuses occurring in the communities across this nation. This problem is showing itself to be a huge factor that has been out of control and never addressed for over 20 years -- Most all of the effort to provide the truth against a narrative that places targeted victims in this activity as being under some kind of mass delusional internet sharing meme, which is not only false but actually is an impractical conclusion overall,. The logical cultural interactive community environments are so easy to understand to define what is actually happening -- I find it that there is anyone who reaches a conclusion that denies these activities as real, is most likely a person who is actually backing or internal of the gangstalking actors against the Targeted Individuals. The entire process to reapply the truth and to lessen the harm that is definitely affecting the mental health of our national communities must begin ASAP. The process is called reconstruction. Frankly, there is not a day of time left to waste away this urgency priority. We need to pull together the following fields of knowledge to build a plan of how to address this. Gangstalking affects all of the LAW ENFORCEMENT, SOCIAL SERVICES, and MENTAL HEALTH and various other MEDICAL HEALTH treatments. The recent issuance of a National Institutes of Health [ nih.gov ] research and findings paper on this subject of [ #Gangstalking ] must be fully placed into the civil society rational understandings of each of these fields. This may in fact require that the focus and scope of this document be address by community education learning lessons. Class time for this understanding is definitely a consideration to educate those working in these fields to readdress what they have previously been shared and focus on this as a real problem affecting the daily lives of many in our society. Myself, I am a Targeted Individual of Gangstalking for 15 years. Since this structure of interactive elements happening in both real-time and cyberspace, we need really deep thinking of these matters. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7178134/ Lorraine Sheridan,1,* David V. James,2 and Jayden Roth1 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr; 17(7): 2506. Published online 2020 Apr 6. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072506 PMCID: PMC7178134 PMID: 32268595 The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang-Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences ------------------------------------ As each day passes into the future, this "defined segment" draws impatient onto the government to not bring forward the applied new knowledge into a directed workable solution. Please, Doctor Kelley, there is absolute;y no reasons stopping or halting us to begin -- but - you have no idea what you are doing out here for the most part. I am not like any other person you have ever met. I know that fact for sure. I do not and shall not get into DECEPTION and LIES -- Once we begin to understand the full view scope of the problem, we can put some effort into other things. It is an either/or situation, and you continue to drain our resources before the event -- and do not replace such resource in that you are responsible to bring back the truck in the same condition as you drove out. Please call anytime 24/7 -- (90i9) 763-8481 -- I am waiting -- EACH video you make as day to day happens -- these comments of mine are piling up -- You have no reasonable ground of complaint to separate our needs here. Please follow up before it gets so embarrassing for both of us. Thank you. James Martin Driskill If you are avoiding me so that you do not have to file a complaint against the actors of the past, well that is not going to make for a workable pressure. [ Startled-Bewilderment: ] http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/dbh.sbcounty.gov/.ogg [ TerminationOfServicesIsAnActOfDiscrimination ] http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/dbh.sbcounty.gov/TerminationOfServicesIsAnActOfDiscrimination.ogg
Updated Oct 25, 2020 3:02:02am
Timeline photos
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP #hivuntreatable #GovernmentSponsoredHate #StopGangStalking us! @[104958162837:274:Google] @[321662419491:274:Google Chrome] @[56301559145:274:GetResponse] @[25059205044:274:Disqus] Discussion Has Been Selected To Be Open Forum Here: https://npino.com/social-worker/1902211774-ms.-veronica-lynn-kelley/ @[120494131336367:274:Centers For Disease Control (CDC)] @[170373201361:274:Verint]
#StopGangStalking us!

Google Google Chrome GetResponse

Disqus Discussion Has Been Selected To Be Open Forum Here:


Centers For Disease Control (CDC)
James M Driskill updated his status.
Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions

God gave us a voice that is able to scream the most bloody murder. Spine-chilling voice mail. Should have been I'm not sure how it translate onto a recording device of digital proportions that should have been spine-chilling. It is spine-chilling to know I can't have a 10-minute window of an opportunity to deal with the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth without somebody who knows that truth cutting and disabling my voice Ugly Truth as a peace Builder the ugly truth that you are engaged in a conspiracy is obvious. It's so obvious as pathetic it's called self evidence it's not an accident that mind it's not an accident that I can't do this anywhere I cannot have this conversation because of your involvement for at least 30 years of something you didn't even create my first reaction start to you I guess captain what's that I said people are dying you didn't give a fuck that's reality truth you don't give a fuck fuck off and die as what you're telling me I know it I have it in my messages off and die is what you are telling me that is the message I received what you do shit like that go fuck off and die is what you telling me that's the first time I've said it now go fuck off and die is what you told me sir fuck off and die I haven't got to the point. You can't do that turn off a 10 minute window so you never received the entire message that I needed to give you so now you have something to consider. Where do you want your legacy to remain sir?

I do not have to be nice or I am not nice anymore I have the ire of knowing I have moral agency and you do not do anyting you allowed this condition of gang stalking with shoe specifically told me you know what it is so you know what it is and you still are allowing it to continue other Lee hateful evil you are sir you obviously are racist abrasive bigoted captain of the fire protection of Los Angeles County yes you are a victim a bigot and apparently the message you want...
Mobile uploads
Professionals? Men? Brave? On the captain down to the somebody ? comes to the rescue to try to be professional. I don't think so. This is hate culture infection. This is a maladjusted effect of what is being said last on hold I'm talking through the justification of why I'm calling I tried an in-person visit face-to-face with absolutely no technology and my hand failed This is children acting childish to avoid you having a conversation with a citizen. To the matters at hand this is a treasonous situation legal which I must go to the police law enforcement. And they are going to do the exact same thing. That's what is embedded in the entire County of San Bernardino I must assume the worst of the worst than the entire send Los Angeles county is also the same. I told the captain that was my intention because of this Los Angeles police ??? so how does he think he's going to get away with not having a conversation of 10 minutes that is involving this is a conspiracy of conspiracy of highest order 2 treason. A copy of all this call recording log but go on to Google Earth as well as why I have to call the entire department here in station 35 under the leadership of this Captain which I don't have his name at this point in time I finally got somebody to go into the category of saying he's going to call me back I don't think he's going to call me back I told him I was on and I told him to call me back the most professional. For as I'm on hold for extended periods of time yelled at their hold hold hold beep beep beep I'm talking through why I am calling them cowards why I am calling them back over and over and over to get a professional response to just a 10-minute conversation of understanding but I can't have that understanding because there is a problem here in this country that is treasonous I was just following orders nonsense did not work in World War II with the Nazis I put it into reference in the video that I attach to the other post to you all.
Place: LAFD Fire Station 35 (34.100202713413, -118.2877779007)
Address: 1601 N. Hillhurst ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Professionals? Men? Brave?

On the captain down to the somebody ? comes to the rescue to try to be professional.

I don't think so. This is hate culture infection. This is a maladjusted effect of what is being said last on hold I'm talking through the justification of why I'm calling I tried an in-person visit face-to-face with absolutely no technology and my hand failed

This is children acting childish to avoid you having a conversation with a citizen.

To the matters at hand this is a treasonous situation legal which I must go to the police law enforcement. And they are going to do the exact same thing. That's what is embedded in the entire County of San Bernardino I must assume the worst of the worst than the entire send Los Angeles county is also the same.

I told the captain that was my intention because of this Los Angeles police ??? so how does he think he's going to get away with not having a conversation of 10 minutes that is involving this is a conspiracy of conspiracy of highest order 2 treason.

A copy of all this call recording log but go on to Google Earth as well as why I have to call the entire department here in station 35 under the leadership of this Captain which I don't have his name at this point in time I finally got somebody to go into the category of saying he's going to call me back I don't think he's going to call me back I told him I was on and I told him to call me back the most professional.

For as I'm on hold for extended periods of time yelled at their hold hold hold beep beep beep I'm talking through why I am calling them cowards why I am calling them back over and over and over to get a professional response to just a 10-minute conversation of understanding but I can't have that understanding because there is a problem here in this country that is treasonous I was just following orders nonsense did not work in World War II with the Nazis I put it into reference in the video that I attach to the other post to you all.
Place: Azusa Police Department (34.134849891141, -117.90635466482)
TO: Jon Rush #1152


Updated Nov 17, 2020 10:53:35am
James M Driskill was live.
Live at the scene of a crime the crime of violating Citizen's rights to demand the authority to have some Integrity the authority of the police department San Bernardino County District Attorney's office and the San Bernardino Department Behavioral Health and this is absolute I demand my rights
Live at the scene of a crime the crime of violating Citizen's rights to demand the authority to have some Integrity the authority of the police department San Bernardino County District Attorney's office and the San Bernardino Department Behavioral Health and this is absolute I demand my rights
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, Mario Saucedo, Ross Biehler, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DeVontae Wyatt, Connie Watkins, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, John Neese, Rhea Pixley, Sammie Giovanni Lee Francher, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Becky Flatt Hamblin, Luis Espinoza, Sammy Davis, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Kevin Mims, Sammie Francher, Lynn M. Darnell, Michael Lucio, Sammie Francher, Casey Kidd, Jacqueline Founder, Sammie Francher, Marcie Hall, Monica Canales, Michael Ray Graczyk, Popeye Jiménez, Julie Mackey Sasseen, De'Chaun Smith, Suzanne Taylor and Cherise Tibbet
Place: Golden Star Motel (34.108700931894, -117.29759776645)
Address: 668 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
Google Drive Share:

Permission: Anyone On The Internet Can Share and Comment.


Type: XML sms text messaging save messages archive ( via Verizon Message+ app ) of all 911 Text Services since first initiated 11/05/19 11:16a 430 days ago - Enough is Enough : Don`t Lie To Me!


Updated Jan 09, 2021 3:24:25am
James M Driskill doesn't recommend Golden Star Motel.
Golden Star Motel
We are now going to get to the matter at hand. I am a targeted individual
of gang stalking. I have been a targeted individual for 15 years. How does
this apply to this hotel room?

It's a matter of a discussion that should be put to the San Bernardino
Police Department. My request was originally given to the manager.

A culture of motels of this category... It took some effort to view that
what has been holding me into a scheme.

There is a fact that I have identified something.

That it must be put into reference and there is absolutely unquestionably
no exceptions or tolerance.

This is a review.

Within this review, the owners have replied.

I've talked to the owners.

First, the man of the couple and he basically tried it shut me out trying
to not go onto the web. The page draft, my first draft as my wound still
bleeding. An excuse do not continue and to remain ignorant.

There is something happening extreme for sure. I'm not going to describe
that exactly but it could have been fatal. ( a death of me )

As an owner of a motel it would be an extreme but it's not unfathomable to
have to deal with such a aftermath.

I hope you have not had such a traumatic experience to have to clean up
such a mess in one of your motel rooms. I hope you haven't had that
experience and I hope to God you don't have that experience from me.

There is something fishy here and I'm not trying to get anybody into
trouble but what happened here was in fact predictable. 

You guys broke it you guys broke the trust. And for that is there is a
blood room here. I will remove this review or at least edit it 

When it becomes apparent the San Bernardino Police Department has tucked
tail and that thier hate stance is removed.

To come here with integrity to obey the law and to become real law
enforcement agency.

They need to protect me from what is called gang stalking.

I have been interfaced here to 911 text.

My agenda and my motives are absolutely expressively beamed into the sky of
all humanity as bright as a Golden Star.

I am broadcasting a Wi-Fi signal

Until this gets fixed, I remain here.

No faith it would ever be come fixable - without a 911 text interface and
without a Wi-Fi broadcast and without my phone webspace and without a bit
of compassion from the owners.

I need your assistance in the development that you're supporting your
guests instead of not supporting me.

I need your support and your help I said I'm not here trying to cause a
problem that was not my intention. What happened was your fault and I'm not
trying to get anybody into criminal problems.

Your fault causes this standoff.

All I want to do is be able to report the effects of gang stalking to
develop a lineage of track so we can find a solution for which is so doable
so so doable without all of this interference.

The first help phone number you put on the window was the National
Association for Suicide prevention. I already have a history with them with
him in chat - stored onto my site records of documentation trying to get
others involved in what is the psychological abuse of persons involved in
being a targeted individual I'm not the only one.

There is a scheme here across the entire nation that is actually expanding
to be expanding global.

People are being targeted and mentally abused intentionally by the

This is reported online as #StopGangstalking.

So in that effort there are people who are actually calling prices of the
national Association of Suicide Prevention obviously. And I called them in
this passing that you put that number on the window.

First question they ask:

am I suicidal?

My answer is no however I said I mean a blood room etc.

i continued to talk. He would not give up his frame of reference.

I am here trying to save my life.

in a suicidal prevention of this is that is such an emergency.

this is a suicide prevention but I'm not suicidal but predictably worse is
preventable only when the police come to the table with integrity.

I remain here as a refugee.
Updated Feb 09, 2021 10:23:56am
Mobile uploads
There's just no way to share the feeling despair. I don't care I don't care I don't care. Mad World - The Policy of Policing Enabled with Gang Stalking is one step more and off the mountain cliff - fools gold. A video uploaded. Audio media generated. Email in ready send bin. But the cries tears pain overflows anyone rationally to respect me. "Hello World Wize" Listen you all umpires sworn to protect and serve! Transfer this to the lieutenant Western Commander of my residence immediately. Lieutenant Nelson Carrington. The written copy will be sent at midnight on the hour and minute 3 past. ( 00:03 ). Get busy and do the right thing! --------( Audio of Email 1 : Spoken Voice Text / Music Tracks / Finale my words spoken from me )---- mixup.. Plea - on my hands and knees beggars standing Sos : 911 : Help Help Help My Mom and Me! 🆘🆘🆘🔗🔗🔗 : I require a triad of officially sworn officers of law enforcement to receive a citizen's media , opened and carefully put attention upon its presence of dialogue extreme. No excuses allowed. Respond you all cowards! @Gruwup-T-e-c-h-n-o-REAL-i-s-m-(Mar2021).mp3 http://911-emergency.situation-critical.crisis-crisis.bloodroom101.ccrt-failure.sbpd-failure.doctor-veronica-lynn-kelley.dbh.sbcounty.gov.brant-smith.fuckeduphuman.space/AudioNarratives/@Gruwup-T-e-c-h-n-o-REAL-i-s-m-(Mar2021).mp3
Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
There's just no way to share the feeling despair.

I don't care I don't care I don't care.

Mad World - The Policy of Policing Enabled with Gang Stalking is one step more and off the mountain cliff - fools gold.

A video uploaded.

Audio media generated.

Email in ready send bin.

But the cries tears pain overflows anyone rationally to respect me.

"Hello World Wize"

Listen you all umpires sworn to protect and serve!

Transfer this to the lieutenant Western Commander of my residence immediately.

Lieutenant Nelson Carrington.

The written copy will be sent at midnight on the hour and minute 3 past. ( 00:03 ).

Get busy and do the right thing!

--------( Audio of Email 1 : Spoken Voice Text / Music Tracks / Finale my words spoken from me )---- mixup..

Plea - on my hands and knees beggars standing

Sos : 911 : Help Help Help My Mom and Me!

🆘🆘🆘🔗🔗🔗 : I require a triad of officially sworn officers of law enforcement to receive a citizen's media , opened and carefully put attention upon its presence of dialogue extreme.

No excuses allowed.

Respond you all cowards!


Mobile uploads
Place: Behavioral Health Department of, Phoenix Community Counseling (34.128936866182, -117.26986913388)
Address: 820 E Gilbert St, San Bernardino, CA 92404
google review text:

My name cannot compare what needs to be done here to avoid despair.

In 2021, this day.

A virus known as Covid 19 has ravaged to waste our world away with an extremely powerful punch. It kills ( causes life to succumb and collapse - no longer breathing dead ) humans. No single one living human being exempt from possible target.

It is not that humans have never had such a fatal enemy of our past.

The facts are that myself have been infected by another virus that kills known as HIV.

This since 1999. My Google record tracking me all through this time that I've been online shows that I was in this location known as the Phoenix Counseling Center three years ago. Yes I have experience with this place.

This place set up a system I have no voice I Had No Voice.

Sure I have no voice sure I can talk and they so claim they listen. And the of course chemical compounds supposed to be part of my brain therapy to get me stabilized and on a life path vision over beyond a horizon they could not comprehend that for me to go there way I've have to compromise knowledge and identity.

I refused I still refuse.

Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they knows best - what has happened to me from Denver Colorado that I had documented into digital form like every other person can do.

If they wanted to shut that documentation out the only wanted me to say it out my mouth so it only goes into their ear and then it is only labeled by thier mind bias as queer.


For the effort to show up and try to adjust myself to a life lost in Denver and 2 who was responsible Perry Perry Perry as though Denver and San Bernardino are two different places pair two different set of circumstances two very different cities and communities.

Cohen what happened to me over there in Denver had also been placed on Google Maps review process I can connect to the two together digitally here in this tool that right writing like in this moment but I could not relate that connectivity in my therapy.

All they were doing is getting me stuck on medication as days went by my mind going dim to forget what happened to me.

The haters acts that went on and on for what can be identified as 11 months of a hate campaign leading to what would become and filed eviction. Moving back to my hometown. Having to start over again.

Then again not the first occurrence. Not a second or third where are there has been an interrupting elements just watching me from being home having having a home somewhere in the world Beyond my parents home I'm not supposed to be living with my parents and being sorted and forwarded and tacked in and manipulated to have to return time and time again.

that's is not what I'm supposed to be doing.

Dulling my senses so I won't move to extreme positions of motivations to get me out of a trap that in the early times, I did not recognize how widespread was corrupted into being adjusted into being manipulated to be not written.

Just forever there at reach. Forced to just live in this muck. That is imbalanced of resolving myself. Done to the creation of something extremely extremely dark and evil.

I wonder if that's going to see the light of day after I post this I'm outing image and will there be any end to an obvious by now.

Something wicked this way done. Something wicked this wag gone.

So there's no rain on thier parade for the ability for the details of for the written record that I have on my sites to network share to find goodwill and ever lasting peace.

This an insult of sources im real world are unable to validate a change officially.

I can write this right now outside and blocked from directing such narratives into the hands of realness. The county email name standard gave me open access - AND COMPLAINT then termination of the ability to help - abandoned me for ?





1. Having or exhibiting no mercy; merciless.

2. Exceeding a normal or reasonable limit; excessive: unmerciful heat.

un·mer′ci·ful·ly adv.

un·mer′ci·ful·ness n.

Updated Mar 28, 2021 2:00:19am
James M Driskill shared a quote.
Knock Knock Angels : I Need A Guardian Angel ⚠🇺🇸🔔 : time keeps on⏳slippin slippin slippin into the future - no justice 🚫 no peace 😭😣😩😠😖😵👹👺💩💀- no more time ⌛-->📡📢🆘🚨 The Void ⭕ : Three Strikes ❌❌❌ 🐍snakes among us 💔 - Situation Critical 💣 -- Medical Abuses Chill Our Fanatics medicated dulled out our will of resolve - erosions of #SocialTrust - the chill 💊 : never ending repeating dysfunctional violations / betrayal of the commons 🔄🔁🆚🔃 -----> doom and gloom epidemics of 🔫 ( Violence/Mass Shootin...
My God
Updated Mar 31, 2021 4:28:16am
Updated Apr 01, 2021 4:10:45am
Updated Apr 01, 2021 4:11:08am
Mobile uploads
@[116330668439811:274:Humana] It's time to change this! I've done nothing! ⭐
Place: Home

It's time to change this!
I've done nothing! ⭐
You tagged David Tapscott
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Add to these electronic devices:

Deployed and immersed into our world... more and more precision.

Like a skill set a skill set a skill set

We are going to have to educator month become practiced paying attention.

We are going to have to tune in and online into a world where electronic circuitry electronic devices can ben heard and seen.

where electricity is detectable by the PK force of our minds ability ..

We have to a tune and finely-tuned our sensors of human quality.

are aligned "cookies"

We now must train our mind's eye to realize when there iis that intellect presence watching us.

Years ago we never noticed.

10 years ago obstruction --- even though 10 years ago they were watching us.

it was not a race of malignant forces - a racial divide. We should not be racially divisible and divided.

For racially it is us against them -- give me a black man anytime over a malignantly programmed with no good intention for the intention is solely of destruction.

A manufactured produced Ali assembly-line nano technology molecule by molecule level a weapon of mass destruction.

More and more and more and more and more will these device will become merged ( merge ) into emergence in our environments..

Tell me where? They don't have to.

Tell me why? They don't have to.

Tell me who? They don't have to.

Tell me when? They don't have to.

Tell me no lie... They don't have to.

In fact they can tell us a lie and we can't tell if it's a lie but if we tell a lie they will detect a lie a very very very unbalanced and unfair compromising position humans be put into because we continue to lie and we will not be able to lie anymore.

You might think that some lies are just trifling they just dissipate to nothingness.

no no no no no no lies or lies

White Lies the same in a collectively cumulative Force.

where we take all lies that are sold and told by each and every hour of us human creature creators.

buy buy buy them lies up.

every single near me miss -- these are going to get hot and we are going to get caught. We are going to get burned scalded and put into the crisper. ( Cripr )

Perhaps those lies will come to catch us as unforgivable lies.

As unforgivable lies, they will be instantaneous punished.

perhaps that punishment will be the punishment deserved.

A sentence of instantaneous death.

I'm in no way kidding. This is not a funny Cactus is not a hoax okay this is not far off are far out of the future time truth.

2021, April 13 : 10::00 pm

Mark my words

Updated Apr 13, 2021 10:00:01pm
James M Driskill added an item to the featured collection: @RealityAudit.
The First Amendment has a Facebook problem
Updated Apr 20, 2021 5:38:11pm
My name is James Martin Driskill.

I was born and raised in San Bernardino California.

I am now age 55. My first job ever was working in the San Bernardino Public Library that started with a volunteer projects that moved into a very very unique perspective I'm holding on to my story casting. I developed what was called a BBs for the San Bernardino Library back starting in 1984.

First online at 300bps, the San Bernardino Public Library was researched to be the only the second public library for offer dial-up BBS services to home residents accessing the the a dial-up modem.

During this time. Cyberspace was being created. Not like it is on the internet now but cyberspace is cyberspace.

I ended up coming out as a gay man. My hometown is a redneck town.

Truly. I'm putting a story here because it's extremely important that we understand something - one of History and the area here that is the history I grew up through.

I do not lie. The biggest lie that happens to me I got caught at something that is just not possible to get caught at.

As I was a matter of fact that I started to drive a car the family car to school as my car sophomore year I do believe.

This goes to a lesson that I learned and I think it must be put into right perspective here because I know I'm not one to be fooling around with other people's lives.

The car that I was driving you we the family we had to drive out to Long Beach. Pick up this car because the owner of the car had to go back east and you had to get rid of this car. This car was $100 if we could get it out of the garage. It had brand new tires and all the bells and whistles of a white 1969 Cadillac El Dorado.

