Your activity across Facebook
Saved items and collections
A list of the posts you've saved, and your activity within collections
Posts you've shared on Facebook, posts that are hidden from your timeline and polls you have created
Pages and profiles
Your Pages and profiles, Pages and profiles you've liked or recommended, followed or unfollowed
Polls you've created and participated in
Your responses to events and a list of the events you've created
Your Places
A list of places you've created
Comments and reactions
Comments you've posted and posts and comments you've liked or reacted to
Photos and videos you've shared to your story
Bug Bounty
Your researcher data from the Bug Bounty program
You have no data in this section
Groups you belong to, groups you manage and your posts and comments within the groups you belong to
Your problem reports
Information you've provided to report a problem.
Reviews you added about businesses and items
You have no data in this section
Community profiles
Community profiles you manage, community profiles you follow and your posts and comments within them
You have no data in this section
Other activity
Other information and activity from different areas of Facebook
Personal information
Profile information
Your contact information, information in your profile's About section, your life events, hobbies and music
Facebook Accounts Center
Control settings for connected experiences like logging in and sharing stories and posts across Messenger, Facebook and Instagram.
Other personal information
Other information you’ve provided
Friends and followers
Your friends on Facebook, friend requests, friends you see more and see less, people you follow, and people who follow you
Logged information
Your topics
A collection of topics determined by your activity on Facebook that is used to create recommendations for you in different areas of Facebook such as Feed, News and Watch
A history of your notifications on Facebook
Your interactions on Facebook
A history of your interactions on Facebook
Activity messages
A history of your interactions messages on Facebook
Other logged information
Other information that Facebook logs about your activity