A boat of a car. That was my car my car the person who was driving that car.

Nothing special but that was the car I had also school until something happened to the car. Permanently damaging the car. The value to which with only $100. But the car and the lesson that it put into my life altered the prospective you can't lie. You can't get away with lying. Lies don't work.

But what is the fact is when my dad came up to the car. There was blood all over the window. And in my blood and and my father said something about the driver that was supposed to have been a thief. The story We Told. And I kept to my story and I'm almost in tears now.

There's nothing about my story here in 2021.

Actually starting in July of 2017 forward to this day.

There's nothing of a history line that has prevented them those who are engaged in gang stalking or the cover-up of the gang stalking to have actually intentionally destroyed my life.

I'm here with my resume knowing that my resume showing I was the software developer that was instrumental in the understanding that after my volunteer project went online , Norma lambskin the computer equipment manager asked if I would be interested in a job and a project.

Micro link BBS was running from the desk back of the building back. The the building at 401 North Arrowhead. And the back door entry right into the audiovisual department. The audio-visual Department's was headed by Raj Ali.

I sat there in program the BBS and all of that stuff it ran from that sir machine until it got transferred over to renew library. Because my crony BBS was established and the next project that I am responsible for.

A concept of a computer lab. The second floor of the new library at 6th and E.

I am telling you all people if the library hadn't put me me up I was not there into the view. Most likely there would have never been a project proposal ever conceived of.

I'm not trying to tout my horn here. But the instrumental element here there is no way for me to build up into a few to hold a valid believe this or not legal capacity to interface with the city but City resources at this year looking backwards.

Norma Lampson and I put together the plan and and all of the stuff the budgeting the equipment in the whole thing for the first lab. I also interface with several other people that are currently still on my Facebook. They were instrumental in testing what I was what writing and giving me the opportunity to see how they would Implement noting a different environment. Those words still people that are currently in the view here outside of this city they know the history of us that we know we're the ones in the most beneficial creation before the lab existed..

Every single one of us did the same thing on our own schedule and we would find ourselves passing each other as we scheduled the computer time one branch by one branch at a time for a meal of the day so from out of school and I would normally walk home from the downtown branch walk home because I could never get time downtown and I wanted time on the corners and that I had to have the time on the hard drive the coordinates I could never get the time during the day

So I go for the most part won't home from 401 Arrowhead to 3260 Grande Vista.

The walking home is countless time.

I did my schedule to get as much computer time to absorb how to be on a computer. This started a volunteer project as much as time as we could do.

But today are today something so seriously wrong I cannot explain to it to you all how interest this is how abusive this is out that I know the truth.

I documented the truth and they can't receive the truth and they won't talk to me.

I was last in Denver with an 11-month hate and Craftsman campaign I hadn't yet been exposed to the term gang stalking it was not until 2019 that I became aware of the term itself.

When I got back into town here which is I've been a recycling over and over and over of a cycling homelessness to this house as my adult life progresses that I get infected with HIV in September of 1999.

I have the evidence Knott's mere speculation I have the evidence documented evidence in the real time of things happening from the time I registered the Internet domain which was in June of 2005.

From 2005 up into today I own several internet demands that serve as a live life journal and they do not have the term gangstalking up until 2019.

My stories the one that should be coming forward Minds the story that should come forward Minds the story that should come forward.

My story cannot come forward my story of being a targeted individual of gang stalking for 15 years now, I

'm 16-years unable to be able to talk to the San Bernardino law enforcement elements. And the social services every single element of my ability to maintain a relationship with social services and dr. I do care and all of this has been ripped away from me.
Updated May 09, 2021 9:33:27am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Ice. Ice,
Down the throat
Not So Nice
James M Driskill added 8 new photos to The Steve Wilkos Show's timeline.
Place: Little Mountain San Bernardino Ca (34.149862186545, -117.31709380713)
Address: San Bernardino, CA
There ain't much more that would seal the door. To prove that gang stalking is real and this is the only thing out in the land with d a different paper trail of the money because I know the new story of the

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's
The ACLU investigation
Where the officers of hates that kill basically assassin h community members. They carry on and continue on harassing their family members. There's a underlying message it's hard to say I will say it anyway but you don't understand what that is about.

After this problem manifested itself Hemorrhage out I supposed over the years into the decade nobody has been paying attention. That puts a police people stalkers that says basically they are Untouchable they can do what they want no matter what and you have no choice just accept it and deal with it. If you choose to step forward while you might get something and eventually there will be no more the entire Community will submit to this kind of command structure that's about 10 to 15 years in the near future. I'm saying the only thing that's going to save this is when me plis artificial intelligence set out to seek and destroy so they have to be out in the community and they're going to be confronted by the AI that was developed specifically to send out hate because apparently we can't do it protected it's doing that is it no matter what policy we're always going to be in those people who are in policy picking fish sandwiches and that is a crying shame.

It really is time for those who are in the

San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department

San Bernardino County Probation Department

( 401 N Arrowhead )

San Bernardino County District Attorney

( Hey Mike 'iSocialCop' Bires - as if the discussion you play a role and you never take it off just saying that same road 24/7 )

San Bernardino County Museum

San Bernardino County Fair

San Bernardino County Fire

San Bernardino County, California


It's not about Defunding ( not a word ) law enforcement.

Whoever came up to that didn't just take it to where it's supposed to


Using it without a tag or a hashtag that we can find it so that we can go into the world with that what that means is to decommission what is not functional that requires an analysis of the process and the construction of what is causing the chaos and the outside of balance association's do you want help I'm willing to help you I know how to get the math gun shooting I know I know I know I know but you won't see and the first thing we have to do is understand what a

@RealityAudit ( note is not a tag )
A story from 1988.

Long before the term gangstalking applied on the internet affixed to this problem.

Gangstalking is prevalence tone existence for centuries. Any position contrary isa flat out lie.
Updated May 10, 2021 7:58:05pm
James M Driskill is feeling defeated at San Bernardino District Police Department.
Place: Los Angeles, California (34.0564, -118.2445)
Address: Los Angeles, CA
Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
### This CheckIn Post Has Spoken Voice Text Narrative Media Audio : 11min 01sec ###



I really have an extreme situation.

This would be considered into a long-standing state of crisis.

Long-standing meaning more than a year month to month to month the same a crisis.

The crisis team we're already here and they failed.

This is considered a life-and-death wellness matter.

where if I'm not able to get help I'm going to die.

I have a second Covid19 vaccination appointment tomorrow at 1pm at a pharmacy near by.

I set up through the CA state's MyTurn site.

They had updated it the questions and answer portion is exactly what I needed at least there is a record of it you can't say it does not exist it can't be said that you never heard it it did not go into your ear into your brain as a human being those people who I've attempted to actually talk about this ignore this.

Last month, this was not something I could have checked the questionnaire boxes and filled in the text responses.

This section of the questionnaire for the vaccine of Covid-19 that is part of the state's program is introduced as quoted verbatim here:

A confirmation copy of each and every question are portion of questioning and each and every answer that I provided I will not be so verbose and I will be most brief that I'm focused on this section specifically that not a single person in our community of Social Services and medical provider care has taken this law into knowing and provide the services regardless they have broken and have violated this law intentionally and they have no remorse or ramification for intentionally violating my rights so bold as they continue to go on shity shity bang bang.


Do you have a weakened immune system caused by something such as HIV infection or cancer or do you take immunosuppressive drugs or therapies?


State and federal nondiscrimination laws require medical providers to make sure that people with disabilities have the same access to medical care as people without disabilities.

Please let us know if you require one or more of the following accommodations ( at your vaccine appointment. )

Check as many as apply.

I require accommodations not listed above, Is there anything else you would like us to know about the accommodations you are requesting?


Are there humans following? I don't need it in my appointment but yes I need it at my appointment I'm going to demand that my appointment is I don't get it resolved prior to 1 p.m. tomorrow.

What I need accommodation for is urgent! It must be discussed if it is not discussed because the person says a vaccine station can't do that.

I'm going to immediately call the San Bernardino Police Station that is in this post and have them come down and guarantee my rights .

I need a follow-up and nobody is giving me a follow-up including Humana my own carrier to a twistable situation.

Not at the repeated attempts at fault of me that I have tried over and over and over and over and over with no success it is not me it's you all.

I have had no HIV care established since March of 2019 and the situation is getting dire.

I know I am in a condition of being wasting syndrome.

I've had HIV since September of 1999 and this is an outrageous condition that this community of San Bernardino is performing against me!

Those who are in this community know exactly that I have no HIV care and still are allowing this to continue.

They better get it's shit together cuz I'm going to die.

Every one of the local establishments of persons in the local police department the Sheriff's Department City attorneys the Department of Behavioral Health the DA's office that supervisors themselves I could go on and on on individual people individually named people in all of this.

If I die in this situation like this in is murder.

This is murder by way of violation of United States code title 19 Section 241 and 242 deprivation of rights under color of law.

There is absolutely absolutely absolutely no justification for this.

I'm now resetting my relationship with Humana again but it will not follow through because what I am and will always be demanding is too simple.

I demand to be able to have an honest open relationship with my doctors specifically by HIV care doctor.

Where I can bring forward certain discussion topics that are directly impacting my health care both in h i v in mental health.

My inquiry and questions will indeed result still going sideways and the doctor or whoever is involved will immediately throw me out terminate me put something on me accused me of violence something so that they can run away from me and they don't have to answer my question.

Effectively passing the buck to somebody else when there is nobody else I've gone through everybody already and there is nobody else.

There is no place from the local to federal to serve as a consulate.

There is no consulate.

This is placed into a dysfunctional perspective intentionally.

Indeed, I am not the only one being affected by this

The subject that must be brought up into a discussion is an absolute reality and I'm not delusional.

Persons including authority and doctors that have abnormal irrational and very narrow focus point of view that people that are in this category are 100% delusional suffering from a mass hysteria


Doctor Joe Pierre
Psych Unseen
Blog writer for
Psychology Today


Index of /Doctor-Joseph-Pierre

Parent Directory




Psych Unseen January 22, 2016 · 2.ogg



The Psychiatry and Mental Health resources of this doctor is so outrageously laid out to the magnitude of melting madness,

I feel that I'm going to have to get the

American Psychological Association

Ethics review into these matters. To conduct an Ethics investigation - once again, I am dead serious.

For these so called experts

Have either one of two things that are occurring.

Extreme cases of insanity or extreme bias that does not allow for the truth to come forward into view.

An extreme condition of strategic ignorance covered into a defined science in of itself known as


Or they have been swept over by evil and wish to intentionally harm others in the community such as I.

I have documented every single stepping stone of this and it is unquestionably beyond-a-reasonable-doubt self-evident.

The fault lies within all of you and not me.

I'm going to die because you all won't get your shit together!


Most of my interfaces on Facebook with agencies are all blocked.

Even though public agencies cannot block citizens on social media.

The ruling that governed our former president Trump.

That has not impeded anybody to do this to me for the last three years since July of 2017.

Why am I blocked in all of these interfaces between public agencies, the Police department, the Sheriff's Department, the DA's office, Etc?

Why is that the case and why should it be allowed to maintain such a dysfunctional displacement of common sense?

Because I'm going to die because I'm going to die because you all who have done this to me - I'm not delusional - want me to die and are killing me!

All of the interfaces on my Facebook account are shadows not reliable.

My long-standing ID is:


Now thank God that's the San Bernardino Sun hasn't blocked me yet

but they're just as guilty as attempting to kill me to 4 they have not ever put into a straightened out common decency conversation on messenger at all.

This is outrageous.

This is out out out out of the world outrageous!

When is this going to get bounced up into some sort of personnel leadership administration?

That gets a productive function of conscious community care?

To be properly focused and to be properly designed and to be properly addressed to a solution a resolution adaptive creation that there must be something put into place here that does not compute that has not been done and I'm going to die.

I'm going to die I'm going to die!

The priority of this community exchange misplace this that I'm going to die rather than live.

I'm not going to live they don't care they don't care for my life.

they want me to die

they desire me to divide the attentions of those persons in this community

To not reveal their true intention is to let me die!

There cannot be any mistake at this point, this is the intention here.

To kill citizen James Martin Driskill all because he wants, desires, deserves, and demands to have an open and honest relationship with his doctor.

Every one of you from Lieutenant Carrington Sergeant Lanier Rogers Wendy Ann Holmquist Veronica Kelly dr. Dr. Berger involved in my care including Borrego Health all know I am disconnected from HIV doctor health care.

I've reached out to everywhere everywhere everywhere.

I mean everywhere.

Why has nobody called me back to fix this?

that is because you are intended to let me die.

it's obvious it's so obvious it's pathetically obvious.

At this point it's becoming so bad that I can't even have a simple one or two-day of reprieve that I can trust Braxton that somebody have the daily time to call me back in a normal kind of expedition because this is not normal.

Somebody in this community who has some authority to call my mother at 909-882-8759 and first apologize for this communities misguided hatred.


then mandatory is

There be the offering and issuance of a promise to my mother that this community of San Bernardino will not just let her son die

Needlessly and neglectfully die.

Human no longer breathing dead.

Is that all too much to ask and that it will be placed into a written urgency priority.

That the the the the connections and care that I'm wishing for

Will reset themselves into being decent people once again at the beginning of this next month.

June 2021

I will have been alerted and standing that they do not treat me so badly and that they continue on with the Integrity they should be holding no matter what.

What they have been doing for this time they do it right and be damned if you don't get it it it it it must be put into writing such commitment to which is an agreement.

Signed and sealed.

Must be done in writing as a separate contract from what may be involved at Humana health.

I will not accept anything less than the standard of Excellence that puts this into the proper care of review of resolved so it can never never never happen again.

Who is going to step up and take the lead for such a responsibility for it is a responsibility for somebody at least a single person at least a single person at least we'll have to start the cascading the fact that this is an extremely definable cause of what is a conspiracy and I know it you know it and you all can't do it right you can't pass it into the view and fix this to a termination without without without having people get hurt seriously hurt.

You have people that have to get their fucking people into the view - in properly alignment to a community Duty that this is a hell of a task but it must be done.

There is no excuse for what has happened


that you just have to suck it up - surely it's not my fault!

just do it

get over yourself please for God sakes!


This is not a joke.
I was born on September 1st 1965. The thing that most introduced me to television at the time of my knowing and I have a special place in view of I Dream of Jeannie in all of this.

By most prevailing memories that continue to this day our knowing I was so young but knowing I watched the moon landing. And I remember it and it happened.

I Dream of Jeannie carrying forward

There's absolutely nothing in difference between the real thing and the specialness of this comedy.

The memories to which are interlinked.

I remember the moon landing.

And I remember so many things about reality of life.

There is thank God I never have any actual memories of the Holocaust. There are people who say the Holocaust did not exist then it was a conspiracy and there are people who say the moon landing is a conspiracy. Neither of which are true the Holocaust existed and the moon landing existed. The difference between the two we have an everlasting series called I Dream of Jeannie...

An atrophy has occurred in our society.

And erosion of trust so badly.

If I had a wish from a real genie a real genie. I would wish that I would not have to crawl out of my house on my knees toothache from San Bernardino to Los Angeles to the office unconfirmed location that I would not have to crawl all the way to LA but I will walk I will start walking to LA and calling from time to time on my knees this is not a joke.
Why do I need to crawl on my knees with a destination from San Bernardino to LA.

An atrophy of disturbing holdings --

There must be a Deliverance in this case. I do not accept the conditions of my life the Dynamics of my life that have put me to the state I'm in and you all just think it's funny.

There is a section on my websites that contains the actualized content of the data messages sent acrost the feedback option to Google.

We have a atrophy it does not make sense.

Weak minded of our human humanity.

The fight of divisions in this country is more important that pathways to peace.

If I could wish one wish you all get over yourself and stop look and listen to what has happened here 2021.

This Society is put into a maladjusted culture that is against natural law.

When we must realize and start to understand....

What we have done here to our eventual destruction is ungodly and unholy.

When we come to rationalize angels are the same as genies.

Magical creatures that can grant wishes and nake miracles.

We need a Genie or an angel v

Calling all magic into view.


we no longer need a genie
Updated May 26, 2021 9:25:59pm
You tagged David CA Parrish, David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Mario Saucedo, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DevOryn Blood, Dominick Alan Devastation Hansen, Denny Hargate, Dale A Epps, Casey Kidd, Arthur Kanegis, Cyrus Winikerei Kavamoungaone, Curtis Culver, Charley Coaltrain, Bonnie Severns, Becky Flatt Hamblin, Dale Haynes and David Moon
Official: Gang Stalking is Real!!

The truth asserted in this comment has an published research analyzed to result findings published on the National Institutes of Health. .


Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study

Monitoring Editor: Rita Kukafka

Reviewed by Jun Wen Tan

Andrew Lustig, MD, MSc,#1,2 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#3 and Daniel Hunt, PhD


The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking.

Keywords: internet, discourse analysis, psychosis, delusions, linguistics, language, online discourse, corpus linguistics, computer mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealth

The research findings holds that gang stalking is real. Also found is the proven false that targeted individuals are suffering by mental illness, paranoia, and mass delusion.

We have a problem in the United States.

We have an hidden world of gang stalking.

This activity is extremely harming in intentional assaults in mental abuse / mind control methods.

This is sourced as a secret hate agenda against Targeted Individuals.

Much of this activity is invisible harm being intensely done.

The end game of thee informational warfare is the complete annihilation of a human life, to ruin a person even to death.

There appears a legal definitions video under the title:

What.ia gang stalking?

by LawDepot.com.

My mother and I are preparing to walk together from our family home to the Los Angeles / United States Office.

Main Sharing Topic of Interest Community Sharing MEME asdress:



------[ folder: lawpot.com ]----


-----[ Folder: Request For Help From Google / Comments via Feedback ]----



Updated May 29, 2021 3:29:21pm
Timeline photos
Ya Ya Yall - Listen! Before you can listen, you have to STOP! Stop the world Stop The World ! Look up into the highest skies .. They (👽) are here for a reason. They May Look Like Us? Perhaps - Just Maybe, It Is US THAT LOOK LIKE THEM? Open your mind and heart... God forsaken the possible opportunity! 💥 ( ¿always?) ✌never! Where is the wisdom to remain divided? The phrase is in fact: United we all stand or Divided We All Fall
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Ya Ya Yall - Listen!
Before you can listen, you have to STOP! Stop the world Stop The World !
Look up into the highest skies .. They (👽) are here for a reason. They
May Look Like Us? Perhaps -

Just Maybe, It Is

Open your mind and heart...

God forsaken the possible opportunity!

💥 ( ¿always?)


Where is the wisdom to remain divided?

The phrase is in fact:

United we all stand or Divided We All Fall
#### Attention All Persons Concerned About News/Journalistic Truth Integrity ####

@[30435933262:274:San Bernardino Sun]

You won't respond to these comments. You ( any content creator ) post onto the web a digital object - under any and all motives, the comments ( motion of devotion ) good, bad, or the ugly has a decentering - an intent to ignore me to having everyone sock me / punch me in the mouth and it is drawing blood !

When all peaceful means have been attempted - still your little wittle big spilling dribble - I'm punching back next time.

A DECLARATION OF WAR -- @[299723196851478:274:Community READY Corps]


Any appearances you write and drop into this chat channel, a moral agency for someone or something is granted or rejected.

Move into a view that says if you just ignore this integrity protocol to your priority is to maintain ignorance.....

W H A T / T H E / F U C K!

YOU ( Consent Rejected ) can not place and build up such virtual barrier because - all your intentions must then be audited!

You don't have that right to that way acting foolishly and irresponsible.

This as though you can't know who you are affecting - as strangers?

We are here and now never strangers.

A society built within a physical existence that is an information society time and space digital objects sharing can never be truly strangers.

Unless you disconnect from such an Information Society Life on the surface web to include the educational granting resources - any prior certified award or merit achieved degrees must be rejected and surrendered back to the issued authority source.

To note, your stagnate to remain at faults of maintained ignorance to which most accredited educational policies are that you maintain to the rest of your life, an oath and/or pledge affixed to your agreed duty to your alma mater.

Like just ignoring this message, you dishonor the great membership of the institution for which you are put into existence of your career skill and reputation.

Without this commitment, and you embarrass your school in some scandal, such dark casting is placed upon each and every past, present, and future student who attends and holds pride to do the same.


Any agreements holding us here?


Take as much of this to know, I am in a life threatening situation.



##### This is a 911 Emergency #####





( Defense Department Report Pending)


Absolutely no reason to delete this comment!
Updated May 31, 2021 12:16:07am
You tagged Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Makta Pond, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, Mario Saucedo, Ross Biehler, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, DevOryn Blood, DeVontae Wyatt, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Dale A Epps, John Neese, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Sammie Giovanni Lee Francher, Nick Bravo, Kelvin Burroughs, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Luis Espinoza, Jeremiah Osas Iredele, Kevin Mims, Sj Giovanni, Sammie Francher, Lynn M. Darnell, Michael Lucio, Sammie Francher, Donna Comer, Casey Kidd, Sammie Francher, Jacqueline Founder, Sammie Francher, Zina Gomez, Vicki Johnson, Zelendria Frelix-Robinson, Monica Canales and Michael Ray Graczyk
Mobile uploads
@[967678736646141:274:Psych Unseen] @[15687708844:274:Psychology Today] Doctor Joe Pierre http://deliverance.who-is-with-me.work-in-progress.return-human-life.god-existence.firedancer.paychunseen.fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Joseph-Pierre/Psych-Unseen-January-22-2016-Command-AboutFace.ogg
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Psych Unseen
Psychology Today

Exactly when will I See The Change That Your Position Accepts The


Gangstalking Is Real!

The Fraudulent Endeavor Which Continue To This Day To Certifying The Scientific Consensus As Those Who Identify As Targeted Individuals Are Suffering Mental Dysfunction/Illness Of Paranoia and Delusion Has Been Determined Untrue.

This Has Been Officially Research Findings Placed To Our Civil Society On The Subject of Gang Stalking At The Health Related Resources on National Institutes of Health (NIH) .

Accept The Truth.

An Inconvenient Truth.

Deal With It!
James M Driskill was live.
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Timeline photos
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Place: 7-Eleven (34.135645076328, -117.30056941509)
Address: 797 WEST HIGHLAND AVE, San Bernardino, CA 92405
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Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
"What the Hell is Wrong With Us?" [ CNN Reports... ]
This Post Has A Spoken Voice [ 🔉🗣 ] Text Narrative Media:
[ Playtime 1 Hour 54 Seconds ] --
[ Multi-Part #TheLongForm Posting ]:

*i am needing help. No money -- just public awareness of issues.

Knock Knock Angels : I Need A Guardian Angel

God, hear my mother's emotional distraught and torments of sufferings - she and I need help from human sources of integrity - find us a place where the words contained and linked forward from within are given the truth and light of your most best way we are to hold each other up in joyful suspended love. - let us fill the hate void with your wisdom and guidance to new bonds of Faith trust - please take away the powers of devilish deeded hate that remains the obstacle of silenced murdering glory of the hateful privileged few - including the miss aimed community manifesto the named with in are following - they know what is in their hearts and soul of truth.

"What the Hell is Wrong With Us?" [ CNN Reports... ]

Us Here In The United States --

US = United States!

Psychology Today
Psych Unseen
American Psychological Association
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Community Outreach
San Bernardino Sun
San Bernardino District Police Department
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
San Bernardino County District Attorney
San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health
The United States Department of Justice
[ Submission Complaint ID: 29851-GBD ]

Twitter Pinned Tweet:

If these are all public official Facebook accounts, can anyone tell me why one is not like the others? @SanBernardinoPD on twitter as far as I know remains blocked. Further my history with Mike Bires of Law Enforcement Social has proven a bit upside down dysfunctional to have had the DAs Facebook connection blocked at one time -- sometime reversed without notice -- so they too are not innocents -- this is all cat and mouse games to continue a conspiracy that is exposed and provable beyond a reasonable doubt.

I do not do "Gotcha Moments" ! Everything I do -- is the mode I have always established -- in a game of cat and mouse -- one trickery over another --- the play may be hilarious -- but i do not treat this anyone or anything less --- of less than
#NSAA Excellence under the aspiration of realism I am not playing games here of #AniBere seriousness,


My presence on the web is considered [ Recombinant Memetics ]:


"Outsiders or non-scientists certainly don’t speak or understand the languages and even within the field, scientists can struggle to communicate between themselves. When you’re working at the level of recombinant memetics or the skin microbiome of a deep sea fish, it’s hard to find common ground. But it’s oh-so important."

Of Course Their Reference [ recombinant memetics ] is the very same reference I have always used until I have had to reach above it because the people that this post REFUSES TO LISTEN TO ME -- AND WILL NOT ENGAGE IN DISCOURSE AND DISLOUGE- -- WISH TO REMAIN SILENT - IN THAT SILENCE -- THEY ARE INDEED -- HATE SYMPATHIZING FUCKED UP HUMAN PIGGIES!


"Truth Hurts But Silence Kills" - Mark Twain



Inserted Status [ Very Very Important ]:

If FACEBOOK can offer and Apology, so too can an entire community of ill will toward me and my family! I DEMAND AN APOLOGY!

Support Message
Today at 6:09 PM
Your comment is back on Facebook
We're sorry we got this wrong.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 12:51 AM
About your comment
No one else can see your comment.

James M Driskill
Meme Marker: Oh Kind Sir : Do you Agree? Am I Right? Am I Wrong? : The Truth Illuminates the Darkness : See: http://Wikiworld.com/TheGoodLife [ "Each of us have our own idea of GoodAndEvil. For us all to live the good life we must accept the simple fact that it is subjective and we can only support each others views of the good life by employing a live and let live SocialContract of CooperativeDiversity" For more on government redesign see: AmericanVanguard, DeclarationOfInterdependence. For more on having a good mindset see: InTheMindway : http://WikiWorld.com/InTheMindway ] adultswimcentral.com-tag-shadowmachine-films@gruwup.net : adultswimcentral.com-tag-shadowmachine-films@realuphuman.net : Thank You Oh Kind Sirs at Shadow Machine Films For Being Confluence In My Life on Tv as I write addendum to email subject [ date: Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 4:46 AM.
subject: Oh Kind Sir : When this addressee title is made, it is rather important to me. [ My Soul Hurts : Impails My Soul Hurts ] mailed-by: gmail.com ] : It Is The Pathway That The Mind Travels That Is So Sacred. Also See: Notes Filed [ http://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/notes ] on this Moral Truth Meme [ Morality : Immortality : [ "go fix some weighty truth" ] [ "teach ignorance to see; or grief to smile" ] : Comments? Please! Sunday, March 22, 2009 ].
Go fix some weighty truth;.
Chain down some passion: do some good;.
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;.
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends.
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words.
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —Anon.

End of Restored Comment and Apology By Facebook -- in the Real Time of Events Commenting -- All That has Ever Been Written Remains Accessible via #Sankofa. -

8.2K people are posting about this

The “Sankofa” is a metaphorical symbol [ of the adinkra ] used by the Akan people of Ghana, generally depicted as a bird with its head turned backward taking an egg from its back. It expresses the importance of reaching back to knowledge gained in the past and bringing it into the present in order to make positive progress.
Mission — sankofa.org

In The Sankofa Practice Just Cited,
That Mission Has This Titled Publication Available Here:

[ Question To Readers -- Has Your Mind Been Blown 🤯 yet? ]

The Emergence of Sankofa Practice in the United States: A Modern History on JSTOR
I must find common sensibility over hate, discrimination, and oppression.

Therefore I will be contacting:

301 East Liberty, Suite 250
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2262
(888)-388-3574 Toll Free
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
EDT (GMT -4:00)
Twitter: @JSTORsupport
Text us to open a ticket with the Support team.

The Set of Adinkra is a Memeplex of Wisdom/Guidance Open for Anyone To Link To and Utilize -- No Cost -- All Content Is Offered: as a Declaration -- ©℗All Truth Reserved All Rights Released.
Now back on today's focus for referrals of need that have been intentionally dismissed by conduct unbecoming professionals at all levels of civil society. This is a disgrace of absolute high orders of offense. As I sit here with my life ruined by this process of systemic gangstalking that remains to this day ----

Of course, I am angry. Who would not be? Of course, I am not calm.
Psychology Today tells us by their front cover last month, still showing
at their Facebook profile,

"The High Cost Of Being Calm"

I am angry. -- Failure is not an option.

Reference Song: "Behind Blue Eyes by The Who"

Behind Blue Eyes
The Who
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
No one knows what it's like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies
But my dreams, they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance that's never free
No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through
But my dreams, they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance that's never free
Mm, mm
When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool
And if I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
And if I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Pete Townshend
Behind Blue Eyes lyrics © Fabulous Music Ltd, Towser Tunes, Inc.

and You --- You Know Who You Are.

Insignificant you have placed me. Swat, Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me, Your Attitude. You all act as untouchable, I DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT GIVES YOU THAT RIGHT -- I DEMAND THIS BE CHANGED.

Everyone in view of this --- must be placed to a public viewing REPRIMAND! You all know who you are. All the way through and back to Denver Colorado prior to my return to my hometown of San Bernardino in July of 2017.

I suggest those who are mentioned in this that are indeed operating inverse of commons should find this a checkmate situation and stop playing games. ok?


I need for you to consider this --- PLEASE LINK to the STORED TRUTH FINDER BACKGROUND REPORT that was pulled for myself -- when there was indeed a QR code image in the FACEBOOK AVATAR field --- it was transferred onto the TruthFinder background report -- and so too would this avatar.... [ Red Emergency Light ] TruthFinder


[ Images ] Note Like Twitter The Tag of Truthfinder Affixed with the content...


Microsoft Edge is reporting it as suspicious --- not sure why! My individual life [ person affairs ] and intellectual property rights [ invention / innovation ] should be carried into proper "legal capacity" role for discussion.
Being placed into society as a : Targeted Individual
Is an "Informational Quarantine" that is so against American Ideas of Democracy -- it Ain't Funny!

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, developed by E.M. Rogers in 1962, is one of the oldest social science theories. It originated in communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system. Sep 9, 2019
That is why my history in this presence of my webspace makes me tend to believe that Dr. Pierre [ by identity ] knows me for a while a know. I am not a complete stranger to him as of this debate.
My Content is Completely Safe -- Until The World Fully Acknowledges My Presence --- Until Then, just trust me.
I am not the malignant ones in this argument.
NOTE: There are extra images that are provided in this status update onto facebook. The source of the images is when DISPLAYING Facebook Security Facebook Safety Facebook Site Governance STORIES ---

I don't need to explain myself: I am doing nothing wrong.
USING THE SAVE PAGE feature -- the loaded browser memory is shuffled onto an openable offline copy. That is the process to which you should be considering the mess that you all have generated of chaos that has infected us in psychologically damaging actions invisible [ note the spelling correct ] to most identified as TARGETED INDIVIDUALS of GANGSTALKING in our society.

Cumulative effect -- the digital objects that are generated and the conversation that is generated and even the efforts of agnotology to latch on and with tight fist hold on to a false truth [ strategic societal ignorance ] for what confirmed purposes [ Dr. Joseph Pierre and Associates ] hold is only known to them, but for the technology analysis of the truthfulness that Gangstalking exists -- as this post is one of these to be included in that cumulative total of human involved efforts. As an analogy to the phrase "blood money", all of these interactive processing digital bits and bytes in this data set continued and shared is "blood cycles" of CPU processing because frankly what is occurring should not exist in any practical sense if in fact "Natural Law" was being observed. Further, onto the web, a paper at plato.stanford.edu defined "Computing and Moral Responsibility" onto what should be our presences of mind, but we have offended to a betrayal of these commons.

This thing which is not invisable [ note spelling ] of human hate is an invention that must be IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED as close to humanly possible. This thing I envision is a giant huge monster when I encounter it in the minds of every human being infected by its bias.

Dangerous to preclude that this monster is a figment of mine and others imagination -- a delusion.

The termination of this secretive field of employment of gang stalkers must be done.

The misspelled use of invisable here -- proves I hold the skills and capacity to see this beyond most.

There is no excuse to allow this to continue one more second [ cumulatively cpu cycles keep ticking upward -- and nothing to stop the tidal force effect -- but what i know -- this is a deconstruction model that needs to be adaptive here to close the Pandora's Box you opened - a while back. ]

Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study - PubMed (nih.gov)

"Those affected demonstrated a concern with accumulating evidence to prove their position to incredulous others."

Cited in the research findings at the National Institutes of Health

I don't really need to explain myself here -- but I try to hold a universal compassion. It is very hard to hold on to this view forever --
you see - but I know what I write here is the truth.

Conclusions: The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking.

Keywords: computer mediated communication; corpus linguistics; delusions; discourse analysis; eHealth; internet; language; linguistics; online discourse; psychosis; schizophrenia.
©Andrew Lustig, Gavin Brookes, Daniel Hunt. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org/), 05.03.2021.

Conflict of interest statement
Conflicts of Interest: None declared.
Timeline photos
"Take No Prisoners" https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/take-no-prisoners take no prisoners to be very determined and not care about other people's feelings when trying to achieve something: When Eric's anger is aroused, he takes no prisoners. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Strength of will and determination aggressiveness alpha male bitter bloody-mindedness character character-building dead double fight firmness get-up-and-go inflexibility intransigence mettle pushiness recalcitrance resolution resolve [ THE NEED AND THE KEY ] single-mindedness stamina
Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
"Take No Prisoners"


take no prisoners

to be very determined and not care about other people's feelings when trying to achieve something:

When Eric's anger is aroused, he takes no prisoners.

SMART Vocabulary:

related words and phrases
Strength of will and determination

alpha male
resolve [ THE NEED AND THE KEY ]
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
[ @[5550296508:274:CNN] Reports.... ] : Ref: Mass Shootings....
"What the Hell is Wrong With Us?"
Us Here In The United States --
US = United States!
I have an answer --- a real explanation --- but you are not going to like it -- what it represents -- and what we must do ---

@[86680728811:274:ABC News] @[89742860745:274:NBC] @[155869377766434:274:NBC News] @[57972945858:274:CBS Los Angeles] @[131459315949:274:CBS News] @[6491828674:274:PBS NewsHour] [ Feel Free To Share To Other Media Sources ]
Updated Jun 23, 2021 6:17:08am
James M Driskill added a new photo to Jim Whitescarver's timeline.
We have an issue to resolve. We cannot leave this to SILENCE. http://911.fuckeduphuman.space/SBCUSDPOLICE/CallForAction-911FuckedUpHumanSpace-SBPD.jpg Presentation Page: [ Off Site Facebook Site ] http://911.fuckeduphuman.space Site Tagged: You cannot just ignore this. @[15687708844:274:Psychology Today] @[967678736646141:274:Psych Unseen] One of your Publication Blog Writer's needs to correct his article. It is not an option. NOT AN OPTION! https://npino.com/npi/1396797338-dr.-joseph-m-pierre/ This is the AFTER MATH after CONTENT MODERATOR INTERFEARENCE IS SHOWING CENSORSHIP on the @[25059205044:274:Disqus] Commenting Tool on NPINO.COM -- "What the Hell is Wrong With Us?" [ CNN... - James M Driskill | Facebook @[5550296508:274:CNN] @[30435933262:274:San Bernardino Sun] @[1554742961410695:274:Law Enforcement Social] This is a REAL Thing with REAL RESEARCH findings PUBLISHED on @[43331696829:274:National Institutes of Health (NIH)] at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33666560/ J Med Internet Res . 2021 Mar 5;23(3):e25722. doi: 10.2196/25722. Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study Andrew Lustig # 1 2, Gavin Brookes # 3, Daniel Hunt # 4 Affiliations expand PMID: 33666560 PMCID: PMC7980115 DOI: 10.2196/25722 Objective: The objective of the study was to characterize the linguistic and rhetorical practices used by contributors to the gangstalking forum to construct, develop, and contest the gangstalking belief system. Results: The gangstalking forum served as a site of discursive contest between 2 opposing worldviews. One is that gangstalking is a widespread, insidious, and centrally coordinated system of persecution employing community members, figures of authority, and state actors. This was the dominant discourse in the study corpus. The opposing view is a medicalized discourse supporting gangstalking as a form of mental disorder. Contributors used linguistic practices such as presupposition, nominalization, and the use of specialized jargon to construct gangstalking as real and external to the individual affected. Although contributors generally rejected the notion that they were affected by mental disorder, in some instances, they did label others in the forum as impacted/affected by mental illness if their accounts if their accounts were deemed to be too extreme or bizarre. Those affected demonstrated a concern with accumulating evidence to prove their position to incredulous others. Conclusions: The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking. Keywords: computer mediated communication; corpus linguistics; delusions; discourse analysis; eHealth; internet; language; linguistics; online discourse; psychosis; schizophrenia. ©Andrew Lustig, Gavin Brookes, Daniel Hunt. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org), 05.03.2021. ===== Mr. @[732210895:2048:Jim Whitescarver] --- Acknowledge your friend here in this -- so far ALL I have gotten from you is the same as them -- SILENCE. IN THAT SILENCE -- INDEED -- WHY THE SILENCE? HATE SYMPATHIZING FUCKED UP HUMAN PIGGIES! http://facebook.psychologytoday.americanpsychologicalassociation.ben-vonachen.thebridgecenterrecovery.abbie-sharp.we-are-as-sick-as-our-secrets.stopgangstalking.policereform.reckoning.alllivesmatter.truthfinder.fuckeduphuman.life/Doctor-Joseph-Pierre/Why-The-Silence.Hate-Sympathizing-Piggies.ogg --------------------------------- "Truth Hurts But Silence Kills" - Mark Twain
We have an issue to resolve. We cannot leave this to SILENCE.


Presentation Page: [ Off Site Facebook Site ]


Site Tagged: You cannot just ignore this.

Psychology Today
Psych Unseen

One of your Publication Blog Writer's needs to correct his article. It is not an option. NOT AN OPTION!



Disqus Commenting Tool on NPINO.COM --

"What the Hell is Wrong With Us?" [ CNN... - James M Driskill | Facebook

San Bernardino Sun

Law Enforcement Social

This is a REAL Thing with REAL RESEARCH findings PUBLISHED on National Institutes of Health (NIH) at:


J Med Internet Res
. 2021 Mar 5;23(3):e25722. doi: 10.2196/25722.

Linguistic Analysis of Online Communication About a Novel Persecutory Belief System (Gangstalking): Mixed Methods Study
Andrew Lustig # 1 2, Gavin Brookes # 3, Daniel Hunt # 4
Affiliations expand

PMID: 33666560 PMCID: PMC7980115 DOI: 10.2196/25722

Objective: The objective of the study was to characterize the linguistic and rhetorical practices used by contributors to the gangstalking forum to construct, develop, and contest the gangstalking belief system.

Results: The gangstalking forum served as a site of discursive contest between 2 opposing worldviews. One is that gangstalking is a widespread, insidious, and centrally coordinated system of persecution employing community members, figures of authority, and state actors. This was the dominant discourse in the study corpus. The opposing view is a medicalized discourse supporting gangstalking as a form of mental disorder. Contributors used linguistic practices such as presupposition, nominalization, and the use of specialized jargon to construct gangstalking as real and external to the individual affected. Although contributors generally rejected the notion that they were affected by mental disorder, in some instances, they did label others in the forum as impacted/affected by mental illness if their accounts if their accounts were deemed to be too extreme or bizarre. Those affected demonstrated a concern with accumulating evidence to prove their position to incredulous others.

Conclusions: The study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a position that gangstalking is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they commiserated over the challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking.

Keywords: computer mediated communication; corpus linguistics; delusions; discourse analysis; eHealth; internet; language; linguistics; online discourse; psychosis; schizophrenia.

©Andrew Lustig, Gavin Brookes, Daniel Hunt. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org/), 05.03.2021.


Mr. Jim Whitescarver --- Acknowledge your friend here in this -- so far ALL I have gotten from you is the same as them -- SILENCE.






"Truth Hurts But Silence Kills" - Mark Twain
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
#StopGangStalking Immediately!

Do you want that to be?



Enough is Enough Stop The Hate Already



Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Mobile uploads
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Why the silence?

I have been out here over a decade trying to find good people to unite peace with.

In and out of civil society, and the back burn that is happening that I cannot seem to get to stop. Including the imbalances working inside of my own family.

The people that this post addresses REFUSES TO LISTEN TO ME -- and WILL NOT ENGAGE in DISCOURSE. They refuse to see the error in the ways of thinking that keep peace from being realized universally from a perspective thinking that remains true.

The haters are VIP and have been allowed, intentionally allowed to win.

Including and especially hurtful, my family, "You all have allowed hate to win."

"Truth Hurts But Silence Kills" - Mark Twain

The haters and their supporters - -- WISH TO REMAIN SILENT - IN THAT SILENCE -- THEY ARE INDEED

Review All Photos Here Then [ See Next Comment ]
Like I said -- because in the past [ specifically in that video chat ] that what I was and continue to experience is not worth fixing -- that for some reason you do not believe the realism of the impact this has had on my life.
Updated Jun 24, 2021 2:44:59pm
James M Driskill wrote on Louis Earthman Jr.'s timeline.
Wow - Take a ride into new horizons -- be the way you should be - don't like anyone push you around -- altering your self identified expressions of joy onto our world.

[ A Matter of Perspective ]: These are people who I am saying if they latch onto you -- a sad state of real things happenings in our country.

James M Driskill added a new photo to End GangStalking Warfare's timeline.
Timeline photos
James M Driskill wrote on Bivens Shawn's timeline.
Do you review your FB Messenger Content? If not, I will transfer my content sent to you there to here.
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#StopGangStalking -- An Conspiracy Proven of SERIOUS #BloodComputing Death! http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/
#StopGangStalking -- An Conspiracy Proven of SERIOUS #BloodComputing Death!

James is looking for friends to play Thug Life.

Stop the #BloodComputing





Try This:




The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
Updated Jul 06, 2021 11:39:36pm
Timeline photos
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
James M Driskill hosted a Thug Life tournament.
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
Timeline photos
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
Timeline photos
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
Timeline photos
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
Timeline photos
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
James M Driskill hosted a Thug Life tournament.
#StopGangStalking #StopMassShooting Stop the #BloodComputing ---- QR Scan in this Image is a SCREEN CAPTURE SESSION VIDEO that is UPLOADED TO VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/571759456 ----- Bottom URLS are: Try This: http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/StopGangStalking/ http://911.fuckeduphuman.life/911Priority-Providence/ ---- The Video is directed into the care of my WEB HOSTING ISP [ MyDomain ] -- They really have treated me badly in the most recent issue --- this must change.
Timeline photos
The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz · 6h · If you are a Target by this Satanic Cult please be careful what you eat what you drink and if you smoke what you smoke or from who you buy it from I have learn that they lie to the weak minds about us, things like he or she is a terrorist, child abuser, drug addict, violent, thief etc etc etc The public start to hate you in way that they want to take your life because they believe the community is better without you The secret about all of this is you are a target it got nothing to do with what you do is more like who you are in God Remember what I said in the beginning they are a Satanic Cult Well they know who you are and been watching you for a while now They know the time of God is coming and want to kill you before that happens But one thing I learn if God has Hes eyes on you there is no hell or demon that's can touch you and if they touch you there is a purpose Remember everything I mean everything works for good for those that's love God Have a bless day family 19 Comments Pam Al They follow me in to shops always wanting to know what food I buy. Why is that do you think? · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al they are poisoning the food my man Be careful and don't trust 7/11 they sold their soul to the devil · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz how can they poison it? I take the food and put it in my fridge · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz what’s 7/11 · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz 7/11 is the store · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al if they see what you like and what you been buying and were you getting the food from they will put on the shelves the food when you are about to go shopping Don't you see this people are all connected I mean police, fire department, hospital, grocery stores and fast food restaurants It may sound crazy but it's not This people don't rest · Reply · Share · 5h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz ok thanks for explaining. What about buy food from a takeaway or restaurant · Reply · Share · 5h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz what if I choose food from the back of the shelf instead on the front? · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al what I am doing is changing my life menu now and then to confuse them It's better to buy the food in a grocery store change the menu and pray for the food before eating · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al I done that a million of times Please don't drink from soda fountain Always buy seal stuff never from a fast food · Reply · Share · 5h ​ Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Ephesians 4 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift.… See More · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz can you explain without all the religious stuff thanks · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al ok I will · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al gifts are different from talents Talents as you already said are the given by God from birth You were born with them or as you get involve with those talents you don't have to do much or force them because they are natural part of your DNA But when it comes to spiritual gifts those are given to you at a appointed time by the Father for he's purpose Remember that's Satan wanted the throne he wanted to be like God So Satan imitates some of the gift God gave he's children For example the gift of prophecy Satan have the gift of a divination is wanting to seek knowledge from the future But it's a fake because it's written in Deuteronomy 29:29 29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God,(A) but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. · Reply · Share · 5h · Edited Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al sorry I said I wouldn't use the religion part but can't explain my point without it · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Can someone please explain something to me because I am confused What does it mean if I keep seeing the same number Like everywhere The number is 911 · Reply · Share · 5h Jacqueline Janell Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz I'd take it as a warning · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz God show me this in Amos 9:11 “In that day “I will restore David's fallen shelter I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins and will rebuild it as it used to be, 12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations that bear my name,[a]" declares the Lord, who will do these things. · Reply · Share · 4h ​ Tracey Sullivan Please help all of the targeted individuals God. know one human deserves this unless they are a demon who murders or rapes, even then i wouldn't wish this torture. torture is not suppose to be legal in this country. at least i thought it wasn't legal right? · Reply · Share · 3h
The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz · 6h · If you are a Target by this Satanic Cult please be careful what you eat what you drink and if you smoke what you smoke or from who you buy it from I have learn that they lie to the weak minds about us, things like he or she is a terrorist, child abuser, drug addict, violent, thief etc etc etc The public start to hate you in way that they want to take your life because they believe the community is better without you The secret about all of this is you are a target it got nothing to do with what you do is more like who you are in God Remember what I said in the beginning they are a Satanic Cult Well they know who you are and been watching you for a while now They know the time of God is coming and want to kill you before that happens But one thing I learn if God has Hes eyes on you there is no hell or demon that's can touch you and if they touch you there is a purpose Remember everything I mean everything works for good for those that's love God Have a bless day family 19 Comments Pam Al They follow me in to shops always wanting to know what food I buy. Why is that do you think? · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al they are poisoning the food my man Be careful and don't trust 7/11 they sold their soul to the devil · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz how can they poison it? I take the food and put it in my fridge · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz what’s 7/11 · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz 7/11 is the store · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al if they see what you like and what you been buying and were you getting the food from they will put on the shelves the food when you are about to go shopping Don't you see this people are all connected I mean police, fire department, hospital, grocery stores and fast food restaurants It may sound crazy but it's not This people don't rest · Reply · Share · 5h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz ok thanks for explaining. What about buy food from a takeaway or restaurant · Reply · Share · 5h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz what if I choose food from the back of the shelf instead on the front? · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al what I am doing is changing my life menu now and then to confuse them It's better to buy the food in a grocery store change the menu and pray for the food before eating · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al I done that a million of times Please don't drink from soda fountain Always buy seal stuff never from a fast food · Reply · Share · 5h ​ Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Ephesians 4 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift.… See More · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz can you explain without all the religious stuff thanks · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al ok I will · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al gifts are different from talents Talents as you already said are the given by God from birth You were born with them or as you get involve with those talents you don't have to do much or force them because they are natural part of your DNA But when it comes to spiritual gifts those are given to you at a appointed time by the Father for he's purpose Remember that's Satan wanted the throne he wanted to be like God So Satan imitates some of the gift God gave he's children For example the gift of prophecy Satan have the gift of a divination is wanting to seek knowledge from the future But it's a fake because it's written in Deuteronomy 29:29 29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God,(A) but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. · Reply · Share · 5h · Edited Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al sorry I said I wouldn't use the religion part but can't explain my point without it · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Can someone please explain something to me because I am confused What does it mean if I keep seeing the same number Like everywhere The number is 911 · Reply · Share · 5h Jacqueline Janell Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz I'd take it as a warning · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz God show me this in Amos 9:11 “In that day “I will restore David's fallen shelter I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins and will rebuild it as it used to be, 12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations that bear my name,[a]" declares the Lord, who will do these things. · Reply · Share · 4h ​ Tracey Sullivan Please help all of the targeted individuals God. know one human deserves this unless they are a demon who murders or rapes, even then i wouldn't wish this torture. torture is not suppose to be legal in this country. at least i thought it wasn't legal right? · Reply · Share · 3h
James M Driskill hosted a Thug Life tournament.
The Gang Stalking and The Targeted Individual Group Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz · 6h · If you are a Target by this Satanic Cult please be careful what you eat what you drink and if you smoke what you smoke or from who you buy it from I have learn that they lie to the weak minds about us, things like he or she is a terrorist, child abuser, drug addict, violent, thief etc etc etc The public start to hate you in way that they want to take your life because they believe the community is better without you The secret about all of this is you are a target it got nothing to do with what you do is more like who you are in God Remember what I said in the beginning they are a Satanic Cult Well they know who you are and been watching you for a while now They know the time of God is coming and want to kill you before that happens But one thing I learn if God has Hes eyes on you there is no hell or demon that's can touch you and if they touch you there is a purpose Remember everything I mean everything works for good for those that's love God Have a bless day family 19 Comments Pam Al They follow me in to shops always wanting to know what food I buy. Why is that do you think? · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al they are poisoning the food my man Be careful and don't trust 7/11 they sold their soul to the devil · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz how can they poison it? I take the food and put it in my fridge · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz what’s 7/11 · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz 7/11 is the store · Reply · Share · 6h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al if they see what you like and what you been buying and were you getting the food from they will put on the shelves the food when you are about to go shopping Don't you see this people are all connected I mean police, fire department, hospital, grocery stores and fast food restaurants It may sound crazy but it's not This people don't rest · Reply · Share · 5h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz ok thanks for explaining. What about buy food from a takeaway or restaurant · Reply · Share · 5h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz what if I choose food from the back of the shelf instead on the front? · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al what I am doing is changing my life menu now and then to confuse them It's better to buy the food in a grocery store change the menu and pray for the food before eating · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al I done that a million of times Please don't drink from soda fountain Always buy seal stuff never from a fast food · Reply · Share · 5h ​ Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Ephesians 4 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift.… See More · Reply · Share · 6h Pam Al Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz can you explain without all the religious stuff thanks · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al ok I will · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al gifts are different from talents Talents as you already said are the given by God from birth You were born with them or as you get involve with those talents you don't have to do much or force them because they are natural part of your DNA But when it comes to spiritual gifts those are given to you at a appointed time by the Father for he's purpose Remember that's Satan wanted the throne he wanted to be like God So Satan imitates some of the gift God gave he's children For example the gift of prophecy Satan have the gift of a divination is wanting to seek knowledge from the future But it's a fake because it's written in Deuteronomy 29:29 29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God,(A) but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. · Reply · Share · 5h · Edited Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Pam Al sorry I said I wouldn't use the religion part but can't explain my point without it · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz Can someone please explain something to me because I am confused What does it mean if I keep seeing the same number Like everywhere The number is 911 · Reply · Share · 5h Jacqueline Janell Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz I'd take it as a warning · Reply · Share · 5h Juan Maná Miranda Ortiz God show me this in Amos 9:11 “In that day “I will restore David's fallen shelter I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins and will rebuild it as it used to be, 12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations that bear my name,[a]" declares the Lord, who will do these things. · Reply · Share · 4h ​ Tracey Sullivan Please help all of the targeted individuals God. know one human deserves this unless they are a demon who murders or rapes, even then i wouldn't wish this torture. torture is not suppose to be legal in this country. at least i thought it wasn't legal right? · Reply · Share · 3h
Updated Jul 07, 2021 11:15:41pm
main folder compilation topics archive root:



This audio is text directed to court-appointed attorney Todd Verwiere.


playtime a little over 7 minutes.

I would review the entire audio narrative contents before you remove and censor this again from this relevant video comment --- discussion not silence please.
Updated Nov 17, 2021 1:21:19pm
This is a GOOGLE REVIEW for Canyon Creek Behavioral Health --- and represents the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth ---

This is weighty truth that must be fixed.
Updated Nov 21, 2021 1:10:47pm
Timeline photos
#HugeFail --- QRSCAN CODE URL: http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/patientpoint.com/California-Medical-Clinic/911Directed-PointOfCare-Emergency.ogg
Place: California Medical Clinic (34.06986, -117.43975)
Address: 16701 Valley Blvd Ste F, Fontana, CA 92335
James M Driskill wrote on Desert AIDS Project's timeline.
What the hell is going on with you all?
Timeline photos
QR Scan Code in this: http://fuckeduphuman.space/Williamson-County-Texas-Jail/Messenger/If-You-Want-To-Achieve-Respect-First-Define-It-With-Excellence!.htm @[100068979871572:2048:Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office] @[100068851345053:2048:Law Enforcement Social] @[369097856520160:274:JMIR Publications Inc.] [ Used To Provide an Internet Intervent To a Communication Bridge ]
QR Scan Code in this:


Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office
Law Enforcement Social
JMIR Publications Inc. [ Used To Provide an Internet Intervent To a Communication Bridge ]
Timeline photos
@[138925324029:274:The United States Department of Justice] My attempt to direct a long text address into your concern via your contact page had some kind of error. Reason for error not given. The entire text message attempted to be directed to you has been transcribed to a spoken voice narrative audio. This is a mashup of content that was also directed to the @[661744180680367:274:National Police Association]. Please open and listen. What I have written is a warning to our national security considering what I discovered to be modifications to the Fire Protection Building Equipment at the @[100068979871572:2048:Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office] during recent Inmate incarceration at that jail. The failure of the local community to help me in all aspects of my mental health being affected by gangstalking and my mental health that is being negatively affected and deteriorating into crisis. I left my hometown to get on an @[9411224013:274:Amtrak] train. The destination was New York City and into the care of the @[54779960819:274:United Nations]. My mission was to go to the United Nations to denounce my United States citizenry and change my nationality to some other country that does not allow the haters to win. The haters are allowed to intentionally win. The conclusion of this TEXT MESSAGE directed to the state of affairs in policing crisis in America to stop dismissing my communications and confer to start a conversation with me. ------ I am done with this conspiracy that is attacking my life --- I am going to die before I get a community to care to actually assist me. I am going to die. Goodbye, I died. OGG Audio: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/nationalpolice.org/Mashup-NationalPolice.org-Justice.gov.org-ContactUs.ogg @[369097856520160:274:JMIR Publications Inc.] The Facebook Messenger Connection Directed to the @[100068979871572:2048:Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office] has been placed to an offsite archive. This conversation should serve to bring these matters forward but is just being ignored by the officers of law enforcement. The reason why this is being ignored is a confirmed violation of jailhouse specifications of the fire protection equipment that I discovered. These changes are obvious violations and should immediately cause any inspection to fail. But somehow the inspections year to year have approved this condition. I need to report that I have discovered at least 24 of the individual single-person cells have had their smoke detectors intentionally removed. The fire protection equipment units are missing from their original building specifications. They are missing from the ceiling of these individual person cells. Further, these are cells in what is a cell block called "Infirmary" apparently for medical observation use. As such, each of these individual cells has routed in access to electrical power with installed 120 volt power outlets. The combination of this maligned configuration must have a purpose. Considering that, one might [ must ] conclude the use of electricity without the detection of the smoke detector could serve a devious and sinister use. These cells are in a configuration that could serve as TORTURE CHAMBERS if and or when our current government of the United States of America has a successful insurrection that was attempted on January 6th, 2021. Once again I state this, These changes are obvious violations and should immediately cause any inspection to fail. But somehow the inspections year to year have approved this condition. I stand by this assessment and conclusion. To access my attempts to bring this matter forward with the staff at the Williamson County Sheriff's Office, please open this offsite archive of Facebook Messenger. What is revealed there is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Archive: [ Has Spoken Voice Audio Transcription Media Available ]: http://fuckeduphuman.space/Williamson-County-Texas-Jail/Messenger/If-You-Want%20To-Achieve-Respect-First-Define-It-With-Excellence!.htm
The United States Department of Justice

My attempt to direct a long text address into your concern via your contact page had some kind of error. Reason for error not given.

The entire text message attempted to be directed to you has been transcribed to a spoken voice narrative audio. This is a mashup of content that was also directed to the National Police Association. Please open and listen. What I have written is a warning to our national security considering what I discovered to be modifications to the Fire Protection Building Equipment at the Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office during recent Inmate incarceration at that jail.

The failure of the local community to help me in all aspects of my mental health being affected by gangstalking and my mental health that is being negatively affected and deteriorating into crisis.

I left my hometown to get on an Amtrak train. The destination was New York City and into the care of the United Nations. My mission was to go to the United Nations to denounce my United States citizenry and change my nationality to some other country that does not allow the haters to win. The haters are allowed to intentionally win.

The conclusion of this TEXT MESSAGE directed to the state of affairs in policing crisis in America to stop dismissing my communications and confer to start a conversation with me.


I am done with this conspiracy that is attacking my life --- I am going to die before I get a community to care to actually assist me.

I am going to die.

Goodbye, I died.

OGG Audio:

JMIR Publications Inc.

The Facebook Messenger Connection Directed to the Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office has been placed to an offsite archive. This conversation should serve to bring these matters forward but is just being ignored by the officers of law enforcement. The reason why this is being ignored is a confirmed violation of jailhouse specifications of the fire protection equipment that I discovered. These changes are obvious violations and should immediately cause any inspection to fail. But somehow the inspections year to year have approved this condition.

I need to report that I have discovered at least 24 of the individual single-person cells have had their smoke detectors intentionally removed. The fire protection equipment units are missing from their original building specifications. They are missing from the ceiling of these individual person cells. Further, these are cells in what is a cell block called "Infirmary" apparently for medical observation use. As such, each of these individual cells has routed in access to electrical power with installed 120 volt power outlets.

The combination of this maligned configuration must have a purpose. Considering that, one might [ must ] conclude the use of electricity without the detection of the smoke detector could serve a devious and sinister use.

These cells are in a configuration that could serve as TORTURE CHAMBERS if and or when our current government of the United States of America has a successful insurrection that was attempted on January 6th, 2021.

Once again I state this,

These changes are obvious violations and should immediately cause any inspection to fail. But somehow the inspections year to year have approved this condition.

I stand by this assessment and conclusion.

To access my attempts to bring this matter forward with the staff at the Williamson County Sheriff's Office, please open this offsite archive of Facebook Messenger.

What is revealed there is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Archive: [ Has Spoken Voice Audio Transcription Media Available ]:
@[100068979871572:2048:Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office]
@[661744180680367:274:National Police Association]
Texas Jail Project
@[25909552334:69:Texas Jail Project]
@[138925324029:274:The United States Department of Justice]

This is a Landing Page in the efforts to bring public awareness of the Williamson County, Tx Jail in Georgetown has made intentional malicious motives to remove the smoke detectors from all of the individual one-person cells in the Infirmary Cell Block.

Public Presentation Page With Spoken Voice Narrative Audio:

All of the cells in this cell block, count 24, have had their smoke detectors removed. The overall conclusion to what I have observed and considered in this public concerns topic presentation page, as intentionally placed into the malaligned configuration must have reasoning for these changes. The only logical rationale conclusion is that these are



Updated Dec 01, 2021 3:41:32pm
Facebook Security @[69178204322:274:Facebook Site Governance] @[125459124158601:274:Facebook Safety]

Thank You for removing the filtering of my domains. Even if that was a temporary condition of technical difficulty, it generates this page.

This is a matter of
NATIONAL SECURITY @[138925324029:274:The United States Department of Justice]


First Presented and Affirmed Is my need reflect my motives are of HONESTY and INTEGRITY and this matter remains to put to a void of silence.
Updated Dec 04, 2021 7:41:52pm
James M Driskill updated his status.
O-O-O-THE-HUMAN-THAT-RIGHT-NOW-HEARS-THIS-WARFARE-ACTIVE-(Download-ShareOffline)-HumanityCompromised : #NationalSecurity #Serious #Trutha
#StopGangStalking -- The Cause -How and Why?
Underpinning cause of collectively cumulative actions affects the trust/social trust of our society! [ Expands to Full Collapse ]
We Are Under Attack By A Tool Used for WAR! #Weapon #War #InformationWar #SocialTrust #TimesUp #Policing #TheBlueLine #Mpatapo #Kramobone #Nyansapo #Nsaa #FuckedUpHuman #TheSocialContract
Timeline photos
@[7224956785:274:Samsung] : Do you have an answer to this Customer Service GHOSTED CHAT? The You Can Listen to the Spoken Voice Narrative Of This Chat Session: [ OGG Audio Media: 16 Min 46 Seconds ] http://samsung-us.muckeduphuman.net/Typical-Insolence!.ogg?fbclid=IwAR1jAUlTsxSYE2CSyev5a7d_aJD3v2rpAgwSKx_u2hqH8BBS3eNbL_eRc8o
Place: Little Mountain San Bernardino Ca (34.149862186545, -117.31709380713)
Address: San Bernardino, CA
Samsung : Do you have an answer to this Customer Service GHOSTED CHAT? The You Can Listen to the Spoken Voice Narrative Of This Chat Session:

[ OGG Audio Media: 16 Min 46 Seconds ]
James M Driskill added a new photo to Texas Commission on Law Enforcement's timeline.
Hey Human at Texas Commission On Law Enforcement --- Why Did You Just Disappear From The Messenger Message Window? http://facebook.fuckeduphuman.net/Texas-Commission-on-Law-Enforcement/Texas%20Commission%20on%20Law%20Enforcement.htm QR CODE LEFT: -- Complaint Closed --- No No No! I reject that position. http://fuckeduphuman.life/Elizabeth.Thomas/Gmail%20-%20TCJS%20Complaint%20Closed.htm QR CODE RIGHT: Complaint Revisited http://fuckeduphuman.life/Elizabeth.Thomas/Gmail%20-%20TexasJailProject%20-%20Notice%20of%20Fire%20Protection%20System%20Modifications.htm
Place: FBI Community Outreach (38.8947, -77.02507)
Address: 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., DC 20004

As Mentioned In Facebook Messenger To Your Agency:

I have emailed the Williamson County Fire Marshal - Hank Jones.

I included a COPY/PASTE of this entire Messenger Content ---- I have placed the email to this contact as referred by your staff to the web. You remain connected to this matter --- As Is Your Mission Statement Reflects.

TCOLE Mission
Our Mission

The mission of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, as a regulatory State agency, is to establish and enforce standards to ensure that the people of Texas are served by highly trained and ethical law enforcement, corrections, and telecommunications personnel.

The reason to contact your organization is on key. The Pass The Buck To Some Place Else May Not Be A Correct Course Of Action -- but I will proceed as though you care to be a listening presence in the correction of the matters here.


QR CODE LEFT: [ Written - Gmail Sent ]


- In Wicked Voice For Emphasis - 27 Mins



6) There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem.
10) Planners, that is those who present solutions to these problems, have no right to be wrong. Unlike mathematicians, “planners are liable for the consequences of the solutions they generate; the effects can matter a great deal to the people who are touched by those actions.”

@[100068979871572:2048:Williamson County TX, Sheriff's Office]
@[322014492354:274:FBI Community Outreach]
@[138925324029:274:The United States Department of Justice]
@[25909552334:69:Texas Jail Project]
@[1480199815627083:274:Texas Commission on Law Enforcement]
@[100064752843898:2048:Office of the Texas Secretary of State]
@[100064831834767:2048:Texas Attorney General]
@[92931665383:274:Texas Rangers]
Updated Jan 07, 2022 2:35:19pm
Timeline photos
@[204427966369963:274:Crisis Text Line]
Updated Jan 08, 2022 6:22:30am
Timeline photos
Place: Little Mountain San Bernardino Ca (34.149862186545, -117.31709380713)
Address: San Bernardino, CA
Timeline photos
James M Driskill updated his status.
Crisis Text Line Mental Health Center Mental Health Foundation Mental Health America San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Snapchat Crisis American Foundation for Suicide Prevention American Psychological Association San Bernardino Sun Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Active Minds

Your Crisis Text Line Associate Dr. Alfiee M. Breland-Noble -- Acted out badly - seriously badly -- like evil working BAD. My recent experiences using the crisis services, while I am really in crisis, seemed just way way way over the top people! On Christmas, Dec 25th -- I really needed someone to talk with -- My family wanted me to come in a celebrate -- NO -- I SKIPPED IT -- and I CONTINUE to need a view of reality -- I WAS ACCUSED OF BEING A PRANK?

My Response To All Of This NIGHTMARE Customer Insult Has Been Placed Into a #TheLongForm Audio OGG Media --- and The URL that Points To It --- REAL!


When you next pass by the knowledge of her actual telephone digits, the number she has on her site page has been transferred to another person. Do inform here that the location here is as TEMPORARY or as PERMANENT as she wants to take responsibility into view --- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL PEOPLE?
Updated Jan 13, 2022 1:54:03am
Place: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (40.727518874229, -84.104000098652)
Address: 799 S Main St, Lima, OH 45804
Updated Jan 16, 2022 9:49:04am
James M Driskill added a new photo to WebMD's timeline.
Hi There WebMD -- I would like to provide a comment on one of your YouTube videos promoting @[204427966369963:274:Crisis Text Line] -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHIlz5d7vis My accounts on YouTube have a NASTY problem. You see, comments that do not violate TOS are instantly swiped away from the comment stream. Go figure -- right? ------ I had a bad experience with CrisistextLine -- and it was not nice -- it made me very much powerless to the reason why the counselor CUT and RUN --- by calling me a PRANK. I just can not understand why there is no access to the [ office ] to the ability to direct messages into the management of the service. There is no pathway to air a complaint on what I feel should be taken into view. In a wholeness approach, there is something just not right here to ignore me [ and others ] on these concerns. I would like an official explanation for my need to have a voice. There is a REVIEW SITE that has multiple reviews that are challenging to know, some kind of quality of care being lost into the training counselor setting. I was called a PRANK and instantly was cut off from the conversation. I want to understand that the counselor describes cutting me off like that. Believe me, I am not a PRANK. I attempted to reach upward into the Board of Directors. I contacted both of these listed persons, Dr. Alfiee M. Breland-Noble Psychologist and Mental Health Expert Andrés Monroy-Hernández Data Scientist, Snap I first started on twitter with two introduction tweets. She blocked me for no reason. The tweets of course are still live online. Search [ Gruwup dralfiee ] There is nothing wrong with what I did. She cut and run and will not make an opening for me. I want to know why. Tweet 1: https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/1480373749991964673 Replying to @dralfiee Sad Needs For Me Today Dr. Alfiee. You are a member of the board of directors for @CrisisTextLine --- A serious - extremely serious concern - You are the first contact because You have your own website. My submitted text --- Successful [ As Shown ]. Handshake? @FBILosAngeles Tweet 2: https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/1480375866882334728 Police Crisis In America - CONFER a CONVERSATION @Gruwup Replying to @Gruwup @dralfiee and 2 others 2 upcoming medical appts. No sign from doctors has balanced patient-centered needs. I am a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL of GANGSTALKING for more than 16 years. I expect professionalism from all civil society - #HugeFails Everywhere. Audio of Submitted Text: http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/crisistextline.org/The-Most-%23HugeFail-In-The-World/Contacts-BoardofDirectors/Contact-Dr-Alfiee-Your-Form-Has-Been-Successfully-Submitted-Crying-I-Am-Dying.ogg Image Image 7:08 PM · Jan 9, 2022·Twitter Web App ------ I have done absolutely nothing wrong,. I suggest that someone LOOK at the GOOGLE IMAGES for this SEARCH: [ http://crisistextline.fuckeduphuman.net ]: Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=crisistextline.fuckeduphuman.net&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjFio-F7Lb1AhWYLDQIHS1wAUoQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=crisistextline.fuckeduphuman.net&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEBhQ5QdYoz9gq0FoBHAAeACAAZMBiAGVFJIBBDAuMjOYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=QFzkYcXqEJjZ0PEPreCF0AQ&bih=501&biw=1067 Is this really where you want to LEAVE THIS? BLOCKED ON TWITTER / BLOCKED ON INSTAGRAM FOR NO REASON. Looks like there is something fishy going on. ------- Because Doctor Noble is CONFLICT AVOIDANT in this -- I really don't think it is right to push me --- like everyone else -- I am not feeling great. I would hope that a society that is caring would really see the shit as a total that has been directed at me for 16+ years - Her attitude is typical apathy -- and the video interview that I saw with here -- @[100044471014841:2048:Areva Martin] -- What she has done in actions against me is so off the mark to what she says and represents. That even makes me feel worse yet. May I suggest opening content that is filed in this manner -- this is a save domain - clears safe scanning. Even facebook accepts the links. This is directed to my attempt to find an HIV Care Doctor - -all trust is lost/. http://doctor-alfiee-m-breland-noble.fuckeduphuman.life/PDF/@RealityAudit-Outrageous-Facts-Don't-Lie-Hated-On-I-Died.pdf Makta Pond <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> @RealityAudit : Outrageous : Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died -- Really Doctor? How Trust Is Earned -- Everything is gone --= How can I trust you? Why should the world not know this ? Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 9:18 PM To: Doctor Sohanjeet Singh Bassi - NPI1609850635 C/O Kathy Lugo <kathyl@fidmgi.com> Kathy Callahan Lugo [ Revised - Please Use This Email Item ] [ Web Directory ] http://dr.sohanjeet-s-bassi. realuphuman.net/@RealityAudit/Medical-Mental-Health- LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/ --------------------------------------- There is absolutely nothing wrong in the manner in which this comment is applied to the web. It does not break any terms of service. LEAVE MY CONTENT ALONE - and process the comment like any other -- and questions need answers. Thank you. @[139729956046003:274:Grammarly] reports this email as: Tone detector How this may sound to readers: 🤗 friendly ✌️ optimistic 👕 informal
Hi There WebMD -- I would like to provide a comment on one of your YouTube videos promoting Crisis Text Line --


My accounts on YouTube have a NASTY problem. You see, comments that do not violate TOS are instantly swiped away from the comment stream. Go figure -- right?


I had a bad experience with CrisistextLine -- and it was not nice -- it made me very much powerless to the reason why the counselor CUT and RUN --- by calling me a PRANK.

I just can not understand why there is no access to the [ office ] to the ability to direct messages into the management of the service.

There is no pathway to air a complaint on what I feel should be taken into view.

In a wholeness approach, there is something just not right here to ignore me [ and others ] on these concerns. I would like an official explanation for my need to have a voice.

There is a REVIEW SITE that has multiple reviews that are challenging to know, some kind of quality of care being lost into the training counselor setting.

I was called a PRANK and instantly was cut off from the conversation. I want to understand that the counselor describes cutting me off like that. Believe me, I am not a PRANK.

I attempted to reach upward into the Board of Directors. I contacted both of these listed persons,

Dr. Alfiee M. Breland-Noble
Psychologist and Mental Health Expert

Andrés Monroy-Hernández
Data Scientist, Snap

I first started on twitter with two introduction tweets. She blocked me for no reason. The tweets of course are still live online.

Search [ Gruwup dralfiee ]

There is nothing wrong with what I did. She cut and run and will not make an opening for me. I want to know why.

Tweet 1:


Replying to
Sad Needs For Me Today Dr. Alfiee. You are a member of the board of directors for @CrisisTextLine
--- A serious - extremely serious concern - You are the first contact because You have your own website. My submitted text --- Successful [ As Shown ]. Handshake?

Tweet 2:


Police Crisis In America - CONFER a CONVERSATION
Replying to

and 2 others
2 upcoming medical appts. No sign from doctors has balanced patient-centered needs. I am a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL of GANGSTALKING for more than 16 years. I expect professionalism from all civil society - #HugeFails Everywhere.

Audio of Submitted Text:
7:08 PM · Jan 9, 2022·Twitter Web App


I have done absolutely nothing wrong,.
I suggest that someone LOOK at the GOOGLE IMAGES for this SEARCH:

[ http://crisistextline.fuckeduphuman.net/ ]:



Is this really where you want to LEAVE THIS?


Looks like there is something fishy going on.

Because Doctor Noble is CONFLICT AVOIDANT in this -- I really don't think it is right to push me --- like everyone else -- I am not feeling great. I would hope that a society that is caring would really see the shit as a total that has been directed at me for 16+ years - Her attitude is typical apathy -- and the video interview that I saw with here -- Areva Martin -- What she has done in actions against me is so off the mark to what she says and represents. That even makes me feel worse yet.

May I suggest opening content that is filed in this manner -- this is a save domain - clears safe scanning. Even facebook accepts the links.

This is directed to my attempt to find an HIV Care Doctor - -all trust is lost/.


Makta Pond <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
@RealityAudit : Outrageous : Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died -- Really Doctor? How Trust Is Earned -- Everything is
gone --= How can I trust you? Why should the world not know this ?

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 9:18 PM
To: Doctor Sohanjeet Singh Bassi - NPI1609850635 C/O Kathy Lugo <kathyl@fidmgi.com> Kathy Callahan Lugo
[ Revised - Please Use This Email Item ]
[ Web Directory ]

There is absolutely nothing wrong in the manner in which this comment is applied to the web. It does not break any terms of service. LEAVE MY CONTENT ALONE - and process the comment like any other -- and questions need answers. Thank you.

Grammarly reports this email as:

Tone detector
How this may sound to readers:
James M Driskill wrote on WebMD's timeline.
James M Driskill added a new photo to Dr. Todd Grande's timeline.
So apparently you are not going to follow up with conversation? For your information -- The PodCast Episode Fault111 Was Placed Into the Conversation That Is Being Directed By Email. This going out to my Local Interface of Mental Health Care -- This is this AUDIO OGG Filename: [ Your Name Is In The Audio ]--- If you would like to be included in the distribution of the WRITTEN Email -- Please Respond to [ RealUpHuman.Net@Gmail.Com ] http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/inlandpsych.com/Email/@RealityAudit.InlandPsych.doctor-hozair-mohammed-syed-md.doctor-todd-lawrence-grande.highconflictinstitute.com.itsallyourfault.fault111.Taking-A-Reach-Upward.To-Lead-Us.All.To-Peace.ogg
So apparently you are not going to follow up with conversation?

For your information -- The PodCast Episode Fault111 Was Placed Into the Conversation That Is Being Directed By Email. This going out to my Local Interface of Mental Health Care --

This is this AUDIO OGG Filename: [ Your Name Is In The Audio ]--- If you would like to be included in the distribution of the WRITTEN Email -- Please Respond to [ RealUpHuman.Net@Gmail.Com ]

James M Driskill added a new photo to Atlassian's timeline.
#HIVUNTREATABLE [ Draft URL ] -- This Page Will Contact This Image: http://webdomains.fuckeduphuman.net/inlandpsych.com/%5b%20911.FUCKEDUPHUMAN.SPACE%20%5d/index%20(draft).html What has been done to be -- so so so so so cruel! You too going to just ignore me? I die?
Place: Little Mountain San Bernardino Ca (34.149862186545, -117.31709380713)
Address: San Bernardino, CA

[ Draft URL ] -- This Page Will Contact This Image:

What has been done to be -- so so so so so cruel! You too going to just ignore me? I die?
Timeline photos
Place: Inland Psychiatric Medical Group - Redlands (34.062149795154, -117.21551864801)
Address: 1809 W Redlands Blvd, Redlands, CA 92373
James M Driskill added a new photo to Inland Psychiatric Medical Group - Redlands's timeline.
Place: Inland Psychiatric Medical Group - Redlands (34.062149795154, -117.21551864801)
Address: 1809 W Redlands Blvd, Redlands, CA 92373
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
QR Top Right: http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/notokapp.com/BeginHere-PatientAdmonishment-NotOk-CareTeam-InlandPsych-DoctorHozairMohammedSyedMD1.ogg QR Bottom Left: http://inlandpsych.fuckeduphuman.net/Email/Gmail%20-%20Appointment%20Today%20with%20HOZAIR%20SYED!%20Big%20Dump%20%5d.htm @[585098771831093:274:notOK App] @[254737391760349:274:Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission] @[131591270252016:274:Inland Psychiatric Medical Group - Redlands]
Place: Inland Psychiatric Medical Group - Redlands (34.062149795154, -117.21551864801)
Address: 1809 W Redlands Blvd, Redlands, CA 92373
Can you please not GHOST my Facebook Messenger Chat --- Would you please respond to chat content

IMAGE. @[131591270252016:274:Inland Psychiatric Medical Group - Redlands]
Updated Feb 16, 2022 12:48:44am
Place: Inland Psychiatric Medical Group - Redlands (34.062149795154, -117.21551864801)
Address: 1809 W Redlands Blvd, Redlands, CA 92373

3 STRIKES 🔮❌❌❌[ http://zoho-com.fuckeduphuman.space/

Updated Feb 17, 2022 11:30:59pm
Timeline photos
@[7919071058:274:SoundCloud] @[2532929013605089:844:Wicked problems, root causes, and systemic change hike] @[656504494843651:69:Evil Wizard Problems] https://soundcloud.com/james-martin-houser/zoho-shareyourfeedback-p1-wickedproblem
Place: St. Edward's University Wicked Problems LLC (30.23218, -97.75833)
Address: 3001 South Congress Road, Austin, TX 78704
SoundCloud Wicked problems, root causes, and systemic change hike Evil Wizard Problems

Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
This is a CLASSIC way to DEAL with those Corporates who think they are TOO BIG TO BE PUT INTO Their Place --- @[231460215383:274:Zoho] -- You going to RESPOND to the CRITIQUE -- or allow it to just hang as a thorn in all of our sides! FUCK YOU ALL HATERS!



The Meaning Of Words!
Updated Feb 19, 2022 2:57:05pm
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Mobile uploads
Not if I as @REALUPHUMAN.NET / @GRUWUP.NET / @MUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @INTHEMINDWAY.ORG have anything just to say about it!!!!!!!! It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred. We are all sharing so free without hatred. There are no limits to stop us, so no reason to quit. The universe of happiness is out there, let"s ger on it, it's our trip. @GRUWUP Feb 2013. G)reat R)easons U)s W)ill U)nite P)eace. ( Source Article: UTNE magazine MayIJune 2012
9 Years Ago
James M Driskill added a new photo.
Feb 21, 2013 2:54:32pm
Not if I as @REALUPHUMAN.NET / @GRUWUP.NET / @MUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET / @INTHEMINDWAY.ORG have anything just to say about it!!!!!!!! It is the pathway that the mind travels that is so sacred. We are all sharing so free without hatred. There are no limits to stop us, so no reason to quit. The universe of happiness is out there, let"s ger on it, it's our trip. @GRUWUP Feb 2013. G)reat R)easons U)s W)ill U)nite P)eace. ( Source Article: UTNE magazine MayIJune 2012
Updated Feb 21, 2022 9:20:07am
James M Driskill was live.
San Bernardino City Council Meeting Feb 02 2022 Public Comments - Stop Gangstalking Joesph Mora
San Bernardino City Council Meeting Feb 02 2022 Public Comments - Stop Gangstalking Joesph Mora
Timeline photos
A Presentation Card [ Knock Knock Angels ]:

Updated Feb 28, 2022 1:29:37pm
Never Never Never Never have I Ever Had To Deal With The Pieces of Shit Arguments In The House Here at [ 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA ] -- To Justify Attacking - PHYSICALLY ATTACKING THE PRESENCE I AM IN HOUSE - David Driskill David Driskill - NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER TALK TO ME ABOUT YOUR DISORIENTED HATE VIOLENCE OVER PEACE -- YOU ARE EXPOSED! GET THE HELL OF THIS HOUSE WITH BULLSHIT! EXPOSED AS A HATER!
Updated Mar 16, 2022 9:23:29am
Timeline photos
AUDIO OGG: http://responding-agent-of-authority.unassigned.realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/ojp.gov/OGG/EmergencyRedLights-CallTheOfficialTrustedAuditAccountabilityAgent-Via-FAXtoFBI-911-Text-Interface.ogg AUDIO MP3: [ INTERNATIONAL RADIO BROADCAST ]: http://responding-agent-of-authority.unassigned.realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/ojp.gov/MP3/OJP-UsLegal-Issued-Demand-On-An-Undeclinable-Deliverance-Of-The-Truth-PublicPresentation-(Saul)-SOS-CQ.mp3 RESPOND A RESPONSE OF RESPONSIBILITY! http://responding-agent-of-authority.unassigned.realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/ojp.gov/HTML/Respond-Reponse-Responsibility.html 12:00 PM · Mar 19, 2022 from San Bernardino, CA·Twitter From Twitter: People in this conversation Awesome Kramobone Playroom School @AweSumKramobone Attempt For An Adult Consetual Practices School Of Thought and Practice, 1st Attempt Startup was in Denver, They Hated On Me! @CoHealthNetwork Headed The Gang! FBI @[100064907253444:2048:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] Official FBI Twitter. Submit tips at http://tips.fbi.gov. Public info may be used for authorized purposes: http://justice.gov/doj/privacy-policy Justice Department @[100064654872564:2048:The United States Department of Justice] Official DOJ Twitter account. Please refer to DOJ’s privacy policy for DOJ use of third-party websites here: http://justice.gov/doj/privacy-policy#visiting OJP @[100067836276289:2048:Office of Justice Programs] Official Office of Justice Programs Twitter account. We do not collect comments or messages. Learn more at http://justice.gov/privacy-file.h



12:00 PM · Mar 19, 2022 from San Bernardino, CA·Twitter

From Twitter:
People in this conversation

Awesome Kramobone Playroom School

Attempt For An Adult Consetual Practices School Of Thought and Practice, 1st Attempt Startup was in Denver, They Hated On Me!
Headed The Gang!

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
Official FBI Twitter. Submit tips at http://tips.fbi.gov/ Public info may be used for authorized purposes: http://justice.gov/doj/privacy-policy

Justice Department
The United States Department of Justice
Official DOJ Twitter account. Please refer to DOJ’s privacy policy for DOJ use of third-party websites here: http://justice.gov/doj/privacy-policy#visiting

Office of Justice Programs
Official Office of Justice Programs Twitter account. We do not collect comments or messages. Learn more at http://justice.gov/privacy-file.h
What would you do if on the evening before an 2:30pm appointment the next day with this doctor -- you discover this piece of his history ---- and this would be the very start of my new doctor/patient relationship -- all hope is dashed that I can actually get a proper doctor to save my life!
Updated Mar 30, 2022 12:59:14am
James M Driskill added a new photo to The Rock Bible College's timeline.
DO NOT REMOVE THIS FROM YOUR SIDE OF THIS REALITY! THE DOCTOR MUST VISIT THIS HOUSE TO EXPLAIN THIS SHIT! I AM NOT ACCEPTING THIS DERAILMENT OF ALL TRUE INTEGRITY OF DOCTOR CARE --- I HAVE ALREADY MADE THE WORDS ACTIVE TO THE WORLD! @[100552398266585:274:Labcorp] -- [ Tagged ] @[100067836276289:2048:Office of Justice Programs] [ Tagged ] @[100064654872564:2048:The United States Department of Justice] [ Tagged ] Why is every single thing SCREWED UP IN MY MEDICAL CARE?| @[704269963027271:274:Prospect Medical] [ My Group Plan ] @[116330668439811:274:Humana] [ http://humana.fuckeduphuman.space ] WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU PEOPLE? I DEMAND TO HAVE MY LIFE BACK FROM ALL OF YOUR FUCKED UP HUMAN INSANITY!! @[100023135836680:2048:Sammie Francher] SANITY HERE -- MY SCHOOL ATTEMPT FROM DENVER -- WHAT THE FUCK? @[254737391760349:274:Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission] YOU ALL ARE CRAZY!
Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410


Labcorp -- [ Tagged ]
Office of Justice Programs [ Tagged ]
The United States Department of Justice [ Tagged ]

Why is every single thing SCREWED UP IN MY MEDICAL CARE?|

Prospect Medical [ My Group Plan ]
Humana [ http://humana.fuckeduphuman.space/ ]



Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission

@[102531897819236:274:Prospect Medical Group]
Updated Apr 01, 2022 11:49:43am
Hi There Epic Management LP,
I am a patient of one of your Doctor Members as my PRIMARY CARE DOCTOR setup for Humana.

I am having issues getting an approved referral to an Infectious Disease Specialized Care Doctor.

[ This matter has been outstanding since March of 2019 ]

My first appointment with your member doctor was two weeks ago, and my mother has been repeating each and every day to get some kind of status of this process.

This issue involves a GREAT MATTER that I must find some kind of RESOURCE to correct.

Would you please open this PRESENTATION CARRD ---- and review the contents.

Thank You.
Updated Apr 17, 2022 1:13:15am
We will See If They Can Handle The Truth -- Every Forum I ever seem to join -- CAN'T!
Updated Apr 22, 2022 6:38:57pm
Timeline photos
Deliverence : SelfEvident : Proof-Active-Warfare : Against Unitied-States : Malice-Technology.Dark-Overlay Healthcare Doctors : HIPPA : CivilSociety : Harm-Kill Targeted-Individuals : Gangstalking Disabilityrightsca @[100064395862909:2048:Disability Rights California] MassNotice: http://deliverence.selfevident.proof-active-warfare.against.unitied-states.malice-technology.dark-overlay.healthcare.doctors.hippa.civilsociety.we-harm-kill.targeted-individuals.gangstalking.disabilityrightsca.url.realuphuman.net/RealityAudit/MassNotice/ @[100063644017367:2048:Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission] http://deliverence.selfevident.proof-active-warfare.against.unitied-states.malice-technology.dark-overlay.healthcare.doctors.hippa.civilsociety.we-harm-kill.targeted-individuals.gangstalking.disabilityrightsca.url.realuphuman.net/RealityAudit/mhsoac.ca.gov/ FactsDontLie.HatedOn.IDied: http://deliverence.selfevident.proof-active-warfare.against.unitied-states.malice-technology.dark-overlay.healthcare.doctors.hippa.civilsociety.we-harm-kill.targeted-individuals.gangstalking.disabilityrightsca.url.realuphuman.net/RealityAudit/FactsDontLie.HatedOn.IDied/ @[144605375606874:274:California Medical Clinic] - GoogleReviews: http://deliverence.selfevident.proof-active-warfare.against.unitied-states.malice-technology.dark-overlay.healthcare.doctors.hippa.civilsociety.we-harm-kill.targeted-individuals.gangstalking.disabilityrightsca.realityaudit.life/ShortURLS/CMC-GoogleReviews/
Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
James M Driskill added a new photo to Veritasium's timeline.
I liked your Facebook page a while back. When? I guess I could check the log. It does not matter right now. There is a Reality Audit Underway - I have DECLARED this about 2 months ago, to be: A DEMAND FOR AN UNDECLINABLE DELIVERANCE OF THE TRUTH. Demand is a word in the English Dictionary. Undeclinable is a word in the English Dictionary. Deliverance is a word in the English Dictionary. Truth is a word of the English Dictionary. What is important is that I just UNLIKED your page. But then again, the action I just made is not the definition of the word in the dictionary: Definition of unlike : not like: such as a : marked by lack of resemblance : different the two books are quite unlike b : marked by inequality : unequal contributed unlike amounts unlike preposition : not like: such as a : different from a landscape unlike any other [ Might Match ] b : not characteristic of it was unlike him to be [ Fill In ] [ Might Match ] c : in a different manner from spoke clearly, unlike the others [ Exactly Match - That is an UNLIKE DEFINITE [ Defined ] TO MY NEED - but that is not the ACTION processed By Facebook Right? ] So what does Facebook Do With An Unlike if it is not the actual definition of the word? Removes you from influence in my view. I am not sure if you realize what I am saying here because we are on Facebook and by default, the word's perspective is skewed to a view that is fucked up! So let me carry on as though we are outside of the skew and just speak direct English without any non-dictionary references. Ok? -------- I don't think I have ever seen such a masterful [ an understanding ] video On YouTube subject that matches into my own working space of difficulty. There is a problem with the content of your video, it is incomplete. There is something EXTREMELY MISSING - almost to a point of a job performance fault where insurance might be made available under an ERRORS and OMMISSIONS clause. Obviously, something went wrong and damages occurred. Yes, that is the kind of thing missing. There is a reference to a quote, but it does not resolve itself. I am creating a CLIP! Actually two separate Clips. The point to when we ACCEPT the REALISM where we can actually BUILD or LOSE TRUST in something or someone. [ You apparently LOST MY TRUST ] -- Do you want to REMAIN SILENT and BROKEN or do you want to RESPOND to form an understanding that the consequences of ignoring this to continued ignorance are COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE AND UNACCEPTABLE. At the present time, your web presence is open to the public that was BUILT PRIOR TO the Facebook DETACH LIKE action to be an actual representation of the English world. Your web presence has been changed and is unlike any other right now. I have no other agenda but to correct the truth and beyond that, perhaps you might consider the content of your video the same. Needs an Addendum.
I liked your Facebook page a while back. When? I guess I could check the log. It does not matter right now. There is a Reality Audit Underway - I have DECLARED this about 2 months ago, to be:


Demand is a word in the English Dictionary.
Undeclinable is a word in the English Dictionary.
Deliverance is a word in the English Dictionary.
Truth is a word of the English Dictionary.

What is important is that I just UNLIKED your page.

But then again, the action I just made is not the definition of the word in the dictionary:

Definition of unlike

: not like: such as
a : marked by lack of resemblance : different
the two books are quite unlike
b : marked by inequality : unequal
contributed unlike amounts

unlike preposition

: not like: such as
a : different from a landscape unlike any other [ Might Match ]
b : not characteristic of it was unlike him to be [ Fill In ] [ Might Match ]
c : in a different manner from spoke clearly,

unlike the others

[ Exactly Match - That is an UNLIKE DEFINITE [ Defined ] TO MY NEED - but that is not the ACTION processed By Facebook Right? ]

So what does Facebook Do With An Unlike if it is not the actual definition of the word? Removes you from influence in my view. I am not sure if you realize what I am saying here because we are on Facebook and by default, the word's perspective is skewed to a view that is fucked up! So let me carry on as though we are outside of the skew and just speak direct English without any non-dictionary references. Ok?


I don't think I have ever seen such a masterful [ an understanding ] video On YouTube subject that matches into my own working space of difficulty.

There is a problem with the content of your video, it is incomplete.

There is something EXTREMELY MISSING - almost to a point of a job performance fault where insurance might be made available under an ERRORS and OMMISSIONS clause. Obviously, something went wrong and damages occurred.

Yes, that is the kind of thing missing. There is a reference to a quote, but it does not resolve itself.

I am creating a CLIP! Actually two separate Clips.

The point to when we ACCEPT the REALISM where we can actually BUILD or LOSE TRUST in something or someone.

[ You apparently LOST MY TRUST ] -- Do you want to REMAIN SILENT and BROKEN or do you want to RESPOND to form an understanding that the consequences of ignoring this to continued ignorance are COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE AND UNACCEPTABLE.

At the present time, your web presence is open to the public that was BUILT PRIOR TO the Facebook DETACH LIKE action to be an actual representation of the English world.

Your web presence has been changed and is unlike any other right now. I have no other agenda but to correct the truth and beyond that, perhaps you might consider the content of your video the same. Needs an Addendum.
Timeline photos
@[164329586948169:274:Veritasium] [ 2nd Tagging - 1st Direct Timeposting ] : #Mpatapo I liked your Facebook page a while back. When? I guess I could check the log. It does not matter right now. There is a Reality Audit Underway - I have DECLARED this about 2 months ago, to be: A DEMAND FOR AN UNDECLINABLE DELIVERANCE OF THE TRUTH. Demand is a word in the English Dictionary. Undeclinable is a word in the English Dictionary. Deliverance is a word in the English Dictionary. Truth is a word of the English Dictionary. What is important is that I just UNLIKED your page. But then again, the action I just made is not the definition of the word in the dictionary: Definition of unlike : not like: such as a : marked by lack of resemblance : different the two books are quite unlike b : marked by inequality : unequal contributed unlike amounts unlike preposition : not like: such as a : different from a landscape unlike any other [ Might Match ] b : not characteristic of it was unlike him to be [ Fill In ] [ Might Match ] c : in a different manner from spoke clearly, unlike the others [ Exactly Match - That is an UNLIKE DEFINITE [ Defined ] TO MY NEED - but that is not the ACTION processed By Facebook Right? ] So what does Facebook Do With An Unlike if it is not the actual definition of the word? Removes you from influence in my view. I am not sure if you realize what I am saying here because we are on Facebook and by default, the word's perspective is skewed to a view that is fucked up! So let me carry on as though we are outside of the skew and just speak direct English without any non-dictionary references. Ok? -------- I don't think I have ever seen such a masterful [ an understanding ] video On YouTube subject that matches into my own working space of difficulty. There is a problem with the content of your video, it is incomplete. There is something EXTREMELY MISSING - almost to a point of a job performance fault where insurance might be made available under an ERRORS and OMMISSIONS clause. Obviously, something went wrong and damages occurred. Yes, that is the kind of thing missing. There is a reference to a quote, but it does not resolve itself. I am creating a CLIP! Actually two separate Clips. The point to when we ACCEPT the REALISM where we can actually BUILD or LOSE TRUST in something or someone. [ You apparently LOST MY TRUST ] -- Do you want to REMAIN SILENT and BROKEN or do you want to RESPOND to form an understanding that the consequences of ignoring this to continued ignorance are COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE AND UNACCEPTABLE!
Veritasium [ 2nd Tagging - 1st Direct Timeposting ] : #Mpatapo

I liked your Facebook page a while back. When? I guess I could check the log. It does not matter right now. There is a Reality Audit Underway - I have DECLARED this about 2 months ago, to be:


Demand is a word in the English Dictionary.
Undeclinable is a word in the English Dictionary.
Deliverance is a word in the English Dictionary.
Truth is a word of the English Dictionary.

What is important is that I just UNLIKED your page.

But then again, the action I just made is not the definition of the word in the dictionary:

Definition of unlike

: not like: such as
a : marked by lack of resemblance : different
the two books are quite unlike
b : marked by inequality : unequal
contributed unlike amounts

unlike preposition

: not like: such as
a : different from a landscape unlike any other [ Might Match ]
b : not characteristic of it was unlike him to be [ Fill In ] [ Might Match ]
c : in a different manner from spoke clearly,

unlike the others

[ Exactly Match - That is an UNLIKE DEFINITE [ Defined ] TO MY NEED - but that is not the ACTION processed By Facebook Right? ]

So what does Facebook Do With An Unlike if it is not the actual definition of the word? Removes you from influence in my view. I am not sure if you realize what I am saying here because we are on Facebook and by default, the word's perspective is skewed to a view that is fucked up! So let me carry on as though we are outside of the skew and just speak direct English without any non-dictionary references. Ok?


I don't think I have ever seen such a masterful [ an understanding ] video On YouTube subject that matches into my own working space of difficulty.

There is a problem with the content of your video, it is incomplete.

There is something EXTREMELY MISSING - almost to a point of a job performance fault where insurance might be made available under an ERRORS and OMMISSIONS clause. Obviously, something went wrong and damages occurred.

Yes, that is the kind of thing missing. There is a reference to a quote, but it does not resolve itself.

I am creating a CLIP! Actually two separate Clips.

The point to when we ACCEPT the REALISM where we can actually BUILD or LOSE TRUST in something or someone.

[ You apparently LOST MY TRUST ] -- Do you want to REMAIN SILENT and BROKEN or do you want to RESPOND to form an understanding that the consequences of ignoring this to continued ignorance are COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE AND UNACCEPTABLE!
James M Driskill added a new photo to Law Enforcement Social Media Training's timeline.
Are you affiliated with [ http://lawenforcement.social ] and this QUOTE that appears in Time Magazine: This is a VERY IMPORTANT POSTING MESSAGE! This PUBLIC POST to Law Enforcement Social Media Training Has a Spoken Voice Narrative Media [ Has Audio Use Expanded Details Based On Certain Key Phases Use -- Must Listen To ]: http://realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/LawEnforcement.Social/ChickenShit/lesmcoach/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare-April282022.ogg -----Are you affiliated with [ http://lawenforcement.social ] and this QUOTE that appears in Time Magazine: https://time.com/4457110/internet-trolls/ Tech Internet How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet Troll Culture of Hate Time Magazine Cover 160829 Illustration by Steve Brodner for TIME August 18, 2016 7:09 AM EDT This story is not a good idea. Not for society and certainly not for me. Because what trolls feed on is attention. And this little bit–these several thousand words–is like leaving bears a pan of baklava. It would be smarter to be cautious, because the Internet’s personality has changed. Once it was a geek with lofty ideals about the free flow of information. Now, if you need help improving your upload speeds the web is eager to help with technical details, but if you tell it you’re struggling with depression it will try to goad you into killing yourself. Psychologists call this the online disinhibition effect, in which factors like anonymity, invisibility, a lack of authority and not communicating in real time strip away the mores society spent millennia building. And it’s seeping from our smartphones into every aspect of our lives. The people who relish this online freedom are called trolls, a term that originally came from a fishing method online thieves use to find victims. It quickly morphed to refer to the monsters who hide in darkness and threaten people. Internet trolls have a manifesto of sorts, which states they are doing it for the “lulz,” or laughs. What trolls do for the lulz ranges from clever pranks to harassment to violent threats. There’s also doxxing–publishing personal data, such as Social Security numbers and bank accounts–and swatting, calling in an emergency to a victim’s house so the SWAT team busts in. When victims do not experience lulz, trolls tell them they have no sense of humor. Trolls are turning social media and comment boards into a giant locker room in a teen movie, with towel-snapping racial epithets and misogyny. ----- As more trolling occurs, many victims are finding laws insufficient and local police untrained. “Where we run into the problem is the social-media platforms are very hesitant to step on someone’s First Amendment rights,” says Mike Bires, a senior police officer in Southern California who co-founded LawEnforcement.social, a tool for cops to fight on-line crime and use social media to work with their communities. “If they feel like someone’s life is in danger, Twitter and Snapchat are very receptive. But when it comes to someone harassing you online, getting the social-media companies to act can be very frustrating.” Until police are fully caught up, he recommends that victims go to the officer who runs the force’s social-media department. ---- I have something to say -- and I am leaving tomorrow morning after I pack my stuff up from my mother's house -- every single item of my life - in a rental truck -- every single piece of my life [ age 56 ] from the home that has been here since I was age [5]. TAKING THAT TO THE DUMP -- RETURNING THE TRUCK --- THEN WALKING [ CAUSE MY CAR WAS LOST IN ALL OF THE CHAOS ] -- MY BANK BALANCES ARE THIS [ ATTACHED ] BUT I MUST GO OFF THE GRID - PERMANENTLY! SO MY ONLY OPTIONS ARE TO FIND A DEEP WOODED FOREST - START WALKING INTO IT - TILL I CAN'T WALK ANY LONGER -- LAY DOWN - CRY CRY CRY -- ALL-MIGHTY CRY -- AND LAY THERE TILL I DIE! Because I KNOW the TRUTH! In Reference To Truthfinder, They Suspended Me From Accessing Their Site -- for no reason but that I was documenting this truth onto Doctor Real Reports. #BigManKillingTechBug -- The image attached is in DRAFT EMAIL in response to: from: Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov> to: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> date: Apr 19, 2022, 5:47 PM subject: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Re: €150.00 payment to Egoditor GmbH was unsuccessful again signed-by: fbi.gov security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more : Important according to Google magic. Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov> Apr 19, 2022, 5:47 PM (9 days ago) to me I will be out of the office from 4/16 - 4/24. For immediate matters I can be reached at 310-740-5471. A Bit of the header for you at the bottom. That Email is a [ DRAFT to: ] Gmail Makta Pond <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Re: €150.00 payment to Egoditor GmbH was unsuccessful again Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 1:27 AM Draft To: Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov> Good Evening Mr. Miner [ Name Sounds Like Data Miner ] You don't mike if I use Truthfinder to look up your name and phone number from that site? My Account Email is ACTUALLY [ JamesMartin-Driskill-FactsDontLie.HatedOn.IDied@fuckeduphuman.net ] My Account Email is ACTUALLY [ FactsDontLie.HatedOn.IDied@Gmail.com ] ---- I James Martin Driskill, if indeed I leave this house of my family on Friday April 29th 2022, For reasons that Doctor Noble blocked me On Twitter and Instagram trying to get an Answer for why I seem to have been captured by a void of pretext that makes everything optioned for Targeted Individuals out of reach -- services terminated? I would need her to personally answer this question.. What CrisisTextLine did is unacceptable. Although I have had a newer better ex[eroemce, I do not accept that all of this "Forced Direction" chaotic technology directives of an internet involved interface that I know is obvious at my first encounter. I have my feelings and I only know that people in their powerful positions of the board of directors just can not arbitrarily block someone because they want to talk;k about the experience on their product. That for sure if not a good reason to block someone on Twitter or anywhere on the net. So, by default, the only answer that can be answered, unless she is an extremely racist side block against white, --- what is true this way, she knows it, In REAL LIFE, there is a BIG FAT EVIL BUG Intentionally DEVELOPED into the INTERNET image.png TECHNOLOGY of access. This does not look good the intention that nullifies GOOD and NORMALCY with technology that seems to be oddly constructed to CAUSE HARM INTENTIONALLY not to be an kind of BENEFIT or HEALING TREATMENT in the case of what I also claim are limited to the choice of Doctor Care. In Our Healthcare System http://cdc.fuckeduphuman.net --------------------------------------------------------- http://crisistextline.fuckeduphuman.space ------ This is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW - this story is real. BUT YOU WON'T LINK - YOU WONT SHARE - YOU WONT SAY A WORD - SO I MUST GO AND NOT COME BACK -- OFF THE GRID TO BE ONE OF THE 600,000 PERSONS THAT GO MISSING EVERY YEAR - EVERY SINGLE CONTACT I ATTEMPT TO GET HELP FROM - BLOCKS ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA ! Original Message Message ID <90bddf649ce744c2bc7373fe8b34eba0@SA1P110MB1246.NAMP110.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM> Created at: Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 5:47 PM (Delivered after 11 seconds) From: Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov> To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> Subject: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Re: €150.00 payment to Egoditor GmbH was unsuccessful again SPF: NEUTRAL with IP Learn more DKIM: 'PASS' with domain fbi.gov Learn more DMARC: 'PASS' Learn more Download Original Copy to clipboard Delivered-To: realuphuman.net@gmail.com Received: by 2002:a17:906:2f86:b0:6e7:f929:c281 with SMTP id w6csp1475404eji; Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:47:59 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJwzXIhhS7Lu91zPiwGjkfRBi3i6ukPA2w/h72pGwJEkjmfs9uCU4B/P2g2XT2uCXtLF6iKy X-Received: by 2002:a05:622a:16:b0:2eb:86e1:3dfd with SMTP id x22-20020a05622a001600b002eb86e13dfdmr12396045qtw.659.1650415679763; Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:47:59 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1650415679; cv=pass; d=google.com; s=arc-20160816; b=wunlrdku8OntG4K17/2I2OCP76rT9yoTUX3Kv1El+VGlVljlyaE77zn3E88TQp+tF0 WiqHZqXPx/qIrNmUTQ+FI0RdoC8irsx5Utko63jz/sDqO7JHx4bXuYkzCZIUJmAQjGfc Jhw5+6ZhGN35RKrSS7MtJzcrTPxbyMK5FoEwkFRKnhv8HgTJ0k2oSnv1JMJAu+HBIlgy pG0JbqYLr2rELQQEdd+AifoPvgru0Vp3Pz0quXPi6yciyA65RgMRVpMAXPv1yV1wAXV7 ihAaeUkj9TbPBz/KmA8IWyDvGeuxDbYVdvuo22YTgIKTwPEaJGkFJyUdGuanNMsYr+oH K/Zw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=google.com; s=arc-20160816; h=mime-version:auto-submitted:in-reply-to:references:message-id:date :thread-index:thread-topic:subject:to:from:dkim-signature :ironport-hdrordr:ironport-data:ironport-phdr:dkim-signature; bh=JAkRR9KpyhTpuEGs5m4cQg32i2mJa+pqzWKOguY9y+c=; b=uhR4/6fkWc7xT4Wew0SwYwZnWsyMh0e/5ix7A82M93ImUw4+kCAri39BVjUPrbebzM 43YhBUU1Fwluo/yaMb/EpzIQLJmDciNIJ0ynTaNfis0w9VNkHP+MStVADjLRpvELIrL9 liPUndy0cN66QE/dPb474gGG9ouy0C3Ivg3vw+H0vylImtpginWJlynFZF/uau/tLl/9 qDIW57F6huYk0kzHH4TNJ30wrrVGBB0CQKHYbfCE7x+LGZMqIKfdj/7tpoz0c9LfusPZ bbFNs+Y075Nhj5a0DJuaECgkZ/zZ57DoxOFle79tSYWwfmBb9+2KbaNz40MbqegR2Y7T xrvg== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2; mx.google.com; dkim=pass header.i=@fbi.gov header.s=cjis header.b=APlLh3lP; dkim=pass header.i=@dojfbi.onmicrosoft.com header.s=selector1-dojfbi-onmicrosoft-com header.b=YDFKgmyE; arc=pass (i=1 dkim=pass dkdomain=fbi.gov dmarc=pass fromdomain=fbi.gov); spf=neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of postmaster@wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis) smtp.helo=wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis; dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=NONE) header.from=fbi.gov Return-Path: <> Received: from wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis (mx-east-ic.fbi.gov. []) by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id o12-20020ac87c4c000000b002f1eea6afd5si137526qtv.225.2022. for <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:47:59 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of postmaster@wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis) client-ip=; Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; dkim=pass header.i=@fbi.gov header.s=cjis header.b=APlLh3lP; dkim=pass header.i=@dojfbi.onmicrosoft.com header.s=selector1-dojfbi-onmicrosoft-com header.b=YDFKgmyE; arc=pass (i=1 dkim=pass dkdomain=fbi.gov dmarc=pass fromdomain=fbi.gov); spf=neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of postmaster@wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis) smtp.helo=wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis; dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=NONE) header.from=fbi.gov DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=fbi.gov; s=cjis; t=1650415679; x=1681951679; h=from:to:subject:date:message-id:references:in-reply-to: mime-version; --------------------- Last I had to contact Mike 'iSocialCop' Bires was when I used the [ MESSAGE ] of the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office Main Website which Forward To Facebook Messager -- this interface lead to Mr. Bires Threatening To File A Restraining Order for me Harassing him - I was not harassing him -- The social media of the San Bernardino Police Department already had blocked me on Twitter [ The person is Sgt Escaverra ] and the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Facebook was blocked. Oh it is a DOCUMENTED CASE -- I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND MY FAMILY TO PERHAPS CHANGE MY NAME! I AM NOT GOING TO BE LIGHT ABOUT THIS -- WHAT IS BEFORE YOU IS A COMPLETE ABUSE OF EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDS FOR - I KNOW THE TRUTH! http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/sbcountyda.org/Email/Gmail-SRFaxTransmissionSuccessfultoMikeiSocialCopBires-URGENT%20PROCESSING-1-909-382-7674-onSep12-20-03-06AM.html YOU WILL NOT LINK -= YOU WILL TAKE THIS PUBLIC POST AND REMOVE IT FOR NO REASON - AND IF I USE MESSENGER- YOU TOO WILL JUST GHOST IT TOO! AS ALL OF THAT HAPPENS -- YOU TOO WILL BE GUILTY OF WHAT I CALL "AID AND COMFORT" TO AN ENEMY AT WAR AGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - AND IN THAT YOU ARE GUILTY OF TREASON. DO YOU THINK I HAVE ANY RIGHTS THAT WOULD BE HONORED BY ANYONE -- THIS POST IS TAGGED -- IT IS ON FACEBOOK --- BUT THIS IS A COPY OF IT -- TO PROTECT ITS MESSAGE - THEY DID NOT CALL TODAY - THEY WILL NEVER CALL! http://realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/disabilityrightsca.org/FACEBOOK/Facebook%20-%20DisabilityRightsCA%20-%20CareCourt.htm https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=356846603138532&set=a.299944902162036 THAT IS THEIR POST -- BUT DOES NOT SHOW WITH THAT URL [ ALL COMMENTS ] BE SURE TO OPEN ALL COMMENTS THEY HAVE GHOSTED IT !! I DIE!! THEY WILL NEVER CALL THIS FAMILY -- MY MOTHER OR ME -TO THEIR MISSION ON THEIR SITE -- WHY SHOULD I BOTHER DEALING WITH A VOID -- WHEN THE REAL PROBLEM IS THE VOID NEEDS TO BE DEVOIDED!
Place: San Bernardino County District Attorney (34.129159593861, -117.26848282779)
Address: 900 E Gilbert St, San Bernardino, CA 92404
Are you affiliated with [ http://lawenforcement.social/ ] and this QUOTE that appears in Time Magazine:


This PUBLIC POST to Law Enforcement Social Media Training Has a Spoken Voice Narrative Media [ Has Audio Use Expanded Details Based On Certain Key Phases Use -- Must Listen To ]:


-----Are you affiliated with [ http://lawenforcement.social/ ] and this QUOTE that appears in Time Magazine:


How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet

How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet
Troll Culture of Hate Time Magazine Cover 160829
Illustration by Steve Brodner for TIME
August 18, 2016 7:09 AM EDT

This story is not a good idea. Not for society and certainly not for me. Because what trolls feed on is attention. And this little bit–these several thousand words–is like leaving bears a pan of baklava.

It would be smarter to be cautious, because the Internet’s personality has changed. Once it was a geek with lofty ideals about the free flow of information. Now, if you need help improving your upload speeds the web is eager to help with technical details, but if you tell it you’re struggling with depression it will try to goad you into killing yourself. Psychologists call this the online disinhibition effect, in which factors like anonymity, invisibility, a lack of authority and not communicating in real time strip away the mores society spent millennia building. And it’s seeping from our smartphones into every aspect of our lives.

The people who relish this online freedom are called trolls, a term that originally came from a fishing method online thieves use to find victims. It quickly morphed to refer to the monsters who hide in darkness and threaten people. Internet trolls have a manifesto of sorts, which states they are doing it for the “lulz,” or laughs. What trolls do for the lulz ranges from clever pranks to harassment to violent threats. There’s also doxxing–publishing personal data, such as Social Security numbers and bank accounts–and swatting, calling in an emergency to a victim’s house so the SWAT team busts in. When victims do not experience lulz, trolls tell them they have no sense of humor. Trolls are turning social media and comment boards into a giant locker room in a teen movie, with towel-snapping racial epithets and misogyny.


As more trolling occurs, many victims are finding laws insufficient and local police untrained. “Where we run into the problem is the social-media platforms are very hesitant to step on someone’s First Amendment rights,” says Mike Bires, a senior police officer in Southern California who co-founded LawEnforcement.social, a tool for cops to fight on-line crime and use social media to work with their communities. “If they feel like someone’s life is in danger, Twitter and Snapchat are very receptive. But when it comes to someone harassing you online, getting the social-media companies to act can be very frustrating.” Until police are fully caught up, he recommends that victims go to the officer who runs the force’s social-media department.


I have something to say -- and I am leaving tomorrow morning after I pack my stuff up from my mother's house -- every single item of my life - in a rental truck -- every single piece of my life [ age 56 ] from the home that has been here since I was age [5].


Because I KNOW the TRUTH! In Reference To Truthfinder, They Suspended Me From Accessing Their Site -- for no reason but that I was documenting this truth onto Doctor Real Reports.

#BigManKillingTechBug --

The image attached is in DRAFT EMAIL in response to:

from: Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov>
to: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
date: Apr 19, 2022, 5:47 PM
subject: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Re: €150.00 payment to Egoditor GmbH was unsuccessful again
signed-by: fbi.gov
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov>

Apr 19, 2022, 5:47 PM (9 days ago)

to me

I will be out of the office from 4/16 - 4/24. For immediate matters I can be reached at 310-740-5471.

A Bit of the header for you at the bottom.

That Email is a [ DRAFT to: ]

Gmail Makta Pond <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Re: €150.00 payment to Egoditor GmbH was unsuccessful again
Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 1:27 AM

Draft To: Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov>

Good Evening Mr. Miner [ Name Sounds Like Data Miner ]

You don't mike if I use Truthfinder to look up your name and phone number from that site?

My Account Email is ACTUALLY [ JamesMartin-Driskill-FactsDontLie.HatedOn.IDied@fuckeduphuman.net ]

My Account Email is ACTUALLY [ FactsDontLie.HatedOn.IDied@Gmail.com ]


I James Martin Driskill, if indeed I leave this house of my family on
Friday April 29th 2022, For reasons that Doctor Noble blocked me
On Twitter and Instagram trying to get an Answer for why I seem to have been captured by a void of pretext
that makes everything optioned for Targeted Individuals out of reach -- services terminated?

I would need her to personally answer this question.. What CrisisTextLine did is unacceptable.
Although I have had a newer better ex[eroemce, I do not accept that all of this "Forced Direction" chaotic
technology directives of an internet involved interface that I know is obvious at my first encounter.

I have my feelings and I only know that people in their powerful positions of the board of directors just can not
arbitrarily block someone because they want to talk;k about the experience on their product.

That for sure if not a good reason to block someone on Twitter or anywhere on the net.

So, by default, the only answer that can be answered, unless she is an extremely racist side
block against white, --- what is true this way, she knows it,

Intentionally DEVELOPED into the INTERNET


TECHNOLOGY of access. This does not look good
the intention that nullifies GOOD and NORMALCY
with technology that seems to be oddly constructed
case of what I also claim are limited to the choice
of Doctor Care.

In Our Healthcare System



This is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW - this story is real.


Original Message
Message ID <90bddf649ce744c2bc7373fe8b34eba0@SA1P110MB1246.NAMP110.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Created at: Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 5:47 PM (Delivered after 11 seconds)
From: Christopher Miner <cnminer@fbi.gov>
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Subject: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Re: €150.00 payment to Egoditor GmbH was unsuccessful again
SPF: NEUTRAL with IP Learn more
DKIM: 'PASS' with domain fbi.gov Learn more
DMARC: 'PASS' Learn more

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Delivered-To: realuphuman.net@gmail.com
Received: by 2002:a17:906:2f86:b0:6e7:f929:c281 with SMTP id w6csp1475404eji;
Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:47:59 -0700 (PDT)
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Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:47:59 -0700 (PDT)
ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1650415679; cv=pass;
d=google.com; s=arc-20160816;
ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=google.com; s=arc-20160816;
ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2; mx.google.com;
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dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=NONE) header.from=fbi.gov
Return-Path: <>
Received: from wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis (mx-east-ic.fbi.gov. [])
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(version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:47:59 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of postmaster@wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results: mx.google.com;
dkim=pass header.i=@fbi.gov header.s=cjis header.b=APlLh3lP;
dkim=pass header.i=@dojfbi.onmicrosoft.com header.s=selector1-dojfbi-onmicrosoft-com header.b=YDFKgmyE;
arc=pass (i=1 dkim=pass dkdomain=fbi.gov dmarc=pass fromdomain=fbi.gov);
spf=neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of postmaster@wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis) smtp.helo=wvadc-dmz-pmo003-data.enet.cjis;
dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=NONE) header.from=fbi.gov
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=fbi.gov; s=cjis; t=1650415679; x=1681951679;


Last I had to contact Mike 'iSocialCop' Bires was when I used the [ MESSAGE ] of the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office Main Website which Forward To Facebook Messager -- this interface lead to Mr. Bires Threatening To File A Restraining Order for me Harassing him - I was not harassing him -- The social media of the San Bernardino Police Department already had blocked me on Twitter [ The person is Sgt Escaverra ] and the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Facebook was blocked.












Timeline photos
I am not kidding - I am leaving this house to find a forest -- deep wooded forest -- to walk into the forest -- till I can't go any further -- lay down -- die - get eaten by wolves or what ever - I don't care -
I am not kidding - I am leaving this house to find a forest -- deep wooded forest -- to walk into the forest -- till I can't go any further -- lay down -- die - get eaten by wolves or what ever - I don't care -
James M Driskill added a new photo to Mozilla's timeline.
Dear Mozilla for FireFox. #BigManKillingTechBug I am writing a DARK NET OVERLAY TECHNOLOGY CONCERNS ADDRESS and JUST READ about your "Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS". I recently watched a video about how Firefox is losing market share in browsers. I have concerns and a suggestion of a sinister possible [ plausibility ] of an infection on technology that is pretty much provable but no one seems to want to listen. The fix for this is easy. It will require a policy change on the internet. The first policy change that must occur there should be no such thing as unilateral account to account blocking or site to account blocking on social media. Such actions are #1 used abusively by bad acting users against each other to hide the truth, #2 Mentally Abusive / and abusive to freedoms of speech. Such unilateral block restrictions without a warranted "justification" mutual exchange in what explains violations of a site's terms of use, spam, or just someone's annoyance, or their attempt to hide into the background in lies. OPEN: http://meme.gruwup.net/dot_dot_dot_dash_dash_dash_dot_dot_dot_S_O_S.ogg Includes an article on unfriending on Facebook is not really recommended and why. How this may sound to readers: 🤝confident 🎯direct 👔formal
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Dear Mozilla for FireFox. #BigManKillingTechBug


I recently watched a video about how Firefox is losing market share in browsers. I have concerns and a suggestion of a sinister possible [ plausibility ] of an infection on technology that is pretty much provable but no one seems to want to listen. The fix for this is easy. It will require a policy change on the internet. The first policy change that must occur there should be no such thing as unilateral account to account blocking or site to account blocking on social media. Such actions are #1 used abusively by bad acting users against each other to hide the truth, #2 Mentally Abusive / and abusive to freedoms of speech. Such unilateral block restrictions without a warranted "justification" mutual exchange in what explains violations of a site's terms of use, spam, or just someone's annoyance, or their attempt to hide into the background in lies.



Includes an article on unfriending on Facebook is not really recommended and why.

How this may sound to readers:

Volume 7, Issue 1: Taking License, August 2001



@[102531897819236:274:Prospect Medical Group] [ tagged ]
Reviews In Mail Address
@California Medical Clinic [ Valley Blvd - Not Offical Page ]
Reviews: http://realityaudit.life/ShortURLS/CMC-GoogleReviews/

@[100069624024029:2048:Crisis Text Line] [ Tagged ]
Reviews In Mail Address
Updated May 06, 2022 4:14:58am
#BigManKillingTechBug : http://realityaudit.life/ShortURLS/DasdardlyAgainstTheUSA/05/

@[100069624024029:2048:Crisis Text Line] [ Tagged ]
Updated May 06, 2022 4:12:54am
Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
Wow Doctors -- You All Just Sit There Inactive -- till I die -- - While I cry FAULT for what you all represent -- what you all have done to me!
Updated May 09, 2022 5:51:22am
James M Driskill updated his status.
Words To Live By
whe n?
@[100067836276289:2048:Office of Justice Programs]


Apply the facts -- apply the "BEST PRACTICES" to the

@[100064582813882:2048:California State Auditor]

I am FAXING my address response to the @[748854455203497:274:San Bernardino District Police Department]

You can not just GHOST this -- avoid this - you can't do that - this is very very very wrong to not conduct this audit with "best practices" in view -- and I know better.

My points are well reasoned - the truth of my point - my points are deserved to have a community voice -- you can't just ignore me -- that is wrong and you all know I am here - so why did you attempt to not have a WRITTEN RESPONSE for the SAN BERNARDINO POLICE DEPARTMENT and make it up from some fucked up human fantasy that you are in any kind of way trustworthy or truthful?

50 Years of Police Gangs and you have been around for 66 years -- what exactly have you been doing?

Save your embarrassment by attempting to defend what you are attempting in your results.

I suggest a bit of respect is in order for this family.

Email - Written Will Be Online Public - And FAXED ---Therefore Indexed and Search Engine Matching -- You can't just ignore this.

Audio OGG: [ Seriously -- This has audio tag extensions ]:


I would immediately address your flawed audit before it spins out of control to a WORLD COURT against the UNITED STATES for WAR CRIMES. Serious!
Updated May 11, 2022 9:21:34pm
Timeline photos
@[100063648306961:2048:San Bernardino Sun] @[100067836276289:2048:Office of Justice Programs] @[100064654872564:2048:The United States Department of Justice] @[102531897819236:274:Prospect Medical Group] @[100064843296393:2048:National Institutes of Health (NIH)] @[100069624024029:2048:Crisis Text Line] QR SCAN CODE URL: http://realityaudit.life/ShortURLS/DasdardlyAgainstTheUSA/08/
San Bernardino Sun
Office of Justice Programs
The United States Department of Justice
Prospect Medical Group
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Crisis Text Line

My Family Seriously Sucks! Had to dial 911. David Kicked In My Bedroom Door only because I told him to go away, but he refused, so I banged on the inside of my door so I did not have to hear him continue to barrage me.

bombard (someone) with something.
"his doctor was barraged with unsolicited advice"

And anytime I have done the same back, is because you continue to not respect me and continue to insult me by an OBVIOUS CONTEMPT doe my presence in this house ever since I came back here from Denver Colorado in July 2017.

I was not being violent. The violent one in this house is obviously now shown to be David Allen Driskill -- GET REAL!

And my mother's apathy over the entire mess to not be a responsible mother is also obviously documented.


@[100078464496021:2048:Roni Driskill] @[100033169643032:2048:David Driskill] @[100001108025726:2048:Shelly Miller]
Updated May 14, 2022 4:37:08am
You tagged Roni Driskill, Shelly Miller, James Martin Houser, Louis Earthman Jr, David CA Parrish, Louis E. Earthman Jr, Geoff Braund, Makta Pond, Helen Conn, William Schultz, Louis Earthman Jr., David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, Sammie Francher, Louis Earthman, David C. Tapscott, Mario Saucedo, Ross Biehler, Jimmy Escajeda, Jim Whitescarver, Brandon Cook, DevOryn Blood, DeVontae Wyatt, Connie Watkins, Lily Vallene Dreiling, W-Jamal Lee Wilson, Ty O'Neill, Denny Hargate, Dale A Epps, Cristian Lujano, John Neese, Anthony Scott, Janice Nicole Hiler, Casey Kidd, Melody Badwound, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Sammie Giovanni Lee Francher, Vicki Johnson, Eve Behrends, Angela Mathews, Anthony Apodaca, Nick Bravo, Dottie Buzinski, Mark Pflaster, Kelvin Burroughs, Lorenzo Martínez Gómez, Diane Schou, Elivina Graymountain, JaSon Riggs, Cherise Tibbet, Arthur Kanegis, Anthony Milliner, Ed Jor-El Elkin, Char Dalton, Cyrus Winikerei Kavamoungaone, James Betthauser, Jen Exx, Donald Edward Feyereisen, Kevin Yerby, Chris Rains, Louise Beale Vincent, Mitchell Camp, Curtis Culver, Norah Dahn, Charley Coaltrain, Luis Fernando Pereda, Bivens Shawn, AngeliaRose Burns, Edward Dean Frederick, Morgan Lewis, Marcie Hall, Mike Sjoblom, Nathan Boden, Bonnie Severns, Michael M. Catron - Boyd, Estevan Perez, Steve Beeferman, Donnie Bones, M Alan Kazlev, Becky Flatt Hamblin, Dominique Julian Fabulous, Luis Espinoza, Carol Phillips, Nancy Sindelar, Leigha Burns, Antonio Lopez, Adam Lilien, Morris Travis, Arlene Dykstra, Sammy Davis, Nicholas Wright and Nimbus Clay
Timeline photos
QR CODE URL: [ upper-left ]: http://firedancer.gruwup.net/Truth=Trust/ForevermoreCRUEL-AnInfoMasters-DUELtotheDEATHofME/FamilyMattersReallySucks-TimeToGo.ogg QR CODE URL: [ center ]: http://realityaudit.life/ShortURLS/DasdardlyAgainstTheUSA/09/ Looking For Volunteers who can assist me in a telephone chain contact means to pass forward and secure my doctor's care to follow their fiduciary duty of [ physician / patient ] communication to accept the conditions of discussion of "gangstalking" as a real thing that is interceding in my life and documented at the National Institutes of Health research published findings. Every connection of civil society resource I attempt to reach out to find a conversation and discussion or referral is completely ignored by silence. Tone detector How this may sound to readers: 😐neutral
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
QR CODE URL: [ upper-left ]:

QR CODE URL: [ center ]:

Looking For Volunteers who can assist me in a telephone chain contact means to pass forward and secure my doctor's care to follow their fiduciary duty of [ physician / patient ] communication to accept the conditions of discussion of "gangstalking" as a real thing that is interceding in my life and documented at the National Institutes of Health research published findings. Every connection of civil society resource I attempt to reach out to find a conversation and discussion or referral is completely ignored by silence.

Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:
Timeline photos
Veronica Ann Warnick Driskill @[100078464496021:2048:Roni Driskill] Who-Are-You-Really--❓-- http://veronica-ann-warnick-driskill.realityaudit.life/Who-Are-You-Really--%e2%9d%93--/
Veronica Ann Warnick Driskill Roni Driskill

James M Driskill added a new photo to Shelly Miller's timeline.
David Driskill @[100033169643032:2048:David Driskill] [ Tagged, Unless You Changed Facebook Settings For Both Accounts ] THIS IS ISSUED -- and is PRIVATELY in the CARE of a FAMILY MEMBER that I KNOW I CAN TRUST --- Even My VERY OWN MOTHER has LOST my ABILITY to TRUST HER -- and SHE KNOWS IT! @[100078464496021:2048:Roni Driskill] John Warnick - Tagged To the Memory of my Uncle - Mother's Brother -- To Which, I know Grandma Helen Warnick and I had an exchange when she had confided in me before both my Uncle and Grandma moved up north,. She was making it a point to mention to me that somehow DADDY was being very MEAN to her when it was just them LEFT ALONE in the house! the fact that this house, for the most part, is not typically HATERS HOUSE !! What has been allowed to manifest -- IS OUTRAGEOUS to contend with -- without an OUTSIDE connectivity oversight to the facts! I will not sit here with a BROKEN BEDROOM DOOR - and just be OK with that -- Everything in this is NOT OK! Never can it be JUST OK! Whatever your faith or beliefs are - I KNOW WHAT I KNOW and WHEN I DON'T KNOW - I SAY SO. I do not just makeup stories -- for sure! I do not Lie, Cheat, or Steal my way through life! Thank you for the PROMPT ATTENTION to BRING PEACE the PRIORITY and to REPRIMAND the DOCTORS and all such persons outside of this house who are TRULY ACTIONED AGAINST ME to have TAKEN ON an OBVIOUS VENDETTA against me ! What the fuck -- FUCK YOU ALL HATERS! This post has the "Check In" Location of a motel room -- that was indeed the location of events publically placed on social media as #BloodRoom101 -- Jan 3rd 2021 -- That includes a public posting on YouTube. Those events occurred because this house is definitely a hostile environment and not allowed to not be corrected ! That would be then of course the friend of betrayal [ https://www.facebook.com/timothy.ashley/ ] THIS INDEED IS A VALID LOCATION ON THE WEB: [ http://timothy-kyle-ashley.fuckeduphuman.life/ ] Any questions -- I will not engage -- ONE on ONE connections -- we have GROUP CONVERSATION TOOLS for a REASON!
Place: Golden Star Motel (34.108700931894, -117.29759776645)
Address: 668 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
David Driskill
David Driskill

[ Tagged, Unless You Changed Facebook Settings For Both Accounts ]


John Warnick - Tagged To the Memory of my Uncle - Mother's Brother -- To Which, I know Grandma Helen Warnick and I had an exchange when she had confided in me before both my Uncle and Grandma moved up north,.

She was making it a point to mention to me that somehow DADDY was being very MEAN to her when it was just them LEFT ALONE in the house!

the fact that this house, for the most part, is not typically HATERS HOUSE !!

What has been allowed to manifest -- IS OUTRAGEOUS to contend with -- without an OUTSIDE connectivity oversight to the facts!

I will not sit here with a BROKEN BEDROOM DOOR - and just be OK with that -- Everything in this is NOT OK! Never can it be JUST OK!

Whatever your faith or beliefs are - I KNOW WHAT I KNOW and WHEN I DON'T KNOW - I SAY SO. I do not just makeup stories -- for sure! I do not Lie, Cheat, or Steal my way through life!

Thank you for the PROMPT ATTENTION to BRING PEACE the PRIORITY and to REPRIMAND the DOCTORS and all such persons outside of this house who are TRULY ACTIONED AGAINST ME to have TAKEN ON an OBVIOUS VENDETTA against me !

What the fuck -- FUCK YOU ALL HATERS!

This post has the "Check In" Location of a motel room -- that was indeed the location of events publically placed on social media as #BloodRoom101 -- Jan 3rd 2021 -- That includes a public posting on YouTube. Those events occurred because this house is definitely a hostile environment and not allowed to not be corrected !

That would be then of course the friend of betrayal

[ https://www.facebook.com/timothy.ashley/ ]


[ http://timothy-kyle-ashley.fuckeduphuman.life/ ]

Any questions -- I will not engage -- ONE on ONE connections -- we have GROUP CONVERSATION TOOLS for a REASON!
James M Driskill shared a memory.
3 years ago
Roni Driskill

You are Tagged -- Every Single Word Mama!
You tagged Roni Driskill, Shelly Miller, David CA Parrish, David Driskill, William Schultz, David Tapscott, Mario Saucedo and Jimmy Escajeda
Timeline photos
This is Classic - @[748854455203497:274:San Bernardino District Police Department] @[100066434652097:2048:San Bernardino County Supervising Deputy District Attorneys Association] @[113813381992470:274:San Bernardino Police Officers Association] @[100063648306961:2048:San Bernardino Sun] @[254128874702468:69:San Bernardino, remember when.] [ Private Group ] This is happening real-time. This is the house of the activity that is being written -- for the record - to all time human history. @[15279704057:274:Google Maps] [ @Gruwup.net Website Admin Headquarters ] @[468008909888814:274:Gruwup \: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace \: Complete Worldwide Peace] @[168128000001226:274:Words To Live By] @Mpatapo [ Found ]: Labelled: @[1379370102205055:274:FuckedupHuman.net- Knot That Binds Parties Together For Conflict Resolution] @[100003524474766:2048:Louis Earthman Jr.] [ 4 profiles on Facebook ] @[1598040198:2048:Louis E. Earthman Jr] @[100033334332521:2048:Louis Earthman] @[100000079403623:2048:Louis Earthman Jr] Tone detector How this may sound to readers: ☝️assertive ✌️optimistic 🤝confident
This is Classic - San Bernardino District Police Department
San Bernardino County Supervising Deputy District Attorneys Association
San Bernardino Police Officers Association
San Bernardino Sun
San Bernardino, remember when. [ Private Group ]
This is happening real-time.
This is the house of the activity that is being written -- for the record - to all time human history.

Google Maps [ @Gruwup.net Website Admin Headquarters ]
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Words To Live By
@Mpatapo [ Found ]: Labelled:
FuckedupHuman.net- Knot That Binds Parties Together For Conflict Resolution

Louis Earthman Jr. [ 4 profiles on Facebook ]
Louis E. Earthman Jr
Louis Earthman
Louis Earthman Jr

Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:
James M Driskill shared a memory.
Hilarious! Love or Hate Me, I don't care ---- Happy Mother's Day!
4 Years Ago
May 13, 2018 12:15:56am
Hilarious! Love or Hate Me, I don't care ---- Happy Mother's Day!
Really -- as serious as such actions MOTHER TO CHILD -- really mother -- @[100078464496021:2048:Roni Driskill] --- Seriously you are unmotherly so bad -- so bad - so bad -- I can see the need to make this comparison truthfully. David Driskill @[100033169643032:2048:David Driskill] @[100001108025726:2048:Shelly Miller] - I hope you are not going to say this is not true -- MOMMY DEAREST!
Updated May 18, 2022 8:20:35pm
Timeline photos
@[100001108025726:2048:Shelly Miller] -- Pass This To The Family Please -- Connections Important! David Driskill @[100033169643032:2048:David Driskill] @[100016950034514:2048:Helen Conn] My Mother @[100078464496021:2048:Roni Driskill] Will Not Stop Lying! Everything Is Showing Public Because She Thinks I will Not Take This To Court --- and I Definitely Will - and I would not take the most due diligence to this work of best effort -- if I did not care! @[100005759118512:2048:William Schultz] -- Again, Please Pass This To My Brother -- Thank you.
Shelly Miller -- Pass This To The Family Please -- Connections Important!
David Driskill David Driskill Helen Conn

My Mother Roni Driskill Will Not Stop Lying! Everything Is Showing Public Because She Thinks I will Not Take This To Court --- and I Definitely Will - and I would not take the most due diligence to this work of best effort -- if I did not care!

William Schultz -- Again, Please Pass This To My Brother -- Thank you.
@[1172754441:2048:Geoff Braund]

Asking the public for all respect.

If two people are in a Messenger Chat and one of the persons is a TARGETED INDIVIDAL of GANGSTALKIING [ me ] and CHOOSES to not have a microphone attached and the other person on text messenger - -just presses -- CALL VOICE via FACEBOOK -- without notice -- and I REFUSED to answer -

-and I say --

"Sorry Can't Do That -- I don't have a microphone. If you asked, I may have -- but since you didn't ask, I won't. "

So who is in the wrong? Do I deserve to be given a



I think that is rather a presumption to have an attitude such as that.

This is a [ PLAIN LAW ] Video: What is Gangstalking?


Updated May 20, 2022 6:41:47pm
Goodbye - I Died - No Help!
Updated May 20, 2022 8:07:28pm
Timeline photos
Timeline photos
SO, we have a #BigManKillingTechBug
-- What is that you might say?

I will quote the text that I have defined as my [ POSTMATES ] Delivery Directions To This Address.

Postmates Home
@Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding WebSite Headquarters



Delivery options

Meet outside

It is a new day paradigm. Not a matter invisible with questions left unsaid hanging it ;! It what?

Unquestionable behavior of stranger danger...

Imagine a world that connects on two completely polar opposite points simultaneously. Imagine a world, where we have the "normalcy" of what should be along with a secondary influence --- not so desired of an augmented reality goal of interfering and nullifying the normal.

So, if you have read this so far, of course, this is a bit cryptic.

No Gangstalking Allowed!


How this may sound to readers:
James M Driskill updated his status.
Timeline photos
Dear Prospect Medical Group:

Can you explain the extensive common-themed negative Google Views for Prospect Medical?

This email was sent:



from: Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
to: mkb@brightplanet.com,
cc: seniors.vip@prospectmedical.com,
date: May 18, 2022, 11:05 PM
subject: #BigManKillingTechBug - What if? DARKNET OVERLAY is intentionally NULLIFYING NORMALCY into CHAOS? A Division Break When Requesting Digital Connections to Services! Might I suggest Something Very Sinister Needs Fixed -- And How It Can Be Fixed!
mailed-by: gmail.com





Index of /Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/prospectmedical.com/Faxes

Icon Name Last modified Size Description[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory -
[IMG] #BigManKillingTechBug.FAXCOVER.png 2022-05-06 17:53 102K
[ ] FAXCOVER-#BigManKillingTechBug-What-if-DARKNET-OVERLAY-is-intentionally-NULLIFYING-NORMALCY-into-CHAOS.ogg 2022-05-06 17:46 20M
[ ] PDF-#BigManKillingTechBug-What-if-DARKNET-OVERLAY-is-intentionally-NULLIFYING-NORMALCY-into-CHAOS.pdf 2022-05-06 14:12 13M


Words To Live By
Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. -Anon
THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.

Tone detector

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There is absolutely no reason to not receive a response!
Updated Jun 01, 2022 6:55:23am
Timeline photos
how funny! All kinds of wacky bathrooms -- public and private ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0x-nyCKSGc Designers Who Should Go To Hell For Their Ideas – Part 5
Place: Bath & Body Works (34.08555822498, -117.29690015316)
Address: 432 Inland Center Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92408
how funny!

All kinds of wacky bathrooms -- public and private !


Designers Who Should Go To Hell For Their Ideas – Part 5
You tagged Roni Driskill, Shelly Miller, James Martin Houser, David CA Parrish, William Schultz, David Tapscott, Supplanter James Driskill, Sammie Francher, David C. Tapscott, Ty O'Neill, Rhea Pixley, Alan Mayfield, Marcie Hall, Sarah Hernandez, Jerry Holloman and Gerald Haman
Mobile uploads
Place: Little Mountain San Bernardino Ca (34.149862186545, -117.31709380713)
Address: San Bernardino, CA
Timeline photos
James M Driskill wrote on mrballen's timeline.
Place: San Bernardino School Police Officers Association (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W. Baseline Street, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Before I introduce a "story suggestion" -- I am going to give you an concept of view -- I really mean -- I mean really.

I am an open book. What does that mean?

What I am saying, I really am an open book. The way it is said, I basically am one who believes in reality and I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life.

There is something happening to me that I can not have what is called "legal capacity" that is addressed in Article 12, of the United Nations Convention for Rights for Persons With Disabilities.

The CRPD was created for universal humanity of improving our world in 2006 and President Obama did sign the authorization of the CRPD to apply to the United States in 2009.

So, it is a GO as far as we should apply its ideals into view --as laws apply, the conversation of such ideals is a one-to-one case basis involved in our society, unless congress would ratify such convention documents to mark the placement of laws to be enforced from the federal level downward onto our civil society across our entire nation.

What forces are in the way to have that apply -- ratify causes what?

Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:


Why would I say I am an open book, and not be serious about that statement with the actual condition that are in view happening in this country and how I am interacting with that [ forces ] that remain in my way as a barrier that I can indeed identify.

I really mean I am an open book.

Take that to the next level ---

I am an OPEN FACEBOOK to the world -- what does that mean?

Simply, the content that is submitted to social media platforms are the property [ intellectual or otherwise ] of the author. I have the choice of feature to download my data from Facebook. I have the choice to download that in HTML format.

I have the choice to then [ have the confidence to know - I am an open book ] and place such an index received from facebook in public accessible location on cyberspace to be an accurate day to day, week by week, month to month, year by year archive on my side of life, in single indexed journal in the HTML page formats returned back to me -- nothing altered in any kind of way.

I have indeed done that. The majority of the selections of data to obtain in that data download, is indeed included -- including and forcefully Facebook Messenger!

Would that be dangerous?

The URL is a SEARCH PROPERTY added into Google - - I am not sure of the current status of its index-- but you get the point.


Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:

James M Driskill added 12 new photos to The Rock Bible College's timeline.

I am an open book! Completely 100% completely an open book!

Can we understand this?

Your script of questions that you have applied to Facebook Messenger is here.

This is your interface to the world on this tool.

Can we understand this?


How much does this school cost?

Can you tell me more about this school?

Are you accepting new students?

Where are you located?


So the Facebook Messenger is GHOSTED ---- right?


I am an open book! What does that mean? -- and in general, can that really be honored to a view that one is really an open book?

Is there is a possibility to act in the way [ technology speaking ] to prove such a claim?



Answer this:

--- James Martin Driskill owner of an information technology network called @gruwup.net -

#Mpatapo [ Peace / Reconcilliation Knot ]
Peace Building [ As Role Peace Builder ],

#Kramobone [ Honesty Knot ]
Truth Affirming,

Dishonesty Confronting by demanding the standard of excellence!

#Nyansapo [ Wisdom Knot ]

Is this not the way we are sharing here to be understood?

Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:


So why is there silence when I am actively reaching out? Why do you choose to ghost this -- like it is some kind of game.

This is no game people. No game! You have no reason to block me, you have no reason to ignore me, you have no reason but to become completely professional, and the lack thereof in itself, the silence is truth-telling. Sorry #TimesUp
James M Driskill added 2 new photos to Julie Mackey Sasseen's timeline.
Place: San Bernardino District Police Department (34.1214694, -117.2951409)
Address: 536 W Base Line St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
"moments that take my breath away"

I know this is going to sound strange -- but indeed I am involved in auditing my background data -- there is an influence that is strange --- this being one of that strangeness I can not quite understand.

Of all the people that are linked to me [ such as here on Facebook] we have no other detailed connections that would be considered:


There are two people in the Intellius Background Report that has this status. I have never been married officially, but on my Facebook details, it says I was married- actually I self-married. [ More Below ]

In the "Possible Associates" section, several of my live in relationships are presented -- so that matching something more to less correctly.

I really don't know what might it be -- that connects us to say this:

I would have put this onto a messager -- but you don't seem to be following the content there - -so --

Please understand this ---

Do we have no formal relationship?

My answer is no.

Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:


Please answer this -- so that then I can direct that inquiry and answer to Intellius -- I really want to know some of the underlying details that have been placed into view -- there are several of these -- and it is not beyond strangeness -- that someone is playing mind fuck games with me -- in the details that are here -- when you do realize the topic and underlying realism that I am a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL OF GANGSTALKING -- a now linguistically science researched and finding reflecting a real thing -- found on the National Institutes of Health - [ https://search.nih.gov/search?utf8=✓&affiliate=nih&query=gang+stalking&commit=Search ]


James M Driskill added 8 new photos to Go365 for Medicare's timeline.
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405
[ Draft - I can't concentrate on this content anymore at this time June 15th, 2022 - If I get back to it - so be it - or it lays onto its presence of permanence as written ]

Reaching out on Facebook -- Can you explain this?

The account of [ Go365ForMedicare ] did indeed create to manifest a harming action against A HUMANA CUSTOMER relation that is a direct VIOLATION of THE LAW IN ACCORDANCE with the United States Code Title 18, Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.

This Deprivation of Right and/or Privilege Occurred When The Human Operator of the Account of [ Go365 For Medicare ] - ACTED in a MALICIOUS MANNER to utilize a Facebook feature for a different purpose than what the technology feature is intended for.

In this maliciousness, the human action is an [ CYBERSPACE ATTACK ] to overpower and control a communication exchange in a VIOLENT MANNER as a REACTION to the content that was being placed into their needed review. This review was to find consultation TO FORM AN UNDERSTANDING.

It might not at the real-time of events seem but is definitely characterized as a PLEA FOR HELP to a LIFE-THREATENING CONDITION that it remains the same is FATAL to the CONTINUED LIFE WELLNESS AND LIFE PRESENCE of a HUMAN HUMANA CUSTOMER.

The motives to REACH OUT to direct anything of this content to the Facebook ID [ Go365forMedicare ] which relates to the ideal naming construct, go 365 days a year, for medical care is quite remarkable to the outcome that actually occurred.

These actions of a HUMAN HUMANA CUSTOMER are DRASTIC and DESPERATE and the motives are truly self-evident to be anything and everything to stop the DEATH MARCH setup CONSPIRACY and PERSECUTION that has been embedded in the HUMAN HUMANA CUSTOMER SINCE FIRST RECOGNIZED ITS PATTERNIZED EFFECTS FROM the YEAR 2005. The powers overbearing and defined to be intentional barriers to healthcare are also self-evident to conclude.

[ Blocking For No Reason ] has a reason and must be disclosed by the human that performed that action and reversed themselves. The action is only as temporary as anyone can come and KILL ME on this same course - at will -- to any reliance of future - there is none!

This is a realized condition that true and illegal. Provable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt [ Court Level ] When Applied With the Journal That Has Been Placed In Full from the efforts to document these interfering elements and other elements of the Personal Life of Naturalized Born United States Citizen James Martin Driskill, Born September 1st, 1965, in the city of San Bernardino CA, United States of America, The Earth, a planet of the solar system Sol, in the Milky Way Galaxy, of our shared universe. I do not believe in multiple universes or simulations of life's existence.

I do not believe in that popularly distributed science fiction not provable of those narratives that basically reject God and Conscience for moral responsibility that allows anyone and everyone to mindfully allow a concept of allowance that corrupts each individual's choices of our collective responsibility to remain to be the moral collective to any kind of acceptable allowance.

What is before you here is a "suspended bridge" into and through to the DARKSIDE of the DARKNET through violations of cybersecurity and cyberprivacy agreements that breaches are being intentionally granted onto the nullification of normal across all of our civil society.


There is no written policy that HUMAN HUMANA CUSTOMER agrees to, so I do not give TACIT consent to this SOCIAL ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT that is ALWAYS ACTIVE in many aspects of my documented connections to civil society attempting to get a voice to stop hate involved cyberspace attacks [ cyberwarfare ] and psychologically active warfare.

What we have ongoing long-term decades past is not in any kind of compliance with "Natural Law". I do not give my consent to continue this breach of our "social contract", with direct language within the law of UNITED STATES CODE TITLE 18, SECTION 242 is under a breach of such laws, along with the intentional rejection of enforcement of such laws.

Any aspect of this is clear to see - taking a linguistic analysis of the language constructs into view to something that must change, and so far has not changed. This is a SYSTEMIC SCHEME of HATE to MURDER the HUMAN HUMANA CUSTOMER and it seems to be progressing as its success.

[ as an ATTACK of Technology ]


I just do not know what to do, for actions of VIOLENT SELF-DEFENSE must be concluded in all future efforts to obtain a PROPER INTERFACE of an HIV CARE DOCTOR - when indeed there is not a doctor available to be chosen in the applied malignant technology bug incorporated into these cause to aftereffect analysis that is fully observed and documented by the HUMAN HUMANA CUSTOMER that the HUMANA EQUATION does not value or does not give priority to HEALTH WELLNESS.

A counterpoint of position or bias is not invisible here. This is provable TRUE that the cause and effect are actually MALPRACTICE allowed to FLOURISH without any oversight or accountability.

The source of this administrated POLICY is not a mistake but intentional. This effect is non a minor one but a substantially intentionally policy that has been long-term established that applies to many [ a huge population ] of our Citizenry.

This fact is found by an overview of several GOOGLE REVIEW dataset sources in the views of those medical care providers that are involved in my contracted services of HEALTHCARE under the HUMANA INSURANCE POLICY that MUST HAVE AN OVERRIDING WAIVER TO BE WRITTEN INTO A CONSENTUAL NEW AGREEMENT IN WRITING - NO EXCEPTIONS!

The authorization that gives me the consent to DEMAND this WAIVER is found in a 1998 Academic Paper [ Information Privacy In Cyberspace Transactions: Kang 1998 ].

Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:



Information Privacy in CyberspaceTransactions
Jerry Kang*

Cyberspace is the rapidly growing network of computing and communication technologies that have profoundly altered our lives. We already carry out myriad social, economic, and political transactions through cyberspace, and, as the technology improves, so will their quality and quantity. But the very technology that enables these transactions also makes detailed, cumulative, invisible observation of our selves possible. The potential for wide-ranging surveillance of all our cyber-activities presents a serious threat to information privacy. To help readers grasp the nature of this threat, Professor Jerry Kang starts with a general primer on cyberspace privacy. He provides a clarifying structure of
philosophical and technological terms, descriptions, and concepts that will help analyze any problem at the nexus of privacy and computing-communication technologies. In the second half of the article, he focuses sharply on the specific problem of personal data generated in cyberspace transactions. The private sector seeks to exploit this data commercially, primarily for database market-
ing, but many individuals resist. The dominant approach to solving this problem is to view personal information as a commodity that interested parties should contract for in the course of negotiating a cyberspace transaction. But this approach has so far failed to address a critical question: Which default rules should govern the flow of personal information when parties do not explicitly contract about privacy? On economic efficiency and human dignity.

Copyright © 1998 by Jerry Kang


A Reality Audit Is Made Public Available At:





🖕I can not be sorry -- for sorry is not being the man that came out of you into this world.

I can not be sorry for speaking my mind for being myself.
Seriousness is serious - I can not be myself because something sinister from outside and from inside of this house of [ "Loving Battlefields" ] but your family, not mine apparently, are in my way.

Daddy gave me permission to register the center point of a trust ladder to the address here.

Domain Name: GRUWUP.NET
Registry Domain ID: 521401731_DOMAIN_NET-VRSN
Updated Date: 2020-09-09T23:35:06Z
Creation Date: 2006-07-16T16:18:39Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2022-07-16T16:18:39Z


At this point, I am not sure if I am going to make it to the date of its expiration - Really Mom, I am dying from HIV because I have NO RELIABLE DOCTOR IN HIV TREATMENT - THE DOCTORS ARE ALL CONSPIRING TO KILL ME!


Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno did not pass away from a stroke shortly 10 days or so after I violated the restraining order.

That court process where he unjustly and defiantly put against me placing him to be in torment of irrational truths to hold on to. These are all against his Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.

Doctor Shigeno committed Suicide!
and again, again, and again!
This lie of a big big big fat lie!
#bigmankillingtechbug remains alive!

[ Doctor Shigeno - What Happened? ]

[ Doctor Bassi - What happened? ]

and again....

[ Doctor Kangah - I have not yet created the direct URL presentations - enough is enough humankind - what the fuck do you think this is?


[ Doctor Kangah - Terminated My Care - So Why Do I have Blood Results - Supposed to be from the new HIV Doctor -- From Pomona - Doctor Maloule On The @[100552398266585:274:Labcorp] results 6/15/2022? ] -- and MORE IMPORTANT why are the RESULTS FLAGGED NOT GIVEN TO PATIENT aT THE SAME TIME - WHICH I DO BELIEVE I READ WAS NOT THE LAW IN CALIFORNIA TO DELAY SUCH REPORTS - Why are these DOCTORS BREAKING THE LAW?


How many ways can it be said - SECRETS ARE NOT MORALLY JUST IF YOU NEED TO BREAK THE LAW TO HIDE YOUR FUCKED UP SHIT! @[260691163471:274:The Rock Bible College]



Mama, you can not just nullify a whole paragraph of my writing and seem to not be able to understand me.


NAH.. that's is not the answer I belive. I belive the universe was NEVER black before it became white... For ALL is ALWAYS ALL and has ALWAYS been ALL for whatever time of infinite time that ALL is. WE ARE ALL. We in the mindway now. Mindway makes the fucked up Humans turn the clear
blue sky all of its many shades of blue. Blue... What's the transitions that made difference in blue as it was then, blue in that next few time of difference it needed to become a new blue? New blue... what is that name... NEW? New what.... New understanding that the shade of blue is
always changing and never the same blue as it was in it's most infinite ways it can be blue. Blue is blue is blue... BLUE BLOW BLOW BLOW AWAY the blue of fucked up humans.


So coming crashing down -- the hater in you would not read a 4 line poem of mine out of your mouth.

You had to lie to me to justify that excuse.

In The Mindway Skin,

The truth of those conflicts is written on record at:


IT IS ---


Updated Jun 17, 2022 2:39:44am
James M Driskill added a new photo to David Tapscott's timeline.
Hello David - I really need you to listen to this - 10 min 34 Sec http://realityaudit.life/GodExists/GodExists-The-Rock-Bible-College-%23BigManKillingTechBug.ogg @[260691163471:274:The Rock Bible College] My @[116330668439811:274:Humana] Primary Care Doctor has an oopsie daisy reversal - I have already notified @[748854455203497:274:San Bernardino District Police Department] @[113813381992470:274:San Bernardino Police Officers Association] We are changing the rules that allow you to have no written response to a @[100064582813882:2048:California State Auditor] review of your policy! DO WE HEAR EACH OTHER THROUGH THE AIR -- - A NEEDLE THROUGH THE AIR TO GET MY 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸 FROM TEXAS TO CALIFORNIA TO ANY WAY AUTHENTIC SOURCE OF A PROCESS - WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO COME AND PROCESS THIS EXTRACTION FROM THIS HOUSE AT 3260 GRANDE VISTA SAN BERNARDINO CA -- JUST WAITING FOR SOMETHING - WELL THIS ONE DID NOT WORK! The @[100066434652097:2048:San Bernardino County Supervising Deputy District Attorneys Association] [ Official Department Page Blocked ] came over here and for Dr. Gupta to issue a complaint -- The timer expired in this : http://balanced-wholeness.carrd.co/ There are 911 Text Interface details accessible -- WOW! The San Bernardino County Deputy with two others came to say I was harassing Dr. Gupta -- the threat identified was the time in the presentation card -- Seriously - that asshole gets himself over to this house -- to apologize as QUICKLY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE -- or I DEMAND HIS BADGE -- and my mother [ @[100078464496021:2048:Roni Driskill] ] also does not giggle -- she said NOTHING to the DEFENSE of her son's presence -- and that is an outrageous silence - I don't believe my mother --- for allowing this to occur -- she has allow hate to win - I DEMAND an answer from her just the same. For her reactions and interactions and avoiding perversely, presences are more like in allegiance with the stupidity -- I find nothing of this funny.
Hello David - I really need you to listen to this - 10 min 34 Sec


The Rock Bible College

My Humana Primary Care Doctor has an oopsie daisy reversal - I have already notified San Bernardino District Police Department

San Bernardino Police Officers Association
We are changing the rules that allow you to have no written response to a California State Auditor review of your policy!


The San Bernardino County Supervising Deputy District Attorneys Association [ Official Department Page Blocked ] came over here and for Dr. Gupta to issue a complaint -- The timer expired in this :


There are 911 Text Interface details accessible -- WOW!

The San Bernardino County Deputy with two others came to say I was harassing Dr. Gupta -- the threat identified was the time in the presentation card -- Seriously - that asshole gets himself over to this house -- to apologize as QUICKLY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE -- or I DEMAND HIS BADGE -- and my mother [ Roni Driskill ] also does not giggle -- she said NOTHING to the DEFENSE of her son's presence -- and that is an outrageous silence - I don't believe my mother --- for allowing this to occur -- she has allow hate to win - I DEMAND an answer from her just the same.

For her reactions and interactions and avoiding perversely, presences are more like in allegiance with the stupidity -- I find nothing of this funny.
Really have no feeling for you mother. There is just no more of my spirit left for you to take and shake around your playground! No more!

Updated Jun 17, 2022 7:55:20pm
Billy, My mother left last night and is in the Hospital -- She needs to have hip surgery -- and there is a possibility that she might not make it through the procedure. Just letting you know. I have content that is in your message that you seemed to have the need to ignore. I am telling you the stakes are more serious to have the facts flow no matter if the person on the other end of the conversation ignores it -- it is pushed out into the public.

----- [ Like we have any kind way of to privacy these days anyway ]---

That is one of my addresses in these -- My father gave me permission to use this address in 2006. I had registered FUH and that was a part of the conversation I had with my father. My father gave me permission to use this address for a mission of peace. The family dynamics - that I know you carry too is in sharp contrast to peace.

This is my location of the neighborhood that you
grew up in.

Updated Jun 18, 2022 2:54:59pm
James M Driskill wrote on Uber's timeline.
I have a complaint that is more than just about a refund so that I did not get charged for a non-delivery of my order on postmates.

Can I get a human to reply to this:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: A message from Uber
To: Uber Support <contact_20302293-21a5-4844-ac06-de2c2ac31f62@email-support.uber.com>
Cc: <kang@law.ucla.edu>

Why Kang@law.ucla.edu ??


Information privacy in cyberspace transactions.

Jerry KANG


Cyberspace privacy - philosophical and technological terms, descriptions and concepts that will help analyze any problem at the nexus of privacy and computing-communication technologies - problem of personal data generated in cyberspace transactions - view of personal data as a commodity that interested parties should contract for in the course of negotiating a cyberspace transaction - which default rules should govern the flow of personal information when parties do not explicitly contract about privacy - proposed statute the Cyberspace Privacy Act.


Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:
Timeline photos
@[102531897819236:274:Prospect Medical Group] @[100064654872564:2048:The United States Department of Justice] @[100064907253444:2048:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation] @[748854455203497:274:San Bernardino District Police Department]
Prospect Medical Group
The United States Department of Justice
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
San Bernardino District Police Department
Timeline photos
@[205291849553826:274:Postmates] Delivery details Pick up outside It is a new day paradigm. Not a matter invisible with questions left unsaid hanging it. It what? Unquestionable behavior of stranger danger... Imagine a world that connects on two completely polar opposite points at the same time. Imagine a world, where we have the "normalcy" of what should be along with a secondary influence --- A dive into the DARKNET of a not so desired augmented reality goal of interfering and nullification of the normal. So, if you have read this so far, of course, this is a bit cryptic. If you so play both sides of this life, as a game, it is not as harmless of a funny game as you think! No Gangstalking Allowed! Google [ #BigManKillingTechBug ] Find YouTube Video @GRUWUP.NET : PEACEBUILDING WEBSITE HEADQUARTERS Tone detector How this may sound to readers: 💡inspirational 🙂joyful 👔formal #nogangstalking : #bigmankillingtechbug ------- Tone detector How this may sound to readers: 🤝confident ✌️optimistic 👔formal
Place: Words To Live By (34.15097, -117.3112)
Address: 3260 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, CA 92405

Delivery details

Pick up outside
It is a new day paradigm. Not a matter invisible with questions left unsaid hanging it. It what? Unquestionable behavior of stranger danger... Imagine a world that connects on two completely polar opposite points at the same time. Imagine a world, where we have the "normalcy" of what should be along with a secondary influence --- A dive into the DARKNET of a not so desired augmented reality goal of interfering and nullification of the normal. So, if you have read this so far, of course, this is a bit cryptic. If you so play both sides of this life, as a game, it is not as harmless of a funny game as you think! No Gangstalking Allowed! Google [ #BigManKillingTechBug ] Find YouTube Video @GRUWUP.NET : PEACEBUILDING WEBSITE HEADQUARTERS Tone detector How this may sound to readers: 💡inspirational 🙂joyful 👔formal

#nogangstalking : #bigmankillingtechbug


Tone detector

How this may sound to readers:
#BigManKillingTechBug --- #NoGangstalking
#BigManKillingTechBug: Distortion of Technology Dip into the DARKNET to
Turn & Nullify The Normal of Life into Chaos! The DarkWeb App Tools of Gangstalkers!
The App Tools For Haters In The Lead Of Corrupt Corporations Not Advancing The Interests
of The Commonwealth of "Natural Law"!

They Are Enemies of The Constitution of The United States. We Are Under A State Of Warfare!

Gangstalking is one point of attack against our United States Citizenry in a Psychological Warfare. Informational Warfare, and Cyberwar.

The Hate Police Gangs Are Already Holding An Insurrection of False Representations Of Placement of Power In The Top Tier Holders of Law Enforcement Not Enforcing The LAw!
This Country Is Already Under An Insurrection and we must act -- to remove them out of the thrones of hate!





Updated Jun 21, 2022 5:06:57pm